Speech at the teachers' council health-saving technologies in the dow. Pedagogical Council “The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. The decision of the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

Topic: "Creating a health-saving space in preschool educational institutions"


2) Introduction - head of the d / garden

3) Speech "Creating a health-saving space in a preschool educational institution" - senior educator

4) Information about the results of the thematic check - Art. in-l

5) Business game "Healthy teachers - healthy children" - Art. vl

6) Workshop with teachers "Minutes of health" - preschool teachers:

    Massage - 1 junior group

7) Exhibition of booklets and folders for parents "Improvement of preschoolers" - educators

8) The decision of the teachers' council

Target : determination of ways and means of forming a culture of health of preschoolers, reserves and opportunities for improving work in this direction.


    Analyze the components of a health culture and its impact on the educational process;

    To study and generalize the experience of teachers in the formation of a culture of health in children;

    To develop in teachers the need to maintain their own health;

    Activate the mental activity of preschool teachers.

    To intensify the forms of organization and conduct of pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions.

Preliminary work:

The study of literature on the topic - senior educator, educators;

Conducting consultations for educators - "The impact of physical activity on the health of the child", "Modern healing and health-saving technologiesogy»; for parents - “Health is the head of everything”, “Weekend games”, “Be healthy, baby”, “All about breathing exercises”, “Influence of motor activity on the health of the child” - senior educator, educators;

Preparation of a gymnastics complex for the workshop "Health Minutes" - group educators, physical education instructor, head nurse.

Production of folders-movers and booklets for parents on the improvement of preschool children - educators of all age groups;

Visiting GCD, joint activities, walks, studying documentation, developing environment on this issue - head of the kindergarten, senior teacher;

Independent work on the topic - educators.

Material and equipment: methodological literature, material for competitions (cards with tasks, a magic chest with items for a fairy tale, markers, paper), certificate of thematic verification, folders, folders, booklets on the improvement of preschoolers, questionnaires for teachers, laptop, projector, screen.

Council rules:

    Answer questions on the topic briefly, competently, using pedagogical concepts.

    Make additions and suggestions short, clear and convincing.

    Follow the progress of speeches, highlight the main thing, analyze.

The course of the teachers' council

1) Implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council.

At the previous meeting it was decided:

Develop and systematize file cabinets with types of gymnastics for preschoolers

The leaders of the circles to develop complexes of physical minutes for children

Replenish sports and recreation centers in groups with equipment for hardening children.

This decision was implemented: in all groups, card indexes with various types of health-saving technologies were selected; the leaders of the circles have developed complexes of physical minutes to relieve static stress; in all groups, sports and recreation centers were replenished with equipment.

2) Introduction of the head

In modern society, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever. This is due to the fact that very high requirements are imposed on them, which only healthy children can meet. And one can talk about health not only in the absence of any diseases, but also under the condition of harmonious neuropsychological development, high mental and physical performance.

At the same time, the results of scientific research show that there are less and less healthy children already at preschool age. Most preschool children have various disorders in psychophysical development.

Health, as you know, is 50% determined by lifestyle, and the lifestyle model is formed in childhood. Therefore, it is so important to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in preschool age. Health-creating education is a tool for achieving a high quality of life. The main result of health-saving education should be the acquisition of a state of harmony, peace of mind and vitality.

A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health of a child at all stages of his education and development.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received their common name "health-saving technologies".

Conditions and factors affecting the preservation of health.

The main question that confronts the education system is: how to ensure the preservation, strengthening and restoration of children's health? But in order to answer this question and successfully solve it, it is necessary to understand the actual conditions and factors that affect human health.

Education - culture - health are the fundamental basis of a health-saving system, the strategic goal of which is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Let's dwell on several conceptual positions.

1. The purposeful nature of the entire educational process for the formation of a culture of children's health:

Acquisition and assimilation of knowledge on how to maintain one's health and prevent its violation;

Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of a person (responsibility, honesty, kindness, mercy);

Development of skills and abilities for a safe, healthy life; education of a culture of health (behavior, nutrition, communication, life, work, rest, etc.);

Education of diligence, spiritual culture, patriotism, national self-consciousness, tolerance;

Formation of stable immunity and negative attitude to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and the influence of destructive religious cults and organizations;

Education of humanistic guidelines of behavior, excluding cruelty, violence against a person;

Raising the need for physical education, hardening and improvement of physical abilities and capabilities of the human body;

Formation of a culture of interaction with nature, the world around us;

Development of skills to provide first aid;

Formation of students' knowledge about a healthy family, the role of parents and the upbringing of healthy children.

2. The integrity of the educational process

Integrity suggests that all aspects of the educational process should be aimed at forming a culture of students' health. This is a lengthy process, it cannot be temporary, half-hearted and requires the use of all means, forms and methods. Integrity also means that we consider a healthy human life in the unity of all its components: mental, physical, social and spiritual health.

Integrity also implies that the process of forming a culture of students' health covers both learning, development and upbringing of children, and this, first of all, is reflected in the functions of education management.

3. Upgrading the content of education and using health-saving technologies

For example, music carries a huge health-saving potential, which, unfortunately, is not always used in education.

Updating the content of education is not only new information that can be obtained today through the Internet or reference books, but also content that needs to be critically assimilated and translated into a personal experience of a healthy life.

4. Creation of a health-saving educational environment and the use of its pedagogical capabilities

5. The development of motor activity and taking into account the individual and personal capabilities of students in the conditions of a particular educational institution

As you know, spiritually and physically healthy people adapt much faster in science and production, master new activities more successfully, and do their job better. Therefore, the development of motor activity as a factor in health promotion should be considered mainly as a social protection of the interests of a developing personality in relation to new socio-economic conditions, when a person offers his services in the labor market.

6. Involvement of all participants in the educational process in various forms of activities for the preservation and promotion of health

Education will fulfill the function of strengthening the health of the younger generation if health is not only taught, but health becomes a way of life. An example of such a way of life should be shown by teachers, parents, and the public.

For the formation of a culture of children's health, it is necessary, first of all, an interested and creative attitude to the work of the entire pedagogical community: from employees of the Ministry of Education to teachers, educators, lecturers in each educational institution.

3. Message from the senior educator for the teachers' council "Creating a health-saving space in the preschool educational institution"

The main question that confronts the education system is: how to ensure the preservation, strengthening and restoration of children's health? But in order to answer this question and successfully solve it, it is necessary to understand the actual conditions and factors that affect human health. One of these conditions is the creation of a health-saving educational environment and the use of its pedagogical capabilities.

A health-saving educational environment is of fundamental importance for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Only when such an environment (climate of health, culture of trust, personal creation) is created in a children's institution, full-fledged preservation and promotion of health, health education, formation of a culture of health, assimilation of its spiritual, moral, aesthetic, physical components are possible.

Types of health-saving technologies

Types of technologies

Time of the day

Features of the methodology


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in a sports well-ventilated


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age indicators of the child

Dynamic pauses

During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Recommended for all children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity

Mobile and sports games

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility.

Daily for all age groups

Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


Any suitable location. Depending on the state of children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Finger gymnastics

From a young age individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Respiratory gymnastics

Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

Gymnastics invigorating

Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min.

The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical culture and health work

The form of conducting depends on the task and the contingent of children

Physical education

2-3 times a week in the gym. Early age - in the group room, 10 min. ml. age - 15-20 min., Wed. age - 20-25 min., Art. age - 25-30 min.

Classes are held in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works. Before class, you need to ventilate the room well.

Problem-playing (game-trainings and game therapy)

In your free time, you can in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized invisibly for the child, by including the teacher in the process of playing activities.

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 min. from older age

Classes are built according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility.

Self massage

Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical culture and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

Point self-massage

It is held on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age.

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. children with frequent colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. visual material is used

Technologies of musical impact

In various forms of physical culture and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

Behavior Correction Technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from older age

Conducted by special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not made up on one basis - children with different problems are engaged in the same group. Classes are held in a playful way, they have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week with Art. age for 25-30 min.

Classes are held according to special methods

Thus, it is very important that each of the considered technologies has a health-improving orientation, and the health-saving activities used in the complex would eventually form a strong motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development in the child.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, form value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, if conditions are created for the possibility of adjusting technologies, depending on the specific conditions and specialization of the preschool educational institution; if, relying on statistical monitoring of children's health, the necessary amendments are made to the intensity of technological impacts, an individual approach to each child is provided; positive motivation will be formed among teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents of children.

4. Information about the results of the thematic check

Analytical reference

based on the results of thematic review

Topic: "Organization and effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving work and physical activity of children in different types of activities in the daily routine of the preschool educational institution"


Purpose of control : identification of the quality and efficiency of the organization of physical culture and health-improving work with children of preschool age and determination of the prospects for development in this direction.

Thematic check was carried out:

In the 2nd group of early age

In 1 junior group

In the 2nd junior group

In the middle group

In the senior group

In the preparatory group

Issues to be controlled:

1. Evaluation of the professional skills of educators, work planning.

2. Effective forms of motor activity organization.

3. Analysis of the subject-developing environment.

4. Work with parents.

5.Monitoring of the physical development of the child.


Control methods: Analysis of the calendar and long-term plans for the work of educators, instructors in physical education.

Conversations with teachers. Observations of children on a walk (individual work with children).

Parent survey. Analysis of visual information for parents in the group.

The use of health-saving technologies during GCD - senior educator

One of the important areas of work of the preschool educational institution is the protection and strengthening of the health of children, teaching them a healthy lifestyle, the formation of vital motor skills and abilities in preschoolers.

All kindergarten staff are involved in this issue. Every academic year, the task is to improve the health of children, to educate them in the need to take care of their health. The FC instructor has developed a complex system of physical culture and health-improving work. Modern health-saving methods and technologies are effectively used.

During the thematic review, GCD was reviewed:

2 group of early age

1 junior group

middle group

preparatory group

Held Health Day

Also, an analysis was made of the planning of the work of teachers, an analysis of the subject-developing environment in groups, and the activities of children were reviewed in all regime moments.

To improve the qualifications of educators and in accordance with the annual plan of the preschool educational institution, the physical education instructor held a consultation on the topic: “The impact of motor activity on the health of the child.”

The check showed:

1. Evaluation of the professional skills of educators, work planning:

The senior educator analyzed the work plans of educators and the head of physical education in planning physical education and health work and organizing the motor activity of children in the daily routine.

Documentation on the calendar plans of educators is kept neatly. Planning is carried out in accordance with the educational program of the preschool educational institution, meets the program requirements, age characteristics of children. At the time of the check, all documentation was at the workplace, in a completed state.

In order to increase the motor activity of children during the day, to form motor skills and abilities, educators of preschool groups plan to:

-outdoor games during the day in accordance with the long-term work plan and the theme of the week;

- lessons in physical education in the open air (1 time per week - 2 junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups);

- health-improving gymnastics after sleep ;

- individual work on the physical development of children in accordance with the recommendations of the head of physical education. (balance exercises, throwing objects into the distance, correct jumping, strengthening the skills of performing sports exercises, etc.)

- a large selection physical education minutes , finger games, breathing exercises of various subjects.

- weekly in the senior group there is a circle "I take care of my health" on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children

- in the preparatory group weekly circle "Zdorovyachok" on teaching ways and methods of maintaining and strengthening one's own health

Educators have material on the organization of physical activity

children: memos, guidelines, consultations on its organization with children of different ages, a list of outdoor games for each age group, gymnastics complexes after daytime sleep.

All educators know the program tasks and methods of work in the section "Physical Education".

But at the same time, it is worth noting that teachers do not plan:

Joint (with children) production of attributes necessary for a particular game,

Not in the system is a health-improving jogging for a walk, breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes.

The requirements of SanPin for the duration of the GCD are not always observed;

Health-saving technologies are not always carried out during GCD to relieve static stress, to prepare the fingers before productive activities.

Teachers of preschool groups should plan the joint production of attributes for holding games and sports and recreational activities together with children.

Regularly use health-improving jogging for a walk as a healing procedure.

Comply with the requirements of SanPin for the duration of the GCD.

Systematically use health-saving technologies both during GCD and during regime moments.

2. Forms of organization of motor activity:

- Morning exercises

During the inspection, it was noted: morning exercises are carried out by educators. The complex of morning exercises changes 2 times a month.

Educators have a selection of gymnastics complexes for each age group, taking into account the skills and abilities of children and taking into account physical activity. Morning exercises are performed with musical accompaniment.

-Classes in physical education.

In accordance with the grid of educational activities, the physical education instructor conducts physical education classes, where health-improving, developing and educational tasks are solved. A wide range of non-traditional physical education equipment in the music and sports hall contributes to the development of interest in classes, strengthening the health of preschool children. In physical education classes, an individually differentiated approach to children is carried out: when determining loads, the level of physical fitness and health of children is taken into account. Instructor for FC Smirnova I.N. strives to arouse in each child an interest in physical education classes, involving inactive children in activities and regulating the motor activity of mobile children.

In the course of the GCD visited, it turned out that the load on sports and recreation classes corresponds to the age norm of the pupils, the classes are accompanied by musical accompaniment, a demonstration of exercises conducted by the instructor, the exercises and tasks are selected taking into account the abilities of the pupils, varied, interesting and served in a playful way. The gym is regularly ventilated in accordance with the approved ventilation schedule.

The emotional background of the classes is positive, the physical education instructor has knowledge of the age psychology of preschool students, applies a personality-oriented approach to students. In the lesson, he most often uses a request, approval, praise, encourages pupils. Remarks and censures are fair and emotionally positively colored.

During the classes, the stages are clearly traced: warm-up, periods of high and low activity. The physical education instructor observes and reminds the children about safety during the lesson. In the classroom, the technique of performing exercises is worked out (long jumps, throwing an object at a distance, different types of walking). During the warm-up, the pupils are offered exercises for the muscles of the arms, legs, back.

Control over the breathing of pupils is carried out regularly, exercises to restore breathing are carried out at a pace, children have time to even out their breathing. the stage of relaxation is traced (exercise on the carpet: lay down, calmed down, stretched, listened to the hearts).


Sports and health-improving work in physical education classes, conducted by a physical education instructor, is organized at a good level;

The instructor owns the methodology of conducting physical education classes and the relevant knowledge of developmental psychology;

Emotionally - psychological background of classes is positive.

3. Analysis of the subject-developing environment showed:

All groups have sports corners equipped with attributes for jumping games (rope ropes, rings), for games with throwing, catching, throwing (skittles, ring throws, balls, sandbags, cereals), there are ribbed paths, massage mats for the prevention of flat feet . In all groups there are massage balls, attributes for breathing exercises, games with fingers. There is non-traditional equipment made by both teachers and parents - "Pigtails", "Massage mats", "Blow off the butterfly", "Sultanchiki", etc. Also, in all groups there are file cabinets with different types of health-saving technologies.

Conditions for hygienic procedures have been created in all groups. Towels are kept in order, according to the markings and the list of children. Furniture and bedding are also marked.

4. Work with parents:

An important role in the promotion of physical culture and sports is given to work with parents. Holding parent-teacher meetings, questioning, involving parents in the sports and recreational work of the kindergarten has become a tradition.

Counseling for parents:

- "Raising a healthy child", "How to get rid of a cold" - 2nd group of early age.

- "Adaptation of children. What is it", "Prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza", Organization of the motor activity of the child" - 1 junior group.

- "Health is the head of everything", "If the child is naughty "- 2nd junior group.

- "Home stadium" - senior group.

- "Hyperactive children", "Vitamins in fruits and vegetables", "Healthy lifestyle for your children" - preparatory group.

In the locker rooms there is visual information on the improvement of preschoolers:

2nd group of early age:

"Newspaper for inquisitive parents" with information on health ("Raising a healthy child", "How to get rid of a cold"). Folders - movers. Booklets "We love - do not love", "Daily routine", "We raise children healthy, strong, cheerful", "Tales about health".

1 junior group:

Folders-movers "Children's diseases", "Health corner" (with interchangeable information), a triangle "Health announcements".

The group has a library for parents.

2 junior group:

A stand for parents "Doctor Neboleyka's Advice" with interchangeable information has been equipped. Folders-shifters "Hardening of preschoolers", "Games for health". Booklets "How not to get sick in the kindergarten", "A few rules for the correct hardening of children", "On the correct posture of preschool children", "The benefits of vitamins for preschoolers" were developed.

Middle group:

Folders-movers "Children's health in the fall", "Doctor Aibolit's advice" (for colds), "Medicinal plants in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections."

Senior group:

Sliding folders “Hardening children in a preschool educational institution”, “Doctor Neboleyka’s advice”, poems about the benefits of garlic and onions.

Preparatory group:

Folders-movements "Vitamins in vegetables and fruits", "Hardening at home", "If you want to be healthy", "Hygienic requirements for clothes for a child."

Conclusion: in groups, work is organized with parents of preschool children, there is visual information, folders-movements on the improvement of preschool children, consultations are held for parents on this issue. But at the same time, it can be noted that most of the information is published from year to year the same, there is no cooperation on this issue with medical workers (pediatrician and senior m/sister). The groups did not print long-term plans for working with parents.

Recommendations: 1. Update information for parents (folders, folders, booklets). 2. Print out long-term plans for working with parents in groups. 3. The head nurse should place information on this issue in the form of memos, exhibitions, and folders in the corners for parents.

5.Monitoring of the physical development of the child:

All work is based on a diagnostic basis. Diagnostics of indicators of the main types of movements is carried out by group educators together with a physical education instructor. The results are recorded in tables, on the basis of which the diagram is built.

Monitoring of the physical development of a child attending preschool groups is carried out according to the all-Russian system for monitoring the physical development of children in September and May of the school year. At the time of the check, the diagnostic cards were filled out and were in the working folders of the FC instructor.


The organization and effectiveness of physical culture and health work and physical activity of children in various types of activities in the daily routine of the preschool educational institution is organized at a good level: during GCD, teachers use health-saving technologies (palchik games, physical minutes, breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, etc.); during regime moments, motor activity is organized (in the group - games of low mobility, various types of gymnastics, on a walk - outdoor games, individual work on the development of movements); after sleep, hardening is carried out (invigorating gymnastics after sleep, self-massage); in the system, work is carried out with parents in this area, it is organized in various forms (folders, folders, booklets, memos, stands); physical education instructor knows the methodology of physical education and relevant knowledge of developmental psychology, organizes general sports events (Health Day, Fun Starts). All this gives positive results.

5. Business game "Healthy teachers - healthy children"


1. Check competence in questions about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Foster a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Develop a sense of responsibility, collectivism, self-confidence, one's own strengths.

The teachers are divided into 2 teams. For each correct answer, the team receives a prize (nuts) .

The team that collects the most nuts wins. Nuts are the prize in the game.

I bring to your attention1 task "Find the correct answer",

1. Complete the definition: the absence of disease and physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being:

2. What, according to the well-known slogan, is the key to health:
the beauty

3. What is the name of the science of health:

4. There are many proverbs and sayings about health. Which of the following proverbs is wrong?
Money can't buy health
Health is cheaper than wealth
Health is the most precious thing in the world

5. The state in which the majority slows down
physiological processes and create the best conditions for restoring the health of the body
The game

6. The rational distribution of time for all types of activities and recreation during the day is -
The game
Daily regime

7. Children are more likely to have curvature of the spine and legs than adults. However, children are less likely to break bones than adults. On the presence of what substance in the bones does it depend? From what foods can the body get this substance? What vitamin is necessary for the body to assimilate this substance into the bones?


This substance is calcium, it gives bones hardness. Dairy products contain a lot of calcium. Vitamin D promotes the supply of calcium to the bones and prevents rickets.

8. A hare brought up in a cage dies at the first fast run. Can this happen to a person? What is hypodynamia, and why is it dangerous?


Of course, if an untrained person will participate in a running competition. Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle, dangerous because it leads to a weakening of the muscular system, obesity, heart disease, digestive system, etc.

9. There are two sons in the family. One of them is washed every morning with cold water, and the other with warm water. Who is less likely to get colds? Why?

Answer: Cold water is a means of hardening, so the first boy catches a cold less often.

10. In the spring months, fatigue, lethargy, and irritability increase. Bleeding gums. Bruising may appear on the skin. Why does this happen? How to deal with it?


This is a manifestation of avitaminosis. In the spring, the body lacks vitamins, which can be corrected by eating multivitamins or introducing salads from carrots, apples, beets, cabbage, onions, greens, etc. into your diet.

11. How much should a person sleep? When is the best time to sleep?


Oriental sages noticed that sleep before midnight is twice as effective as sleep after 12 o'clock at night. Therefore, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up just as early: sleep from 21-23 hours to 6-7 hours. Sleep duration is 8-9 hours.

12. What determines the health of children?(organization of an optimal motor regimen; walking; airing; prevention of colds; safely organized environment; observance of the daily routine)

13. You are out for a walk with the children, it's raining. How can this weather phenomenon be turned into a factor in child development?(organize an outdoor game: "Let's run away from the rain"; in the summer in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor), etc.

14. Children's tourism is -… (walks and excursions).

Task 2 "Organization of health-saving work"

1. Name the forms of organizing health-saving work:

    physical education classes

    independent activity of children

    outdoor games

    morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

    motor-improving physical exercises

    exercise after nap

    physical exercises combined with hardening procedures

    physical culture walks (to the park, to the stadium)

    physical culture leisure

    sports holidays

2. Name the types of health-saving technologies (breathing gymnastics, self-massage eye gymnastics, finger gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics after sleep, communication games, fairy tale therapy, dynamic pauses).

3 task "A fairy tale from scratch"

The health of the child depends on the psychological climate in the group, on the ability of the educator to maintain the emotional mood of the children. Imagine that you have nothing at hand, except for those items that are in this chest. Each team takes 2 items from the chest, supplements them with the necessary details, with the help of which these items “come to life”, and tells a fairy tale or a poem. (toys)

Task 4 "Rules of a healthy teacher"

You need to develop and write down the Rules for a Healthy Educator.

(Each group is given sheets of whatman paper and markers, the time is 10 minutes. The music is turned on ...

Final part.

Our game has come to an end. And we must sum up the results of today's work. I ask you to fill out an interview questionnaire in which you express your attitude towards participation in the game. And the results of our game will be summed up by the jury.

The jury noted the work of both teams - all the teachers worked actively, they know how to organize work in the health-saving direction, they know the methodology for implementing health-saving technologies.

Both teams collected the same number of nuts in their baskets.

Questionnaire for teachers.

1. Most of all I liked….
The most helpful for me was...
My wishes and suggestions….

According to the results of the survey: teachers noted the non-traditional form of the teachers' council. Useful for educators was the workshop "Minutes of Health", the speeches of the head and the senior educator, the exchange of experience in working with parents by means of visual information. The teachers wished that the next teachers' councils be held in the same non-traditional form, as they contribute to a relaxed atmosphere, team building, cause creative activity, a spirit of rivalry.

6) Workshop with teachers "Minutes of health" - teachers of the preschool educational institution

Teachers of all groups conducted these health-saving technologies with those present in accordance with the methodology.

Finger gymnastics - 2nd group of early age

Massage - 1 junior group

Breathing exercises - middle group

Gymnastics for the eyes - 2 junior group

Posture correction - fitness instructor education

Dynamic pause (physical minutes) - senior group

Psycho-gymnastics - preparatory group

Providing first aid in the preschool educational institution m / sister

7) Exhibition of booklets and folders for parents "Recovery of preschoolers" - educators

8) The decision of the teachers' council

    Observe the conditions necessary for the health protection of preschool children:

    The individual needs of the child;

    Health-saving space;

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Timing: permanent

Responsible: educators

    Continue to work on the improvement and hardening of children:

    develop a system of games for the cold season, taking into account the age characteristics of children.


Responsible: physical education instructor, educators

    conduct consultations for parents on this topic in the middle, senior and preparatory groups.


Responsible: educators

    Organize additional conversations with children of senior preschool age on health saving.

Timing: permanent

    Conduct a consultation for parents on clothing for children in the cold season.


Responsible: all preschool teachers.

5. Maximize the time spent by children in the open air with the obligatory organization of physical activity and rationally combine physical education classes with hardening procedures.

Responsible: all educators of preschool groups.

Pedagogical Council in kindergarten "Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening children's health, physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions"

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten" Bell "r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov Region
Description: My publication will be of interest to senior educators, methodologists, deputy heads of the preschool educational institution, all those who organize educational and methodological work in the preschool educational institution.
Conduct form:
traditional, with the use of game techniques.
Target: search for ways to optimize the creation of conditions for improving physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions.
1. Systematize physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions.
2. To expand the knowledge of teachers, taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.
3. Develop the creative potential of teachers.
4. Search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of sports and recreation work in preschool educational institutions.
Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of an information stand about the planned pedagogical council.
2. Selection and study of literature on the issue of physical culture and health work.
3. Consultations for teachers on this issue, according to the annual work plan.
4. Open events on the topic of the pedagogical council.
5. Thematic control “Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions. Organization and efficiency of work on the development of motor activity in children in the daily routine.
6. Working with parents: designing stands, questioning parents.
7. Development of a scenario for holding a pedagogical council.
8. Preparation of a draft decision of the pedagogical council.
9. Homework for educators:
**teachers of each group should be ready to analyze solutions, their methods, pluses and minuses in working on the topic of the teachers' council (the first annual task).
** be ready to conduct an (interesting, “unhackneyed”) outdoor game, introduce the hardening procedure, physical minutes, finger training.
I suggest that the secretary take his place and begin work.

1. On the implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council, senior educator Anufrieva I.V., senior educator.
2. Introductory speech on the topic of the teachers' council - senior educator Anufrieva I.V.
3. "Analysis of the health status of pupils of the MDOU" Kindergarten "Kerokolchik", recreational activities held in the preschool educational institution", nurse Seyutova S.A.
4. The results of the thematic check, senior educator Anufrieva I.V.,
5. “Health-improving game hour” in the senior group No. 4 “Chamomile”, teacher Kuzminova N.V. Video review, discussion.
6. Business game. Conducted by physical education instructor Kurbatova M.V. and senior teacher Anufrieva I.V.
7. Draft decision of the pedagogical council.
8. Organizational issues.

I would like to hope that all teachers will actively participate in the work of the teachers' council, share positive experience on the problem under discussion, ask questions, comment.

The course of the teachers' council:

1. On the implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council, Anufrieva I.V., senior educator (report).

2. Introductory speech on the topic of the teachers' council- Anufrieva I.V., senior educator

There is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person.
At preschool age, the foundation of health is laid, the vital systems and functions of the body mature and improve, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities are acquired, initial hygienic skills and self-service skills are developed. Habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
All of the above is the content of our work with you on the organization of sports and recreational activities with children.
And home goal this work:
*preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of children.

In our kindergarten, active work is being carried out on health protection, the physical development of children, and increasing physical activity. This is facilitated by the accessible and safe subject-developing environment created in the preschool educational institution: music, sports halls with appropriate equipment, physical education corners in group rooms with equipment for sports games, a medical unit, a speech therapist's office, sports grounds.
This is the model of the organization of physical culture and health-improving activities.
Planning of physical culture and health-improving work is carried out within the framework of the Main Educational Program of the MDOU "Kindergarten" Kolokolchik ". In this direction, plans have been developed for physical culture and health improvement, treatment and prevention, sanitary and educational work. Block complex-thematic planning for all age groups, long-term plans have been developed, protocols for medical and pedagogical control of physical culture and health work are being conducted, where nutrition, hardening, and independent motor activity are controlled.
Also, work on health protection is implemented through physical education, daily routine, education of cultural and hygienic skills, sports activities, walks, various gymnastics and much more.
Of no small importance is the fact that we involve parents in solving physical culture and health problems. And it gives a big positive result ...
It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of this work on the basis of an analysis of the results of an objective study of the state of health, physical development, physical fitness of children using monitoring technology, as well as a survey of parents (read the conclusion on the slide).
The effectiveness of physical culture and health work in our preschool educational institution directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding of teachers - specialists, medical workers, parents of pupils and the whole team. Only by joint efforts we solve the set tasks and achieve positive results.
I was talking about the positive aspects of the aspect. Now I would like to listen to you: do we have shortcomings in the work on this issue, what prevents us from doing work at a high level, what are the “pluses”, what are the “minuses”?

3. "Analysis of the health status of pupils of the MDOU" Kindergarten "Kerokolchik", recreational activities held in the preschool educational institution", nurse Seyutova S.A.
One of the main tasks of the staff of our preschool institution is to improve the health of children through the organization of hardening, cultivating the habit of daily physical activity, a healthy lifestyle.
And this is not accidental, since there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy child.
After all, it is at preschool age that the foundation of health is laid, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities are acquired, initial hygiene and self-care skills are developed, habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
This work is carried out in our institution in a comprehensive manner: it includes the prevention of morbidity, injuries, hardening of children, compliance with the rules of San Pina, medical examinations are organized in a timely manner, and preventive vaccinations are monitored.
At the beginning of each academic year, all pupils are divided into health groups:
Analyzing the distribution of pupils by health groups, we can conclude that in comparison over three years the number of pupils with the 1st health group has increased, and with the 3rd group it has decreased. This is a positive trend.
Medical control over the state of health is carried out by specialists once a year. I regularly monitor the organization of optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions: ensuring daily wet cleaning of group rooms, compliance with the air-thermal regime, physical activity in physical education classes.
During the year, a monthly analysis of the incidence and attendance is carried out for all groups and the total for kindergarten, so in 2015 it was 81.5%.
There are no cases of injury.
A comparative analysis of absences due to illness by one child revealed that the level of health status is consistently optimal, which indicates the satisfactory work of the team to preserve the health of children.
The preschool educational institution has developed a system of hardening activities that are carried out all year round, their type and methodology change depending on the season and weather (daily walks, walking barefoot, wake-up minutes, and others).
It has become a tradition to hold “Health Days” for children whose organizations are actively supported by their parents. In kindergarten, enhanced fortified nutrition, the presence of vegetables and fruits, the use of phytoncides (onion, garlic, lemon) are carried out.
Educators daily conduct morning exercises, finger exercises, invigorating exercises after sleep, physical education in the classroom, in order to prevent overwork, dynamic hours for a walk.
Conditions are created in the kindergarten to protect and improve the health of children and improve their physical health. Each group has sports corners with non-standard sports equipment.
On the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground with gymnastic equipment.
Teachers use a variety of forms and methods of organizing physical activity.
Every month, the head of the institution analyzes the attendance and incidence of kindergarten children.
An assessment of the physical development of children was carried out. On the basis of anthropometric data, a conclusion was made about the state of physical development. On average, during the school year, children grew by 3-4 cm and gained 2.5-3.0 kg in weight.
To reduce the incidence of the disease, influenza and colds were prevented seasonally: vaccination of children against influenza, aromatherapy, quartzization of groups.
For the purpose of sanitary and educational work with parents to preserve and improve the health of children, the materials on the Health stand are updated monthly.
Conclusion: Teachers, administration and me are further searching for effective ways to preserve and improve the health of preschoolers, which include increasing the role of parents in the improvement of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle. It is also planned to strengthen preventive work among the parents of pupils and the teaching staff.

4. The results of the thematic audit "Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions, organizing sports and recreational work." , Anufrieva I.V.

Analytical reference
Period: from 10/21/15 to 11/16/15
basis goal This control is an assessment of the level of formation of practical knowledge and skills of teachers in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of children and the use of health-saving techniques and technologies in practice.
1. To study the state of upbringing and educational work with children on the problem, to analyze the system of work of teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in joint activities with children and parents, to identify the ability of educators to creatively approach this issue using non-traditional forms of interaction and cooperation with parents.
2. Assess the conditions (environment, mode, load, motor mode) of children's stay in a preschool educational institution according to the criterion of "health saving", assess the state of the subject-developing environment in kindergarten groups, which contributes to the development of skills in children that promote a healthy lifestyle.
3. Determine the prospects for the activities of the teaching staff for the further application of various types of health-saving technologies in organized educational activities with children.

The test was carried out in all age groups.
The systematic implementation of traditional health-saving technologies was controlled. Such as: morning gymnastics, gymnastics after sleep, "Health-playing", "Dynamic hours", the presence of consultations and folders - movements for parents on this topic, sports corners. As well as the use of non-traditional methods in working with children, namely: the use of breathing exercises, point self-massage, psychological training elements, sand therapy, art therapy, etc.
Conversations and observation of teachers showed that not everyone uses such forms of organizing children's physical activity as gymnastics after sleep, outdoor and sports games during the day, as well as preventive measures (various types of hardening, self-massage, breathing and corrective gymnastics). Remarks to the groups "Sunflowers", Bees".
During the verification process, it was revealed that educators improved their professional level on this issue by studying special methodological literature, online consultations.
The results of the audit showed that non-traditional methods and health-saving technologies are used in work with children in each age group.
The work of a valeological nature is well organized in groups: children, through various methods and methods, gain knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, which will help him to know himself, get rid of complexes, learn to analyze his state of health, well-being, behavior, give himself an objective assessment, help to master the skills of preserving and strengthening health.
Great importance is given to the organization of a full day's sleep. Various methods are used to fall asleep children: lullabies in recordings, reading fairy tales and listening to audio productions. After a day's rest, gymnastics is carried out after sleep, "Health-Gaming Hour" in combination with preventive procedures.
Teachers are highly competent in organizing a subject-developing environment on this topic: sports corners are well-designed, furniture is marked, sports equipment meets sanitary and age requirements ..
For the development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills and skills, the need for self-study physical exercises in each group are equipped with sports corners. They have all the necessary physical education equipment for independent motor activity of children, attributes for outdoor games, physical education equipment for gymnastics after sleep, equipment for individual preventive work with children.
Note on this issue: it is necessary to replenish annually and preferably at the beginning of the year the equipment in the "Sports Corners".
Physical education classes are held at a high level: the structural parts correspond to the type of the lesson; a comprehensive selection of all program material for the development of movements and physical qualities is carried out. Fizruk provides a differentiated approach to children, taking into account physical fitness.
Viewing the morning exercises showed the ability of educators to select physical and drill exercises in accordance with age, preparedness; use various attributes and sound accompaniment; build a plot. But not everyone has a description of outdoor games, a card index of morning exercises and corrective exercises.
The analysis of plans revealed a variety of forms of work with parents on physical education: parent meetings, consultations, issues of health bulletins, involvement in sports events, joint physical education classes.
I would like to note the state of documentation in some groups, which confirms the use of a variety of forms of work in physical education. These are the groups "Violet", "Asterisks", "Why".
Visual information for parents in groups is also presented quite clearly. But there is a need to diversify the design of materials according to acceptable methods of hardening, self-massage.
During the thematic control, the following shortcomings were identified:
- insufficient attention is paid by teachers to health-improving activities that contribute to increasing the motor activity of children in the morning period of time.
- teachers of groups do not follow the schedule of walks with children, the time of the walk is unreasonably reduced or it is not carried out at all;
- there is no enrichment of the walk with external material for the organization of the motor regime (spring - autumn - winter period).

Conclusion: The control showed that physical education and health work in kindergarten, in general, is carried out at a fairly high level. The level of professional skills of teachers is quite high. They qualitatively plan work in this direction, use various forms of organization of physical culture and health-improving work, tempering procedures, competently build an educational space, and involve parents in work in this direction.
1. It is necessary to replenish annually and preferably at the beginning of the year the equipment in the "Sports Corners".
Deadline: until January 2016
responsible: educators
2. Pay attention to maintaining the schedule of walks and enriching walks in the spring - autumn - winter period with portable material for the organization of the motor regime.

responsible: educators
3. Systematically update the information corner for parents "Non-traditional healing methods of working with children."
Deadline: within a year
responsible: educators
4. Update (who don't have to do):
*Card file of walks;
*Card file of various games held in the group;
*Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"

5. Video review, discussion of "Health-improving game hour" in the senior group No. 4 "Chamomile", teacher Kuzminova N.V.

6. Business game. Conducted by a physical education instructor Kurbatova M.V. and Anufrieva I.V.

Fizruk's message on the topic "Physical Education in Kindergarten".

The systematic motor activity of children, filled with a variety of content, plays an important role in their physical and mental development. Expansion and enrichment of children's motor experience is one of the main tasks facing kindergarten teachers in terms of physical education.
The content of physical education in our preschool educational institution includes:
physical education, sports activities and entertainment;
classes and activities on healthy lifestyle and valeology;
walks 2 times a day;
morning exercises and exercises after sleep;
physical education minutes, dynamic clock;
musical and rhythmic classes;
independent motor activity of children.
What is needed for a complete physical education?
First, specially created conditions, i.e. material base - premises, education, pedagogical work: the ability to organize the motor activity of children, teach children various outdoor games, physical exercises, etc., the educator must instill in them the need for cultural movement.
Secondly, we need a knowledge system based on the following principles:
1. continuity (from morning to evening);
2. voluntariness (cause desire, not force);
3. availability of exercises;
4. alternation of organized forms with independent motor activity.
All this forms the physical culture of children.
And today we will check your knowledge base in this matter ...

Pedagogical workshop on physical culture
(in the form of a business game).

Teachers are divided into 2 teams.

1. Both teams are invited to write down the tasks of physical education on prepared sheets of paper.

Tasks of physical education:
Improving: protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, promoting the correct physical and mental development of the child's body, increasing mental and physical performance.
Developing: the development of movements, the formation of motor skills and physical qualities (agility, speed, strength, endurance), the formation of correct posture.
Educational: enriching children's knowledge about their body, health, about ways to strengthen it, preserve it, and take a responsible attitude..
Educational: education of positive character traits (courage, determination, perseverance, mutual assistance), strong-willed qualities (willpower, the ability to win and lose), the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to exercise (including not for the sake of achieving success as such, but for your own health).

2. Teams are invited to remember 2 finger games and demonstrate them.

3. On the tables are cards with statements of wise people living at different times, but agreeing in one opinion. I invite you to read them and express your opinion about what is written on them. Say whether you agree with this aphorism or not. And why? How do you understand this aphorism?

Sayings of wise people living at different times:
* "You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be healthy morally." L.N. Tolstoy
* "It is not yet clear whether a healthy mind lives in a healthy body, or vice versa - a high spirit generates health." F. Abramov.
* "Health disturbs all the other blessings of life to such an extent that, truly, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." A. Schopenhauer.
* "You can't heal the body without healing the soul." Socrates.

4. The teachers of each team show 2 options for physical education.
5. Ask each other one question (on the topic of the teachers' council) - thinking for 1 minute.
6. Task for the teams: organize and conduct an outdoor game.
7. Creative task: develop the principles of "Joyful Physical Education"
Principles of Joyful Physical Culture:
a. Each lesson is a new game or a trip to the country of Physical Education
b. Physical training is a plot and competitive complex. Dosage is carried out taking into account health groups
in. Class planning should be thematic in nature and take into account the interest of children and the seasons
d. Use a highly artistic and figurative word, music, as well as theatricalization (“You are a cat, you are a baby elephant ...”, as well as costumes, hats, etc.)
e. Each lesson is a meeting with a new one.

8. Hardening: Surprise your rivals with a new hardening treatment…
9. Complete health proverbs (co-op)
Purity - (health guarantee). Health is more expensive (gold). Live clean - (to be healthy).
Health is in order (thanks to charging).
If you want to be healthy (harden up).
In a healthy body (healthy spirit).
Health for money (don't buy).
Take care of the dress again (and health from a young age).
There will be health (everything will be).
10. And in conclusion - "brain analysis" - Pedagogical situations

Pedagogical situations
1. Comment on this dialog.
Conversation between two mothers
- My child began to go to kindergarten and began to get sick often. I think that the educators are to blame for this: they do not look after the children well.
- You're right, my child is not sick, because we sit at home with him.
If you, a kindergarten teacher, accidentally heard such a dialogue, how would you react?

2. Mom brought the child to the kindergarten and saw that the transom was open in the group, expressing dissatisfaction with the teacher of the group and after listening to the arguments of the teacher, she turned to the administration of the kindergarten.
* What could the educator answer to the mother's dissatisfaction?
* Is mom right?

3. The child does not want to eat. Grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using a fairy tale, jokes. The mother promises to buy a new toy. Father says: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it.” Who is right?
4. You are out for a walk with the children, it's raining. How can this weather phenomenon be turned into a factor in child development? (organize an outdoor game: "Let's run away from the rain"; in the summer in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor)
5. The child cannot get used to kindergarten: he does not eat, does not sleep during sleep, constantly cries. Parents have a number of complaints. They say that teachers cannot find an approach to the child. To the question: is the daily regimen observed at home, the parents answer that it is observed. I propose to express their suggestions and recommendations on how to get out of this situation.

6. During the year, the child had been ill more than 4 times with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Can such a child be considered frequently and long-term ill? What kind of work should be done with such a child by educators, parents, honey. staff.

11. Reflection "Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood" (teachers beat).

Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:
- Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such a wrinkled face:
- This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.
- Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?
- Because I did not clean them and smoked, like your grandfather.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such dull eyes?
- Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why are you all trembling and walking slowly?
- This is because, my Baby, that in the morning I never did exercises ...

This is the kind of reflection and attitude we have today.
Be healthy!

7. Draft decision of the pedagogical council No. 2.

1. Continue to pay great attention to improving the health of pupils through the rational use of health-saving technologies and familiarization with a healthy lifestyle.
Responsible: educators. Deadline: permanent.
2. In order to create an integrated system of physical culture and health-improving work, develop the program "Healthy Preschooler".
Responsible: senior educator, creative group of educators, nurse.
Deadline: February 1, 2016

3. Supplement
- physical education corners:
** interesting illustrative material to introduce children to sports and other interesting information;
**regularly replenish the corners with non-traditional benefits, attributes for physical education and health work with children.
- documentation:
** Card index of walks;
** Card file of various games held in a group, on a walk;
**Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"
Responsible: educators. Deadline: February 1, 2016

4. Continue to promote a healthy lifestyle among parents through various forms of work: parent meetings, health corners, information stands, booklets, memos, conversations, consultations, entertainment with the participation of parents, etc.
Responsible: educators. Deadline: within a year

5. Plan and conduct "Health Day" as a joint event with parents.
Responsible: physical education instructor, educators.
Deadline: until March 1, 2016

8. Organizational issues.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  1. Opening speech. The game "Tok".
  2. Help of thematic control.
  3. Business game.
  4. The decision of the pedagogical council.

The course of the pedagogical council

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Let's all stand in a big circle and greet each other beautifully (for example, curtsy or bow). Game "Greeting" Say hello to each other by the hand, shoulders, backs, say hello to those who are wearing trousers, dresses, etc.

Well done, today we will not only work well, but also play, because a person cannot be in constant tension and movement - he will get tired, therefore relaxation and rest are simply necessary to gain strength, so that the mood is good and good health.

The game "Tok".

Now let's join hands. Current flows very quickly through the circuit. Our hands are our chain. We give each other our handshakes (2-3 times).

Dear teachers, today we will talk about the implementation of the annual task facing the teaching staff “Organization of the work of the teaching staff aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing personality traits and the need for physical perfection through an integrated approach, through the integration of educational areas using health-saving technologies”.

Folk wisdom says: “Health is a priceless gift; if you lose it in your youth, you will not find it until old age.”

The task of preserving and strengthening the health of a preschooler was, is and remains a priority. The purpose of preschool education at the present stage is not only the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also the development of the basic abilities of the individual, his social and cultural skills, and a healthy lifestyle. In other words, the key task of the reform of the preschool education system in Russia is to unlock the creative potential of the child, the formation and disclosure of his unique individuality, the upbringing of a tolerant, morally healthy person who is able to integrate into society, behave positively in it, think independently, acquire and apply knowledge ( and not just memorize and reproduce them), carefully consider the decisions made, clearly plan your actions. Teachers create all the necessary conditions that provide favorable psychological conditions for the educational environment, use various forms, methods, health-saving technologies that are adequate to the age capabilities and characteristics of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of pupils.

One of the annual tasks of our kindergarten is the formation of a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture and sports for children, parents and teachers through the implementation of health-saving technologies.

In the Kindergarten, a thematic test was conducted on this topic. Hear her results.

Help on the results of a thematic check.

And now I propose to start a business game. (Teachers are divided into two teams).

Task “Health factor”.

According to domestic and foreign researchers, human health is 50% dependent on one's own lifestyle, 15% on the environment, 15% on heredity, and 10% on the level of healthcare development in the country. You cannot improve your heredity and personally influence the level of health care, you cannot significantly change the ecological conditions of your existence, but the way of life that a person chooses depends entirely on himself.

Now you will try to determine on what factors the health of the child depends. (Teams on easels write down health factors, then compare). Whose team names more factors, that receives a token.

In order to ensure good health for a child, of course, many things are important: a healthy lifestyle, and proper, nutritious nutrition, and the condition of the musculoskeletal system, etc. However, as Vera Grigoryevna Alyamovskaya and Yuriy Fedorovich Zmanovsky assert in their studies, the main “pillars” on which human life and health rest are the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems of the body. The main means of developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems are movements. The development of the cardiovascular system is improved by the so-called cyclic movements, in which the same action is repeated, allowing you to alternate relaxation and muscle tension. Name them please? (walking, running, swimming, cycling, jumping, etc.

Task "Pedagogical relay race". Whose team will offer more health exercises.

To date, leading psychologists, educators and medical workers have created many different health-saving methods that can be classified into several separate groups. These are medical-preventive and sports and health-improving technologies, health-saving technologies for preschool teachers, technologies aimed at ensuring the social and psychological well-being of pupils, valeological education of children and parents.

Now we will spend Exercise "Balloon"(about the value of health for a person).

Draw a hot air balloon that flies above the ground. Draw a man in a balloon basket. It is you. The sun shines brightly around you, the blue sky. Write down 9 values ​​that are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of the ballast in order to climb up. Dump, that is, cross off 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list? And justify the answer and what you put in 1st place.

Everyone read out their life values ​​in a circle. The facilitator writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the senior teacher puts pluses. Then the rating of life values ​​is determined by the number of pluses and by importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc.

Task "Master class".

In front of you are simple objects and waste material (vials and plastic bottles, capsules from “kinder surprises”, disks, pieces of linoleum, etc., scissors, glue) In 3 minutes you have to invent or make non-traditional physical education equipment from them. Whose team will be more original and more aesthetic in the performance of work is awarded with a token.

Building "Magic Transformation"

In front of you is an object - a chair. How to turn it into a means of physical education? (Use as an object when performing physical exercises: make a set of exercises with a chair or dance a dance using this object).

Task "Methods and techniques used in working with parents on the topic of the teachers' council."

Teams take it in turns to offer their own options for the methods used in working with parents on health conservation.

Summing up the business game.

The decision of the pedagogical council:

  1. Continue the implementation of the annual goal through the use of health-saving technologies.
  2. To enrich the experience of work on the introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process.
  3. To establish interaction between the family and the kindergarten on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children through joint activities and projects.

When a child gets sick, it becomes a common misfortune. A weak body is fighting the disease, and we are trying with all our might to help the child: we examine him with the best doctors, give him expensive medicines. But it is not for nothing that there are many various non-drug methods of influencing the body in order to improve and support it, which can be created on the basis of a kindergarten under the guidance of educators, a physical instructor, and medical workers.

This presentation presents practical and effective methods of maintaining the health of preschool children, describes a variety of methods of non-traditional health improvement that can be used in a preschool institution to prevent colds and chronic diseases, promote a healthy lifestyle.

For preschoolers with deviations in health status, it is extremely important to strictly comply with all regimen moments in accordance with existing hygiene recommendations, since they are in dire need of sufficient sleep, regulation of mental and physical stress and good rest. Therefore, when carrying out health-improving, hardening and therapeutic procedures that require certain time costs, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that the daily regimen is not violated - the duration of walks, daytime sleep, the time allotted for games, independent activities or meals are not reduced. This will be facilitated by the rational organization of the entire healing process, including the sequence, combination of procedures, the duration of their implementation, as well as good preparation for the procedures of the children themselves.

During the walk, you can play 2-3 games of varying degrees of mobility, simple story games, give children the opportunity to play on their own. All forms of work carried out on a walk, the content of children's activities in the air, the intensity of their motor activity must be correlated with weather conditions, the season of the year, and air temperature.

In the process of healing children, it is necessary to form in them a conscious attitude towards their health, to teach them to understand the meaning and advantage of good health, which allows them to participate in common games, entertainment, excursions, and trips. It is also important to constantly stimulate the development of personal hygiene skills in children and monitor their strict implementation.

It is necessary to ensure that children understand that knowing and observing the rules of personal hygiene will help them maintain health, allow them to participate in a variety of activities, improve social contacts and mood.


FIRST direction - complex diagnostics and examination of the health status of children by specialists:

  • examination of children by medical personnel of the preschool educational institution;
  • examination of children by specialists of the children's polyclinic;
  • diagnosis of speech and extra-speech breathing by a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution;
  • identification of violations of motor activity, coordination of movements in conversations with parents and directly in the classroom in kindergarten;
  • diagnosing the general physical preparation of children at the beginning and at the end of the year according to the standards.

The SECOND direction includes the rational organization of motor activity of children:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education classes (traditional, training, competition classes integrated with other activities, holidays and entertainment);
  • classes using mini-simulators;
  • rhythm;
  • gymnastics after sleep;
  • daily walking routine;
  • creation of the necessary developing environment;
  • strict observance of the motor regimen and daily regimen;
  • conducting physical education sessions, games with movements in free activity;
  • music lessons;
  • classes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The THIRD direction defines the system of effective hardening in stages: from gentle to more intense effects, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. In this case, a set of procedures is used:

  • barefoot;
  • washing;
  • walking barefoot along the "paths of health" (hardening, elements of reflexology, prevention of flat feet);
  • air baths in lightweight clothing;
  • outdoor gymnastics during the warm season.

The FOURTH direction is connected with the implementation of medical and preventive work. Within its framework, the following activities are carried out:

  • constant posture control;
  • breath control in physical education classes;
  • selection of furniture in accordance with the growth of children;
  • prophylactic use of immunomodulators: oxolinic ointment for the nose;
  • balanced diet;
  • influenza vaccination;
  • consumption of phytoncides (garlic and onion);
  • the use of juices and fruits;
  • use of air purifiers;
  • physiotherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • quartzization of groups;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • massage.

The FIFTH direction is the use of practically tested and approved methods of non-traditional rehabilitation of children:

  • finger and articulation gymnastics recommended for use in preschool educational institutions;
  • breathing and sound gymnastics according to A. Strelnikova;
  • psycho-gymnastics according to the method of M. Chistyakova;
  • aromatherapy;
  • play massage by A. Umanskaya.

The SIXTH direction is considered a complex of psychohygienic measures:

  • psychodiagnostics;
  • elements of auto-training and relaxation;
  • elements of music therapy;
  • individual and subgroup classes in the room of psychological unloading, aimed at correcting cognitive processes and the emotional sphere;
  • ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the preschool educational institution.

The SEVENTH direction is rehabilitation and correctional work:

  • correctional work with children with flat feet and a tendency to flat feet, with a poorly formed foot;
  • individual work with children lagging behind in the main types of movements;
  • correction of the psycho-emotional sphere;
  • individual work in the gym and on a walk, conducted by a physical education instructor;
  • individual work in a group and on a walk, carried out by group educators.

The EIGHTH direction is advisory and informational work:

  • providing advice to all participants in the educational process, parents of pupils on issues of maintaining health and preventive measures for preschool children;
  • open screenings and demonstrations using health-improving technologies;
  • active participation of parents in the physical education and health work of the preschool educational institution;
  • design of folders, screens, written consultations, information stands;
  • organization of evenings of questions and answers with the participation of employees of the preschool educational institution, invited experts;
  • conducting classes with children using health technologies.

Health-improving, sanitary-hygienic and preventive measures are carried out by a psychologist, medical workers, educators, and a physical education instructor.


Morning exercises:

Breathing gymnastics A. Strelnikova;

Finger gymnastics;

General developmental exercises;

dance exercises;

Using elements of exercises from various health systems: aerobics, shaping, etc.

Before class:

Acupressure, anti-stress massage, intelligent massage.

Physical education in the classroom:

- breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics.

Morning walk:

Breathing exercises, including muscle exercises;

Rehabilitation walking, running.

Before bedtime:

Relaxation, self-regulation.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics;

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

Walking with the use of non-standard physical culture equipment (prevention of flat feet, correction (prevention) of posture, scoliosis).

Before dinner:

Massage for the prevention of colds;

Physical education - 2 times a week;

Rhythmic gymnastics - once a week.


Includes several types of massage.

Hardening breath. This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of a set of playing exercises with the nose. Recommended for younger children, but can also be used with older children. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

- "Find and show the nose";

- “Help the nose get ready for a walk” (cleansing the nose with a napkin or handkerchief).

- “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose.

- “The nose indulges” - inhale through the nose with resistance.

- “The nose smells a pleasant smell” - 10 breaths and exhalations through the right and left nostrils alternately.

- “The nose sings a song” - while exhaling, tap the wings of the nose with your index finger and say “ba - bo - bu”.

- "Warm up the nose" - massage the nose with index fingers.

Hand massage. Intensive action on the fingertips stimulates the flow of blood to the hands. This favors psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Ear massage. This type of hardening is based on the stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massage of these points is useful, in particular, to improve the functioning of the respiratory system and to protect the body from colds. It is accessible to children of all ages. It is recommended to carry out in the form of a game 2-3 times a day.

- "We will find and show the ears";

- "Pat his ears";

- "Pull the ears" - pulling the earlobes;

- "Let's twist the tragus";

- "We'll rub our ears."

Hardening soles massage. This type of massage is recommended for children of middle and older preschool age. It is based on the stimulation of active points located on the soles of the feet. Foot massage done daily .


1. "Rain"

The first drop fell - drop! (From above pointing

its trajectory)

And the second came running - cap!

We looked at the sky (Look up).

Droplets of drip-drops sang.

wet faces,

We wipe them off. (Wipe face with hands.)

Shoes, look (Show hands down and

They became wet. watching.)

Let's move our shoulders together (Shoulder movements.)

And shake off all the drops.

Run away from the rain

Let's sit under a bush. (They sit down.)

2. "Charger"

And now it's all right

Let's get up and recharge. (Rise, hands on the belt.)

Hands to the sides - bent, (Perform these movements.)

Raised up - waved,

Hid behind their backs

Looked back:

Over the right shoulder

Through the left.

They sat down together - they touched their heels,

Got up on toes

Put your hands down.

3. "Airplane"

an airplane is flying,

I took off with him. (Look up and swipe

behind a passing plane.)

The right wing took away -

Looked. (Put hands up alternately

The left wing took - and follow with a glance.)

I looked.

I start the engine

And I look closely. in front of the chest and trace


I rise, I fly up. (Rise on toes and perform

I don't want to return. flying motion.)

4. "Bug"

A beetle flew into our group, (Threaten with finger.)

He buzzed and sang: “zh-zh-zh”.

Here he flew to the right, (Indicate direction with hand and

Everyone looked to the right . and follow with a glance.)

Here he flew to the left.

Everyone looked to the left.

The beetle wants to sit on the nose, (The right hand indicates the direction

Let's not let him sit down. Movement to the nose from the side.)

Our beetle has landed. (Direction down

and squatting.)

Buzzed and landed. (Make a rotating motion

W-w-w-w-w-w. hands like a top and stand up.)

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit for a while. (Alternately extend their hands

Beetle, here is the left palm, and look at them.)

Sit for a while.

The beetle flew up (Raise hands up and look.)

And sat on the ceiling.

We got up on our toes (Rise on toes

and stretch their arms up.)

Let's clap together (clapping over head.)

Clap - clap - clap, (Imitates the flight of a beetle and

So that he can fly. They sit on chairs.)


5. "Winter Forest Walk"

We came to the winter forest. (Walking across the room.)

How many miracles are around here! (Shake hands.)

On the right - a birch in a fur coat is standing, (Hands are taken to the indicated side

On the left, the tree is looking at us. and look.)

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky. (Movement "flashlights" and look up.)

They lay down nicely on the ground. (They sit down.)

Here the bunny jumped (Jumping.)

He ran away from the fox.

This is a gray wolf roaming (Hands on the belt, tilts to the sides.)

He is looking for prey.

We are all hiding now (They sit down, hiding.)

Then he will not find us!

Only the bear sleeps in the den (Imitate sleep.)

So it sleeps all winter.

The snowmen are flying

How beautiful they are! (Imitate the flight of birds.)

Beauty and peace in the forest (Spread hands to the sides.)

And it's time for us to go home. (They sit down in their seats.)

It is very important that every morning you start with positive emotions, with a good mood. Wake up with the thought that the day will bring you good luck. Set yourself up for the good. Morning mental attitude will help you overcome obstacles that arise, survive grief. Learn to manage your actions and feelings. This will help you save your vitality and health. Fix the morning psychological mood, say with a smile: “Good morning” to yourself, your family and friends, greet children, parents, employees with a smile. A smile is the key to a good mood. And the mood, as you know, is transmitted. So let's send each other only good mood.

Concentrate all your strength to solve problems and overcome difficulties. Use the following forms of self-hypnosis: “I can be friendly, patient, kind…”, “I am in a good mood”, “Even if it’s not easy at all, I can handle it”, “It needs to be done”, “Don’t give in to weakness”, "Everything will be fine", "Everything will change for the better." Wish everyone "Good, Love and Harmony".

So, you woke up, tuned your thoughts to positive emotions, smiled.

Lying on your back, rub your palms, stroke your hands from the hands up, rub your ears with your palms, as if washing your face, stroke your stomach in a clockwise circular motion. You will feel how your body is gradually awakening, each cell is filled with vivacity and freshness.

Now remove the pillow and stretch well on your back. Stretch your arms behind your head, and legs alternately forward. Relax and stretch both legs together. Repeat each exercise 3-5 times.

Breathing is calm, voluntary, through the nose, inhalation is shorter than exhalation. Sipping awakens the body, normalizes blood circulation, relieves lethargy, drowsiness.


1. Inhale calmly, exhale with a full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Clench your fingers into fists.

4. Bend your arms at the elbows and, raising them above your head, connect them into a lock.

5. Stretch well with your whole body, causing an artificial yawn.

6. Lower your arms.

7. Rub your palms until warm.

8. "Wash" your face, neck with warm palms.

9. Pull the right leg with the heel, toe towards you.

10. Pull the left leg with the heel, the toe towards you.

11. Pull two legs together.

12. Bend over.

14. Lock your hands together and stretch with your palms turned up.

15. Mentally wish all relatives, friends, health, kindness and joy, good mood.


1. Pull your ears forward - back, even to 10, start with your eyes open, then with your eyes closed.

2. Massage the cheeks with circular movements of the fingers.

3. Massage the forehead and chin in a circular motion, as if drawing circles.

4. Eyelid massage. We fold our fingers with scissors and massage the upper and lower eyelids without closing our eyes.

5. Nose massage. With the pads of the index fingers, press from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose.

6. Jaw movements from left to right and vice versa.


1. Finger massage:

We press on the phalanx of the fingers, from above - from below, from the right - to the left;

We massage each finger in circular motions and movements from top to bottom.

2. Massage the wrist in circular motions.

3. Hand massage. Exercises "wash my hands", rubbing the palms and "warm the cheeks."

4. Forehead massage. With your fingertips from the middle of the forehead, stroke the neck, forehead, cheeks and discard.

5. Shoulder massage. Pinching of the shoulders from the neck down.

6. Neck massage. With index fingers, massage from the bottom up and reset.

7. Neck massage. With both hands, massage the neck from the spine from the bottom up and reset.

8. Head massage. Above the ears to the top point, from the forehead to the top point.

9. Ear massage. Pinch the ear from top to bottom and reset.

10. Ear massage.


Lying on your back. Hands along the body, palms down or up, slightly bent at the elbows. Close your eyes, make sure that your teeth are not closed, and your lips are compressed. Lie quietly, but gradually sinking into slumber, as in a warm bath. Extraneous thoughts go away. Nothing distracts you, nothing bothers you. A pleasant warm breeze blows over the body, relaxes the muscles.

The muscles of the lips are relaxed, the corners of the mouth are slightly lowered.

The muscles of the cheeks are relaxed. The eyelids close tightly. They got heavy, heavy. The muscles of the face are relaxed. You don't feel them.

The leg muscles are relaxed. With each exhalation, the wave of peace intensifies. You don't feel your legs. You are resting.

The muscles of the back are relaxed. The back, as it were, connects to the surface on which you lie. You feel lightness throughout your body.

The heart beats calmly, rhythmically. Breathing is easy, free. You are completely calm. Complete peace takes over you. You are resting. Your strength is restored, every cell of your body is filled with health.


1. Daily carry out air baths in combination with physical exercises.

2. Rinse your mouth with boiled water at room temperature after each meal.

3. Widely use non-traditional physical culture equipment for hardening and rehabilitation.

4. Daily use rhythmic movements in morning exercises.

5. Use dynamic, static breathing exercises in your work.

6. After sleep, perform movements to wake up.

7. Apply acupressure

8. In the spring - winter period, introduce fortification and herbal medicine.


The first requirement for ventilation during the hardening of children in children's institutions is a combination of hygienic living conditions for children. This is primarily the provision of clean air and a rational combination of ambient temperature and children's clothing.

The temperature is at the level of a child from 2 to 3 years old + 19 - + 20. At this temperature, the stress of thermoregulation processes in a child is minimal. Children must be in 2-layer clothing:

For boys: shorts, T-shirt, shirt;

For girls: T-shirt, cotton dress, stockings, sandals.

Walking barefoot after sleep up to 5 minutes.

Through ventilation is carried out (5-7 minutes) in the absence of children, the temperature should not fall below + 18 degrees.

Ventilation schedule

1. In the morning, before the arrival of the children.

2. Before class.

3. After the children leave for a walk.

4. Before going to bed.

5. After lunch.


  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. New approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. - // Management of the preschool educational institution, N3, 2002, p. 21-27.
  2. Sokratov N.V. Modern technologies for the preservation and promotion of children's health. –M.: TC Sphere, 2005
  3. Zimonina V.A. Raising a preschool child. I grow up healthy. M.; VLADOS, 2003-304 p.
  4. Kuznetsova M.N. The system of complex measures for the improvement of children in preschool educational institutions. M.: ARKTI, 2002 - 64 p.
  5. Morgunova O.N. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution. Voronezh, 2005 - 127 p.
  6. Penzulaeva L.I. Improving gymnastics for preschool children M .: 2004
  7. Chupakha I.V. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. M: 2003 - 143 p.
  8. Voloshina L. Organization of health-saving space//Preschool education.-2004.-N1.-S.114-117.
  9. Gymnastics for the eyes. - // Preschool Pedagogy, December, 2007. - p.26-27.

Target: find ways optimization creating conditions for improving physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution.


  1. Systematize physical culture health work in preschool.
  2. Expand knowledge teachers taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and healthy lifestyle.
  3. Develop creativity teachers.
  4. The search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of sports and health work in the preschool educational institution.

The course of the business game "Three Whales"

I propose to split into 2 teams of experts health-saving technologies.

So let's start our game.

"Health is more valuable than wealth"- claimed the French writer Etienne Rey, who lived at the end of the 19th century. About health say, about health argue, wish health. How do you feel about your health you, Dear colleagues?

Please continue phrase:

"Way to health is..."( blitz poll teachers) (way to health- this is proper nutrition, systematic physical activity, the absence of stressful situations and much more. But the most important thing is that it depends, first of all, on ourselves.)

The most comprehensive and generally accepted is the wording developed by the World Organization health care:

« Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being

To build an effective system of physical culture - wellness work you need to know, what for life and human health, and the child in particular, is the most important.

Competition task number 1.

Imagine health a child in the form of a wonderful planet, which we must protect, protect from all misfortunes and hardships, let's try to determine on which "three whales" keeps life and child health? (exhibit model "Three whales")

However, according to Vera Grigoryevna Alyamovskaya in her research, Yuri Fedorovich Zmanovsky is the main "whales" on which life rests and human health, this is a state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems of the body (on models "whales" attach identification badges, denoting:"heart"- cardiovascular system, "cloud"- respiratory system, "flower"- immune system).

What is the main means of developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems? (movement), the so-called cyclic movements, in which the same action is repeated, allowing you to alternate relaxation and muscle tension.

Name them please? Which of the following types of movements most favorably affects the work of the child's cardiovascular system? (run) ancient greek sages spoke: "Do you want to be healthy - run! If you want to be beautiful - run! If you want to be smart - run!" (I put the proverb under the first "whale")

  • Name the types of running used when working with preschoolers. (Teachers call)

It is the cyclical types of movements (running, walking, jumping) most natural for a child preschooler.

Therefore, the first statement on which the system of physical education in Kindergarten sounds like this:

when conducting a physical education lesson, the elements that make up its structure should be of a cyclic nature.


  1. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of scoliosis.
  2. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet.
  3. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment
  4. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Competition No. 2

Remind me, please, what is the daily duration of the children's walk preschool age? (answers teachers) Therefore, under the second "whale" we will place phrase: "Child's walk- preschooler should be 4 - 4.5 hours a day.

Walk in kindergarten should be interesting, exciting, rich in a variety of physical activity.

  • Name the types of physical activity of children on a walk. ( teachers voicing activities).

From what has been said, the second assertion follows, which makes it possible to ensure wellness focus on physical development in kindergarten:

the increase in the reserves of the respiratory system of the child occurs due to regular physical activity in the fresh air.

Each team is given a task. (optional):

  1. Show a set of breathing exercises.
  2. Show acupressure.
  3. Show a complex of gymnastics after sleep.
  4. Show a complex of morning exercises.

Competition No. 3

Now let's talk about the third "whale", on which rests health, - about the immune system. Natural factors have a hardening effect on the child's body. Name them please! (Answers teachers) That's right, not in vain they say: "The sun, air and water are our best friends"(I attach the proverb under the third "KITOM").

However, when carrying out hardening events, certain rules must always be observed.

  • Let's announce the rules governing the holding of hardening events.

(Teachers call)

From all that has been said, one more conclusion: an organic combination of all health-saving

Dear teachers, we have identified three statements on which the system of physical education in the first place should be guided. kindergarten:

  1. When conducting physical education in kindergarten two-thirds of the movements, constituting its structure, must be cyclical.
  2. The increase in the reserves of the respiratory system of the child occurs due to regular physical activity in the fresh air.
  3. An organic combination of all health-saving technologies in the preschool educational institution contributes to the improvement of the child's immune defense system.

Do you think this will be enough for recreational work in the kindergarten for our children? What else should we pay attention to? (answers teachers)

Of course you can't get health, doing 10-12 exercises, or walking a kilometer in 20 minutes. essence wellness physical exercises is to systematically increase the reserve capacity of the body.

Hence the fourth statement.: the regularity of physical activity contributes to the increase in the reserve capacity of the child's body.

And what prevents the child in our kindergarten to be healthy?

Each team becomes a group of people, and which ones we will determine by pulling out of the bag title: educators, parents, administration, specialists. Determine the reasons that, from your point of view, interfere with the child attending our Kindergarten, to be healthy.

Reflection: I suggest to all participants teachers' council stand in a circle and take candles in your hands. Lighting a candle for each common candle, I ask you to express your opinion about teachers' council. Me today…. I am today…. Then we all blow out the candles together.

Conclusion on the topic: « Optimization of the process of health saving and health preservation of preschool children and teachers in kindergarten and family »

The problem lies in the insufficient attention of adults to children, which manifests itself in kindergarten, as well as in family.

DOW: violation of the regime of the day, physical activity, lack of hardening procedures, non-systematic conduct of physical education - recreational activities, both inside the kindergarten and in the air, frequent illness of children, violation of the drinking and air regime.

A family : lack of daily regimen, malnutrition, sleep disturbance, lack of hardening procedures, lack of proper attention to children, children's clothes do not correspond to weather conditions.

Dear colleagues, I would like to hear your opinion on these statements. Can they, having become the basis of physical education in a preschool educational institution, solve the problem of morbidity preschoolers? (answers teachers) .

In order to achieve positive results in business children's health, a purposeful integrated system of physical culture and recreational activities, how in kindergarten, as well as in family. And to us - preschool teachers need:(we list)

(results on competitive tasks)

Draft decision teachers' council:

  1. 1. Recommend educators of all age groups to continue to actively introduce traditional and innovative health-saving technologies into their work. Regular exercise and holidays. Teaching children to take care of themselves health, as values, motivate, induce to conduct healthy lifestyle in the family of adults and children Deadline is permanent. Responsible - senior educator Shmakova T.V., educators of all age groups.
  2. Set Interaction Productivity teachers, a nurse with parents (legal representatives) of each age group through parent meetings, consultations, information stands, in order to popularize healthy lifestyle continue. Deadline is permanent. Responsible - senior educator Shmakova T.V., educators of all age groups.
  3. Replenish the gym with modern sports equipment. Responsible - the administration of the preschool educational institution. The deadline is the beginning of the 208-2019 academic year.
  4. Update the equipment on the sports ground. Deadline - until 01.05.2015. Responsible - head. DOW, caretaker.
  5. Prepare an analysis of the incidence of children and teachers. The deadline is May 20th. Responsible - art. nurse Soldatova S.V.

Tips for teachers.

  • Laugh at least 10 minutes a day, then your sleep will become calm, wakefulness - reasonable and energetic, and the risk of a heart attack will decrease by 50%.
  • Eat 30 grams of fish daily - this lowers blood cholesterol levels and helps prevent heart and blood vessel diseases.
  • Do not suppress negative emotions in yourself, you risk acquiring a neurosis or some kind of illness.
  • Walk more.
  • If you love to sing, then do it every day.
  • Be afraid to be captured by doctors.
  • Live the affairs of today in the here and now, do not regret the past and do not worry about what will happen tomorrow.
  • Think more about the bright and joyful sides of life, because "our life is what we think about it."
  • Don't hold a grudge against your opponents. "Don't think for a minute about people we don't like."
  • Count your luck, not your misfortune.
  • Try to bring joy to others, because by doing good to others, you do it first of all to yourself.
  • Actively look for ways to turn negatives into positives.
  • Rest before you feel tired.
  • Learn to relax and relieve excess stress.
  • Do not dwell on the shortcomings of others.
  • Prevention from stress is a sense of humor.
  • Remember: health is not an end in itself, but only a condition for achieving happiness and well-being at work.

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