Fire safety entertainment in the senior group. Lesson scenario - leisure on fire safety for children of senior preschool age “Man is a friend of fire, just don’t touch him in vain“. The task "Let's save the animals from the fire"

Alla Osinina

fire safety sport entertainment

"Firemen are brave people"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

1. Raise respect for the work of firefighters

2. Strengthen children's skills in running, balance, throwing

Preliminary work: reading works of art by S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", K. Chukovsky "Confusion", A. Tolstoy "Fire dogs", S. Ya. security.

Material and equipment: posters on fire safety rules, emblems for teams, 2 telephones, animal toys, 2 scarves, 2 gymnastic benches, "firemen's clothes", 2 fire trucks with ropes, skittles 10pcs, 2 "fire hoses", 2 buckets , "model campfire".

Participants: 2 teams (children of the senior, preparatory groups of 6 people, 4 adults - firefighters, leader, old woman Shapoklyak

Entertainment progress.

The children of the older groups gathered in the gym to the music, the old woman Shapok appears varnish

Shapoklyak So, to do such a bad thing? (picks up a matchbox, shakes it). O! Matches! Well well. Now I will reconnoiter the fire (trying to light a fire).

Leading. Good afternoon dear guys. Oh, grandma, what are you doing?

Shapoklyak. Ouch! Scared - that you scream like a fire?

Leading. If I didn’t stop you now, we wouldn’t have avoided trouble - a fire.

Shapoklyak Come on, fire! Firstly, I am not a grandmother, but a citizen Shapoklyak, and secondly, what kind of fire because of one match?

Host Well, don't tell me.

The growth of a match is small

Don't look small

This little match

Can do a lot of evil

(points to posters)

Shapoklyak Oh, you! And I didn't know that this match was such a hooligan.

Leading. Yes, you can see Shapoklyak you don’t know a lot. Guys, tell Shapoklyak what needs to be done so that there is no fire? (children answer)

Throw burning matches, handle fire carelessly and carelessly;

Leave open the doors of stoves, fireplaces;

use faulty equipment and devices;

use faulty outlets.

What should be done if there is a fire? (children answer)

Call the fire brigade by phone "01", give the address where the fire broke out, and give your last name

sound an alarm, shout and call for help

put on a gas mask, put on a wet blanket, raincoat or coat, while in the fire zone.

Move crawling or crouching along the wall if the room is heavily smoky;

remove people, children from the burning room by covering their mouths with a wet bandage.

Send the victim to the hospital, call an ambulance for him by calling "03".

Leading. I propose to memorize a small rule: “Let every citizen remember, fire number “01”. Let's repeat it together.

And, whenever there is a fire, we turn to those people who have chosen the fight against fire as their profession. These people are firefighters.

Shapoklyak Oh! I can also become a firefighter, because I'm not afraid of fire, see how I can put out a fire (shows). Yes, and I already learned the rules of fire safety.

Host In order to skillfully and deftly put out fires, it is not enough to be a brave person, to know all the rules of fire safety, all fire equipment and fire fighting techniques. Firefighters must be agile and strong fighters, and for this they must play a lot of sports. Today, two teams of future firefighters - "Ugolki" and "Droplets" will meet in our hall. I offer you Shapoklyak, and you guys can see what kind of kaike they are strong and dexterous. And our guests will help them: a team of brave real firefighters. Greet them with loud applause.

(Teams enter to the music, pass the lap of honor, line up against the central wall)

Moderator I ask the teams to introduce themselves.

The motto of the "Ugolki" team:

We are the team of embers

We live - do not grieve.

Dexterity, courage and success

We need today!

The motto of the team "Droplets":

Though we are a little bit small,

But agile and bold

We'll put out the coals

To avoid trouble.

Leader For each correctly completed task, the team will receive a token. At the end of the competition, we will check which team has earned more chips - that one will be considered the winner. The main judge of our competitions will be: ___

So, the first competition.

1 contest "Who will report the fire faster?"

Host When a fire has begun, it is very important to report this to the fire department as soon as possible, because the sooner firefighters arrive, the easier and with less damage the fire will be stopped.

Each participant runs along the gymnastic bench, runs to the phone, dials 01 and reports his name, surname, address of residence.

2 competition "Gathering of the fire brigade"

Leading Firefighters must be able to dress very quickly if a fire breaks out somewhere.

The task of the players in turn is to run to a chair with clothes (a helmet, a jacket, put it on, say: “On command, the alarm is ready.” Take off your clothes, go back - pass the baton to the next player.

3 competition "Firefighters go to the rescue"

Leading Firefighters must quickly go to the scene of the disaster and put out the fire. To do this, they must be agile drivers.

The task of the players is to “snake” a toy fire truck without knocking down a single skittles.

4 competition "Save the animal and people from the fire"

Lead Calling firefighters - to help

Save people from fire.

Cats, fish and dogs

Hamsters, favorite ball.

The task of the blindfolded players is to move the animal toy from one basket to another. Adults - carry the last member of the team.

Presenter Well done, guys, all the animals were saved. I suggest you get some rest.

Shapoklyak And while the teams are resting, can I play with the audience? I will read a poem to you, and after each line, if you see fit, answer all together in unison with these words: “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends”; and if something is wrong, then you will be silent.

1. Who, smelling the smell of burning, reports a fire?

2. Which of you, smelling smoke, says fire, we are burning?

3. Who among you is naughty with fire, in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon?

4. Who does not set fires, and does not allow others?

5. Who, from a little sister, hides matches at home?

6. Confess, children, which of you is naughty with fire?

Shapoklyak Well done, now I see that you know that it is dangerous to joke with fire.

5 competition "Who will roll up and roll out the fire hose faster"

The lead fire hose is not the hose sewn to the shirt, but a long hose that carries water from the fire truck.

In the compartments on the car, we carry sleeves -

Not the ones sewn to your shirt and coat.

We have a fireman sleeve - we don’t get wet all,

Although it is woven from threads, there is rubber in them.

There is a little metal - at the beginning and at the end,

So that he could gain a foothold, and go to the goal,

And so that the flow of water goes as convenient for us.

When he is not at work - our sleeve with a barrel.

Lies like a cat curled up in a ball.

One of the firefighters shows how to properly deploy and fold the hose. Then the task is performed by the whole team.

6 competition "Extinguish the fire"

Moderator And now we will check how our fire teams can work together and how quickly they put out the fire.

The players of each team line up in a chain. On a signal, the first player takes a bucket (or a fire extinguisher) and passes it along the chain, the last player pretends to put out the fire.

Leading So our exercises ended, all the guys were dexterous, strong and fast. And now we will find out which team turned out to be stronger.

Chips are counted, results are announced.

And to you Shapoklyak, I want to give you such a poster so that you never forget about fire safety rules.

Shapoklyak Thank you very much. For the sake of such an occasion, you can have fun, I suggest you dance my favorite dance "."

Scenario of entertainment - leisure on fire safety for children of senior preschool age "Fire drills"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 "Star" Polyarny city, Murmansk region.

Compiled and conducted by:

  • Malysheva Galina Yurievna, teacher.
  • Zakharova Svetlana Petrovna, teacher.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the rules of fire safety and the rules of behavior in case of fire. Raise respect for the work of firefighters.

Material: 4 hoops, 4 cones, 8 pins. bonfire, 2 buckets, fire helmets, toys - dolls, soft toys, toy push-button telephones, medals for presentation to participants.

Moderator: Hello dear friends! We have an unusual meeting today. meeting called "Fire drills" . We will watch the presentation first. "Fire is our friend or foe" . (Appendix 1.2).

And today a guest came to us - Kirill Vladimirovich, an employee of our fire department No. 3.

Guest: Day and night, firefighters at a combat post conscientiously protect our peaceful life from a terrible disaster - a fire that, through negligence, can occur at any moment.

This service is both dangerous and difficult.
In cities and villages, everyone needs it.
If trouble blazes with fire somewhere
Dark night, early morning, clear day

We call this service to help.

Presenter: Today we have gathered to prove that we, too, can become real firefighters - brave, fast, kind. We will show our ingenuity, friendship and mutual assistance.

So the first task "Departure to the fire" . And the guys with emblems will do it "Fireman" .

On signal (1-2-3 - start) team members get into the hoop and move to the opposite side of the hall, run around the landmark and return back, the whole team must be delivered in the hoop to the place without loss "fire" . The task is considered completed if the crew did not lose a single person.

Well done, well done.

And here is the second task: we will test your ingenuity. Riddles competition. For all participants.

He hisses and gets angry, and is afraid of water.


They are like splashes of fire
Everyone is trying to burn me.


May melt, but not ice.
Not a lantern, but gives light.


Caught fire if the house
What do we call that trouble?


In a wooden house
Gnomes live.
So good-natured
Give out lights to everyone.


Feed - lives
drink - die.


She won all matches.
Its power is in combustible gas.
Tired - you need to refuel,
Burned so that she again.


The flame is beating from under the roof,
We hear a cry for help
Everyone fussing, nightmare!
This disaster is...


Well done! And with this task you coped with ease.

And the third task will require a lot of precise knowledge and skills from you.

If the flame curls
Smoke is pouring out,
01 we are recruiting
And who will we call?

Children: firemen.

Exercise "Summoning the Firemen" . You need to run to the phone, pick up the phone, dial the desired number, give the reason for the call, name and your exact home address. So, guys with emblems take part in the competition "Fire Extinguishers"

Well done! (The host turns to the guest fireman for an assessment).

The profession of a firefighter is very dangerous, difficult, but also noble. Every day, firefighters, risking their lives, save hundreds of other people's lives, hundreds of people are carried out of the fire.

And here is our next, fourth, competition "Take the toy out of the burning house" . Participating team members with emblems "Sparkle"

You must wear a fire helmet, in a safe way (snake, between obstacles) run to "burning house" , take any toy, and move it to a safe place as carefully and quickly as possible (specify). Ready? Then on signal "1-2-3 - start" - the task is running.

Well done, and with this task you coped well.

Do you guys know what makes it easier for our firefighters to serve? Of course, fire equipment. What fire fighting equipment do you know? And the next task "Collect the Fire Truck" (cut pictures) The task will be considered completed if the picture is collected correctly and quickly.

The task is performed by team members with emblems "Fire engine" .

Music sounds, children on the tables collect split pictures.

Well done boys! You did well.

We have already completed many different tasks, but what is the most important, difficult and difficult task for firefighters? (children's answers) Correctly - "Fire Extinguishing"

The task is performed by guys with emblems "Spark"

First team member "gaining" water in "well" (hoop), quickly runs to "burning house" and "extinguishes the fire" (imitates pouring water into a hoop). Runs around the landmark, quickly runs back, passes the bucket to the next player. Which of the teams "put out the fire" first.

Well done boys! So our teachings have come to an end. Let's summarize. Did we cope with all the difficult tasks? Were our exercises successful? The floor is given to our special guest, Kirill Vladimirovich.

For your diligence and diligence, you are awarded prizes - real medals of firefighters!

Burlai Oksana Vasilievna,

music director

DDU №5 "Teremok"

Yuzhny Odessa region

"Fire safety sport entertainment"

senior group

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Leading: Good morning, competitors. I am glad to welcome you to the sports ground. Today we have gathered not by chance. Our sporting event is dedicated to - fire safety. The fire is not an accident, but the result of the wrong behavior of children and adults. Whenever there is a fire, we turn to those who have chosen firefighting as their profession. These people are firefighters. Guys, do you know what to do and what not to do so that there is no fire? (Children's answers). Let's repeat this now, what can not be done.

It is forbidden:

Throw burning matches, handle fire carelessly and carelessly;

Leave open the doors of stoves, fireplaces;

Use faulty equipment and devices;

Use faulty sockets;

Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials.

Leading: Now let's remember what to do if a fire breaks out.


In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade by phone: “101”, state the address where the fire broke out and give your last name;

Sound an alarm, scream and call for help from adults;

Put on a gas mask to protect against carbon monoxide, put on a wet blanket, raincoat, coat when in a fire zone;

Move crawling or crouching along the wall if the room is heavily smoky;

Remove people and children from the burning room by covering their mouths and noses with a wet bandage;

Send the victim to the hospital, call an ambulance by calling "103".

Leading: I suggest learning a little rule: “Let every citizen remember fire number 101. Let's repeat it together. (Children repeat).

1st competition

"Who will report the fire faster."

You need to run to the cube to the phone, dial the fire department and report a fire, naming your home address. "There was a fire at the address ...".

2nd competition

"Whose team will save the toy from fire faster."

Recognition of firefighters - help

Save people from fire.

Cats, fish and dogs

Hamsters, favorite ball.

Leading: And now let's take a break.

Musical pause

Leading: Well done!

3rd competition"Fire Extinguishing".In front of each team of girls there is a bucket filled with water, on the contrary, there is an empty bucket at a distance of 5 meters. On a signal, the first of the teams take a children's bucket each and carry water, overcoming an obstacle, stepping over an outstretched rope, reach an empty bucket, pour water, run back, passing the baton to the next one.

4 "Who will ring the bell faster." On a signal, the first of the teams run, jumping over barriers (height 30 cm), run up to a large cube, climb it, ring the bell, jump off the cube Go back running, passing the baton to the next one.

Musical pause

5th competition "Extinguish the fire"

Each child takes 2 sandbags. From a distance of 3-4 m, they throw bags into the "bonfire" (basket) in turn. The number of accurate hits is estimated.

6 "Best fire truck driver".From each team, one participant. On a signal, the players must wind up a stick - a cord tied to a fire truck. The one whose car approaches the player the fastest wins.

Musical pause

Leading: Dear guys, today you have shown that you are well aware of the rules of fire safety, fire extinguishing equipment and are familiar with the hard work of firefighters.

So let's try to follow these rules so that trouble does not happen, so that there are no fires, and we are happy!

Program content:

  • To form in preschoolers ideas about fire safety.
  • To expand knowledge about the profession of a firefighter.
  • Continue to educate and follow fire safety regulations.
  • To develop the desire to unite to obtain a common result in competitions.

Material and equipment :

In the sports hall posters and posters on fire topics are hung out; exhibition of drawings on the topic; the team of children has emblems: a spark and a match; envelopes with questions and tasks; two "Danger in the Kitchen" posters; bench with children's things; two phones on the table; four gymnastic sticks and two arcs; two rudders, a gymnastic bench, two pyramids; material for staging works; to award prizes

Entertainment progress

Children in physical education enter the hall with a cheerful march and stand in a semicircle.

Host: Good afternoon, children. I am glad to welcome you to our hall.

A long time ago, man made fire. Fire is an assistant: with matches we light a gas stove, a candle, a fireplace. It faithfully serves people in everyday life and at work. Fire can also be an enemy. Pranks with matches and lighters are dangerous. Improper use of electrical appliances, sparklers can lead to big trouble. Today we will once again recall the fire safety rules, I invite you to participate in competition games.

A participant enters - a fireman:

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

We are very much needed by all people,

So who are we? …

The host invites the teams to introduce themselves and go to the chairs.

Firefighter: Because of non-compliance with fire safety rules, fires occur.

Every person in the first minutes of a fire has a chance to save his life. Today we will learn how to act correctly if trouble happens. The winners will receive prizes - flags.

The fireman takes out an envelope with questions and invites team members to answer questions.

Competition number 1: "Question - answer."

Questions for 1 team "Sparkle":

1. Fire department number? ("01", "112")

2. How to put out burning clothes on a person? (can be covered with a thick cloth or blanket, leaving the head open).

3. Why is the fire truck red? (red color is bright and resembles fire; so that it is visible on the road; so that they give way to it).

4. Why is it impossible to open windows and doors in case of fire? (more air - more fire).

Questions 2 to the "Match" team:

1. Why do people die during a fire? (from caustic and carbon monoxide smoke).

2. How can you put out a fire? (water, earth, tarpaulin, fire extinguisher, sand).

3. If the room is filled with thick smoke, what will you do? (cover your nose and mouth with a damp handkerchief or napkin and move towards the exit with a shelf).

4. If you saw old grass burning? (tell adults).

Competition No. 2 “Fire! Call the fire brigade."

Child reads:

"01" manage to dial.

Call me later

Your city, street and house,

And the apartment where you live

And what kind of castle is she with,

code, intercom,

Also a phone number.

The host invites four participants from each team (participants receive chips for correctly performed actions). To get to the phone, you need to overcome obstacles on the way: go along the bridge, climb through the hoop and do not forget to dial the desired phone number, address, last name.

Presenter: Imagine that you are a fire brigade, you need to go to a fire, but first you need to quickly put on your overalls.

Firefighter: Each of the participants must run to the bench and put on the prepared clothes. It is necessary to act quickly, the team in which all members of the team dress quickly and correctly wins. The winners will receive a prize - an asterisk.

Competition No. 3: “Fire brigade gathering”.

Host: Well done. Winner's reward ceremony.

Musical break: "Chatushki" (participants sing)

1 child: We will sing ditties,

We'll tell you the rules

How to deal with fire

We'll show you now.

2 child: Make a fire at the house

Strictly prohibited

How can that fire

Move to the house.

3 child: No need to litter the basement

various items,

And then suddenly a fire breaks out -

We won't be able to escape.

4 child: If you suddenly see smoke,

Something lights up

Call "01"

Everything will be sorted out right away.

5 child: The fact that matches are not a toy,

Everyone knows, everyone knows.

Don't give matches to children

And then be a big trouble.

6 child: Everyone, friends, you tell me

How do firefighters live?

They are during the day and at night too

Your lives are protected.

Competition No. 4: "Source of danger."

Three participants per team are invited and each team is offered the same poster on the theme: "Danger in the kitchen." Children should name as many reasons as possible for fires and possible injuries to children in the kitchen. For each correct answer, participants receive small fire-themed calendars.

Approximate dangers that are depicted on the posters:

1. Matches are in an accessible place.

2. There are various medicines on the table.

3. Hot water is pouring from the tap.

4. A kettle is boiling on a gas stove.

5. Wet floor in the kitchen.

6. Drying clothes over a burning gas stove.

7. A bottle of vinegar.

8. There is an included iron on the ironing board.

9. Electrical outlet, which is located at the level of the child.

10. Gas is on.

11. Food is cooked on a fast fire and gas is poured into the broth.

12. Things are scattered on the floor (toys).

The firefighter sums up and awards the winners and proposes the following competition:

Contest #5: Who can get to the fire faster?

Child reads:

We need strength, dexterity and skill,

Good physical fitness

We really need

And for the firefighter is very important!

In the corner of the gym there is a garage, in the opposite corner there is a house that is on fire, and between them there is a winding road along which a member of each team must overcome obstacles on the road. Two participants are invited, the winners receive medals.

The fireman and the presenter praise the children.

Competition number 6: Who will name more proverbs and sayings

Team members remember proverbs and sayings. Can't be repeated. Everyone receives a means of protection - an individual mask.

Sample proverbs and sayings:

1. Cheese-boron lights up from a spark.

2. Be careful not to burn yourself.

3. There is no smoke without fire.

4. Don't mess with fire, you can burn.

5. Cheese-boron lights up from a spark.

6. Be careful not to burn yourself.

7. There is no smoke without fire.

8. Don't mess with fire, you can burn.

9. Do not play, cat, with fire - you will burn your paw.

10. Fire is not water - it will embrace, you will not swim out.

11. Moscow caught fire from a spark.

12. The spark of the carcass before the fire, take away the trouble before the impact.

13. Fire and water will crush everything.

14. Do not put straw on the fire, do not set it on fire, it will not burn.

15. Fire is not water - belongings will not float.

16. A small spark - a great flame will give birth.

17. Fire is born from a spark.

18. In fire, iron is fusible.

19. What paid for, for that and answer.

20. Caution is the mother of security.

21. Crying grief will not help.

22. Don't joke with fire, don't trust the wind.

23. If you don’t look with your eyes, you will pay sideways.

The firefighter awards individual masks and announces the following competition:

Competition No. 7: "Mini - dramatization."

Each team gets a task. "Sparkle" staged the work of K. I. Chukovsky "Confusion", and "Match" staged "Cat's House". At the end of the game - staging, the fireman notes how well the costumes were chosen and the roles were correctly played.

The kids get chips.

Leading: Where people are careless with fire,

There a balloon will rise into the sky,

There the fire will threaten us

Evil fire.

Fireman: The rules are simple

Remember and do.

There is a good proverb:

“In childhood you will not learn -

You'll be tormented all your life."

Presenter: Today you guys deftly and quickly coped with tasks, answered in unison and helped each other. For participating in competitions, you have earned various prizes.

Today you were real firefighters - brave, brave and dexterous.

Tatyana Tikhonova
Sports entertainment on fire safety "Firefighters are brave people"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the rules fire safety and rules of conduct fire.

Location: gym.

Members: age 6-8 years.

preliminary work: reading fiction works: S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", K. Chukovsky "Confusion", A. Tolstoy « fire dogs» , S. Ya. Marshak "Cat house"; viewing posters about the rules fire safety; conversations on the topic fire safety.

visibility: Rules posters fire safety, emblems, 2 telephones, puppets, gymnastic benches, arches, sandbags, red and blue ribbons, fire hoses(long ribbons on sticks, balls, flags, hoops, cubes.

Entertainment progress.

Leading: Good morning, dear guests and participants of the competition. I am glad to welcome you to gym. Today we have gathered in this hall not by chance. Who among you knows people, which professions celebrate their professional holiday on April 30?

Leading: There are many professions and specialties on earth, but there is one more to warn and extinguish fire. A long time ago people learned how to make fire. And today without fire get by: it warms and feeds us. But when people forget about the careful handling of fire, it becomes deadly. Fire, leaving obedience, spares no one and nothing. Arises fire. Fire is not an accident but the result of the wrong behavior of children and adults. Whenever it happens fire, we appeal to those who have chosen the fight against fire as their profession. These people are firefighters.

Leading: Guys, do you know what to do and what not to do so that there is no fire? (children's answers). Let's repeat this now, what can not be done.


Throwing hot matches, handling fire carelessly and carelessly;

Leave open the doors of stoves, fireplaces;

Use faulty equipment and devices;

Use faulty sockets;

Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials;

Leave unattended heating stoves, also entrust the supervision of them to young children.

Leading: And now let's remember what to do if there is fire.


In case of occurrence fire, call the fire brigade: "01", report the address where it originated fire, and give your last name;

Sound an alarm, scream and call for help from adults;

Put on a gas mask to protect against carbon monoxide, put on a wet blanket, raincoat, coat while in the area fire;

Move crawling or crouching along the wall if the room is heavily smoky;

Remove people and children from the burning room by covering their mouths and noses with a wet bandage;

Send the victim to the hospital, call an ambulance by phone "03".

Leading: I propose to memorize a small rule: "Let every citizen remember, fire number"01". Let's repeat it together. (Children repeat).

Wanna stay a little firefighters? To skillfully and quickly extinguish fires, it's not enough to be a brave man, to know all the rules fire safety, all fire department fire fighting techniques and techniques. Firefighters must be agile and strong fighters. For this they do a lot. sports. And today in our hall there are two teams of future firefighters -"embers" and "Droplets". Let's welcome them. Our competitions will be judged by a jury.

Leading: When detecting the start fire it is very important to report this as soon as possible in fire department because the sooner they arrive firefighters, the easier and with less damage will be terminated fire.

Never get lost

Act smart!

If the phone is close

And you have it available

Need to dial 01

Say the address quickly.

If the fire is big

Everything is covered in smoke

Run out of the house

You need it guys.

1st competition “Who will report faster fire» .

You need to run along the gymnastic bench to dial the phone fire department protection and report fire naming your home address. "Arose fire at...» .

2nd competition "Who will dress faster".

Firefighters must be able to dress very quickly if something suddenly happens fire. Move quickly to the scene of the disaster and put out the fire. You need to quickly run to the gymnastic bench and put on sportswear(pants, jacket and helmet) and return to the place.

3rd competition "Whose team will save the toy from fire faster".

Confession firefighters to help

Save people from fire.

Cats, fish and dogs

Hamsters, favorite ball.

Leading: Very often when firefighters come to the fire before putting out the fire they are conducting rescue work. Children, animals, the elderly, the disabled are taken out of the fire. It is necessary to overcome obstacles (pull up on a gymnastic bench, crawl under another, climb over a hoop) to get to "places fire» , pick up a toy and take it out of the fire. Run to your team and stand at the end of the column.

Leading: Well done guys, you saved all the toys. I suggest you get some rest. And I will play with the fans.

The game "It's me"

1. Who, perky and cheerful,

Keeping loyalty to the rules

Protects native school

Children: this is me, this is me, these are all my friends

2. Who set fire to the grass near the house,

Set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

A friend's garage burned down

And a construction fence?

Children: (silent)

3. Who is the neighbor's kids

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

ending by fire?

The children answer.

4. Who is furtively, in the corner

Burning a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

He barely left alive!

Children: (silent)

5. Who helps firefighters,

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for everyone guys:

Toddlers and preschoolers?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading: Well done! Now I see that you know that it is dangerous to joke with fire and you will always follow the rules. fire safety.

4th competition "Who will roll and roll faster firehose» .

Leading: Fireman sleeve - this is not a sleeve that is sewn to the shirt, but a long hose through which water is transferred from fire engine. Instead of a sleeve, we will use a ribbon on a stick.

fire hoses.

In the compartments on the car we carry sleeves -

Not the ones sewn to your shirt and coat.

Our sleeve firefighter - all waterproof,

Although it is woven from threads, there is rubber in them.

There is a little metal - at the beginning and at the end,

So that he could gain a foothold, and go to the target.

And so that, as convenient for us, the flow of water goes -

When he is not at work - our sleeve with a barrel.

Lies like a cat curled up in a ball.

The 1st child runs along the bench, rolls up the ribbon and returns to his team, the 2nd child runs along the bench, rolls it out and returns to the end of the column, the 3rd child rolls it up, etc.

5th competition "Put out the fire"

Each child takes 2 sandbags. From a distance of 3-4 m, they throw bags at "bonfire" (basket) in turn. The number of accurate hits is estimated.

Leading: So our exercises ended. All the guys were agile, fast, brave and strong. In the meantime, our jury is summing up and counting the points, which team turned out to be more prepared and faster, I will play a game with the audience.

The game "Finish the sentence"

Children form a circle. The host starts the game. He has a balloon in his hands. The player must quickly say the last word of the poetic line and pass the ball to another participant. If the participant slowed down or answered incorrectly, he is out of the game, and the ball again passes to the next participant.

1. This ball in the hands is not without reason.

Previously, if fire,

Soared up the signal balloon -

called firefighters in the fight with the fire.

Where with fire are careless people,

There a balloon will rise into the sky,

There will always be evil to threaten us. (fire)

2. One, two, three, four-

Who fire in....(apartment)

3. The smoke column rose suddenly.

Who didn't turn off (iron)

4. The red glow ran.

Who with matches (played)

5. The table and cabinet burned down at once.

Who dried clothes over .... (gas)

6. A column of fire enveloped the attic.

Who is there matches .... (lit)

7. ran fire in the yard.

This is who burned there .... (bonfire)

8. The flame puffed into the foliage.

Who burned at home .... (grass)

9. Who threw into the fire at the same time

Strangers…. (items)

10. Remember every student

This number…. (01)

11. I saw smoke - do not yawn,

And firefighters.... (call)

Leading: Dear guys, today you showed that you know the rules well fire safety, funds firefighting and are familiar with the hard work of workers fire brigade.

Let's remember the rules again.

Do not dry clothes over gas -

Everything will burn at once.

When the stove is left unattended,

One ember can burn down a whole house.

If you have to leave home

Unplug everything from the mains.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire.

Might be a big problem

For buildings and people.

So let's try to follow these rules so that trouble does not happen, so that there is no fires and we were happy!

The jury summarizes the results and awards the winners.

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