Phrases of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong quotes. New bible for communists

Mao Zedong is one of the most cruel rulers not only of China, but of the whole world. No wonder he is often put on a par with Stalin. In addition to adherence to the Marxist-Leninist doctrine, they have in common the incredibly tough government of the country. Under his rule, China was completely transformed into a socialist state, and this transition was far from painless. He interpreted the Marxist ideology quite creatively, which led to the fact that the Chinese version of it began to be called Maoism. Mao Zedong's quotes, published as a separate book during his lifetime, give a complete picture of the personality of this ruler and his view of the communist way of organizing the state.

The beginning of the way

Mao Zedong was born into a wealthy peasant family in 1893. He received a classical Chinese education at school. Then he served in the army during the 1911 revolution, after which he entered the pedagogical school. In 1918, Mao founded the New People Society. His goal was to find ways to transform China. It was at this time that the future gets acquainted with the Marxist-Leninist ideology that determined the fate of Mao Zedong and the whole country.

Thanks to his active work, Mao Zedong quickly becomes an influential political figure. In 1921 he became the chief delegate and in 1923 joined the Nationalist Kuomintang Party. Throughout his entire journey to power, Mao had rather contradictory relations with this organization: almost immediately he had political disagreements with its leader, Chiang Kai-shek, and soon Mao Zedong separated from the Kuomintang, joining the extreme left current of the CPC. However, the Japanese invasion of China in 1936 forced the warring parties to reconcile for a while.

Rise to power

During the war with Japan, Mao Zedong paid much more attention to strengthening his political positions among the peasantry. He actively directed the purge program, writing a series of articles in which he identified the focus of the Chinese version of communism on the peasantry, and not on the urban working class. With the end of the war, the truce with the Kuomintang also ended. Violent clashes between the parties resulted in a bloody civil war that ended with the defeat of the Kuomintang, its flight to Taiwan and the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

Mao Zedong (PRC): the path to happiness along the beaten track of the USSR

The United States, which supported Chiang Kai-shek, refused to recognize Mao Zedong's new republic, unlike the Soviet Union. Between the countries was signed in 1950 an agreement on mutual assistance and friendship. Purges, collectivization, five-year plans, "catch up and overtake" - everything that was characteristic of the period of Stalinist repressions in the USSR, has now visited China. Mao Zedong, after Stalin's death, became the most influential communist leader in the world, encouraging the ever-growing cult of his personality in every possible way. However, it soon became clear that the policy of forced "Great Leap Forward" did not give tangible results. The standard of living of the peasantry fell sharply, inflation increased, production volumes decreased. Famine began in the country.

cultural revolution

In the 1960s, active persecution of dissidents began in China. According to the worked out scheme, Yao Wenyun's article "On the new edition of the historical drama" The Demolition of Hai Rui" served as a signal shot. Chinese historian Wu Hanem was accused of anti-socialism and criticism of the political methods of the ruling party. After that, a series of bloody repressions began. target audience - immature youth, from which the Red Guard detachments were formed. Thousands of people were killed as a result of this "cultural revolution", hundreds of thousands were deported from the country, even more fled. Many were forced to commit suicide. And it was at this time that the famous "Quote Book" was published "- a book in which Mao Zedong most fully reveals his views on government and much more.

New bible for communists

A collection of key sayings of Mao Zedong was released by the government in 1966. Its circulation was so great that it can only be compared with the circulation of sacred books - the Koran, the Bible or the Torah. Actually, the almost religious worship of this edition was not only welcomed, but also implied by Mao's supporters. The first translation from Chinese into Russian of Chairman Mao Zedong's quotations was made in 1967. It contains excerpts from articles and speeches of the Great Pilot. In Western translation, this work has the somewhat ironic name "Red Book", since it was the pocket edition that was most widely used - so that you can always carry it with you. The translation from Chinese into Russian sounded much more detailed: "Collection of excerpts from the writings of Chairman Mao Zedong." The book has even been translated into Esperanto.

Mao Zedong quotes - to the masses

To study this collection, special circles were organized, which met even during working hours. It was believed that after such classes, the employee would be much more effective in coping with their duties. Posters were hung at every step depicting people holding the Quote Book in their hands. In the guide to reading this book, the leitmotif is two words - learn and apply. It was recommended to memorize the main statements by heart. Newspaper articles had to regularly include quotes from Mao Zedong, and highlight them in bold type so that no one doubts their authorship.

The most striking statements

Basically, Mao Zedong's quotes touch upon the theme of the political struggle of socialism against capitalism. He considered American imperialism to be the main enemy of free humanity. Calling him a paper tiger, Mao called on the peoples of the whole world to unite in the fight against him. His theory about the third world war is interesting. He makes it clear that, despite the condemnation of the possibility of unleashing another world conflict, if it occurs, he will only benefit. After all, after the First World War, the Soviet Union was born with a population of 200 million people, after the Second World War, a whole socialist camp was born, and this is already 900 million. After the Third, he hoped that the whole world would come to socialism in general.

Also in the "Quote Book" one can find statements of a more general nature, although their share is significantly less than attacks against imperialism. For example, such a philosophical judgment: “What is conceivable, exists” is a rehash of the famous aphorism of Descartes. Or the perspicacious opinion that politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed.

In general, the quotes of Mao Zedong given in the “little red book” give a fairly complete idea of ​​what kind of person the Great Pilot was. You will not find any special revelations in it, but, perhaps, from a historical point of view, it will be interesting to get acquainted with them.

Mao's quotations were ordered to be studied during working hours, special circles were organized for classes with the text; it was believed that this did not distract the workers from work, but, on the contrary, made them work more efficiently the rest of the time. In the paintings and posters of that time, often all the people depicted (except for Mao himself) hold quote books in their hands.

The works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung should be studied in search of a key to solving this or that issue, studied and applied in close connection with life, their study should be combined with application, the most necessary should be studied first of all in order to obtain immediate and tangible results, and maximum efforts should be made to application. In order to truly master the ideas of Mao Tse-tung, it is necessary to study again and again a number of the main points of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Some of the most powerful sayings are best learned by heart, constantly studied and applied. Excerpts from the writings of Chairman Mao Tse-tung should be regularly published on the pages of newspapers, in close connection with reality, so that everyone can study and apply them. As the experience of the broad masses of the people, accumulated in recent years in the course of studying and applying the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in close connection with life, has shown, selective study of excerpts from the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in search of a key to solving a particular issue is excellent. method of studying the ideas of Mao Tse-tung, with the help of which it is not difficult to achieve immediate and tangible results.

Lines from "Quotes" included in books or articles in the press were typed in bold or red type.

An active initiator of the growth in circulation of the "Quote Book" and its distribution was Mao Zedong's comrade-in-arms, Marshal Lin Biao, the author of the preface to the book. After Lin's flight and death in 1971, the distribution of the book stopped somewhat. After the death of Mao and the trial of the organizers of the Cultural Revolution (1976) and especially under Deng Xiaoping (late 1970s-1980s), the organized study of quotations was discontinued, and the use of quotations in argumentation began to be considered a manifestation of the left bias and the cult of personality. In modern China, old quote books, along with other relics from the Cultural Revolution, have become a material for sale in specialized antique shops. Their ideological significance has been lost.

In order to export Maoism outside the PRC, the quotations were translated into all major European and Asian languages, as well as into Esperanto; during the period of popularity in Europe (especially in France), Maoism was reprinted several times. There are several Russian translations. The spread of translations has played an important role in the formation of Maoist parties and groups abroad and, in many countries, Maoist terrorist movements. [ ]

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Mao Zedong - Red Emperor.


The collection contains 427 quotations, systematized in 33 thematic chapters and ordered logically. The volume of quotes is different - from one sentence to a detailed argument in several paragraphs. Most of them are taken from a group of about 20 major works by Mao.

Quotation chapters:

  1. communist party
  2. Classes and class struggle
  3. Socialism and communism
  4. Correctly resolve conflicts within the people
  5. War and Peace
  6. Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers
  7. Dare to fight and dare to win
  8. People's War
  9. People's Army
  10. Party committee leadership
  11. mass line
  12. Political work
  13. Relationships between officers and soldiers
  14. The relationship between the army and the people
  15. Three democracies
  16. Education and training
  17. Serve the people
  18. Patriotism and internationalism
  19. revolutionary heroism
  20. Diligence and thrift in the construction of the country
  21. Rely on your own strength, fight hard and selflessly
  22. Method of thinking and method of work
  23. Survey and study
  24. Eliminate erroneous views
  25. Cohesion
  26. Discipline
  27. Criticism and self-criticism
  28. Communist
  29. Personnel
  30. Youth
  31. Women
  32. Culture, art
  33. Studies

Mao Tse-tung


I approve of this slogan: "Don't be afraid of difficulties, don't be afraid of death."

It is necessary to work with exceptional diligence. Exceptional painstakingness is needed, negligence is unacceptable, it often leads to errors.

Let them not touch us, and we will not touch, and if they touch us, we will not remain in debt.

There is no creation without destruction. Destruction is criticism, it is revolution. Destruction requires finding out the truth, and finding out the truth is creation.

What is conceivable is feasible.

American imperialism kills the people of foreign countries, it also kills the whites and blacks of its own country.

American imperialism seems to be a giant, but in fact it is a paper tiger and makes death attempts.

Peoples of the world, unite and crush the American aggressors and all their henchmen!

This army always marches fearlessly forward. She is determined to defeat any enemy, but she herself will never submit to the enemy.

The People's Liberation Army has always been and will always be a combat unit. Even after the victory in the whole country, it will remain a combat detachment for a whole historical period, until classes are destroyed in the country and the imperialist system exists in the world. There should be no misunderstandings or hesitation here.

A communist must be sincere, devoted and active, the interests of the revolution must be dearer to him than life, he must subordinate personal interests to the interests of the revolution; always and everywhere he must defend correct principles, wage a tireless struggle against all wrong views and actions, and thereby strengthen collectivism in the life of the party and the connection of the party with the masses; he must look after the interests of the party and the masses more than his own interests,

take care of others more than yourself. Only such a person deserves to be called a communist.

We stand for an active ideological struggle, since it is a weapon with the help of which the internal unity of the Party and other revolutionary organizations is achieved, ensuring their combat capability. Every communist, every revolutionary must use these weapons.

The enemy will not disappear on its own.

In the course of our struggle, we will put an end once and for all to the feudal oppression that has existed for thousands of years, and to the imperialist oppression that has lasted for more than a hundred years.

In order to overthrow this or that political power, it is always necessary first of all to prepare public opinion, to do work in the field of ideology. That is how the revolutionary classes act, and that is how the counter-revolutionary classes act.

One-sidedness and narrow-mindedness must be avoided in every possible way. It is necessary to come out for materialist dialectics, against metaphysics and scholasticism.

Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers.

Communism is the integral ideology of the proletariat and at the same time it is a new social system. This ideology and this social system is different from any other ideology and from any other social order and is the most perfect, the most progressive, the most revolutionary, the most reasonable in the entire history of mankind. The feudal ideology and social system have already been handed over to the history museum. The ideology and social system of capitalism in one part of the world (in the USSR) have also been handed over to a museum, while in other countries they are barely breathing, living out their last days and will soon end up in a museum. And only the ideology and social system of communism, knowing no barriers, are spreading all over the world with irresistible force, experiencing their beautiful spring.

Reactionaries of all stripes seek to destroy the revolution by killing, they believe that the more people are killed, the smaller the forces of the revolution will be. However, in contrast to such reactionary, subjectivist desires, the fact is that the more people the reactionaries kill, the greater the force of the revolution, the closer reaction is to death. This is an irresistible law.

The socialist system will eventually replace the capitalist system - this is an objective law, independent of the will of the people. No matter how the reactionaries try to slow down the forward movement of the wheel of history, the revolution will happen sooner or later and will inevitably triumph. The Chinese people have an expression that characterizes the actions of some fools: "Having lifted a stone, they kick their feet." Just like that

fools are the reactionaries of various countries. The repression they carry out against the revolutionary peoples, in the end, can only stimulate an even wider and more violent people's revolution. Didn't all kinds of repressions by the Russian tsar and Chiang Kai-shek against the revolutionary peoples play such a stimulating role in relation to the great Russian revolution and the great Chinese revolution?

Anyone who seeks to profit at someone else's expense is bound to end badly!

If we talk about our desire, then we do not want to fight for a single day. However, if circumstances force us to fight, then we are able to fight the war to the end.

The day will surely come when the American reactionaries will find that all the peoples of the world are against them.

I believe that the American people and the peoples of those countries threatened by US aggression should unite to fight against the offensive of American reactionaries and their henchmen in various countries. Only by winning this struggle can a third world war be avoided, otherwise it is inevitable.

The atomic bomb is a paper tiger used by American reactionaries to intimidate people, it looks scary in appearance, but in reality it is not scary at all. Of course, the atomic bomb is a weapon of mass destruction, but the outcome of the war is decided by the people, and not by one or two new types of weapons.

All reactionaries are paper tigers. On the surface, the reactionaries are scary, but in reality they are not so strong. If we consider the question from the point of view of a long period of time, then it is not the reactionaries, but the people, who have truly powerful power. Whose side was the real power in Russia before the February Revolution of 1917? Outwardly, it seemed that the power was on the side of the king, but one gust of wind of the February Revolution was enough to sweep him away. In the end, power in Russia turned out to be on the side of the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies. The king turned out to be just a paper tiger. Wasn't Hitler considered very strong in his time? But history has shown that he was a paper tiger. Such was the case with Mussolini, such was the case with Japanese imperialism. Conversely, the forces of the Soviet Union and the democracy-loving and freedom-loving peoples of various countries turned out to be much more powerful than people thought.

The advantage is on our side, not on the side of the enemy.

After the victory in the Second World War, American imperialism, together with its henchmen in various countries, replaced fascist Germany, Italy and Japan and is furiously preparing a new world war, threatening the whole world. This reflects the extreme decay of the capitalist world and its fear of approaching destruction. This enemy is still strong, so all the revolutionary forces in every country must rally, the revolutionary forces of all countries must rally,

must create an anti-imperialist united front led by the Soviet Union and follow the correct policy, otherwise victory is impossible. This enemy has a weak base, decay is taking place in his camp, he is cut off from the people, and he cannot get rid of the economic crisis, therefore, he can be defeated. It would be the greatest mistake to overestimate the strength of the enemy and underestimate the strength of the revolution.

One should oppose the overestimation of the forces of the enemy. Thus, for example, the fear of American imperialism, the fear of transferring military operations to the territory of the Kuomintang regions, the fear of liquidating the comprador-feudal system, the division of landed estates and the confiscation of bureaucratic capital, the fear of a protracted war, etc. - all this is wrong. World imperialism and the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek clique ruling in China are already rotten and have no prospects. We have reason to neglect them; we are sure and convinced that we will be victorious over all internal and external enemies of the Chinese people. However, in each particular case, in each specific issue of struggle (be it military, political, economic or ideological struggle), in no case should the enemy be neglected, on the contrary, one must treat him with all seriousness and concentrate all forces in the battle against him, and only in this way can victory be won. Correctly pointing out that in general, strategically, we must neglect the enemy, we should by no means in every particular case, in every specific question, also neglect the enemy. If, on the whole, we overestimate the strength of the enemy and therefore do not dare to overthrow him, if we do not dare to win victory, then we will commit a right-wing opportunist mistake. If in each particular case, in each specific question, we do not exercise caution, we do not attach great importance to the art of fighting, we do not concentrate all our forces in battle, we do not pay attention to winning all the allies who need to be won (middle peasants, independent artisans and small merchants, the middle bourgeoisie, students, teachers, professors, ordinary intellectuals, ordinary civil servants, freelancers and enlightened shenshi), then we will make a "left"-opportunist mistake.

. Mao Zedong Quotes contains quotations from Mao's speeches and published works, structured thematically. The widest distribution (more than a billion copies) received a pocket edition in red cover, designed to be carried with you. This is one of the largest book circulations in the world (comparable only with the circulation of the sacred books of the Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism).

Mao's quotations were ordered to be studied during working hours, special circles were organized for classes with the text; it was believed that this did not distract the workers from work, but, on the contrary, made them work more efficiently the rest of the time. In the paintings and posters of that time, often all the people depicted (except for Mao himself) hold quote books in their hands.

The works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung should be studied in search of a key to solving this or that issue, studied and applied in close connection with life, their study should be combined with application, the most necessary should be studied first of all in order to obtain immediate and tangible results, and maximum efforts should be made to application. In order to truly master the ideas of Mao Tse-tung, it is necessary to study again and again a number of the main points of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Some of the most powerful sayings are best learned by heart, constantly studied and applied. Excerpts from the writings of Chairman Mao Tse-tung should be regularly published on the pages of newspapers, in close connection with reality, so that everyone can study and apply them. As the experience of the broad masses of the people, accumulated in recent years in the course of studying and applying the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in close connection with life, has shown, selective study of excerpts from the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in search of a key to solving a particular issue is excellent. method of studying the ideas of Mao Tse-tung, with the help of which it is not difficult to achieve immediate and tangible results.

"Chairman Mao's Quotes" (毛主席语录, in the center of the bas-relief) encourage workers in Wuhan to fight the flooding of the Yangtze. Since the flood occurred in 1954, the presence of the quote is an anachronism, but it is quite understandable, since the monument itself was opened in 1969. The quote itself: , go to the trouble of overcoming any difficulties to win victory"), from an article in 1945, appears in the chapter "Revolutionary Heroism" of the quote book

The collection contains 427 quotations, systematized in 33 thematic chapters and ordered logically. The volume of quotes is different - from one sentence to a detailed argument in several paragraphs. Most of them are taken from a group of about 20 major works by Mao.

Quotation chapters:

  1. communist party
  2. Classes and class struggle
  3. Socialism and communism
  4. Correctly resolve conflicts within the people
  5. War and Peace
  6. Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers
  7. Dare to fight and dare to win
  8. People's War
  9. People's Army
  10. Party committee leadership
  11. mass line
  12. Political work
  13. Relationships between officers and soldiers
  14. The relationship between the army and the people
  15. Three democracies
  16. Education and training
  17. Serve the people
  18. Patriotism and internationalism
  19. revolutionary heroism
  20. Diligence and thrift in the construction of the country
  21. Rely on your own strength, fight hard and selflessly
  22. Method of thinking and method of work
  23. Survey and study
  24. Eliminate erroneous views
  25. Cohesion
  26. Discipline
  27. Criticism and self-criticism
  28. Communist
  29. Personnel
  30. Youth
  31. Women
  32. Culture, art
  33. Studies

see also

  • "Thoughts of Duvalier"


  • Mao Zedong quotes in Russian translation (according to the Beijing edition of 1967)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Mao Zedong - the creator of Chinese communism For himself, Mao Zedong left one golden rule - "no rules."
Mao Zedong's quotes are cruel, harsh, without compromise, just like the ruler himself.

As soon as humanity destroys capitalism, it will enter the era of eternal peace, and then it will no longer need wars. Then there will be no need for armies, warships, combat aircraft and poisonous substances. Then mankind will not see war for ever and ever.

Each generation must have its own war.

If your broom isn't too long, don't try to sweep too far.

The intelligentsia is the most ignorant part of society.

The most civilized people are the illiterate people.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

In order to overthrow this or that political power, it is always necessary first of all to prepare public opinion, to do work in the field of ideology. That is how the revolutionary classes act, and that is how the counter-revolutionary classes act.

No matter how many books you read, you won't become an emperor.

The head is not an onion, if you cut it off, a new one will not grow.

I approve of this slogan: "Don't be afraid of difficulties, don't be afraid of death."

What is conceivable is feasible.

Everyone is destined to die, but not every death has the same meaning.

A person who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

If you think you can, you can; if you think you can't, you're right.

Being pressured by your enemies is better than being in a state where your enemies don't see fit to bother with it.

If you need to shit - shit, if you want to fart - fart! After that, you will feel better.

There is no creation without destruction. Destruction is criticism, it is revolution. Destruction requires finding out the truth, and finding out the truth is creation.

After that, you will feel better. A person who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

If a person in his work will be guided only by motives and will not be interested in the question of results, then he will be like a doctor who only writes prescriptions, but who does not care how many people died as a result of his treatment.

Everything that the enemy fights against, we must support, and everything that the enemy supports, we must fight.

The enemy will not disappear on its own.

Poverty encourages change, action, revolution.

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