Vasilisa Volodina: “Larisa and Rosa are almost family to me. Vasilisa is your pseudonym

HAPPY PARENTSIs astrology a gift or a craft that can be learned?

VASILISA VOLODINA Astrology, first of all, is a science, a body of knowledge that describes the patterns of development of all processes in the world. But there is also a lot of art and creativity in it. Possession of any profession, including the profession of an astrologer, is unthinkable without inspiration. For me, astrology is my passion. Of course, there are no congenital astrologers, although astrological dynasties, where knowledge is passed down from generation to generation, are quite possible.

S.R.Do you plan to become the ancestor of such a dynasty?

VASILISA VOLODINA I plan to at least pass on my knowledge to my daughter, because even if she does not become a professional astrologer, this will be useful to her in life. But for now, unfortunately, I just don’t have time to do this systematically. Vikusha also really wants this, and now, when she has accumulated a sufficient knowledge base in mathematics (and mathematics is necessary for an astrologer), everything becomes possible. By the way, Vika is already good at guessing on the Lenormand deck, at her age I didn’t know how, although I started to be interested in astrology, palmistry, and fortune telling early on. Probably like most girls.

S.R.Many people think that it is dangerous to try to look into your future. Are you not afraid?

VASILISA VOLODINA Did you know that today even many psychologists use something like simplified tarot cards, called metaphorical cards? Any tool, just a tool, it's all about how you use it. Is it dangerous to predict the exchange rate or the weather? This is also a vision of the future. And in astrology, the methods and logic of making a forecast are similar, there is a clear set of rules by which they are built. Astrology is not contact with otherworldly forces with fried frogs in your hands. Therefore, I don’t understand what happens when I see astrologers on television, who also see prophetic dreams, and are able to predict something from them. Let's not confuse mysticism with the logical deduction offered by astrology. Astrology has nothing to do with mysticism, although it is an esoteric science. Esoteric, because it has a lot hidden from uninitiated eyes. In fact, there is no other such science that is universal - capable of describing absolutely any process. And at the same time it teaches a person to turn inward, to recognize himself, his destiny.

S.R.Do you know your destiny?

VASILISA VOLODINA I know. But let's define in terms - what is "fate". Fate is a set of possibilities, and a person's horoscope - a set of his individual differences and characteristics can be compared with ... a chronic illness. Agree, you need to know about your illness in order to understand how to treat it. If a person does not know anything, does not make any efforts to overcome it, is inert to the course of events, the disease sets in. In addition, there is something that you can overcome, and something that you can never under any circumstances. The horoscope helps to get to know yourself better, and not to waste time and energy in vain. Each person has a fairly wide choice, but not endless. You should not expect that you personally have a choice from birth between becoming a famous violinist, a successful stock player or a brilliant scientist. Astrology allows you to concretize your most achievable prospects and shoot at the right point.

advice from a star

The name does not change the fate completely, it can only correct it. Do not give the child a name that the relatives could not agree on. If there are no preferences, and the grandmother does not cease, literally, to beg to be called by a certain name - call it that. Trust the intuition of relatives, if it manifests itself so passionately. Choose names that sound good with middle and last names. The name must be appropriate within the country. The name should translate well into a foreign language, because our world is expanding.

S.R.Is the appearance of children in your family also calculated using astrology?

VASILISA VOLODINA Of course, I was guided by my horoscope. In the case of the second son Slava, my husband Sergei and I had to wait until the end of a certain astrological period. With Vika, there was no need to plan hard. But the planned second pregnancy, not at all early, by the way, was easier for me in all respects. Well-chosen time is 90% of success. Well, let's face it - in order to have a good pregnancy, you need good money. Even if there are not many of them, giving birth is wonderful. Children make a woman happy, that's for sure. But, if there is enough money, pregnancy becomes even better. Well, in the 13 years that have passed since my last birth, there has been a giant leap in technology. We scold civilization, I myself am a conservative, but it must be admitted that there are much more various devices, devices, inventions that can make life easier for parents.

S.R.The second child after 13 years, and even in the same marriage, is a rather rare case. Such a big gap between children, is this a horoscope?

VASILISA VOLODINA A horoscope contains absolutely any information about a person's life. And this one too. From the point of view of vital reasons, the birth of children depends not only on the desire of parents, the presence of a permanent partner and the possibility of becoming pregnant. There are a number of other issues - financial, career, housing. We had to resolve the last of them, but in Moscow it is not solved quickly at all.

S.R.How did Victoria, then a twelve-year-old girl, react to the news of the upcoming addition to the family?

VASILISA VOLODINA Throughout her childhood, she simply harassed us: “When will my brother appear? When?!” “Vika, everything will be fine,” we answered. Although we did not focus on these requests. I don’t understand parents who follow the lead of their children in this matter: “My daughter asks for a sister or brother. Let's give birth! I think it's a game. The decision to replenish the family can and should be made only by an adult. The kid is not a toy, not an animal, the older child cannot feed him, not educate him. Moreover, when the younger one is born, the older one will fight him to the death.

So the position of such parental cunning makes me even bewildered. The appearance of a child in the family is only the decision of the parents, an accident or the will of Providence. Everything was planned for us, we chose the time of conception, from the point of view of a successful pregnancy.

S.R.Can an astrologer pick up the sign under which a child will be born?

VASILISA VOLODINA This is not important, although many calculate the days and repeat as a spell "The main thing is not Cancer, Libra ... etc." You will love any child, no matter what sign he is! And he can be born with any indicators of the horoscope, regardless of what you have planned for yourself there. Therefore, the main thing is to choose with the help of astrology a good time for conception and pregnancy. If the birth is natural, trust the higher powers, do not plan a date. This caesarean section must be planned. If there are no indications for him, relax, do not poke your nose at God with human concepts. The child himself knows when to be born.

It is much more correct to know when you can get pregnant, and in what period the pregnancy will be easy.

S.R.How did Vika meet Vyacheslav?

VASILISA VOLODINA When we entered the house, she said: “Oh, what a little one!” and began to cry. The day was frosty, January, Slavochka was wrapped in fluffy overalls, one nose sticking out of the car seat. Vika's brother seemed half the size of her baby-bon doll, she did not expect this. I did not involve Vika much in caring for my brother, because, to be honest, I don’t understand how this can be done with modern schooling. And, of course, we had jealousy. And still, in my opinion, there is. Vika loves, for example, to tease Slava, to say: “My mother!” "No, my mother!" - the brother immediately responds seriously. And the unstoppable roll call begins. Or we chat with Vika, Slava immediately comes up: “Mom, talk only to me! Don't talk to Vika"

S.R.Can you and such an adult daughter be called friends?

VASILISA VOLODINA No, after all, a hierarchy must be maintained between the daughter and mother. While in our couple I make decisions, I take responsibility. But this does not prevent us from communicating confidentially and tenderly. I regularly receive flowers from Vika, I hear sincere compliments. You know, it’s even nicer to hear from a daughter than from a husband…

Vika will have a difficult, 11-year examination at school. Therefore, there will be less basketball, entertainment and excursions, and more studies, tutors, and more torment. But it seems to me that she is ready for this, she finished the 10th grade with only five. Vika is stubborn and determined. Sometimes, even more decisive than relatives expect. But most of all I am glad that my daughter is a very kind person. I am happy to see how she tries for her friends and friends, how she chooses gifts for their birthdays. She has never been a greedy person, she easily spends her pocket money on loved ones. With her first salary - a basketball win, Vika arranged a luxurious tea party for the family. I think if a person has such qualities as generosity, kindness, attention to loved ones, it is only with them that one can live perfectly. So Vika's basic character traits are wonderful.

S.R.What can you tell about Vyacheslav?

VASILISA VOLODINA Slava sits with a nanny, studies English twice a week, we are planning other developmental classes. He is a very intelligent boy for his three years and four months, having started reading at the age of two and eight months. He's just very talented. By the way, like Vika, only there is more resistance in her, like in a real Lioness.

S.R.What do you think, both as a mother and as an astrologer, does a child come into this world already with a ready-made character?

VASILISA VOLODINA I am sure that a person is born as an already established personality, with a certain potential and inclinations. Truly, a person can only educate himself, already at a conscious age. Parents only set a certain cultural framework for behavior, give information about the world, polish something, correct, but only within those boundaries that are already determined by the child's qualities. That is why referring to the horoscope is a very useful thing to understand the basic inclinations of the baby, to know what makes sense to develop and what does not. Where to direct. The main thing is that parents realize that education is polishing, but not the creation of character traits. The child already has a character and there will be no other.

Astrologer, host of the show "Let's get married!" celebrates a birthday. On April 16, she turned 43 years old. Vasilisa is a successful businesswoman, beloved wife and mother of two children. The editors of the site collected Vasilisa's vivid statements from her interview to our portal and social networks and found out what lessons life has taught her.

The signs of fate exist

Each person has their own set of signals. If some people, situations are associated with something successful, rely on them as the right signals. And vice versa. For example, since the time of the Roman Empire, it was believed that stumbling at the beginning of the path is a bad omen, the path will not set. How many times have I seen that if the hero or heroine stumbled on the show "Let's get married!" when leaving the house, this participant was not chosen.

Don't focus on men

I know from my own experience that women who do not die without men are more in demand by them. Feverish search for a partner rarely gives a quality result. You need to ask yourself: what is the main goal I set for myself in life? If the answer is: to realize yourself as a person, then calmly pursue a career, not forgetting to meet men in your free time, do not deny yourself this pleasure, but do not focus on it.

Everyone has bad moments

It rains all weekend, and the sun comes out only on Monday... The erotic scene in the film occurs exactly when your 6-year-old child enters. Yegor Creed passes by exactly at the second that you bent down to tie your sneaker (all your friends managed to squeal and take a selfie, but you didn’t). And they bring a chic cake at a party when you are standing at the door dressed and forced to leave. Is something similar familiar? Sometimes we get worse time than those around us. Sometimes we suffer the imperfections of this time along with them.

Patience is not always good

Ideal relationships, of course, do not exist, but there are also nightmarish, unbearable, dangerous ones that simply do not need to be endured. Because they can and often do end in death, that's right, don't close your eyes. Even if physically everyone survives, it is impossible to preserve oneself as a living soul in such a situation. It kills the person in the person, normal, complete and healthy. If you endure in a situation of violence, you are killing yourself and your children. Do not console yourself with the false “children must have a father”, add “normal” to this phrase. Children should have life, this is the most important thing, and mom is alive and well. Nothing else matters.

Different views do not interfere with love

Vasilisa with her husband Sergei

There are marriages (I'm not talking about materially oriented ones) in which it is enough for the partner that he loves himself. Or it is enough for a person to understand certain issues, but he does not expect total unanimity. For example, my husband and I do not quite agree on political views and sometimes we clash violently with each other. Seryozha has his own arguments, weighty ones at that, I have mine. But this is definitely not decisive in our relations. Therefore, the question here is what exactly you do not hear. If everything is sad.

Sometimes the result depends on the speed

If something in life does not add up, things do not go uphill, the necessary ideas are not found, and the necessary people scatter, think not only about what has been done or not done to achieve the goal, but about how quickly, how intensively you have been moving so far. You can write off failures as an evil accident, but it is better to analyze. We are used to repeating that quality does not happen quickly, and we often remember this when we are too lazy to get up from the couch. But the quality of effort does not always compensate for slowness. Imagine an attentive and careful dentist who places a filling so carefully and scrupulously for a long time that the anesthesia has already managed to move away and the client is spinning in his chair in pain. The dressmaker who made you a gorgeous dress a week after prom. A taxi driver who, following all the rules, drives you through traffic jams to a plane that has already flown away without overtaking ... Start throwing coal into the furnace more actively, otherwise life itself will throw you off the train.

Eliminate the conflict quietly

Conflicts happen in any team, in any family. It's stupid to say otherwise. The state of "war" and "peace" alternate in relationships, creating roughness and forcing you to work on yourself and your partner. If the balance always tilts towards "war", it's difficult, although directors love to make films about this. But if there were no rough edges, outbreaks, clarifications, conflicts at all, life would not be as full as after meaningful reconciliations. As a result of a correctly played conflict, relations improve, and partners grow. But "correctly" to eliminate conflicts of interest does not rhyme with "violently." More often it is precisely “quiet”, “meaningfully”, “calmly” and “planned”.

Personal beauty-calendar saves

How do the majority live? A pleasing figure appeared on the thermometer, I wanted to undress, but then my shoulders and face didn’t tan, I didn’t get a course of massages, I didn’t remove moles, I didn’t work with veins, I was afraid of injections, I didn’t have time to get to the hairdresser, I completely forgot about depilation and pedicure in winter . And an emergency appointment begins with all the specialists in the world at once, where, besides you, crowds of those who have forgotten, who have scored, who are afraid, and who have not had time, are rushing. I'm not talking about myself. I do everything according to my personal schedule, which is called "Personal Astrological Beauty-Calendar" and I can't get enough of it.

She appeared on our television twelve years ago. And since 2008, the program "Let's get married!" became her second home. the site, together with Vasilisa, recalls how these years passed

Vasilisa Volodina

- You not only lead the program, but also practice astrology. What is closer to you?

Of course, practice is closer. Astrology is more in my life than television. These are two different kinds of work. Television is a platform that helps my professional mission: to popularize the science of astrology. I consider it important for myself to tell people about what real astrology is. To show the astrologer as he is - a modern, adequate person, and not a funny bearded man in a cap with stars, as was perceived until a certain time. But besides this, for me, the program additionally carries a lot of interesting and useful things. For example, the opportunity to feel like a beauty, which is given by cool make-up artists and stylists. I have already become accustomed to this for ten years of my life on the air. This is a great female pleasure - to see yourself beautiful in the frame, to hear how everyone likes you. A great added bonus.

- Vasilisa is your pseudonym, isn't it?

Yes. Once upon a time in the astrological world, a pseudonym was the norm, a kind of good form. Well, some funny factors also contributed to this. At the beginning of the 2000s, I actively wrote for the press. Now there are already under half a thousand materials. And for a while she signed with her last name. And then one day I had to write an article-study on the topic of manic psychiatric manifestations. And when I wrote this material, my husband categorically forbade me to sign with my real name and surname. For my own good. What if a bad wave rises? What if people with disabilities read this article and react incorrectly ... Then, in fact, I came up with a pseudonym for myself. And she took the name of Volodin - she covered herself with the name of my husband.

Photo: personal archive of Vasilisa Volodina

- They say that from an astrological point of view you have been waiting for motherhood for about three years. This is true?

Yes, we really planned a second child, but there was a three-year period that I deliberately skipped.

- Was it not scary to give birth at forty years old?

Not at all. My personal experience of giving birth at forty was much more comfortable than at 27. This is my second child, you know? And, in particular, that is why we approached the issue so seriously with the birth of Vyacheslav. Although, of course, I had to endure pressure from relatives, such as “when will you give birth to a second one?”. Well, of course, no one is alien to human fears. But I understood from my work experience that there is a time when there is no need to rush. And so far I have never regretted it.

Photo: personal archive of Vasilisa Volodina

You once said that you would not argue with those who say that pregnant women are less intelligent. Is it objectively true? And how was it for you?

Yes this is true. This is physiology. Why argue with this? How to argue with who is stronger - a man or a woman? The man is physically stronger. The same with a pregnant woman. She really starts to think worse. Because the body's resources go elsewhere. I continued to work virtually until the birth. And somewhere in the third month, she resumed consultations. But everyday reactions in a pregnant woman are really different - more often cups fall out of her hands, she becomes more distracted, more sleepy. At least my personal experience and the experience of those whom I know speaks of this.

- Children are not a hindrance in the profession of a TV presenter and astrologer?

Children are not a problem at all. Children are happiness. Here the question is, for whom and what is important. For me, children are the most important thing. And the profession is secondary in relation to the family and children. Working for money is, first of all, my means of survival in the world, the opportunity to feed my children. And secondly, this is the field of my personal curiosity and interest. My development, my realization. My passion, for which they also pay. The fact that all these factors came together is just a wonderful intersection of circumstances.

Photo: personal archive of Vasilisa Volodina

The eldest daughter Victoria, as you said, the crisis of adolescence began almost from childhood. What today?

This state has already left us two years ago. And I confirmed the opinion of a well-known psychologist who says that adolescence is more difficult for girls than for boys. Because girls are more emotional, they are restless natures. Now Vika has grown a lot and has changed, she has become completely different. I was able to express myself more fully. In general, it is difficult for teenagers to live. Fevers them, the poor, and the whole family with them. It's good when it all ends.

- What is Victoria interested in today?

Now basketball. But obviously it will not be her profession. Unfortunately, the modern education system makes the child get carried away with the lessons in the main. And no matter how they try to go in the direction of subject specialization, this does not make them get carried away with subjects. The program is not very rational. Until the summer of last year, she was fond of passing the final examination brilliantly. Now she is addicted, like any student of the tenth grade, in order to prepare and pass exams by July. As terrible as it sounds. And for herself, she is fond of (secretly) card fortune-telling and makes layouts already at a decent level. Vika has been asking me to start teaching her astrology for the past year now. And I, due to lack of time, am trying to get rid of this issue. I suggest that she read some books, send something and send it somewhere, but in fact, internally, of course, I understand: if you do it, then you need to do it systematically. And I'm afraid that I don't have enough time and energy. This is necessary, but so far my mother has not gathered.

Photo: personal archive of Vasilisa Volodina

- What about the dynasty?

I was never forced to. Parents did not choke in the direction of any particular profession. Therefore, I have no desire to force children to follow my path. But, of course, that would be great.

- You returned to the shooting a few months after the birth of your second child. And who looked after the children?

If you give free rein to my beloved colleagues, they would like me to give birth right in the studio and they could make a wonderful story. But I didn't give them that opportunity. But who looked after the children? The eldest daughter was already thirteen years old when Slava was born. Filming takes place several days a month. And to say that I went to the shooting as if I were going to war for six months and the children did not see me - no, this was not the case. Yes, you're breaking out for a few days. Slava was with me at that moment. Vika is with her grandmother. All the other 24 days a month I was still present nearby.

- It's no secret that over the ten years of the program's existence, millions have fallen in love with you. Do you feel this love?

I feel. I'm lucky in that sense. I get some positive attention. They greet me, greet me with a smile, warmly greet me. Sometimes attention violates personal boundaries a little more than you want. For many years I got used to this painfully (it’s not always desirable that at the moment when you are sitting in a restaurant or theater, someone unknown patted you on the shoulder or tried to kiss you on the sugary lips). There are some costs of fame. But in general, I understand why. The reason is the warmth. And it's nice.

What kind of relationship do you have outside the studio?

Pretty warm. Maybe we don't meet, we don't drink tea (although sometimes it happens). But it's definitely a good relationship. Almost like distant relatives: you understand that they are somewhere, maybe even if you don’t see them regularly, it’s still good from the mere fact of their existence. Over these ten years, it seems to me, our mutual feelings have grown stronger. No one developed a lasting revulsion or irresistible weariness for each other. We are a permanent professional communication environment for each other. A few days a month, but ten years.


Vasilisa Volodina: “We do not strive to make a show of our family life”

The TV presenter spoke about how the horoscope helps her raise children, and why it is easier for an astrologer to come to terms with the shortcomings of others.

In September, the show "" returned to the air of Channel One. Summer holidays lasted two months. The Teleprogramma magazine met with Vasilisa Volodina and asked her about her vacation, country life and the beginning of the school year.

Vasilisa, how did you spend your summer?

- We went to Greece, were in Crete. Before that, our youngest son Slava had never been taken abroad - this was his first trip. Now it seems to me that we are still in a hurry. The eldest daughter was first taken to a different climate when she was almost five years old - this is more correct. There are stereotypes: a child needs the sea, warmth, spa therapy. All this is nonsense. It is good for a child when everything around is comfortable and familiar. With Slava, we eventually got a sharp acclimatization, at 2.5 years old it's not very pleasant. Although I won’t say that I immediately repented urgently - after Greece we went to Jurmala and Riga for another four days. So during this summer, the son flew on an airplane and rode a train. Slava willingly went to the Baltic Sea, was interested in jellyfish. For him, all this is an incredible experience!

What is your ideal vacation?

- I love the sea. I miss the heat in our climate. We didn’t go anywhere for three years because of Slava, and I felt that I physically lack warmth! On vacation I like to eat, lie down on the beach. I will say, perhaps, a seditious thing, but it is true: now the photographs are sometimes brighter than the sights themselves. This is the horror of our lives. We are spoiled by spectacular photos and are already accustomed to seeing the world as it does not exist in reality. Therefore, when I arrive in some new place, I no longer count on visual pleasure. But I can get other sensations - to eat, relax, enjoy the climate and warmth. And so everything is the same everywhere: the same chain hotels around the world, similar restaurants, the same products in stores and jellyfish in the seas. I treat vacation as a vacation and do not expect a change of impressions. Perhaps that is why I love the cottage.

- Is she far away?

— 70 km from the Moscow Ring Road. By Moscow standards, close, but for a working person, of course, far away. Now I caught myself thinking: "It's good that the summer is over - and with it all this turmoil and trips back and forth."

Program "Let's get married!" has been out for 9 years now. Vasilisa stood at its origins (pictured with co-hosts - Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova). Photo: Channel One

- Do you have any beds there?

- I work so actively that only beds were not enough for me! Thank God, I earn money for potatoes. And then gardening on a small scale is a very costly thing.

“Many people now do it for fun.

— I love growing flowers. But when Slava appeared, it faded into the background. The choice between standing by the flowerbed or working with a child is obvious to me. Now we have a specially invited person in charge of flowers. And Slavochka and I are just admiring. Although communication with the earth is a great joy. By the way, we began to grow some vegetables, there is a greenhouse with zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes. Everything in bits. For the life of a large family, this, of course, is not enough. But when you eat a salad, at least you feel the taste and understand the quality of the products.

"School is a complete disgrace"

What grade did your eldest daughter go to?

— In the 10th. Last year was very difficult because of the final certification. The daughter did not raise her head, she was worried about the result. As a result, we have all fives. Well done! She is smart with me.

- Going for a medal?

- I'm not guessing. I myself have a gold medal, but I understand that it was useful to me in my life once - when I entered the university in a light version. At school, five is the average level of knowledge. A gold medalist is just a person who normally knows the school curriculum. So it was in our time.

Vasilisa met her husband Sergei Vasilisa through astrology - she made a horoscope for him and noticed that she had perfect compatibility with this man. Photo: personal archive

— Isn't it like that now?

- In a modern school, I see a lot of disadvantages for both children and teachers. The system has become vicious, it is built in such a way that without the active involvement of parents, the child will not be able to cope. For example, in the 1st and 2nd grades, Vika was already given reports and abstracts. This is a format that a child can realize only at the age of 12. And who did everything in the end? Parents, obviously. Profanation! I am very worried about everything that is happening now at school. And if I had a second life, I would spend it reforming the school system. But I only have one life, so I do what I love.

- Now you also help Vika with the lessons?

- On a daily basis - no, but before the exams, we studied mathematics together. Studying now is a real hard labor. And Vika, on her first day of school - September 1, in the 1st grade, having come from school, said that she did not like it, I answered: “Vika, there are 11 years left. Without one day.

- Sounds sad...

“Now I regret saying that. It was necessary to support and console the child, and not confront the truth.

What does Vika do in her free time?

- She is quite seriously passionate about basketball, participates in competitions, even their team won medals a couple of times. I also played basketball as a child. Together we support the Khimki club, go to their games.

The TV presenter's daughter Vika is now in 10th grade. Photo: personal archive

Is she already thinking about her future profession?

- Of course. But I do not talk about it publicly, so as not to put pressure on the child. She chose the social and humanitarian class. Again, a disgrace: there are 37 people in the class, and 36 places in the offices. Great, right? Why can't you divide by two? School now is, of course, a test. I really feel sorry for all of today's students.

“We don’t fight, we don’t get divorced, we don’t sue”

Slavochka is my endless happiness. But I did not expect that the upbringing of a boy and a girl is so different. Vika was also very mobile, athletic in Slava's years. But the son is active in a different way. He is a prankster, a prankster, a naughty, a hooligan. Boy, in a word! It costs a lot of strength and patience to keep it within the framework. He doesn't like restrictions. It climbs into all sockets, looking for sharp corners. At the same time, he is a very serious guy, smart. Knows all colors, letters, counts up to a hundred. Like all boys, he loves cars. Before, it seemed to me: “Lord, why do so many cars to buy a child?” Now I understand it, every one of them. Slava is also very fond of semi-precious stones. Probably, his earthly nature of Capricorn affects. Knows everything by name, distinguishes from each other. I think, if we take the average Russian, Slava already knows 10 times more names of minerals and stones.

Sergei supports Vasilisa in everything and conducts her affairs as a director. “In fact, we have a family business,” says Volodina. Photo: personal archive

Does astrology help in raising children?

- Of course! All children are born with their own character. And, in my opinion, the importance of education is somewhat exaggerated. We can give knowledge, skills, somehow trim, but it is still unrealistic to directly change a person. Astrology allows you to understand your child. Is he protective or not? Will he start talking early? Can he have phobias and fears? Is his mentality stable or unstable? Are there health vulnerabilities? In what circles to give it? And expect success there? Sometimes I look at a horoscope and see: a child was born to be a doctor. And the father wants him to go to law enforcement. Or vice versa - parents better feel the profession for the child, and he rests. At such moments, too, you can not break. In the modern world, everything revolves around the profession, because people must survive. But in reality, a person rarely works according to the education that he once received. And this is perfectly told by an individual horoscope.

- You give the impression of a very calm and balanced person. Are you always like this?

- 99% of the time, yes. But the remaining 1% can be tough. I am very demanding, especially to myself. My character is described equally by two conjunctions: Venus with Jupiter in Pisces and Mars with Saturn in Gemini. These are two opposite energies. On the one hand, I am a really kind, compassionate, sensitive, gentle, emotional, understanding, empathetic person. As a consultant, this is great. But besides, I can clearly define the boundaries. I am attentive, collected, responsible, hardworking, disciplined, restrained. People with aspects like mine always do things in a more complicated way than those around them. They create new peaks for themselves and storm them. You can just throw things in a suitcase and go on vacation. And you can think through everything for a long time and painfully, plan, bring it into a system. I am from the second category, this is my lifestyle. I can be tough when faced with stupidity, bragging, excessive conceit, unprofessionalism. As a result, it turns out that I am a person both soft and hard at the same time.

Do your family members also have a hard time?

- What do you! I just think that they are comfortable with me. Otherwise, I probably would have had several divorces behind me. I listen, I try not to bring discomfort to my loved ones. I can scream or demand, but most of the time, unfortunately, this is not the case.

- Why "Unfortunately?

- Because sometimes you can twist ropes out of me. For loved ones, I am very malleable. In general, it seems to me that in family life it is very important to observe your own boundaries and not go beyond others. I have been learning this over the years. And hopefully everything goes well!

Private bussiness

Vasilisa Volodina was born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. She graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in economics and mathematics, as well as the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Since 1992 he has been working as an astrologer. Since 2008 - co-host of the program "Let's get married!" on Channel One. Head of the Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter. Married to Sergei Volodin, who is its director, has two children - daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav.

- There are so many successful young people around who cannot arrange their personal lives. What is it connected with?

Loneliness is a sign of our era. Back in the 1960s, alas, the stars settled over our mortal world in such a way that more potentially unhappy people in love began to be born. But since 2010, the situation, fortunately, began to change. Today's babies will definitely be a little happier in their personal lives than their parents and grandparents. Such a relatively harmonious state will come only when they all grow up - by the year 2030, not earlier.

- That is, for those who do not have a personal life, you can blame the stars for everything?

The stars don't cause our troubles, they only show them! Every single person has a certain problem, often invisible to himself, that prevents him from getting married or getting married. If you can’t build relationships, the most important thing is to figure it out, understand what’s stopping you. Someone will not have to delve into themselves for a long time - you just need to look in the mirror. Alas, men choose with their eyes! For them, the beauty of a woman is in the first place, as well as in the second and third. All other virtues follow. And problems with appearance are found in women much more often than it is customary to talk about. And if a person cannot see them himself, then it is so important that there are sensitive and faithful friends nearby who will be able to advise. Sometimes hearing the truth is not very pleasant, but true friendship is mutual assistance. When you endlessly feel sorry for a friend who does not find a loved one in any way, and tell her false compliments, this supports a person, but does not develop. If she's tossing about, trying to figure herself out, don't be afraid to give subtle hints, like "This dress is a little old-fashioned, let's change your style" or "Let's go to the gym together from Monday!" After all, how can a girl show her wonderful qualities as a hostess if she does not initially attract a man? Appearance is our tool, it is it that allows you to make a first impression.

But men have different ideas about beauty, don't they?

- Public opinion is now formed by magazine standards - you can’t get away from this. But different men need different energy, emotional flow that come from a woman. I wrote a whole book about this - “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Everyone has their own type of woman. Someone likes daring, active, enterprising "hostesses". Someone dreams of meeting a quiet and complaisant "mother". Astrology helps you understand what type of woman your chosen one is waiting for, and try to live up to his standards. But, no matter what type of internal energy a man reacts to, he always wants to see a beauty nearby - this is nature!

- It's hard to be a woman. It turns out that you need to adapt all the time, to please.

- The bitter truth: men often have no motive, no reason to seek to tie the knot. We women have a ticking biological clock. And a man in the modern world up to 70 years old feels like a “good fellow”, who is looking for a “beautiful girl”, and everything lies at his feet. But attention! As soon as a woman basically raises the question: “Why should I adapt, and not him?” - consider that she has already taken her step towards loneliness. Any person needs to realize: if you want a long and lasting relationship, then you won’t be able to stay the way you are by nature.

Everyone can become happy only by working on themselves. But due to objective circumstances, a woman has to do this more and more. There is such an ancient concept of medicine and astrology as "humor" - these are different types of basic energy on which a person lives. There are only four of them - according to the number of astrological elements. That's when there is an imbalance of these forces, we lose the feeling of happiness. But everything is in our hands: the energies in ourselves can be balanced.

For example, if you are an exhausted workaholic who can’t break out of the “work-home” cycle, then the energy of the earth prevails in you. Bring more air energy into your life! How? Surround yourself with friends! Get out on trips more often and change your usual routes for new ones. No matter how tired you feel, go to the cinema, cafe, restaurant on weekends.

Wards of the air element, who communicate a lot, but cannot find a loved one in any way, on the contrary, you need to add a little earth. Observe the regime of the day, be alone with your thoughts more often, take on additional responsibilities - believe me, it will work!

Another opposite: fire - water. A girl who often conflicts with others, is constantly in confrontation with the world, must learn to "extinguish" her energy. She needs to literally force herself to listen to her interlocutor, to restrain herself in some controversial situations, that is, to add the element of water. A depressed princess, forever suffering from unrequited love, needs to be driven to sports or entrusted with tasks that involve a minimum of emotions.

- You can, of course, adjust to your partner. But, they say, you can't stand on tiptoe for long.

- And who said that to adapt means to dissolve and bend under a person? Men don't even need you to stand on tiptoe. To adjust is to give what he expects. I believe that my book helps to find out not only what kind of woman a man needs, but also to understand if you can match it. Not all the whims of a man you are able to satisfy. A windy girl is unlikely to get along for a long time with a couch potato, in whose horoscope water Venus. Why both suffer? According to Senka, there should be a hat. As I said, any person is obliged to grow, to work on himself. And by the way, these changes may not be global, but point. It's just important to know what exactly you need to change. This is the hardest part. It is not necessary to approach yourself from the side of shortcomings, you can do it differently. Ask yourself the question: what can I give a man? And understand who might need it. For example, a very smart woman needs to know where and by what person her intelligence will be demanded.

Those who are going to get married at the age of 18-20 should remember that a person under the age of 24, until the second cycle of Jupiter has struck, is actively changing. Just as it’s impossible to tell from a 10-year-old girl how good she will be at 20 or 30, it’s impossible to understand what kind of man will grow out of an 18-year-old boy. Of course, it all depends on the person. There are unique people who, at the age of 20, are ready to take responsibility for the family and at the same time to realize themselves in the profession. And someone up to 30 wants to take a walk. And there are those who, in principle, are not able to build a strong pair with anyone.

- And how to be like that?

- This is destiny. There's nothing you can do about it. Just imagine that a white tiger cub was born. How should he be? Learn to accept your position, understand that you are different from others, and build your life in a different way. But, fortunately, cases of incorrigible loneliness are rare. After all, man is an animal.

“Now more and more women are getting married after 30 years. What is it connected with?

- Social maturation now comes later. The country has changed - the requirements for the partner have changed. Previously, a person graduated from a university at the age of 22 and became a young specialist, with a fixed salary and the prospect of getting a room from the enterprise. And now it's a lottery, everything is unpredictable. You still need to prove that you are worth something and you can.

- Are there representatives of certain zodiac signs who are more successful in love than others?

- A person's personal life does not depend on the sign of the zodiac, but on the location of all the planets of his horoscope. They are determined literally by the minutes of birth. Important and Venus, and Mars, and the Moon and ... a lot more! Even if you read in a book that, for example, all Aquarians strive for freedom, you should not believe this. In the same way, not all Taurus are wonderful, stable men who can be relied upon. It is impossible to evaluate yourself as a loser or lucky in love by one zodiac sign.

- Nevertheless, in the program you always make fun of the heroes - male Cancers. If you listen to you, then they have no chance at all to find an ideal partner for themselves?

“I have no prejudice against Cancers. (Laughs.) We have such jokes in our team that the viewer does not always understand. Once we joked. I don't like lilies in bouquets. They smell disgustingly sharp, and in the closed space of the studio, they instantly start to hurt your head. I once complained to Larisa: “Why are they dragging us these stuffy lilies?” And once again the hero comes with a bouquet of lilies, and Larisa, smiling, says: "Here are Vasya's favorite flowers." We laughed. And then a terrible thing began: this shot was included in the program, and they began to overwhelm me with lilies. Then I had to officially declare that I can not stand them.

- Russian girls often seek personal happiness abroad. Do they have a chance to succeed there? Will the difference in mentality affect?

— Globalization is marching around the world! Have you noticed that it has become less interesting to travel around countries - everything is the same everywhere? So the difference in mentalities also blurs a little. If she didn't grow up in the Siberian outback, and he's not a successful Harvard student, then there's no reason to worry. On the other hand, even within our country, the transition from one social group to another is difficult. A girl from near Tobolsk is unlikely to marry a young man with an MGIMO diploma and whose dad has some huge estates within Rublyovka.

- So, in the program "Let's get married!" regularly come women who want to get married, only to improve their financial situation ...

Yes, we do have such heroes. I am annoyed by the mercantile approach to relationships. I have not met successful unions that would begin with money. Only love will save the world. Parents sometimes come to me for consultations and ask about their 14-15-year-old daughter: “She has Gosha in her class, a good boy, a good family. Maybe they have something in the future?” Even at school, they try to “woo” their child without asking his opinion, without letting him see life. Of course, then the children live according to the same principle - to sell themselves at a higher price.

- Vasilisa, and by the horoscope you can determine which of the parents the child will look like?

- It can be clearly understood from the horoscope. It happens that you look at the baby's natal chart - you see that he will be a copy of his mother in character, and outwardly similar to his father. But if a child was born by caesarean section, he is, in principle, less like his parents - even a special astrological study was carried out on this topic. So if, for example, in a dynasty of doctors a child is not born naturally, then he is unlikely to want to continue the work of his ancestors. He will have his own interests. Parents of "caesar" also need to prepare for the fact that there will be more misunderstandings in relations with children. For those who cannot do without surgery, I would advise you to choose an astrologically successful day for it.

How is your relationship with your 11-year-old daughter?

- First thought: "Great!" Second: “Are children perfect?” Our Victoria is a bright representative of the fiery element, like her mother. And in her horoscope there are several planets in the sign of Virgo, like dad. So we got a hybrid - like Michurin's.

- Does astrology help in raising a child? Can the stars tell you what talents you need to develop in him?

- I believe that the child should receive the most versatile development. Knowing that your child has a penchant for mathematics, you should not deprive him of embroidery or swimming at the same time. Recall from Kozma Prutkov: "A specialist is like a flux: his fullness is one-sided." You don't want your child to have an intellectual flux, do you?

- How does the husband react to the fact that the heroes of the program often literally shower you with compliments. Not jealous?

- The husband is not jealous, proud. He thinks he pulled out a lucky ticket. He has said this to me and others many times.

Have you made a forecast for this year?

- Of course. Astrologically, the New Year begins in March. I know for sure that the first half of the year will be very tired, tired, I really have a lot of work. So far, that's just how things are. Now I'm working on another book - love predictions for 2014. In my opinion, this edition will be a breakthrough. We are moving away from the standard signs of the zodiac. Everyone can find a forecast for themselves by date of birth. That is, literally get a personal love horoscope. According to this book, armed with a ruler and a pencil, having mastered some tricks, a person himself will calculate for himself a good day for a date. Plus, I have a couple of other projects going on - I can’t reveal all the secrets yet. So I understand where this fatigue, which I predicted, will come from. I know that I will take it out on loved ones, I will be so bilious and cold and irritable. My husband and I also have the next year and a half to somehow influence our daughter's studies, make her more independent, and increase her interest in new knowledge.

- Friends often ask you to make them a horoscope?

- Some time ago, I noticed that 500 people want to be friends with me, and this friendship consists in the fact that people call me once a week and ask for astrological advice. It was the constant exploitation of my brain and the devouring of my time. And I changed the situation! She divided people into a close circle and the rest. Relatives (there are very few of them) from me can get whatever they want and when they want. I refuse to advise everyone else for free.

- We all talked about the problems and problems of women. But, thank God, there are those for whom everything is going well. Can you tell them what day it is better to get married this year?

- It's good that we have passed the period of magical dates, like 10/10/10 and 11/11/11. There will be no more such dates for the foreseeable future. By the way, in the past year, such magic of numbers was insidious - those who married on 12/12/12, alas, are most likely doomed to divorce. I can say for sure that in any year you should not get married in May. This tradition is many thousands of years old. In the last month of spring, the sun passes through a star cluster that is astrologically associated with women's tears. Therefore, May is traditionally considered unlucky for weddings. You should also avoid getting married near eclipse dates. In 2013, a couple of eclipses will be in May, as well as on April 25, October 18 and November 3. For those who want to get married, I would advise you to focus on the days when Venus, the patroness of love, is strong. This time is from February 26 to March 22, from April 15 to 20, from August 16 to September 11.

Vasilisa Volodina

A family: husband - Sergey; daughter - Victoria (11 years old)

Education: graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in economics and mathematics, the Moscow Academy of Astrology

Career: experience in astrology since 1992. She hosted the television program Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina. Since 2008, she has been an expert and co-host of the Let's Get Married! program. Head of the Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter. Author of the book Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart

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