Actimel - helps our body or ruins it? Aktimel: benefits and harms, reviews of doctors These include

Actimel can be called Danone's most popular and successful product. Yogurt has been produced for more than two decades, and the annual income from it is more than a million euros.

The usual form of selling yogurt is a 100 ml bottle. Several bottles are grouped into packs of 4-16 bottles. Danone claims that if Actimel is consumed regularly, it is possible to maintain a person's natural immunity, since yogurt contains special Immunitas bacteria. It also contains a large amount of conventional yoghurt cultures.

History and advertising Actimel

This product began to be released as yogurt from Japan, Yakult, entered the European market, which is also based on a bacterium that helps maintain immunity. In 1993, Danone thought about bringing a product to the market to support immunity and thus protect their position on this side.

The original advertising version said that the new fermented milk product, with regular use, can improve the overall well-being of the body, and it especially actively affects the functioning of the intestines. At the same time, it strengthens the immune system of the body and helps it cope with the negative influence of the environment and the environment. To confirm these words, the manufacturing company conducted special studies.

But whatever the research data, they could not convince the European Food Safety Authority. The manufacturing company replied that there were no product research methods that could definitely convince that Actimel affects the body most positively among other fermented milk products. But still, Danone had to change its commercial and remove from it the information that the positive effect of the composition on the body has been proven by studies.

Today in Russia you can find 13 different types of fermented milk product, which can be divided into 3 types:

  • natural
  • Actimel for children
  • ascorbic acid yogurt

Abroad, you can find such yogurt in 18 flavors; in England, a special series of yogurt with lemon-honey flavor is produced. You can buy a fermented milk product of this manufacturer in more than 20 countries, America, Canada, Europe.

Throughout the history of the brand, the logo has been changed twice. The first change was in 2005, the second time in 2012. The last logo is still in use today.

The composition of the popular fermented milk product

Actimel is a fermented milk product of French production, which includes probiotics. Due to its composition, its use is recommended to all family members every day. To know whether Actimel is really so useful, you need to disassemble the composition. This can be done using natural Actimel as an example. Other types of this yogurt have the same composition plus some additives.

It contains:

  • skimmed milk
  • skimmed milk powder
  • sugar syrup
  • glucose
  • starter for yogurt
  • lactobacilli

As you can see, the composition does not contain any magical ingredients that can improve immunity and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

The composition contains vitamins D3, B6 and a huge number of lactobacilli (about 10 billion), which actively affect:

  • cells that promote the absorption of nutrients into the intestinal wall;
  • internal intestinal microflora;
  • cells of the intestinal immune system

Vitamins in Actimel

To understand the level of usefulness or harmfulness of a particular food product, you need to pay attention to the composition and understand what each of the ingredients means. Actimel contains only three types of vitamins, the benefits of which you need to know.


This vitamin is found in large quantities in all products made from milk. It helps the calcium that enters the body to be absorbed faster. It is also necessary for the formation and strengthening of human bone tissue, so babies need to take this vitamin in large quantities. D3 also actively affects the condition of the skin - it gradually improves.


This vitamin is necessary for almost all body processes, so its use is mandatory. Thanks to him, proteins and acids are absorbed, which are necessary for human life. It is he who is able to improve immunity, and at the same time strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, and normalize the work of the central nervous system. Vitamin B6 is essential for beautiful hair, nails and skin.

Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C)

It, like the aforementioned vitamins, is necessary for the functioning of the human body. Vitamin C is the prevention of colds, strengthening the immune system. Like other vitamins that make up Actimel, ascorbic acid strengthens and supports the immune system, actively affects hematopoiesis, and also helps the body absorb iron and produce collagen.

Due to the fact that these three vitamins are present in Aktimel, its benefits are achieved. But at the same time, you need to take into account that there are not very many of them in a jar of yogurt, and therefore it is worth taking additional vitamin complexes. The advertisement says that yogurt should be drunk in a course, it is then that the maximum benefit will be achieved.

Nutritional supplements in Actimel

As in any other product, the well-known fermented milk product contains various dyes and thickeners that are identical to natural ones. What's in Danone Yogurt?


The packaging of the fermented milk product says that yogurt contains only natural flavors, and there is no reason not to believe this. In industrial production, natural substances are usually used that have a strong aroma, among them are strawberries, mint, vanilla and others. Aromatic aldehydes are used to impart orange, banana, cherry, and a host of other flavors that have no effect on health.


Used in yogurt as a thickening agent, it also has a neutral effect on health.


Carmine is practically the most expensive dye in the food industry. It is extracted from crushed insects using ammonia. There are only a few cases of allergy detection in children due to this dye, so this dye can be considered practically safe and neutral for the body. It can be harmful only if a person has an individual intolerance to carmine.

Gum and sodium citrate in the composition

These names may sound scary, but they are actually common additives in the food industry.

Gum is a herbal supplement that is obtained from the seeds of plants. In food production, gum is a thickener and flavor enhancer.

Sodium citrate is what's in yogurt has the exact chemical origin. To obtain it, you need to add sodium to citric acid. According to official data, there is no strong harm from sodium citrate, because this chemical additive is considered absolutely safe, despite the fact that it is of unnatural origin. In the food industry, sodium citrate is used for flavor enhancement and stabilization.

Lactobacilli in Actimel and their uniqueness

Lactobacilli can be called the most valuable ingredient of the product. They help the body create antibodies to certain viruses, that is, they make the immune system stronger. At the same time, they also affect pathogenic bacteria - their number gradually decreases, they are not able to multiply, and the harmful substances of bacteria are destroyed. It is lactobacilli for the most part that are the Actimel ingredient that the yogurt manufacturer advertised.

It is difficult to say that the product has 100% benefits, since there are not so many vitamins and lactobacilli in one package of yogurt. Therefore, it will not work to see the result after the first and even the second use of a fermented milk product.

By definition, this product cannot bring harm, but there are exceptions to all rules.

If a person has any allergic reactions to the components of the products, you need to be careful. If there is an individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition, you should not drink the drink, otherwise negative reactions are possible. There are no more contraindications for the use of Actimel.

Actimel for children

There are products that are not recommended for use in childhood, but Aktimel does not apply to them. Moreover, there is a kind of yogurt Children's Aktimel. Its composition is excellent for the formation of a child's body, because it contains vitamins that strengthen the skeletal system and immunity.

From about three years old, a child can safely start drinking Actimel every day. But you need to make sure that the baby is not allergic to the components of the drink.

If the child is under three years old, it is better to consult a doctor about whether to drink the drink. There are only a few cases where an allergy to substances from the product (it was carmine) was manifested, so there is no need to worry that yogurt can harm the health of the baby.

In general, Actimel can benefit children if you drink a bottle of yogurt every day. The composition will strengthen the immune system, help the stomach protect itself from the harmful effects of the compositions of other foods. If there are problems with the stool, such as constipation, the product will also help solve this issue.

What do scientific studies say?

To understand whether there is a real benefit from the regular use of Actimel, I had to conduct research. They were attended by children, of whom there were 4 hundred. For 6 weeks in a row, every day for breakfast, they had to drink a bottle of yogurt, at the same time, all pills and supplements that could increase the child's immunity were removed from the diet. For the experiment, all children were divided into 3 groups, which were determined by health status.

The results can be called curious, because during this time the condition of children has generally improved. Particularly noticeable improvements in children with weakened immune systems. For those who were initially strong, there were no dramatic changes.

If we talk about the results of the experiment as a whole, it can be noted that the product can really be useful with regular use. There are several positive features of the drink:

  • positive impact on the state of the body and health in general;
  • increase in activity and energy in children;
  • in violation of appetite, yogurt can restore it;
  • the number of visits to doctors due to a cold is decreasing, because the immune system is really getting stronger;
  • in violation of the gastrointestinal tract, the stool improves;
  • Children's taste preferences may change: soon they may prefer healthy breakfasts;
  • thanks to its taste and positive composition, yogurt makes children quickly get out of bed in the morning

When summarizing all the results obtained, we can conclude that Danone yogurt can provide health benefits if consumed every day at breakfast.

Among adults, such a study was also conducted, some time after the start of the experiment, a positive effect was also found among them. It is not as noticeable as in children, but it is. In adults, digestion and stomach function are normalized, because there are lactobacilli in the composition, and yogurt also helps a lot if the stomach swells from overeating or heartburn occurs. The immune system also gets better.

The relationship of diabetics with Actimel

People with diabetes can consume a very small amount of sugar daily. There is sugar in yogurt, so you need to consider how much sugar has already entered the body per day. It is best to consult a doctor about the use of a fermented milk drink.

Actimel and pregnancy

Pregnant and lactating mothers can take Aktimel without fear, if there is no individual intolerance, therefore it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Is Actimel compatible with antibiotics?

It has already been said above that Actimel contains many useful lactobacilli. Antibiotics actively affect not only the negative foci in the body, because of which a person is sick, but also destroy bacteria, without which the body cannot work in full mode. For this reason, it is advisable to start drinking Actimel on the same day that antibiotics were prescribed for treatment. In this way, the yogurt will act against the destruction of beneficial bacteria by antibiotics and the body will work as usual.

If diarrhea or other problems with the digestive tract develop during antibiotic treatment, a fermented milk drink will help normalize the work of the stomach. In this case, you need to drink yogurt daily and in about a month the body will start working like clockwork.

To get the most benefit from yogurt, you need to take it according to the rules. The advertisement says that the product will bring a good effect if you drink it every morning. In fact, you can drink it anytime, even before going to bed. It is best if the drink is drunk with meals, so the body will absorb all the beneficial substances from yogurt, while protecting the stomach from harmful and dangerous bacteria.

The calorie content of Actimel is only 71 kcal per 100 grams of the product, so dieters can not worry and can safely use one bottle a day to increase immunity.

You can drink up to three bottles of the drink per day without oversaturation and harm to the body. The most important thing is to remember the expiration date, you should always look at the packaging and in no case use yogurt that has expired. An expired product no longer contains useful substances; on the contrary, it can cause stomach problems and even severe poisoning.

Who invented "Actimel"

What kind of "genie" is hiding in a small bottle?


Fragrances, thickeners and colorants

On the bottles they write that in Aktimel yogurt all flavors correspond to natural ones. Indeed, in the food industry, for the most part, natural strong-smelling substances are used, taken from parts of certain plants. These are mint, rose, vanilla, jasmine, strawberry and some flower seeds. To give products the smell of orange, pineapple, cherry, cloudberry, banana and other fruits, artificial aromatic aldehydes are used.

Thickener E1442 is a modified starch. In the presence of water, it begins to swell and, as a result, makes the medium in which it is located more viscous. There is no harm or benefit from it.

Carmine is almost the most expensive food coloring. They get it from the most unpleasant insects living on cacti and similar to our aphids. Insects are collected, dried, crushed into powder, and with the help of ammonia, this very carmine is isolated. The dye gives a color from soft apricot to rich burgundy, depending on the pH of the medium. Here is such a wonderful natural element included in Aktimel. The benefit or harm of these additives is determined by the individual susceptibility to them of each person. There are cases when, after drinking a drink, a rash appeared in children.

Gum and sodium citrate

Lactobacilli and their uniqueness

L.Casel Imunitass is perhaps the most valuable thing in Aktimel yogurt. Lactobacilli are known to be probiotics, that is, beneficial live bacteria. They really enhance immunity, because they are able to produce antibodies to certain types of viruses. In addition, they prevent pathogenic bacteria from sticking to the walls of the stomach, prevent them from multiplying, and the toxins that these bad bacteria managed to secrete can be destroyed by probiotics. And many more useful things are done by these wonderful bacteria. Scientists are still investigating them. It was because of lactobacilli that Aktimel was so advertised. Reviews of many consumers show that the drink helped them restore intestinal activity, removed bloating, heartburn, and strengthened the body as a whole.

Actimel: benefit or harm, composition

To date, on the shelves of stores you can see a huge number of different dairy products. They differ in their structure, type, price and manufacturer. This makes it very difficult for the average user to understand which of them can benefit his health, and which consumption will be completely useless or even harmful due to the fact that they are fake. So a high degree of popularity is now enjoyed by the Aktimel dairy product, which is advertised as a unique healing yogurt that improves health and improves immunity. But is everything as smooth as advertised? Does Actimel suddenly bring harm to our body?

What is the composition of Actimel?

What are the benefits of Actimel?

Vitamin D3 is a derivative of vitamin D, such a substance is a natural regulator of the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our body, in addition, this vitamin is responsible for their delivery to the bones. It also has a positive effect on the activity of the human immune system, its kidneys, digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine, it is needed to start all metabolic processes in our body, normal absorption of protein, acids, and activation of immunity. It is also able to improve the activity of blood vessels, heart, central nervous system, skin and hair.

Vitamin C is the familiar ascorbic acid. It has a positive effect on the state of immunity and takes part in various biological processes.

If we talk about the usefulness of Aktimel, based on the benefits of all the listed vitamins, then this drink is certainly useful. However, it is not clear how much you need to drink to get the right amount of such substances.

Fragrances, colorants and thickeners

Gum and also sodium citrate


These components are the most valuable of the entire list of Aktimel yogurt components. They are probiotics - beneficial live bacteria. This ingredient is really capable of strengthening the immune system, since lactobacilli stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, and leads to a decrease in the number of opportunistic organisms, and to the disappearance of dangerous bacteria. Among other things, experts argue that such lactobacilli effectively produce antibodies to certain types of viruses. True, there is a question of how safe lactobacilli remain for more than a month of storage (the shelf life of 35 days is indicated on the package) in conditions of coexistence with other yogurt ingredients.

Thus, the usefulness of Actimel yogurt is not completely 100%. However, there are reports that some consumers have been helped with digestive problems such as bloating, heartburn, and irregular stools. However, there is no exact scientific information that its consumption really has a positive effect on the state of the body.

In addition, the harm of this product may lie in the high likelihood of developing allergies in young children. The truth here is to pay attention to the word "may", which means that this may not be.

Accordingly, if we talk about the benefits of Actimel as a fermented milk drink, and remember its price, then it is probably better to replace it with ordinary kefir. However, even here there are skeptics who will say that 0.5% alcohol in kefir is also not a godsend ... So there is something for you to think about ... To populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, it will be much more effective to drink them in the form of capsules. So they are more likely, as if bypassing the stomach, to be delivered to the intestines. Here is my opinion. What do readers think? I think they will comment if they want to. Finally, I will say that Actimel is delicious, and therefore we love many, and I am one of them!

Actimel - benefits and harms for immunity

Benefit for health

To understand how useful or harmful a particular product, first of all, you should refer to its composition. Actimel contains only three vitamins, the benefits of which cannot be ignored.

  1. Vitamin D3

Actimel, like all dairy products, contains a large amount of vitamin D, which helps to absorb calcium more easily and faster, participates in the formation of bone tissue (therefore, it is especially useful for babies) and has a beneficial effect on skin condition.

  1. Vitamin B6

The presence of this vitamin is an undoubted advantage of any product, since it is involved in almost all life processes. It helps to absorb proteins and acids necessary for the body, increases the body's immune system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, helps to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens the hair structure, and gives the skin radiance.

  1. Vitamin C

Known to each of us since childhood, ascorbic acid has always helped out during colds and flu prevention. Like many other vitamins, C helps to strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, helps the absorption of iron and the production of collagen.

Thanks to these three vitamins, a beneficial effect is achieved from the use of Actimel, but again, it should be borne in mind that the content of these vitamins in one jar is extremely low, therefore, it really needs to be drunk in a course, as the advertisement says.

Neutral Components

Is Actimel useful?...

The progressive invention of the Danone company, the Aktimel drink, made the use of dairy products not just a useful action, but a fashionable, stylish ritual. Actimel, which attracted consumers, quickly went beyond the scope of exclusively baby food,
becoming incredibly popular among adults as well.

Composition Actimel

The composition of this yogurt includes cream and water, several varieties of milk, yogurt starter, citric acid. It also contains sodium citrate, sugar, glucose, a thickener, some fruit additives, a proportion of carmine dye, a little locust bean gum and vitamins such as D3, B6 and C. The most important component of this drink is live lactobacillus Lactobacillus casei.

Benefits of Actimel

The benefits of this milk drink, like any other product, are due to its composition. So, vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin B6 is useful for the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, and promotes the absorption of essential acids and proteins by the body. Vitamin D3 is involved in the formation of bone tissue, promotes better absorption of calcium. Lactobacilli, in turn, really strengthen the immune system, they do not allow pathogenic bacteria to stick to the walls of the stomach and prevent their reproduction. In addition, they are able to destroy the toxins released by these bad bacteria.

So is Actimel useful?

Of course yes! By drinking at least one bottle of this milk drink a day, you will strengthen the body's defenses, protect yourself from harmful bacteria, get rid of constipation and protect the gastric mucosa and intestinal microflora from exposure to not very healthy food.

How to take Aktimel?

According to advertising, Actimel is a breakfast for immunity. But it is not necessary to take it for breakfast, it can be done at any convenient time of the day. It is better if this happens during a meal. The calorie content of Actimel per 100 grams of the product is 71 kcal. It is recommended to take 1-3 bottles of this drink per day.

If we talk not only about the benefits but also about the dangers of Actimel, then this drink has no contraindications. There is no reason to refrain from using it. The only exception is individual intolerance to its components or dairy products in general.

The two-year-old daughter got hooked on Atimel, it came to tantrums if she was refused admission. Eruptions began, we stopped drinking with fillers, only classics. It has become a habit to drink two bottles at five in the morning. During the day, up to five bottles reached. In addition, she ate baby cereals. Then into dysbacteriosis, vomiting, etc. We have been treating for two weeks now, she cannot eat and even from water ... The two-year-old daughter got hooked on Atimel, it came to tantrums if she was refused admission. Eruptions began, we stopped drinking with fillers, only classics. It has become a habit to drink two bottles at five in the morning. During the day, up to five bottles reached. In addition, she ate baby cereals. Then into dysbacteriosis, vomiting, etc. We have been treating for two weeks now, she cannot eat and even vomits from water. Now he refuses to even take it in his hands. It is clear that they themselves went too far ... but nothing was said about the restrictions on the packaging!


  1. Beautiful convenient packaging, pleasant taste for the child.


  1. The child got hooked and it became a problem for us.

1510 17/11. 06 V
Product shelf life 33 days! Under the condition of storage +2 to +6! And it stands on a shelf without cooling! And the marking of the production / expiration date is encrypted ... Maybe someone knows the decoding? 0534
1510 17/11. 06 V

After the treatment of antibiotics, it was important to cope with dysbacteriosis. Actimel dopomig! Wistachalo one jar on an empty stomach! Like a virobnik! Brown product!

There is nothing wrong with this yogurt. The composition is normal, without chemical dyes. Well, probiotics will not interfere with nutrition. I am in favor

Personally, my opinion is that it’s better to buy a homemade yogurt maker, or make it yourself on sourdough, than drink it .... preservatives ... chemistry ... beee

I love Danone. I love all their products. I buy and...
Expensive, but still tasty and healthy! As for me, it is better to spend money on a similar product than the same money on cigarettes and beer. I don’t understand the fact when people are surprised at the price of a useful product, and in the end they go and buy something that is harmful to the body for the same price.
I love Danone. I love all their products. I buy for myself and my children, I do not complain. The product is great!

The product is really needed and useful. I would buy it for every day for the whole family. But when you realize that the amount is accruing like the monthly salary of my mother-in-law ... Somehow, the hand immediately drops, and the brain boils. This is how much and for how long they will "raise the loot" on us. Some people have nothing sacred.

Yes, the taste is cool, but realizing that they sell you a tablespoon of kefir for the cost of half a bucket, you think about the meaning of life ...

I'm not sure of super-usefulness, but the child loves and calls it "milk")) it doesn't taste very good to me, but the child likes it, so I put 5.

Good people, Actimel is not a drug and you should not expect miracles from it. Comparisons with sour milk from homemade raw materials are meaningless, BUT for those who do not have enough time to prepare tasty and healthy food, I can say that the effect gives more than one would expect from it. The use for 2-3 weeks after the operation helped to avoid dysbacteriosis. Paired with Activia. I recommend.

Delicious yoghurts. Usually we cook at home, but when there is no way to cook, or we just want yogurt on the way, we buy only Actimel and Activia. Of the store-bought yogurts, these are the only ones that you can eat and get at least some benefit.

My child constantly drank Actimel with great pleasure until he got poisoned by it. As a company representative told us, it turned out that the entire batch had microcracks in the lids. The poisoning was very serious. Now we will not buy this product.

I have heard and read a lot about Actimel. But, despite the most negative reviews, I can’t refuse it. Just because for me Actimel is the most ideal starter for yoghurts. With what I just did not try to make yogurts for my own - and with a special starter, and with natural bifidobacteria, and with Activia, etc.. All the same, all ... I have heard and read a lot about Actimel. But, despite the most negative reviews, I can’t refuse it. Just because for me Actimel is the most ideal starter for yoghurts. With what I just did not try to make yogurts for my own - with a special sourdough, and with natural bifidobacteria, and with Activia, etc. Anyway, my whole family simply loves Aktimelka-based yogurts.

to strengthen immunity and normalize metabolism! DRINK WITH FUCOIDAN EXTRACT
Specialized preventive drink
to strengthen immunity and normalize metabolism!

I drink from time to time, more like a treat, but I begin to notice that if on an empty stomach, heartburn begins, so there is as much usefulness in it as in Dobry juice

In connection with recent events, I am looking for an alternative to Aktimel among Russian manufacturers .. I tried Imunele - not that, there is no such effect ... Tell me

- delicious
- benefits

then you just have to say - the product is good. And all that... It is wrong, in my opinion, to find out whether this or that product is "chemistry" or not "chemistry". It is necessary to look whether it is tasty, whether it is useful, whether it is harmful. And if actimel:
- delicious
- benefits
- there is no harm from it (except when someone is allergic to components)
then you just have to say - the product is good. And why fence a garden?

Maybe it’s chemistry, I won’t argue, but with the help of Actimel I got rid of constipation, which for two years I could not cure with any doctor. I used to treat store-bought milk with contempt, but my husband and I were on vacation and just wanted something sour-milk, I bought a couple of bottles and drank it right away. Well, in general, the effect was pleasantly surprised, now I drink it in the morning and in the evening and am very pleased).

From 2 bottles of Aktimel, my daughter was covered with a rash, treated for a week. so who likes this drink, but I won’t buy another one

Yes, chemistry, like most of what you eat. I have never been sick this winter. I think it works! Who has problems with the intestines, drink lactulose (dufalac, normal). But it is better to consult a doctor. At first it is not pleasant, then it is easier. Lactulose is food for native hard workers, good bacteria. Eat: baked apples, prunes, beetroot, etc... Yes, chemistry, like most of what you eat. I have never been sick this winter. I think it works! Who has problems with the intestines, drink lactulose (dufalac, normal). But it is better to consult a doctor. At first it is not pleasant, then it is easier. Lactulose is food for native hard workers, good bacteria. Eat: baked apples, prunes, beetroot, etc. eat more fiber :) and be healthy! Actimel is simply delicious and healthy. He won't do any harm.

This delicious fermented milk drink can be found in any store. Compact packaging, unusual taste and good advertising made Actimel the #1 product for those who want to improve the intestinal microflora, protect the body and increase immunity.

In obedience to advertising that promises a positive effect in two weeks, many people rush to purchase a delicious product without thinking about the composition, the price, or the real benefits of the product. What is Actimel really?

Advertising and reality

The Danone company, which is the manufacturer of Actimel and many other brands of fermented milk products, some time ago released an advertisement stating that the benefits of their product for the body are undeniable, since it contains special bacteria that help with dysbacteriosis, bloating, etc. . At the same time, many consumers began to claim that Actimel really works, which is what EFSA representatives became interested in. A control check of the product showed that it does not possess any of the properties stated in the advertisement. For the discrepancy between the information indicated in the advertisement and reality, the Danone company was awarded a shameful prize, and advertising was banned.

But, despite the fact that Aktimel is not involved in the fight against dysbacteriosis, its use still has some positive effect.

Benefit for health

To understand how useful or harmful a particular product, first of all, you should refer to its composition. Actimel contains only three vitamins, the benefits of which cannot be ignored.

  1. Vitamin D3

Actimel, like all dairy products, contains a large amount of vitamin D, which helps to absorb calcium more easily and faster, participates in the formation of bone tissue (therefore, it is especially useful for babies) and has a beneficial effect on skin condition.

  1. Vitamin B6

The presence of this vitamin is an undoubted advantage of any product, since it is involved in almost all life processes. It helps to absorb proteins and acids necessary for the body, increases the body's immune system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, helps to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens the hair structure, and gives the skin radiance.

  1. Vitamin C

Known to each of us since childhood, ascorbic acid has always helped out during colds and flu prevention. Like many other vitamins, C helps to strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, helps the absorption of iron and the production of collagen.

Thanks to these three vitamins, a beneficial effect is achieved from the use of Actimel, but again, it should be borne in mind that the content of these vitamins in one jar is extremely low, therefore, it really needs to be drunk in a course, as the advertisement says.

Neutral Components

Each bottle contains flavors identical to natural, thickeners and dyes. What do they consist of and how do they affect the body?

  • Flavors

The product packaging states that all flavors added to the drink are natural. This is true, because for the most part, strongly smelling natural substances of plants such as strawberries, mint, vanilla, etc. are used in the food industry. Aromatic aldehydes, which are used to impart orange, banana, cherry and many other flavors, are completely neutral to health.

  • E1442

Another neutral component is Actimel, which is used as a thickener.

  • Carmine

One of the most expensive food coloring in existence, it is extracted from crushed insects using ammonia. Although there are several cases of detecting a rash in children after consuming Aktimel, in general, this natural element can harm the body only in case of individual intolerance.

  • Gum

This is a herbal supplement that is obtained from ordinary seeds. It serves as both a flavor enhancer and a thickener.

  • sodium citrate

Only this element of the drink is 100% chemistry. It is obtained by adding sodium to citric acid. Officially, the harm of this supplement to health has not been recorded, and therefore, it is considered absolutely safe, albeit unnatural. Widely used in industry as a good stabilizer and strong flavor enhancer.

Properties of lactobacilli

The most valuable components of Actimel can rightfully be considered beneficial live bacteria or probiotics. What is their function? They do have the ability to produce antibodies to certain viruses, thus strengthening the immune system. In addition, they deprive pathogenic bacteria of the opportunity to multiply and destroy their toxins. It was the miraculous properties of these lactobacilli that were advertised by Aktimel manufacturers.

It is very difficult to talk about the unconditional benefits of the product, since one bottle contains such a small amount of vitamins and lactobacilli that it is almost impossible to immediately notice a positive effect.

Research results

In order to understand whether there is a real benefit with long-term use of Actimel, special studies were conducted, in which only 400 children took part. For six weeks, the children were given one bottle of the drink for breakfast, eliminating all immune-boosting drugs from their diet. Before the experiment, the children were divided into three groups for health reasons.

The result of the research was very interesting. The general condition of children with weakened and moderate immunity improved, while no significant changes were noticed in the group of children with initially good indicators.

In general, the experiment showed that the regular use of this drink is really good for health, because it:

  • Improves the general condition of the body;
  • Increases activity;
  • Helps restore appetite;
  • Reduces the number of visits to doctors;
  • Normalizes stool;
  • It has a positive effect on the taste preferences of children. The share of “healthy breakfasts” is increasing;
  • Promotes a quick rise in the morning.

From all this we can conclude that Actimel is really good for health, but only if its use is included in the daily diet.

Similar studies were conducted among adult consumers, who after some time with daily use of the drink also found a positive effect. It consisted in normalizing the work of the stomach, restoring intestinal activity, as well as helping the body with heartburn, bloating and weakening the immune system.

Harm and contraindications

As such, no harm has been noted when using this product, but allergy sufferers need to be very careful when using it in their diet, as some components can provoke allergic rashes.

In some cases, intolerance to certain flavors was observed by consumers, which affected their general well-being, and also caused vomiting and diarrhea.

Video about the benefits and harms of Actimel

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of dairy products. Especially often they talk about the benefits of the Aktimel drink. In its commercials, the manufacturer promises to improve digestion, cure dysbacteriosis, and even improve the immune system. This article will discuss the benefits and harms of Aktimel, the composition and use for various diseases.

Product history

The fermented milk drink of the French company Danone is distinguished by a large number of lactobacilli L. Casei Imunitass. It is alleged that there are about 10 billion of them in each bottle, and it is they that explain the beneficial properties of the drink and guarantee the neutralization of the harm received by a person from the environment. The brand appeared in Europe in 1994. The manufacturer released Aktimel to the market after the Japanese Yakult yogurt appeared in Europe with such a property as immunity stimulation, enriched with bacteria with beneficial properties. Representatives of Danone guaranteed that the use of "Actimel" contributes to the improvement of overall health and beneficial effects on bowel function. In addition, it was promised to strengthen the immune system and neutralize the negative impact of the environment.

To date, there are 13 types of drink. They can be divided into three groups:

  • classical;
  • children;
  • with vitamin C.

The manufacturer presents its products in 20 world countries.

What is Aktimel made from?

"Actimel" differs from conventional fermented milk products in that it contains probiotics. It is intended to be used by the whole family. In order to evaluate its benefits, it will be necessary to analyze in detail the composition of Aktimel. The benefits of drinking yogurt are in its composition:

  • skimmed milk;
  • sugar syrup;
  • low fat;
  • glucose;
  • leaven;
  • lactobacilli.

So, if we compare its composition with ordinary yogurt, we can conclude that there are no special properties in it. "Actimel" is rich in vitamins and lactobacilli, which have the following effects:

  • promote the absorption of nutrients into the intestinal wall;
  • benefit the immune system;
  • improve the intestinal microflora;
  • neutralize the harm from taking medications.

According to experts, these qualities are manifested with the regular use of Aktimel.

Nutritional value and calorie content of Actimel

Calorie content of 100 grams of "Actimel" - 71 kcal.

Useful and harmful substances in the composition of Actimel

Danone is a European corporation that cares about the health of its customers. Therefore, there can be no harmful ingredients in their products.


Among the useful components of yogurt, vitamin D3 can be distinguished. The element has the ability to help the absorption of calcium, promotes bone formation and has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. The combination of these beneficial properties makes it beneficial for people of all ages.

Vitamin B6, which is also found in Aktimel, is one of the substances that support the biochemical processes of the body. He is responsible for the absorption of protein components, amino acids, the activity of the cardiovascular system, takes part in the work of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Contains "Actimel" and vitamin C. Combined with lactobacilli, it enhances the beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, ascorbic acid benefits the processes of hematopoiesis, helps the absorption of iron and stimulates the production of collagen.

You should not be afraid of harm from a probable overabundance of vitamins, in each serving their norm is strictly calculated.


Among the useful components of Aktimel, lactobacilli should be distinguished. It is they, according to the manufacturer, that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines and the entire human body. They are designed to reduce the harm from the impact of the environment, stress and bad habits.

Attention! Aktimel is not a magical drink, so you should not rely on its beneficial properties while leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Flavorings, colorants and thickeners

In each package of "Aktimel" there are also neutral elements: flavors, thickeners and dyes. These components will not bring harm, but you should not expect any benefit from them.

sodium citrate and gum

Gum is a plant-type food supplement that is obtained from plant seeds. In production, it is used as a thickener and flavor enhancer.

Sodium citrate is a chemical substance. To get it, sodium oxide is added to citric acid. In industrial production, it plays the role of a flavor enhancer and stabilizer. Official sources claim that, despite the chemical origin, sodium citrate is not dangerous.

Attention! The carmine present in the composition tends to provoke a food allergic reaction. The risk is minimal, but it exists.

What is useful Actimel

Talking about the miraculous benefits of this yogurt is reckless. A bottle of "Actimel" contains a moderate amount of vitamins and lactobacilli to expect clear results after the first time. But no less important is the fact that there is no harm from taking.

Live bacteria have a lot of useful properties and do no harm. They can actually contribute to the production of antibodies to certain types of viruses, which helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, they prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. It is about these lactobacilli that Aktimel commercials tell.

Important! Yogurt "Actimel" is not a drug, so you can not use it to treat or prevent specific diseases.

Can Actimel be given to children and from what age?

Often mothers wonder if Aktimel is beneficial for children.

Before the age of three, it is better not to give such drinks to the child. Older children are sometimes allowed to replace regular kefir or milk with this fermented milk drink. But we must not forget that everything new can cause allergies in children. This is especially true for a child who is prone to allergic reactions.

Reference! On sale there is a special children's "Actimel", the composition of which contributes to the formation of the child's body. Vitamins strengthen bones and immunity of children

Of course, "Actimel" will be useful to the child: it will help strengthen the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. In case of interruptions in the work of the intestines, a sour-milk drink will also be beneficial.

Is Actimel useful for pregnant and lactating

To date, there are no official studies on the effect of Aktimel on the body of pregnant and lactating women.

Important! An excess of fermented milk products in the diet of pregnant women tends to provoke flatulence.

The diet of pregnant or lactating women should be balanced. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as varied as possible, not giving preference only to sour-milk products, vegetables or meat.

When breastfeeding, it is necessary to monitor possible allergic reactions in a child when Aktimel is introduced into the mother's diet. If an allergy is detected in a newborn, this yogurt must be completely excluded from the diet.

Actimel for diabetes

Aktimel contains sugar. Therefore, the possibility of its use must be agreed with the doctor.

Actimel and antibiotics

As you know, taking antibiotics has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. But in case of illness, it is necessary to take medicines. In such a situation, Aktimel can be beneficial by reducing the harm from exposure to antibiotics. This property of the drink will certainly help health.

How much Aktimel yogurt can you drink per day

Aktimel is a fermented milk drink. There cannot be too many lactobacilli, since the excess is excreted from the body, but one should not expect any benefits either. You need to know the measure. Doctors advise taking 1-3 bottles a day.

Harm Aktimel and contraindications for use

Sour-milk drink "Actimel" is primarily not recommended for use by people with lactose intolerance. Do not advise him and people who have problems with flatulence.

In case of a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to be careful with a new food product and monitor the body's reaction to taking Aktimel. This approach will help to obtain useful properties and eliminate possible harm from introducing it into the diet.


It is not worth talking about the special benefits and harms of Aktimel. We can say that this yogurt differs little from others presented on store shelves.

"Actimel" contains useful components. The most valuable of them are lactobacilli, they are not present in every fermented milk product. It is better to fill the lack of vitamins with the help of fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts or multivitamin complexes.

Yogurt contributes to the normalization of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. But we must not forget about the components of "Actimel", which can provoke an allergy. It is necessary to carefully introduce "Aktimel" into the diet for the first time.

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