Project for the development of speech in the middle group. Speech development project "Journey to a fairy tale" in the middle group. List of used literature

PROJECT "Visiting a fairy tale"

Compiled by: Votintseva Lyudmila Iosifovna, teacher of the MDOU "Kindergarten "Ladushki", the highest qualification category.
The project "Visiting a fairy tale" is intended for educators kindergarten for working with preschool children. The aim of the project is to create conditions for the development of cognitive and speech abilities in preschool children using mnemonics. The project is built taking into account the age characteristics of children of middle preschool age. For the development of cognitive and speech abilities, various different types activities: gaming, motor, visual, musical, cognitive research, design.
1. Introduction.
2. Relevance of the project.
3. Content of the project.
4. Stages of project implementation.
5. Entry into the project.
6. Action plan.
7. Work with parents.
8.Expected result.
9. List of references.
Project characteristics
Project type: informational and creative.
By timing: long-term - 9 months
In composition: group
Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators of the group, music director.
Theme origin: In the group appeared mnemonic tables with graphic images of fairy tales and a number of illustrations from books of Russian folk tales. The children became interested in what they mean, how it is displayed in the picture.
Concepts that can be learned during the implementation of the project: theatre, screen, theatrical performance, stage, auditorium, scenery, poster, bibabo theatre, life-size puppets, puppet show.
Motivation: Do you want to turn into heroes of fairy tales and get into them?
Object of study: cognitive-speech development of children of middle preschool age.
Subject of study: the process of memorizing and telling Russian folk tales using mnemonics.
Objective of the project:
To create conditions for the development of cognitive and speech abilities in preschool children using mnemonics.
Project objectives:
-Create conditions for increasing the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them. Exercise in the ability to dramatize small fairy tales.
- Encourage them to get involved in the game image and take on the role.
- Create conditions for the development of skills to memorize and retell small works using mnemonics techniques.
Continue to develop the articulatory apparatus, work on diction, improve the distinct pronunciation of words and phrases, the intonational expressiveness of speech.
- Develop independence skills to overcome shyness, shyness, insecurity in children.
- Continue to work on the formation of interest in Russian folk tales, contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience, discussing literary works.
- To develop productive visual activity of children.
-To form the skills of cooperation, cultivate a sense of friendship and collectivism.
-To educate the culture of speech, enrich and expand the vocabulary of children.
Working with parents:
- Increasing the competence of parents on the cognitive and speech development of children of middle preschool age.
- Active involvement of parents in educational process.
Equipment and materials: Illustrations for fairy tales, different types of theater, mnemotables for fairy tales, attributes for musical and didactic games, musical accompaniment to dramatizations of fairy tales, costume elements for dramatization games based on the plots of fairy tales, materials for productive activities.
Intended product of the project:
Holiday "Visiting the Fairy of Fairy Tales", presentation on the results of the project.
The relevance of the project.
Currently, one of the main directions of the Federal State Educational Standard is to improve the quality preschool education, the use of an effective activity approach in working with children, the use of effective technologies aimed at developing the cognitive and speech activity of preschool children.
The development of cognitive-speech activity of a preschool child develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind, forms stable cognitive interests on their basis. The child, as early as possible, should get a positive social experience in the implementation of their own plans, because. the increasing dynamism of social relations requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances.
The problem of increasing the cognitive-speech activity of preschoolers was widely studied in psychology by Vygotsky, Leontiev, Ananiev, Belyaev, in the pedagogical literature by Shchukina, Morozova and others.
The cognitive and speech development of a child is one of the main factors in the formation of a personality in preschool childhood, which determines the level of social and cognitive achievements of a preschooler - needs and interests, knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as other mental qualities. In preschool pedagogy, mnemonics can become a tool for cognition. Mnemonics helps to develop associative thinking, visual and auditory memory, visual and auditory attention, imagination
The relevance of the use of mnemonics in the development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children is that:
firstly, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to learn, but most preschool children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson, which are easily overcome by increasing interest through the use of mnemonics;
secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and mastering the material, and also forms the skill practical use methods of working with memory;
thirdly, using a graphical analogy, we teach children to highlight the main thing, to systematize, analyze and synthesize the knowledge gained. In the studies of many psychologists (L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), the accessibility of mnemonic techniques to preschool children is noted. It is determined by the fact that it is based on the principle of substitution - a real object can be replaced in the activities of children by another sign, object, image. Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols and signs (first of all, these are various visual models, diagrams, tables, etc.).
For a child, a fairy tale has always been and remains not only the first and most accessible means cognition, but also a way of cognizing social relations, behavior in situations of its Everyday life. The fairy tale satisfies the child's craving for actions, for the unusual, forms and develops fantasy.
When working with children, teachers noticed that children without joy are included in developmental activities. Children have poor memory, attention is reduced, mental processes are not so mobile, they do not show interest in search activities and hardly plan any of its types, they are not ready to complete tasks, they are not distinguished by high efficiency.
It is very important to arouse interest, captivate them, liberate and turn overwork into a favorite and most accessible type of activity - GAME.
Our kindergarten works according to the program “From Birth to School”. ” allows you to develop visually - creative thinking and imagination, curiosity and cognitive-speech activity. The child develops an interest in experimenting, solving various creative problems. But in this program there is no system of using mnemonics for the development of cognitive and speech abilities of preschool children.
Given the relevance and practical significance of the use of mnemonics in the development of cognitive speech activity of preschool children, we have compiled the "Visiting a fairy tale" project for the development of cognitive speech activity of preschool children using mnemonic techniques.
Content of the project.
For the development of cognitive and speech abilities, the project involves a variety of activities: gaming, motor, visual, musical, cognitive research, design. The work takes place throughout the entire educational process of finding a child in kindergarten. During the month, the content may change and be supplemented depending on the game situations.
In the middle group, we took fairy tales as a basis.
Learning to retell literary works I start with familiar fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Ryaba Hen”, while using the method of a joint story.
The scheme of teaching the retelling of a fairy tale:
1. Telling a fairy tale with a simultaneous display of a table theater.
2. Repeated story of the teacher with the children. The teacher starts the phrase, the children continue. For example, Once upon a time there was a grandfather ... (and a woman) They had ... (pockmarked chicken) Children find subject pictures or me-squares with a color image of the heroes of a fairy tale on the table, lay them out in the correct sequence.
3. Showing illustrations, the teacher draws attention to the heroes of the fairy tale and the children learn to describe them appearance, actions. The technique of the artistic word is used: nursery rhymes, songs on the theme of a fairy tale are read.
4. Involving children in playing out a fairy tale
The work on the use of mnemonic tables consists of 3 stages:
Stage 1: Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.
Stage 2: Information is being recoded: symbols into images.
Stage 3: After coding, the fairy tale is re-told with the help of an adult ...
For children of middle preschool age, we give colored mnemonic tables, because children retain separate images in their memory: the chicken is yellow, the mouse is gray, the Christmas tree is green.
Stages of project implementation.
Preparatory stage.
1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
2. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).
3. Selection of visual and didactic material.
4. Organization of the developing environment in the group.
5. Creation of conditions for productive activity.
6. Development of the script for the literary and musical festival "Visiting the Fairy of Fairy Tales"
Main stage.
Implementation of the action plan:
1. Work according to the action plan
2. Create a presentation.
3. Work with parents (active involvement of parents in the implementation of the project, individual and group counseling on the use of mnemonics techniques in working with preschool children).
The final stage.
1. Analysis of the results of the project, conclusions and additions to the project.
2. Plans to expand the project on the use of mnemonics techniques in working with children in the senior group.
Entry into the project.
The subject-developing environment is changing. There are mnemonic tables with a graphic image, illustrations with fairy tales familiar to children, different types of theater, attributes for dramatization of fairy tales.
Children are interested in what is shown on the mnemonic tables.
Conversation with children: What do we know about fairy tales and mnemonic tables?
What do we want to know? How can you portray a story?
What will we do to learn how to portray fairy tales in different ways?
Action plan.
1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen".
2. Display of the table theater "Ryaba Hen".
3. Listening to the audio recording "Ryaba Hen".
4. Modeling of the fairy tale "Rocked Hen".
Visual activity: Drawing "Golden Egg" (finger painting).
Motor activity: Mobile relay race "Who is faster to the chicken", "Transfer the testicle"
Musical activity: Playing the elements of dramatization of a fairy tale to music.
1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

2. Display of the Teremok table theater.
3. Show flat theater "Teremok" on the carpet.

5. Telling children the fairy tale "Teremok" using a mnemonic table.
Productive activity: Drawing "Who lives in the little house?" (foam drawing.
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Who is faster to the tower?".
Musical activity: Staging based on the plot of a fairy tale.
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Turnip".

2. Display of the flat theater "Turnip" on the carpet.
3. N / printed game "Turnip".
4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.
5. Telling children the fairy tale "Turnip" using a mnemonic table.
Productive activity: Modeling "Turnip big and small."
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Pull out the turnip".
Musical activity: Music. "Harvest".
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man".

2. Display of the table theater "Kolobok".
3. Puzzle game "Kolobok".
4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.
5. Telling children the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" using a mnemonic table.
Productive activity: Collective work on drawing "I left my grandmother."
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Cunning Fox".
Musical activity: Musical and theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

2. Display of the table theater "Masha and the Bear".
3. "Guess the riddle" (guessing riddles about the heroes of a fairy tale).
4. Listening to an audio recording of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
5. Modeling of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
Productive activity: Drawing "Masha and the Bear" (stencil drawings) drawing up the plots of a fairy tale.
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Bear and bees".
Musical activity: Viewing and musical theatrical performance based on the plots of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut".

2. Display of the finger theater "Zayushkina hut".
3. N / printed game "Collect the figurine".
4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.
5. Telling children the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" using a mnemonic table.
Productive activity: Drawing "Fox hut" (salty drawing).
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Fox and roosters".
Musical activity: Learning songs about a fox and a hare.
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

2. Display of a finger theater based on the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".
3. Familiarization with small folklore forms: nursery rhymes about animals.
4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.
5. Telling children the tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" using a mnemonic table.
Productive activity: Spray and palm drawing “The cockerel and hens peck at the grains.
Motor activity: Relay "Petushki".
Musical activity: Singing about a cockerel.
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Goats".

2. Display of the table theater "The Wolf and the Goats".
3. N / printed game "Collect the picture."
4. Imitation games "Wolf", "Kids".
5. Telling the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats" using modeling.
Productive activity: Drawing "Confusion for the wolf" (mysterious thread drawings)
Motor activity: Competition of kids with a wolf.
Musical activity: Musical performance based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
Holiday "Visiting the Fairy of Fairy Tales".
Solving riddles from fairy tales.
Didactic game "Our fairy tales".
Let's remember the collage story.
Staging fairy tales by children using a mnemonic table.
Presentation of the results of the project: Show the dramatization of the fairy tales "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", for children junior group.
Working with parents.
September: Information screen "Mnemonics for children of middle preschool age"
October: Seminar-workshop "How to work with mnemotables".
November: Folder-movement with samples of mnemonic tables compiled according to fairy tales.
February: Compilation at home by children together with their parents of a mnemonic table based on fairy tales.
March: Making crafts and drawings with children for the exhibition “Oh, these fairy tales!”.
April: Involving parents in the manufacture of costumes for the presentation of fairy tales "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".
May: Preparation for the holiday "Visiting the Fairy of Fairy Tales".
Expected Result.
In the process of implementing the project "Visiting a fairy tale":
- the interest of children in cognitive activity will increase, children will be willingly included in the educational process;
- the creative activity of children will increase: they will be happy to participate in the dramatization of fairy tales;
-children will increase the circle of knowledge about the world around them;
- there will be a desire to retell fairy tales, invent their own stories;
- children will watch theatrical performances of others with interest and will reproduce them with pleasure in their play activities;
-parents will be actively involved in the educational activities of the group, will be interested in developing technologies for working with children of preschool age.
1. Bolsheva T. V. Learning from a fairy tale, ed. "Childhood - PRESS", 2001.
2. Veraksy N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. Program "From birth to school" - M .: mosaic synthesis, 2014.
3. Preschool Education Teaching Creative Storytelling 2-4/1991.
4. Poddyakova N. N., Sokhin F. A. Mental education of preschool children - 2nd ed., dorab. – M.: Enlightenment, 1998.
5. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology - St. Petersburg, 2000
6. Smolnikova N. G., Smirnova E. A. Methods for identifying the features of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.
7. Tkachenko T. A. Formation and development of coherent speech LLC "Publishing House GNOM and D", 2001.
8. Ushakova O. S., Sokhin F. A. Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten M .: Education, 1993.
9. Fomicheva G. A. Methods of speech development for preschool children. allowance 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, 1984.
10. Chernobay T. A., Rogacheva L. V., Gavrilova E. N. Evaluation of the success of speech and physical development preschoolers: method. Recommendations for kindergarten teachers; Ed. V. L. Malashenkova. - Omsk: OOIPKRO, 2001.

Kichy Irina Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU Zdvinsky d / s "Sun" of a general developmental type
Locality: Zdvinsk village, Zdvinsky district.
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Pedagogical project on speech development "Talkers"
Publication date: 16.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

MKDOU Zdvinsky kindergarten "Sun" of a general developmental type
Pedagogical project on speech development

1.Technological map of the pedagogical project……………………………………………………………. 3 2. Substantiation of the relevance of the problem…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 3. Practical significance……………………………… …………………………………………………………… 5 4. Theoretical significance……………………………………………………………… ……………………....... 5 5. Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… 6 6. Tasks…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………. 6 7. Research hypotheses………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 8. Novelty………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 9. Targets………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. 7 ……………………………....... 8 …. 8 12. Stages of implementation…………………………………………………………………………………………....... 9 13. Technologies ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 14. Forms of work…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 10 15.Methods and techniques…………………………………………………………………………………………....... 11 16. Expected results…………………………………………………………………………………. 13 17. Perspective plan of the long-term group project “Govorushki”………………………………. 14 18. Productivity…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 19. Applications……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17


th map of the pedagogical project

creative title

"Talkers" Project type Information-practice-oriented
4 Age of children Junior preschool age Performers Children of the first junior group, educators, parents Duration Long-term: 10/15/2015 - 05/30/2016 Section of the program Educational program of the MKDOU of the Zdvinsky kindergarten "Sun" of a general developmental type, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, Educational Area "Speech Development ”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”. Thematic field "Speech development". Forming the foundations of mastering culturally speech communication and behaviour. Relevance In the period of preschool childhood, the fundamental principles of speech development are formed. It is necessary to create conditions for the formation of elements of speech development in the child. Purpose To develop the child's speech, to teach clearly and correctly to pronounce sounds, words, to develop memory, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of the articulatory apparatus. Tasks

Possession of speech as a means of communication and culture. Owns active speech included in communication. The development of auditory attention, speech understanding, the development of the articulatory and auditory apparatus, onomatopoeia, the activation of the dictionary. Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions. The development of speech creativity. Education on the basis of oral folk art of a positive attitude to regime moments. Knows the name of surrounding objects and toys. Shows interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales.
5 Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing. Can address questions and requests, understands the speech of adults. Stages of project implementation Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic Stage 2 - forming Stage 3 - summarizing Result Photos; folders for parents; methodical piggy bank for nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics and articulatory gymnastics; didactic games. Presentation of the project Entertainment "Visiting a fairy tale".
The work on the speech development of children occupies one of the central places in a preschool educational institution, this is due to the importance of the period of preschool childhood in the speech development of a child. The importance of the speech development of preschoolers is also confirmed by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, in which the educational area "Speech Development" is highlighted. In accordance with the standard, the speech development of preschool children includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; familiarity with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature. The strategy of modern teaching of the native language lies in its focus not only on the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but on the upbringing and development of the child's personality, his theoretical thinking, linguistic intuition and abilities, on mastering cultural speech communication and behavior. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation by the child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
6 Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education children during the most sensitive period of development. The earlier the teaching of the native language is started, the more freely the child will use it in the future, this is the foundation for the subsequent systematic study native language.

in a group of saturated, transformable, variable, accessible and safe object-spatial environment
(clause 3.3. GEF DO)
to summarize the material on the formation of the foundations of speech development in younger preschoolers -
the quality of the educational process for speech development through the organization of GCD and the joint activities of children, teachers and parents. 
and enrichment of the educational skills of parents to introduce preschoolers to speech education through project activities. 
methodical piggy bank for nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics and articulatory gymnastics. 
in the kindergarten group of conditions for summarizing the material on the formation of the foundations of speech development in preschoolers. 
family and preschool ties.
It consists in the development of content, methods and forms that provide for the phased organization of introducing children to the basics of speech development.

To develop the child's speech, to teach clearly and correctly to pronounce sounds, words, to develop memory, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of the articulatory apparatus.


Targets (clause 4.6. GEF DO)

7 Speech as a means of communication and culture. Owns active speech included in communication. The development of auditory attention, speech understanding, the development of the articulatory and auditory apparatus, onomatopoeia, the activation of the dictionary. Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions. The development of speech creativity. Education on the basis of oral folk art of a positive attitude to regime moments. Knows the name of surrounding objects and toys. Shows interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales. Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing. Can address questions and requests, understands the speech of adults.

I assume that the process of speech education will be more effective if:  To form ideas of speech development through teaching finger games, articulatory gymnastics and nursery rhymes. - Speech education will be based on material that is close, understandable and emotionally significant for the child, taking into account the interaction of teachers and parents.  The activities of children in the formation of speech development should be carried out systematically and systematically.  Develop a system of cooperation between teachers and families.
It consists in the development of new strategic approaches to familiarize the child with speech development in a preschool educational institution.
8 In accordance with the new requirements, the role of parents in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) is increasing both at the level of each preschool educational institution and at the level of the municipal system of preschool education as a whole. The tasks facing the education system today increase the responsibility of parents for the effectiveness of the educational process in each preschool educational institution, since it is the parent community that is directly interested in improving the quality of education and development of their children (FGOS DO Part 1, paragraph 1.6, paragraph 9 ). Joint work on the speech development of children will make it possible to create a single educational space for a preschool educational institution and the family, as well as to ensure the high quality of speech development.


Early Childhood Education Targets: (

clause 4.6. GEF DO)
In accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool education, the following social and moral age characteristics of the child's possible achievements belong to the targets of the educational area "Speech development":  Speaks active speech included in communication.  Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions.  Knows the name of surrounding objects and toys. Shows interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales.  Can address questions and requests, understands the speech of adults.
1. Reader of the first junior group. .- M.: Enlightenment, 2014. 2. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina "Project method in the activities of a preschool institution" 2014. 3. Development and education of young children in a preschool educational institution: Educational and methodological manual / compiled by Demina E. S. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2012 4. Kartushina M. Yu. "Fun for kids." - M .: TC "Sphere", 2012. 5. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 2012.
9 6. A. Barto "Toys" 2013 7. Open events for children of the first and second junior groups. Voronezh, 2014 8. Development of speech of younger preschool age. Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2013 9. D.N. Koldin "Game activities with children 2-3 years old." Shopping center Sphere Moscow 2012. 10. Didactic games and activities with young children / ed. Novosyolova S. L. - M .: Education, 2012 11.E. A. Kosakovskaya "A toy in a child's life." Moscow: Enlightenment, 2012 12. Musical - didactic games for preschoolers. –M.: Enlightenment, 2011. 13. Kryazheva N. L. "Development of the emotional world of children." - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2011. 14. Raising children in the game. / ed. Mendzheritskoy D. V. - M .: Education, 2013 15.A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2011.

The principle of child-centrism
in the center of speech activity is the pupil, who shows his activity. He has wonderful opportunities to realize himself, to feel success, to demonstrate his capabilities.
The principle of cooperation
in the process of working on the project, there is a wide interaction of pupils with the teacher, with parents and among themselves).
The principle of relying on the subjective experience of pupils
everyone, working on a task, has good opportunities to apply their own experience and knowledge that they already have.
The principle of taking into account the individuality of pupils
: their interests, pace of work, level of training.
The principle of connecting research with real life
there is a combination of knowledge and practical actions
The Hard Goal Principle
an easily achievable result is not a mobilizing factor for many pupils.

Stage 1 -
organizational - diagnostic
Monitoring, diagnostic studies and determination of prospects. Establishment of partnerships between teachers, parents, children, creation of a single socio-cultural space. Drawing up a long-term plan of events, preparation for the events. Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with children and parents, selection of equipment and materials.
Stage 2 -
searching for answers to the questions posed in various ways, directly implementing the project itself, within the framework of which work was carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents. Classes were held with the children under the project, joint and independent activities of children were organized to familiarize them with the basics of speech education.
Stage 3-
Questioning of parents and diagnostics of the level of formation of children's speech knowledge. Analysis and summarizing the work. The third stage includes the presentation of the project.

Personally-oriented training and education.
Student-centered learning proceeds from the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the pupil himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition.
Developmental learning.
Lets grow in a child Creative skills and the need for creativity, orients the child to self-determination and self-actualization, supports personal development child.
individual training.
Children work at their own pace. In addition, this technology allows you to most effectively develop skills independent work at preschoolers.
Information and communication.
In the classroom, in joint activities, multimedia presentations, musical accompaniment are often used, video screenings are organized.
Development of creativity.

11 Helps to form and develop in pupils the ability to improvise, to apply the acquired skills in new conditions, to look for non-standard solutions.
As a result of the development of play activities in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially valued learning activities is formed. Children learn life and family values ​​- playing.
Problematic search engine
. It involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of the educator and the active independent activity of children to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.
One of the modern interactive learning technologies. Forms in preschoolers the skills of planning joint activities, designing. Promotes self-organization, teaches to make choices and make decisions. Learning together is not only easier, but also more interesting.

with kids:
Conversations; classes; viewing albums, paintings, illustrations; exhibitions of children's works on the project "Govorushki" in the preschool educational institution; didactic and role-playing games according to the project: memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings; creative speech activity; matinees, entertainment; contests; speech activity; writing stories and fairy tales; video views.
with parents:
visual propaganda; conversations and consultations; questioning; open days; contests.
Methods and techniques for the development of speech
The methodology uses methods developed in didactics. The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, which ensures the formation of speech skills and abilities.

method groups
visual, verbal and practical. (Visual methods are accompanied by a word, and visual methods are used in verbal methods. Practical methods are also associated with the word and visual material).

(They apply both direct and indirect methods. The direct method includes the method of observation and its varieties: excursions, inspections of the premises, examination of natural objects).
Indirect Methods
based on visual representations. (examination of toys, paintings, photographs, description of paintings and toys, storytelling from toys and pictures. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of the word, and teach coherent speech).
verbal methods
- this is reading and storytelling of works of art, memorization, retelling, generalizing conversation, storytelling without relying on visual material. (All verbal methods use visual techniques: showing objects, toys, pictures, looking at illustrations, since the age characteristics of young children and the nature of the word itself require visualization).
Practical Methods
aimed at the application of speech skills and abilities and their improvement. (Practical methods include various didactic games, dramatization games, dramatizations, didactic exercises, plastic sketches, round dance games. They are used to solve all speech problems).

(based on the reproduction of speech material, ready-made samples). They are used mainly in vocabulary work, in the work of educating the sound culture of speech, less in the formation of grammatical skills and coherent speech. The methods of observation and its varieties, viewing pictures, reading fiction, retelling, learning by heart, dramatization games according to the content of literary works, many didactic games, i.e. all those methods in which children learn words and the laws of their combination, phraseological turns, some grammatical phenomena, for example, the management of many words, master sound pronunciation by imitation, retell close to the text, copy the teacher's story).

(they suggest the construction by children of their own coherent statements, when the child does not simply reproduce the language units known to him, but chooses and combines them each time in a new way, adapting to the situation of communication. This is the creative nature of speech activity). Depending on the task of developing speech, there are
methods of vocabulary work, methods of education of sound

culture of speech, etc.







main groups:
verbal, visual and playful.
Verbal tricks:
these include a speech pattern, repeated pronunciation, explanation, instructions, assessment of children's speech, a question. A speech pattern is a correct, pre-thought-out speech activity of a teacher, designed to be imitated by children and their orientation. The sample must be accessible in content and form. It is pronounced clearly, loudly and slowly. . Repeated pronunciation - deliberate, repeated repetition of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) in order to memorize it. In practice, different repetition options are used: for the teacher, for other children, joint repetition of the teacher and children, choral. Explanation - disclosure of the essence of certain phenomena or modes of action. (It is widely used to reveal the meanings of words, to explain the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process of observing and examining objects). Instructions - explaining to children the course of action to achieve a certain result. (They allocate teaching, organizational and disciplinary instructions). Evaluation of children's speech is a motivated judgment about the child's speech statement, characterizing the quality of the performance of speech activity. Evaluation should be not only ascertaining, but also educational. Evaluation has a great emotional impact on children. A question is a verbal appeal that requires an answer. Questions are divided into main and auxiliary. (The main ones can be ascertaining (reproductive) - "who? what? what? what? where? how? where?" and search, requiring the establishment of connections and relationships between phenomena - "why? why? how are they similar?". Auxiliary questions are leading and hints).
Visual tricks
- showing illustrative material, showing the position of the organs of articulation when teaching the correct sound pronunciation.
Game tricks -
may be verbal or visual. (They arouse the child's interest in activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive emotional background for the learning process and thereby increase the speech activity of children and the effectiveness of classes).

The expected results correspond to the targets of preschool education (clause 4.6. GEF

For kids:
Creation of favorable conditions for revealing the personality of the child, his individuality, speech potential through introducing children to nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics and articulation gymnastics
2. Development of speech, facial expressions, gestures. 3. Development of initiative, activity, independence. For educators: 1. Increasing professionalism. 2. Introduction of new methods in work with children and parents. 3. Personal professional growth. 4. Self-realization. For parents: 1. Increasing the level of personal consciousness. 2. Strengthening the relationship between children and parents. 3. Self-realization.
Perspective plan of the long-term group project "Young Actors"

In the second junior group 09/15/2013-05/31/2014




i activity

with kids

Joint activities of teachers and



parents with



information for



Questioning of parents and diagnostics of children





"Introduction to


Reading nursery rhymes: "Ladybug". Pal. Gim.: "Friendly fingers." Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok". Art.gym.: "Chain". Fairy tale conversation. Fizmin .: "The sparrows flew into the garden." Creation of a speech corner. Parent meeting "Development of speech education in children."


NGO "Speech Development" "Cognitive Development"

Invitation of children to the "Autumn Forest". Pal. Gim.: "Leaves in the garden." The game is a warm-up for the voice of "Birds". A conversation about what they saw in the "Autumn Forest". Physmin.: "Ladybug". Reading nursery rhymes: "Our ducks in the morning." Round dance: "Like our name days." Making "Table theater by the hands of parents." Advice for parents "Playing with children for a walk in the fall"


NGO "Speech Development" "Cognitive Development"
"That's how I

I can"
Winter talk. Warm-up game "Chill". Art. Gim.: "How the wind howls." Rhyme "Like a little white snow fell on thin ice." Pal.hym.: "We are snowflakes." Puppet theater: "Bunny and Matryoshka". Physmin.: "Sunshine". Round dance: "Matryoshka". Exhibition of crafts "Zimushka winter". Consultation for parents "Exercises for the development of imagination and attention"
new year adventure
"Cognitive development" Conversation about the New Year's holiday. Respiratory gym.: "Blow off snowflakes." Journey to visit the Snow Maiden. Making Christmas costumes. Visual information "Music in
16th "Speech development"

fairy tales"
The game "Squirrel dance". Gifts from the Snow Maiden. Rhyme "You are frost, frost, frost." Round dance: "The bunny walked." fairy tale."


fairy tales
NGO "Cognitive Development" "Speech Development"
"The Tale of

Conversation on the topic: "Finger Theatre". Art. Gim.: "Cup". Conversation on the fairy tale "Teremok". Dolls and scenery for the fairy tale "Teremok" Game: "Warm-up - guests have come to us." Puppet theater: "Chicken and duckling". Physmin.: "Roosters - hens." Making "Finger theater by the hands of parents." Consultation for parents "Child and finger theater"
Doll Katya has a birthday NGO "Social and communicative development"

On a visit to the doll Katya. Pal. Gim.: "The hostess and guests." Reading nursery rhymes: "Chicken - ryabushka." Art. Gim.: "Delicious jam." Dance - the game "Flower Waltz". Physmin.: "Clumsy bear." Shared tea. Advice for parents: "Why play."

Jokes and

nursery rhymes
NGO "Speech Development"

We learn to speak clearly. Physmin.: "My pens are gone." Pal.hym.: “Fox cubs walked along the path”, Song - the game “Ladushki”. Dramatization of the Russian folk joke "A fox walked through the forest." Round dance: "Top - top - boot." Puppet theater: "Three Bears". Making Russian folk costumes. Advice for parents: "What fairy tales we read to children."


fairy tale
NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Journey to the Fairy Tale “Masha and the Bear”. Pal. Gym.: "Baranki" "Call of Spring", Round dance games. Exhibition of drawings "Recall Visual information - exhibition
17 development "" Speech development "

fairy tales"
Reading poems about spring is work on expressiveness. Art. Gim.: Steamboat. Reading nursery rhymes: “Ay, swing - swing - swing!”
Table theater: "Teremok".
fairy tale" of fiction: "Visiting a fairy tale"

The work contributed to:

(Compliance with GEF DO)
 The implementation of the project provided optimal conditions for children to study the basics of speech culture, and interest in speech activity increased. (Targets for preschool education, which are social and normative age characteristics of the possible achievements of a child in preschool education.: Clause 4.6. GEF DO) - Self-realization of parents as subjects of educational activities, the possibility of constructive cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils, the creation of a favorable microclimate in children's parent team.  Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents.  Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in the field of speech education  Development of the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities. (The conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age include: interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family on the basis of identifying needs and support for educational initiatives of the family.: Clause 3.2.5. GEF DO)
Methodical piggy bank

19 development of articulatory motor skills development of fine motor skills speech culture skills 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 30 20 24 30 52 43 40 28 33
The level of assimilation of the program

start of the project
low average high development of articulatory motor skills development of fine motor skills speech culture skills 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 3 10 25 25 22 75 72 68
The level of assimilation of the program

end of the project
low medium high

table theater


Finger theater

Exhibition "Zimushka winter"


Christmas costumes

for children of middle preschool age

The relevance of the project.

It's not a secret for anyone that nowadays the following problems in speech are more and more often observed in children: poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, impaired pronunciation, attention, imperfect logical thinking. V preschool age visual-figurative memory prevails, and memorization is mainly involuntary: children better remember events, objects, facts, phenomena that are close to their life experience. When teaching children, it is quite reasonable to use creative methods, the effectiveness of which is obvious, along with the generally accepted ones.

Considering that nowadays children are overloaded with information (computer, television), and live human communication is not enough - the development of speech is inhibited. Hence, children are increasingly experiencing speech disorders, which drastically limit their communication with other people.

The most important condition for the comprehensive development of children is good speech. The richer and more correct the child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

How to form a child's speech, fill it with a palette of words, beautiful phrases, harmonious phrases?

In his pedagogical activity we use such methods to make the learning process interesting, entertaining, and developing for them. To do this, we decided to use non-traditional, and most importantly effective methods of working with children, such as the method of mnemonics.

Mnemonics techniques facilitate memorization in children and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.

The relevance of using mnemonics in the development of speech activity of preschool children is that:

firstly, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to learn, but most preschool children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson, which are easily overcome by increasing interest through the use of mnemonics;

secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of the material, and also forms the skill of practical use of memory techniques;

thirdly, using a graphical analogy, we teach children to highlight the main thing, to systematize, analyze and synthesize the knowledge gained. In the studies of many psychologists (L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), the accessibility of mnemonic techniques to preschool children is noted. It is determined by the fact that it is based on the principle of substitution - a real object can be replaced in the activities of children by another sign, object, image. Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols and signs (first of all, these are various visual models, diagrams, tables, etc.).

For a child, a fairy tale has always been and remains not only the first and most accessible means of cognition, but also a way of cognizing social relations, behavior in situations of his daily life. The fairy tale satisfies the child's craving for unusual actions, forms and develops fantasy.

When working with children, teachers noticed that children without joy are included in developmental activities. Children have poor memory, attention is reduced, mental processes are not so mobile, they do not show interest in search activities and hardly plan any of its types, they are not ready to complete tasks, they are not distinguished by high efficiency.

It is very important to arouse interest, captivate them, liberate and turn overwork into a favorite and most accessible type of activity - GAME.

Takingperthe basis of the opinion of great teachers,we decideduseovatein the work on teaching children coherent speech techniques of mnemonics.

Mnemonics in preschool pedagogy is called by - in different ways: VC.Vorobieva calls this technique sensor-graphic schemes, T.A.Tkachenkosubject- schematic models, V.P. Glukhov - blocks-squares, T.V. Bigakova - collage, L.N. Efimenkov - a scheme for compiling a story.Mnemonics - translated from Greek - "the art of memorization." This is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful development of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, the effective memorization of a story, the preservation and reproduction of information, and, of course, the development of speech. A mnemonic scheme (mnemonic square, mnemonic track, mnemonic table) is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is invented; thus, all text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams, drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

Mnemonics includes: mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables. The content of the mnemonic table is a graphic or partially graphic representation of objects, signs and natural phenomena, characters of a fairy tale, some actions by highlighting the main semantic links. The main thing is to convey a conditionally visual diagram, depict it in such a way that the drawing is understandable to children.

Our kindergarten operates under the program "From Birth to School". (Under the editorship of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: mosaic synthesis, 2014) The program "From birth to school" allows you to develop visual - figurative thinking and imagination, curiosity and speech activity. The child develops an interest in experimenting, solving various creative problems. But in this program there is no system for using mnemonics to develop the speech abilities of preschool children.

Given the relevance and practical significance of the use of mnemonics in the development of preschool children, we have compiled a project "Visiting a Fairy Tale" to develop coherent speech of children of middle preschool age, through telling Russian folk tales using mnemonics techniques.

Objective of the project:

The development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age, through the telling of Russian folk tales using the techniques of mnemonics.

Project objectives:

To create conditions for the development of skills to memorize and tell Russian folk tales using mnemonics.

To create conditions for the development of speech abilities in preschool children using mnemonics.

Develop coherent and dialogic speech.

To develop in children the ability to understand and tell familiar tales with the help of graphic analogy, as well as with the help of substitutes. (according to the mnemonic table and collage).

To develop mental activity in children, the ability to compare, highlight significant features;

To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, memory.

Continue to develop the articulatory apparatus, work on diction, improve the distinct pronunciation of words and phrases, the intonational expressiveness of speech.

Exercise in the ability to dramatize small fairy tales.

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of fairy tales;

Cultivate a culture of speech.

Enrich and expand the vocabulary of children, improve dialogic speech through various dramatization games, dramatizations;

Develop self-reliance skills to overcome shyness, shyness, insecurity in children.

Encourage them to join the game image and take on the role.

Continue work on the formation of interest in Russian folk tales, contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by discussing literary works.

To develop productive visual activity of children.

To form the skills of cooperation, cultivate a sense of friendship and collectivism.

To develop the communicative, creative abilities of children;

Working with parents:

Involve parents in joint activities, show the value and significance of joint creativity of children, teachers and parents

To increase the competence of parents on the development of coherent speech of children of middle preschool age.

Active involvement of parents in the educational process.

To increase the competence of parents in the use of mnemonics in the development of cognitive-speech activity of middle-aged children.

Intended product of the project:

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" based on a Russian folk tale in front of young children, presentation of work experience at the pedagogical council based on the results of the project.
Project characteristics
Project type:
informational and creative.
By timing: long-term - 9 months.
In composition: group
Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils (official representatives), educators of the group, music director.

Educational areas: speech development, cognitive development artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.
Concepts that can be learned during the implementation of the project: theatre, screen, theatrical performance, stage, auditorium, scenery, poster, bibabo theatre, puppet show.
Motivation: Do you want to turn into heroes of fairy tales and get into them?
Object of study: connected speech of children of middle preschool age.
Subject of study: the process of memorizing and telling Russian folk tales using mnemonics.
Equipment and materials: Illustrations for fairy tales, different types of theater, mnemotables for fairy tales, attributes for musical and didactic games, musical accompaniment to dramatizations of fairy tales, costume elements for dramatization games based on the plots of fairy tales, materials for productive activities.

Content of the project.
For the development of coherent speech of children, a variety of activities are involved in the project: gaming, motor, visual, musical, cognitive research, design. The work takes place throughout the entire educational process of finding a child in kindergarten. During the month, the content may change and be supplemented depending on the game situations.
In the middle group, we took Russian folk tales as a basis.
We start teaching the storytelling of literary works with familiar fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, while using the method of a joint story.

The scheme of teaching the retelling of a fairy tale:
1. Telling a fairy tale with a simultaneous display of a table theater.
2. Repeated story of the teacher with the children. The teacher starts the phrase, the children continue. For example, Once upon a time there was a grandfather ... (and a woman) They had ... (pockmarked chicken) Children find object pictures or mnemonic squares with a color image of the heroes of a fairy tale on the table, lay them out in the correct sequence.
3. Showing illustrations, the teacher draws attention to the heroes of the fairy tale and the children learn to describe their appearance, actions. The technique of the artistic word is used: nursery rhymes, songs on the theme of a fairy tale are read.
4. Involving children in playing out a fairy tale
The work on the use of mnemonic tables consists of 3 stages:
Stage 1: Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.
Stage 2: Information is being recoded: symbols into images.
Stage 3: After coding, the fairy tale is recounted with the help of an adult ...
For children of middle preschool age, we suggest using color mnemonic tables, because. children retain separate images in their memory: the chicken is yellow, the mouse is gray, the Christmas tree is green.
Stages of project implementation. Preparatory stage.
1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
2. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).
3. Selection of visual and didactic material.
4. Organization of the developing environment in the group.
5. Creation of conditions for productive activity.
6. Development of the script for the literary and musical festival "Visiting the Fairy of Fairy Tales"
Main stage.
Implementation of the action plan:
1. Work according to the action plan
2. Create a presentation.
3. Work with parents (active involvement of parents in the implementation of the project, individual and group counseling on the use of mnemonics techniques in working with preschool children).
The final stage.
1. Analysis of the results of the project, conclusions and additions to the project.
2. Plans to expand the project on the use of mnemonics techniques in working with children in the senior group.

Expected Result.
In the process of implementing the project "Visiting a fairy tale":
- children's interest in cognitive activity will increase, children will be willingly included in the educational process;

The vocabulary of children will be enriched and expanded, dialogic speech is being improved through various dramatization games, dramatizations;
- the creative activity of children will increase: they will be happy to participate in the dramatization of fairy tales;
- there will be a desire to retell fairy tales, invent their own stories;
- children will watch theatrical performances with interest and will play them with pleasure in their play activities;
- parents will be actively involved in the educational activities of the group, will be interested in developing technologies for working with children of preschool age.
Entry into the project.
The subject-developing environment is changing. There are mnemonic tables with a graphic image, illustrations with fairy tales familiar to children, different types of theater, attributes for dramatization of fairy tales.
Children are interested in what is shown on the mnemonic tables.
Conversation with children: What do we know about fairy tales and mnemonic tables?
What do we want to know? How can you portray a story?
What will we do to learn differently depict fairy tales?

Action plan. September.
1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", using a panorama.

2. Screening of the table theater "Kurochka Ryaba" (different types of theaters)
3. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Kurochka Ryaba".
4. Modeling of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

5. Telling the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" using a finger game.

6. Watching the cartoon "Ryaba Hen" on a laptop.

7. Telling children the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" using a mnemonic table.

Visual activity: applique with elements of drawing "Ryaba's chicken nest".

Motor activity: mobile relay race "Who is faster to the chicken", "Transfer the testicle"
Musical activity: playing the elements of dramatization of a fairy tale to music.

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using a panorama.

2. Showing the finger theater "Teremok" ..
3. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.

4. Telling the fairy tale "Teremok" with the help of fingers.

5. Modeling of the fairy tale "Teremok".

6. Watching the cartoon "Teremok" on a laptop.

7. Puzzle game "Teremok".

8. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Teremok".

9. Telling children the fairy tale "Teremok" using a mnemonic table.

Productive activity: drawing “Who lives in the little house?”
Motor activity: outdoor game "Who is faster to the tower?".

Musical activity: dramatization based on the plot of a fairy tale.

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Turnip" using a panorama.

2. Demonstration of the flat theater "Turnip" on the flannelograph.
3. N / printed game "Turnip".

5. Telling the tale "Turnip" with the help of fingers.

6. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Turnip".

7. Puzzle game "Turnip".

8. Modeling of the fairy tale "Turnip".

9. Watching the cartoon "Turnip" on a laptop.

10. Telling children the fairy tale "Turnip" using a mnemonic table.

Productive activity: Modeling "Turnip big and small."
Motor activity: Outdoor game "Pull out the turnip".
Musical activity: music. did. Harvest game.

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" using a panorama.

2. Showing the table theater "Kolobok" (bee-ba-bo)
3. Puzzle game "Kolobok".

5. Modeling of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

6. Telling the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with the help of fingers.

7. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Kolobok".

8. Watching the cartoon "Gingerbread Man" on a laptop.

9. Telling children the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" using a mnemonic table.

Productive activity: application-collage "Journey of the Kolobok" (teamwork).
Motor activity: outdoor game "Cunning Fox".
Musical activity: musical and theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

2. Display of the table theater "Masha and the Bear".
3. "Guess the riddle" (guessing riddles about the heroes of a fairy tale).
4. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Masha and the Bear".
5. Modeling of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

6. Telling the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" with the help of fingers
7. Watching the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" on a laptop.

8. Telling children the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" using a mnemonic table.

Productive activity: drawing "Masha and the Bear" (stencil drawings), drawing up the plots of a fairy tale.
Motor activity: outdoor game "Bear and bees", "At the bear in the forest"

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut".

2. Demonstration of the flat theater "Zayushkina hut" on the flannelograph.

3. Board - printed game "Tell a story."

4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.

5. Modeling of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

6. Telling the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" with the help of fingers.

7. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "Zayushkina's hut."

8. Watching the cartoon "Zayushkina hut" on a laptop.

9. Telling children the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" using a mnemonic table.

Productive activity: drawing "Fox hut" (NTR salty drawing).
Motor activity: outdoor game "Fox and roosters".

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

2. Display of a finger theater based on the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".
3. Familiarization with small folklore forms: nursery rhymes about animals.
4. Let's remember the fairy tale from the collage.
5. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”.

6. Modeling of the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

7. Telling the tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" with the help of fingers.

8. Watching the cartoon "Cockerel and the Beanstalk" on a laptop

9. Telling children the tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" using a mnemonic table

Productive activity: drawing use non-traditional technique(with a spray and palm) “The cockerel and hens are pecking at the grains.
Motor activity: relay race "Petushki".
Musical activity: singing about the cockerel.

1. Telling the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Goats" using a panorama.

2. Staging the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats".
3. N / printed game "Tell a story."
4. Imitation games "Wolf", "Kids".
5. Telling the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats" using modeling.

7. Telling the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats" with the help of fingers.

8. Listening to a fairy tale in the audio recording "The Wolf and the Goats".

9. Watching the cartoon "The Wolf and the Goats".

10. Telling children the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats" using a mnemonic table

Productive activity: drawing "Confusion for the wolf" (mysterious thread drawings)
Motor activity: competition of kids with a wolf.
Musical activity: musical performance based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Solving riddles from fairy tales.
Didactic game "Our fairy tales".
Let's remember the collage story.
Staging fairy tales by children using a mnemonic table.
Presentation of the results of the project: to show the dramatization of the fairy tales "Zayushkina hut" to the children of the younger group.
Working with parents. September: Pedagogical education of parents "The use of mnemonics for children of middle preschool age"
October: Seminar - workshop "How to work with mnemotables".
November: Folder - shifting with samples of mnemonic tables compiled according to fairy tales.
February: Drawing up a mnemonic table for fairy tales at home by children together with their parents.
March: Exhibition of favorite children's books with Russian folk tales.
April: Involving parents in the manufacture of costumes for the presentation of fairy tales "Zayushkina hut" Exhibition of favorite children's books with Russian folk tales
May: "Heroes in Russian folk tales" Exhibition of joint drawings of parents and children.

1. Bolsheva T. V. Learning from a fairy tale, ed. "Childhood - PRESS", 2001.
2. Veraksy N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. Program "From birth to school" - M .: mosaic synthesis, 2014.
3. Preschool Education Teaching Creative Storytelling 2-4/1991.
4. Poddyakova N. N., Sokhin F. A. Mental education of preschool children - 2nd ed., dorab. – M.: Enlightenment, 1998.
5. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology - St. Petersburg, 2000
6. Smolnikova N. G., Smirnova E. A. Methods for identifying the features of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.
7. Tkachenko T. A. Formation and development of coherent speech LLC "Publishing House GNOM and D", 2001.
8. Ushakova O. S., Sokhin F. A. Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten M .: Education, 1993.
9. Fomicheva G. A. Methods of speech development for preschool children. allowance 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, 1984.
10. Ushakova O. S. Introduction to fiction

Project type: educational, creative, group.

Project participants: children of the middle group, educator.

Project duration: half a year.

Objective of the project: development of coherent speech of children of middle preschool age based on the use of compiling descriptive stories.

Project objectives:

Analyze scientific literature;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Vocabulary expansion.

The development of connected speech.

Project results:

1. Creation of a card file of games for the development of children's vocabulary.

2. Consultation for parents "Speech games at home".

3. Consultation for parents “We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises.

4. Creation of the "Wonder Tree" together with the parents.

5. Creation of the album "Beautiful words".

Project relevance:

The timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for the normal development and further successful education at school. Preschool children listen to poems with pleasure, sing songs, guess riddles, look at illustrations for books, admire genuine works of art and very often ask questions: how, why, and can I? And that is why the task of speech development of children and the development of their communicative abilities is so relevant today. By the beginning of preschool age, children begin to transition from dialogical speech to various forms of monologue. This is a very long and laborious process that requires special speech education.

Working on a project, children gain knowledge, expand their horizons, replenish their passive and active dictionaries learn to communicate with adults and peers.

Monologue speech is an organized and expanded type of speech that is more arbitrary, the speaker must consider the content of the statement and choose the appropriate language form (description, narration, reasoning).

The problem of the development of coherent speech was dealt with by many domestic teachers, psychologists, linguists (L. S. Vygodsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. B. Elkonin, A. A. Leontiev, L. V., V. V. Vinogradsky, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I., O. I. Solovieva, etc.). However, this problem is still very acute and has not been fully studied.

To teach monologue speech to preschool children, the following types of classes are usually used:

storytelling in a picture;

Retelling of literary works;

Compilation of descriptive stories about toys;

Writing narrative stories (creative storytelling);

Compilation of stories from personal experience;

Storytelling based on a series of plot pictures;

Compilation of stories according to mnemonic tables, picture and graphic plan.

Research recent years(O. S. Ushakova, A. A. Zrozhevskaya) in the formation of coherent speech on the material of the toy, they proceeded from the fact that children should be taught not the types of storytelling, but the ability to build a monologue-description


As a result of work, children's vocabulary will increase, speech will be enriched, and the expressiveness of monologue speech will improve.

If the work plan for the project is implemented, then it is possible to develop cognitive activity in children, form an adequate self-esteem, increase their communication capabilities, develop activity, initiative, and independence.

Estimated result: With systematic work on this project, the vocabulary of children will increase significantly, speech will become the subject of children's activity, children will begin to accompany their activities with speech.

Project Methods: Visual, verbal, practical, game.

Implementation stages:

I. Design stage :

Putting forward a hypothesis;

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;

The purpose of this stage: increasing competence on the topic: "Development of coherent monologue speech by means of a descriptive story in children of middle preschool age."

Systematization of the material (summaries, memos, recommendations).

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

II. Creative and productive stage (practical).

The purpose of this stage: the search for effective forms of work with children.

Material selection;

Analysis of methods and techniques (open classes, didactic games and exercises, problem situations, etc.);

Planning, distribution of material;

Working with parents (consultation).

Speech at the teachers' council with the report "Modern forms and methods for the development of speech in kindergarten"

2.1 Mastering coherent monologue speech depends on many conditions:

speech environment;

social environment;

Family well-being;

Individual personality traits;

Cognitive activity of the child, etc.

This type of statement, as a description, is given special attention in the middle group, since it is at this age that the foundations are laid for developing the ability to independently describe toys. This is facilitated by a properly organized course of examining toys and thoughtful posing of questions, special exercises. Therefore, the teacher asks questions in a certain order, teaches children to think in what sequence they will describe the toy and leads to a clear structure when compiling a description:

1. Name of the object (what is it? who is it? what is it called). 2. Disclosure of micro-themes: signs, properties, qualities, characteristics of an object, its actions (what? What? what? what? what does it have? how is it different from other objects? what can it do? what can be done with it). 3. Attitude towards the subject or its assessment (did you like it? Why?).

The following types of toys are used to teach monologue speech:

Didactic (nesting dolls, turrets, pyramids, barrels);

Subject (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport;

Ready-made sets of toys, united by one content: a herd, a zoo, a poultry yard;

Sets compiled by a teacher or children - a boy, a girl, a sleigh, a dog; girl, house, chicken, cat, hare and dog, etc.

Making riddles.

Teach children to focus on the signs and actions of objects. For example, round, rubber, jumping (ball); red, cunning, lives in the forest (fox), etc.

Methods and techniques for mastering the coherent speech of preschoolers.

The choice of methods and techniques for each specific lesson is determined by its tasks. I consider the use of visual (observation, examination, display and description of objects, phenomena) and practical (dramatization games, tabletop dramatizations, didactic games, games-classes) methods to be the most effective. I use verbal methods in working with children of middle preschool age less often, because the age characteristics of children require reliance on visualization, therefore, in all verbal methods, I use either visual techniques (short-term display, examination of an object, toys, or demonstration of a visual object in order to defuse children ( the appearance of a clue-subject, etc.).Among the verbal methods, there are mainly those associated with the artistic word, although in some classes they use the method of the teacher's story and the method of conversation.

Each method represents a set of techniques that serve to solve didactic problems. In working with children, in order to achieve certain goals, in each specific lesson, I widely use a variety of speech development techniques:

Speech sample (I use it as a precursor to the speech activity of children, I accompany it with such techniques as explanation and indication;

Repetition (I practice repetition of the material by the educator, individual repetition by the child, or joint repetition);

Explanation, indication (I use it when clarifying the structure of descriptive stories);

Verbal exercise (preceding the compilation of descriptive stories);

Question (I use in the process of reviewing and in a consistent presentation of the description; I use reproductive, search, direct, suggestive, suggestive).

2.2. Planning for work with children.

Planning work with children to develop coherent speech is based on general didactic principles:

Educational character of education.

Any lesson on the development of speech is based on the trinity: education, development, training. The educational aspect of the development of speech is very wide.

Material availability.

All material offered to children should be accessible to their age and contain feasible difficulty.

Systematic training.

September: looking at toys. To form the ability to consider toys, to teach children to highlight the signs, qualities and properties of a toy. Develop concentration of attention, fix the rules for handling toys.

October:Open lesson on the development of speech "Journey to a fairy tale." Target: develop the ability to retell piece of art using the simulation method.



to teach children to answer with a full sentence, to activate the dictionary, to teach the ability to correlate iconic symbols with images, to name the distinguishing features of wild animals.


to develop coherent speech of children, the ability to reason, imagination, thinking, logic, memory.


to cultivate love for Russian folk tales, a good attitude towards books.

November: Working with the Miracle Tree. Performing various tasks on the formation of coherent monologue speech, compiling and solving riddles, learning nursery rhymes, jokes.

Working with didactic games:

Games with objects

Object games use toys and real objects. With their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality.

Games with natural material (plant seeds, leaves, flowers, pebbles, shells, beans) are used in games such as “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who is more likely to lay out a pattern of leaves?”, “Who is more likely to make a pattern of beans?”, etc.

Board games

Board-printed games are diverse in types:

subject pictures, paired pictures, loto, dominoes.

During these games, memory develops

December compiling stories, using mnemonic tables, picture-graphic plans, and other modern forms and methods for the formation of coherent speech.

Formation of the ability to consider objects, highlighting their features, properties, qualities and actions. To form the ability to compose a descriptive story together with the teacher. Exercise in the use of prepositions, their agreement with the noun. Develop memory, auditory attention, speech.

January. Open lesson on the development of speech."In the world of professions".


1) consolidate children's knowledge about professions (doctor, driver, seller, educator, postman, etc.), about tools; to form the ability to compose a coherent story using a diagram; learn the poem "My Bear" using a mnemonic table.

2) Develop speech, observation, ingenuity, the ability to correlate a picture with a symbol.

3) Raise interest in various professions.

preliminary work:

A conversation about professions with an examination of the poster "Professions",

The game "Who needs what",

Word game "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show"

Working with mimic tables

Consideration of the "Professions" scheme, c / r games "Drivers", "Shop". Continue to teach children to build their statement according to a certain plan. Develop memory, attention. Cultivate the ability to listen to each other, not to interrupt.

2.3. Interaction with the family on the issues of speech development of children.

One of the conditions for the normal development of the child and his further successful education at school is the full formation of speech in preschool age. The interaction of the kindergarten and the family on the full-fledged speech development of the child is another necessary condition.

Game breathing exercises aimed at the development of speech breathing;

Finger games and exercises;

Games aimed at enriching the vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech;

Didactic games for the development of a coherent statement.

Consultations were held on the development of speech breathing and fine motor skills of the hands.

One of the main tasks of speech formation is the development of speech breathing, for this I recommend parents to include game breathing exercises: “Hit the gate”, “Snowflakes”, “Leaf fall”, “Whose leaf will fly away further?” etc. To improve speech breathing, I suggest parents together with the children, pronounce small “pure words”, riddles, proverbs, short counting rhymes on one exhale.

III. The final stage.

The period of reflection on one's own results. Diagnosis of children. Project presentation.

Work efficiency.

The examination of coherent speech was carried out according to the methodology developed in the laboratory for the development of speech and speech communication of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education and correlated with the implementation of the program for the development of speech.

Identification of the ability to describe an object (a toy, write a description) was carried out according to the following criteria:

1. Describe the doll. Tell me what she is, what can be done with her, how they play with her.

1) The child independently describes the toy;

2) talks about the questions of the teacher;

3) names individual words without linking them into a sentence.

2. Make a description of the ball: what is it, what is it for, what can be done with it?

1) The child describes the ball;

2) lists the signs;

3) names individual words.

3. Describe the dog, what it is, or think up a story about it.

1) The child makes a description (story);

2) lists qualities and actions;

3) names 2 words.

The responses were evaluated in the following way. For each match of answers under No. 1, the child receives three points; if the answers correspond to No. 2, then the child receives two points; if the answers fit under number 3 - one point. Thus, the levels of speech development were revealed:

9 or more points - high level;

6-8 points - average level;

3-5 points - below average level;

less than 3 points - low level.

The survey involved a group of children in the amount of 32 people.

The results of the survey revealed the following:

No children were identified with a high level of speech development (0%);

No children were identified with an average level of speech development (0%);

21 children have a level below the average, which corresponds to 66%;

Low level in 11 children, accounting for 34%.

Based on the results of the survey, systematic work was begun to teach children's descriptive speech through classes, didactic games.

Analyzing the obtained data, the following was revealed:

With a high level of speech development, no children were identified;

With an average level, 4 children were identified, which corresponds to 12%;

A level below the average is possessed by 20 children, constituting 63%;

Low level in 8 children, i.e. 25%.

Thus, comparing the results of the survey, the conclusion follows: children gradually begin to master the skills of descriptive speech, that is, they name signs, list qualities and actions, talk about the teacher’s questions, express their attitude to the described subject. Although some of the children name only individual words, without linking them into a sentence, they hardly distinguish signs and qualities, and answer the teacher's questions in monosyllables. It should also be noted that 25% of children are at a low level of speech development.

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