Vera Brezhneva: biography, personal life, children. What did Vera Brezhneva look like in her youth? Secrets of the personal life of a star What did Brezhnev's faith look like in childhood

Vera Brezhnev has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman. She is successful, attractive, loved. Now the singer has everything one can dream of - children, a beloved husband, a job that brings pleasure, loyal fans (today more than 9 and a half million followers follow Vera's Instagram page). Life is good! But it was not always so. We offer to remember what Vera Brezhneva was before the most significant period in her life - during the time of VIA Gra - and how the artist changed after leaving the team.

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The evolution of Vera Brezhneva

Now Vera Brezhneva speaks more calmly about her childhood, which was not easy. The future star was born in Dneprodzerzhinsk in an ordinary family. Vera's father had a disability after a car accident, and her mother worked as a cleaner, so the family barely made ends meet. Quite at an early age, Vera and her sisters had to go to work in order to somehow help their parents. At one time, Vera even worked as a dishwasher in a cafe.

“They arranged it under patronage, at first my older sister Galya worked there. I went to school in 11th grade. Work was from 3 pm to 11 pm. I managed to go to school, from where I went to a cafe, a cafe "Dune". I don’t know if it exists now, I haven’t been in that microdistrict for a long time. I came after school, did my homework there, while none of the visitors were there. Then people came. The most unpleasant and difficult thing was the ashtrays. That’s why the ashes are pressed into ashtrays, and also “chewing gum,” Vera recalled that time in an interview with “Secular Life”.

It was also difficult to call the beauty of the singer at that time. Vera Galushka (the real name of the singer) wore glasses, cut her hair short, and because of the complexes associated with small breasts, she wore baggy shapeless clothes. It is not surprising that classmates teased the future star at school.

“Vera came to our school in an established team. It was the fifth or sixth grade. Ugly ugly duckling. The girls called her names - bespectacled, galuha-frog. There were 20 girls in the class and only 6 boys. None of us protected her. She took the hit herself. Sometimes there were even fights in the yard. And after the girls were late for the lesson, and Vera came disheveled and tearful. But she always struggled. They treated her cruelly - once they stuck a piece of paper on her back with the words “Ugly” written on it, ”a classmate of Vera Brezhneva said in an interview.

And then there was VIA Gra, which radically changed her life. In November 2002, Vera came to the casting. Even a small child (then the first daughter of the singer Sonya was only one year old) did not prevent her from taking the first step towards success. And already in January 2003, the singer was part of the sexiest band in the country, replacing the singer Alena Vinnitskaya. During this period, Vera changed beyond recognition. The girl grew her hair, underwent eye surgery, got rid of her glasses, became sexy, liberated and self-confident. Even classmates at first did not recognize in the singer that Vera Galushka, whom they bullied at school.

Vera was in the group for more than 4 years, and during this time she managed to win the status of one of the sexiest women in the country. And no wonder, because in the videos the singer danced in seductive mini-dresses and even in a bikini. But even at social events, she did not change the style of the team. Shooting for men's glossy, candid clips, concerts, tours - Vera's life began to spin.

Vera Brezhneva starred in candid photo shoots

However, in 2007, unexpectedly for many, Vera announced her departure from the team. And a year later, she established herself as a solo singer by releasing the first video "I don't play." This was followed by the clip "Nirvana", shooting in the film "Love in the Big City" and the birth of her second child - to her husband, Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman, she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah. Now the singer dressed more restrainedly, the videos did not have that open sexuality that the artist demonstrated in VIA Gre, and she learned to conquer listeners with her femininity.

Vera Brezhneva in the video "Nirvana"

Vera Brezhneva in the video "Love will save the world", 2010

Over time, the singer has learned to combine different styles, she is not afraid to experiment with her appearance, trying on false wigs with dark hair. Vera Brezhneva today can be different - in sportswear, in casual style, in sexy dresses, in discreet feminine outfits. And even simple jeans and a T-shirt she can beat and look stylish at the same time!

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Adventure Time T-shirts

Today we will tell you what Vera Brezhneva was like in childhood. The artist captivates her fans not only with her singing and artistic talent and the ability to move amazingly and gracefully on stage. First of all, she is a delightful, well-groomed, sexy woman with an impeccable figure. Vera has excellent taste and a developed sense of style.


It is almost impossible to believe that the blond diva Vera Brezhneva in her childhood knew a meager existence, need and humiliation. However, it was all real. Verochka Galushka (she became Brezhneva much later) was born on February 3, 1982 in a small Ukrainian industrial town of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The girl's father Viktor Mikhailovich and mother Tamara Mikhailovna worked at a large chemical enterprise. However, the salary of the parents was not enough to adequately provide for four daughters. In addition to Vera, the older sister Galina and the younger twins Nastenka and Vika were growing up in the family.

First work

The financial situation of the family worsened after the girls' father was in a car accident and became disabled. Vera Brezhneva in childhood, at the age of 11, was forced to work in order to alleviate the family's condition. The girl washed dishes in a cafe, traded in the market, worked as a nanny. In addition to the load at work, the girl constantly endured humiliation from her classmates. Vera Brezhneva, as a child, wore altered mother's dresses, ate in the free school cafeteria, which caused ridicule and bullying from her peers. In addition, the singer recalls the difficult nature of her father, who kept the girl in excessive severity. Once, in a yard brawl, Vera was smashed with expensive glasses, which she had to wear due to developing myopia, for which her father punished her with a month-long house arrest.


Outwardly, Vera Brezhneva in her childhood and youth did not at all resemble the current sophisticated beauty. A short haircut and huge glasses, a pensive look did not make her attractive. However, even in such cramped conditions, Vera Brezhneva found an outlet in her childhood in dancing and music. Even then, the girl tried to improve her figure and worked hard in the sports sections. At the end of school, young Vera could not attend the graduation ball. The parents did not have enough money to pay for such a significant event in the life of their daughter.

Vera left her hometown, entered the institute, at one of the VIA Gra concerts she went on stage and captivated the audience and the group's producers with her talent and charm. Thus began a completely different story of Vera Brezhneva - the path of Cinderella, who achieved success.

It often happens that talent and perseverance are not enough for success - changes in appearance are required. We have compiled a selection of stars who have experienced a real beauty evolution.

Yana Rudkovskaya

The famous producer and simply beautiful woman, Yana Rudkovskaya, has gone from fatal and sexy images to more feminine and stylish ones. But when a photo from the Sochi embankment in 1992 hit the Web, everyone was surprised: a simple pretty girl with cute cheeks and curls, dressed in the spirit of that time, turned out to be none other than Yana Rudkovskaya.

Vera Brezhneva


Vera Brezhneva, by her example, proves that there is a thorny path behind the dizzying success. As a child, Vera, at that time still Galushko, worked in a cafe as a dishwasher, helping her family survive. Now Brezhnev recalls this time with a smile, and we, also with a smile, are looking at a photograph of 1999, where the singer is not at all recognizable: is this girl with a short haircut and glasses really Vera Brezhneva? Bravo to the producers who revealed in her that bright beauty that we all know!


The famous singer Valeria is an example of how beautiful a woman can look. Yes, talent and appearance are already inherent in a person, but they need to be developed: at the very beginning of her career, Alla Perfilova (Valeria's real name) looked very modest. Just look at this girl from the mid-80s with an open look!

But at the start of her career, the singer tried on a daring look with dark hair and a short haircut. By the way, her songs at that time had already managed to fall in love with everyone.

Irina Dubtsova

Before leaving for the capital (mid-90s), Irina Dubtsova looked completely different from what she is now. We are surprised at the work of stylists: from an ordinary girl in a gray sweater, Dubtsova turned into a bright, long-haired singer who cannot be confused with anyone else.

Not so long ago, another photo appeared on the Web, where it is not so easy to recognize Prokhor Chaliapin and the impudent Irina.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

Another former member of VIA Gra, Albina Dzhanabaeva, always attracted attention when she appeared in public: she went from daring and frank images to elegant and sophisticated, but always remained attractive. The changes are most obvious when you look at a photo of the late 90s, where Albina is just starting out as a backing vocalist for Valery Meladze.

Victoria Lopyreva

Russian show business knows Victoria Lopyreva as a bright blonde with a model appearance. But the "before" and "after" photos do not give any doubt that the star worked hard on her appearance - she lost weight, did plastic surgery. Nevertheless, she has always been popular with men.

Vera Sotnikova

The famous actress and TV presenter Vera Sotnikova created a memorable image for herself: bright outfits, red hair, emphasizing interesting facial features. Before becoming famous, Sotnikova was an ordinary girl, and with such a haircut it is completely difficult to recognize her.


The evolution of the singer Pelageya is also obvious. Now, instead of the “girl next door”, we see a fashionable and self-confident girl. Pelageya has been living her profession since she was four years old - it was then that she first appeared on stage.

Elements of nationality are part of herself, but the singer's taste has become much more refined, which helped her create her own style. And the slender and charming Pelageya began to choose interesting beautiful hairstyles - we admire!

Julia Kovalchuk

TV presenter and ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Yulia Kovalchuk already at school age conquered everyone with her curls, but otherwise the singer has changed a lot. And Yulia really suits that harmonious image of a pretty blonde that she chose for herself, do you agree?

The singer revealed the secrets of her beauty and style

After the school pictures of Vera BREZHNEVA got onto the Internet, fans of the blond pop diva launched a heated discussion: how did the artist manage to turn from a “gray mouse” into a dazzling beauty? Since her youth, Vera has managed to radically change and achieve success in all areas. True, the artist’s personal life is not so simple: Brezhneva so far refuses to comment on the recent news about her divorce. But she willingly shares the secrets of her beauty and style.

In this photo, Vera is 17 years old.

After the photo of Vera Brezhneva from school days surfaced (then her last name was Galushka), many assumed that the singer resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. However, Vera denies this fact. According to the artist, after graduation, she simply decided to take her appearance seriously: she began to play sports, thanks to which she lost a lot of weight.

It turned out that by nature I have a good figure, I didn’t even know about it, Brezhneva admits in an interview with Glamor magazine. - In addition, I changed my diet: if earlier I at least sometimes wanted something nasty, now only healthy foods cause my appetite: cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms. No cakes, no cookies, no sweets... I took off my glasses, changed my hair and learned how to make up.
In the work on herself, the inner mood of the girl played a significant role.
“At school, I was just a frightened girl, and now I am a confident woman, an accomplished person, mom,” she says.
As for clothes, Brezhnev always knows how he wants to look. If she does not have the right outfit in her closet, then she turns to the help of professional stylists. They bring her a certain number of things to choose from, and the singer chooses what suits the event she's going to.

In general, I sew sixty percent of the things I go out. I come to designers - well-known and not very well-known, - says Brezhneva, - And together we create dresses that no one will definitely have.
At the same time, one of the most beautiful stars of domestic show business told Glamor magazine that she does not wear clothes that do not suit her, even if they are very fashionable and expensive. The most important thing for her is comfort: “So that it doesn’t prick and sting, so that you don’t have to pull the dress.” And if there is an opportunity not to wear heels, then the singer will definitely use it.

Recall that recently there was a rumor in the press that Vera Brezhneva was free again. The artist herself does not comment on this news. Rumor has it that Mikhail Kiperman was tired of his always touring wife, who prefers to sing on stage half-naked than to sit at home and raise children. The marriage of the artist with one of the richest people in Ukraine, the son of the general director of the telephone company Optima Telecom, lasted five years. Mikhail became a foster father for the eldest daughter of Vera Sonechka. And two years ago, the couple had another daughter, Sarah. Brezhneva always emphasized that the family is above all for her, and that the hearth is her reliable fortress.

Alisa Grebenshchikova Theater and film actress Alisa Grebenshchikova posted a photo of herself on Instagram and invited friends to show themselves as teenagers: “I'm a teenager, or“ Where are my thirteen years ”! Here, it seems to me, where the storehouse of surprises! Alsu Singer Alsou, who repeatedly won in the nominations of many glossy publications "The Most Stylish" and "The Most Beautiful", already in her youth she was touchingly charming. The photograph is dated 1995. So Alsu is 12 years old. Anita Tsoi “Flight to new worlds…”, signed photo Anita Tsoi. By the way, the short haircut suits her very well. singer GlucoZa In this photo Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova 16 years old: "I'm 16. In my life, all the most important things are just beginning ..." Ksenia Sobchak Today Ksenia Sobchak heads a fashion magazine and knows everything about new collections and trends. At the age of 12, she had slightly different interests: “I'm 12 ... I love Kurt Cobain, I hate my parents for prohibitions and I smoke. If only now I could get to her, to this girl. How many things I would tell her important. How many mistakes would it save. Although, most likely, she would have sent me too ... " Kirill Andreev One of the soloists of "Ivanushki International" - the group celebrated its 20th anniversary last year! - Kirill Andreev once worked as a model. In this photo, he has a great haircut. And he is 20. Sergey Lazarev is 16 years old Sergey Lazarev has yet to become famous throughout the country and become recognizable. In the meantime, he is finishing school and having fun at the prom. “I went over that day ... I was dragged home at 6 in the morning by a girl with whom I had been unrequitedly in love for several years. But she's not in the photo. Natasha Koroleva This photo Natasha Koroleva published in honor of the composer Igor Krutoy. “Igoryashenka, the most unforgettable moments in my life, past and present, are connected with you!” By eye, Natasha Koroleva here is from 18 to 20. Valery Syutkin In the domestic show business there are several men over whom time seems to have no power. Valery Syutkin one of them - as he looked in his youth, so he looks now. Mystic! Ivan Urgant The first joker and entertainer on the "First" Ivan Urgant. At 18 years old. It is worth noting the obvious: over the years, the TV presenter has acquired gloss and style, and the former smile is kind. Vera Brezhneva Ex-soloist of the group "VIA gra" Vera Brezhneva. In the photo, Vera is 17 years old. Long hair suits her better, don't you agree? Svetlana Bondarchuk Wife of director Fyodor Bondarchuk and editor-in-chief of the weekly celebrity magazine Hello! Svetlana Bondarchuk in young age. We don’t know how Svetlana does it, but her clothing size is still the same: “S”. Leonid Agutin Hop-hey-lalalei. Find in the photo the loving husband of Angelica Varum, the wise mentor of the past three seasons of the vocal television project "Voice". Hint: in a red T-shirt. “1996. Me and the Dune group. Everyone have fun!” — captioned this photo Leonid Agutin. Alexey Chumakov You will never recognize in this long-haired young man with beads around his neck a brutal and stylish singer and TV presenter Alexey Chumakov. But this is him. At 14 years old. Julia Savicheva But the singer Yulia Savicheva in general has not changed. Yes, I changed my hairstyle, and a different hair color. But sincerity and openness remained, which is the main thing. “God, how long ago, and it seems like it was recently. But it seems like an eternity has passed since that time, ”the singer shared. Looking at photographs from my youth, there are always such thoughts. All of us.

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