Military quotes. Quotes about the army The main thing about the war

The whole work of government comes down to the art of being honest.

Jefferson T.

The quality of the state depends on the quality of people, so the task of politics is to educate and study their needs.


Someone who is worth anything is pretty hard to buy.

E. Sevrus

Keeping a balanced budget is like defending your virtue: you need to learn how to say no.

Ronald Reagan

Global problems have become so complicated that even teenagers do not take up their solution.

Robert Orben

When embarking on any business, one must be courageous, reasonable and enduring: courageous - in order to start it, reasonable - in order to fulfill it, enduring - in order to save it.

Dragan Jeremic

Dare! Progress is achieved at the cost of perseverance. All brilliant victories are, to a greater or lesser extent, a reward for courage.

Victor Marie Hugo

Money is often too expensive.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is terrible that eternity consists of accounting periods.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Any government strives for “autonomy”.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

If possible, it has already been done; if this is not possible, it will be done.

Charles Alexandre Calonne, Comptroller General of the Finances, to Marie Antoinette in 1785

The degree of insistence of a civil servant is inversely proportional to the importance of what he insists on.

Bernard Levin

Budgeting is the most solid and conscientious way to get into debt.

By agreement, small states are strengthened; by disagreement, the greatest ones fall apart.

Gaius Sallust Crispus

Budgeting is the art of distributing frustrations evenly.

Maurice Stans, Director of the US Budget Office

Victory will be born only in a cheerful, hot impulse, in passionate love for one's native country, courage and energy. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the stubborn mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens up unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

The enterprise of the young is worth the experience of the old.

Josephine de Knorr

To govern the state, you need to talk less and listen more.

Cardinal Richelieu

When the state starts killing, it always calls itself the Motherland.

August Strinberg

The withering away of the state will come not through the weakening of state power, but through its maximum strengthening.

Joseph Stalin

The deepest contradictions between people are due to their understanding of freedom.

Karl Jaspers

When the state is governed according to reason, poverty and need are shameful; when the state is not governed according to reason, then riches and honors are shameful.


As soon as the kettles stop cooking upstairs, problems with porridge immediately arise downstairs.

Valentin Domil

In a country where there is order, be bold both in actions and in speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in action, but careful in speech.


Our power is like fruit jelly. And it is necessary that it be a solid piece of meat, well-done, well-peppered.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Power, which is mocked with impunity, is close to death.

Honore de Balzac

Power belongs to the calm.

Maximilian Robespierre

You may not be involved in politics, politics is still involved in you.

Charles Montalembert

Self-control is the highest power.

Seneca the Elder

Generally speaking, power does not corrupt people, but fools, when they are in power, corrupt power.

Bernard Shaw (Sarah Bernard)

Rulers need wise men much more than wise men need rulers.

Thomas Aquinas

The best ruler is the one that the people know about, only that he exists. Somewhat worse are those rulers whom the people love and exalt. Even worse are those rulers whom the people fear, and worse than all those rulers whom the people despise.

The army is an inevitable phenomenon, and most young people no longer aspire to run away from it, as in the 1990s. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Defense, 75% of men from 18 to 27 years old served in the Russian Armed Forces. Military service has ceased to be a scarecrow and for many, 1 or 2 years "in boots" have become a source of pleasant memories and a time to gain invaluable experience.

This is the reason for the increased popularity of the corresponding type of folklore - poems, jokes, songs and quotes about the army, service, morals of soldiers and officers.

"Great minds" of the world about the army

Most of the personalities significant for history were commanders of armies, rulers of their states, or rotated in military circles for a long time. Ancient thinkers, ministers and presidents of different countries, generals - they all left a lot of quotes about the army and related circumstances as a legacy to the world:

  • The soldier requires endurance and patience. Courage is not required. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • no heavier than the chains of a prisoner of war. (Dwight Eisenhower)
  • Any business can be done in 3 ways: right, wrong and "like in the army." (American saying)
  • Armies once defeated learn well. (V.I. Lenin)
  • In the army, death is not considered a valid reason for disobeying an order. (Russian proverb)

Statements of army officers

This layer of quotes about the army is filled with humor, because for the most part it comes from random slips of the tongue in the military. Moreover, in the early 90s, a small collection of statements by officers of the Soviet Army was even released, many of which were uttered back in the 1970s. They are still laughed at.

  • Live like pigs in a den!
  • Dig from the fence until lunch. I agreed with shovels.
  • Shut up, I'm asking you!
  • After the command "Hang out" comes the dark time of the day.

However, there is also a serious layer of aphorisms dedicated to senior officers:

  • Generals are always preparing for the last war. (W. Churchill )
  • Nothing boosts morale like a dead general. . ( John Masters)
  • An officer will not become a good commander if he stops being afraid of a corporal. (Bruce Marshall)

Soldier savvy

Most of the soldiers spoke at the time, Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov. Including:

  • Every warrior must know his maneuver.
  • Wherever a deer passes, there a soldier will pass.
  • While the battle is going on, help out healthy comrades, and the wounded will be picked up without you. If you beat the enemy, it will be good: both the wounded and the healthy.
  • Service and friendship, like 2 parallel lines, do not converge.
  • Among the lower ranks there are also heroes.
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike.

In addition to the serious "bloc" are very much in demand about the army, which sing of the soldier's ingenuity, his stupidity and unenviable position.

  • When you become a soldier, forget ordinary dreams. Kiss with a gun and give flowers to the ensign.
  • The demobilization soldiers are counted.
  • If a soldier says "didn't take", it means he won't give back.
  • If you want to become a soldier, scold the dean with foul language.
  • A soldier is always an impudent mug, an empty stomach and not an ounce of conscience!

Aphorisms and statuses of girls

It just so happened that there are not too many quotes about the army for girls waiting for guys from the army. Only one is widely known and not with the most pleasant meaning: "A girl who waited for her boyfriend in a "citizen" is a museum rarity."

Most of the popular folklore on this subject is represented by phrases for statuses on social networks, where the fair sex tries to express their longing for their beloved. Among them:

  • I'm a soldier's girl!
  • He was waiting for me after school, and now I'm waiting for him. From the army.
  • There are 4 hours between us by bus, but I can't get past the checkpoint of your unit.
  • Many have boyfriends, but not everyone has a soldier.

Sometimes among the statuses and quotes about the army for girls there are approaches with humor:

  • The girl waiting for the guy from the army is not Hachiko. But also well done!
  • The army is a bitch. Takes our guys away.
  • I solemnly swear allegiance to my beloved soldier. I swear to strictly fulfill the duties of a "waiting girl", reject male faces and courageously defend our love! (Oath of Allegiance) .
  • Your favorite debt. 365 nights.

The main thing about the war

Among the quotes about the army, they occupy a separate place - a rather serious and terrifying phenomenon. As a rule, they don’t even joke about him “just like that”. Thinkers of antiquity and contemporaries all recognize the necessity and even some inevitability of military action in the world:

  • The goal of any war is to achieve peace. (Aristotle )
  • The first victims of war are truth, common sense and the ability to negotiate. (Johnson Hiram)
  • War is war. It requires iron discipline. (V.I. Lenin)
  • Victory depends on the prowess of the legions. (Gaius Julius Caesar)
  • Money is the essence of the artillery of war. (Peter the Great)
  • The war ends when the last soldier is buried. (Alexander Suvorov)
  • Either humanity ends the war, or war with humanity. (D. Kennedy)
  • Someday either wars will go out of fashion or people will.

In general, army humor occupies a large part of folklore and includes not only thoughtful and humorous statements, but also dialogues, stories, anecdotes and poetic forms.

Do you know who can cheer you up at a moment when it seems that everything has gone to hell? Warlord. The best of them had enough speech apparatus not only to give an order, but also to say the right words. And not only in wartime.
We have collected the statements of the most famous commanders in world history, whose tongues were sharper than weapons.

Alexander Suvorov

The great Russian military leader was a real "father to a soldier" and a very wise man in everyday life. Therefore, Count Rymniksky was always treated with great attention and respect.

"The smaller the army, the more brave."

"A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm, resolute, fair."

"For a soldier - courage, for an officer - courage, for a general - courage."

“With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny.”

“It should not be thought that blind courage gives victory over the enemy, but the only thing mixed with it is military art.”

"Swiftness and onslaught are the soul of real war."

“Although courage, vigor and courage are needed everywhere and in all cases, they are only vain if they do not expire from a soldier.”

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who is Napoleon? Cake? Pompous dwarf? Lover Hero? First of all, he is a wise ruler and a most talented commander, and it does not matter whether you consider him as such or not. As an emperor, he also had to “rule” the social life of the country, and therefore not all of his phrases relate to the war. Some of them are very doubtful, but should we argue with the dead?

“Religion is an important subject in women's schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. The school should teach the girl to believe, not to think.”

“A man should sleep four hours, a woman six; only children and stuffed fools sleep for more than six hours.

“A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.”

"A people, like a woman, has only one right: to be governed."

"A revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets."

"Public opinion is a public whore."

"The Russians turned out to be worthy of being invincible."

“There are two levers for managing people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money.”

"A fool has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself."

"The leader is like a merchant who has invested his money in a business and expects a profit."

"Coups are made with the belly."

"What does a million human lives mean to a man like me?"

"What is history but a lie that everyone agrees on?"

"Write short and unclear."

“The cowardly one flees from the one who is angrier than him; the weak are conquered by the strongest: such is the origin of political right.”

“Of course, there was no evangelical Christ. There was some Jewish fanatic who imagined himself to be the Messiah. Such people are killed everywhere, at all times. I myself had to shoot them.”

“Women should not be treated as equals, for they are only machines for the production of offspring. The best of women is the one with the most children.”

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was so cool that he is revered by Muslims as a prophet. Ownership of the sword and innate coolness helped him not only to cut all sorts of knots and enemies, but also to conquer an empire, the size of which was almost half the world known to the Hellenes. Thanks to Oliver Stone's film, most people think of him as a big-eyed hunk, but in fact, Alexander is incredibly cool.

"I see that there will be a great contest over my grave."

“There are countless worlds in the universe, and I still haven’t conquered one!”

"Wars depend on glory, and often a lie that is believed becomes the truth."

"If I had not been Alexander, I would have become Diogenes."

"There cannot be two suns in the sky and two lords on earth."

"There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more regal than work."

“The more you have, the more greedily you strive for what you don’t have. Your war is born from victories.

"I'm dying from the help of too many doctors."

Gaius Julius Caesar

Guy Julius Caesar was probably the main pop star of ancient Rome. We say: "Rome", - we mean Yulik, we say: "Caesar", - we mean Rome. For us, there is only one Caesar, although there were a myriad of these Caesars. The great commander left behind not only the right to call the salad, but also hundreds of catchphrases that have long come into use, and we don’t even know what he is. It is especially interesting to read his sayings about sudden death and betrayal, remembering the story of his death.

"The greatest enemy hides where you least look for him."

"I'd rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome."

"Gain glory for yourself."

“It is easier to find such people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain.”

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

"Make your way by force."

"People are willing to believe what they want to believe." (Libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt)

"Divide and rule." (lat. Divide et impera)

“It is better to die immediately than to live in anticipation.”

“Such is the vice inherent in our nature: things invisible, hidden and unknown, give rise in us both great faith and strongest fear.”

"I love betrayal, but I hate traitors."

And finally, the most famous:

"I came, I saw, I conquered." (veni, vidi, vici);

Wherever a deer passes, a soldier will pass.

The more a soldier sleeps, the less harm he does.

The weak sides of the troops should be covered in the same way as the wounds on the body.

The big battalions are always right.

The soldier is required above all endurance and patience; courage is second.

They take healthy people into the army, but they ask how they are smart.

A people that does not want to feed its own army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

Deprivation of liberty under the contract is still better than conscription.

The education of a soldier begins with the fact that he is forbidden much more than any other person.

Latest Army Quotes

Among the commanders, the most warlike, the most cunning and decisive were the one-eyed, namely Philip of Macedon, Antigonus, Hannibal.

A selection of the latest quotes about the army

The mind undermines the defense capability of the army.

No army can withstand a force whose time has come.

If the enemy does not threaten, the army is in danger.

A soldier should fear his superior more than his enemies.

The soldier sleeps, and the service goes on.

Forgetting service for a woman is unforgivable. To be a prisoner of a mistress is worse than to be a prisoner in war; the enemy is more likely to have freedom, but the woman's fetters are long-term.

Old age is a joy only in the army.

When it gets too hot, the ranks of the fighters begin to melt.

He did something stupid without going beyond the charter.

Good soldiers are often bad citizens, and bad citizens are good prisoners.

Military education instills courage through fear.

The army is a madhouse in which the square is rolled and the round is dragged ...

A soldier on vacation - a shirt made of trousers.

The marines are knee-deep in the sea, and the paratroopers are an ocean of air.

Classic Newest Army Quotes

Discipline is the mother of victory.

A bad soldier is one who does not hope to be a general.

Napoleonic soldiers fight from morning to evening and march from evening to morning, making unimaginable journeys, appearing in the most unimaginable places, not because each of them carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack, but because he hopes tomorrow to carry in it at least half a dozen silver forks.

Civil is the dream of conscripts.

Victory is decided by the art of war and the courage of the generals and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their chest is the protection and fortress of the fatherland.

A soldier is not a robber.

The world is good, but at the same time, one should not doze, so that their hands are not tied, and the soldiers so that they do not become women.

Take a hero of ancient times as a model, watch him, follow him, catch up, overtake - glory to you!

It was easier for our army to cross the Alps than to the market.

If the state thinks that it feeds and clothes us, then let it not doubt that we are protecting it.

If you are a real paratrooper, leave through the balcony, slamming the window loudly!

The strength of an army depends on its spirit.

Where the army depends on the people, sooner or later it turns out that the government depends on the army.

States and armies are often like ships that are hindered by their size.

Ideas thunder louder than cannons all over the world. Thoughts are mightier than armies. The principes won more victories than the cavalry and the chariot.

Weak people are the light cavalry of an army of bad people; they do more harm than the army itself, because they ruin and devastate everything.

Whoever wants to enjoy lasting peace must know how to fight.

Our regiment has arrived.

The army is a bad school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretends that their work is permanent.

A soldier is a person who undertakes to kill in cold blood the greatest possible number of creatures similar to himself, who have not caused him the slightest harm.

In the Navy, any undertaking is always divided into four stages: the first is intimidation; the second is entanglement; the third is the punishment of the innocent; the fourth - rewarding not participating.

This officer has abilities, but skillfully hides it.

More terrible than the NATO army is only the army of the hungry and the hungry army.

Instructive Latest Army Quotes

The belief that they are neglected makes good warriors cowardly and bad warriors more insolent.

Who served in the army, he does not laugh in the circus.

If the army is not popular, then whose interests does it protect?

Without wedding generals, the army is stronger.

The army is lining up for destruction.

Chosen troops are the highest and last stage of natural selection.

A British soldier will hold his own against anyone, but not against the British Ministry of Defense.

Nails are not made from good iron - a smart one will not go to serve as a soldier.

It takes a very brave man to be a coward in the Soviet army.

Each army is a mirror of civil society.

Shoot rarely, but accurately. Bayonet if firmly. The bullet will miss, the bayonet will not miss: the bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

Soldiers, you have done everything you could for the greatness of our nation! Only half of it remains.

The army of the hungry and the unemployed is a terrible force.

Ultimately, a soldier's satchel is no heavier than a prisoner of war's chains.

If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, it would be impossible to wage a single war.

Creative latest army quotes

Broken armies learn well.

The generals are a striking case of developmental delay. Who among us has not dreamed of being a general at the age of five?

This crow is not our defense.

Anyone who tries to evade combat duty is not truly mad.

There were gentlemen and sailors in the fleet of Charles II, but sailors were not gentlemen and gentlemen were not sailors.

Army: "Only the one who knows how to obey can command." It's like saying, "Only those who know how to sink can swim."

A bad soldier is one who does not hope to be a general.

An officer cannot be a good commander if he is no longer afraid of the corporal.

A career officer is a person whom we feed in peacetime, so that in wartime he will send us to the front.

Children play soldiers. This is clear. But why do soldiers play like children?

And defenders of the Fatherland need social protection.

When one is bold in battle, the whole army becomes bold; when one is cowardly, all become cowards.

The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world.

  • Time has no power over the greatness of everything that we experienced during the war. And the people, which once survived great trials, will continue to draw strength from this victory. (G.K. Zhukov)
  • Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • I came, I saw, I conquered. (Gaius Julius Caesar)
  • Best Warlord Quotes

    • As you know, the army is an instrument of war, it exists for armed struggle against the enemies of the Motherland, and for this struggle it must first of all be prepared tactically. Otherwise, she will be forced to complete her studies during the battles, while incurring unnecessary losses. (G.K. Zhukov)
    • An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
    • Quotes of commanders - The defeat of the enemy in an operation, battle or battle is the business of the whole team, a common cause. The one who tries to rise above the collective, or the one who wants to raise someone else, is contrary to the truth. (G.K. Zhukov)
    • Happiness is always on the side of the brave. (P.I. Bagration)
    • The soldier is required above all endurance and patience; courage is second. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Obedience, learning, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, bravery - victory. (A.V. Suvorov)
  • Courage in war is absolutely necessary, but it is no less important in peacetime, when it is necessary to stand uncompromisingly against lies, the routine of military service, ignorance, shortcomings and the calming influence of the environment. (N.L. Clodo)
  • Combat success is ensured only by an army that is imbued with the spirit of initiative. (A.K. Baiov)
  • The Russian army is invincible in battles and inimitable in the generosity and virtues of the peace. (M.I. Kutuzov)
  • No matter how bad it is, never despair, hold on while you have the strength. (A.V. Suvorov)
  • The highest and ultimate goal of military education is the art of defeating the enemy. (N.D. Butovsky)
  • Love for the motherland is the first virtue of a civilized person. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Honor is the shrine of an officer ... it is the highest blessing ... honor is a reward in happiness and consolation in grief. Honor tempers courage and ennobles bravery. Honor knows neither hardships nor dangers ... honor does not tolerate, and does not endure any stain. (M.S. Galkin)
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike. (A.V. Suvorov)
  • One studies the great examples of military art not in order to literally imitate them, but in order to be imbued with their spirit. (M.I. Dragomirov)
  • Idleness is the root of all evil, especially to a military man. (A.V. Suvorov)
  • Devotion to the Motherland, to the interests of the common cause is the main task of the military education program. (M.I. Dragomirov)
  • War is made up of unforeseen events. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • The entire disciplinary charter is completely removed in one phrase of the oath: "not only for fear, but also for conscience." (S.O. Makarov)
  • First read, learn, then act. (M. Frunze)
  • Upbringing is more important than education, because military science is to a large extent more strong-willed than intellectual. (M.I. Dragomirov)
  • The Russian soldier goes to the service not because of money, he looks at the war as the fulfillment of his sacred duty, to which he is called by fate ... All the valor of the Russian soldier is based on this. (S.O. Makarov)
  • There are no fearless people among those who have something to lose. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Sayings of the great commanders - Do not think about yourself, think about your comrades; your friends will think of you. Here is the first military commandment. (M.I. Dragomirov)
  • Anyone who has never left an airplane in his life, from where cities and villages seem like toys, who has never experienced the joy and fear of a free fall, a whistle in his ears, a stream of wind beating in his chest, he will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper ... (In .F. Margelov)

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