The media are actively discussing the divorce of Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel. Ivan Krasko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Krasko Ivanovich Ivanovich new young

Natalya Krasko - actress of the St. Petersburg theater "Travesti", poetess, wife of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The first fame for Natalya did not come as an artist: they started talking about the girl when she became the fourth wife of a 60-year-old eldest actor, the father of a star of Russian cinema. From time to time, the media space is shaken by scandals related to spouses. Marriage with a huge age difference haunts the public. Natalya Krasko and her husband are frequent guests of rating TV shows.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Shevel was born in November 1990 in the Crimea. Childhood and youth were spent in Sevastopol. The biological mother abandoned her daughter in the hospital, and Natalya was raised and raised by Svetlana Guguchkina, who adopted the baby. According to other information, Marina Zhuravleva, the real mother of the actress, who led an asocial lifestyle, was deprived of parental rights, and for the first 5 years the girl grew up in an orphanage.

Actress Natalya Krasko

The foster mother raised her daughter with all severity. The actress recalls with a smile that the “curfew” with the requirement to return home no later than 22.00 was strictly observed. And even now, when Natalya Krasko is a married woman, her mother demands to adhere to the old regime when her daughter is visiting her in Sevastopol.

According to the memoirs of the neighbors, Svetlana Guguchkina knowingly kept her adopted daughter in tight rein, the girl grew up as a tomboy: she jumped with the yard guys over the neighbor's fences, surrounded the gardens. But no one was angry with the girl: Natalya had openness and childish spontaneity. Changed in high school, became closed and reserved.

The charming Crimean girl attracted male attention from early youth. Fans besieged Natalia, but she gave her heart to a guy named Roman. He took his 20-year-old wife to St. Petersburg.

Natalya Shevel, who had long dreamed of an acting career, was delighted at first: the northern capital with its famous theater universities and theaters opened up great opportunities to realize her dream. But the husband thought differently: life has become a routine of endless domestic problems. Roman could not provide for his family. Talks about entering a theater university ended in scandals.

Not wanting to change her dream, Natalya Shevel left her husband. The girl tried to build a family with a 19-year-old eldest man named Oleg. A creative person, he understood Natalya and supported her in her desire to get on stage. But even here the relationship deteriorated due to everyday problems: Natalya Shevel became a student, she could not work, and Oleg could not provide for his family on his own. The couple broke up after 4 years of civil marriage.


Natalya met her future husband Ivan Krasko at the Institute for Humanitarian Education, where he taught acting. Shevel read her poems so penetratingly that Ivan Ivanovich listened. After graduation, the creative biography of the actress did not develop as brilliantly as we would like. The actress made her debut in November 2015 on the stage of the cultural center "Troitsky" in the travesty-musical "Gigoletto".

The aspiring actress appeared on stage in a bowler hat and mustache. The master and teacher Ivan Krasko watched the game of the young wife. The main highlight of the musical is that both female and male roles were performed by women. Natalya Krasko got the role of a frequenter of the cafe.

Ivan Ivanovich turned out to be a strict judge: he criticized the performance, the actress Natalya Krasko, despite family ties, refused to put "excellent". Natalia admitted that the genre of the musical is not close to her. She dreams of deep, "multi-layered" roles, heroines experiencing dramatic events.

The career of Natalia Krasko "stalled". The artist complained in an interview with Channel Five journalists that two higher educations are not a guarantee of a bright future. And since the financial situation of the Krasko family, forced to rent housing, is not the best, they have to earn money by participating in popular TV shows.

“We have to get out. No choice. There is no way out, ”Natalia complains.

In March 2018, Natalya Krasko participated in the project "Actually". The reason for appearing on the air was Natalya's imaginary romance with a certain man Alexander, who announced an affair with married Krasko. Later, the actress admitted that the invented novel became a way to make money on the show.

Natalya Krasko in the show "Actually"

Surprises awaited Natalya Krasko on the project. The ex-wife of Ivan Krasko and the mother of his two children came to the studio. According to the artist's fourth wife, the third is trying to get her husband back by manipulating children.

The mother of Natalia's first husband, Roman, also came to the talk show. According to her, her son, who had a hard time surviving Natalya Shevel's betrayal and divorce, had a good life. Roman lives and works in the USA. About the former daughter-in-law, the ex-mother-in-law expressed herself impartially, calling her mentally ill. Shepelev asked not to offend Natalya, suggesting that the woman speaks through resentment for her son.

Natalya Krasko in the show "Let them talk"

Another surprise for Natalia Krasko was a meeting with her biological mother, who was found by the project's journalists. The woman promised to stop drinking and “be homeless”, she dreams of improving relations with her daughter. She says she left her daughter 22 years ago due to lack of money.

In the spring of 2018, Natalya Krasko appeared on the project “Let them talk” at, where she again clashed with the third wife of Ivan Ivanovich, Natalya Vyal.

Personal life

Natalya Krasko does not tire of convincing the incredulous public that she married for love. To questions about intimate life, she replies that there is sex in her life with her husband. They cannot have a child, because they rent housing, and their financial situation leaves much to be desired.

Natalya admitted that if she gets pregnant, then no one will know about it, and the birth of a child will be a surprise for everyone.

Ivan Krasko calls the fourth marriage cordial, sincere and friendly, although there are also quarrels due to the strong-willed nature of his wife.

Natalia Krasko now

Krasko reacted, saying that it was all about bad makeup. Soon the woman posted a photo in which she appeared without a make-up and looks younger than her years.

Passions around the personal life of the famous actor do not subside for many months. The artist and his young wife have repeatedly become participants in television, trying to sort things out in front of the whole country. And so, it became known that Ivan Krasko divorced his young wife. Despite his considerable age, on September 23, the man will celebrate his 88th birthday, life is in full swing.

Chronology of events

Until recently, everyone was vigorously discussing the affair of Krasko Sr. with 27-year-old Natalia Shevel. While the compassionate people slandered that these relations were built on a cold calculation and certainly there was no question of love, the lovers signed and gave birth to a child.

True, the wife did not want to become a mother, believing that first you need to equip your life. At that time, the couple did not have their own housing. The wise husband treated the position of the second half with understanding. But at the same time, he believed that he would be able to solve the housing problem.

Ivan Krasko with his young wife

Divorce actor

Rumor has it that a man leaves his young wife. The correspondents of Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to contact Ivan Krasko and get the latest news of 2019 from the original source.

Currently, Natalya travels the world alone, but keeps her husband up to date, after all, he is the father of her child. The man is calm about the upcoming divorce. Moreover: according to him, it is inevitable. Natasha is young, physiology demands its own. If the third wife had not intervened, perhaps the union still existed. She convicted her rival of treason.

Krasko with his wife

By the way, the marriage with her broke up for the same reason. But the man does not consider this a betrayal, since the woman honestly confessed to her deed, without becoming dodge and lie. Now, when relations with the young wife have cracked, Natalya Nikolaevna invited Ivan Ivanovich to move in with her.

The man was enthusiastic about the idea. And now he is in the circle of close people of his ex-wife and two joint sons. Krasko, in a boyish way, playfully admitted: Vyal, has long offered to return to the family, and now the moment has come.

Krasko with children and third wife

We part in a civilized way

With the beautiful Natalya Alexandrovna, Ivan Krasko intends to maintain friendly relations. Moreover, he declares: I will help her as much as possible until the girl "gets on her feet." Ms. Shevel herself is in no hurry to put an end to it, saying that the future of her family is not predetermined.

Ivan and Natalia at the wedding

Currently, she is actively posting photos on Instagram showing everyone that there is no new man in her life. She is alone in the footage. How events will develop - time will tell. In any case, the current situation does honor to the man, because two young beautiful women fight for his heart.

Before becoming an actor, Ivan Krasko was the commander of a landing ship. After a year of service, he was discharged into the reserve. The meeting with Lera Kudryavtseva in the studio "" began with a test - the artist had to decipher the message written for him in Morse code. Krasko coped with this task with ease.

After that, the conversation turned to personal topics. The speech went to , who died as a result of a heart attack 12 years ago. The artist regretted how hard it was for him to see his son when he abused alcohol.

Ivan Krasko has long become a great-grandfather, his grandson Jan-Andrzej Aleksandrovich-Krasko has two sons - Modest and Tit. They all live in Poland, but continue to keep in touch.

Ivan Krasko showed his suburban area, where he does a lot with his own hands. But the beds were abandoned: the young wife has an "allergy" to the land. Among Krasko's neighbors is Mikhail Boyarsky, who often looks into his light. Their friendship has lasted for more than half a century.

Then Ivan Krasko honestly told that after his third wife Natalya Vyal left him, he lived with his mother-in-law for several years. He left his apartment to Natalia and their children.

Together with Natalya Vyal, who was 47 years younger than him, they lived together for 10 years, but the marriage broke up because of her new hobby. As Ivan Krasko admitted, he hoped that his beloved would come to her senses. He waited for her for more than four years, but then a new love appeared in his life - Natalya Shevel, who was his student.

The new marriage of Ivan Krasko has been going on for two and a half years. The artist said that during this time his wife did not disappoint him, although she does not like to deal with domestic issues. The artist frankly spoke about how the young Natalia Shevel fascinated him. He was struck by her love for Brodsky's poetry. Ivan began to distinguish her among his students. And then Shevel invited him to listen to her poems.

Ivan Krasko: “And it turned out that it makes sense, it's interesting. But further - more. And then there were additional courtship from her side. She always brought me a cup of coffee on the table at the beginning of classes. And now I bring her to bed every morning.

Together with his young wife, they live in a three-room apartment with Ivan Krasko's grandson Kirill and the artist's former daughter-in-law Margarita. Krasko admitted that he had financial difficulties. Therefore, his young wife earns herself. Krasko admits that his fourth wife may fall in love with a peer. But he believes that she "does not need it."

Ivan Krasko: “I teach my wives first of all to freedom. They wonder how it is. It turns out that this is the way to live.”

Ivan Krasko: “Because purely physiological matters, age makes itself felt. This craving, which unconsciously most often brings a man and a woman together, it weakens in me, naturally. I'm being completely frank."

Krasko honestly stated that his wife Natalya is almost perfect, but she has a trait that annoys him: she abuses obscene words and sometimes speaks illiterately.

Soon the young wife of the artist herself appeared in the studio. Natalia admitted that she wants children, but later. She also shared the features of their life. With Ivan's former daughter-in-law Margarita, they established a difficult relationship. For example, Natasha cannot use the washing machine when Margarita or her son Kirill is in the house.

Natalya Shevel spoke in the NTV studio about her difficult past. Her parents left her in a maternity hospital in Sevastopol, the girl was adopted. Before her marriage to Ivan Krasko, she was already married, but relations with her first husband went wrong after moving to St. Petersburg. The NTV film crew managed to find Natalya's real mother, who abuses alcohol and begs. But Shevel herself in the Secret for a Million studio said that she did not see any way to help her.

The foster mother did not approve. After the girl told her about her plans to get married, they did not speak for two weeks. The pensioner lives in Sevastopol, she fenced off her neighbors with a high fence and almost never leaves the house. Neighbors believe that the woman needs the help of a psychiatrist, suspecting her of persecution mania. But Ivan Krasko managed to reason with his mother-in-law, who opposed their marriage.

Ivan Krasko - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1992), father of actor Andrei Krasko. Ivan Krasko performs mostly minor, but always memorable roles, starred in films and TV shows, plays in the St. Petersburg Theater. V. Komissarzhevskaya.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Ivanovich was born on September 23, 1930 in the small village of Vartemyagi in the Leningrad Region and was registered under his father's surname - Bakhvalov.

His mother, Anastasia Ivanovna Bakhvalova (nee Krasko), died of sepsis when the boy was not yet a year old. Father, Ivan Afanasyevich Bakhvalov, took to drink from grief and passed away three years later.

Ivan and his two brothers, Vasya and Kolya, were taken in by their father's mother Pelageya Alekseevna, and the eldest son Volodya was taken by the second grandmother Dasha. When the war broke out, Volodya took an accelerated course in military affairs and went to the front, died on the first day of the assault on Stalingrad.

Ivan Krasko about his first Christmas tree

Despite the difficult military childhood, Vanya grew up as a smart and purposeful boy, studied well at school and dreamed of becoming an actor. He did not miss a single picture in the village club, he knew many films by heart and liked to retell them in their faces to relatives and neighbors.

11 days after the victory of the Soviet Union, Pelageya's grandmother passed away. Ivan was adopted by the brother of his late mother, Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, who returned from the front, and gave the boy his last name.

After school, the guy was afraid to enter the theater, fearing the ridicule of his fellow villagers, and took the documents to the sailor (and his uncle advised to connect life with the fleet). Having become a cadet of the naval school, Ivan did not part with his childhood dream and constantly took part in amateur performances, and in his fourth year he enrolled in a circle of artistic expression. After graduating from college, he served in the Danube Fleet, but after a reduction in staff, he retired.

Over the years of service, the passion for the stage did not subside at all, but, on the contrary, flared up with renewed vigor. Ivan entered the evening department of the philological faculty of the Leningrad State University in order to gain experience in the student theater, and only two years later he became a student at the Leningrad Theater Institute named after A.N. Ostrovsky. Krasko studied at the course of Elizaveta Ivanovna Tim. In May 1961, at the age of 30, Ivan finally fulfilled his childhood dream and became a certified actor.

Actor career

During the graduation performance, the legendary artistic director of the BDT Georgy Tovstonogov drew attention to the talented graduate and personally invited him to his theater. For four years, Krasko did not manage to play a single leading role, so he first moved to the theater on Liteiny, and then got into the troupe of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, in which he still serves.

But the real fame of Ivan Ivanovich was brought by his film works. His debut was the role of a pilot in the film "Baltic Sky" (1960) by Vladimir Vengerov with Mikhail Ulyanov and Rolan Bykov.

In total, during his long creative career, Krasko played about one and a half hundred roles, including in the films “The Prince and the Pauper” (1972), “Mr. Decorator” (1988), “Afghan Break” (1991) and the TV series “Young Russia” (1981 -1982), "Streets of Broken Lights" (1999-2004) and "National Security Agent 3" (2001). Mostly his heroes are brave brave men, for whom the concept of valor and honor is the main life principle, and not an empty phrase.

Ivan Krasko. "Two Soldiers" - an excerpt from the poem "Vasily Terkin"

Krasko was lucky enough to work with such venerable directors as Vladimir Bortko and Stanislav Rostotsky, meet famous actors on the set and even star in several films with his son Andrei Krasko, who passed away at the age of 49.

The artist also took part in voicing cartoons, for example, he voiced the king in "Dwarf Nose" (2003).

Ivan Krasko in the talk show "My Hero"

The actor never regrets choosing a life path and admits that there was not a day when he felt tired from filming or rehearsing, no matter how busy his schedule was. But when a day free from acting duties is issued, fatigue and melancholy appear.

“Probably, the same paradox of a correctly chosen profession affects. Without it, there is no life, ”Krasko believes.

Personal life of Ivan Krasko

Krasko married for the first time in 1951, while still a sailor cadet. Their marriage with Ekaterina Ivanova lasted four years, the couple had a daughter, Galya.

In 1956, the second wife of Ivan Ivanovich was the Russian language teacher Kira Petrova, who bore him a son, Andrei, and a daughter, Yulia. Ivan's eldest son became a famous actor, starred in the dramas "72 meters" by Vladimir Khotinenko, "Oligarch" by Pavel Lungin and "I'm staying" by Alexei Balabanov. In 2006, Andrei Krasko died of a heart attack on the set of Sergei Ursulyak's series Liquidation.

In 2001, 4 years after his divorce from Kira, Ivan Krasko married the Komissarzhevskaya theater property manager Natalya Vyal (born 1977), who bore him sons Vanya and Fedya. The marriage lasted 10 years: in the end, Natalya went to a younger man. Ivan did not interfere with her happiness and even wrote her a share in an apartment on the Fontanka embankment.

For me, there are three people, three personalities, symbolizing St. Petersburg. This is primarily Dmitry Likhachev, Alexander Rosenbaum and Ivan Krasko.
Each of these people is a real St. Petersburg-Leningrader. I bow before Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, who survived a terrible hard time with his country and with his city and remained a true Russian intellectual, Alexander Rosenbaum, who sang of our city in such a way that the heart of every Leningrader overflowed with light sadness and pride for his beautiful city, and Ivan Krasko always personified for me, real male beauty and charisma.

Alas, modern life and television ruthlessly rip off the halo of glory and mystery from our idols. The programs, where they gladly sort out all the facts from the lives of famous people, without shying away from intimate details, did not spare even eighty-seven-year-old Ivan Krasko. But you know what surprised me? Even these terrible showdowns at the level of gates could not trample the actor. He remained the same handsome man, white with gray hair and holding himself with an extraordinary, truly St. Petersburg dignity.

Or is he still out of his mind and deserved all this?

Ivan Ivanovich Krasko. Born on September 23, 1930 in the village of Vartemyagi, Leningrad Region. Vartemyagi is the former possession of the Counts Shuvalovs, and now it is the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad Region, not far from St. Petersburg.

Ivan survived all the difficulties of the war and the post-war period. In 1953, he graduated from the seafarer and was appointed commander of the landing ship of the Danube River Flotilla. The young man dreamed of acting, but did not find enough confidence in himself to take exams at the theater, so after demobilization he entered the philological faculty of Leningrad University. He studied there for two years. Then, nevertheless, he entered the Leningrad Theater Institute, from which he graduated in 1961. Immediately after graduating from the theater, he became an actor at the Leningrad Academic Bolshoi Drama Theater (BDT) named after Maxim Gorky under the direction of G. A. Tovstonogov. In 1965-1966 he played in the Leningrad Regional Drama and Comedy Theater (on Liteiny). Since 1966 - actor of the Drama Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya.
It is in this theater, on Italianskaya Street, in the very center of his native city, that Ivan Ivanovich Krasko has been serving to this day, for more than half a century. It seems to me that I have reviewed the entire repertoire of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater for twenty years and have seen Krasko on stage more than once, and I can definitely say that he is a brilliant actor!

Ivan Krasko played a lot in the theater, acted in films, but now his name is associated with strange marriages with women 50-60 years younger than him and the scandals and showdowns associated with this fact on central television.

Krasko had four wives. Not so much, by our modern standards.

First wife - Ekaterina Ivanova. They married very young in 1951 and divorced four years later. From this marriage, Krasko has a daughter, Galina, an economist by training. The second wife is Kira Vasilievna Petrova. They met when they were students of the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. They were married in the period 1956-1997. In marriage, a son, Andrei Krasko (1957−2006), who became a famous actor, and a daughter, Julia, were born.

Andrei Krasko was not only a famous actor, but also a womanizer. All theatrical St. Petersburg talked about his love affairs. Sudden death shocked many admirers of his talent. He is buried in Komarovo, a writer's village. We live not far from Komarovo, in Repino, and sometimes we visit this famous cemetery, where Anna Akhmatova, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, composer Basner, Sergey Kuryokhin, ballerina Tatyana Vecheslova and many others are buried. If suddenly fate gives you the opportunity to visit St. Petersburg, then come to Komarovo. It is very beautiful here and there is something and someone to remember.

Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, after a divorce from Andrei's mother, was in a relationship with actress Daria Gorshkova. For 21 years, Ivan Krasko believed that Gorshkova gave birth to his daughter Masha. Provided financial assistance to the child. In July 2018, Daria Gorshkova admitted that she was deceiving Ivan Krasko - she gave birth to a daughter from another man. Agree, this is a blow to the pride of a man, but not for Krasko. Until now, he supports the girl and considers her his own daughter.

It was with this lady (let's remember her name) that Krasko's passion for young maidens began. Gorshkova was exactly 40 years younger than him.
The next in the Don Juan list is the third legal wife and mother of his two sons - Natalya Vyal.

I really like this lady, despite the fact that I can’t understand marriage with a man 50 years older than me. Natalya is not a provincial who needed to hook on to a famous actor in order to stay in the big city. She was born in 1977 in Leningrad and works as a costume designer. I believe in Natalia's love for Ivan Ivanovich Krasko.

Krasko lived in marriage with his third and beloved wife for ten years. They broke up in 2011 and Natalya Shevel became his next chosen one.

Natalya Shevel was born in 1990 in the Crimea in a very dysfunctional family and moved to St. Petersburg after her lover named Roman, whom she broke up with. The second man in her biography was a certain Oleg, 19 years older than her. And this marriage quickly ended. Well, the next step was already Krasko. The age difference between these people is 60 years.

Natalya is not particularly known. She writes poetry, plays in the Travesty Theater (I haven’t even heard of this) and willingly appears in scandalous talk shows where her husband’s dirty linen is shaken and decent money is paid for this shame.

I didn’t believe for a second in the sincerity of this girl’s feelings for the elderly actor, but her poem dedicated to her husband caught my eye:

"There is a feeling (impossible to describe):
A young man, through pain and anguish
He stretches out his hand to me from your soul,
Which I dare not refuse...
Not letting anyone take away
Quite in you of his existence,
I give him breath with kisses,
And I will kiss you all the time!
Hold with both hands
It's in you, I'm trying, young
And I don't need anyone else
And I don't want anyone!"

Penetrating lines, right? Maybe all the same, this is love, which not everyone can understand?

Now, after all these showdowns on Channel 1, Ivan Krasko is going through hard times. He even announced that he was leaving Shevel for his previous wife and sons, then, however, he changed his mind again and decided to stay with the poetess, but according to the latest data, the artist changed his mind again and stated that he did not need previous wives, because he had very many fans who dream of making him happy.

I wonder how it will all end. Ivan Krasko is not young, he is 87 years old, he is not rich and now he is rarely removed. Appearance? Well, what kind of appearance can we talk about if a person is soon 90? Yes, and he did not come out tall, only 170 cm, which for me, for example, is just a dwarf.
But what is it about this old, sick and almost impoverished actor that attracts young women to him so much?
Do you know the answer? Me not....

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