Countries with tyrannic regime. Totalitarian regime. The topic "The mechanism of creating a fascist dictatorship in Germany"

Despotic regime(Greek. Despoteia - unlimited power) is characteristic of the absolute monarchy. When despoty, power is carried out solely by one person. But since it is actually a despot one can not manage, he is forced to reimburse some managerial affairs to another person who has a particular confidence (in Russia it was a little whims, Menshikov, Arakcheev). In the east, this person was called Vizier. Behind him, the despot certainly left punitive and tax functions.

The will of the despot is arbitrary and sometimes manifests itself not only as self-depth, but also as self-smuggling. The main thing in the despotic state is obedience, the execution of the will of the ruler. But there is a force that can withstand the will of the despot, it is religion, it is mandatory for the sovereign.

The despoty is characterized by cruel suppression of any independence, discontent, indignation and even disagreement of subject. The sanctions applied at the same time shake their severity, and they, as a rule, do not correspond to the deed, but are defined arbitrarily. The main sanction used most often is the death penalty. At the same time, the power seeks her visibility in order to sow fear in the parel and ensure his obedience.

The despotic regime is characterized by the complete resourcelessness of subjects, the lack of even elementary rights and freedoms. We can only talk about satisfying physiological needs, and it is not fully.

7. tyrannic mode

Tyrannic mode(Greek. Tyrannos - tormented) is established, as a rule, in the territory of military conquest. It is based on the sole administrator, but is characterized by the presence of the institution of the governor, and not the institution of a trusted person (Vizier). Tirana power is cruel. In an effort to suppress resistance, he executed not only for pronounced disobedience, but also for found intent on this matter, i.e., it is preventive to sow fear among the population.

Mastering the territory and population of another country is associated, as a rule, with physical and moral violence not only over people, but also on the customs of the people. When new rulers enter orders, nasty lifestyles and thoughts of people, especially if they impose other religious standards, the people are experiencing tyrannoe power very hard (Ottoman Empire). Laws do not act, since tyrannal power, as a rule, does not have time to create them.

The tyrannical board is perceived by the people as the oppression, and Tirans as a oppressor. Such a regime also existed in the early stages of human development (ancient world, early Middle Ages). Compared with the despoty of tyranny, it is still a little less severe regime. "Mitigating circumstance" serves here the fact of oppression not his, but someone else's people.

8. Totalitarian regime

Totalitarian regime(Late. Totalis is a complete, whole, comprehensive) otherwise you can call the inclusive power. The economic basis of totalitarianism is a large property: feudal, monopolistic, state. The totalitarian state is characterized by the presence of one official ideology. A combination of ideas about social life is set by the ruling elite. Among such ideas, the main "historical" idea is allocated: religious (in Iraq, Iran), the communist (in the USSR: the current generation will live in communism), the economic (in China: to catch up and overtake by the West), patriotic or powered and other . Moreover, the idea is formulated so popular, it's just that all sections of society can be understood and take it to leadership, even the most uneducated. Sincere support to the power of the population contributes to the monopoly of the state for the media. There is one ruling party that declares itself the leading power of society. Because this party gives the "most correct installations", the Brazdes of the Board are given to her: there is a splice of party and state apparatus.

Totalitarianism is characterized by an extreme centralism. The center of the totalitarian system is the leader. His position is akin to Divine. It is declared the wiser, infrequent, fair, tirelessly thinking about the good of the people. A critical attitude towards it is brutally pursued. Against the background of this, the power of the executive bodies occurs. Among the state bodies, the "Power Kulak" (militia, security authorities, prosecutor's office, etc.) is allocated. The punitive organs are constantly growing, because it is precisely the violence that is the nature of terror - physical and mental. It establishes control over all spheres of life of society: political, economic, personal, etc., and therefore life in such a state of state as a glass partition. Personality is limited to rights and freedoms, although they can formally be proclaimed.

One of the main characteristics of totalitarianism is militarization. The idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary danger, about the "precipitated fortress" is necessary for the establishment of the Company on the principle of military lag. The totalitarian regime is aggressive in its essence and do not go away at the expense of other countries and peoples (Iraq). Aggression helps to achieve several goals at once: to distract the people from thoughts about his distress, to get rich, satisfy the vanity of the leader.

Totalitarian regime (religious totalitarianism) Western Europe experienced in the Middle Ages. Currently, it exists in many countries in Asia, in the recent past - in the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe.

Tyrannic mode Also based on sole government. However, in contrast to the despoty, the power of Tirana is established by violent, cesspasizing, often it is accompanied by a displacement of legitimate power with the help of a coup. It should be borne in mind that the concept of tyrana has an emotional and political and legal assessment. When we are talking About tyranny as political mode, it is estimated that the assessment of those harsh methods, with the help of which tyrant carries out state power. Power is very tough. Not only punishment for violations of the rules of behavior, but also preventive punishment for the purpose of frightening (ancient Greece).

Totalitarian regime It is the generation of the 20th century, these are fascist states, socialist states of the periods of personality. The term itself appeared in the late 1920s, when political scientists sought to separate the socialist state from democratic states. Totalitarian regime is an extreme form of an authoritarian mode. The totalitarian state acts as a comprehensive, uncomplying and all-time power. Totalitarian regime is characterized by the presence of one official ideology, which is formed and is asked by the socio-political movement, the political party, the ruling elite, the political leader, the leader of the people. Totalitarian regime allows only one batch.

Fascist regime - The extreme form of totalitarianism, characterized by a nationalist ideology, a submission of the superiority of one nations over others. Fascism is based on racist demagogue, which is being built into the rank of official ideology. The purpose of the fascist state is announced by the protection of national community, the decision social tasks. Fascist regimes arise in certain historical conditions, social disorders societies, the impoverishment of the masses. For the fascist regime, a support for chauvinist circles of large capital is characterized, the merger of the state apparatus with monopolies, the splicing of parties and trade unions with the state apparatus (Germany, Italy in 20-40 years of the XX century.).

Authoritarian regime It can be based on the right, moral principle, but it cannot be attributed to the modes where the population really participates in management. Power is not controlled and is not formed by the people, although representative bodies exist. Parliament stamps solutions developed by the ruling top (junta). The elite provides privileges and benefits, sometimes consolidates them in law. The leadership of the state is formed, as a rule, after the military coup, at the head of which is the leader. In an authoritarian state, management and management is carried out centrally. The state priority is proclaimed towards personality, personality rights are ignored. Authoritarian power cultivates fanaticism in the masses, using demagogy (chili during Pinochet).

Liberal Democratic Mode There is in many countries. Based on the system of the most democratic and humanistic principles. With this mode, a person has property, rights, freedoms, economically independent and on this basis becomes politically independent. The liberal regime defends the value of individualism, opposing his collectivist principal in organizing life. Liberal regime is determined primarily by the needs of commodity-money market economy. The market requires equal, free, independent partners. In such a state, the freedom of speech, opinions, forms of ownership are proclaimed, a private initiative is given. Rights are not only declared, but also become a reality. The existence of opposition parties is allowed. Elections - the main way to form power. The system of checks and counterweights helps to reduce the abuse of power.

Democratic regime This is one of the varieties of a liberal regime based on the recognition of the principle of equality and freedom of all people, the participation of the people in government management. The democratic state not only proclaims the rights and freedoms, but also guarantees their implementation. People are a source of government, representative bodies and officials are elected for a certain period. The criteria of election are the political views of a person, his professionalism. Professionalization of power is a distinctive sign of the state in which there is a democratic regime.

Referendums, folk initiatives, discussions, demonstrations, rallies, meetings become everyday attributes of such a society. The system of self-government is developing, public self-organization is welcomed.

In the state science, the question of the concepts and types of political regime appeared and is considered so far mainly due to the form of the state. The concept of political regime perceived by the general theory of state and the right is applied in a limited interpretation as one of the elements of the form of the state. Wherein political regime comes down to the totality of techniques and methods of implementation state powerdefined by the structural features of the actual state apparatus. There are other views. In particular, it expresses the opinion that the political regime in which the techniques really find their expression and methods of the authorities are characterized by a state of state, but its maintenance. That is, the political regime acts in this case as an element necessary to identify the content of the state and for the characteristics of its form. In accordance with another point of view, a specific set of socio-political institutions and relations between

The concept of "political regime" is associated not only with the essence of the state, but also with the political system as a whole.

The form of political regime characterizes the methods of implementing state power, that is, it gives an answer to the question of which political relationships exist between the power and the population.

Classification of political regimes

All regimes are divided into democratic and non-democratic (on other terminology - totalitarian).

Democratic regime is a way to implement state power, characteristic features Which are:

a) the formation of the authorities by the electoral path;

b) political pluralism, that is, the freedom of activity of various political parties, movements and unions;

c) the state existence of political rights and freedoms of citizens.

Antidemocratic mode characterize such signs as:

a) the formation of the authorities as a result of pseudo-closures by falsifying elections or without elections;

b) the presence of a unified state ideology and the lack of political pluralism;

c) Webness of citizens and arbitrariness of the authorities in the formal proclamation of the legality, rights and freedoms of citizens.

Professor A.I. gives a similar classification Kovalenko. The author allocates two political regimes: democratic and terrorist.

As far as non-democratic regimesAll of them relate to authoritarian or totalitarian.

a) a despotic regime involving a complete arbitrary of a monarch;

b) tyrannic regime based on the usurpation of the power of the Tiran and the cruel methods of its implementation;

c) totalitarian, the basis of which is the allocation of the state, that is full control over society;

d) the fascist regime, the ideology of which is extreme chauvinism and inhumanity in relation to the enemies of the nation, primarily to the Jews and Communists;

(e) Liberal communist regime, involving the implementation of power by the most humane and democratic methods;

Democratic regimes They are divided into three varieties: democratic, liberal-democratic.

IN Democratic The state competence, the volume, the limits of the authorities of the state authorities are strictly regulated by law. Institutions of direct democracy (referendum) are operating, the principles of democracy: the rule of law, independent justice, guaranteed by the state and protected by the court inheress human rights and freedoms.

The democratic state is a state in which the authorities have a folk mandate. The central place among them is occupied by organs directly elected by the people (president, parliament, etc.); Competence, volume, the limits of power of each body are strictly regulated by law. Such an institution of direct democracy as a popular vote (referendum) can also be widely used. The Society approves the rule of law and independent justice, all citizens have inherent rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Court. The democratic state guarantees rights and freedoms, freedom of speech and religion.

Authoritarian State - state power, does not have a direct mandate of the people, a limited circle of ownership of bodies and persons with administrative Armed Forces and punitive institutions. The right and human rights are not independent status and supremacy in society. In a non-democratic state and society, as a rule, there is an official ideology.

The authoritarian state is a state in which state power that does not have the immediate mandate of the people, although it is determined by the law, but is arbitrarily carried out by a limited circle of government and persons with the help of direct use of the management administrative apparatus, armed forces and punitive institutions. The right and human rights are not independent status and supremacy in society, their functions are limited to the compliance with the existing norms and laws. In a non-democratic, authoritarian state and society, as a rule, there is an official ideology that penetrates almost all areas of the life of this society.

Totalitarian state - Administration is based on the principles of alliance; It is not determined by law (subtitle acts), society is under total control of the state and its divisions: management administrative apparatus, armed forces, punitive institutions.

The totalitarian state is a state in which administrative management is based on the beginnings of alliance; It is not determined by law. From the life of society, human rights and independent justice are excluded; The whole society falls under total monitoring of the state and its divisions: management administrative apparatus, armed forces, punitive institutions. Society is carried out by unhindered personality suppression. Any dissent is excluded, the whole society is forced to occupy the position that official ideology and propaganda offers.

Totalitarian The regime means the completeness of the state of the state in some hands, its inclusive, comprehensive character. The term was used to characterize the fascist regime in Italy and the national-socialist regime in Germany, it was used to designate the political regime in the USSR.

The totalitarian regime is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the state of state over the person, over society, the control of the state behind all parties to the life of society and a separate person. With totalitarian regime, the ideas of the leader, the cult of the person of the head of the state. At the same time, state control is established for education, art, literature, the whole spiritual life, the state controls the media.

With this mode, there is actually no independent judiciary.

TO non-democratic regimes include: despotic, tyrannical, totalitarian, fascist and authoritarian.

Despotic The mode implies an arbitrariness from the ruler in the management of the state and at the same time disabilities and unconditional subordination of subjects to the ruler.

Tyrannical The mode is close in terms of the despotic regime Fascist regime It is a variety of totalitarian regime. Its specifics are based on a racist ideology, the state by all means and methods provides legal and actual domination of one race over others.

9. Form of an administrative and territorial device As a spatial characteristics of state power.

The question of the types of non-democratic regimes is a debate in domestic science. A number of authors call them antidemocratic, but it can hardly agree with this, since not any regime where there are no developed democratic institutions, in its direction will be anti-democratic. It seems incorrect to be the formation of undemocratic regimes to totalitarian and authoritarian, since totalitarian regime appears only in the XX century. Some authors propose to allocate so-called transitional modes with a democratic or authoritarian orientation.

Various undemocratic regimes have a number of common features. These include dominance in the methods of the state power of coercion, and not convictions, violation by the state of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the lack of freedom of speech, the persecution of dissent.

The undemocratic regimes should include despotic, tyranny, totalitarian, military, emergency, liberal.

Despotic regime It was primarily characteristic of the countries of the Ancient East. In the despoty, the ruler has a practically unlimited authority, is considered to be God on earth or divine goldenman. Hence the faith in the infallibility of the leader, unquestioned submission to him.

Tyrannic mode Differs from the despotic illegitimate character of power. Word "tyrant" in Ancient Greece called usurpers power. With tyrannic mode, there is a wide opposition of the power of the usurper, which is brutally suppressed.

Totalitarian regime Arises in the XX century. As a reaction of some states on the need for rapid economic growth in a hostile environment. For this type of regime, the dominance of one ideology (for example, fascist), the presence of a charismatic leader, a developed punitive system, the militarization of public life and aggressive foreign policy, total state intervention in regulation social processes, widespread use of forced labor, splicing of state and party bodies. In literature this species The political regime is sometimes divided into hard and soft. If, with a soft totalitarianism, private property as a whole is preserved, then with hard - it is destroyed, it is generalized.

Military regime It is often found in the countries of Latin America, in the constitutions of which the special role of the army in the political life of the country is often proclaimed. Some Western political scientists consider military regime most effective for some countries where democratic traditions are weak. With military mode supreme Power Belongs to the sole dictator or a group of dictators (military junta). The effect of the Constitution is canceled either suspended, political parties may be dissolved, some political rights and freedoms are limited (freedom of printing, processions and rallies, etc.). As a rule, military regimes are short-lived, since the military, presenting claims to the previous government, after stabilization of the situation, new elections are usually prescribed.

Emergency mode (emergency) is established when attempts by state coups, mass riots, natural disasters and other emergency situations. As a rule, the emergency mode is introduced by the head of state with consent or with the obligatory notification of parliament. With extreme regime, a number of rights and freedoms are limited, and the nature of the rights limited depends on the reasons for the establishment of an emergency mode (for example, the freedom of movement is limited at the epidemic, with mass riots - freedom of processions and rallies, etc.).

Legal faculty

Department "Constitutional Law"

Course work

The topic "The mechanism of creating a fascist dictatorship in Germany"

Performed: Evdokimova E. V.

1-course student in absentia


Scientific adviser,

senior Lecturer

Avdeeva O. A.

Irkutsk 1999.

1. Introduction 3.

2. Political regime of state 5

3. Racist regime 6

4. tyrannic mode 7

5. Fascist mode 8

6. German fascism 13

7. The consequences of coming to power of the Nazis in Germany 15

8. Conclusion 17.

9. List of references 19


The purpose of this term paper It is the study of the mechanism for creating a fascist dictatorship of Germany. To reveal the topic, you must turn to the past (in 1930-40. Our century), when this mode existed. To know the origins of fascism, you need to know the story. Because not knowing the past, do not understand the present. In the times of fascism, lawlessness acted, the state easily deprives life, property, honor of his citizen. As a lawyer, the history of states, where they existed lawlessness, the institutions of the power of such states, in particular in fascist Germany.

The German legal group refers to the Roman-German legal system, which was formed in Continental Europe, is its main center and at present. This system is organically related to the right yet Ancient Rome, as it represents the result of the reception of the rules of the Roman law by the countries of Europe. The Roman-German legal system as if continues the Roman law, but in no case is it a copy of it. The date of the German system is considered the XII century. In addition to the purely economic facts that contributed to the emergence of the system (the development of trade, crafts, the growth of self-governing cities), the most important role was played by the factors of a socio-cultural nature, which first of all include the revival of Roman law in universities. The beginning of this was putting Thomas Akvinsky using the works of Aristotle in his works. Thus, perennial rejection of the Roman Law of the Church was overcome, which opened not limited opportunities For its use in lawmakes.

The birth of the German legal system is in no way the result of the statements of political power or the centralization of the royal power implemented. This German system is different for example, from English law, where the development of common law has been associated with the strengthening of royal power and with the existence of strongly centralized royal courts. The German law system appears in the era when Europe does not constitute a single whole and is based on anything other than the community of culture.

School of Natural Law has been successful in two directions:

1) Creation of public law. In this area, the school representatives rejected the Roman law. They proposed the models of the Constitution, Administrative and Criminal Law, based on the experience of English law.

2) codification. Codification is a technique that made it possible to implement the intentions of the School of Natural Law, complete the centuries-old evolution of legal science, clearly presenting the right corresponding to the interests of society. This right and should be applied by the courts. The codification laid an end to legal particularism, multiplicity of customs that prevented practice.

In the 20th century, the codes are outdated, and it weakened the legal positivism of the XVIII - XIX. The unity of the family was historically based on private law and did not apply to public or distributed partially. Therefore, the risk of gap is great, if in any country a regime that does not satisfy the alteration of the existing legal institutions can reach the abandonment of the concept of law. Such an example of National Socialism, the right of the former USSR.

It must be said that recently there has been a trend towards the development of the so-called "European law", that is, the rights of the European Community and the right created by the Council of Europe. The main source of this right is the European Convention on the Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, signed in Rome in 1960 by all EU participating countries.

Political regime of state

When considering a political one state or society should not be limited only to officially proclaimed and applicable institutions and legal norms in it, constitutional acts, i.e. The fact that the state itself "declares" about himself. There are often very significant differences and contradictions between the country's front facade and real processes occurring behind this facade. For the characterization of these processes, the concept of "political regime" is applied - a system of real mutual methods in this state. "Under the political regime is a combination of elements of the ideological, constitutional and sociological order, which contributes to the formation of the political power of a given country for a certain period." Between it and the declared public system, as already noted, there is often a discrepancy or even direct opposite (which is especially characteristic of dictatorial and primarily totalitarian states).

It is the political regime that determines the political atmosphere of society, in contrast to relatively sustainable legal norms, it is moving and able to evolve in various directions. Studying the specific diverse forms of political regimes that existed in the past and present, it is necessary, based on modern humanistic requirements for political sciences, guided by the principle that, the person is an individual - the "measure of all things", the basis of society and public well-being, to consider each mode precisely in relation to To a specific person, its most important rights and freedoms. The main parameters of the political regime can be presented as follows:

1) the degree of development of a "civil society";

2) the role of non-state political organizations in political life;

3) the role in the state and society of power structures (army, police, B.);

4) the real role of law and the functions of law enforcement agencies, as well as the practice of interpretation and application of them of the Constitution and other acts;

5) the degree of separation of the authorities and the nature of the relationship between them;

6) the degree of centralization of power;

7) The mechanism for the formation of representative institutions and their functioning.

In accordance with these criteria, 2 sharply different types of political regimes are distinguished: democratic and dictatorial.

Racist regime

Of course, the most disgusting rougher and primitive regime was preached and fascists. In particular, Racism was the core of the "worldview" of the German fascists. With the help of the myth on the imaginary superiority of the Aryan race, the Nazis was justified by the "right" of the Germans to the world domination, to oppress and suppress other peoples.

Racism was an important part of ideological constructions from fascists and other countries. For example, in the ideology of the Japanese fascism, the key system was a racist myth about the "Japanese spirit", which was approved by the incomparable superiority of the Japanese nation, inspired faith in allegedly in his vocation as the "Great Nation", the "nation of the colonizer".

Criminal racist "ideas" extended not only in fascist countries, but also in the United States. In the US, it was possible to pave the way the law on the ban on marriages between representatives of different races. Such a law was adopted about 30 states.

Currently racist, socially darvinist, etc. "Ideas" receive a new birth around the world.

Tyrannic mode

The tyrannic regime is also based on the sole government. However, in contrast from the despoty, the power of Tiran is sometimes established by violent, invalid, often offset of legitimate power, with the help of a state coup. It is also devoid of legal and moral principles, built on arbitrariness, sometimes terror and genocide. It should be noted that the concept of "tyranny" has an emotional and political and legal assessment. When it comes to tyranny as political mode, it is estimated that the assessment of those cruel methods, with the help of which tyrant is carrying out the gripful or state power. In this sense, Tiran's power is usually tough. In an effort to suppress resistance in the embryo, the tyrannic regime carries out executions not only for pronounced disobedience, but often for the detected intent on this matter. In addition, the invaders are widely used and preventive coercion in order to sow fear among the population. Mastering the territory and population of another country is usually associated not only with physical and moral violence, but also on those customs that exist among the people. The tyrannic regime can be observed in the polishes of ancient Greece, in some medieval cities - states.

Tiras, like a despotium, is based on the arbitrariness. However, if in the despoty, arbitrariness and self-depths are collapsed primarily on the heads of higher officials, when tyranny, each person is subject to tyranny. Laws do not work, since the tyrannic power is mostly not seeking to create them.

Fascist regime

Totalitarian regime is, as a rule, the generation of the XX century., These are fascist states, the socialist states of the periods of the personality of the personality. The term itself appeared in the late 1920s, when some political scientists sought to separate the socialist state, and were looking for a clear definition of socialist statehood. Totalitarian regime is an extreme form of an authoritarian mode. The totalitarian state acts as a comprehensive, uncomplying and all-time power.

Totalitarian fascist regime is characterized, as a rule, the presence of one official ideology, which is formed and is asked by the social and political movement, the political party, the ruling elite, the political leader, the leader of the people, in most cases the charismatic.

Totalitarian fascist regime allows only one ruling party, and all the others, even previously existing parties, seeks to disperse, prohibit or destroy. The ruling party is declared the leading power of society, its installation is considered as sacred dogmas. Competing ideas about the social reorganization of society are announced by the anti-people aimed at the undermining of the Ostiva of the Company, to incite the social hostility. The ruling party captures the brars of public administration: there is a splice of party and state apparatus. As a result, the simultaneous occupation of the party and public position is becoming a massive phenomenon, and where this does not occur, the state officials are carried out by direct instructions of persons occupying party posts. In addition, the demogogical orientation of all members of society is allegedly the outstanding achievements of the ruling party. Monopoly on information makes it feasible.

In the state administration, totalitarian fascist regime is characterized by extreme centralism. Practically control looks like the execution of the commands from above, in which the initiative is not practically encouraged, but is strictly punished. Local bodies and management are becoming simple team transmitters. Features of the regions (economic, national, cultural, socio-domestic, religious, etc.) are usually not taken into account.

The center of the totalitarian system is the leader. Its actual position is sacralized. He is the wiser, infallible, fair, tirelessly thinking about the good of the people. A critical attitude towards it intersects. Usually, charismatic personality is put forward on this role.

Against the background of this, the power of the executive bodies occurs, the omnivacity of the nomenclature arises, i.e. Officials, whose appointment is consistent with the highest bodies of the ruling party or are made by their instructions. Nomenclature-bureaucracy carries out power for enrichment, assigning privileges in educational, medical and other social areas. Discretionary increases, i.e. The law is not provided for and unlimited powers, freedom is growing discretion of administrative authorities. Especially stand out against the background of the born executive bodies of the "Power Kulak" (army, police, security bodies, prosecutors, etc.), i.e. punitive organs.

Totalitarian fascist regime is widely and constantly applies terror in relation to the population. Physical abuse, despite its widespread use, is no longer becoming an end in itself, as in despoty and tyranny. It acts as the main condition for strengthening and implementing power.

With totalitarianism, complete control of all spheres of life of society is established. The state seeks to literally "merge" society with me. It is completely to populate it. In economic life, the process of nationalization in various forms of ownership occurs. In the political life of society, the personality is usually limited to rights and freedoms. And if formally political rights and freedoms are enshrined in the law, then there is no mechanism for their implementation, as well as real opportunities for using them. The control permeates the scope of the personal life of people. Demagogy, dogmatism becomes a way of ideological, political, legal lifestyles. The totalitarian state opposes economically and, accordingly, a politically free person, strongly limits the employee's enterprise.

Totalitarian fascist jim uses a police officer encourages and broadly uses inflation, having squeaks it with the "great" idea, such as the fight against the enemies of the people. The search and the imaginum of enemies become the condition for the existence of totalitarian regime. It is on "enemies", "pests" there are mistakes, economic misfortunes, impoverishment of the population.

Militarization is also one of the main characteristics of the totalitarian fascist regime. The idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary danger, about the "precipitated fortress" becomes necessary, firstly, for cohesion of society, to build it on the principle of a military camp. Totalitarian fascist regime is aggressive in its essence and aggression helps to achieve several goals at once: to distract the people from his distinguished economic situation, to gain bureaucracy ruling elite, to solve geopolitical problems with military way. Aggression with totalitarian fascist mode can be powered by the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination, the world revolution. The military-industrial complex, the army - the main supports of totalitarianism.

Secondly, totalitarianism has social forces supporting it. These are lungerated sections of society, social structures infected with equalized ideology, social depending, the ideas of "equality in poverty." The totalitarian fascist state relies on archaic, community forms of agriculture. Life. Intelligent ideas about the state also feed supporting structures.

The variety of totalitarianism is the regimes where the "cult of personality" is carried out, the cult of the leader is infallible, wise and caring. In fact, it turns out that this is only a form of government, which is realized by power-loving, sometimes the pathological ambitions of certain political leaders.

The state at totalitarianism takes care of the concern for each member of society. By the population, at totalitarian mode, the ideology and practice of social dependency develops. Members of society believe that the state must be supported in all cases, especially in the field of health care, education, housing sphere. The psychology of equalization is developing, there is a significant lumenization of society. On the one hand, through the demagogic, decorative, formal totalitarian regime, and on the other, the social dependency of the population of the population is powered and maintaining these varieties of political regime. Often the totalitarian regime is painted in nationalist, racist, chauvinistic paints.

However, the social price for such a way of implementing power over time is increasing (wars, drunkenness, destruction, motivation to work, compulsion, terror, demographic and environmental losses), which ultimately leads to the consciousness of the notice of totalitarian regime, the need for its liquidation. Then the evolution of the totalitarian regime begins. The pace and forms of this evolution (up to destruction) depend on the social economic shifts and the corresponding increase in people, political struggle, other facts. As part of the totalitarian regime providing federated device States may arise for socially liberation movements that destroy the totalitarian regime and the federal device itself.

Hermann fascism

The fascist regime represents one of the extreme forms of totalitarianism, primarily characterized by nationalist ideology, ideas about the superiority of some nations over the other (dominant nation, the races of the Lords, etc.), extreme aggressiveness.

Fascism in Germany was based on the nationalist, racist demagogue, which was built into the rank of official ideology. The purpose of the fascist state was declared the protection of national community, the decision of geopolitical, social problems, the protection of the purity of the race. The main parcel of the fascist ideology is: people are not equal to the law, power, the court, their rights and obligations depend on what national race they belong. One nation, the race was declared the highest, the main one. Leading in the state, in the world community, and therefore decent best life conditions -Arian. Other nations or races, if they can exist, then only as defective nations, races, they ultimately be destroyed. Therefore, the fascist political regime is, as a rule, a man-based, aggressive regime, leading as a result of suffering, primarily its people. But fascist regimes arise in certain historical conditions, with social disorders of society, the impoverishment of the masses. They are based on certain social and political movements, which are introduced by nationalist ideas, populist slogans, geopolitical interests, etc.

Militarization, search for an external enemy, aggressiveness, a tendency to unleash the war and, finally, military expansion certainly distinguishes fascism from other forms of totalitarianism.

For the fascist regime in Germany, a support for the chauvinistic circles of large capital is characterized, the merger of the state apparatus with monopolies, the military-bureaucratic centralism, which leads to the decline of the role of central and local representative institutions, the growth of discretionary powers of the executive bodies of public authorities, the splicing of parties and trade unions with the state apparatus , leader. With fascism, the destruction of universal values \u200b\u200bwas deprived of the arbitrariness, punitive procedures were simplified, sanctions were harvested and preventive measures were injected, the rights and freedoms of the individual were destroyed. The number of acts recognized by criminal has increased. The state with fascism incredibly expanding its functions and establishes control over all manifestations of public and personal life. Civil law is destroyed, or the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens are reduced. With regard to other rights of citizens, violation of the authorities is often allowed and neglect of the human rights is openly demonstrated, the state priorities based on the "Great", "historical" national idea are emphasized in opposition. The opposition of the interests of the state and the citizen is solved in favor of government interests, often falsely accepted and proclaimed. Fascism is powered by nationalist, chauvinistic prejudices, misconceptions. It uses the preserving national structures in society to achieve its goals, to racify one nations to others. Fascist civil law is the right of people inequality primarily on the criterion of their national affiliation.

The consequences of coming to power of the Nazis in Germany

In Germany, Nazism began with the elimination of bourgeois-democratic freedoms. This goal was a whole series of emergency decrees percentage of 1933.

All of them were assigned loud names: what the subject was the content, the louder they shouted on the good of the people and the state. "

The February decree, named "In defense of the people and the state", canceled the freedom of personality, words, press, meetings. The February Extraordinary Decree "In defense of the Germanic People" endowed the police by unlimited powers, etc.

Unheard of repressions collapsed before all and most of all on the Communists. Deputies of the Communist Party in Reichstag were devoid of mandates and arrested. The party itself was banned (March 1933), its press is closed.

According to your usual, the Nazis resorted to provocation. They erected her. Just as a systematic deception, in a regular instrument of politics. Hitler taught to lie to the people and still lie large, for a small lie, as he believed, causes less trust.

On the night of February 28, 1993, Nazis set fire to the Reichstag building. They did it in order to get the pretext of the persecution of the Communist Party. In the country, the real injury of the Communists was deployed. Since 1993, thousands of CPG members were thrown into prisons and concentration camps. Communists died in the dungeons and at the "trying to escape." Ernet Telman, head of the Communist Party, was arrested. Shortly before the end of the war, the Nazis killed him.

Soon there was a queue of all other parties, including bourgeois. Only one Nazi Party received the right to exist.

Prosecution and socially

democratic Party; Nazis taught them a practical lesson for legality and constitutionality.

Professional unions of workers in Germany were dissolved, the funds of these unions confiscated. Using the experience of Italy, the Nazis created their own "trade unions", which forcibly trembled people.

The Nazi Party has become part of the government car. Staying in Reichstag and in the public service, he contacted the oath to the loyalty "National Socialism".

Central and local bodies of the fascist party had government functions. The decision of the congresses of the party received the force of law.

The party had a special device. Party members were able to unquestionably obey the orders of local "Führers", which (as in Italy) were appointed from above.

In the immediate submission of the party center, there were parical "assault detachments" (SS) and some special military units, equipped with fanatical supporters of Hitler.

Crimes committed by party members were considered by special courts at secret meetings. Criminal offenses most often went to them with hands. Important loyalty, told Hitler, and if at the same time there is something to spit on it.

A special place in the system of the repressive apparatus was taken by the punitive police - Gestapo, which had a huge apparatus, considerable means and unlimited powers.

We see not one police here, but several. Gestapo submits to the government. Attacks and SSEsovtsy - party. One police watched the other, and not one did not trust another.

The state power of fascist Germany focused in the government, government power - in the individual "Fuhrera".

Already the law on March 24, 1033 permitted imperial governmentwithout requiring sanctions of parliament, to file acts that "evade the constitution".

The August 1934 law destroyed the position of the President, and his authority passed the "Führera", which at the same time remained the head of government and the party. I am not responsible for anyone, Führer was in this role for life and could appoint a receiver.

Reichstag remained, but only for the frontal demonstrations. Sometimes - the demagogical and foreign policy goals - the Nazis conducted "folk surveys". At the same time, it was announced in advance that anyone who would take advantage of the right to vote secretly will be considered an "enemy of the people."

In Germany, local governments were destroyed. Decision on the Earth, and, accordingly, the land landscapes, abolished "in the name of the unity of the nation". Management of areas was instructed to officials, which was prescribed by the government.

Formally, the non-canceled Weimar Constitution ceased to effect.


Revealing the topic "The mechanism of the emergence of the fascist dictatorship in Germany" can be drawn by the following conclusion: fascism in power - the terrorist dictatorship is open, using extreme forms of violence, against unwanted regime. Ideas are openly preached: racism, chauvinism, command methods for regulating the economy. The foreign policy is aggressive, aims to unleash the wars and the seizure of the territories of other states, the extermination of peoples. In such a state, there is a cult of the personality of the leader. Fascism has its own origins "examples for imitation" in the distant past. Fascism elements we see in the history of the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empireduring Napoleon.

A big problem is racism. The foundations of which are the provision on the physical and psychological non-equivalence of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences on the history of the culture of society, about the division of people to higher and lower races, of which the first are the only creators of civilization designed to domination, and the second are doomed to operate .

Currently, fascism in his classical form does not exist anywhere. However, the bursts of fascist ideology can be seen in many countries. Fascist ideologies, with the support of chauvinistic, lungered layers of the population, are actively fighting for mastering the state apparatus or, at least for participating in its work.

List of references:


1) Weimar Constitution is a general history of the state and law. M. "Lawyer", 1998 S-392-394

2) The law on the new structure of the Empire C-366

3) CZ-379 Civil Procedure Code

II.Educational special literature

1) Government law bourgeois and developing countries. - M: Jurid. Lit, 1996.

2) The history of the state and the rights of foreign countries. Tutorial in 2 parts. H 2. kN. 2., - M: "Law College" MSU ", 1994

3) Basics of political science. Ed. V.L. Pugacheva. M, 1992.

4) Hajek F.A. Road to slavery. New world, 1991, №№ 7-8

5) Berdyaev N.A. Fate of Russia. M, 1990.

6) Power and democracy: Foreign scientists about political science. Ed. P. A. Zionkova. M, 1998.

7) Chernilovsky Z. M. Universal history of the state and law, - M: "Lawyer", 1998

8) David R. Basic Legal Systems of Modernity - M.: International Relations, 1998

9) Berman D. Western tradition of law - the era of formation - M., 1997

10) Big Soviet Encyclopedia 3 Edition Ed. A.M. Petomov - M, 1971

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