Countries with a tyrannical regime. The mechanism for creating a fascist dictatorship in Germany. Despotic regime and theocratic political regimes

Tyrannical regime also based on a one-man rule. However, unlike despotism, the tyrant's power is established by violent, aggressive means, often accompanied by the displacement of legitimate power through a coup d'état. It should be borne in mind that the concept of a tyrant has an emotional and political and legal assessment. When it comes about tyranny as a political regime, it is precisely the assessment of those harsh ways by which the tyrant exercises state power is used. Power is very tough. Not only punishment for violations of the rules of conduct is used, but also preventive punishment with the aim of intimidation (Ancient Greece).

Totalitarian regime is a product of the XX century, these are fascist states, socialist states of the periods of “personality cult”. The term itself appeared in the late 1920s, when political scientists sought to separate the socialist state from the democratic states. A totalitarian regime is an extreme form of an authoritarian regime. The totalitarian state acts as an all-encompassing, all-controlling and all-pervading power. A totalitarian regime is characterized by the presence of one official ideology, which is formed and set by the socio-political movement, political party, ruling elite, political leader, leader of the people. A totalitarian regime allows only one party.

Fascist regime - an extreme form of totalitarianism, characterized by nationalist ideology, the idea of ​​the superiority of some nations over others. Fascism is based on racist demagogy, which is elevated to the rank of official ideology. The goal of the fascist state is declared to be the protection of the national community, the decision social tasks... Fascist regimes arise in certain historical conditions, with social disorders society, impoverishment of the masses. The fascist regime is characterized by reliance on the chauvinist circles of big business, the merger of the state apparatus with monopolies, the merging of parties and trade unions with the state apparatus (Germany, Italy in the 1920s and 40s of the 20th century).

Authoritarian regime can be based on law, moral principles, but it cannot be attributed to regimes where the population actually participates in government. Power is not controlled or formed by the people, although representative bodies exist. The parliament churns out decisions worked out by the ruling elite (junta). The elite grants itself privileges and benefits, sometimes enshrines them in the law. The leadership of the state is formed, as a rule, after a military coup, at the head of which is a leader. In an authoritarian state, leadership and administration is centralized. The priority of the state in relation to the individual is proclaimed, the rights of the individual are ignored. The authoritarian government cultivates fanaticism among the masses, using demagoguery (Chile during the Pinochet period).

Liberal democratic regime exists in many countries. Based on a system of the most democratic and humanistic principles. Under this regime, a person has property, rights, freedoms, is economically independent and on this basis becomes politically independent. The liberal regime defends the value of individualism, opposing it to collectivist principles in the organization of life. The liberal regime is primarily determined by the needs of the commodity-money, market economy... The market requires equal, free, independent partners. In such a state, freedom of speech, opinions, forms of ownership is proclaimed, and private initiative is given scope. Rights are not only declared, but also become reality. The existence of opposition parties is allowed. Elections are the main way to form power. The system of checks and balances helps to reduce the abuse of power.

Democratic regime this is one of the varieties of a liberal regime based on the recognition of the principle of equality and freedom of all people, the participation of the people in government. A democratic state not only proclaims rights and freedoms, but also guarantees their realization. The people are the source of power, representative bodies and officials are elected for a specific term. The criteria for election are the political views of a person, his professionalism. Professionalization of power is a distinctive feature of a state in which a democratic regime exists.

Referendums, popular initiatives, discussions, demonstrations, rallies, gatherings become everyday attributes of such a society. The system of self-government is developing, public self-organization is encouraged.

In state studies, the question of the concepts and types of political regime has arisen and is still being considered, mainly in connection with the form of the state. The concept of a political regime, perceived by the general theory of the state and law, is applied in a limited interpretation as one of the elements of the form of the state. At the same time, the political regime is reduced to a set of techniques and methods of exercising state power, to certain structural features of the state apparatus itself. There are also other views. In particular, the opinion is expressed that the political regime, in which the techniques and methods of exercising power really find their expression, characterizes not the form of the state, but its content. That is, the political regime acts in this case as an element necessary to identify the content of the state and to characterize its form. In accordance with another point of view, a specific set of socio-political institutions and relations between

Authoritarian regime(from the Latin word "auctoritas" - power, influence) should be viewed as a certain compromise between democratic and totalitarian political regimes. On the one side, authoritarian governance more liberal than totalitarianism, and on the other hand, tough and repressive approaches are more widely used under it.

Authoritarian regime- this is the state-political state of society, in which political power implemented by a specific person or an elite group with minimal participation of society and people. Its main feature is authoritarianism as a method of government and rule, as a kind of social relations (for example, Chile during the reign of Pinochet).

The principle of separation of powers is not observed, the role of representative bodies is noticeably limited;

The scope of the election principle has been significantly reduced or eliminated officials government agencies, controllability of their population;

Command and administrative methods of government dominate, at the same time there is no mass terror;

The power structures are virtually beyond the control of society and are usually used only for political purposes;

There is a concentration of power at the disposal of one or several interconnected state bodies (or a specific leader), while simultaneously removing the population from the real levers of control;

There is censorship and "half-publicity";

Some pluralism is allowed;

Human rights and freedoms are proclaimed, but in reality they are not ensured.

IN scientific literature distinguish the following types of authoritarian regime: despotic, tyrannical, military and others.

Despotic regime represents absolutely arbitrary and unlimited power, which is based on arbitrariness.

Tyrannical regime built on one-man rule, the usurpation of power by a tyrant, a system of brutal methods of its implementation. However, unlike a despotic regime, the tyrant's power is often established by force, through a coup d'état and the removal of the legitimate power.

Military regime(military-police, military-dictatorial) formed under the rule of the leaders of the armed forces or special services. It is established as a result of a coup d'état that is carried out against the legitimate rule of power by civilians.

Military regimes governed collegially (like a junta), or one of the military leaders becomes the head of state. Army transforms into a dominant socio-political force that actively participates in the implementation of external and internal functions of the state.

Under the conditions of the military regime, a ramified military police apparatus to exercise political control over the population, public associations, fight anti-government movements, etc. Wherein the constitution is canceled and many other legislative acts, they are replaced by acts of the military authorities.

There are the following differences between totalitarian and authoritarian regimes:

At totalitarian regime universal control is implemented, and when authoritarianism there are areas of social life that are not covered by state control;

Despotic regime(Greek despoteia - unlimited power) is characteristic of an absolute monarchy. Under despotism, power is exercised exclusively by one person. But since, in fact, a despot cannot rule alone, he is forced to delegate some administrative affairs to another person who enjoys special confidence in him (in Russia these were Malyuta Skuratov, Menshikov, Arakcheev). In the East, this person was called the vizier. For himself, the despot certainly left the punitive and tax functions.

The will of the despot is arbitrary and sometimes manifests itself not only as autocracy, but also as tyranny. The main thing in a despotic state is obedience, the fulfillment of the will of the ruler. But there is a force that can resist the will of the despot, this is religion, it is obligatory for the sovereign.

Despotism is characterized by cruel suppression of any independence, discontent, indignation and even disagreement of the subjects. The sanctions applied in this case are shocking in their severity, and they, as a rule, do not correspond to the deed, but are determined arbitrarily. The main sanction most often applied is the death penalty. At the same time, the authorities strive for its visibility in order to sow fear in the people and ensure their obedience.

The despotic regime is characterized by the complete lack of rights of its subjects, the absence of even elementary rights and freedoms. We can only talk about the satisfaction of physiological needs, and even then not to the full.

7. Tyrannical regime

Tyrannical regime(Greek tyrannos - tormentor) is established, as a rule, on the territory subjected to military conquest. It is based on one-man rule, however, it is characterized by the presence of the institution of the governor, and not the institution of the trustee (vizier). The tyrant's power is cruel. In an effort to suppress resistance, he executes not only for the expressed disobedience, but also for the revealed intent in this regard, that is, preventively, in order to sow fear among the population.

The seizure of the territory and population of another country is associated, as a rule, with physical and moral violence not only against people, but also against the customs of the people. When new rulers introduce orders that are contrary to the way of life and thoughts of people, especially if they impose other religious norms, the people experience tyrannical power very hard (Ottoman Empire). Laws do not work, because the tyrannical government, as a rule, does not have time to create them.

Tyrannical rule is perceived by the people as oppression, and the tyrant as an oppressor. Such a regime also existed in the early stages of human development (Ancient World, Early Middle Ages). Compared to despotism, tyranny appears to be a slightly less harsh regime. The "mitigating circumstance" here is the fact of oppression not of one's own, but of a foreign people.

8. Totalitarian regime

Totalitarian regime(late lat. totalis - full, whole, all-embracing) can be otherwise called all-encompassing power. The economic basis of totalitarianism is large-scale property: feudal, monopoly, state. A totalitarian state is characterized by the presence of one official ideology. The set of ideas about social life is set by the ruling elite. Among such ideas, the main "historical" idea stands out: religious (in Iraq, Iran), communist (in the USSR: the current generation will live under communism), economic (in China: catching up and overtaking the West through a big leap), patriotic or sovereign, etc. Moreover, the idea is formulated so popularly, simply that it can be understood and accepted for leadership by all strata of society, even the most uneducated. The sincere support of the authorities by the population is facilitated by the state's monopoly on the mass media. There is one ruling party that claims to be the leading force in society. Since this party gives "the most correct guidelines", the reins of government are given to it: a fusion of the party and state apparatus takes place.

Totalitarianism is characterized by extreme centrism. The center of the totalitarian system is the leader. His position is akin to the divine. He is declared to be the wisest, infallible, just, tirelessly thinking about the welfare of the people. Any critical attitude towards him is severely persecuted. Against this background, there is an increase in the power of the executive bodies. The “power fist” (police, security agencies, prosecutors, etc.) stands out among state bodies. The punitive organs are constantly growing, since they are the ones who have to use violence in the nature of terror - physical and mental. Control is established over all spheres of society's life: political, economic, personal, etc. - and therefore, life in such a state becomes as if behind a glass partition. The individual is limited in rights and freedoms, although formally they can be even proclaimed.

One of the main characteristics of totalitarianism is militarization. The idea of ​​a military danger, of a "besieged fortress" is necessary to unite society on the principle of a military camp. The totalitarian regime is aggressive in nature and is not averse to profit from other countries and peoples (Iraq). Aggression helps to achieve several goals at once: to distract people from thoughts about their plight, to enrich themselves, to satisfy the vanity of the leader.

Western Europe experienced a totalitarian regime (religious totalitarianism) in the Middle Ages. Currently, it exists in many Asian countries, in the recent past - in the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe.

Under the state regime means the totality of the methods and methods of exercising state power used by the groups, classes or strata of society in power.

Political regime includes not only methods and ways of exercising state power, but also techniques, ways of implementing the power prerogatives of non-state socio-political organizations - components of the political system of society.

The state regime acts as a real manifestation of organizationally formalized power, as a process of its functioning.

In the scientific literature, there are several definitions of the state regime and ideas about it.

The most common understanding of G.R. at the present time is the above-mentioned understanding of it as a set of means, methods, methods or techniques for exercising state power.

There are others.

The state regime is "a concrete manifestation of state organization, expressed in the state and nature of democracy and political freedom in society."

The state regime is a system or set of forms, methods, means and methods of ruling, "through which state power legitimizes its existence and functioning."

Along with the named definitions, there are others that go far beyond traditional concepts. M. Oriu considers the state regime not as a set of methods and means of exercising state power, but as a "state" and "non-state" state of society.

Essentially, he equates the state regime with the state itself.

Identifying the state regime with a system of methods and ways of exercising state power, researchers consider it as the most dynamic component of the state form, responsive to all the most important processes and changes taking place in the surrounding economic and socio-political environment.

G.R. largely individualizes the form of the state.

G.R. does not arise spontaneously. It takes shape and develops under the influence of a number of objective and subjective factors.


* the nature of economic development (centralized, planned, market, etc.);

* the level of development of society;

* level of development of general, legal, political culture;

* type and form of the state;

* the ratio of social and class forces;


· Features of mentality;

· Politicians who are in power in a specific period of time, etc.

The following factors may indicate the nature of the regime:

* methods and procedure for the formation of public authorities;

* the order of distribution between the various bodies of competence and the nature of their relationship;

* the degree of reality and guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens;

* the role of law in the life of society and in solving public affairs;

* place and role in the state mechanism of the army, police, counterintelligence, etc .;

* the degree of real participation of citizens and their associations in state and socio-political life, in government;

* the main ways of resolving social and political conflicts arising in society.

Legal science knows various variants of the classification of political regimes.

1) the type of state and law (each type has its own "own" regimes)


• despotic;

· Theocratic-monarchical;

· Aristocratic (oligarchic);

· The regime of slave democracy.

Feudal system:

· Absolutist;

· Feudal-democratic (for the nobility);

· Clerical-feudal (in theocratic monarchies);

· Militaristic policeman;

· The regime of "enlightened absolutism".

Capitalist system:

· Bourgeois democratic (constitutional);

· Bonapartist;

· Military policeman;

· Fascist.


· "Consistently democratic".

2) Many researchers, without "tying" state regimes to individual types of state and law, give only their general classification:

* fully democratic;

* anarcho-democratic.

3) When deciding on the classification of political regimes and trying to avoid confusion, it seems expedient for purely educational, academic purposes to proceed only from the need for the most general classification of political regimes, namely, from their division into only two types - democratic and undemocratic, or anti-democratic, regimes.

Each of these types, depending on a particular stage in the development of society, the essential and substantive characteristics of the state and law, historical, national and other customs and traditions, as well as many other circumstances, is subdivided into a variety of subspecies or varieties.

Despotic regime (from the Greek - despotia - unlimited power. It was mainly found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Middle East, in Asia, in a word, in the countries " Asian way production ", slave societies, some feudal countries. It is characteristic of the early stages of the development of human society. It is also characteristic of absolutist monarchies.

Power is exercised exclusively by one person - a despot. The despot is forced to delegate some administrative affairs to a person who enjoys special confidence in him (in the East, the vizier). The despot leaves behind the punitive and tax functions.

The main thing in a despotic state is obedience, the fulfillment of the will of the ruler. Sh.L. Montesquieu: "... everyone should feel the sovereign's hand, eternally raised every minute." Any independence and discontent of those under control is brutally suppressed.

The sanctions imposed on those under control amaze the imagination with their severity. They do not correspond to what was done, they are determined arbitrarily. Authorities implement sanctions visually in order to instill fear and ensure obedience.

The complete lack of rights of subjects. Lack of basic rights and freedoms.

Despotism is mainly the historical past. Modern world does not accept it.

Tyrannical regime. Based on a one-man rule. The tyrant's power is cruel. However, unlike despotism, the tyrant's power is sometimes established by violent, aggressive means, often by displacing the legitimate power with the help of a coup d'etat.

The tyrannical regime carries out executions not only for the expressed disobedience, but often for the revealed intent in this regard. Preventive coercion is also used.

The seizure of the territory and population of another country is usually associated not only with physical and moral violence against people, but also over the customs of this people.

Tyrannical regimes were observed in the policies Ancient Greece, in some medieval city-states.

Tyranny, like despotism, is based on arbitrariness. However, if in despotism arbitrariness and autocracy fall primarily on the heads of the highest officials, then under tyranny every person is subject to them. Laws do not work because the tyrant does not seek to create them.

Totalitarian regime(from Poznelatinsky - totalitas - fullness, wholeness; whole, whole). The term appeared in the late 1920s, when some political scientists tried to separate the socialist state from democratic states. It was first introduced into the political lexicon by Benito Mussolini (1925) to characterize his movement. Before World War II, a special symposium was held in the United States dedicated to the totalitarian state.

It became a political reality only in the XX century.

The totalitarian ideas of the subordination of a part to a whole, an individual to a state can be found in the works of Heraclitus, Plato, T. Mora, J.J. Rousseau, K. Marx, F. Nietzsche, V. Lenin and others.

In artistic form, totalitarian systems are vividly depicted in E. Zamyatin's novels "We" (1920), O. Huxley "O wondrous new world"(1932), J. Orwell" 1984 "(1948) and others.

The theory of totalitarianism was formed in the 40-50s. in the works of F. Hayek, A. Arend, K. Friedrich and Z. Brzezinski.

Character traits:

1) the presence of one official ideology;

2) admits only one ruling party;

3) the ruling party is declared the leading force of society, its attitudes are considered as sacred dogmas;

4) merging of the party and state apparatus;

5) the demagogic orientation of members of society towards the alleged outstanding achievements of the ruling party;

6) monopoly of the state and the ruling party on information;

7) extreme centrism in government;

8) the center of the totalitarian system is the leader. His actual position is sacralized;

9) the omnipotence of the nomenclature, that is, officials;

10) an increase in discretionary, i.e. powers not provided for by law;

11) a special role in the state belongs to the army, police, security agencies, etc .;

12) terror is widely used against the population;

13) is established full control over all spheres of society. The state seeks to literally "merge" society with itself, to completely state it;

14) the economy is dominated by state ownership, strict state regulation of economic relations by command, ordering methods;

15) formally, political rights and freedoms can be enshrined in the law, but there is no mechanism for their implementation;

16) the private life of citizens is also controlled;

17) police investigation is used, whistle-blowing is encouraged; search for internal and external enemies;

18) militarization of the state; The military-industrial complex and the army are the main pillars of the totalitarian regime.

What social forces support this regime?

· Lumpenized strata of society;

· Social strata infected with egalitarian ideology, social dependency, ideas of “equality in poverty”.

The state under totalitarianism, as it were, takes care of each member of society. On the part of the population, the ideology and practice of social dependency is developing. But the social price for this way of exercising power is increasing over time (wars, drunkenness, destruction of motivation to work, compulsion, terror, demographic and environmental losses).

Fascist regime - one of the extreme forms of totalitarianism. It is characterized by nationalist ideology, ideas about the superiority of some nations over others, extreme aggressiveness.

The goal of the fascist state is declared to be the protection of the national community, the solution of geopolitical and social problems, and the protection of the purity of the race.

Fascism is a misanthropic and aggressive regime.

Character traits:

· Militarization, search for an external enemy, a tendency to unleash wars;

· Merger of the state apparatus with monopolies;

• leaderism;

· Destruction of universal human legal and moral values;

· Simplification of punitive procedures;

· Toughening of sanctions, preventive measures are introduced;

· Denial of equality and political freedoms;

· Extreme intolerance of dissent;

· An open bet on forceful methods of achieving goals.

The manifestations of this regime can be seen in Nazi Germany and Italy in the 1920s and 1930s. XX century., Francoist Spain, Japan 30-40-ies, under President Perron (1943 - 1955) in Argentina, in Greece at the end of 60-ies., In certain periods of government in South Africa, Uganda, Brazil, Chile.

Currently, fascism in its classical form does not exist anywhere. However, bursts of fascist ideology can be seen in many countries.

Fascist regimes arise in certain historical conditions, with social disorders of society, impoverishment of the masses. They are based on certain socio-political movements in which nationalist ideas, populist slogans, and geopolitical interests are being introduced.

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