The ex-husband of actress Elena Biryukova has a stroke. Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova. Photo of husbands and children. Union with Ilya Khoroshilov

Ilya Khoroshilov - in the past an actor who did not dare to devote himself to a creative profession, who became a businessman, experienced ups and downs at a relatively young age. Little is known about what happened to him. the search for himself and the long path to happiness - these are perhaps the most important moments of his life.

"Ekaterina Klimova's husband"

Ilya Khoroshilov - an actor whose biography remained "behind the scenes", is better known as the first husband of actress Ekaterina Klimova. Their family life is a story of difficult relationships, deceit and forgiveness. For many years, happiness was there, but disappeared suddenly, however, as it appeared. The marriage with Klimova ended in divorce, and Ilya was forced to analyze the behavior of loved ones more deeply after lies and betrayal.

Catherine was his crazy love since school years, for her he became both the first man and friend, he was going to devote his whole life to her. Even when Catherine was studying at the Shchepkinsky School, Ilya Khoroshilov (Klimova's husband at that time) constantly attended working performances with her participation. The time usually devoted to joint family leisure and personal affairs gradually began to be given exclusively to her studies and creativity.

Scandalous breakup

The rapid acting career of the wife, the obsessive courtship of fans and the fulfillment of the duties that publicity imposes, led to a loss of mutual trust. Ilya repeated more than once that he looked like a pale shadow of his wife, although he himself was handsome and wealthy. The situation was not saved by the birth of her daughter Elizabeth, who was barely two years old when a crisis occurred in the family.

There were several reasons for the discord: jealousy, a crazy affair with Igor Petrenko, and misunderstanding. However, then Ilya's wife did not yet imagine that she could fall in love with someone other than him and leave, taking the child. “I was most surprised that I did this. Everyone has everyday problems, until the last I waited for them to end, ”said Ekaterina. However, fate is unpredictable, and everything happened as it happens in bad soap operas.

Ilya set out to save his family: he gave flowers, drove him to the shooting, spent whole days with his daughter. It seemed that if he became different, she would return. Although I felt that they were increasingly moving away from each other. Catherine could not admit that she loved another. However, she soon had to. Despite the fact that Ilya Khoroshilov and Klimova have always been considered a happy couple, in 2003, after lengthy scandals, their union broke up. However, little by little passion subsided, and each of them now lives his own life.

Meeting with Biryukova

Several years have passed since Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor with undoubted talent and an unfinished career, fell in love with Elena Biryukova, the performer of the main female role in the Sasha + Masha sitcom. At that time she was his ex-wife Klimova. With Catherine, they played together in the comedy "Boeing-Boeing" and several performances. Endless rehearsals and long tours brought the women together, who later became inseparable friends.

For the first time, Ilya Khoroshilov met at a family celebration. “Once she invited us with her eldest daughter to Lisa’s birthday, where we met Ilya, her then husband,” says Biryukova. Today, Elena does not hide the fact that she always wanted to see such a man as the father of her children.

The beginning of a relationship

It was Ekaterina who suggested that Biryukova, who immediately liked Ilya Khoroshilov, "do not waste time." At that time, Elena already had the experience of a failed marriage, she raised her daughter Sasha alone. “It was definitely a joke. Who would like the appearance next to one of the acquaintances, ”she recalls. And Catherine laughed: "You will be an exemplary stepmother." Then Biryukova decided to try to get close to Ilya. Moreover, very soon an opportunity presented itself to do this.

Elena recalls that together with Katya and Lisa they were going to go to the circus, something did not work out, and the daughter came with her father. There was an ordinary conversation: about life, about humor. For some reason they remembered the Comedy Club. Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor in the past, now a well-known fan of this project, immediately became interested in filming the program, to which Elena invited him.

Then he took her to the airport, and they said goodbye for a while. Naturally, a new romance did not flare up immediately, and the idea of ​​​​starting to live together has not yet visited any of them. “Then it seemed to me that Ilya was not just monogamous, he was not looking for a relationship at all,” says Elena. In addition, he was very upset by the divorce from Klimova. However, everything turned out well, by the will of fate, not only passion, but also love appeared.


During that first year since their rapprochement, Ilya Khoroshilov gave Elena Biryukova flowers, he courted thoughtfully, old-fashionedly, with taste. She fell in love with jewelry, which she had never been interested in before, because her common-law husband is a professional jeweler. However, the person is very shy and modest. When he decided to give his wife a ring of his own production, he simply moved it to Elena, uttering meaningful words: “What do you say?”

Lapping of characters

The actress complains that she constantly has to ignore the pedantry of Ilya, who is simply obsessed with accuracy and striving for the ideal. He should have everything “pebble to pebble”. For a creative person like her, this is, of course, unusual. In turn, he declares that: “Here I have an artist again, apparently, this is my cross,” and smiles shyly.

“Once there was everything: both roles and prospects,” says Ilya Khoroshilov. The actor does not like photos from the time when pictures of him and Klimova did not leave the pages of fashion magazines. However, the party bustle and bohemian life always oppressed him, and over time, Ilya returned to his usual profession. Now he believes that one actress in the house is enough. “You can understand him, living with a family with people like me is not easy. Do you know how many times Ilya came back for my passport when we were almost leaving?” - shares Biryukova. Of course, Ilya is far from enthusiastic about the peculiarities of acting life, but still understands and supports his wife. He is a real salvation from the boundless chaos of life, in which she herself cannot restore order.

Echoes of the Past

Elena also became for Ilya a reconciling link between his past life, present and future. “He often saw his daughter from his first marriage, talked with Ekaterina, but did not dare to look in the direction of Igor,” Biryukova says about the family of Klimova and Petrenko. A few years later, when they came to pick up Lisa, Igor and Ilya shook hands for the first time. "I've always said that we don't live in different planes," she adds. In addition, she has no desire to lose her only true friend, even on tour they are called "lighters" with Catherine.

Two years ago, Ilya Khoroshilov and Elena Biryukova visited Cambodia. “This is his favorite country, and he discovered it for me,” said the actress. “By the way, the best season there is winter.” However, it can be difficult to find time for long trips: the daughter goes to school, Elena is on tour, Ilya is left to dream about how they will spend their vacation together again.


After returning, it became known that Elena was "in position." “I didn’t have any enthusiasm, and my feelings were conflicting. Still, giving birth at 41 is a big responsibility, ”she shares her doubts. However, it so happened that everyone had to start life from scratch. In addition, Ilya is an optimistic person and immediately said that he would solve everything. He was convinced that he would become a good father, would help Elena in every possible way and support her.

The only thing that confused the couple was the reaction of the parents, but they fully supported them, only Elena's mother was worried at first, at her age it was no longer safe to give birth. Surprisingly, Khoroshilov also received approval from Klimova, who congratulated them at the first opportunity. Apparently, in their relationship with Catherine until that moment there was some kind of incompleteness, and only Elena's pregnancy helped to put a logical end to this protracted story.

little goddess

Naturally, it was necessary to come up with a name for the baby. Probably, Providence, as usual, decided to help the spouses and offered its own version. “I dreamed of Aglaya,” says Lena. - I looked at the meaning of the name: the goddess of fun and joy. That's right, my youngest daughter is really a late joy.

Ilya joked that everything looks like Dostoevsky in The Idiot. Although Biryukova did not have such associations. But now it is clear why the joke appeared: the eldest daughter was also called Alexandra, the middle one was Aglaya, the youngest was Adelaide. Maybe another sign? However, so far none of them is in a hurry to think so far. Elena likes to see Ilya fiddling with her daughter, not letting go, whispering pleasant words. Finally, their family has become a real home for all its members. Apparently it took a while to get there.

Unbearable to marry?

Ilya Khoroshilov, contrary to Elena's assurances that she would not become his wife, at least in the near future proposed to her again. "It's so cute, only he can do that," she says. He didn’t say anything special to her, he just asked: “You still refuse, right?”

In response, Biryukova simply nodded, and they laughed together. In fact, she is not yet ready to give a definite answer. "Does it make sense?" Elena asks. And she dreams of a luxurious wedding. On the other hand, it is not worth spending money on such nonsense, just as there is no need to be attached to stamps.

Now they continue to live. Freedom is dearer to Elena. She said: “I am not in a hurry to get married, before Khoroshilov I was married to the father of my daughter. Recently I realized: I have nowhere to hurry. I have a wonderful relationship with my beloved man, but we don’t have to formalize them.”

Ilya is really distinguished by constancy, rare for a man, he is akin to the periodic table. And Elena has not been afraid of loneliness for a long time and considers marriage a troublesome business, not that children are completely different. “Life will show everything, and when you are 40, it sometimes just begins,” she rejoices. However, Ilya is also happy with everything today. The eldest adopted daughter Sasha, who is already 14 years old, and she is almost the same age as his own first child, he replaced his father. Taking care of your family is what Ilya Khoroshilov is doing now. The actor, whose filmography contains only episodic roles, has long ceased to perceive himself as such. He says that he himself does not want to remember this side of his life, and does not advise others. Indeed, there is practically no mention of his long-standing acting career. Today, Ilya is exclusively engaged in the jewelry business, admires his beautiful wife, raises his daughter and is completely satisfied with life.

Katya was born into the family of a freelance artist Alexander Klimov and his wife, who was a housewife and raised two daughters. Katya has an older sister, Victoria, with whom they are very close.

Despite the age difference of four years and completely opposite characters, the sisters were always friends, arranged joint pranks and absolutely could not be angry with each other for a long time when they happened to quarrel.

The happy family, unfortunately, was not spared the trouble: when the girls were very young, their dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. He was given a long 12 years, which he did not see his daughters.

But life went on. Katya grew up, went to school, and in the summer, in order not to leave the girls alone at home, her mother, who went to work, sent them to the camp. It was there that the restless Katya's first desire to show off on the stage manifested itself.

Theatrical amateur performances on a summer vacation fascinated Katya so much that by the time she graduated, she was already confident in her choice of profession. The experience of working with counselors-directors and the opportunity to perform in front of the guys who were resting with the future actress in the camp gave her the opportunity to go to Sliver after school without fear. Klimova entered the first time.

Married student

film "Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning" (2001)

She got on the same course with the actors who would later become famous - Maxim Konovalov, Pyotr Krasilov, but the most interesting thing is that her future second husband, Igor Petrenko, studied under the course. However, then the girl simply did not notice him. The thing is, she was already married.

Katya first got married very early. While still at school, she began dating the jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. First love was what it should be: pure and affectionate. He beautifully looked after his very young bride, and then a student, a future artist, was introduced to his parents, touchingly asked for hands and hearts ...

The lovers got married, but the young wife kept putting off the birth of a child: she had to unlearn. And then she tried her best to save the marriage - no matter what happened.

And it happened, as in any family, anything. Klimova, who got into the theatrical student environment, finally felt at home there. Now she went to study with pleasure, because Katya no longer had to go to the hated mathematics!

Year by year she grew up, became more attached to art and more and more moved away from her husband.


film "Sins of the Fathers" (2004)

Graduating from high school, Katya has already managed to star in several TV shows and had some recognition. However, her main roles were still ahead. There were big changes ahead.

On the set of "Moscow Windows" between the actors who played the main roles - Klimova and Petrenko, the first sympathy appeared. Both of them were legally married and were already going to build a secret relationship, but the girl realized that she was making a mistake and stopped the emerging passion, saying to Igor: “Enough.”

Filming ended, they each went home. Katya, loving her family with all her heart, tried to save the marriage. When once again the subject of a child came up, she finally agreed, calling into question her just-begun career. In 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa, and a year later, Katya was called to shoot the continuation of Moscow Windows.

A new meeting with Igor on the set again inflamed the feelings of lovers. Now it was real passionate love, from which it was not possible to escape. Klimova reproached herself every day for what was happening, returned to her family with a heavy heart and continued to smile at her husband. But she could not help her feelings, which were stronger than her.

And now she managed to end this relationship and, tormented and breaking herself, still refuse Igor. The actress herself recalls that she had no idea how she could take a child at one moment and leave her husband, because he was everything for her - from a very young age.

But the marriage was already upset. When little Lisa turned two, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for divorce.

Petrenko's heart was also empty during this period. The man raved about Klimova, suffered without her, and finally decided to call - just to hear his native voice. It was this call that made the difference. In an interview, she will later tell: when she heard Igor, she realized that this person should be nearby.


They didn’t care if their relationship was registered, so, nevertheless, having decided to get married, they set a date for New Year’s Eve - December 31, were late at the registry office and forgot their wedding rings. The employees just shook their heads, and the happy couple, without taking their loving eyes off each other, went home to celebrate New Year 2004.

They were called Russian Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they were an incredibly beautiful couple and lived together for 10 years. During this time, they had two boys - Matvey and Roots. The couple was envied, admired and firmly believed: an idyll reigns in the family.

When in 2014 the news appeared in the media that Klimova and Petrenko had officially divorced, the fans were shocked, and Klimova commented: they were an ordinary couple, with their troubles. In their joint fate there were moments of absolute happiness, but they also knew how to make each other's life unbearable.

They parted, according to the actress, in a normal relationship, having experienced their passions to the fullest. They communicate, raise children together, arrange family councils, where they decide where the boys will study, what additional classes to attend, who will pay for it.


The paparazzi's divorce was linked to Katya's betrayal. Allegedly, the actress started an affair with another filming partner. In the film "Wolf Heart" she played with Gela Meskhi, a beginner and very talented and temperamental artist eight years younger than Klimova.

Allegedly, he fell madly in love with a star and literally did not give married Katya peace, expressing his readiness to marry her and raise her children. But nevertheless, Petrenko took the blame for the divorce in his interview, mentioning only that Katya is the best wife and mother in the world.

Klimova refused rumors about a relationship with Gela for a long time, and a year after the divorce, she unexpectedly married him. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Bella. Despite pregnancy and childbirth, the actress did not stop acting. On especially energy-intensive projects during this period, all the tricks for Ekaterina were performed by an understudy.

Today all of Russia celebrates the Day of Knowledge. Parents gather their children for the traditional line, which begins the school year at school. Celebrities who are happy mothers and fathers are also preparing their heirs for the start of a new stage in life. Among them was the actress Ekaterina Klimova. She took her sons Matthew and Korney to school, as well as her daughter Elizabeth.

Together with the well-known artist, the solemn event dedicated to September 1 was attended by her former spouses - jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, as well as actor Igor Petrenko. Despite the fact that they parted ways with Catherine, the men decided to support their children on an important day.

In her Stories on Instagram, Ekaterina published a series of shots taken on the ruler. The eldest daughter of the star, Elizabeth, was accompanied by her father, Ilya Khoroshilov, while Igor Petrenko also enjoyed spending time with the children. Apparently, on Knowledge Day, the famous actor talked to reporters. In the photo in Ekaterina's microblog, you can see how the artist speaks with his son, and reporters with a microphone are standing next to them. In the next picture, a happy boy poses in a school uniform.

Recall that Ilya Khoroshilov was the first husband of Ekaterina Klimova. The future spouses met when the actress was still at school. Despite the fact that the couple was considered strong, their marriage broke up in 2003. Now the businessman is happy in a relationship with the star of the series "Sasha + Masha" Elena Biryukova. In April, the entrepreneur called the chosen one to marry on the air of the NTV program Secret for a Million. By the way, it was Catherine who brought Ilya to her future bride. At one time, Klimova asked Khoroshilov to go to the circus with her daughter and agreed on a joint trip with Biryukova. But due to the busy schedule, the celebrity simply could not escape to the show.

The second husband of the famous actress was her colleague Igor Petrenko. In this marriage, the artists had two sons - Korney and Matvey. After ten years together, the celebrities decided to part ways.

Ekaterina's youngest daughter, the charming Bella, who was born in September 2015, is still too early to go to school. By the way, her father, the third husband of actress Gela Meskhi, recently starred in the clip of Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, which was worked on in Portugal. Ekaterina Klimova went abroad with her husband.

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Klimova. She was born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actress, teacher, performer of romances.

Mom - Svetlana Vladimirovna, housewife.

Father - Alexander, a freelance artist by profession, was tried in 1979 for unintentional murder, returned to the family when Katya was already 13 years old. Passed away a few years ago.

Catherine has an older sister, Victoria. The family lived in a two-room apartment, the upbringing of children was built in Orthodox traditions.

The paternal great-grandmother was a gypsy camp, perhaps due to which Catherine has naturally dark skin, and because of this, as she herself assures, she never blushes even in moments of shame, and does not burn in the sun.

A violent manifestation of feelings was accepted in the family. The atmosphere of childhood influenced the formation of the character and personality of Catherine, having already become a famous actress, Klimova admitted that she was able, angry, "throw a jacket right over your home clothes and go out into the night".

After school, Ekaterina entered preparatory courses at VGIK. Graduated from the Higher Theater School. M.S. Shchepkina with honors in 1999, acting department, workshop of N.N. Afonina.

After graduating from college, Klimova was invited by director Boris Morozov to the Theater of the Russian Army for the role of Desdemona. Subsequently, for this role she received the "Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov" award in the "Actors under 30" category.

In the 2014-2015 season, she played in the performances "Boeing-Boeing", "Conspiracy in English" based on the play "Glass of Water" by E. Scribe, as well as the main role in the play "Master and Margarita" by the Theater named after M. A. Bulgakov ( directed by Sergei Aldonin).

She taught stage speech and acting at a children's modeling agency, worked in advertising on radio and television.

Songs performed by Ekaterina are heard in the television series “Flip Game”, “Poor Nastya” (romance “Oh, if only my sadness ...”), “Boiling Point”, she also sang in the musical “Bureau of Happiness”, starred in “ Wick. She worked at the Theater Company of Sergei Vinogradov. Participates in theatrical projects of P. A. Stein and plays in an enterprise.

Klimova's debut in cinema took place in 2001, when she starred in the episodic role of Jeanne d'Albret in Karen Shakhnazarov's tragicomic phantasmagoria "Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning".

The first big role was expected by the 23-year-old actress in the same year in the adventure-crime television series "Flip Games", where the adventures of a young mistress abounded in erotic scenes.

Ekaterina Klimova - Flip games

Subsequently, Klimova often played on the screen and stage the role of a lover or wife with her second husband, actor Igor Petrenko ( "We are from the future 2", "Dreams from plasticine", "Moscow windows", "Sins of the Fathers", "Cancellation of all restrictions"), and among the costs of the acting profession, she regretted that “you have to lie in bed with some stranger and pretend to love”.

Klimova played the most famous roles in the films Thunderstorm Gates and Antikiller D.K., in the TV series Poor Nastya, Escape, Boiling Point. One of the most memorable was the role of nurse Nina Polyakova, played by Klimova in the dilogy "We are from the future" (films "We are from the future" and "We are from the future 2").

In this film, Klimova performed a romance "Thank you for everything, dear friend..." on the lyric-philosophical masterpiece of Elizabeth Stuart, which became widely popular and very soon turned out to be prophetic for the actress. The timbre of Klimova's voice was evaluated by musicologists as soft, velvety, extraordinarily warm.

Ekaterina Klimova. Romance. we are from the future

In 2011, she became the face of the Garnier Color Naturals trademark, and later - the ambassador of the Spanish jewelry company TOUS in Russia.

In 2012, to the vocals of Klimova and the music of Ivan Burlyaev (including a rap fragment), figure skaters and ex-spouses and Alexander Zhulin performed a nostalgic dance of memories as part of the television show Ice Age. Professional Cup.

In 2012 in the alcoholic romantic comedy "Date" Directed by Yusup Bakhshiev, Klimova appears as a sexy teacher, a purely teetotaler, "clever and beautiful with long legs from under a small fuchsia dress."

In 2013, she played one of the main roles - a successful and successful TV presenter in the film "Icon of the season". Klimova's character is a typical glamorous inhabitant of glossy worlds, idly wandering from one fashionable party to another, but rapidly transforming with the advent of a real strong feeling in life.

In 2013-2014, together with Gela Meskhi, she starred in Lviv in the adventure spy series by S. Ginzburg "Wolf heart", whose action, based on historical events, takes place in the early 1920s on the border of Soviet Russia and Poland.

In the summer of 2014, Channel One showed a three-part series "Kuprin", where Klimova starred in a 4-episode film adaptation of the story "Duel" directed by Andrei Malyukov. The actress got a psychologically difficult supporting role - a seductive, flirtatious and dissolute hostess of the "collection of buttons", the temptress of the young lieutenant Romashov, a chivalrous and tragically in love with his colleague's wife. In the scene of an officer's picnic, Ekaterina performed E. Yuryev's rare-sounding romance “Why love, why suffer?” However, this time Klimova's operatic heights were not subdued.

From April to August 2014, Ekaterina in St. Petersburg starred as the maid of honor Anna Vyrubova in the historical series directed by Andrey Malyukov "Gregory R." based on documentary evidence about the life of Grigory Rasputin. The script of the film was based, in particular, on the diaries of Klimova's character, Anna Vyrubova. In the frame, Catherine wears authentic shoes of the 19th century, her dresses and costumes were sewn according to old patterns, from heavy crinolines.

Ekaterina Klimova and Grigory Antipenko - Forget

In the second half of 2014, Klimova starred in Ukraine in the melodrama "Women in Love" and battle drama "According to the laws of war", the action of which takes place during the offensive of the Nazi troops on Kyiv in the summer and autumn of 1941, the actress plays the role of an investigator of a special department. In 2018, a sequel was released - "According to the laws of wartime-2".

Notable were the works in the films "Plague" (Vika Matileva - Matilda), "Jackal" (Vera Ilyinichna Tomilina, Cherkasov's first wife), "Youth" (Victoria Mikhailovna Kashtanova, sports director of the "Bears" club).

In 2018, Ekaterina Klimova played the main role in the detective "Moscow Greyhound Season 2"- Alevtina Borzov, who serves as a major in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. More precisely, her heroine is being introduced into the mind of Alevtina Borzova, whom she played in the first season. Klimova said about her character: “I don’t have the task of copying the image created by Olga Krasko. Alevtina Borzova is clear to me, but whether she will be attractive to me and the audience will become clear only when we complete the work. This is a woman in various manifestations - sometimes strong, sometimes frightened, and sometimes mania appears in her and a shift occurs: she tries to think like a maniac, immerse herself in his world and partly even understand him.

The growth of Ekaterina Klimova: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova:

The first husband of the actress was a jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. They met when Klimova was still a schoolgirl. The couple divorced in 2004. From this marriage, Catherine has a daughter, Elizaveta Khoroshilova (born 2002).

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina married him, before they lived in a civil marriage for some time.

On November 17, 2015, Klimova appeared in public for the first time after the birth of her fourth child and on the occasion of the premiere of the TV series Women in Love on Channel One.

At the end of May 2019, Ekaterina Klimova filed for divorce from Gela Meskhi.

Photographed for men's magazines.

Klimova calls her favorite director Andrey Malyukov, who entrusted her with such diverse roles as the nurse Nina ("We are from the future"), Anna Vyrubova (the series about Rasputin), Raisa Peterson (the television series "Kuprin"). At the same time, critics noted that the choice of roles for Ekaterina is based primarily on the external attractiveness of the character, and when it is required to “jump out of a trench, crawl under bullets and blow up a mine”, then when performing tricks, Klimov is duplicated by a professional stuntwoman.

The original prototype, "secretly involved" in the gallery of roles played by the actress of fatal, treacherous and seductive women, Klimova called the image of Milady from The Three Musketeers.

Among the actors who influenced her, Catherine highlights Vladimir Mashkov, Ingeborg Dapkunaite, Andrey Smolyakov.

In an interview in 2015, Klimova regretted that she never became an actress at the festival cinema. Klimova does not speak foreign languages.

From childhood, Catherine loved furs, jewelry, bright outfits “the more pretentious the better”, white and yellow gold, stones - sapphire, diamond and emerald.

Klimova willingly jumps with a parachute, flies a paraglider, rides a motorcycle, was engaged in figure skating, athletics.

The actress's favorite vacation spots are Bali and Barcelona (Spain).

Filmography of Ekaterina Klimova:

2001 - Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning - Jeanne d'Albret
2001 - Times do not choose - Inna Gavryushina
2001 - Truckers - saleswoman in the market
2001 - Throwaway Games - Sinya
2001 - Moscow windows - Raisa
2001 - Do not leave me, love - Katya
2003 - And in the morning they woke up - Kat
2003 - The best city of the Earth - Raisa
2003 - Farewell in June - Tanya Repnikova
2003-2004 - Poor Nastya - Princess Natalia Repnina
2004 - Sins of the Fathers - Ekaterina Androsova
2005 - Two at the Christmas tree, not counting the dog - Sasha
2005 - My Prechistenka - Katya Barinova
2005 - Kamenskaya 4 - Julia Blokhina
2005 - Oscar - Colette
2006 - Demon in the ribs, or the Magnificent Four - Yunna
2006 - Storm Gates - Alina Doronina
2008 - Everything is not accidental - Ksenia Pavlovna
2008 - Second wind - captain Bakhteeva
2008 - We are from the future - Nina Polyakova
2008 - Side effect - Svetlana
2008 - Quiet family life - Inessa
2009 - Antikiller D.K. - Katia
2010 - Love under cover - Tatyana
2010 - We are from the future 2 - Nina Polyakova
2010 - Escape - Svetlana Dunaeva
2010 - Strong weak woman - Masha
2010 - Boiling point - Dasha Korshunova
2010 - Everyone has their own war - Nastya
2011 - Spring in December - Olga
2011 - Pushkin (was not completed)
2012 - Match - Olga Kovtun
2012 - Defender - Maria Komissarova
2012 - Dreams from plasticine - Oksana
2012 - Mosgaz - Vera
2012 - Once in Rostov - Lily
2012 - Escape 2 - Svetlana Dunaeva
2012 - Date - Anna Svetlova
2012 - Dragon Syndrome - Evgenia Shchegoleva
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! - Victoria
2013 - Courier from Paradise - Anna Sergeevna
2013 - Icon of the season - Snezhana
2013 - I will never forget you - Vera
2013 - Love in the big city 3 - Anna
2014 - Cancellation of all restrictions - Irina Morozova
2014 - 7 main wishes - fairy
2014 - Champions - mother of a young hockey player
2014 - - Beata
2014 - Goryunov - Masha
2014 - Kuprin - Raisa
2014 - Gift with character - Diana
2014 - Grigory R. - Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova
2015 - Women in love - Sveta
2015 - Plague - Matilda
2015 - Lyudmila Gurchenko - Valentina
2015 - - Svetlana Elagina
2016 - I love my husband - Olga / Emma
2016 - Jackal - Vera, ex-wife of Cherkasov
2016 - Bitch - Christina
2016 - Guardian - Olga Nikolaeva
2017 - Thunderer
2017 - - Anna, actress
2018 - Youth - Victoria Mikhailovna Kashtanova, sports director of the club "Bears"
2018 - - Lyuba
2018 - - Svetlana Elagina, investigator, military lawyer
2018 - - Alevtina Borzova
2019 - - Svetlana Elagina, investigator, military lawyer

Elena Valerievna Biryukova. She was born on November 7, 1971 in Minsk. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian theater and film actress.

Father - Valery Antonovich Biryukov, engineer.

Mother - Irina Alekseevna, engineer.

Sister - Anna, works as the head of the personnel department.

According to Elena, she was not going to become an actress, although she participated in theatrical productions at school. However, as a child, she was a very shy and restrained child - she did not even like to read poetry in public.

In the 10th grade, she entered the theater studio, but even then she doubted: "It seemed to me that the acting profession was from the category of the divine. I did not consider myself worthy."

After school, she decided to go to a pedagogical institute, but did not enter.

Her first husband, Alexander Romanovsky, who also started as an actor and then became a rock musician, persuaded her to enter the theater.

In 1996 she graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS), workshop of L. Heifets.

In 1996-2003 she was an actress of the Moscow Academic Theatre. Vl. Mayakovsky, among her works: "Lizard" - Lizard; "As You Like It" - Rosalind; "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - Fox Alice; “A free man enters” - Florence.

Collaborated with a number of other theaters. Independent theater project: "Boeing-Boeing" - Mary / Michelle; "Theater with and without rules" - Vicki / Brooke; "Calendar Girls" - Helen / Celia. Art Partner XXI: "Clinical Case" - Jane / Rosemary; "Blaise" - Genevieve. TA "Actor" (VIP Theatre): "Once in New York, or Broadway Star" - Sarah Byron; "Astronomy of Passion (Nameless Star)" - Mademoiselle Kuku, Mona; "Men on call" - Sveta; "Charming Cuckold" - Judy Jameson; "The Restless Adventurer" - Clara; "Fatal Woman" - Eve; "Chicken (Big intrigues of a small theater)" - Diana. And others.

She made her film debut in 1991 in an episode of the film "Brunette for thirty kopecks." The next time she appeared on the screen ten years later - in the film "Yellow Dwarf".

Widespread fame came to the actress after the role of Masha in the comedy television series "Sasha + Masha", which was broadcast on TV in 2003-2005. Her heroine - Masha - loves her mother, Sasha (played by Georgy Dronov), sex and sad films. Dislikes stupid jokes, horror and football. Can make a salad out of nothing and a scandal. Wants to get married and quit smoking.

Elena recalled: “Perhaps I would not have agreed to shoot in a sitcom, just at that time I had a lull in the theater, there was temporarily no work. And I am a workaholic by nature, I constantly need to do something, develop, satisfy my acting ambitions. Having passed the casting in several rounds, the producer told me: "We were not looking for an actress who could play Masha, but Masha. And we found her."

Elena Biryukova in the series "Sasha + Masha"

In 2005, a 40-episode comedy was released. "Dream Grandpa" with Elena Biryukova in the title role. Her heroine is the beautiful Lena Shevchenko, a participant and winner of numerous beauty contests, she is the embodiment of a practical beginning in the family and keeps her husband "under the heel", while remaining a very feminine and loving wife and mother. The plot revolves around the fact that Lena got a job as a lawyer in a law firm. One day, her senior partner fell ill and, saving the situation, Elena had to speak for him in court in a high-profile case. Unexpectedly for everyone, she won the case and became a fashionable, highly paid lawyer with a bunch of orders.

Elena Biryukova in the series "Grandfather of my dreams"

In 2007, she played the main role (Victoria) in the melodrama The Ideal Wife. In 2009, the melodrama "Love in the Manger" was released, in which the actress also played the main role - Shura.

Among other notable works of the actress are Tatyana Aleksandrovna in the film "Bars and Lyalka", Zina in "Serious Relationships", mother (the main role) in the comedy "Super Max".

In 2017, the 20-episode detective comedy "Secretary" with the participation of Elena Biryukova in one of the roles is released.

Height of Elena Biryukova: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Biryukova:

The first husband is Alexander Romanovsky, a rock musician, known for his participation in the Children of Lieutenant Schmidt group. They met in Minsk - Alexander Romanovsky also started as an actor, but then became a musician. It was he who saved up money so that Elena could go to Moscow and enter GITIS. It was this life at a distance that destroyed their marriage. Alexander himself eventually abandoned everything and left for the village, becoming an ordinary shepherd.

The second husband is Alexei Litvin, a theater director. They met at the theater: Alexei Litvin, as a trainee teacher, took part in the audition of applicants, and it was he who turned out to be the only person who did not like Elena. And two years later they got married. In 1998, the actress gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. In the second marriage, family life also did not work out: after Elena became a star, conflicts began and she left her husband for a rented apartment.

At the moment when she was married to Litvin,. But Litvin did nothing to help her. But the first husband Alexander Romanovsky - supported.

The third husband (civil marriage) is Ilya Khoroshilov, a businessman (the ex-husband of the actress - it was her friend Klimova who introduced them).

“No one imagined that we would have a relationship, we didn’t think ourselves. Then we gradually began to get closer, walked with our daughters. Our relationship with Ilya influenced the fact that Katya and I stopped being such close friends. Yes, we maintained a relationship. but now there is already a distance for ethical reasons, yet they have their own relationship and a common daughter. Katya then said that it would be better for me to be a stepmother for her daughter than some strange aunt, "-.

In 2012, the couple had a daughter, Aglaya.

After school, the eldest daughter Alexandra entered the theater college at the production department, practically does not communicate with her father - because he does not want to. But Ilya Khoroshilov treats her like his own daughter.

Elena does not want to formalize the third marriage.

Elena Biryukova with her family. While everyone is at home

"I am an easy person. But sometimes I can be difficult and unbearable. I am a workaholic, and a lot of emotions accumulate in me that can spill out at any moment ... I can compare things and begin to treat many things philosophically. And from this I get great pleasure," the actress said about herself.

Filmography of Elena Biryukova:

1991 - Brunette for thirty kopecks - episode
2001 - Yellow dwarf - Ira, Vicki's friend
2002 - Turkish March (season 2) - a girl in Majidov's room
2003-2005 - Sasha + Masha - Masha
2003 - Desired
2004 - Lost the sun - episode
2004 - Forest Princess - episode
2005 - Grandfather of my dreams - Lena Shevchenko
2006-2012 - Happy together - Lera Brevno
2006 - Grandfather of my dreams-2 - Elena Shevchenko
2007 - Ideal Wife - Victoria
2008-2011 - Univer - Larisa Sergeeva, Sasha's mother
2008 - Friday 12 - Faya, wife of the investigator
2008 - Invasion - Lucy Brusnikina, Natalia's friend
2009 - Because it's me (film almanac) - Tanya
2009 - Love in the hay - Shura
2009 - Bachelorette party - Kozlovskaya, classmate of Marusya (not in the credits)
2011 - Salami - Lucy Strekalova (Dragonfly)
2011 - Moscow. Three stations - Lyudmila Alexandrovna, actress
2011 - Treasure hunters
2011 - Every man for himself - Natalya Sergeevna Gremina, architect
2011 - BUGI - headmistress
2012 - Military hospital - nurse
2013 - Super Max - mom
2013 - Serious relationship - Zina, a neighbor
2014 - Hillbilly - Zoya, mother of Lida, saleswoman
2014 - Bars and Lyalka - Tatyana Aleksandrovna, landlady
2016 - Synchronized swimmers - Olya's mother
2017 - - Alla Bauer
2018 - New Man

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