Mikhalkov children: Stepan, Anna, Artyom and Nadezhda. Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov: biography, family. Anastasia Vertinskaya “I really love only two men Anastasia Vertinskaya and Mikhalkov now

December 19 marks the birthday of one of the most beautiful and mysterious actresses of Soviet cinema Anastasia Vertinskaya. It's hard to believe, but the youngest daughter of the famous chansonnier Alexander Vertinsky is 74 years old. "Unearthly", "alien", "Soviet actress with anti-Soviet appearance", "Russian Greta Garbo" - spoke about her from the moment she appeared on the screen in the press and the audience admired.

The beauty of Anastasia did not leave indifferent either movie lovers or colleagues. “When I first saw her, I behaved indecently: I couldn’t take my eyes off her, my eyes just stuck to her,” said Konstantin Raikin.

Probably, it was precisely because of her unusual appearance that the teachers of the Shchukin Higher Theater School at first did not want to notice the talent of Nastya Vertinskaya when she came to enter their university. I had to retake the entrance exam to prove that she should be taken seriously. By the way, at that time Vertinskaya already had crazy fame on an all-Union scale after her roles in the films Scarlet Sails and Amphibian Man. The first film was watched by 23 million viewers in a year, the second - by 65 million.

This popularity prevented her from living a normal life and even threatened her safety. The girl was very worried - how would the fame of the fatal movie beauty affect her future? After all, there have already been precedents: one crazy fan was chasing a young actress with a knife, threatening to kill her first, then himself ...

Passions boiled not only in the cinema. Anastasia's classmate, the future outstanding director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov, burned with love for her, the feelings were mutual and very strong. True, at first, Nastya, spoiled by male attention, rejected Mikhalkov's romantic advances, but he continued to persistently be on duty near her entrance with flowers.

“Although waiting for many hours with a bouquet of flowers at the entrance in the hope of a chance meeting is not my genre, I survived enough under Nastya's windows. Either Andrei Mironov, or Smoktunovsky (or maybe both) was courting her at that time - in general, one of the inaccessible people, - the director recalls in the book “The Territory of My Love”.

Their relationship started suddenly. “We stood at the window, embracing, and kissed, endlessly and uncontrollably. A mixed feeling of amazing happiness and terrible sin did not leave me. With Nastya, I simply blew the roof, ”he writes about the beginning of an affair with Vertinskaya.

After that, the couple almost never parted. They began to live together, first in the Mikhalkovs' apartment, and then at their dacha. The young people played the wedding when they already had a six-month-old son Stepan. They “built a cooperative” on Chekhov Street, but they did not manage to move into a new apartment.

This marriage lasted almost four years. Later, despite the existing love and respect, Vertinskaya admitted: “Mikhalkov and I did the right thing by parting.” She was not ready to sit at home, cook soups and wait for her husband. While this is exactly what was expected of her.

“I loved him very much, but I was completely obsessed with my profession. I don't know why, but I fanatically loved my job. I was ready to endure all hardships. She starred in extras, getting a penny. She could put everything on this altar, ”Vertinskaya explained the reasons for the divorce.

The parting was intelligent. The former spouses remained friends, raised a common son, the boy did not hear a single bad word about his father from his mother's lips.

She is now talking about marriage with Nikita Mikhalkov like this: "We were very young and had no idea what marriage is."

“When I meet Nastya now, I feel a wonderful feeling of light nostalgia,” Mikhalkov notes in turn.

Compiled based on the materials of "7 days".

Once upon a time, in 1978, Anastasia Vertinskaya starred in the film "Nameless Star". But for Nikita Mikhalkov, she became his "star of captivating happiness", with whom he was passionately, desperately and recklessly in love. Unlike his older brother, Nikita, although he was amorous, did not at all know how to seem like such a victorious playboy and hussar as Andron. At a young adolescence, he was, for example, very in love with Tanya Tarasova, daughter of the famous hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, now also a famous coach, however, already masters of figure skating. But Tanya did not pay any attention to Nikita, and he could not change this situation in any way. Then there were loves, and strong ones, in other girls - Katya Moskatova, the granddaughter of the legendary hero of the Civil War Lena Shchors, then in Lyusya Savelyeva, but he did not know how to win them.

He developed real "adult" relationships only with a woman much older than him, when he was already studying at the Pike. She was beautiful, belonged to the so-called grand dames, everyone knew her name in the bohemian circles of Moscow. When she agreed to meet with Nikita, he was terribly happy. But there was no love between them, not even "Balzac", just a connection. “From meeting her,” Nikita Sergeevich later recalled, “I already learned some lessons ...” Of course, later, especially when he started acting, there were already a lot of girls, but all his thoughts were occupied by Nastya Vertinskaya, with whom he fell in love after watching "Scarlet Sails", and then "The Amphibian Man" was also added. At the Shchukin school, they began to study on the same course, but Nastya knew her worth and did not let anyone close to her, keeping her fans at a distance. The whole country went crazy over her, such celebrities as Andrei Mironov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky looked after her. Mikhalkov, by that time, had also already starred in "The Adventures of Krosh" and in the film "I'm walking around Moscow", but this was nothing compared to Nastya's popularity.

And yet, he then achieved Nastya's attention, but ... But he failed to keep this attention. He tortured her with his jealousy so much that in the end she simply drove him away. He went to shoot "Roll Call", and when he returned, he began dating the ballerina Lena Matveeva, by the way, Nastya's friend. And everything seemed to be fine, Lena turned out to be a wonderful, smart and subtle person.

“I didn’t remember the past, I tried not to even think about Nastya. I sincerely believed that I had recovered from that illness,” Mikhalkov says in one of his interviews. But the past is not dead. One day, at Ivan Dykhovichny's birthday party, where he came with Lena, Nikita met Nastya. What happened next, he, as he says, does not even remember. “Failure, loss of consciousness in reality. I woke up on the stairwell on the floor below Dykhovichny’s apartment. I stood with Nastya at the window and kissed her on the lips ... That’s it, we didn’t return back to Vanya. I painfully understood that I was doing a terrible act, at least , in relation to Lena, but he could not help himself.

When I remember, I am still ashamed ... For some time period, my head and legs got mixed up, I did not fully realize what was happening to me, what world I was in. Looking back, I understand that I am not able to isolate a single day, week or even month from that mess. Everything merged into a continuous party, Nastya and I wandered from one company to another, drank, sang, talked. I still fought though. Infinitely!.." Naturally, everyone knew about Mikhalkov's affair with Vertinskaya, and after some time, the then young directors Andrei Smirnov and Boris Yashin invited them both to star in the film "The Joke" - an adaptation of Chekhov's story of the same name. Nastya realized that she was expecting a baby, and refused to shoot. The role of Nadenka was taken by another classmate of Mikhalkov in "Pike" - Nonna Terentyeva. The news of the unborn child did not discourage Nikita at all. On the contrary, he was terribly delighted, now he has appeared a guarantee that Nastya, with whom he was so madly in love, will stay with him. True, they got married when Stepan was already born. But the married life did not last long, only three years - it is difficult for two strong, bright, talented personalities to get along in one lair Moreover, the way of life, about which "love boats" so often crash, in this case turned out to be completely irrelevant. Firstly, the young lived with Nikita's parents, and Natalya Petrovna was a woman she was wise and knew how to get along with her daughters-in-law, and secondly, Nastya herself was an excellent hostess. As Natalya Arinbasarova (Andron's wife at that time) recalls in the book "Moon Roads", "... Nastenka had a wonderful grandmother Lidia Pavlovna, she skillfully kept the Vertinsky house, raised her granddaughters in strictness. Lidia Pavlovna is a wonderful hostess, this cozy talent Nastya also passed on. Natalya really liked the mushrooms that the beautiful Assol cooked ... From the plebeian russula, Nastena could cook a magically delicious dish. She didn’t throw anything away, everything came in handy in the kitchen ... " True, Natalya Arinbasarova does not say that two young daughters-in-law they did not always get on remarkably well with each other; Natalya Petrovna's tolerance was clearly not enough for both of them. After some time, they began to quarrel, which affected the general microclimate in the Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky family - after all, at that time they all lived together in a dacha on Nikolina Gora.

Gradually, husbands also began to get involved in these disputes, which did not improve the situation at all. Again, Natalya Petrovna had to act as a wise supreme judge, who sternly declared to her daughters-in-law:

"If you quarrel with my sons, I will curse you!" The threat helped. But even the wisdom of Natalya Petrovna was not enough to save the marriages of her sons. Andron divorced Natalya Arinbasarova, Nikita divorced Anastasia Vertinskaya. As Nikita Sergeevich later said in one of his interviews, “... Nastya never in her life let me understand or feel that she admired me or that she liked what I was doing ... She was restrained, ironic towards to me... It did not cause a feeling of resentment, but a certain male complex arose... But one moment was very important. I already studied at VGIK and wanted to shoot a picture about Vologda lacemakers. I went to Vologda and spent an incredible, wonderful time there! In an empty village, among old women..."

“The trip made such a stunning impression that, returning home early in the morning, he did not wait until Nastya wakes up, but pushed her aside and began to talk about soldier widows who had lost their husbands in the war, but continued to be faithful to them, about the customs reigning in the Russian village , about the hospitality and hospitality of ordinary people who met us, Moscow students, as their closest relatives... I talked, talked, talked, and then looked up and saw a polite, slightly sad smile ...... Nastya's reaction broke me. "From what has been said, it does not follow at all that I am right, and she is not. I woke up a person, carried some kind of nonsense and demanded active participation. Nastya could immediately send me far, far away, but did not do this ... Standing on her side, ready to understand and justify everything, but... The degree of my delight and excitement was so high that my wife's detachment cut unpleasantly. Some string inside burst, and from that moment the crack between us began to grow.

We must pay tribute to Anastasia Vertinskaya: having parted ways with Nikita, she retained respect for him and never said a single bad word about her father to her son. Then she married a second time - to the singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. But this marriage suffered the same fate. As she believes

"I was obsessed with the profession. It was clear that my calling was theater. And it was pointless to offer me the formula "the main thing for a woman is to be a wife ..." It makes no sense even now. I do not suffer from this at all, I do not have any complex single woman. Moreover, it would be terribly hard for me to live in marriage - this is an endless attachment to my husband, to the circumstances of his life. Marriage is an austerity. And I'm not ready to go for it ... "

At one time, Mikhalkov and Vertinskaya were considered one of the most beautiful couples in Soviet cinema. Despite the fact that the couple nevertheless broke up, having lived together for four years, they still remember each other with warmth.

Today, December 19, one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema Anastasia Vertinskaya turned 74 years old. She gained all-Union fame after filming in such films as Assol and Amphibian Man.

The beauty and talent of Vertinskaya did not leave indifferent either the fans of the actress or her colleagues. To capture her attention, many artists lined up in a queue. In particular, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Andrei Mironov and Nikita Mikhalkov, who, by the way, was still a student at the time of his acquaintance with Vertinskaya. The director recalls that for a long time the future wife ignored his courtship, but Nikita Sergeevich did not stop trying to achieve her location.

“Although waiting for many hours with a bouquet of flowers at the entrance in the hope of a chance meeting is not my genre, I survived enough under Nastya's windows. Either Andrei Mironov or Smoktunovsky (or maybe both) looked after her at that time - in general, one of the inaccessible people, ”recalls the director in the book“ The Territory of My Love ”.

Anastasia Vertinskaya was once considered one of the most beautiful actresses. Photo: kinopoisk.ru

According to him, relations with Anastasia Vertinskaya began suddenly. From the first day of the novel, the lovers practically did not part. At first they lived together in the Mikhalkovs' apartment, and then at their dacha. The wedding was played only when the couple's son Stepan was already growing up, and four years later they broke up. As Vertinskaya admits, the decision to divorce was the right one, because, as young people, she and Mikhalkov did not understand at all what marriage was. Vertinskaya was not ready to serve her husband as an exemplary wife, then she was more interested in her career.

“I loved him very much, but I was completely obsessed with my profession. I don't know why, but I fanatically loved my job. I was ready to endure all hardships. She starred in extras, getting a penny. She could put everything on this altar, ”recalls Vertinskaya.

By the way, despite the divorce, the couple managed to maintain friendly relations. According to Mikhalkov, and after many years, meeting Anastasia, he experiences a feeling of bright nostalgia.

Recall that for 45 years Nikita Sergeevich has been happily married to his wife Tatyana. In this relationship, the director had two daughters, Anna and Nadezhda, and a son, Artem. All of them decided to follow in the footsteps of the famous father and connected their lives with cinema.

And an actress Anastasia Vertinskaya broke up over 45 years ago. A short marriage gave the spouses their only son, Stepan, who became a famous restaurateur. Nikita Mikhalkov since 1973 has been happily married to his second wife Tatyana.

Stepan Mikhalkov gave the director and actress four grandchildren, the youngest of whom, Luka, was born less than a year ago. And yesterday, the restaurateur announced the birth of his first grandson, who was born by his eldest daughter.

On December 22, 2017, 25-year-old Alexandra Mikhalkova married 23-year-old actor Pyotr Skvortsov. Even before the wedding, she informed subscribers about her pregnancy and several times published photos with a rounded belly. Yesterday, the eldest granddaughter of Nikita Mikhalkov and Anastasia Vertinskaya gave them a great-grandson.

Alexander Mikhalkov. September 2017

“When your daughter gives birth to your grandson, you involuntarily recall moments from the recent past. Seems like a recent…”

Subscribers sincerely congratulated the restaurateur on the birth of his first grandson, and one of them half-jokingly noted: “Nikita Sergeevich, in response to this news, said: “Well, what’s new in general ?!” (The spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.).

Text: Elena Kuznetsova

It is unnecessary to talk about the merits of Nikita Mikhalkov. But, as you know, behind every great man is a great woman. In the life of Nikita Sergeevich, who turns 68 on October 21, fortunately, a strong woman is not alone.

Natalya Konchalovskaya - mother

The Mikhalkov family has always been a strong clan, and this sacred attitude towards “their own” existed long before the birth of Nikita and his brother Andron. The mother of directors, Natalia Konchalovskaya herself came from a dynasty that lived on the principles of unshakable faith in the family.

“Brought up from childhood in strict discipline, I deeply rooted in the life of a family for which spiritual culture, art, constant work were the basis of existence,” recalled Natalya Petrovna. These are the values ​​she instilled in her children. The attractiveness of his wife, who was 10 years older than him, was described by Sergei Mikhalkov as follows: “Natalia Konchalovskaya was already amazing when looking at her - she was sweet and very charming. Everything bright, talented, perfect, my Natasha took to heart. Sergei and Natalya have been married for more than half a century.

Nikita Sergeevich always admired his mother: “She grew old remarkably easily - there were no complexes or pain in this. There was dignity. Even in her advanced age, when she was over eighty, I never saw her casually dressed. If she felt bad, she simply did not invite anyone, realizing that she did not look well.

Anastasia Vertinskaya - first wife

Women liked Nikita from a young age and was not deprived of their attention. But the first woman who captured him so much that he wanted to call her his wife was the actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. At that time, she was already quite famous thanks to her roles in the films Scarlet Sails and Amphibian Man. Nikita was 20, she was 21, both on the rise - maximalists, idealists. “It was impossible not to fall in love with him,” Vertinskaya recalled about Nikita. Nastya was called perfection, she was so charming, all the prominent men of that time were her fans. He loved her painfully, was jealous, tormented, she breathed him. However, Nikita's wise father called this marriage "training" from the very beginning and turned out to be right. Despite the fact that Nikita and Nastya had a son and they really loved each other, the couple soon broke up. Both were too strong, did not want to give in to each other, Nastya was not interested in being a wife, she was only interested in an acting career, and Nikita needed a wife who would cook borscht and raise children.

Anastasia admits that she was and remains a loner, unsuitable for a family, while declaring that she had only one husband in her life - Nikita Mikhalkov. But not only in her life, this short marriage left a strong mark: the charisma, talent and temperament of the actress undoubtedly influenced the formation of Nikita.

Tatyana Mikhalkova - the second wife

Looking at this couple and their talented children, it is difficult to imagine another woman next to Nikita Sergeevich. An imperious man needs a woman who will take his power for granted, on the one hand, but on the other, she will be strong herself. Forty years of marriage Mikhalkovs only confirm the wisdom of this alignment of forces.

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