Troitsky spider in contact. Sergei Troitsky (Spider). Now there will be a cabbage

Sergei Troitsky (Spider) was born in Moscow on May 29, 1966. In 1983, Spider graduated from high school and started working at the Red Proletarian printing house. Also among the places of his work was the editorial office of the newspaper "Moscow News".

In 1984, Sergei "Spider" Troitsky founded the Metal Corrosion group, and five years later he created the Heavy Rock Corporation (KTR). The goal and task of the KTR is to unite informal musical groups into a kind of "trade union".

In 1993, Troitsky was nominated for the post of mayor of Moscow from the party, but the elections did not take place due to the dispersal of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. Sergei "Spider" Troitsky also ran for the State Duma, but due to the low turnout of voters, the election results were annulled.

In 2007, Troitsky was elected mayor of the village of Zaprudishche in the Moscow region, but now Spider himself resigns due to the unpromising location of the settlement.

Spider Scandals

The loudest scandal provoked by Sergei "Spider" Troitsky occurred in May 2002 - the musician was accused of extremism. The case under the article "Inciting national, racial or religious hatred" was initiated due to the suspicion of Spider's involvement in the release of the Skinheads are coming magazine, as well as because of the content of some of his songs. A similar process was already carried out in 2015, and again the prosecutors were not satisfied with dubious texts. So, for example, the prosecutors paid special attention to the song "Beat the Devils", which allegedly contained calls for the destruction of national minorities in Russia. However, both Troitsky himself and fans of his work unanimously denied that the songs had extremist overtones.

In 2014, Sergei "Spider" Troitsky, having applied for a nomination for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk, decided to go to the chosen city by plane. However, Spider's addiction to alcohol played its cruel joke not for the first time - the musician was removed from the flight and received an obligation to pay compensation to airport employees for insults and broken office equipment.

Spider Books

Sergei "Spider" Troitsky is known not only as the founder and permanent member of the Metal Corrosion group, but also as a writer. At first glance, it seems surprising that the scandalous rocker is the author of ten books. "Negro and Skinhead", "Swimming Champion", Rock on the Barricades" - the author of these and many other opuses about informal cultures and other life situations is Sergey Troitsky, Spider.

The book "Swimming Champion", for example, tells about three women who came to rest in the Crimean resort of Gurzuf, and the search for a man "like from the movie Titanic" who could sacrifice his life for his beloved. Troitsky himself considers this book a hit of 2009.

Popularity of the Spider on the Internet

Spider's personal life

A rock musician is always a charismatic and bright personality. No matter how strange and extravagant his image may be, crowds of fans form around such people who want to get at least a piece of the idol's attention. They often use and are in no hurry to tie the knot.

Relatively little was known about Spider's personal life until recently. Ao, firstly, the extravagant image and behavior distracted fans and the press from questions about the presence of a wife and children, and secondly, the musician himself preferred to hide this information. However, it turned out that Troitsky was still married to a certain Irina Troitskaya, which he himself announced when he nominated his wife for the next mayoral election. Judging by reports in the press, the couple have a good relationship, which means that Sergey's rampant lifestyle does not affect family life in any way. Nevertheless, for fans, the musician is still not an exemplary family man Sergei Evgenievich, but a scandalous rocker and extraordinary personality Sergei Troitsky, Spider. Personal life is probably the area of ​​life in which the thrash metaller will never let a single onlooker in, continuing, nevertheless, to delight with literary and musical works.

EQUIPMENT: 1. 1-2 local strippers (so as not to bring them from Moscow) or a few heifers who drink and are ready to dance on stage, well, then we will destroy everything ourselves. (VERY IMPORTANT POSITION!!!) 2. Trade at the concert with the goods "Corrosion" - your trader gives him 15%. (In advance, arrange a table in a convenient place, take goods 1 hour before the concert and report immediately after the event). 3. Involve a local keyboardist and backing vocalist (if possible). Texts and soundtracks will be provided in advance. 4. The presence of one guard, you can skin, to cut off the left people and prevent theft. WARNING position for Russia!!! the presence of a paid cop car near the entrance. ROAD according to the situation: - 7 compartment tickets or, in extreme cases, a reserved seat in a whole block (small transfers - reserved seat or express or bus) or by plane, if far away, delivery of tickets (round trip) to the concert. ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: 1. Hotel (the simplest rooms with showers) or an apartment for three rubles (6 muses + those people) for 7 snouts, immediately from the train or from transport, + transport around the city. If the house has at least 2 separate rooms + hall and kitchen. If we come for half a day, we can have one large hotel room or apartment for a few hours + ONE host. With the possibility of cooking. To do this, it is necessary to mobilize the household girl, she must partially prepare all the ingredients in advance (chemical food like DOSHERAK is unacceptable). If we are going to the next city, it is advisable to blow up immediately after the concert and a buffet with a local party. Local attractions, in case of overnight stay - the presence of a "leisure" specialist and all related phone numbers. 2. If the hotel, then meals in the Club itself - the usual complex lunches or dinners, of standard European quality - such as "business lunch". If there is no food in the club, a cafe must be scouted in advance - normal quality food (there is soup, a main course, etc.). If we eat at our own expense, then the price tag should not be the same as in the center of MOSCOW or LONDON for black caviar and lobsters. Chinese and similar cuisine - no. BOOK: Before the concert - 3 battles of water, 4 battles of Crimean (0.7) wine or 3 battles of red vermouth (1 liter) + 1 battle of strong (vodka, whiskey, rum, balm). Prepare in advance so that we do not run around the shops. Beer is STRICTLY prohibited!!! 1. Crimean wine - white or red port, surozh, sherry or semi-sweet dry. On labels there are inscriptions: it is made in the Crimea - Ukraine. Producers - Koktebel, Inkerman, Masandara. 2. VERMOUTH - Of the cheap ones, only Salvator costs about 120 rubles or any that are made in Spain or Italy. 3. The most expensive and high quality LOCAL VODKA or Herbal Balm!!! Or something like that. Perhaps the dumbest types of scotch, tequila and rum. NEGLIGIOUS PROMOTERS: There are times when in some cities a local organizer (for example, a rich man) takes concerts just for a personal high, for them the main thing is to drink with the artist, hang out, etc. These people do not care about normal advertising and fans accidentally find out about the concert . For such cases, penalties are provided. If it is not important for the organizer to collect people, he is obliged to issue 200 women's tickets (marked GERLS) and distribute them at the local women's vocational school.

Sergei Troitsky, better known as Spider, is perhaps the most outrageous musician on the Russian rock scene. And if now his antics are perceived with a smile, then in the early 90s they shocked the public. For 30 years now, Spider has led the thrash metal band "Metal Corrosion", which, due to its provocative songs and kitsch shows, made a real cultural revolution in the late 80s.

Musician career

Sergei Troitsky was born in Moscow on May 29, 1966. Like all teenagers in the 80s, he listened to Western rock music and dreamed of creating his own band. Sergey learned to play the guitar early. After leaving school, he worked for some time in the Krasny Proletariy printing house, and then in the editorial office of the Moscow News publication.

The spider did not want to continue studying, and he soon got tired of the work. At the same time, he had the idea to organize a band that would play heavy metal. The opportunity presented itself in 1984, to

when Sergei met the guys who shared his ideas. The first line-up of the group, which was named "Corrosion of Metal", in addition to the Spider included guitarist Sergei Vysokosov (Borov), vocalist Alexander Petukhov (Schizophrenic), bass guitarist Vadim Mikhailov (Sachs) and Vadim Krylov (Morgue), who played drums.

The group's first concert took place in 1985 in the basement of one of the ZhEKs. Naturally, it was illegal, so the police did not have to wait long. In law enforcement agencies, the performance of "Metal Corrosion" was regarded as hooliganism, but from this

At the moment, the Spider and other members of the group were closely watched.

In 1987, in an effort to legalize the thrash band, they joined the Moscow Rock Laboratory. At the same time, the first changes in the composition of "Metal Corrosion" took place. Borov became the vocalist, Alexander Bondarenko (Lasher) became the drummer, and Spider switched to bass guitar.

The first magnetic albums of the rock band "Russian Vodka" and "The Order of Satan" were recorded and distributed illegally with the help of Stas Namin. It was impossible to officially publish such a product in the USSR. Only in 1991 did the

The first legal record of the thrash band "Cannibal".

However, the real intoxication (by the way, "intoxication" is one of Spider's favorite words) began back in 1989, when Troitsky founded the "Hard Rock Corporation" - an informal association whose goal was to organize festivals and popularize metal music. At festivals, and especially at the group's solo concerts, whole kitsch performances were staged with extras in monster costumes, strippers and pyrotechnics. The crown number of "Metal Corrosion" was a performance with a flying coffin. Also n

rarely did the band members drink alcoholic beverages (usually vodka) right on the stage.

The main ideological inspirer and organizer of the performances was Sergei Troitsky. He also wrote the lyrics, the subject matter of which changed from album to album. Basically, it was rubbish: death, otherworldly forces, perversions. In the late 90s, the theme of the songs "Corrosion of Metal" began to lean towards the analysis of Nazism and the personality of Hitler, as a result of which it gained popularity among ultra-right youth, National Bolsheviks and skinheads. In 2002, against Troitsky,

a criminal case was opened for inciting ethnic hatred. After examination in a psychiatric clinic, he was recognized as normal and released.

Spider has gained great popularity among Internet users, where his memes are often used. For example, he regularly uses in his speech such words as "wildly", "dragging", "for example", "fumes". There is a version that the famous expression "thrash, waste and sodomy" also belongs to the Spider.

Public and political activities

Sergei Troitsky is also known for his political and social

enno activity. Back in the early 90s, he joined the Radical Party of Eduard Limonov, from which he was nominated for the post of mayor of Moscow in 1993. In 1998, in the Lublin constituency, Pauk ran for the State Duma and even won, but the elections were canceled due to low voter turnout.

Troitsky launched a broad election campaign in 2012, when he ran for mayor of Khimki. His election program was so absurd that it only made people laugh. However, the Spider said in all seriousness that he

bit Khimki Forest, because it is too dirty there, will build a casino and generally turn Khimki into Las Vegas. He even announced that he had a project ready to create flying trolleybuses (!), which would run between Khimki and Moscow. Surprisingly, 2.5% of voters, either jokingly or quite consciously, voted for Troitsky.

Spider was restless in his desire to become mayor. In 2013, he ran for mayor of the city of Zhukovsky. The elections were accompanied by scandals. In one interview, Troitsky confirmed the rumors that he bribed a resident

city ​​for 500 rubles. He stated that he managed to bribe about 5,000 people, which in fact turned out to be untrue, since the money was never paid to most voters.

Then Spider again tried to become mayor of Moscow in early elections, and in 2014 he applied for the post of head of Novosibirsk. And again, an unpleasant story happened to him. At the airport, he was detained by the police for carrying illegal liquids. When law enforcement agencies tried to seize it, Troitsky made a scandal and damaged office equipment.

That's how he was

always - emotional, irreconcilable, with a sick fantasy. A real eccentric with his own special worldview, incomprehensible to anyone. However, it was thanks to his out-of-the-box thinking that one of the most original and interesting Russian metal bands arose. For 30 years, "Corrosion of Metal" has been releasing albums and giving concerts, despite the fact that its line-up has changed many times. The main thing is that the permanent leader of the band, Sergei Troitsky, feeds her with new ideas and inspires the musicians. And it looks like he's not going to stop there.

  • The childhood of the future metalworker passed in Moscow on Sevastopol Avenue. Father Evgeny Troitsky is a scientist, academician. Mother is a dentist. Sergei Evgenievich is the grandson of a priest who was shot on a denunciation. This fact seriously affected his worldview.
  • Sergei about his childhood and surroundings: "Terrible poverty, riffraff and alcoholism."
  • In 1983, he graduated from high school and began working at the Krasny Proletariy printing house, and later at the editorial office of the international newspaper Moscow News. Troitsky recalled that he was not taken to the journalism faculty of Moscow State University for ideological reasons.
  • He decided to play metal and initially picked up an electric guitar made in the GDR. Spider on the creation of the group: “In the spring of 1984, I assembled the first official composition of the Metal Corrosion group. I met the guys at a new gathering place for informal youth, which is near the lower entrance of Kitay Gorod metro station (former Nogin Square).
  • Sergey Troitsky about the metal parties in Moscow in the 80s: “Usually by six o’clock everyone was wildly overeating and, as in Munich, waving beer mugs, they began to yell the choruses of AC / DC and Accept.”
  • Sergey Vysokosov “Borov” about meeting Spider: “We were sitting in the park on a bench, I had a tape recorder, we listened to old Scorpions records. One of the crowd came up to us and said, "Can I listen too?" We met. It was just the Spider. We had common musical interests and common problems. Spider had his own project - Metal Corrosion, and he needed musicians. Spider already had a drummer Morgue, Saks and I joined them and after the first rehearsals we realized that something would work out for us. Thus, I ended up in the Metal Corrosion group. We rehearsed once a week in various recreation centers and cellars, which provided us with 5 rubles each. for the rehearsal. And somehow we immediately organized our party.
  • On June 28, 1985, the first concert of the group took place in the basement of ZhEKa No. 2. However, he was soon dispersed by the police, who were called by the neighbors. But nevertheless, Metal Corrosion was soon legalized, joining the Moscow rock laboratory.
  • Spider about the legendary concert: “... the red light turned on, the smoke machine started working, in pants, like Bruce Dickinson, I jumped onto the stage and hacked a solo, then Kostyl, Borov, Morgue and Schizophrenic ran out. The audience waved their hands in ecstasy, many of their faces were smiling with genuine happiness and joy. For the first time in their lives, they heard the roar of metal guitars and the frenzied chop of infernal drums. First we slaughtered the Children of the Dragon, the Power of Evil, the Devil is here, and then the Black Ship."
  • By the end of the 80s, the "golden composition" of Korrozia finally took shape: on vocals and with a guitar - Sergey "Borov" Vysokosov, on bass - Sergey "Spider" Troitsky, guitarist Roman "Kostyl" Lebedev and drummer Alexander "Lasher" Bondarenko. With this line-up, the group recorded the most iconic albums - Order of Satan in 1988, Russian Vodka in 1989, the vinyl disc Cannibal in 1991, and Sadism in 1992. The group literally thundered throughout the post-Soviet space, arranging "the most powerful" shows, "thrash and waste."
  • After 1997, there were changes in the composition. At the moment, the group continues to perform in an updated line-up and release new albums. At the same time, Troitsky seriously engaged in socio-political activities. In recent years, the musician managed to participate in the election race. Spider ran for mayor of Khimki, Zhukovsky, Moscow and Novosibirsk.
  • Spider about the late 90s: “The collapse of hopes caused a gloomy state and a loss of humor. Now - adult problems, responsibility, struggle with circumstances. And the rich also have something to worry about.”
  • The words "for example", "wildly", "tashchemta", "fuel", "fashionable" have long been the brands of the Spider. There are a number of anecdotes on this subject. One of them: “Metal Corrosion is in rehearsal. Spider's combo is short. - Spider, your combo is on fire! they shout at him. The spider, continuing to play: - Ah, yes, atlichna-atlichna, more intoxication!
  • The musician has two daughters. It is known that at the moment the eldest daughter lives in the United States.
  • Sergey Troitsky about the significance of the Metal Corrosion group: “This is a holiday for people. And of course, it's all together - show, music, performance, frenzy. All together. Everyone can throw out their emotions without harming society and other people. A lot of energy accumulates in a person, for example, destructive. A person needs to throw it out somewhere. One person goes in for sports and can go to the gym to punch a pear a thousand times, and then everything is fine with him. And the other person does not have the opportunity to buy such a fashionable thing in the Sport-master store as a rubber man who stands on a stand, and he can be beaten up. He will go outside and kill someone. Having come to a concert, a person, having completely splashed out his energy, becomes safe for society and feels good spirits.

MOSCOW, 25 October. /TASS/. The leader of the Russian thrash metal band "Metal Corrosion" Sergei Pauk Troitsky was sentenced to 10 months in prison in Montenegro. This was reported on the community page of the musical group in the social network "VKontakte".

"The forces of evil gave the order - the imprisonment of" Spider "for 10 months," - reported on the community page. They also noted that in the near future the postal address will be known, where fans of the group's work will be able to send parcels and letters to the musician.

The consular department of the Russian embassy said that they have not yet received any official information about the verdict to the leader of the rock band. "Usually in such cases, we are informed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, which, in turn, receives information from the judiciary. But so far there is no information," the consular department noted.

In early September, the Russian embassy in Montenegro confirmed the receipt of official information regarding the arrest of Troitsky on suspicion of setting fire to a house belonging to a Russian citizen E.K. (last name and first name were not disclosed) in the Montenegrin resort town of Sutomore.

According to the police of the city of Bar, the incident occurred on 3 September. Troitsky was detained on the same day while trying to leave the territory of Montenegro by train. The country's police said that efforts made by law enforcement officers to investigate the circumstances of the case "quickly led to the suspicion that the fire was set by Sergei Troitsky, who had previously lived in E.K.'s house as a tenant."

Who is the Spider?

50-year-old Sergey Troitsky, known by his stage name Spider, is the founder and leader of the thrash metal band Metal Corrosion. Repeatedly ran for various kinds of elections. In December 1998, he ran in the by-elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Lublin constituency and won the largest number of votes, however, due to the low turnout of voters (less than 25%), the election results were canceled, and re-elections were not scheduled.

In 2002, a criminal case was initiated against Troitsky under the article "Inciting national, racial or religious hatred." In the autumn of 2003, he was sent for a compulsory examination to the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, where he spent three weeks, after which he was declared normal in November 2003 and released. In 2007, he won the election of the mayor of the village of Zaprudnya, Moscow Region, but resigned due to the "unpromising location of the village."

In 2012, he ran for mayor of the city of Khimki near Moscow, won 2.46% of the vote. He also ran for mayor of the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow in March 2013, receiving only 2.29% of the vote. The election was marked by a voter-buying scandal. On June 14, 2013, Troitsky submitted documents as a self-nomination for the early elections of the mayor of Moscow, which took place on September 8, 2013, but was not admitted to the elections, as he did not present the required number of signatures to the Moscow election commission.

In January 2014, he submitted documents for nomination as a candidate for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk. On the same day, he was detained at the airport of this city because of a scandal arranged there.

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