Alyokhina meets with enteo. Ice and fire: the love story of Dmitry Enteo and Maria Alekhina. Concentration camp with icons

Maria Alekhina traveled around the cordons of Russian border guards "on a magic pony" and went to Edinburgh to present the book "Days of the Rebellion" and a play based on it at the Fringe Theater Festival, and at the same time gave an interview to Radio Liberty - together with her boyfriend Dmitry "Enteo" Tsorionov who once belonged to the camp of her detractors.

- If tomorrow Masha again finds herself in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in a balaclava with songs, what will you do?

Enteo has an embarrassed smile on his face, he is clearly embarrassed by such questions.

“To be sad,” he finally answers softly.

The amazing romance between Maria Alyokhina, a participant in the Pussy Riot performance in the XXC in 2012, for which she received a "kopeck piece", and Dmitry "Enteo" Tsorionov, an Orthodox fundamentalist who then called punishment on her head, has been going on for almost two years. And it is all the more interesting to observe the continuing difference in their worldviews: if you think that Enteo has radically revised his views, repented, joined the camp of liberals and no longer sees a problem in the "punk prayer" in the temple, then you are decidedly mistaken.

The place for the interview was found at a small exhibition dedicated to Pussy Riot. Enteo doesn't like the place, he doesn't seem to want to be in the same frame as the picture depicting the "Punk Prayer". Alyokhina, however, denies this and, in general, is apparently tired of the inevitable questions about differences. However, while Enteo explains the evolution of his views, he repeatedly says something, from which Alyokhina wrinkles her forehead and begins to argue.

Enteo describes how he was touched by the Pussy Riot action in the XXC, and begins to talk about the boundaries of the sacred, the relationship between the state and religion, and about the answers to these questions that society has been looking for "with difficulty and pain" in recent years.

Alyokhina interrupts him:

“You can’t be against two-eight-two and for 148, can you?” That's schizophrenia.

  • Article 282 of the Criminal Code: "Inciting hatred, enmity or humiliation of the dignity of a person or group on the grounds of sex, race ... attitudes towards religion ... committed publicly or using the Internet."
  • Article 148 of the Criminal Code: "Public actions expressing clear disrespect for society and committed in order to offend the religious feelings of believers," acquired its current form after the Pussy Riot action.
  • Both articles are often used in "repost" cases.

Enteo: Openly work with religious symbols, with a conscious intention...

Alyokhina: You are avoiding the answer. Article 282 is extremism, according to it now you can put a person behind a Facebook post...

Enteo: You know very well my views: if you give the state such power, even for good purposes...

Alyokhina: A girl is being judged [on the 148th] for downloading pictures - this is how this article is applied, because there are no real threats to Orthodoxy.

Enteo: I think it was the government's reaction to what you did. Everyone understood that [Orthodoxy] is a place where, if hit, there can be negative social consequences. We must treat each other with respect. If believers have a special area of ​​the sacred, then it is better to treat this with respect. I believe that speculation on the topic of religion does not do credit to the artist.

Alyokhina: Yes, there is no speculation. It's just that the top of the Russian Orthodox Church is engaged in servicing the Putin regime. This does not mean that the person who says this is against Orthodoxy and religion.

Enteo: This action was in the temple.

Alyokhina: It was 40 seconds of one verse of the song, a one and a half minute video, for which the people who were in the cage at that moment apologized if someone was hurt. It is quite obvious that everyone was imprisoned not for what happened.

Enteo: If you had done the same in another dimension, you wouldn't have been jailed. In the museum, on the street, on Red Square.

More often, however, Alyokhina rushes to defend Enteo, although there is no need for this. She did not like the use of the term "Orthodox fundamentalist" in relation to him, despite the fact that Enteo himself does not repulse this word at all, he does not mind that his former activities were described in this way.

Together they seem to be a very sweet and very loving couple: they catch each other's eyes all the time, whispering, laughing at something of their own. It is touching to see how Alyokhina - a head shorter and half as small as Enteo - commands, and he obeys, and from the side you can hear snippets of phrases said with a laugh like "The jacket does not fit", "you are being capricious", "Dima, turn off the child." At the same time, they often make decisions that Enteo wants.

We have breakfast in the festival theater before the local newspaper awards ceremony, behind the large windows - Edinburgh, a wonderfully beautiful city with narrow streets and quaint gray-brown stone houses, bubbling with life during the festival. I propose to go out into the city to take pictures of them on the streets, but Alyokhina refuses - she does not want to join the crowd. He says that the day before, he and Enteo climbed a mountain - in the center of Edinburgh, a picturesque hill rises, like, apparently, everything in Scotland. I ask her if she loves Harry Potter, and she says yes, she has read it three times. Enteo did not like the book. I tell you that a stone's throw from the theater are the places that inspired Rowling: the prototype of Diagon alley - Victoria street, and a cemetery with a tombstone of a certain Thomas Riddle. Alyokhina is clearly not averse to going there, but Enteo says that he wants to see a performance by a certain Russian group, although he has already seen it. They argue for some time, Alyokhina says that she will soon have to go to another meeting and will have to leave from the middle of the performance, and this is awkward, but as a result, everyone goes to the performance, having slightly wandered: Alyokhina finds a place, remembering that this is "a church around the corner from store that sells brooms.

They still go to Riddle's grave - later.

Alyokhina's schedule in Edinburgh is very tight. On that morning, "Days of the Rebellion" was presented with the Herald Angel awards, an award given weekly to festivalgoers by the local newspaper. After a short ceremony, at which Alyokhina briefly thanked for the award, and the director of the play, Yuri Muravitsky, called for the release of Oleg Sentsov and Kirill Serebrennikov, she was to meet with readers at the Edinburgh Book Festival, in the evening - another performance.

Enteo has a very sweet smile and a habit of looking away shyly. He is charming, and if someone who knew him before sat next to him, it would be great to ask if he has changed since the days of "God's will" and all the actions that made him famous. An attack on Pussy Riot supporters, an attack on Pastafarians, an attack on a museum employee, a pogrom at an exhibition - the members of God's Will were quite ready to carry their radical views into the world through violence and intimidation. Ideas about Enteo as an Orthodox actionist are untenable: an artistic act does not provide for any violence against others.

Enteo, born in 1989, converted to Orthodoxy (and religion in general) when he was in his early twenties. He was engaged in street missionary work, found himself in the circle of the Moscow priest Daniil Sysoev, who gained fame for his rather radical views. Sysoev was killed in 2009, allegedly because of statements about Islam, and young people from his entourage created the "God's Will" movement, which took very tough positions - from a ban on abortion, the fight against gays and "blasphemers" to creationism ( Enteo is a young earth creationist, that is, a person who, literally reading the Old Testament, determines the age of the universe at about 7 thousand years).

Their "powerful" actions against opposition-minded citizens did not arouse any interest in law enforcement agencies, so it is not surprising that the "God's Will" activists were considered connected with the authorities. In fact, it was like that - they interacted with the ROC, but, says Enteo, not for money, but for ideological reasons, and not for long:

“[At first] space issues worried me more than political ones. I, like many other people, in 2012, thanks to propaganda, got the feeling that those who are for Putin are adherents of Christian values, and those who are against him, on the contrary, are stranglers of our civilization. As a result, it became clear that this is a hoax, there are different people driven by different interests. There are people who, perhaps, have not made a religious choice, but do things that are worthy of admiration and respect... We first interacted with the synodal structures of the Russian Orthodox Church. I understand that we were built into some big machine. All this was in the dark - people did not sign agreements, did not pay money. We very quickly got out of this game, became uncontrollable, no one knew what to do with us ... The final moment of the turning point - a man from the church calls and asks the "God's will" to go to the procession in honor of the annexation of Crimea. The guys and I looked, felt the deep untruth of what was happening there, and decided that we would not go.

The odiousness of the actions of "God's Will" led to the fact that they began to criticize it in the Russian Orthodox Church, and for the attack in 2015 on an exhibition in the Manezh and damage to the works of Vadim Sidur, Enteo received 10 days - and it was a painful experience, he says.

Enteo specifies that the movement identified itself with the church, and not with Putin, that Putin "did not give him a penny of money." Alyokhina also does not believe that Enteo was a Putinist.

The dressing room on the second floor, reserved for the actors of "Days of the Rebellion", overlooks the courtyard of Summerhall, where there is always a sea of ​​​​heads and a rumble of voices. People chat, eat and drink until late at night. The Royal Dick bar in one of the wings of the building has been renamed The Royal Pussy these days.

In addition to Alekhina, three more are participating in the performance: Belarusian actor Kirill Masheka and Nastya and Maxim from the AWOTT group. In the dressing room, they jump and scream as they warm up for the stage. Music is heard from somewhere outside, Enteo is dancing and pulling Alyokhina to him. This is the most understandable dimension of their relationship. A funny dialogue takes place between them when Enteo talks about his service in the Airborne Forces:

Enteo: Yes, I'm a paratrooper. On August 2, I wear a beret. Bathed in a fountain in Gorky Park in a vest.

Alyokhina: And I said that I would not go.

Enteo: We quarreled then. Masha does not like it, she simply does not like romance.

Alyokhina: I don't like passages that all girls like soldiers. Seriously? Skydiving - yes. Kill - no. Everyone understands this, including you.

When you say that they came together, like Romeo and Juliet, from warring houses, Alyokhina replies: "Nobody is going to get poisoned."

The "Decommunization" movement, joint actions against the "Yarovaya package", the FSB, the cult of Stalin, torture in places of detention - Alyokhina and Enteo finally talk about what unites them.

- I saw that this is the point, in our country there was no process of overcoming the totalitarian legacy, decommunization. Continuity of special services - we see that freedoms are decreasing, every day brings more and more monstrous news, says Enteo.

They tell how, on the day of Stalin's death, they came to his grave near the Kremlin wall and loudly played Mandelstam's poem "We live beneath us, not smelling the country": "People continued to carry flowers to the grave with an absolutely solemn air, as if nothing was happening. After some grandfather comes up and says: “Actually, Stalin was a Georgian, not an Ossetian. You've got something mixed up." That was the only thing that confused him, the rest was fine."

Another story is about a spring protest against the blocking of the Telegram messenger, for which Alyokhina and Enteo received 100 hours of compulsory work, after which they tried not to let Alyokhina go abroad:

- Arrange courts for the fact that someone let paper planes into the FSB. Sounds like a passage from Orwell.

“We were not even tried for an unsanctioned rally. It was a purely Orwellian article - we organized "inconsistent simultaneous stay of citizens." Prohibited by law. ( Article 20.2.2. - Approx.)

– The work and the fine were awarded by the same judge who was on the appeal to block Telegram. A court is a moment for every person when he comes into direct contact with the system, and she carefully looks at you with the empty eyes of the judges, - says Enteo, and Alyokhina adds: - She had rather ironic eyes.

The hall where "Days of the Rebellion" is played is small, but the people in it stand like at a rock concert, and in general the performance has the atmosphere of a rock concert: harsh music, recitatives, video projections, the audience dances to the beat and explodes with screams.

The performance covers the time from the "punk prayer" to the release of Alyokhina from the colony, where she fought for the rights of imprisoned women. Alyokhina speaks about the conclusion both in an interview and at a meeting with readers:

- There was a girl in the colony in Nizhny Novgorod, her name was Ira, there were some violations in HIV therapy, which led to very severe tuberculosis, a person was dying before our eyes. At first she turned yellow, then she dried up all over, and it became clear that in a few months she would be gone. She died after I was released.

“It doesn't matter who you are. If you want to do something, just do it,” she says, addressing the audience in Edinburgh.

After the release of Alekhine, together with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, they created Mediazona and supported it even when their paths diverged.

Now their communication has resumed, Alyokhina says. Tolokonnikova is also familiar with Enteo, "came to court on airplanes." She returned to Moscow last summer after a year in America on the day that Alekhina and Enteo had a joint Bible reading outside the Justice Department. Enteo then described what was happening in a Facebook polemic with former associates: “I just called all the caring people who are against the suppression of religious and civil freedoms ... Masha Alyokhina came, although exactly at the same place 5 years ago the same people protested demanding the most severe punishment for her ... Years have passed. Now she is helping prisoners. And it was not a simple act, her confession, her step forward. In this gesture, I see Christianity."

Alyokhina recalls: Tolokonnikova wrote to her then that it was a super action, "it's a pity that I don't have time to see you."

Enteo has a complex belief system that should help make the transition from a fundamentalist who dictates to people how to behave, to a libertarian who is tolerant of those who hold other views. He says that he is against tyranny, against "a socialist machine that turns people into pixels", that "the moment at the junction of a person and the state is important to him, it is important to protect the value of the human person", and this "does not prevent him from having his own attitude to abortion, to the issue whether it is worth limiting the cultural environment, are there things that should not be joked about, is it worth laughing at the victims of the Holocaust, the Gulag, or is it not worth doing this":

- We have created our own world, a new one, where there are a variety of people. Our friends of various views are sitting at our table. New person - new world, always interesting. There is no such thing that I am in my camp, Masha is in hers, we meet somewhere in the evenings, we drink tea. No, this is already a common space.

We try to build bridges, not walls.

- Differences remain. But we can’t argue all the time when we have a whole world in front of us, a lot of interesting, beautiful, important things. We find understanding here. There is something that separates us, there is much that unites us.

“There are things in a man that are more important than his views. Life has taught me this. I can tell you about my common friend with Masha. Her name is Olga Sharina, she is the leader of the Moscow National Bolsheviks. She sat with Masha in the colony, they struck up a friendship. We have known Olga for the second year already, we play football, we communicate. We are here now, and she feeds our cats at home. When I was sitting and Masha was sitting at the police station, she wore parcels for us, when she was imprisoned for an action near the embassy, ​​we carried parcels for her, although her views radically contradict my views and, probably, Masha’s views.

Masha Alyokhina on stage. The screen says "Anyone can be Pussy Riot"

In a discussion at a book festival, Alyokhina is asked about overcoming fear. She replies something like: right there, Harry Potter taught you to separate fear from yourself and make it funny. In different forms, the question of fear comes up all the time - when discussing returning to Russia, or fear for the family. Enteo says that both his and Alyokhina's parents were visited by the police: "We feel pressure, some inconvenience, they show us that our opponents are nearby, they are acting."

Alyokhina, who defiantly refused to go to public works, and even left the country, despite the ban of border guards, when asked if she was afraid that she would be imprisoned again, replied: “No. I’m worried about all sorts of different kilometers of things, but not because of this ".

We have to ask Enteo to give an example of the feeling of fear.

- When you jump with a parachute for the first time, it's scary. When you realize that you need to jump out, it's not very natural to jump into the abyss. Any paratrooper, like "Our Father", knows the mantra "501, 502, 503, ring, 504, 505, dome, looked around" - a sequence of actions, how to jump out, what to do with a parachute and so on ... In life I constantly experience anxiety, fear Of course, I'm human. I can be scared, like anyone. I'm talking about the household dimension. If Masha can sincerely say that she does not care that she will be judged, deprived of her freedom, then I do not care. I sat for ten days, I painfully endure the feeling of lack of freedom. Perhaps because of this, I spent a lot of time studying the experience of lack of freedom from other people, reading everything I could find about Soviet camps, about the Gulag. Through the experience of lack of freedom, when a person comes into contact with the state, much can be understood. As it is in the barracks, so it is outside. Masha likes to say that she has reached "the so-called freedom."

Alekhina says:

– Freedom is not about being inside the fence or outside it.

You have to ask her about Naples, where she once visited - did she like it there?

– It was cool.

“Freedom gives you the opportunity to go to Naples. This is what distinguishes it from freedom.

- Seriously?

- With what?

- Not this. There is a difference, of course, a huge difference. But you explain to yourself why you live? In the life of each of us, new days come, and with these days there are situations in which we make one or another choice. If we look at the history of the struggle for the value of freedom, it is much more than a trip to some cool place. People laid down their lives for their own freedom, as they understood and felt it.

- You ended up in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior as a result of a sequence of actions you performed. Have you ever thought: it would be nice if I turned the other way at that turn?

- Not. I'm proud to be there.

In the evening after the performance, the actors take a breath, and Alekhina again goes to sign books - down to the courtyard of Summerhall. Circled around her is the play's producer Alexander Cheparukhin, the only one who seems to be full of energy.

Once again, people line up for an hour, Alyokhina sits down at a table on the illuminated terrace with a glass of wine, signs books, listens to words of gratitude and admiration, and takes pictures as a keepsake. Enteo approaches her from time to time. It's a very long day, but I don't feel like asking Alyokhina if she's happy.

She is annoyed by questions about happiness: "I've been listening to this question about happiness for the third year and I don't know what to answer." Enteo teases her: "Simple female happiness." She answers him in tone: "I am very serious, internally sad, constantly sharpened to fulfill my internal duty ... No. I'm just not very good at verbalizing my own feelings."

- There are things that absolutely make Masha and me related, the same perception that something needs to be done, you need to run very fast in order to stay in place. If time passes, you do nothing, there is no fruit, then something is wrong, this state is uncomfortable. Life goes by, you don't do what you could do.

Alyokhina asks Enteo:

- You are trying on a quote from "Through the Looking Glass" right now, do you understand correctly?

- This is bad?

- On the contrary, cool.

- You give the impression of a happy young couple, but at the same time very serious.

- We are not liberated because of this rhythm, because we are sleepy all the time. I feel a little squeezed.

But at some point, he nevertheless verbalizes her feelings for Alyokhina:

- Masha likes that her book lives, that it continues, she sees the reaction of people. She feels joy, although, perhaps, she does not show it even at these moments. She invested a lot of herself. Masha has this principle: when she creates, she tears out some things from herself by force. I would not agree to such an execution. This book was difficult for her.

At the end of August, "Days of Rebellion" received one of the most important British theater awards, the Total Theater Awards - for "innovation, experimentation and play with form".

There is a moment in the performance when Alyokhina sits down on the stage, facing the audience standing in front of her, and says something to them. This gives rise to a strange feeling. In an ordinary performance, the actor plays a role written by the author. But here Alyokhina plays herself, her life: she really entered the church in a balaclava, spoke in court, sat in a colony - and now she speaks about this from the stage, and this life of hers is folded into a ring:

- The whole story, from the very first action to the last day in the penal colony, will live on stage, you can come and see what happened to us and is still happening. Every time we go out, first of all, so that the people who come to listen to us understand that in fact they, too, can do something. People come up to me to buy books and say: "We also want to do something." This performance is supposed to destroy indifference, that indifference, when the form defeats a person: the form of a judge or a policeman, or a jailer who tortures a person and can torture him to death.

The news that an odious Orthodox activist, an opponent of gays and abortion, was expelled from his own movement "God's Will" for having an affair with Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina looked as wild as possible. He went to court, where the case of dancing in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was considered, and demanded that Alyokhina sit down. A few years later, they will meet in person to talk. Thus begins the story of how love conquers obscurantism and polar views. At the request of samizdat, Kommersant special correspondent Olesya Gerasimenko met with Enteo, Alyokhina and their friends from this and past lives and tells the details of this amazing love story.

On December 31, 2016, oppositionist Artyom Chapaev was waiting for guests. His parties - noisy, long, thorough - habitually gathered artists, activists and gays from all over Moscow. At seven minutes to midnight, the doorbell rang. On the threshold stood his girlfriend, Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina with a companion - an opponent of Pussy Riot, homosexuals, abortion and a secular state, the destroyer of contemporary art exhibitions, the leader of the radical Orthodox movement "God's Will" Dmitry Tsorionov, nicknamed Enteo. “You, Masha, come in, but I won’t let him in,” said Chapaev. Enteo sighed with the words: “I understand,” Alyokhina refused to enter without a friend. They met the new two thousand and seventeenth year at the entrance. They opened champagne, put the mobile phone on the steps and looked down at Putin. Then we went to the Nemtsov bridge, and then to Tsorionov's house. Alekhine and Enteo spent the coming year together.

“Before, I considered him a Musor provocateur or a dude with an erpetsash roof, his views are as far from mine as possible. And when Masha told me that they were dating, I fainted on the floor, ”recalls Olga Shalina, a member of the unregistered Other Russia party, a close friend of Alyokhina, who was sitting with her in the colony. She ended up in Enteo's apartment on January 1, 2017, again stunned, but "the atmosphere of New Year's Eve did not imply scuffle." In the room sat Polina Nemirovskaya from Open Russia, Alyokhina from Pussy Riot, Shalina from the banned NBP, and Enteo and a friend from God's Will. “The first hour we silently drank champagne and sighed:“ Oh, shit. Then they began to argue - well, do not be silent all night.

Dmitry Enteo

Maria Alyokhina


The twenty-eight-year-old Muscovite Enteo, before becoming famous as an aggressive defender of traditional values, was a typical representative of the golden youth of the capital. The only child in the family of a diplomat (now an entrepreneur). The mother died when the son was a year old. But he calls his childhood happy: he grew up with his grandmother, during his father's business trips he studied at schools in Denmark and Germany, loved the X-files series and wanted to be like Mulder.

Entered the Institute of Foreign Economic Relations at MGIMO. I read trendy books like Revolution Now by Ilya Stogov and the book series Alternative in orange covers. He was in a fashionable party: new age, psychedelic trance, the Way to Yourself store, the Karma Kagyu community - a kind of Tibetan Buddhism, which Enteo now calls a sect. I went to raves and music festivals with spiritual practices and yoga like Khan-Altai. He says that he played in a musical group on a tambourine, wore an Afghani made of organic cotton, made sacrifices to Ganesha, arranged away parties in the Moscow region. “I remember how a very hard dark trance plays in the forest in the open air in the morning, everyone is already tired, a grandmother comes up to us almost with goats and says: kids, are you Satanists or what?” When asked about drugs, he answers with a smile: "Amnesia."


Orthodoxy appeared in spite of. “I did not perceive Christianity at all. I treated him very badly, it was like for the mob. We opposed this dead apotheosis of the state with our spiritual revolution. And then there was a moment. met God." As an eighteen-year-old, he was walking in the dark along Troparevsky Park and suddenly "as if everything became clear at once." “I look up and understand that someone created all this beauty and harmony. And he is near, and you can feel him, and grace appeared. Friends say that the relationship with his first wife, which ended dramatically, influenced the churching, but Enteo refuses to give details.

After two courses, Enteo took an academy at the university to retake the session, and ended up in the army: “He went crazy and went.” According to another version, this is how the family tried to distract him from drugs. The MGIMO student liked it in the airborne troops detachment in the village of Svetly near Omsk: “It was interesting for me, the experience. I read the Gospel, communicated with people, served excellently, not a single conflict in a year.” In the church in Omsk, he confessed and took communion for the first time.

“I lived a completely different life than I live now”

His rave friends did not appreciate the act: “When I went to church, everyone thought that I was crazy. I stopped having fun like they did, went to church and took communion every week and realized that I was not interested in anything other than this. A year later, I wanted to tell others about faith. “First of all, to those people who stayed there, in that company - they just sincerely searched for it, but it’s right here.” I googled the enrollment of the Orthodox missionary Priest Daniil Sysoev to the school. Enteo came to the temple three days after the murder of the odious priest. On November 19, 2009, Sysoev was shot dead in a temple after numerous threats for his statements about Islam. Enteo, who had previously known nothing about the murdered man, became a faithful follower of his ideas. The ban on abortion, the denial of patriotism, "a baptized Ethiopian is closer to a true Orthodox than a Russian communist", a state only for defense and justice, calls for the baptism of Muslims, campaigns in sects and sermons on the streets.

“I lived a completely different life than I live now,” recalls Tsorionov. - Absolutely sober, no entertainment, a lot of time was devoted to spiritual work on myself. Then she was a Christian. Well, that's typical of neophytes. Then grace leaves, you have to fight for it, and then crises begin.”


Tzorion's missionary work was studied for a year: "The whole Bible is bookmarked, for each argument - ten suitable quotations, a colossal amount of texts in memory." And he went to the people: he went to meetings of Protestants, from where they quickly began to expel him, but he stubbornly returned. He went to the mosque on Mira Avenue, handed out leaflets about baptism in Arabic and asked Muslims how they were according to the Koran: was there a fall? Every New Year, he went with his comrades-in-arms to Red Square to distribute New Year greetings to Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Tajiks in three languages, inside there were disks with a translated New Testament, an invitation and the address of the temple. “The task was to learn to distinguish them: are you Uzbek or Kyrgyz? and I thought so! And you give it to him. Several people then came to the temple.” He guarded the pagans in Kolomenskoye in the Golosov ravine and began conversations as soon as someone climbed on them onto the healing stones, according to their estimates. “It was very scary to approach people on the street. Overpowered himself. But then I was happier. God was there." Twenty people gathered at his house: no alcohol or swearing, they talked about God and prayed collectively.


Ideological drift

“Dmitry has a very distorted worldview at the moment. He himself knows this well. The decline in his spiritual life began around 2014, says his ex-girlfriend and associate in God's Will, Lyudmila Odegova. - Carried away by the ideas of libertarianism, he began to move more and more away from defending Orthodox Christian values ​​in economics and politics. This caused constant conflicts in the movement. The limit came when, with his changed worldview, he began to associate friendly with impenitent anticlericals who vilify the Church and the priesthood. It all started with Open Russia. Then came some rappers, Lesya Ryabtseva, Pussy Riot in their current Moscow line-up, Gelman, Anton Nosik and the NBEPs.” In October 2017, Odegova announced that Tsorionov had been expelled from the God's Will movement.

In 2016, Enteo really began to drift into the opposition crowd. Polina Nemirovskaya, an employee of Open Russia, recalls how they walked together in Moscow churches. “Since then, when I need to know something about God, I call Dima,” she says. Politician Maria Baronova tells how he brought her mulled wine during the election campaign in the elections to the State Duma (Enteo himself stipulates that he spoke for her opponent Andrei Zubov from PARNAS). “I perceived him as an actionist from the Kremlin side, well, such a postmodern in hell. But it was also clear that he was sincere, prayers, fasting, no sex - believe me, a large number of people tried to check, but he was steadfast. He convinced Polina that she should stop renting an apartment for two with a gay - why live in fornication with sodomites. In general, a person was looking for himself, he was already disappointed in the state, I don’t want to scare them away. A person who truly believes in garbage for real can be persuaded. ”

Acquaintance with Alyokhina

In October 2016, Enteo received an invitation to Ekho Moskvy's birthday party. There he met the subject of his hatred - Maria Alyokhina. “They showed me to him, they said that there was“ God's Will ”with Lesya Ryabtseva. I came up and said: hi, I'm Masha, ”she recalls. Since then, he began to write messages to her on Twitter, offering to meet. A month later, Alyokhina agreed: “A man created a movement that called for me to be put in jail. I wanted to understand why."

Out of her inherent punk mischief, she broadcast the first conversation with an Orthodox activist in the chat of the Mediazona edition: “They, of course, got fucked by me, but, on the other hand, not for the first time.” The editor-in-chief of the portal, Sergei Smirnov, advised me to ask why Enteo wrote statements against people. Enteo replied: “Well, I didn’t write to him.” “Of course, there were suspicions that he was some kind of provocateur, he would record me on a dictaphone ... But when, after a couple of hours of talking, he went for wine, leaving my phone and keys to the apartment with me, and then confused right with left and did not find a store, I I realized that he was not a provocateur. In the end, we went for wine together. On the street, Enteo asked: “What do you do so that you are not recognized on the streets? I'm putting on a cap, ”and pulled a large hood over his head. Thus began the friendship.

“They, of course, fucked me, but, on the other hand, not for the first time”

“I wanted to ask why she did it. Ask her a lot of questions. She interested me the most. She explained, I understood, but did not accept,” says Enteo. “It seems that he made Pussy Riot his fix idea, and meeting the object of his blasphemy was akin to the Stockholm syndrome for him, and in general, from hatred to love is within easy reach,” says now their mutual friend Shalina.

For Alyokhina, who at the age of fifteen went to the burnt-out apartment of a heroin addict to read Yesenin’s poems, for many years she hitchhiked alone to Utrish, carried the Gospel to her court and volunteered at the Danilovsky Monastery, this acquaintance looks natural. But friends were still surprised. ““ Well, Mash, what are you doing?” - it was. But this is not the first “well, Masha, what are you doing?” in my life. This is from childhood, ”Alyokhina laughs.

They quickly closed on each other, friends recall. The wave and the stone, the translucent Alyokhina and the black-eyed handsome Tsorionov, look great together to the point of reproach, even the categorical opponents of their union admit.

Shortly after the New Year's Eve, they went together to an anti-fascist march in memory of the lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova killed by neo-Nazis. For the previous three years, Enteo went to him to snatch rainbow flags from the hands of the participants and invariably ended up in a paddy wagon, with photographs from which he saluted Alyokhina. On January 19, 2017, she invited him with her, a member. The organizers recognized him at the frame, raised a fuss and demanded to surrender the provocateur to the police. Alyokhina stood up, and they walked the rest of the march together. It was an act on the part of Enteo, their acquaintances say. True, on the eve of the same hero did not dare to plunge into the hole at Epiphany, Shalina laughs. “Enbepist Olya, democrat Alyokhina and atheist Nastya dived and crossed themselves, and he stood dressed and whined that he had snot.” He swam in the summer: he called Shalina to celebrate the Airborne Forces Day with him, drank vodka and dived into the fountain, without taking off the blue beret brought from the house.

Alyokhina introduced Enteo to radical feminists, he invited her to read the Bible at the Ministry of Justice - as a demonstration of her constitutional right to read any book in public space. “I come, and his friends saw me and let's get baptized,” Alyokhina recalls. “For Masha, joint creativity is very important. Well, Dima simply did not expect the reaction that this reading would cause from the Ministry of Justice. You should have seen his face when he read all these accusations of blasphemy, blasphemy and other things after the action,” says Shalina.

“The bombing on Twitter has not ended all these months. Masha was shown both by unfamiliar admirers of talent, and by relatives with whom there was more than one action behind her. The handshake police drove up, the society of moral rightness came forward, ”recalls her assistant Olga Borisova. Alyokhina was worried, crying, upset that under the reports about the performance, the release of the book, the performance, there were only one comments: “And how is Enteo?” “Both of them were stupidly unsubscribed on all social networks, they stopped talking, and then it’s one thing to defend yourself, another thing when they ran into the second,” says Shalina’s friend. Accustomed to public disputes about her work, Alyokhina was not ready to discuss her personal life in the spirit of Starhit magazine. But the colleague in the "War" Pyotr Verzilov limited himself to the branded message about the novel: "Come on?! Maaash! Yes? YES?! Well Maaaash! But he never met Enteo: “The Lord saved me, I had to dodge it several times. Masha reforged it, proving the strength of the position. But now I would like full repentance for the sins of the past!”


Without conflicts, judging by the stories of acquaintances, it can not do. “Usually it looks like this,” Borisova laughs, “Masha, in response to Enteo’s typical abortion or LGBT maxims, yells: “What the hell are you talking about !!!”, Dima replies with some quote or reference and falls silent.

“Once I read his posts on the VKontakte network and thought that was it, I can’t do it anymore. She said that we would no longer communicate, ”recalls Alyokhina. In response, Enteo sent a box with a birthday present - three ducklings were sitting in it. "He decided that I liked ducks and bought them in a restaurant." On the basis of concern for Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood - that's what the ducks were called - the lovers reconciled.

Their first public conflict occurred after the arrest of director Kirill Serebrennikov. In the morning, Enteo came to the director's house, where fans of his work gathered, with a poster "We demand to protect our culture from blasphemy and corruption." (“I saw many Serebrennikov’s performances, there is sheer pedophilia, it’s impossible to perceive, he staged experiments against traditional values ​​for state money,” he explains now.) And after dinner, Alyokhina also came there to chant “Freedom to Kirill!” “I come up, and everyone is like me at once: but yours was here, and what did you do!” she recalls. The video of Enteo's picket got into the media, in the evening of the same day, on a visit, where they agreed to go the day before, Alyokhina broke all the dishes.

“I told her: what are you tearing and tossing about? But he acted honestly, as he thinks. Why be surprised,” says Shalina. Statements by outsiders in the spirit of “Masha defeated evil” and “Masha re-educated a fanatic” Enteo shows her and laughs: “Well, because she knows that this is not true. I changed some of my views even before we met.” “No one re-educates Enteo, it’s just karma: if you called on girls in balaclavas to plant, now rake. This whole story is one big heavenly joke for you guys to meet,” Shalina laughs.

In some ways, Enteo really changed: for example, at the suggestion of Alyokhina, he fell in love with the performances "Practice" and "Theater.doc", where he used to come only to swear with the public. He also likes her performances - however, on the stage about the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he leaves the hall. He never believed in evolution, the freedom of a woman to decide whether to give birth or not, and the right of gays to marry, and they try to avoid these topics.

Tsorionov lives on Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya with the cat Lustration and obviously misses Alyokhina, who is now on tour with her book "Riot Days". He is dissatisfied with the attention of journalists to his personal life and is outraged by the question "When did you realize that you were in love?" They both do not like the words "dating", "couple", "in love". Alyokhina admires Enteo's "inner peace", he says that he learns from her kindness and simplicity. Every Sunday they play football with the National Bolsheviks. Somehow their friend decided to document it on video; Tsorionov, seeing the camera lens, immediately began to cross himself and grimace: "So that no one would think that I'm normal."

The National Bolshevik Party Shalina believes that Enteo's main problem is inconsistency with his media image. “He plays too much, in life in him there is no share of the aggression that was in his posts and interviews. He set the bar high for himself with stories about fundamentalism, but he doesn't deliver. We need to learn to be responsible for the market. We met with him separately - I wanted to know what was in the head of a man who took so much space in my friend's life. He loves this: come on, he says, we bet, and pulls out the mothball theme of the thirty-seventh year. In disputes, he is an aggressive agitator, he is absolutely not interested in someone else's point of view. I usually tell him: why are you worried, we’ll shoot anyway.”

"You, most importantly, do not score"

Shalina's comrades in the banned party also made claims to her for her friendship with Enteo and Alyokhina. Her explanation is harsh: “Having chosen my beliefs, National Bolshevism, I give up other beliefs, I will no longer be a pussy riot or a libertarian. So, by communicating with others, I learn the price of my choice. After all, when it comes to the implementation of our political program, I will sacrifice these people whom I love very much. Dima knows that with all our good friendship, the execution will be on schedule. For example, he loves poetry, in particular, Nikolai Gumilyov loves to read by heart. I answer him all the time: do not be afraid, we are reliable comrades and will let you die in accordance with your convictions. You, most importantly, do not take glasses.

But even the bloodthirsty NBP worries about the lovers with the whole bunker. “When the first shock passed, and I once mentioned to my comrades that, they say, Masha and Dima had a fight, they puffed out their cheeks. Well, how is it, they said, they are so miiiiiiily? Olga says that the union of Enteo and Alyokhina, which began with a confrontation, gives hope that it will be possible to do without executions. “Everyone thinks about them: damn, you look great. Negotiate as you like, even according to Stalin, even according to Hitler, but stay together, because your union is a symbol that a lion can live with a lamb. I want love to win."

The nature of Russian feminism

Samizdat went on an expedition to the anomalous zone of the mysterious place of female power


On April 18, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow considered the case of activists detained near the FSB building on Lubyanka. Dissatisfied with the blocking of the Telegram messenger, they took to the streets to express their protest by launching paper airplanes reminiscent of the logo of the popular brainchild of Pavel Durov.

Among the detainees were 29-year-old ex-participant of the controversial Pussy Riot group Maria Alyokhina and 29-year-old ex-head of the God's Will movement Dmitry Enteo (his real name is Tsorionov). They received 100 hours of work per action in the center of the capital. But not everyone knows: Dmitry and Maria are in a relationship... StarHit remembered the story of this unusual couple in every sense.

Alyokhina and Enteo met in October 2016 - at the party of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, where the most diverse audience traditionally gathers. Maria herself expressed a desire to get acquainted with the ideological enemy. By that time, the activist had already served a couple of years for scandalous dances in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

“They showed me to him, they said that there was“ God's Will ”with Lesya Ryabtseva. I came up and said: “Hi, I’m Masha,” the young woman later recalled.

After the party, an Orthodox activist who opposes the propaganda of abortion and modern art, unexpectedly continued to communicate with Maria. According to Alekhina, he began to write messages to her on Twitter, offering to see her again. And she went to meet Enteo. Maria explained her decision with curiosity.

“The man created a movement that called for me to be put in jail. I wanted to understand why, ”Alekhina later said.

A few months later, Dmitry and Maria - together - went on a march in memory of the murdered lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. The organizers of the action did not believe in the miraculous transformation of Enteo and decided that this was a provocation. So Alyokhina had to stand up for a friend.

Apparently, the romance between adherents of completely opposite views spun quickly enough. Behind Alekhina was the experience of a long relationship with the father of her son Philip.

Maria and Dmitry do not like to talk about their personal lives.

“She's a very interesting person and it's a very interesting story. She even changed me in something - this story. This is how much a person can be above those ideas, those labels that society and the media stick on him, ”Enteo said vaguely in an interview.

Dmitry also added that he was not interested in talking about the alleged romance. He described his relationship with Mary as very warm. “We have a kind, interesting friendship,” the activist explained. He preferred to refrain from other details. Alyokhina herself also avoids speaking openly about her feelings for Enteo and calling him her chosen one. Meanwhile, there were even rumors on the Web that the couple got married, but Dmitry in every possible way denied the veracity of such information.

Of course, Alekhina and Enteo cannot do without conflicts. Close friends disagree when it comes to, for example, Kirill Serebrennikov, who is accused of embezzling funds from the state budget. In May last year, Dmitry supported the searches at the director's, saying that other well-known theaters should also be checked. Enteo came to the "Gogol Center" with a poster "We demand to protect our culture from blasphemy and corruption." Talking to reporters, the man spoke ambiguously about Serebrennikov's activities. “There is sheer pedophilia, it’s impossible to perceive, he set up experiments against traditional values ​​for state money,” Dmitry said.

Maria Alekhina has a completely different attitude towards Serebrennikov. She, on the contrary, supported the director after the scandal with the theft of millions from the budget. When Alyokhina appeared near the Gogol Center last spring, she was told about Enteo's "performance". Mary's anger knew no bounds. According to friends, she then beat the plates to express her emotions.

“I told her: what are you tearing and tossing about? But he acted honestly, as he thinks. Why be surprised, ”recalls Maria’s close friend Olga Shalina.

There are other topics that Enteo and Alyokhina prefer not to discuss. Some of Dmitry's views have indeed changed, but on some issues his opinion has remained the same. Once Maria's patience snapped, and she decided to stop communicating with a friend. To make amends, Dmitry gave the young woman a touching birthday present - a box with three ducklings that were fattened for foie gras. Dmitry and Maria named their pets Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood. When they grew up, Enteo and Alyokhina decided to let them go free, but a tragedy occurred.

“Brotherhood, the smallest duck, broke its neck, we buried it at the monument to Lermontov. They tried to release the rest, but it is difficult to get used to freedom, they did not succeed. I had to be taken to the Smolensk forests, to a village near the monastery, to a good Orthodox girl, so that they could have a happy life. Freedom fell ill there and died, so only Equality remained, ”Dmitry told reporters in October last year.

Due to close communication with Alyokhina, Enteo had to leave the organization "God's Will". His place was taken by activist Lyudmila Esipenko. The woman said that this decision was extremely difficult for her. Esipenko repeatedly made remarks to Enteo because of his relationship with Alyokhina. The last straw was their scandalous action near the Ministry of Justice. Dmitry and Maria read the Bible and smoked, and then drove around in a car, singing the hits of the Tatu group.

“I don’t write anywhere that Dmitry Tsorionov is no longer the head of the God’s Will movement, according to my decision and the decision of the founding fathers of the movement, because of his affair with Alyokhina. (...) The fact that I waited for about four months and pondered my act of removing Dmitry from the post of head of the "God's Will" is due solely to the fact that we are godfathers with him - godparents of some children, and I also know the true reason for his spiritual fall, which I am not going to talk about,” Esipenko said on social networks.

According to resources "My friend, you are a transformer", "Echo of Moscow" and "Such things"

Activist Dmitry Enteo (real name - Tsorionov) was expelled from the "God's Will" movement and ceased to be its leader, said Lyudmila Odegova (real name - Esipenko), who declared herself the new head of the movement. In general, according to her, this decision was made due to Enteo's rapprochement with Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina.

Dimitri Enteo founded the God's Will movement in 2012 and became famous thanks to his active campaign against Pussy Riot. The Orthodox activist was strongly in favor of punishing the girls.

When exactly he and Alyokhina began a relationship, it is not known exactly, recently Alyokhina told about them publicly.

In July 2017, Dmitry Enteo and Maria Alyokhina, together with activists from the Other Russia, held a rally near the building of the Ministry of Justice. There they defiantly read the Bible aloud, protesting against the desire of the Ministry of Justice to equate the public reading of religious texts with rallies and to demand prior approval of sermons.

Odegova counted that this is unacceptable for the head of the movement created in response to the group's action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

From now on, I and only I am the head of the "God's Will" movement.
Dimitry Tsorionov, until public repentance for sacrilege, in which he took part during the action near the Ministry of Justice, etc., is suspended by me from all affairs of the movement. He does not have the right to hold shares and give any comments on behalf of the movement.
Our movement was created in 2012 and consisted of a group of people who united with each other on the basis of countering blasphemy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. We made Dmitry Tsorionov the speaker of this association, who represented the interests of our group in the media.
However, after Dmitry Tsorionov became friends with impenitent blasphemers, in the wake of protest against whom he became a media personality, he began to hold joint actions with them as part of the God's Will movement, where they mocked the Holy Scriptures:
- a blasphemer from the XXC was reading the Bible and smoking at the same time, she also read the Word of God aloud, and everyone around was guffawing, and none of the Orthodox Christians present there stopped it;
- moreover, they have the audacity to slander the bishop of the Church, saying that Vladyka Panteleimon (Shatov) blessed them for this sacrilege!!!;
- besides this, other Orthodox Christians were set up, who came to a good action, and as a result they slipped a pig in the form of sacrilegious Alyokhina, for which they were completely unprepared and were in confusion,
and also Dmitry Tsorionov was present at the presentation of the false book "Riot days" by fellow feminist Alekhina and, in order to congratulate her on the release of the book, in which she glorifies blasphemy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and calls our His Holiness Patriarch Kirill "Mikhalych", he specially went to St. Petersburg, where the presentation took place, I consider it my duty to remove this person from the position we once gave him - the head of the "God's Will" movement.
I regard his actions as a betrayal of the "God's Will" movement and the people who, having trusted Dmitry Tsorionov, made him the head and face of our movement. I also regard his actions as a betrayal of Fr. Daniil Sysoev, because he graduated from a missionary school where he was taught the purest theology, and was a missionary of the movement that Fr. Daniel founded.
If God wants to punish someone, He deprives that person of reason. This is exactly what happened to Dmitry Tsorionov, who became interested in self-promotion and for this he began to flirt and grovel before blasphemers and anti-clericals from the bohemian party, just not to fall out of the information field.
The key and most striking "action" of the "God's Will" movement, which caused the most stormy resonance in the media during the entire existence of the movement, was opposition to the blasphemous exhibition "Sculptures that we do not see" in the Moscow Manege. In this "action" I was honored to perform the main action by the grace of God. On this basis, I consider myself responsible to remove Dmitry Tsorionov from participation in the movement, who is now creating sheer chaos under the sign "God's will", and to declare myself its head.
I put a lot of effort into this movement and I can’t calmly watch how some crazy youngster destroys and discredits the cause to which I gave about 5 years of my priceless life.
I cannot betray this case and give it to Dmitri Tsorionov for desecration.
I have the honor!

In response to these accusations, Enteo said that in the actions of Alyokhina, who is now engaged in protecting the rights of prisoners, he sees real Christianity. He also cited a quote in which the former lead singer of Pussy Riot calls the New Testament "the most important book of her life" and accusations against her of "pharisaism" (hypocrisy).

The action for which Alyokhina was detained took place on April 16 - the day when Roskomnadzor of the messenger Telegram. About a dozen activists came to the FSB building on Lubyanka and began to launch colorful airplanes.

The security forces detained 12 people, all were brought to the police station and left for the night. The next day, April 17, the court fined two activists 10 and 20 thousand rubles. "Mediazona" with a review of their protocols.

The rest of those detained at the rally - Lyudmila Sukova, Alexander Sofeev, Heinrich Von Destio, Stepan Vyboch, Alisa Gordeeva, Yegor Yeremeeva, Olga Savchenko and Sonya Trofimova - were released from the police department on a signed to appear in court. One of the detainees in her twitter noted that the activists did not sign them.

Alyokhina and Enteo were left at the police station for the second night. They drew up protocols under part 1 of article 20.2.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (organization of a mass simultaneous stay of citizens in public places that is not a public event, which caused a violation of public order).

At about 11 am, Maria Alyokhina and Dmitry Enteo were brought to court. Alyokhina said that the Public Monitoring Commission came to them last night.

The detainees are waiting for the beginning of consideration of their protocols. Alyokhina's interests will be represented by lawyers Svetlana Sidorkina and Anna Polozova.

Punishment under Part 1 of Article 20.2.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine of up to 20,000 rubles, compulsory work for up to one hundred hours, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

The participants in the process entered the hall, followed by Judge Yulia Mordvina. Alyokhina's case will be considered first.

The judge lists the personal data of the participant Pussy Riot.

Were you brought to administrative responsibility during the year? the judge asks.
- Yes.
- What was your appointment?
- Well, .
- Completed?
- This has nothing to do with this court, they didn’t even send me a decision.

The judge explains to Alyokhina her rights. Nobody has any withdrawals.

Polozov's lawyer petitions for keeping a court record, referring to the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court. Sidorkin's defender supports her: "I believe that these petitions are legally significant and fully comply with the protection of Alyokhina's interests."

In addition, Sidorkina asks to involve the prosecutor in the consideration of the case. She also asks to call witnesses - police officers who detained the participants of the action and made a report. This is necessary, since the documents are contradictory, it is impossible to establish the whole circumstance from them, says Sidorkina. The lawyer mentions the decision of the European Court of Human Rights on the need to consider the case together with the police officers who drew up the protocol.

Sidorkina names the policemen: Buldyrev, Dvortsov, Pichulin and Fomin. In particular, Fomin examined the action group on Facebook and concluded that Alyokhina was the organizer.

The lawyer also asks to interrogate as a witness Olga Shalina, who watched the action, and Lyudmila Sukova and Alexander Sofeev, who were detained along with Alyokhina.

Sidorkina also asks to attach photos taken by Shalina to the case. The judge interrupts the speech of the lawyer: she is interested in whether Shalina was detained. She was not detained.

Polozova's lawyer asks to add to the case a video recording of the action from the public Mash"VKontakte" and the birth certificate of Alekhine's son Philip.

The judge leaves to decide on the motions.

Judge Mordvina returns to the hall. She refuses to keep the record, because it is not necessary. The judge also rejects the motion to involve a prosecutor.

Mordvin refuses to call the policemen to court, because he considers it premature - Alyokhina herself has not yet been interrogated, her position is unknown. The judge attaches the birth certificate of Alyokhina's son.

Now Alyokhina tells the circumstances of the detention:

I came to Lubyanka to fly paper planes, because on that day the decision to block Telegram. Since Article 23 of the Constitution guarantees us the right to correspond, we decided that our right was violated.

So you're going there on purpose? the judge asks.

Of course.

According to her, Gleb Samoilov's song "We will always live" was played during the action. Soon, “uniformed officers” came out of the FSB building on Lubyanka and began to detain people.

Did you disturb someone?

No, I saw that the children raised the airplanes, they were happy, - says Alekhina.

According to Alyokhina, the police held the activists for more than three hours without explaining what was happening. Until the next day, the participant Pussy Riot did not show any documents, and the protocol was drawn up without her.

The next day, April 17, members of the PMC came to the department and demanded documents from the police, Alyokhina says. While the defender was going to the detainees, the documents were nevertheless shown.

Questions are asked by Sidorkin's lawyer. Alyokhina repeats that the protesters launched airplanes, and a paddy wagon immediately arrived. She says that "the FSB blocked Telegram with the help of their puppet Roskomnadzor and the court.

Have you been asked if you have dependent children?

No, these questions were not asked.

The judge clarifies with whom Alyokhina's child lives. She replies that the son lives with her and with his father. Now he is at home.

The judge reads out the materials of the case: various protocols, reports, rejection of written explanations.

Refused to explain? - Judge Mordvin asks.
- I haven't seen any papers.
- What did they ask you about?
“They asked me if it was necessary to shoot criminals, put them against the wall, how the penitentiary system works in Norway,” Alyokhina recalls.

The file also contains a written explanation by police officers Dvortsov and Boldyrev, a written explanation by Pischulin, and police reports.

Now Polozov's lawyer asks to reconsider the petition for interrogation of the policemen. Svetlana Sidorkina supports her. The judge leaves.

Returning, the judge still refuses to call the police and other witnesses: "There are no grounds for satisfying the petition." In addition, she refuses to watch the video from the action. Photos of Shalina are attached to the case.

The lawyer Sidorkin takes the floor:

I got acquainted with the materials, I can designate this with the phraseological unit “Was there a boy?” Masha's actions do not constitute an administrative offense.
“We don’t have Masha,” the judge interrupts her.
- Maria Alyokhina, - Sidorkina corrects herself.

The defender read out a report stating that Alyokhina "let paper products, littering the roadway with them, and interfered with traffic, launching paper products at the door and perpendicular to the movement of pedestrians." "Paper products" fell on the roadway and interfered with movement.

The lawyer believes that the launch of airplanes cannot be considered a public event. By law, this term means an open, peaceful demonstration or rally.

I believe that this action does not fall under any form of public event, she emphasizes.

Sidorkina believes that the police have no evidence on the basis of which Alyokhina and Enteo can be held accountable both as organizers and as participants. They indicated that Alyokhina was the organizer, referring to the Facebook group. The lawyer notes that this can only be evidence if Roskomnadzor confirms that her IP-the address matches the address of the account from which the posts were published in the Facebook group.

If you follow the chronology, then the protocol was drawn up on April 16, the explanations of the policeman Fomin were received at night, which casts doubt on his argument, says Sidorkina. In addition, it is not known on what basis Fomin collected the material and examined the page. His status is not indicated in any way. This gives reason to question and exclude the documents compiled by him from the evidence.

Sidorkina notes that there is no evidence that Alyokhina was the organizer of the action, just as there is no evidence that it was a public event. “Under such circumstances, we can talk about the absence of an administrative offense,” Sidorkina concludes.

Sidorkina emphasizes that the protocol was drawn up without Alyokhina, it does not contain the necessary information. For example, the time of the event is incorrectly indicated: the time of 18:00 is true, and in the protocol it is indicated half an hour later.

I consider it absurd to say that the actions of persons on the square interfered with the movement of vehicles and people. With the same significance, we can say that precipitation interferes with the movement of vehicles and people, - says the lawyer. - She has a minor child and they had no right to detain her for more than three hours.

Sidorkina calls the detention an encroachment on her personal freedom, since she could not participate in the upbringing of her son. Alyokhina's right to freedom was grossly violated, Sidorkina notes.

She asks to stop the administrative proceedings.

Now Polozov's lawyer is speaking. She fully supports the position of a colleague. Polozova emphasizes that there is not a single piece of evidence in the materials that Alyokhina was the organizer of the action.

Moreover, the article provides for the organization of a public event,” says Polozova.

Or participation, the judge corrects her.

Or participation.

Polozova repeats the argument of the defender Sidorkina about IP-address of Alyokhina and Roskomnadzor.

The [cops'] reports are exactly the same. It is impossible that people explain circumstances in one language, - Polozova is indignant. - There are many contradictions and doubts, and, indeed, there is no composition in the launch of airplanes.

In addition, the lawyer recalls Article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights to Freedom of Expression.

The judge asks why Alyokhina's son is not included in the passport.
“Because the passport was re-obtained,” she replies.
- Have you lost anything?

Alyokhina is silent.

Do you want to add something?
- That the Lubyanka should be turned into a museum, and the FSB officers should be lustred.

The judge goes into the deliberation room.

Listeners and journalists were allowed into the hall. Judge Mordvina comes in and reads out the decision. The court concluded that the launch of the airplanes interfered with order and interfered with pedestrians and traffic.

The court found that a group of 12 people made paper products and interfered with the passage of citizens. Alyokhina did not respond to the remarks of passers-by, continued to throw, while Alyokhina organized the event, the judge reads.

Alyokhina's guilt is confirmed by documents, there are no grounds for their exclusion. Alyokhina did not dispute the protocols at the time of drafting and refused to sign them, the judge notes. All her rights were respected. The arguments of the defense are based on misinterpretations of the laws, she said.

The court appoints Alyokhina one hundred hours of compulsory work.

“In fact, now the FSB is the organization that owns both the court and Roskomnadzor, and in principle controls the lives of citizens in our country. I don't think it's right," Alyokhina told reporters after the meeting.

On the street, Enteo and Alyokhina folded paper planes and launched them into the courthouse.

The hearing on the case of Dmitry Enteo begins. It will be considered by the same judge Yulia Mordvina. She explained to the activist his rights.

Enteo's interests are represented by lawyer Anna Polozova. She requests that the minutes of the meeting be taken. The judge goes into the deliberation room.

Five minutes later, the judge returns and announces that the lawyer's motion has been denied.

Enteo takes the floor:

I do not admit my guilt and do not believe that I somehow violated the law of the Russian Federation. I can explain. I found out that in Russia they blocked Telegram with the help of the Tagansky court, the FSB was behind it. In the 20th century, the state killed its citizens, this affected my family, and in the Nazi state people were forbidden to communicate anonymously, says Enteo, mentioning that Alexander Solzhenitsyn was imprisoned for correspondence.

Enteo found out about the blocking and decided that it was unreachable. Enteo expressed his constitutional right to an opinion in artistic form, he explains.

I did not chant slogans, I did not interfere with anyone. The planes that I released, they folded neatly and did not cause problems for anyone. It was my artistic gesture to protect my people from tyranny, continues Enteo. - I spent two days in a cage because I folded several paper airplanes and silently launched them into the sky.

The judge interrupts him and asks to speak on the merits.

Polozov's lawyer asks Enteo what time he was detained - at six o'clock in the evening. Enteo will repeat that the planes did not interfere with anyone and "became exhibits in the collection of people who were there."

Now the defender is interested in whether he was the organizer. Enteo replies that he just came to let the planes in and did not explain to anyone what to do. “All my actions were the artistic act of launching airplanes,” he says.

The activist says that the detainees were taken to the department at 18:40. No one explained what they were accused of. They took Enteo's shoelaces and put him in a cage, where he spent two days. Only yesterday, after visiting the PMC, he was allowed to familiarize himself with the documents. "I didn't know I'd wake up in a country where they put you in a cage for letting planes in," Enteo notes.

- How many protocols were given?
- They gave me two sheets of paper fastened together.
- Protocol? Copy of protocol?
Yes, protocol.

The judge asks if Enteo has been brought to administrative responsibility before. According to him, in 2017 and 2018 he was not involved, he was involved for a very long time.

The judge notes that in 2015 he received a fine of 500 rubles for disorderly conduct. Enteo says he doesn't remember why. The activist notes that he always pays fines and calls himself a "good citizen."

The parties proceed to study the materials. The file contains a protocol on the offense, reports from police officers Boldyrev and Kuznetsov, a protocol on the delivery and detention, explanations that Alyokhina refused, information about early administrative punishment.

Polozov's lawyer takes the floor.

The defense believes that there is reason to interrogate the witnesses, namely the police officers who detained and drew up the protocol - Boldyrev and Kuznetsov, as well as the duty officer Seregin, who drew up the protocol.

Polozova believes that their interrogation is needed to establish all the circumstances. The documents in the case are contradictory. For example, Enteo said that he was delivered and detained at a different time.

As with the consideration of Maria Alyokhina's protocol, she asks to interrogate the witnesses Sofeev, Sukova and Shalina, and also to attach photographs of Shalina. They were nearby and can tell what happened at the action.

The judge asks if the witnesses let the planes in. Enteo replies that Shalina definitely did not let the planes in.

Polozova has one more petition: to attach a video recording of Mash from the action.

He also asks to interrogate Vladimir Enikeev, who visited Tsorionovo at the police department and can confirm the time of detention and delivery

The judge returns and refuses to satisfy all requests, except for the inclusion of photographs.

Polozov's lawyer says that citizens have the right to express their opinions, referring to Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The situation when the judge interrupts Enteo while he says that he expressed his opinion is a violation of his right to express his opinion.

She asks to pay attention to the fact that the documents in the case are contradictory, the witnesses were not interrogated. The protocols of detention and delivery are inadmissible evidence, the defender is sure. This can be confirmed by the ONC. The witnesses for the defense were also spectators and could confirm all the circumstances.

There is no composition of an administrative offense in his actions,” says Polozova. She asks to stop administrative proizovdstvo.

The judge asks if Enteo has any additions.

I believe that I did not break the law and everything that I did is within the framework of the Constitution. I don't want us to leave a precedent after your decision that people are put in cages for paper airplanes. If people do not unite in order to save themselves from the tyranny of the secret services, then we will have no future and we will return to the horrors of totalitarianism, Enteo emphasizes.

He asks the judge to "make a choice". She leaves, promising to return in half an hour.

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