Biryukova's husband. Actor Ilya Khoroshilov - personal life. Klimova's first husband. Over the years, you stop being jealous

Katya was born into the family of a freelance artist Alexander Klimov and his wife, who was a housewife and raised two daughters. Katya has an older sister, Victoria, with whom they are very close.

Despite the age difference of four years and completely opposite characters, the sisters were always friends, arranged joint pranks and absolutely could not be angry with each other for a long time when they happened to quarrel.

The happy family, unfortunately, was not spared the trouble: when the girls were very young, their dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. He was given a long 12 years, which he did not see his daughters.

But life went on. Katya grew up, went to school, and in the summer, in order not to leave the girls alone at home, her mother, who went to work, sent them to the camp. It was there that the restless Katya's first desire to show off on the stage manifested itself.

Theatrical amateur performances on a summer vacation fascinated Katya so much that by the time she graduated, she was already confident in her choice of profession. The experience of working with counselors-directors and the opportunity to perform in front of the guys who were resting with the future actress in the camp gave her the opportunity to go to Sliver after school without fear. Klimova entered the first time.

Married student

film "Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning" (2001)

She got on the same course with the actors who would later become famous - Maxim Konovalov, Pyotr Krasilov, but the most interesting thing is that her future second husband, Igor Petrenko, studied under the course. However, then the girl simply did not notice him. The thing is, she was already married.

Katya first got married very early. While still at school, she began dating the jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. First love was what it should be: pure and affectionate. He beautifully looked after his very young bride, and then a student, a future artist, was introduced to his parents, touchingly asked for hands and hearts ...

The lovers got married, but the young wife kept putting off the birth of a child: she had to unlearn. And then she tried her best to save the marriage - no matter what happened.

And it happened, as in any family, anything. Klimova, who got into the theatrical student environment, finally felt at home there. Now she went to study with pleasure, because Katya no longer had to go to the hated mathematics!

Year by year she grew up, became more attached to art and more and more moved away from her husband.


film "Sins of the Fathers" (2004)

Graduating from high school, Katya has already managed to star in several TV shows and had some recognition. However, her main roles were still ahead. There were big changes ahead.

On the set of "Moscow Windows" between the actors who played the main roles - Klimova and Petrenko, the first sympathy appeared. Both of them were legally married and were already going to build a secret relationship, but the girl realized that she was making a mistake and stopped the emerging passion, saying to Igor: “Enough.”

Filming ended, they each went home. Katya, loving her family with all her heart, tried to save the marriage. When once again the subject of a child came up, she finally agreed, calling into question her just-begun career. In 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa, and a year later, Katya was called to shoot the continuation of Moscow Windows.

A new meeting with Igor on the set again inflamed the feelings of lovers. Now it was real passionate love, from which it was not possible to escape. Klimova reproached herself every day for what was happening, returned to her family with a heavy heart and continued to smile at her husband. But she could not help her feelings, which were stronger than her.

And now she managed to end this relationship and, tormented and breaking herself, still refuse Igor. The actress herself recalls that she had no idea how she could take a child at one moment and leave her husband, because he was everything for her - from a very young age.

But the marriage was already upset. When little Lisa turned two, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for divorce.

Petrenko's heart was also empty during this period. The man raved about Klimova, suffered without her, and finally decided to call - just to hear his native voice. It was this call that made the difference. In an interview, she will later tell: when she heard Igor, she realized that this person should be nearby.


They didn’t care if their relationship was registered, so, nevertheless, having decided to get married, they set a date for New Year’s Eve - December 31, were late at the registry office and forgot their wedding rings. The employees just shook their heads, and the happy couple, without taking their loving eyes off each other, went home to celebrate New Year 2004.

They were called Russian Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they were an incredibly beautiful couple and lived together for 10 years. During this time, they had two boys - Matvey and Roots. The couple was envied, admired and firmly believed: an idyll reigns in the family.

When in 2014 the news appeared in the media that Klimova and Petrenko had officially divorced, the fans were shocked, and Klimova commented: they were an ordinary couple, with their troubles. In their joint fate there were moments of absolute happiness, but they also knew how to make each other's life unbearable.

They parted, according to the actress, in a normal relationship, having experienced their passions to the fullest. They communicate, raise children together, arrange family councils, where they decide where the boys will study, what additional classes to attend, who will pay for it.


The paparazzi's divorce was linked to Katya's betrayal. Allegedly, the actress started an affair with another filming partner. In the film "Wolf Heart" she played with Gela Meskhi, a beginner and very talented and temperamental artist eight years younger than Klimova.

Allegedly, he fell madly in love with a star and literally did not give married Katya peace, expressing his readiness to marry her and raise her children. But nevertheless, Petrenko took the blame for the divorce in his interview, mentioning only that Katya is the best wife and mother in the world.

Klimova refused rumors about a relationship with Gela for a long time, and a year after the divorce, she unexpectedly married him. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Bella. Despite pregnancy and childbirth, the actress did not stop acting. On especially energy-intensive projects during this period, all the tricks for Ekaterina were performed by an understudy.

Unfortunately, the acting profession has more minuses than pluses, especially when it comes to family relationships. Quite rarely, a harmonious life develops in a couple in which one or both spouses are actors. That's Khoroshilov Ilya (former Klimova) - family photos they usually signed with him that way. Unable to withstand the popularity and betrayal of his wife, he left the family.

The couple has very few joint photos left ...

Klimova found her solace in the arms of Igor Petrenko. Their couple has long been considered one of the most harmonious in the acting firmament, but it turned out to be just a mirage ...

Ilya Khoroshilov, Klimova's ex-husband, family photos left in the table and began to look closely at other actresses. After all, he himself is a creative person by profession, and can only understand the same creative and talented soul. In 2003, he met Elena Biryukova, a friend of his then wife. The girls played together in the play "Boeing-Boeing" and when they met, Ilya won Elena's heart by how touchingly he communicated with his daughter.

The current and former spouses of Ilya Khoroshilov

After the official divorce, which took place in 2004, Ilya Khoroshilov was increasingly noticed in the company of Biryukova, they scattered through the pages of the yellow press. Behind "Masha" from the popular sitcom there were several official marriages and a fairly adult daughter. Ilya has a complicated divorce with the woman she loves and the baby she took away.

Ilya Khoroshilov is essentially monogamous. And starting a relationship with Elena Biryukova, one could understand that this was really serious. Having discovered a jewelry talent in himself, he filled up his woman with beautiful and expensive jewelry, did not miss the opportunity to give a chic bouquet and found a common language with her daughter Alexandra.

After some time, when, it would seem, the label "Klimova's husband" peeled off the image of Khoroshilov, there was a new sensation - his civil wife gave birth to a child! And after all, Elena Biryukova was once considered Klimova's best friend, how could she do this to her?

Despite her late age, Elena Biryukova gave birth to a beautiful daughter

In fact, Elena carefully tried to hide her pregnancy from the public, and she succeeded - many learned about the fact of the birth of baby Aglaya only after the fact, when three months had passed after the birth. But no one was able to change the opinion of the media - after all, everyone knew Khoroshilova Ilya just like Klimova's ex-husband, remember about family photos and about how painful the gap was and that Elena and Ekaterina once played on the same stage.

Now Ekaterina Klimova again attracts attention with her third marriage and fourth pregnancy, no one remembers her ex-husband. Elena Biryukova, having given birth to her second daughter at 41, is happily married to her common-law spouse and is not going to officially register her relationship.

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Marina Dokicheva.

The talented actress Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life is discussed in the article, won the sympathy of many Russian and foreign viewers. The roles played by her do not leave anyone indifferent.

The actress was born on November 7, 1970 in Minsk, in a family of engineers. As a schoolgirl, Elena loved literature lessons. She also enjoyed going to the pool, fencing. She had many hobbies.

Actress Elena Biryukova

The relationship between the girl and her father was not the best. He, being a gambler, lost their apartment, cottage and car in cards. He had huge debts. One day, Biryukova's younger sister ran into bandits who threatened to kill her if her father did not repay the debt.

For many years, Elena did not communicate with her father, she could not forgive his actions. Biryukova's parents lived together for 22 years. Now her mother is married to another man. In the biography of Elena Biryukova and her personal life, there are many interesting points. For example, the future "star" for a long time did not dare to connect her life with the acting profession.

Elena Biryukova in her youth

In the 10th grade, she began to go to a theater studio and found her calling there. But the shy girl was afraid for a long time to try to enter the theater institute. She considered acting a gift from above and doubted that she had this gift.

Biryukova decided to enter the pedagogical faculty, but failed the exams. After that, she worked in a kindergarten as a nanny and a librarian. But she did not leave theatrical studies.

Over time, the circle that Elena went to became a real "Alternative Theater". In this place, the future famous actress began her career. There she met her first husband, rock musician Alexander Romanovsky. This marriage broke up a year later, but the actress is still friends with Romanovsky.

Elena Biryukova at a photo shoot

Work in the theater

In 1992, the girl moved to Moscow to enter GITIS. It was very difficult for her in a foreign city. But the stubborn Biryukova entered the university. Here, the future star met her second husband, director Alexei Litvin. He was her teacher and unexpectedly proposed to the girl a marriage proposal. Until 2010 they were together.

Elena Biryukova with her first husband Alexei Litvin and their common daughter

In 1996, the young actress joined the troupe of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater. For seven years of work in this theater, she played in performances:

  • "Lizard";
  • "How do you like it";
  • "The Adventures of Pinocchio";
  • "Enter a free man."

In 2004, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are considering in the article, left the Mayakovsky Theater. Thanks to her collaboration with the Independent Theater Project, she got a role in the play "Boeing Boeing" based on the play by Mark Camoletti, which soon became very successful.

Elena Biryukova on the stage of the theater

This is a comedy about a young guy from Paris who has a romantic relationship with three girls at once - stewardesses.

With the performance, in the company of other actors - Georgy Dronov and Pyotr Krasilov, actress Elena Biryukova made a large-scale tour. Artists were enthusiastically welcomed not only in Russian cities, but also abroad.

Elena says that as if someone from above gave her the opportunity to become an actress. Since childhood, she felt like a "white crow". And only in a theatrical environment did she realize that she was at home - among like-minded people. That is why the profession is so important to her.

Film career

In 2001, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are talking about today, received her first role in the film "Yellow Dwarf".

And in 2003, luck smiled at her - the girl was offered the main role in the sitcom "Sasha + Masha" on TNT. Participation in this project brought her a stunning success and many fans. He and Georgy Dronov played a couple so believably that the audience believed that they were together in real life. Even colleagues on the site considered them husband and wife.

Elena Biryukova and Georgy Dronov in the series "Sasha + Masha"

Elena admits that she has long been accustomed to the fact that passers-by call her Masha and ask her to say hello to her husband Sasha. Although the girl is a little offended that it was this role that was most remembered by the audience. After all, she played in many successful films.

In an interview, the actress admitted that she would like to play a dramatic role that would overshadow the image of Masha that had been assigned to her. And Elena also claims that in real life she would never have connected her fate with a guy like Sasha. He is too primitive for her.

Elena Biryukova in the movie "Super Grandpa"

In 2009, Elena tried herself in the voice acting of the cartoon. It was the cartoon "Thunderstorm of ants". Its main character is a boy who destroyed anthills. The angry ants decided to take revenge on him and brewed a potion, after drinking which the boy became tiny. Elena voiced the ant in this project.

In 2010, she starred in the drama Buggy. The film draws a line between the values ​​of the bygone century and modern ones. For a week, the main characters need to find 7,000 rubles to save the lives of other people. The people in the film are like broken robots. They devote themselves to unloved work, do not enjoy communication - all their connections are empty and devoid of warmth. Even a person's life can be valued at a certain amount. Not many people find the strength and desire to change something. The picture has become a participant in many film festivals in our country and abroad.

Elena Biryukova in the movie "The Hillbilly"

In 2011, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are talking about today, played a major role in the adventure film Treasure Hunters. The plot of the picture is quite interesting - 16-year-old teenagers from different countries participate in a reality show. They are looking for treasures hidden by Stepan Razin in the Zhiguli mountains. The “Black Diggers” are watching the guys, but this does not bother teenagers. They are sure that everything is within the show.

Dancing on Ice

There are many bright moments in the biography and personal life of Elena Biryukova. For example, in 2007, the actress became a member of the popular TV show Dancing on Ice. Biryukova has long wanted to go in for sports, and the invitation to this project was very helpful.

Before that, she was not familiar with skates, and therefore the 36-year-old actress had a hard time. She literally washed her legs in the blood at rehearsals. Nevertheless, she proudly showed her scars to her acquaintances. Dancing on ice brought her great joy, drive.

Elena Biryukova during participation in the program "Dancing on Ice"

The daughter of actress Alexandra, who at that time was nine years old, went skating with her mother with pleasure. After the show, the actress, along with other participants in the show, went on a big tour.

Second marriage

Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life are so interesting to fans, has been married more than once. Her first marriage broke up when she lived in Minsk. There were no children in this union. But in 1998, the actress became the mother of the girl Alexandra, married to her second husband.

Elena Biryukova with her second husband Ilya Khoroshilov

After the birth of the baby, she continued to actively pursue a career. Two months later, Elena resumed acting on stage - she played episodic roles. A year later she returned to full-time work. When her daughter was little, Elena often disappeared at rehearsals. There was very little time for family. Now Alexandra is 16 years old. She studies at the theater college at the producing and directing department. He is fond of drawing.

Biryukova says that the eldest daughter is wiser than she is - the girl always supports and reassures her mother in difficult situations. Although at the age of 12 Sasha was a difficult teenager.

Elena Biryukova with her husband and children

It was difficult for Elena to accept her daughter for who she is. Everything changed for the better when the actress became pregnant. The relationship between mother and daughter improved. The girl did not want her beloved mother to be nervous.


In the personal life and biography of Elena Biryukova, there was also a dramatic period. In 2001, doctors suspected that she was developing cancer. Elena was very worried: what if she dies at 31? To whom will she leave her three-year-old daughter? The actress had a major operation on the female part. At that moment, she felt as if she had been buried alive.

The actress recalls that her husband Alexei Litvin left home at the time she was diagnosed. He staged a play in another city. Biryukova was left alone with the disease, and she was very scared. But everything ended well, the actress was even able to become a mother again.

Elena Biryukova: photo

However, Biryukova's personal life at that moment cracked. She could not forgive her husband for not supporting her during a difficult period. A few years later, the actress realized that she wanted to break up with this man because she did not love him.

Union with Ilya Khoroshilov

In the personal life and biography of Elena Biryukova, there are moments that are especially sharply discussed by the audience. For example, her union with the current common-law spouse Ilya Khoroshilov.

Elena met him while visiting her friend and colleague, Ekaterina Klimova. Together with Alexandra, she came to the birthday of Khoroshilov's daughter, Lisa. Ilya at that time had long divorced Klimova. Elena immediately liked him, but the relationship began only a few years later.

Elena Biryukova now

Elena and Ekaterina Klimova were already friends then. At first, Katya did not like that Biryukova began to get closer to her ex-husband. But then she reconciled herself and concluded that it was even for the best.

Ilya is not connected with the acting environment, he is engaged in jewelry relations. Elena admits that he often spoils her with jewelry.

The actress treats the eldest daughter of her common-law spouse well. Often they gather in a large company, together with Klimova, her husband and children. Once they even celebrated the New Year together. Their children are very friendly with each other.

Birth of a second daughter

In 2012, the actress gave birth to her second daughter, Aglaya, in a civil marriage with Ilya Khoroshilov. The actress was not embarrassed by the fact that she was already 40 years old at that time. On the contrary, she was glad that she and her husband would have a baby. At that time, there was a crisis in their couple, and the daughter rallied them, made the union stronger. The common-law husband began to literally blow off dust particles from the pregnant Biryukova. And she blossomed.

Having survived a serious operation, the actress was very afraid that problems would arise during pregnancy. But everything went well.

Elena Biryukova at a photo shoot

Now Elena is trying not to repeat the mistakes of her youth and devote as much time as possible to little Aglaya. The actress admits that she thinks about her family all the time, even at work. She gets the greatest joy from communicating with loved ones. But, nevertheless, she manages to combine motherhood with playing on stage. In the theater, the actress splashes out her energy, and then returns to her family.

Husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, loves to stay with his daughter. He understands that his wife needs to do what she loves.

Ilya has a daughter from his first marriage, Lisa. The girls are friends. And Khoroshilov often spends time with Lisa and Alexandra.

Elena Biryukova with her youngest daughter Alexandra

Elena admits that with the appearance in Aglaya, she had an incentive to look and feel younger. Biryukova admits that she feels fifteen years younger than her real age.

Despite the fact that with the advent of Aglaya, worries have increased in the life of Elena and her common-law spouse, the positive pays for everything with a vengeance. The little girl disciplines the family, she is very independent.

". This time, the chair of the main player was taken by theater and film actress Elena Biryukova, who received nationwide fame after the release of the sitcom Sasha + Masha. “In life, actress Elena Biryukova took a sip of grief. She has two divorces behind her, Elena lives with her ex-girlfriend's husband, but he does not take her to the registry office. Why?" - with these words Lera Kudryavtseva met the heroine of today's issue.

The organizers prepared questions for the star on rather provocative topics: “Player”, “For debts”, “Husband for an hour”, “Payback for love”, “For food?”, “One for two”, “Terrible diagnosis”, “Girl matured”, “Refused twice”. At the beginning of the program, Elena Biryukova admitted that she was nervous. In response, the host of the show asked if the actress was shy about sex scenes? “I'm embarrassed. In one of the films, a stripper dubbed me, ”the famous artist answered. After these words, viewers watched a short story, from which it became known that Elena Biryukova began her career with an adult film. The actress herself explained that the film does not belong to this category, but there is one erotic scene in it, where Elena had to walk wrapped in cellophane on her naked body.

One of the touching moments of the release was the meeting of Elena Biryukova with her father. Valery Anatolyevich burst into tears when he saw his daughter: “I remember different things, you know. Now I regret my addiction to gambling. After the divorce, everything began to crumble from my hands. ”

Speaking about her relationship with businessman and ex-husband of actress Ekaterina Klimova Ilya Khoroshilov, Elena Biryukova admitted that several years ago she was on the verge of breaking up with him. However, after a joint trip, she found out that she was pregnant. The couple decided to keep the relationship: “He looked and said, they say, let's give birth. He looked after me very much, blew off dust particles. A few minutes later, Ilya Khoroshilov himself appeared in the studio of the program, who admitted that he gravitates towards actresses, because they are “perky and there is time to get bored, because they don’t often go on tour.” Also, the businessman did not deny that he was afraid of marriage because of the fear that love would go somewhere. Such beliefs did not prevent Ilya from making an offer to Elena Biryukova in the studio of the Secret to a Million show. "I love you very much. Be my wife, please,” said the embarrassed groom. The actress, without restraining her emotions, answered “yes”.

The final question of the show "Secret for a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva traditionally handed over to the hero of the show in a sealed envelope. “Let it be like a secret from childhood, let them punish me for it later,” said Elena Biryukova, and burned the envelope without regret or hesitation.

Ilya Khoroshilov, despite the fear of marriage, called Elena Biryukova to marry

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Elena Biryukova became popular thanks to the series "Sasha + Masha". She played excellently, the audience really liked the sitcom. The actress told how she began dating the ex-husband of her best friend Ekaterina Klimova. Ilya Khoroshilov became ideal for her

At the moment, Elena has the only man with whom she is happy. This is the ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Ilya Khoroshilov. A little about the past relationship of Elena Biryukova. Elena admits that she married Romanovsky only because he

The actress is happy in a relationship with Ilya Khoroshilov. But he is in no hurry to formalize the relationship.

What is the most important thing in my life right now? This is a family, children. A small child at my age does not let me relax. If I didn’t have a tiny Glasha, I might look different now. But what do you think: “Well, she will go to school, and I will be an old grandmother ?!” I want to be a young mother. And now I feel not 45, but 30.

A lot has changed in me with age. In my youth I was a romantic person, it seemed to me that it was possible to change the world for the better. I came to the theater because I wanted to open people's eyes to the beauty that I experienced myself. Now I have a more ironic attitude to life. I understand: “If you want to be happy, be it,” as Kozma Prutkov said. I look at my daughters: one has grown, the other is small. I so want to see my grandchildren, but you can’t make plans, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to find joy now, and I find it. I began to enjoy the rest, and before that I was an absolute workaholic. I like to be with my family, go to the dacha, pick mushrooms, swim in the river. In general, now I work in order to make loved ones happy.

30-year-old Elizaveta Boyarskaya is resting in Batumi with her husband, 34-year-old Maxim Matveev. How do stars spend their holidays? Let's talk further. Elizaveta Boyarskaya rarely pleases fans with updates on her Instagram profile. The last frame was published as much as seven weeks ago. And so it happened: three new publications from the actress at once. As it turned out, Elizabeth has now gone to rest in Georgia with her family. With my whole family, to be more precise. Despite regular rumors about parting with her husband Maxim Matveev, their joint frame appeared in the profile of the star. The couple is captured against the backdrop of the mountains of Batumi.

Elena Biryukova in 2017. The actress has a personal Instagram account, where she shares photos from life with great pleasure: workers - from filming and performances, and Elena Biryukova spoke frankly about her relationship with her ex-husband Klimova.

Elena Biryukova is a fairly well-known theater and film actress, but shooting in the series At the birthday party of the eldest daughter of Ekaterina and Ilya Klimov, she called Biryukova to her real popularity. At that time, Ilya and Ekaterina were already divorced, but

Accept your daughter for who she is.

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I believe that children should grow up with their parents. In this regard, there is a sense of guilt in relation to the eldest daughter (daughter from marriage with theater director Alexei Litvin. - Approx. "Antennas"). Now she is 18, and when we parted with her father, she was 11. My first husband is nine years older than me and, in addition, was my teacher. Therefore, we stood in positions: I am a girl, and he is a master who teaches. For me it was great and interesting. But 10 years have passed, I became an adult woman, and in order to move on, I had to part with him.

And for a child, it is always painful. I tried to pay more attention to Sasha, we often walked together, went somewhere. But, of course, in adolescence, she betrayed me anyway, she took revenge a little. She did everything the other way around: she specially communicated with bad companies, skipped school. And when I said that she didn’t act like that at her age, she answered: “If you were good, it doesn’t mean that I will.” I even went to a psychologist. He said, “Take your daughter for who she is. The rebellion will end as soon as you say: well, let it be as you want. And really, as soon as I allowed: “Go for a walk”, I look - he is sitting. "You wanted to go." "Something has changed." Then it was fundamental to disobey, but now it has ceased to be interesting. Even adolescence softened my pregnancy. My daughter saw how difficult it was to experience, how tired I was (I was still working at the same time), and she began to treat me more attentively and carefully, to restrain herself more.

Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva is sure that the singer is engaged in black PR. The woman studied the life codes of two celebrities and came to the conclusion that the artist is trying to benefit from a conflict situation with the producer. 1/10 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Lena Temnikova 2/10 SLIDES © Instagram Elena Temnikova 3/10 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Elena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina 4/10 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Elena Temnikova

Elena Biryukova spoke frankly about her relationship with her ex-husband Klimova. 47-year-old Elena Biryukova became a guest of the program "The Fate of a Man". The actress spoke about the fight against "oncology" and relations with Ilya Khoroshilov

Elena Biryukova became a favorite of the audience after the release of the series. However, according to the artist, she found real happiness only with her third husband - Ilya. Before Elena, the man was married to Ekaterina Klimova, they have a common daughter, Elizabeth.

Difficulty making new relationships

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- The first thing that made an impression when meeting Ilya, my second husband, was what kind of father he was (Ilya has a 14-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, from her marriage to actress Ekaterina Klimova. - Approx. "Antennas"). But trusting the feeling was not easy. When you are an adult, with experience, you have gone through pain, devastation, loneliness, you need to step over something, allow yourself to love. You understand that you can’t fall in love without looking back, that you have a child, many obligations and your own life in general, and it’s difficult and scary to let another person into it ...

Ilya had this fear too. When she and Katya broke up, Liza was very small, and it was difficult for him to decide on a new relationship. Especially with an actress. “An artist again,” I heard this from his entourage. In general, people go to each other in small steps, from meeting to meeting, from conversation to conversation. This is not a matter of one day. Only with time do you come to understand that this person fills your life more and more, and you want to see him more and more often.

The artist's car, in which she was returning from a concert, hit a pedestrian on one of the sections of the Leningrad highway. The man died from his injuries. Elena Presnyakova was riding in the passenger seat next to the driver. Law enforcement agencies are conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of the accident. On the eve of the soloist of the group "VIA Gems" Elena Presnyakova was returning in her Lexus from a concert in Tver. Behind the wheel was a 69-year-old personal driver of the star. He knocked down a man crossing the highway on the Leningrad highway in the Klin district of the Moscow region. The accident happened on the night of Sunday, August 28.

Ilya Khoroshilov and Elena Biryukova experienced a crisis in relations. In 2012, Biryukova gave birth to a daughter, Aglaya, and her parents were in no hurry to go to the registry office. Elena Biryukova spoke frankly about her relationship with her ex-husband Klimova.

Now Elena Biryukova is happily married to jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. But before her life could not be called prosperous. Who would have known that her fate was to be with Ekaterina Klimova's ex-husband? Elena told why she still doesn't have

Before I became pregnant with Glasha, we lived together for three years, and during this period, as you know, a crisis sets in: you start to wonder whether you are suitable for each other or not, whether these relationships are needed at all. At that time, we were still finishing repairs in the apartment, and this is also a test, in the end we were just shaking. Then we went to rest in Cambodia, and everything was somehow quite tense there ... But it so happened that we brought Glasha from there. Ilya asked: “Will we leave the child?” I replied: "Let's leave it, of course." And all conflicts were resolved immediately by themselves. Now sometimes I even envy Glasha that she has such a dad. He solves any problem, it's fun to relax with him. When we go to the sea, my daughter will never go swimming with me, only with Ilya, because she subconsciously feels the strength in him that holds her in every sense. He is stable, constant, such a rear.

And for the wedding, we, firstly, still do not have time. Secondly, there must be an understanding - for what. In your youth you do it because you hope that once and for all. And now it's just a life together. But someday, if there is time and motivation, let's go and sign.

The new detective series "Angel Heart" will tell about a policeman who gets a chance to start life anewThe new detective series on Channel Five will delight viewers with dashing plot twists, witty dialogues and stylish direction. Plus a love line (the major has a passionate affair with the heroine of Alena Babenko) and Mikhail Porechenkov's signature charm. Fans of the actor will appreciate how his character changes over the course of the series and turns from a boorish bribe-taker into a real crime fighter.

Khoroshilov was the first husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Elena was close friends with Ekaterina. For the birthday of the eldest daughter of Ekaterina and Ilya Klimov, she called Biryukova. At that time, Ilya and Ekaterina were already divorced, but maintained a good relationship for the sake of

Elena Biryukova was close friends with her colleague Ekaterina Klimova. At one of the eldest’s birthdays, Yes, we kept the relationship, but now there is already a distance for ethical reasons, nevertheless Elena and my ex-husband Ilya met there.

Over the years, you stop being jealous

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- The eldest daughter Sasha and Ilya are rather friends. They have their own company, such a "gang". Even in childhood, it happened: when Ilya took Lisa on a day off, the three of them went to the skating rink, to the cinema, to the park - to take a walk, ride scooters or roller skates.

The grinding period was avoided due to the fact that Sasha and Ilya practically did not intersect at home. He is a jeweler, he can arrange his own work schedule and leaves the house after morning traffic jams - Sasha was already leaving for school at that time. When she went to bed, he only returned. And on weekends, she and Lisa happily went for a walk, and they had a lot of fun. So everything worked out well. Due to the fact that he did not seem to interfere, she did not feel that he had intervened in her life.

Sometimes we get together in a big company (Ekaterina Klimova, in addition to Liza, has three more children - 10-year-old Matvey and 8-year-old Korney from actor Igor Petrenko and 11-month-old Bella from actor Gela Meskhi. - Approx. "Antennas"), this usually happens in country houses. Glasha loves Lisa, they squeal when they meet, they are so similar, it is immediately clear that they are sisters. Liza is a very homely, gentle girl, she loves to cook, tinker with Glashka, and play. And with Sasha they already have teenage interests.

Elena Delle Donne Confirmed She Was Taking WADA Authorized Drugs “I would like to thank the hackers who told the world that I legally take drugs prescribed for my illness, for which WADA has made an exception. Thank you, guys!" - wrote to Della Donn. The athlete did not specify what kind of disease in question.

Surprisingly, the current civil husband of Elena Biryukova is the former husband of her friend Ekaterina Klimova. By that time, Klimova and Khoroshilov were not together - according to Elena, “Katya already had Elena Biryukova: about relations with Klimova's ex-husband.

The actress is happy in a relationship with Ilya Khoroshilov. But he is in no hurry to formalize the relationship.

We are friends with Katya, we even play in the same performance. How did you manage to maintain a good relationship? We just don't get into each other's lives. If Ilya and Katya decide something, I don’t even delve into it, because each family has its own rules. And over the years, you stop being jealous. Already too much understanding of life.

Fees for kindergarten - an hour and a half

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- I call it a gift. It simultaneously creates a lot of worries and a huge amount of positive. He unites and disciplines our entire large family. It combines urbanization and the old leisurely rhythm of life. She likes things to be in order. If we bathe, God forbid, to break the sequence, we need to substitute a chair, stand on it, take a brush, paste ... And all this is done very slowly. We are going to kindergarten for an hour and a half. If I can’t stand it and do something instead of her, she returns it as it was, does it herself, and it turns out twice as long. To the extent that he can take off his tights and put them on again.

Glasha is a late child, for me she is such a granddaughter-daughter, as I call her. Parents are aimed primarily at educating, and grandmothers are pure love. In addition, now you take everything easier, you worry less. When Sasha was born, my career had not yet taken place, I had to realize myself, and it seemed to me that while I was sitting with a child, everything was passing by. The brain was tuned to something else. And now I am constantly in the family with my head, because at this age you already realize: no applause can be compared with joy for the success of children. And when this creature hugs you and kisses you, you understand that you want to do everything for him, just in gratitude.

Ilya Khoroshilov is the former husband of Ekaterina Klimova, a close friend of Biryukova. Ilya and Elena met at a birthday party Throughout the program, Elena spoke flatteringly about her man. But she admitted that in their relationship, as in any other, too

beautiful and caring,” thought actress Elena Biryukova when she saw her friend’s ex-husband, actress Ekaterina Klimova. But she admits that after three years a crack appeared in relations with Khoroshilov. They went to Cambodia to close it.

Education is more important than gentlemen

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- With my eldest daughter, we have not yet reached the age to treat each other as friends, but in some things Sasha is wiser than me, and I listen to her advice. For example, I worry about everything very much, and she can say: “Mom, calm down, everything will be so and so. Go to sleep". And her sober and philosophical view of the situation helps me.

At one time, I was offended by my mother because she did not like my gentlemen. Couldn't understand why. Now I understand: just a priori. Because this admirer claimed the right to your daughter, she leaves and somewhere exists with him separately from you. I also remember when I parted with the boy, my mother immediately began to like him. Now I notice that I react in exactly the same way. Sasha met a young man for a whole year, and I didn’t really like him. And when they parted, I thought: no, a good boy! I already got used to it in a year, now it’s different, I have to get used to it again ...

But for me it is more important that my daughter gets an education, now she is studying at the Theater College. Filatova at the production and directing department, and found herself. This is what I'm trying to convey. It used to get married once and for all, but now you can’t predict how even your wonderful and loving man will behave. At any moment he can say: "You are old, I'm leaving for the young." Or something else. If you have an occupation that fascinates, such problems will not unsettle you.

I, thank God, was lucky. My husband supports me in my work. Knows: I need an outlet of energy; if I sit at home for a long time, I start to recoup on it. Therefore, he says: “Go and splash everything on the stage, and come home calm.”

Elena Vaenga prepared three white dresses and a huge red cake for the wedding.
Fans noted that the newlyweds looked very happy. Say what you like, but the stamp in the passport for women means a lot. Five years, if you believe the rumor, the relationship between the famous singer and the musician of her group continues, their common son turned four years old in August. In general, family life is in full swing. But without a wedding and a feast, something was missing for the whole world. On September 30, the performer of the hit "I smoke alone again, but there is silence around" and many other hits got married, completely unexpectedly for everyone. The marriage was kept secret until the very end. But you can't hide an awl in a bag.

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