How the secret became clear. The love story of Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva. Meladze's ex-wife spoke about Albina Dzhanabaeva Who is the husband of Albina Dzhanabaeva now

The ex-wife of the famous musician Valery Meladze, Irina Meladze, for the first time decided to speak frankly about the breakup with her ex-husband, to whom she gave birth to three daughters. The couple officially divorced in 2014, having been married for over twenty years.

According to Irina Meladze, her pain associated with the collapse of the family is still quite strong. And perhaps, in order to muffle it, the woman decided on a public confession. In an interview with the Russian Sensations program on the NTV channel, ex-wife Valeria Meladze spoke about how she fought for her husband and how, in the end, she could not keep him. A conversation with journalists was not easy for Irina Meladze, she left the studio several times, and then returned again. “This year is ten years of this history. I want to put an end to it and move forward, ”she explains her decision to tell the truth about the breakup with her famous husband.

“Valery said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. To the question "who", he did not answer. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who, - said Irina Meladze. - I understood that Albina was too nervous. I didn't understand the reason for this behavior. There were other members of this team, and they behaved calmly. But Dzhanabaeva behaved very nervously. I saw that her eyes were running around, she was blinking a lot, and I did not quite understand the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach. When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me. I even, in my opinion, congratulated her on the birth of a child. I was told a story that there was supposedly a fellow musician, a violinist of some symphony orchestra ... And I had no reason to suspect her of anything.

Irina met Valery Meladze when both were twenty years old, they got married while still students. Raising three daughters, Irina learned about her husband's life from the gossip, but she had to read his poems. “I knew something was going on. She allowed everything, except for what actually happened, ”admits the ex-wife of the star.

From articles in the media, Irina learned that her husband had a new backing vocalist Albina Dzhanabaeva, and then she disappeared and after some time was reborn in VIAGRA. “I saw all these young ladies, treated them like an older friend,” says Irina. - I was surprised at the appearance of Albina in VIAGRA, like, probably, many women in our country. Advised her a good stylist.

Irina Meladze found out that her husband was unfaithful to her in 2006. Together with her husband and eldest daughter Inga, they came to the presentation of the music award. But at some point, Valery disappeared for the whole evening, and when he was announced, he left from the other side of the hall. At home, Irina asked her husband a question, and he confessed everything to her. “I could not accept such a degree of deceit from the person whom I loved and considered a friend,” says the ex-wife of the musician. Why did Albina need Valery? I wonder if he was selling tangerines in the market, would she need him? Love? But it all makes me smile."

When the first reports about the novel by Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva appeared in the press, journalists began to call Irina with a request to comment on the situation. But the deceived wife decided to meet first with Albina Dzhanabaeva. “I called her,” Irina recalls. - Come, let's talk. Albina refused. Then Irina Meladze decided that she would also be silent. She only tried to mitigate the consequences of this story for her daughters, who became unwitting hostages of this love triangle. “It was a shock for my mother,” says the eldest daughter of Irina and Valery Inga. “As a child, I didn’t anticipate that this could happen either.” The younger Arina was then three years old, and the whole story is still an open wound for her. “I don’t want this to happen in my future family,” Arina admitted on the air. - We all have full-fledged families in our class, why did my dad leave. It's not fair." The middle daughter Sonya also did not know for a long time that her father had a new family. “The pain remains and will not go away. These things are not forgotten, - says the girl. This story still hurts me to this day. But you have to live with it."

Irina Meladze did not hide one more of her female secrets. She spoke about the tragedy, which, perhaps, broke her relationship with her husband at the very beginning. With tears in her eyes, the woman remembered how she gave birth to a son 26 years ago. “I was pregnant and went to my mother,” says ex-wife Valery Meladze. - All was good. I went to bed, and woke up with a temperature of 38, the baby inside me, respectively, is a degree higher. Immediately after the birth, the son was in intensive care. I was not allowed to take him in my arms. I obeyed the doctors. Valera was not around at that moment, he left for Lviv to record a song and arrived on the tenth day, just when our son died. Valera helped bury, of course. But he immediately left - work. Everything inside of me is burned out. No anger. There is only me and my son in this story.” The pain of that tragedy has not subsided in her soul so far. “I don’t have three, but four children, just one lives there,” Irina Meladze asked with this phrase to complete a difficult conversation for her.

Irina's heart, according to her, is not free now. The past is over, and the daughters are ready to accept their mother's beloved man into the family.

Hiring a new backing vocalist, Valery Meladze strictly warned her: his team is male, novels at work are unacceptable. Albina Dzhanabaeva agreed with this alignment. A few months later, they both broke the taboo.


In the life of Valera Meladze, brother Kostya was always present. Two years older, he looked a little out of this world, but all attempts to fight invariably ended in Kostya's victory. When Valera finished school and came to study at the same shipbuilding institute in the city of Nikolaev, where his brother had already studied, he immediately cooled his youthful desire for freedom: it is not easy for parents-engineers to support children, so you need to earn a scholarship.

Even then, Kostya tried to write songs and play the keyboard in a student ensemble. Soon he attracted Valera to his hobby - he fiddled with the equipment and once tried to sing something into the microphone. Everyone liked his voice - and Meladze Jr. became a soloist.

Fellow student Irina Valery was the first to notice and sought her favor for a long time. After several months of relationship, she even tried to leave him, but the guy was persistent. They played a student wedding.

When the newlyweds had a daughter, Inga, they settled in an 18-meter room, from which they could be kicked out at any moment. A few years later, the musical experiments of the Meladze brothers were noticed, and they moved to Moscow.

It became even more difficult: everyday disorder was superimposed on life in a huge unfamiliar city. But it was then that Valery and Irina were happy with each other, more than ever after.

“A small rented apartment in Khrushchev somewhere behind Voykovskaya, in the area of ​​the poultry farm. Very sincere people lived there, and one woman from the next entrance sometimes looked after Inga. She was then three years old. I now remember all this with great tenderness ... ”, the musician recalled.

“... While everything was bad, it was good. As soon as it became good, everything went to hell. People go through fire and water, but copper pipes almost never, ”said Irina.

And - fame and treason

Valery Meladze was noticed after participating in Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings". The creative tandem with the composer brother turned out to be extremely successful: rehearsals, performances, and tours began. Irina saw her husband at home less and less, but she believed that this was in the order of things: he was engaged in creativity and earning money, she devoted herself to home and children. By that time, Inga had younger sisters Sophia and Arina.

In the late 90s, a place as a backing vocalist was vacated in the team of Valery Meladze. Friends recommended that he take a closer look at Gnesinka graduate Albina Dzhanabaeva. She worked in Korea under a four-month contract with one of the local theaters, but for the sake of Meladze she returned to her homeland.

She fully accepted his conditions: only work at work, no flirting with other team members. Valery broke the rule first, falling in love with Albina, in his own words, "to the point of madness." Two years later, she gave birth to his son Kostya.

The singer recognized his son, but his paternity was kept in the strictest confidence. Meladze loved Albina, but was not ready to abruptly leave his family even for her sake. His daughters were 3.5 years old, 7 and 15 years old - only the eldest could understand something, and Sophia and Arina were still too small. Life between two families was hell, and one day Meladze told Irina about his illegitimate son.

For a while, she hoped that the story with Albina was temporary, and one day her husband would fully return to the family, continuing to support his son. But the boy grew up, the media were full of rumors, and Valery did not take any steps.

“I let go of the situation, stopped saving and building at all. Pulling away, I reconsidered my whole life. True, the play dragged on, and it was very annoying, ”admitted Irina.

Meladze was lucky: both of his women turned out to be quite patient and decent. Only when Albina became pregnant for the second time, he filed for divorce and declassified his relationship with the ex-soloist of VIA-Gra. Irina turned out to be wise enough not to interfere with the communication of her daughters with their father, and soon she herself adjusted her personal life.

Now Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva are raising two sons: 14-year-old Kostya and 4-year-old Luka. The boys hardly communicate with their older sisters, although Valery does not cease to hope that one day they will still make friends.

He is called the last romantic of the Russian stage and is adored for his lyrical manner of performance. It seems that in the personal life of Valery Meladze everything should be touching and romantic, but not always everything turned out the way it did in his beautiful compositions.

In order to become happy again, he had to destroy his first family and deal a heavy blow to the woman who gave him twenty years of her life - Valery Meladze's first wife, Irina, was very upset by her husband's betrayal when he announced that he was leaving her for another.

Personal life of Valery Meladze

Having lived for two decades with a woman who gave him three children and survived his ups and downs, the singer decided to change everything when another relationship began in the biography of Valery Meladze.

The first wife of Valery Meladze

Valery met Irina Malukhina when he studied at the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute. They were then twenty years old, and just before graduating from high school, they decided to get married. The beginning of the family life of Irina and Valery was overshadowed by a sad event - their newborn son died, having lived only ten days.

A year later, Irina gave birth to a second child - daughter Inga, and then, with a difference of eight years and three years, two more daughters of Valery Meladze appeared - Sofya and Arina. The singer's wife had no idea that when their third daughter with her husband was still quite a baby, he already had another woman, and a real threat of collapse loomed over their family.

The fact that Valery had an affair on the side of Irina learned from her husband when Arina was three years old:

“Valery said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. To the question "who", he did not answer. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who. I understood that Albina was too nervous. I did not understand the reasons for this behavior, ”recalls Irina.

Then Albina Dzhanabaeva was the soloist of the VIA Gra group, and Valery's wife treated her like the rest of the team, not understanding why Dzhanabaeva hides her eyes when she meets her. Irina says that when she found out that Albina had given birth to a son, she congratulated her, not suspecting that this was a child from her husband.

Of course, she understood that something was happening in the last years of their family life, but she could not even think that a loved one, whom she loved very much, could betray.

She wanted to know, but if Valery Meladze had not been so successful and wealthy, would Albina have paid attention to him?

After her husband's deceit was revealed and the question of his leaving the family arose, the main thing for Irina was that this event should have the least impact on their children. For Meladze's daughters, his departure from them was a real shock.

“The pain remains and will not go away. Such things are not forgotten. This story still hurts me to this day. But we have to live with it, ”says Meladze’s middle daughter Sofia.

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva, the history of relations

Now Meladze and Dzhanabaeva are a well-known married couple raising two sons, and once they carefully concealed their relationship, and even after the birth of their first child they did not declare themselves a couple, because Meladze was still married to Irina.

He met Albina on stage - for a long time she was a backing vocalist in his group, and there was no question of a romance between them. However, a spark of mutual sympathy soon slipped between them, and although novels were not welcomed in the team, colleagues began to notice that Valery and Albina were connected not only by work.

Dzhanabaeva says that she tried several times to break up with Meladze, but could not. They kept their romance secret, and he threatened the press, who tried to ask the singer uncomfortable questions, with a court.

In order not to cause universal censure, Valery Meladze even refused to recognize kinship with little Kostya, although outwardly they are very similar to each other.

Together, Meladze and Dzhanabaeva have been together for more than fourteen years, although they officially registered their marriage relatively recently.

In 2014, they signed, and in the same year, Valery Meladze's wife Albina Dzhanabaeva gave birth to a second child - a son, Luka.

Many argue that the relationship in this couple is far from ideal, but with every appearance in public, Valery and Albina demonstrate warm feelings for each other.

Children of Valery Meladze

Now the singer has five children - three daughters from his first marriage and two sons from his second. Despite the fact that the ex-wife of Valery Meladze, Irina, was very upset by the divorce, she found the strength to maintain normal relations with him, though not immediately, but after some time.

The eldest son of Valery Konstantin this year turned fourteen years old, the youngest Luka - four. Kostya, according to Valery, is not attracted to music at all - he is more interested in technology.

“He's really into technology, and he's an engineer in his mindset, just like me. He is terribly fond of everything related to technology, mechanics, electricity. Now he is working on a Tesla coil, ”Meladze shared in an interview.

Konstantin, when the opportunity arose, went on tour with Albina with pleasure, it was always interesting for him to visit different cities and countries.

Dzhanabaeva says that when Kostya was little, she devoted too little time to him, and is trying to compensate for this now. After the birth of the younger Luka, she almost stopped performing, interrupted her career in the theater, changing her concert outfits to casual home clothes. Now it is sometimes difficult to recognize the once chic soloist of VIAgra in her.

The younger son Luka is not at all like his older brother in character - he is more active and demanding, offended if he is not paid attention and is already showing character.

With children, Valery Meladze tries to be attentive and kind, although sometimes you have to be strict. Meladze moved his new family to a luxurious country mansion near Moscow, leaving the house on Rublyovka to the former family.

The daughters from the singer's first marriage are already quite adults. The eldest Inga, in 2015, arranged her personal life - she married a guy whom she had previously met for eight whole years. Inga's chosen one Nori Vergiz proposed to her when they were vacationing in Marrakesh, and a luxurious wedding was played a year later in Morocco, where the groom comes from.

The celebration took place in a country golf club, and became an important event not only in the fate of Inga, but also in the personal life of Valery Meladze. When the father led his daughter to the altar, it was obvious to the naked eye how nervous he was. Valery, like his ex-wife, is very pleased with Inga's choice - Nori Vargiz is a talented, purposeful young man and loves their daughter.

At the banquet, the bride's parents sat side by side at the festive table, along with them were their other two daughters. But for obvious reasons, no one invited Meladze's current wife to the celebration.

With his former family, Valery often meets at other family holidays, to which he is invited by his daughters, who, over time, have resented their father a little.

Surely in the former post-Soviet space there is not a single person who would not know about such a musical group as VIA Gra. Formed in 2000 in Kyiv, this project very soon became a symbol of female talent and beauty on the Russian and Ukrainian stage. Thanks to this musical group, many new names were discovered. One of the girls who became famous thanks to the VIA Gra team is Albina Dzhanabaeva. Photos of this red-haired beauty now and then flash on the pages of periodicals. How the path of a bright beauty began, and what the singer overcame on the way to success: this article tells about this and much more.

Parents and relatives

The biography of Albina Dzhanabaeva originates in the city of Volgograd (Stalingrad). It was there, on the western bank of the Volga, at the foot of Mamayev Kurgan, that the future sex symbol of the country was born in 1979. On April 9, a joyful event happened in the family of geologist Boris Khabdishevich (Albina Dzhanabaeva's nationality is Kazakh by father) and saleswoman Irina Petrovna: their first child was born. The girl was named Albina. After some time, other children appeared in the family: brother Boris and younger sister Katya. The heroine, as the oldest, had to help her mother and father a lot. Having put their offspring on their feet, the parents divorced.

School and dreams

The childhood biography of Albina Dzhanabaeva practically does not differ from the biography of many of her peers. She, like many Soviet children, dreamed of becoming a doctor. For the purpose of practice, the girl experimented on her friends. As the star recalls, her last experience in curing a cold was not very successful. Albina dripped cologne into her friend's nose. The boy became drunk, as a result of which he could not put on his shoes. This sight frightened the girl so much that she forever said goodbye to the dream of further experiments.

When Dzhanabaeva grew up a little, her father began to take her with him on expeditions. There Albina discovered a new and interesting world called "geology". After some time, the girl already confidently and professionally took casts of soils, and also performed other work. Albina's desire to become a geologist did not find support from her aunt. She insisted that the baby be given a classical education. That is why at the age of five, parents sent their child to a music school.

Sheet music and performances

So the biography of Albina Dzhanabaeva turns her story into a creative direction. At first, art did not particularly appeal to the girl. However, gradually she began to show great interest in vocal skills and playing the piano. The next step was participation in school plays and singing in the choir. At the age of fourteen, Albina first becomes a participant in a city beauty contest. The high results achieved in various competitions of this kind inspired the girl to travel to Moscow.

Since 1996, the biography of Albina Dzhanabaeva begins to be replenished with new events of a musical, theatrical and advertising nature. In that year, the girl enters. During her studies, the directors of the film "Forest Swamps" noticed a talented student. Thanks to this picture, Dzhanabaeva's acting debut took place.

The beginning of an adult journey: Valery Meladze and the role of Snow White

After receiving a diploma, Dzhanabaeva leaves for Korea. There she was busy in the production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." She got the role of the main character, which the girl performed with brilliance for quite a long time. Soon Valery Meladze invited the charming Albina to his team for the role of a backing vocalist. Having worked in the singer's team until 2004, on maternity leave.

Redhead from the team "VIA Gra"

After some time, the artist receives an invitation from producers Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk to become a soloist of the Ukrainian team VIA Gra. Albina gladly accepts the offer. The debut work of the red-haired beauty called "The World I Didn't Know Before You" became a hit and took a leading position in various radio charts for a long time. The composition of the trio was constantly updated. Albina Dzhanabaeva worked the longest in the team. Children, spouses, personal problems and squabbles in the group were the reasons why the girls left the group. However, despite everything, the heroine continued her career until 2013. This date was marked by the collapse of the Ukrainian trio "VIA Gra" - the sexiest and most talented team of the last decade.

Discography of the band and Albina

As part of the famous trio, Dzhanabaeva released four full-length albums. The first disc is called "Diamonds". This includes sixteen songs. The song "Deceive, but stay" blew up all the charts and for a long time did not fall from the won positions. After the release of the video for this song, more and more people began to ask various questions: “Who is this new girl from VIA Gra? “How old is Albina Dzhanabaeva?”, “Does she have a husband?”, “What is the name of the child of the red-haired singer?” and many others.

The second album, recorded with the participation of Dzhanabaeva, is the disc “L. M.L. Vera Brezhneva and Meseda Bagudinova also worked on this project together with the heroine. The most memorable hit of this collection was the composition "Flower and Knife". The rest of the songs were not very popular. This time the album did not live up to the expectations of the listeners. Interest in the group gradually faded away. Following this disc, the collections "Kisses" and "Emancipation" were also released. Although the producers called these albums new, the number of "fresh" songs was clearly inferior to the number of old hits that prevailed on the discs.

Decline in popularity and solo career

Tickets for the band's concerts were purchased reluctantly. The tour of the trio passed through the cities of Russia with a creak. Gradually, the public forgot about the team, and in 2013 producer Konstantin Meladze announced its collapse. Albina Dzhanabaeva began to build a solo career. Together with work on her own vocal project, the girl successfully participated in filming. She starred in the tapes "DMB - 002", "Star Holidays", "The Lion's Share" and "Operation Righteous". A year before the collapse of the team, a film by Kirill Serebryannikov called "Treason" was released on TV screens. The public and critics appreciated this masterpiece. The film became a member of the popular Cannes Film Festival.

Personal life

In 2004, Albina Dzhanabaeva gave birth to a son, whom she named Konstantin. In the birth certificate in the column "Father" the entry "Valery Meladze" was affixed. However, for a very long time, Albina and Valery hid their relationship. Who the father of the child was, only these two knew. They say that it was under the patronage of the famous singer Dzhanabaeva that she became a member of the VIA Gra team. For a long time, the couple's romance was hidden from the eyes of curious journalists. Once, in a fit of anger, Valery confessed to his wife Irina that he had had another woman for a long time, which turned out to be Albina Dzhanabaeva. He also did not hide the age of his son. The result of this revelation was a divorce: after eighteen years of relationship, the happy spouses ended all relationships. Recall that the singer and his former soulmate are growing up three daughters: Arina, Sophia and Inga.

However, even after receiving his freedom, Valery is in no hurry to reunite with his son's mother. In public, Meladze and Dzhanabaeva demonstrate a deliberately cold attitude towards each other. To date, Albina is thirty-five years old. Much is yet to come. How will the future life of Dzhanabaeva develop? Time will show...

An actress, singer, a wonderful mother and just a beautiful woman, Albina Dzhanabaeva became famous thanks to her participation in the pop group VIA Gra. But there are many other interesting moments in her biography, for example, a contract to work with a theater in Korea.


Albina Dzhanabaeva was born on April 9, 1979 in a simple Soviet family from Volgograd (later they moved to the working village of Gorodishche). The father of the celebrity, Boris Khabdishevich, a Kazakh by nationality, was a geologist and constantly took his daughter on expeditions. Later, he began working as a KamAZ driver at a Volgograd poultry farm. Mom, Irina Petrovna, was an employee of the Volgograd radio-measuring plant "Akhtuba", worked as a seller. Albina is the eldest child in the family: she has a sister, Katya, who became a hairdresser, and brother Boris, a chef by profession.

Albina's parents divorced as soon as they put all three on their feet. At the same time, even in childhood, Albina, as the eldest, often shifted the responsibility for raising her brother and sister, so the future singer did not have childhood as such. Despite the hellish workload at home, the girl studied "excellently", went to a music school, where she played the piano and sang in the choir. At first, she dreamed of being like her dad - a geologist, but by the time she graduated, she was determined to storm the creative universities of the capital. The head of the family was against such a decision, since he did not believe in the success of such an undertaking, but Albina insisted on her own. Because of this, the relationship between father and daughter was cool for a long time, but later they reconciled.

At the age of 17, Dzhanabaeva went to Moscow to study at the famous Gnesinka. At the entrance exams, she recited Krylov's fable. The bored examiners interrupted her: "Show me something more interesting, for example ... a barnyard." The girl began to moo, and she was cut off again abruptly: “Why is your cow smiling?” Angry, Albina showed everything she was capable of, and yet she was enrolled as a student - the jury saw a lively temperament in her. Having no money to rent housing, the girl settled in a hostel. In order to somehow make ends meet, she took on any job: starred in commercials, participated in extras.

After receiving her diploma, Albina Dzhanabaeva signed a 4-month contract to work in Korea. The girl participated in the musical "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and performed the part of the "foreign" Snow White in Korean. Three months later, she terminated the contract and returned to Russia.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and the VIA Gra group

Upon returning from Russia, luck smiled at her: Valery Meladze was looking for a backing vocalist in his team. In an active search for an artistic singer, he himself called Dzhanabaeva with an offer. Meladze gave the singer a cassette with backing parts for rehearsals and went on tour. After his return, Albina immediately set to work.

However, she did not work for Meladze for long: two years later, the singer gave birth to a son, Kostya (as it turned out much later, Valery Meladze, married to another woman, became a happy father). By the way, the girl went on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy. A small tummy did not at all prevent the singer from feeling free at concerts.

After giving birth and a short maternity leave, Albina accepted an invitation from the producers of VIA Gra Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk to become the soloist of the group to replace the previous vocalist Anna Sedokova, who had gone on maternity leave. However, for some time Svetlana Loboda lingered in this post, but because of her obstinate nature, she was fired and Albina Dzhanabaeva was taken to the vacant position.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, debut in the group "Via Gra" - The world that I did not know about before you

The debut in the group for Albina was the video for the song "The World I Didn't Know Before You". She worked in the group for 9 years from 2004 to 2013. As part of the VIA Gra group, Albina Dzhanabaeva recorded 4 albums. The first official disc with her participation, "Diamonds", was released in 2005. This was followed by the studio album "L.M.L.", then "Kisses" and "Emancipation".

In early 2010, the soloist Tatyana Kotova left the VIA Gra team. And after a while she gave a compromising interview about her stay in the group. In particular, Tatyana spoke about the scandals that Albina Dzhanabaeva constantly arranged behind the scenes for her colleagues: Meseda Bagaudinova and Tatyana. For example, the incorrect intonation of the singers in the introduction to the song could serve as a pretext for raising their voices.

The girl said that Albina was constantly on her nerves and could break because of any little thing. In addition, it turned out that Dzhanabaeva is a rather unrestrained and harsh person, to such an extent that sometimes it became unbearable. Tatyana added that Albina occupied a "special position" in the group due to her intimate relationship with Valery Meladze. And Kotova left, in her own words, due to the fact that Albina was jealous of her for Meladze.

At the end of 2012, the producer of the VIA Gra group, Konstantin Meladze, announced the end of the group's activities. But it soon became clear that it was just an advertisement for a new reality show “I Want V VIA Gru”, the main point of which was to search for new vocalists. On January 1, 2013, the former line-up of the group was disbanded. Albina stayed in the group for 8 years and 3 months.

Albina outside of music

There are more roles in the singer's filmography than there are music records in her discography. In 1998, Albina made her debut in the film "Forest Swamps". In 2000, work on "DMB-002" followed, a year later the film "The Lion's Share" was released. And after that there were paintings “Star Holidays”, “Hold Me Tight”, “Operation Righteous Man” and “Treason” by Kirill Serebrennikov.

In 2009, Albina Dzhanabaeva with her son Konstantin, as well as with Nadezhda Granovskaya and her son, took part in the Children's New Wave festival. At the same time, the singer decided to get a higher education at MSUPU (Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University), which she graduated in 2014, becoming a certified specialist in psychology. And a year later, she became the face of the Love Republic women's clothing brand as a member of the VIA Gra group.

Albina Dzhanabaeva devoted the first months of 2011 to participation in the 11th season of the Dancing with the Stars project, where she took third place. After it became known that Albina would participate in the Red Ribbon social company, which was created by the UN. The purpose of the action is the fight against AIDS and HIV.

"Dancing with the Stars": Albina Dzhanabaeva and Andrey Fomin

In the spring of 2013, Albina took part in the Big Dances project on the Russia-1 channel as a co-host of the program. In the summer of the same year, she was invited to the role of the host of the ClipYou Chart program on the Muz-TV music channel.

Solo career

After leaving VIA Gra, Albina Dzhanabaeva is confidently building a solo career. In the spring of 2013, she presented her first solo song "Drops", and on September 26, the Internet premiere of the single "Tired" took place.

Albina Dzhanabaeva - Tired

Among other memorable works of Albina: the songs "For Happiness", "New Earth", "Sharp as a Razor", which will certainly be included in her forthcoming solo album.

Albina Dzhanabaeva - "New Earth" (2016)

In June 2017, MODA topical magazine awarded Dzhanabaeva with the "Mom of the Year" award.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: a love story

At the end of 2009, news appeared in the press about the divorce of Valery Meladze and his wife Irina. The couple lived only in an official marriage for 18 years and raised three daughters. According to information that got into the press, the reason for the breakup was the romance of Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze.

Albina Dzhanabaeva denied the rumors: she said that she was dating a young man who was far from show business, and was raising a child from him - his son Kostya (born in 2004). However, in 2009, the singer nevertheless admitted: yes, Albina gave birth to a son from him. At that time, the boy was already 5 years old.

After such a confession, the singer's wife, Irina Meladze, gave an interview and confirmed the fact of the romance between Valery and Dzhanabaeva. She said that she was surprised how Albina managed to hide the truth for so many years. Irina admitted that she had known Dzhanabaeva for a long time, and after their relationship became public, she invited the singer to meet, but she refused. By the way, Irina Meladze noted that Kostya is completely different from his father.

Valery and Irina divorced in 2014, and in early July 2014, Albina and Valery had a second child for the singer and a fifth child for Meladze, the boy Luka. The name in Greek means "bright".

In June 2017, the media trumpeted the breakup of the star couple. The reason for this was the video in which Dzhanabaeva appeared without a wedding ring. Some fans added fuel to the fire, noting that the singer looked tearful. But most agreed that the reason for removing the ring was something else.

Albina Dzhanabaeva now

Albina successfully combines her creative career with motherhood. In the fall of 2017, she began performing with a new concert program "One on One", and at the end of the year she presented a video for the song "Most Important".

Albina Dzhanabaeva - The most important thing

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