Ivan Telegin, wife of Evgeny and son, Mark. Pelageya and Ivan Telegin: a love story between a singer and a hockey player. Ivan and Pelageya

She married hockey player Ivan Telegin. The couple keeps their personal lives a secret, and even many friends of Pelageya and Ivan found out about their wedding some time after the celebration.

The fact that Pelageya is marrying hockey player Telegin became known in April. Fields wore a chic engagement ring with a diamond without taking it off, but at the same time without commenting on her upcoming wedding.

Pelageya chose a not too lush dress for the wedding.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married in the Kutuzovsky registry office in the presence of only a few guests. The guys arrived at the ceremony in two luxury cars. After painting at the registry office, Pelageya and Ivan went to the restaurant on the ruble, where several more guests pulled themselves up. The date of the wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin was not chosen by chance, because there is some magic of numbers in it - 06/16/2016.

In the photo: the secret wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin.

Recently, Pelageya could be seen at CSKA matches, it is for this club that Ivan Telegin plays. Pelageya got acquainted with all the wives / girlfriends of hockey players. Especially Fields made friends with the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia Shubskaya - the beloved girl of Alexander Ovechkin and Leroy Kudryavtseva - the wife of hockey player Igor Makarov.

By the way, after the wedding, Pelageya and Ivan went to Greece with their friends - Ovechkin and Shubskaya. This photo is from Nastya's Instagram:

In the photo: Pelageya, Nastya Shubskaya, Alexander Ovechkin and Ivan Telegin

For Ivan Telegin, this is the first official marriage, for Poli the second. In 2010, Pelageya married Dmitry Efimovich, who worked on Comedy Woman and Our Russia, the marriage lasted two years.

In the photo: Plegea with her ex-husband Dmitry Efimovich.

Ivan Urgant, of course, could not miss such an event and commented on the combination of the name Pelageya and the surname Telegin in Evening Urgant:

Not only the age difference (Field - 29, Vanya - 24) did not bother young people to tie their fates, but also the fact that in February Ivan Telegin's son Mark was born.

For more than two years, Ivan Telegin lived with his chosen one, Evgenia Nour. When they first met, Eugene had a relationship with another young man, and they were even preparing for the wedding. But Ivan Telegin was very persistent, courted beautifully, convinced that he loved and that Zhenya should only be with him. In the photo, Ivan Telegin proposes to Evgenia Nour.

The guys wanted a child, but they did not succeed, then they decided to let go of the situation and plan a wedding. Zhenya even went to Ivan's homeland in Novokuznetsk to prepare the wedding there, just as Ivan wanted.

But unexpectedly, Zhenya became pregnant and, due to toxicosis, the guys decided to postpone the wedding.

In the photo, the once happy Evgenia Nour and Ivan Telegin.

A few weeks before the birth of her son, Zhenya learned from the media that Ivan was dating Pelageya. The wife had to write down Mark in her last name - Nour, because. the child had to draw up documents, and the father was at the training camp and could not come.

The son of Ivan Telegin Mark is very similar to his father.

Ivan has already introduced his parents to Paul. Elena Telegina, Ivan's mother, commented on the situation with the wedding as follows: "It's my son's choice, it's my job to love her the same way my child loves." At the same time, Elena calls Evgenia and asks about the health of Zhenya and the baby.

Pictured is Pelageya in Greece on her honeymoon.

Evgenia Nour was invited to the program "Live Air" to find out what really happened.

  • Ivan Telegin turned out to be a scoundrel who left his wife and child, or did their relationship with Zhenya fall apart long ago?
  • Pelagia stole someone else's husband or was she herself deceived by Vanya?
  • Evgenia Nour (a former striptease dancer) shackled a rich athlete as a child or was she a victim of circumstances?

Judge for yourself - watch the online edition "Live" with Evgenia Nour.

The famous Russian folk singer Pelagia got married for the second time in the summer of 2016. The first marriage with the director of "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich broke up after two years of marriage in 2012. The hockey player Ivan Telegin became the new husband of Pelageya Khanova.

This romance and marriage caused a heated discussion on the network among the fans of the singer. The fact is that for the sake of Pelagia, the athlete left his common-law wife with a three-month-old son in her arms.

The formation of a hockey player's career

Ivan Telegin was born in 1992 in Novokuznetsk. The chosen one of Pelageya is 5 years younger than her. From childhood, Telegin's father took him to hockey, to games with the local Metallurg team. Soon the boy entered the youth sports school of this club.

In children's hockey, Ivan made progress, often taking the position of captain. Pretty fast he joined the junior team of Metallurg, together with this team he won international tournaments in Poland, Finland and Switzerland.

In 2009, the youth team of Metallurg became the champion of Russia at the junior tournament.

Having reached the age of majority, Ivan Telegin redeems his contract from Metallurg and leaves for Canada. Initially, he plays in the regional youth league, in the Saginaw Spirit team. Telegin's game was noticed, and he gets into the "Team of Young Stars".

Unkind foreign land

Ivan Telegin became interested in the NHL, the American club Atlanta Threshers chose him in the draft, but almost immediately “leased” him to the Canadian club Barry Colts. In this club, he played one season, and this year was the best in his youth career, according to Telegin himself.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Thrashers moved to Canada, and were going to take the established striker to the main team, but still decided to let him play in the league below. He played for a few months with the St. John's IceCaps, but got injured. After that, the hockey player did not have the opportunity to play for several months.

The Winnipeg Jets, as the Atlanta Thrashers were now called, they hired a new player to take his place, deciding that Telegin would not recover.

They wanted to send Telegin on loan again, but his age no longer allowed him to play for the youth team, and the athlete himself was annoyed and disappointed.

As a result, he returned home to Russia. The club announced a disqualification to Ivan, he could not even train with top teams. In 2014, he officially became part of CSKA, where he still plays.

Back in 2012, Telegin became the silver medalist of the Youth World Championship. In 2016 Telegin was invited to the national team to participate in the Czech leg of the European Hockey Tour. Ivan Telegin is still a member of the Russian hockey team.

See you folk singer

A young wealthy athlete, Ivan liked to go to noisy parties and go to nightclubs. In one of these establishments, he noticed met stripper Evgenia Nour.

The girl was at that time in a long-term relationship with another man and was even going to marry him. But the young athlete began to seek the attention of a pretty dancer. According to Evgenia herself, he courted very beautifully, gave flowers.

Interesting Notes:

In one of these bouquets, Evgenia found a note. In it, Ivan expressed concern: "My heart shrinks from the thought that you are there."

Telegin was against her work in a nightclub, he managed to win Nour's favor and the young people began to live together.

The civil marriage lasted more than two years. The hockey player proposed to the girl, and they were going to play a wedding. In the midst of preparation, Evgenia realized that she was pregnant.

For this reason, the young decided to postpone the wedding. Throughout her pregnancy, Evgenia did not suspect anything bad. Beloved was there, and together they made plans for how Ivan would teach his son hockey.

The news of the departure of a loved one for another sounded like a bolt from the blue for Evgenia Nour. Joint pictures of Telegin and singer Pelageya appeared on the network, as well as a photo of the judge of the Voice project in a hockey t-shirt with the name Ivan.

Evgenia did not follow the publications about her man on the Internet, and a friend showed her these photos. Evgenia was in her ninth month of pregnancy. She was very upset by the betrayal, but she hoped that Ivan would walk up, change his mind and return to her. However, this did not happen and Telegin went to Pelageya completely.

Away from the tabloids

Not much is known about the history of the acquaintance of the singer and the hockey player. According to one version, they were introduced by Telegin's godmother named Kristina. It is known that after the appearance of Evgenia Nour in the program "Live" on the TV channel "Russia", Pelageya deleted all joint photos with Ivan from social networks.

In the program, Nour complained that the young father was not at all interested in the life of his son, he came one or two times a week. He rents an apartment for Evgenia and, through his godmother Christina, transfers 50,000 rubles a month for the maintenance of the child.

The public was divided into two parts. Some considered Pelageya a homemaker, building her happiness on other people's tears. Others supported the singer, some blamed Ivan. Tired of the rumors, the hockey player and singer closed their social media profiles.

No matter what, the wedding took place in the summer of 2016. The singer speaks of her husband as a reliable and honest person whom she can rely on in everything.

In a documentary on Channel One, Pelageya denied rumors that she had taken the athlete away from her family. She admitted that at the time the couple met, Ivan considered himself a free man.

Already in January 2017, information appeared that the athlete and singer became parents. For Pelagia, this is the first child, the couple named the girl Taisia.

The singer rarely shares the details of her personal life, however, on one of the TV programs, the happy mother said that outwardly her daughter looks more like her father than her.

The personal life of the singer Pelageya may have changed. As it became known to Life, the singer's heart has not been free for a long time. Pelageya meets with the player of the CSKA hockey team - 24-year-old Ivan Telegin.

The publication posted a video in which the star of the show "Voice. Children" after tiring filming spends the evening in the company of her lover in a Moscow restaurant.

At dinner with a hookah in an institution where the couple arrived, Ivan Telegin carefully fed Pelageya from his hands while the singer gently stroked Ivan's shoulders.

The couple spent about four hours in the restaurant and left the restaurant at three in the morning. Telegin got behind the wheel of Pelageya's car, and the lovers went home together.

It is noteworthy that the video footage shows that the ring finger of the singer adorns the ring.

In addition, Pelageya began to attend hockey matches, and Ivan Telegin came to his beloved in the Voice studio.

Recall that in 2012 Pelageya divorced Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich. Their marriage lasted two years.

As for Ivan Telegin, two months ago, the CSKA hockey club congratulated his striker on the birth of his son.

"The entire team of the professional hockey club CSKA congratulates the forward of the army team Ivan Telegin and his wife Evgenia on the birth of their son!

The boy, whose parents decided to name Mark, was born on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The height of the newborn was 52 cm, weight - 3 kilograms 750 grams.

We did not immediately understand why Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, a well-known folk singer, mentor of the children's, and in the past also the adult "Voices", frequented the matches of CSKA in the playoffs of the Gagarin Cup

We did not immediately understand why Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, a famous folk singer, mentor of the children's, and in the past also the adult "Voices", frequented the matches of CSKA in the playoffs of the Gagarin Cup.

Ivan Telegin: “Only you can compare with the beauty of hockey, Pelageya!” Photo: Elena RUSKO/TASS

— CSKA will always be the first! - Pelageya shouted excitedly into the TV camera, although in fact she herself was born in Novosibirsk.

- Maybe she is a fan of the army men's mentor Dmitry Kvartalnov, who used to coach Sibir? we thought.

Everything turned out to be much more interesting. It turns out that with 24-year-old red-bearded CSKA forward Ivan Telegin. Recently, they were caught by the paparazzi in a Moscow restaurant, at dinner with a hookah. Vanya carefully fed Pelageya from her hands, she gently stroked his shoulders. The couple spent about four hours in the restaurant, and left the establishment at three in the morning. Telegin got behind the wheel of Pelageya's car, and the lovers left together.

It turns out that in order for Pelageya to choose you, you must not sing well, but throw accurately. Photo: instagram.com

Interestingly, Ivan became a dad this year: in February, CSKA on the official website congratulated him and his common-law wife Evgenia on the birth of their son: “The child, whom the parents decided to call Mark, was born on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The height of the baby was 52 cm, weight - 3 kg 750 g. I met three years ago at a club where she danced a striptease. The couple began living together almost immediately.

Well, it’s worth recalling that Pelageya herself divorced Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich in 2012 after two years of marriage. But now there is a ring on the ring finger of the singer's right hand. Is it a gift from Vanya? Together they come to, go to hockey together. But they categorically refuse to advertise their relationship. Maybe they will open only after the hockey season.

Once Telegin was happy with the beautiful Evgenia ... Photo: instagram.com

However, now on the official website of Pelageya, her representatives allowed themselves to make one clarification: “Vanya was not married. When they met with Paul, he was no longer in a relationship."

And this year, Telegin was called up to the adult Russian national team for the first time. And now the head coach Oleg Znarok invited Ivan to prepare for the World Championship. Universal forward, fast, with a good throw. There are hockey players who play "piano". And the hard worker Telegin, as they say, drags this piano around the site.

Announce their relationship. But the season followed the season, and there were no changes in the personal lives of the mentors. Until one fine April day, all the media spread the news: "Pelageya has a new romance." As it turned out, the heart of the beauty was conquered not by a colleague at all, but by hockey player Ivan Telegin.

We have collected all the details of the new novel that are known today.

Hu from Mr. Telegin?

Ivan Telegin is 24 years old. A young and promising hockey player this year played for the first time in our team at the World Championships. And he performed quite successfully.

Ivan Telegin began his career in Metallurg Novokuznetsk, where his father, a passionate hockey fan, brought him. The boy got involved and began to give not only passes, but also hopes. Ultimately, scouts of the American NHL club Atlanta Thrashers noticed him and invited him to their place. Missing such a chance is more expensive for yourself, and Ivan left. Soon the Atlanta Thrashers moved to Canada and renamed the Winnipeg Jets. The coaches were even going to use a promising striker in the top division team, but decided to “break in” him in the league below. Telegin spent the season at the St. John's IceCaps farm club, where he played very well at first, but then missed several months due to an offensive injury.

They did not want to give him any more chances and decided to discount him. But then Telegin showed character and left them first - he packed his things and came back home, where he was invited to CSKA Moscow.

Well, what about the girls?

And there were girls in Ivan's life. In 2013, the hockey player met a girl in a nightclub. Evgenia danced a striptease, and Ivan watched. And, apparently, one glance was enough for him to fall in love. The athlete was able to win the heart of a beauty, even though she lived with another man for five years and was even going to marry him.

True, now Evgenia admits that she doubted their romance, because Telegin is two years younger than her. And yet, for two and a half years, they lived a happy civil marriage. Moreover, exactly four months ago, Nour gave birth to Telegin's son, who was named Mark.

“Everything was perfect throughout the pregnancy. He sat next to me, they thought how he would teach his son hockey, ”Evgenia said on the air of Boris Korchevnikov’s Live program.

In just one moment, everything changed. At first, Ivan simply stopped appearing at home, and then Evgenia found out from the newspapers about his affair with Pelageya.

Now, according to the girl, Telegin simply gives her 50 thousand rubles a month and pays for a rented apartment. This is not enough for a young mother. But Ivan has a new love. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Ivan Telegin and Evgenia

Singer and hockey player

Pelageya is five years older than her lover. Age, as you know, happiness is not a hindrance. And the singer, according to others, literally glows with happiness. At the same time, neither she nor Ivan give official comments about their relationship. The facts speak for themselves. Pelageya has recently been often noticed at the games of the CSKA hockey team, and the athlete came to her to shoot the show "Voice".

Where did these people from such different worlds meet? They are said to have been introduced by mutual friends. Young people immediately liked each other. And on the ring finger of Pelagia, they began to notice a ring that looked like a wedding ring. There was also information that Ivan introduced his future wife to his mother. And the mother approved her son's choice.

If the wedding really takes place, then for Pelageya it will be the second: in 2010 she married the director of Comedy Woman Dmitry Efimovich and divorced in 2012. But maybe this is true love.

Ivan Telegin and Pelageya

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