Thanks to Vlad Kadoni, everyone was convinced that Rapunzel was not pregnant. Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko: latest divorce news How it all began

The stars of "House-2" Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko recently got married. It would seem that the young should enjoy the new status, especially since Olga is already pregnant with her first child. However, as it turned out, there were already problems in the family.

Olga said that Dmitry lies on the couch all day and does not want to look for work. In addition, she found intimate pictures and frank correspondence with other girls on his phone. Rapunzel added that her husband repeatedly raised his hand to her and he was not stopped by the fact that she was pregnant.


The star of "House-2" moved to the hotel and wrote a statement to the police against Dmitrienko, accusing him of domestic violence.

In an interview with the portal Super Dmitry told his version of what happened. Dmitrienko admitted that he was discouraged and confused. “I am for the children, I am for the family. For children to grow up in a family. We all swear, and when a girl is pregnant, her hormones play. I want Olya to calm down, to stop throwing mud at me for no reason. About the beating. I will never beat my wife because she is carrying my baby. I do not refuse the child, I want him to have my last name, ”said Dmitry.

The young man does not deny that he corresponded with fans, but he assures that there were no betrayals. Dmitry said that Olga loves to attract attention, and he dreams of a quiet family life. “I was exposed to the whole country as a monster who beats his wife. I don’t understand why she did it, ”said Dmitrienko. The young man hopes that he and Rapunzel will be able to save the family, but if they divorce, he is ready to pay alimony and participate in the upbringing of the child.

3-11-2017, 16:24 // 136 174

The audience is happy to watch the trolling that Vlad Kadoni arranged for Olga Rapunzel. The man tries to periodically prick Olga, put her in her place and just spoil her life a little. Well, sometimes he doesn’t even intentionally show attentive viewers something interesting about the so-called pregnancy of Rapunzel.

Time passes, and the audience is still discussing whether Olga Rapunzel is pregnant or not. The girl proves that she is pregnant, the baby grows even without vitamins from Dmitrenko, who meanly spends family finances on ice cream for the mean Kokhno, the site reports.

The fact that the stomach is growing, the audience already sees, as well as the fact that sometimes it decreases, and sometimes it completely disappears. For example, at night. In order not to disturb Olya from sleeping in a position that is comfortable for her - on her stomach. Pregnant women usually in the fifth month cannot afford it, but only because they have ordinary bellies, not magical ones.

Vlad Kadoni, who unexpectedly entered the room, amused the audience with his conversations on the topic of the daily routine, which he organizes for Olga. But this does not mean that the audience ignored the pose of Rapunzel, comfortably resting on her stomach, which, moreover, is very large, much larger than usual at this time.

“I wonder what the fanatics of Rapka would take as conclusive proof of the absence of pregnancy? Big belly - immediately there are those who also had it. The stomach disappeared - those who had exactly the same thing appeared, they cut off their lips with Botox - there are those who also did this. Now he sleeps on his stomach. I am waiting for comments that during pregnancy they also slept exclusively on their stomachs and gave birth in the same way, ” one of the viewers said.

Rapunzel, by the way, was very angry with Kadoni for not letting her sleep. And Vlad for some reason believes that pregnant women do not need to sit on the Web until three in the morning and chat in social networks, but they need to go to bed much earlier. Yes, and you need to spend time with greater benefit for yourself and the child.

A few days ago it became known that the stars of the television project Dom-2 Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko were going to divorce. The reason for a possible divorce was Dima's betrayal and his wife's beating. We will tell you the latest news from the personal life of the star couple.

Live, which the girl held on her Instagram account, Olga Rapunzel shared terrible news with her fans - she and her husband had a serious conflict, because of which she was temporarily in a hotel. Olya is afraid to return home, as her newly-made husband threatened her with physical violence. Rapunzel is afraid not only for herself, but also for her child. A few days ago, Olya confirmed the information about the pregnancy.

On Instagram, the girl said that Dima repeatedly raised his hand to her. Moreover, he flirted with other women. From unverified sources, it is known that Dmitrenko's potential lovers are underage girls.

Olga Rapunzel found more than one correspondence of an erotic nature in her husband's phone. It is not known whether one of Dmitry's correspondence turned into real communication.

According to Olga She decided to calmly discuss the situation with her husband. However, Dmitry began to argue that these were not his photographs. Although Olya showed her husband his page with correspondence. It is unlikely that anyone could take Dmitrenko's phone to chat with girls, except for himself.

Olya Rapunzel is extremely outraged by the current situation. She is not ready to tolerate such behavior of her husband, even for the sake of the child. The girl believes that she and her husband need to get a divorce. Otherwise, she will not be able to bear the child. Olya is very worried about her health and the health of the baby.

Fans of the couple are perplexed. Will Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko really divorce or is it just another PR move. Time will tell.

Why did Olga Rapunzel go to the police?

After Olga's statement and a possible imminent divorce, the conversations around the couple did not subside. The day after the live broadcast, it became known that Olya filed a police report against her husband.

The girl has already mentioned on the air that she is in a hotel, as she is afraid to live with her lawful husband. Olga said that Dima repeatedly raised his hand to her and promised to continue physical abuse against her in the near future. Dmitrenko not only beat his wife, but also strangled her, and also intimidated her in every possible way. During the time that the couple lives outside the TV set, the girl did not report anything about conflicts in the family, even to relatives. Until recently, Olya hoped that her husband would improve.

This Monday, a conflict occurred again in the Rapunzel-Dmitrenko family. Dmitry decided to act in the way already familiar to him - to force his wife to “silence” with his fists.

Olga told the police that this time not only she got it, but also her mother. The woman came from Vladivostok to support her pregnant daughter. She did not immediately find out how Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko actually live after they left the project

Police officers who arrived at the "accident scene" recorded Olga's appeal. After some time, Rapunzel's photo statement fell into the hands of journalists. Now the girl's fans can already find him in groups on social networks dedicated to the life of Olga Rapunzel, as well as on Instagram accounts covering the lives of former and current participants in the TV show.

Dmitry Dmitrienko, surprisingly, calmly reacted to the police officers who came to the call. He behaved very restrainedly, did not insult either his wife or representatives of law enforcement agencies. Olga, in turn, behaved emotionally. The girl was crying and scared.

Some time ago, Dmitry Dmitrenko stated that he did not know the reason for Olga's constant tantrums. The man himself believes that their relationship is absolutely normal.

Olya Rapunzel admitted that they hurried with the wedding. Perhaps the couple needed to get to know each other better. Then such situations did not arise either now or in the future.

What else did Olga talk about live?

Another reason for the divorce of a star couple is Dima's lack of desire to look for work. Live, Olga said that her husband can lie on the couch all day and do nothing. It is hard for a girl to drag her family alone. Moreover, soon she will not be able to provide for herself on her own. She will need to take care of a newborn baby.

Olga Rapunzel believes that even if they divorce Dmitry Dmitrienko, she will be able to partially provide for the child herself. Her parents will help her with the rest. Mom told Olga to give birth anyway. She is ready to help her daughter cope with the child without the help of Dmitry Dmitrienko.

Olya also said that she decided the issue of rented housing in Moscow herself. Dmitry did not participate in the search for housing. During the time the couple is in the capital, they had to change several apartments.

From unverified sources, it is known that Olga found the current apartment where the newlyweds live thanks to her friends. Dmitry refused to participate in the search for housing.

Olga Rapunzel believes that a man should be the main one in every family. It is on his shoulders that the need to financially provide for his family and find housing falls. A woman can help her lover in solving certain problems.

However, she should not take full responsibility for this. A man will get used to this and subsequently refuse to make important decisions himself and strive to improve the standard of living of his family. Actually, this is what happened in a pair of Olga and Dmitry.

Olga Rapunzel and pregnancy: latest news

For a long time, TV star Olga Rapunzel refused to comment on her interesting situation. At the same time, the girl daily posted compromising photos on social networks, in which her enlarged belly is clearly visible. Olga's fans were divided into 2 camps. Some congratulated the girl on the upcoming replenishment in the family, others were indignant, being sure of the “next” deception of Rapunzel.

Fans were interested in the question of whether Rapunzel is really pregnant or these pictures are an attempt to stir up interest in themselves.

Less than a week ago, Olga posted her photo with a rounded belly on her Instagram account, in the comments to which she told users in detail about her pregnancy. The girl wrote that she was very offended to read, as if she had a false belly. Olga says that she has never been as happy as she is now. The expectant mother is glad that God gave her a baby. And she will try to provide the child with everything necessary for life.

According to Olga, she became more tolerant and calmer. She needs to keep her emotional state under control so as not to endanger the health of the child.

The girl got registered in a private clinic, using the help of someone she knew. Rapunzel chose to remain silent about the gestational age. The girl wrote that while it is a secret. She doesn't know the gender of the baby yet.

Prerequisites for an interesting position

The topics of Olga Rapunzel's pregnancy were repeatedly discussed in the press even before the first pictures of the girl and her rounded tummy began to appear. At the end of June of this year, Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko almost immediately after the wedding told the readers of the Dom-2 website about their attitude towards children. At that time, Dima dreamed of a baby.

The newly-made husband and wives wanted to have a girl, but if a son was born, they, of course, would be happy with him. Olga said that she dreamed about her pregnancy. The girl in an interview shared a “little” secret with fans - she and her husband want two children: a boy and a girl. It is possible that already at that time Olga was in an interesting position. Many believe that it was because of the pregnancy that Rapunzel suddenly left the project.

Olga also said that she and her husband are working hard to replenish the family. The girl was upset that Dima's mother categorically did not recognize her as a member of the family.

Rapunzel believes that the birth of a child is not able to change the attitude of her husband's mother towards her. But in her family, Olga is one hundred percent sure.

Recall that the prerequisites for the interesting position of Olga Rapunzel appeared at the end of June this year. The girl publicly announced her pregnancy only at the end of September. From unverified sources, the period is known - 14-16 weeks. It just coincides with June, when the celebrity shared with fans her vision of the future - an imminent pregnancy.

Who is the father of Rapunzel's baby?

Not all fans are ready to share with Olya a happy time for her - pregnancy. Evil tongues say that the father of the child may not be Dmitry Dmitrienko, but someone from the outside. Moreover, several times on live broadcasts, Dima denied rumors about his wife's pregnancy.

In the comments on Olya's photos, users write that they are 100% sure of the discord between Olya and Dima, which, in their opinion, happened a long time ago. During this time, Olga could well "work up" the child. The girl prefers not to comment on such statements.

Why did Olya and Dima leave the project?

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko left the project a few months ago. However, the couple still “flashes” in the latest news from the world of television.

Initially, Olya wanted to give birth on the project, and then take a few months off and return to the perimeter again. For fans of the couple, the departure of Dima and Olga came as a complete surprise. Viewers were sure that Rapunzel would return to the clearing in a few weeks at the most. So far this hasn't happened. Now the girl assures everyone that she will not return to Dom-2 either alone or with her husband (if the couple still does not divorce).

Olga Rapunzel blames the presenters and participants in the TV show for their departure from the project. It's not a secret for anyone that the Rapunzel-Dmitrenko couple was repeatedly subjected to ridicule and provocation.

Young people could not remain indifferent to such an attitude. Those participants with whom Olya and Dima communicated well on the project believe that the couple lasted a long time. Others would not have survived long ago and left Dom-2 a year ago.

In the comments to the press, Olya says that not a single normal person would have endured what she and Dima had to endure. For Rapunzel, the appearance of Nikolai Dolzhansky on the project was a real shock. The girl just "washed herself" from the dirty story, and here he is again.

The former participant of Dom-2 does not blame the project leaders for the fact that she and Dima were constantly "poisoned" here. The girl is sure that this is the work of "pawns". Olya believes that the other participants only wanted to assert themselves at her expense with Dima, choosing them as a "scapegoat".

The couple's fans supported them in their decision to leave Dom-2. Unfortunately, none of them, including Olga and Dima, thought that life without cameras would further aggravate the situation. Outside the perimeter, young people continued to live in constant tension. The participants of House-2 were no longer able to “put things in order” in a pair. Olya provoked Dima to scandals and vice versa. The girl herself subsequently admits that she and her husband were seized by “everyday life”. It is often encountered by young couples.

How it all began?

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko went a long way to getting married. This summer, photos from the celebration appeared on the network. Dima and Olya celebrated their wedding in the capital's restaurant, and after that they flew away to rest for the whole honeymoon.

Internet users discussed Olga's dress for a long time. Fans expected to see something more stylish than Olya was wearing. Especially after Rapunzel announced the cost of the outfit.

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