Actimel reviews. "Actimel" - customer reviews. The benefits and harms of Aktimel yogurt Health benefits

Of the huge number of fermented milk products, people most often choose the one that attracts them with its packaging, or are influenced by advertising. Aktimel is one of the most popular Danone products. It has been produced for more than two decades and has brought huge profits to the company. What is the benefit or harm of Aktimel? Let's figure it out.

History of yogurt

"Aktimel" began to be produced after the appearance on the European market of Yakult yogurt from Japan, which helped to increase immunity and contained beneficial bacteria. Danone thought about creating such products.

Initially, manufacturers promised that yogurt, when consumed regularly, would improve overall health and have a positive effect on the intestines. Another property of the product is to strengthen the immune system and protect against adverse environmental influences. To verify such claims, the company conducted relevant research.

According to reviews of Actimel in Russia, 13 varieties of the drink are now produced, which can be divided into three groups:

  • natural;
  • for kids;
  • yogurt with ascorbic acid.

Outside the country, 18 types of products can be purchased. In England, lemon-honey flavored yoghurts are produced. The company's products are sold in 20 countries around the world.

Composition of yogurt

"Actimel" - yogurt, which includes probiotics. It can be used by the whole family. To understand how Aktimel affects the intestines, the benefits and harms of the product, it is necessary to consider its composition. This can be done using natural yogurt as an example. Other types of product have a similar composition. Aktimel includes:

  1. Skimmed milk.
  2. Sugar syrup.
  3. Powdered milk with low fat content.
  4. Glucose.
  5. Special starter.
  6. Lactobacilli.

No special ingredients were found in the drink. Yogurt contains vitamins and lactobacilli, which actively act on:

  • cells that help absorb nutrients into the intestinal wall;
  • cells of the immune system;
  • intestinal microflora.

The benefits or harms of Aktimel, according to doctors, can only manifest themselves with regular use of yogurt.

Characteristics of the ingredients in the composition of "Actimel"

To accurately determine the benefits or harms of yogurt, you need to understand what each of its components means. The product contains the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin D3. It is usually present in large quantities in all dairy products. It promotes the rapid absorption of calcium in the body. D3 also strengthens bone tissue.
  2. Vitamin B6. It aids in the digestion of proteins. Vitamin strengthens the nervous system and immunity, and also normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Vitamin C. It increases the body's resistance and affects the processes of hematopoiesis.

Will the product benefit or harm? Reviews about "Actimel" describe the composition positively. Consumers indicate that yogurt has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, there are few vitamins in the drink, so it is additionally recommended to take them orally. According to the manufacturer, the maximum benefit for the body will be achieved if you consume yogurt on an ongoing basis.

What is the benefit or harm, according to doctors, from Aktimel? In any product there are dyes and thickeners. To accurately understand the usefulness of yogurt, you need to understand what nutritional supplements are included in its composition:

  • Flavorings. The packaging of the product indicates that only natural substances are present in its composition. Flavors commonly used are strawberry, mint and vanilla.
  • E-1442. A thickener that does not adversely affect the body.
  • Carmine. It refers to dyes used in the food industry. It is obtained from crushed insects using ammonia. It produces a delicate apricot to red color depending on the pH of the medium. Allergy to carmine was recorded in only a few children, so it can be considered neutral for the body.
  • Gum. The substance is an additive of plant origin, which is produced from the seeds of a plant. Gum is used to enhance the taste.
  • sodium citrate. Only this element has a chemical origin. It is obtained by adding sodium hydroxide to citric acid. There have been no officially registered cases of poisoning with this additive, so it is classified as a safe component of the product.

What do customer reviews say about the benefits and harms of Aktimel yogurt? The most valuable component of the product are lactobacilli. With their help, antibodies are created in the body that strengthen the human immune system. They destroy harmful bacteria and prevent their spread. It is lactobacilli - the main ingredient of yogurt, advertised by the manufacturer.

It cannot be argued that Aktimel will benefit the body immediately after one dose. Therefore, it is necessary to drink yogurt for a long time.

"Actimel" for children

There are foods that are harmful to the child's body. Yogurt does not belong to this category, because a special version of it has been developed - children's Aktimel. Its composition is suitable for a growing organism, because it includes vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

From the age of three, parents can include Aktimel in the child's diet, making sure that there is no allergy to its components.

Before this time, you should consult a pediatrician before taking the product.

What do doctors say about the benefits and harms of Aktimel? Specialists in rare cases prohibit children from drinking yogurt, because only a few cases of an allergic reaction to its components have been reported.

The product can bring benefits if the baby drinks a bottle of Aktimel per day. It will help strengthen the child's immunity, improve bowel function. Sometimes children have problems with stool, so yogurt will help solve this problem too.

What do scientific studies say?

Is it possible to notice the real benefits of "Actimel" or advertising exaggerates its positive properties? To make sure of the positive effect of yogurt on the body, some studies have been carried out. More than 400 children participated in them. Every day for 1.5 months they drank a bottle of yogurt for breakfast, but all the vitamins that strengthen the immune system were completely removed from their diet. Children were divided into 3 groups according to their health status.

In weakened children, the body's defenses strengthened, while in stronger children, immunity remained at the same level.

According to the results of the study, we can say that yogurt really turned out to be useful. Scientists have identified the following positive points:

  1. Increasing activity in children.
  2. Restoration of disturbed appetite.
  3. Protection against frequent colds.
  4. Improved bowel function.
  5. Changing taste preferences in children.

Is Aktimel useful? When summarizing the results, it can be concluded that yogurt can improve health if consumed daily.

Yogurt cannot cause harm, since it does not contain ingredients hazardous to health. With caution, it should be taken by people who are allergic to the components of the product. In case of detection of individual intolerance, it is also not recommended to use yogurt.

There are no contraindications for the use of "Actimel" during pregnancy and lactation. In rare cases, allergic reactions (rashes, itching) may occur.

Is Aktimel compatible with antibiotics?

As noted above, yogurt contains lactobacilli. What do doctors say about the benefits and harms of "Actimel" in the reviews? It is well known that antibiotics have a negative effect on the human body, and taking yogurt at the same time will reduce the harm done, and all organs will work properly.

If during the period of therapy diarrhea occurs, then the fermented milk product will help normalize the work of the stomach. You should drink yogurt constantly for a month, and the bowel function will return to normal.

How to drink "Actimel"?

For yogurt to have a positive effect, you need to drink it correctly. It is best to use it daily. If the drink is taken before a meal, then the body will absorb all the nutrients of "Actimel". Thus, it will protect the stomach from harmful bacteria.

The nutritional value of 100 g of the product is only 71 kcal, so people who lead a healthy lifestyle can not worry and drink yogurt daily to boost immunity.

It is allowed to drink no more than 3 bottles of the product per day. It is also necessary to take into account the expiration date and do not use expired yogurt.

Yoghurt is a fermented milk product that contains special bacteria that are considered beneficial to the human body. At the same time, if fruits and berries are added to this fermented milk product, then it will become doubly useful. However, this statement only applies to natural, home-made yogurt. Since most store products contain a number of preservatives and dyes that are hazardous to health. However, the Danone product manufacturer claims that Actimel is a natural and healthy product that not only has a beneficial effect on the intestines, but also improves immunity. How true is this statement and is it possible to use Actimel during pregnancy - read on.

The composition of healthy yogurt Aktimel

Natural yogurt is, without a doubt, an incredibly healthy product, especially if it is prepared by you personally. After all, it contains only milk and beneficial bacteria. You can also make it healthier by adding berries and fruits to it.

Thermostatic yogurt is very popular. Such a product is really very useful for the body. After all, it is produced using a unique technology in which milk with sourdough is placed in individual jars, in which the mixture is kept at a temperature of 40 degrees. Thanks to this, the taste of the product is very similar to yogurt from a Russian oven.

With purchased yoghurts, things are worse. Most of them, in addition to milk, contain vegetable fats and other chemical additives, and flavors give them taste. However, some manufacturers claim that their products have natural health benefits.

One of these yogurts is Actimel. To understand how high the benefits and harms of this product, you need to understand its composition.

To date, on the shelves of stores you can see a huge number of different dairy products. They differ in their structure, type, price and manufacturer. This makes it very difficult for the average user to understand which of them can benefit his health, and which consumption will be completely useless or even harmful due to the fact that they are fake. So a high degree of popularity is now enjoyed by the Aktimel dairy product, which is advertised as a unique healing yogurt that improves health and improves immunity. But is everything as smooth as advertised? Does Actimel suddenly bring harm to our body?

What is the composition of Actimel?

As you know, a conclusion about the usefulness or harm of a certain product can be made, having information about its composition. International standards stipulate that the components of food products must be listed on the label or packaging without fail. So Aktimel yogurt indicates that it contains water and cream, a couple of varieties of milk (skimmed and dry skimmed), in addition, it is a source of citric acid and yogurt sourdough. In addition, such a product contains glucose, sugar, sodium citrate, some fruit additives along with flavors, and a thickener with code E1442. Actimel also contains some locust bean gum, some carmine dye, and a number of vitamins (B6, D3, and sometimes vitamin C). An important ingredient is also considered to be live lactobacilli L. Kasel imunitass.

Let's try to understand the usefulness or harm of certain ingredients in a little more detail.

What are the benefits of Actimel?

Vitamin D3 is a derivative of vitamin D, such a substance is a natural regulator of the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our body, in addition, this vitamin is responsible for their delivery to the bones. It also has a positive effect on the activity of the human immune system, its kidneys, digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine, it is needed to start all metabolic processes in our body, normal absorption of protein, acids, and activation of the immune system. It is also able to improve the activity of blood vessels, heart, central nervous system, skin and hair.

Vitamin C is the familiar ascorbic acid. It has a positive effect on the state of immunity and takes part in various biological processes.

If we talk about the usefulness of Aktimel, based on the benefits of all the listed vitamins, then this drink is certainly useful. However, it is not clear how much you need to drink to get the right amount of such substances.

Fragrances, colorants and thickeners

Aktimel yogurt has in its composition flavors that correspond to natural ones. But it is worth considering that in the food industry, artificial aromatic aldehydes are usually used to give products the aroma of different fruits.

If we talk about the thickener with the code E1442, then it is a modified starch, in contact with water it swells and makes the product viscous. Such a substance does neither harm nor benefit.

Also, this yogurt contains the dye Carmine, which is of natural origin - it is made from special insects that live on cacti. In certain cases, it may or may not cause an allergic reaction, although this is especially likely in children.

Gum and also sodium citrate

Gum is an inherently natural herbal supplement derived from the seeds of the carob tree. It plays the role of a thickener, and also enhances the taste of the product.

And sodium citrate is an exclusively chemical product. It is extracted from citric acid by combining it with caustic soda. To date, there is no official confirmation of poisoning with this additive, so it is considered safe for humans. Sodium citrate is used in food production to enhance the taste, it also plays the role of a good stabilizer and preservative.


These components are the most valuable of the entire list of Aktimel yogurt components. They are probiotics - beneficial live bacteria. This ingredient is really capable of strengthening the immune system, since lactobacilli stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, and leads to a decrease in the number of opportunistic organisms, and to the disappearance of dangerous bacteria. Among other things, experts argue that such lactobacilli effectively produce antibodies to certain types of viruses. True, there is a question of how safe lactobacilli remain for more than a month of storage (the shelf life of 35 days is indicated on the package) in conditions of coexistence with other yogurt ingredients.

Thus, the usefulness of Actimel yogurt is not completely 100%. However, there are reports that some consumers have been helped with digestive problems such as bloating, heartburn, and irregular stools. However, there is no exact scientific information that its consumption really has a positive effect on the state of the body.

In addition, the harm of this product may lie in the high likelihood of developing allergies in young children. The truth here is to pay attention to the word "may", which means that this may not be.

Accordingly, if we talk about the benefits of Actimel as a fermented milk drink, and remember its price, then it is probably better to replace it with ordinary kefir. However, even here there are skeptics who will say that 0.5% alcohol in kefir is also not a godsend ... So there is something for you to think about ... To populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, it will be much more effective to drink them in the form of capsules. So they are more likely, as if bypassing the stomach, to be delivered to the intestines. Here is my opinion. What do readers think? I think they will comment if they want to. Finally, I will say that Actimel is delicious, and therefore we love many, and I am one of them!

Fermented milk products, in particular Aktimel yogurt, have long and firmly occupied an impressive niche in the consumer basket of the average buyer. Many of those who have problems with the digestive tract believe advertising: it promises a miraculous deliverance from all manifestations of dysbacteriosis. This article will help you answer the question of whether it is actually as useful as numerous sources claim.

Composition "Actimel"

Depending on which type of this product you prefer, its composition may vary slightly.

Common components for any kind of this yogurt are: skimmed milk, yoghurt starter, glucose, sugar syrup, skimmed milk powder, a complex of vitamins and special lactobacilli, which, according to the manufacturer, have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

Did you know? Actimel yogurt company Danone was founded in 1919 by a Jew of Turkish origin named Isaac Carasso. He was a doctor by profession, at first he sold his products through pharmacy chains.

Previously, all advertisements related to Aktimel contained links to some scientific studies that confirmed the indisputable fact of the positive effect of the bacteria contained in this product on the human body. However, after the scandal with the EFSA (the agency that controls the quality of food products), these links were completely removed from advertising.

In addition to the above components, which are typical for the entire Aktimel product line without exception, those yogurts that taste like any fruit or berries also contain identical natural flavors, gum, carmine, E1442 and sodium citrate. Most of the components from this list are neutral for the human body.

Calorie content and nutritional value

This product, despite the fact that it is partially made up of milk, is not too high in calories.
One hundred grams of Aktimel yogurt has a calorie content of 70-72 kcal, depending on whether you eat a product with or without fruit and berry flavor:

  1. The largest mass part of this yogurt is carbohydrates. One hundred grams of the product accounts for 10.5 to 11.5 g of carbohydrates (both complex and simple).
  2. The second place is occupied by proteins, which contain 2.7-2.8 grams per hundred grams.
  3. Fat, due to the fact that the product includes skim milk, is quite small - only 1.5-1.6 grams per hundred grams of product.

What is the use: we analyze the composition more carefully

"Actimel", despite the manufacturer's assurances about the indisputable scientific evidence of the positive effect of this product on the human body, in fact, is not too different from other yogurts that are more affordable in terms of price. About the same thing that makes it more valuable compared to others, you can read in more detail in this section of this article.

Useful elements

The most useful component of "Actimel", without a doubt, are lactobacilli, which, according to the manufacturer, have a positive effect not only on the functioning of the intestines, but also on the whole organism as a whole.

A recent study shows that the amount in each bottle is not enough to improve the functioning of a normally functioning body. This study involved 400 children who, for the purity of the experiment, did not take any medication for a month and received one bottle of Aktimel yogurt every morning.

The experiment showed that those children who had problems with the immune system and the work of the gastrointestinal tract improved, but no significant changes were noticed in other children.

Did you know? According to the latest data, Danone's revenue is 21.3 billion euros and net income is 1.6 billion euros per year.

Among other useful elements, it is necessary to highlight, which promotes active absorption, participates in the formation of bone structures and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The combination of these effects makes it especially useful for children and young girls.

Also included in the fermented milk product, it is one of the key chemicals involved in almost all biochemical processes in the body.

Thanks to him, the assimilation of protein components and amino acids takes place, he takes an active part in the processes of immunogenesis, strengthens the cardiovascular system, participates in the work of the central nervous system, the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract.
A fairly important component of Aktimel can be considered, which, in combination with lactobacilli, has an enhanced positive effect on the immune system. In addition, this vitamin has a positive effect on the formation of blood cells, improves the absorption of iron and stimulates the production of collagen fibers.

Neutral Components

In almost any bottle of "Aktimel" you can find flavors, thickeners and dyes. These substances, despite their absolutely chemical origin, nevertheless do not bear any harm to the human body. It must also be taken into account that there are no special health benefits from them either, so it is most appropriate to attribute them to the neutral components of this product.

These include:

Important! If you are planning to be treated or prevent any diseases with Aktimel, remember that it is not a drug. Do not count on a quick and pronounced effect.

Harmful substances

Danone is a European company with more than a century of history that actively cares about the health and well-being of its customers, so it would be extremely unreasonable to assume that the products contain any substances that could potentially harm the body.

The only ingredient that could potentially cause a minor food allergy is carmine. However, it should be borne in mind that such manifestations were observed only in young children and were isolated, which, against the background of general statistics, makes it possible to reduce the value and likelihood of negative reactions to a minimum.

Is it possible during pregnancy and lactation

At the moment, there are no studies that would confirm the negative impact of Aktimel yogurts on the body of nursing mothers and pregnant women.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that excessive consumption of dairy products during pregnancy can cause flatulence, which can cause great discomfort to pregnant women (especially in the last trimester).
Remember that the nutrition of any nursing mother should be complete and balanced. You can not eat exclusively one product, whether it be sour milk, vegetables or meat.

Only a well-planned diet will provide your baby with breast milk of the appropriate quality, containing enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates for normal growth and development.

Important! If you note the occurrence of an allergy in your child to breast milk feeding after you have consumed Aktimel» you need to eliminate this product from your diet.

Contraindications and individual intolerance

Aktimel, like any other fermented milk products, is categorically not recommended for use by people with lactose intolerance. You should not use this product on a regular basis for those people who are prone to flatulence, diarrhea and have other similar disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Individual intolerance to Aktimel yogurt is a rather rare occurrence and, as a rule, it is associated with lactose intolerance. However, there are options for pairing the intolerance of this product with individual sensitivity to any of the components of yogurt, most often carmine.

Remember that if you have any type of food allergy, you need to be very careful with all new foods.

Remember that the key to health is a complete and balanced diet, do not try to treat gastrointestinal disorders and other diseases with yogurt, do not hesitate to consult a doctor if such a need arises. "Actimel" should be included in your menu and given to children, but it is important to observe the body's reaction to yogurt.

Actimel is a food fermented milk product. There can be no overdose of bacteria, because the excess ones are excreted from the body. It is important to remember the proverb “Everything is good in moderation”. Recommended intake is 1-3 bottles per day.

When is the best time to drink Actimel

Irrelevant. Better during meals.

Who can drink Actimel

Everyone (children from 3 years old and adults)

Can I give Actimel to my child?

From the age of 3, children go to the common table and do not require special meals. If the child is under 3 years old, consult a doctor.

Can diabetics use Actimel?

Actimel contains sugar. A small amount of sugar can be consumed by diabetics. It all depends on how much sugar (high glycemic index foods) you have consumed. It is better to consult a doctor.

Is Actimel suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers?

Certainly suitable (if fermented milk products are normally tolerated).

Can Actimel cause an allergic reaction?

We are not aware of such cases. In case of a child's allergy to those fruits that are in Aktimel, it is better to purchase with or without other fruits. There are scientific studies that have shown good results in improving the condition of children with atopic dermatitis while using Actimel).

Can Actimel be taken with antibiotics?

Actimel contains beneficial bacteria, and the antibiotic affects not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, it is optimal to start taking Actimel immediately after taking antibiotics to restore microflora. This is especially important with the appearance of diarrhea (diarrhea). Many studies have demonstrated the excellent work of Actimel after antibiotic therapy, as well as in nosocomial infections in adults in hospitals and infectious diarrhea in children. The course is 1-2 jars a day for at least 1 month.

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Actimel can be called Danone's most popular and successful product. Yogurt has been produced for more than two decades, and the annual income from it is more than a million euros. The usual form of selling yogurt is a 100 ml bottle. Several bottles of