Raja dreams that business is waiting for him outside the gates of the "black dolphin". Prisoner of the "Black Dolphin" or "I am not Raja, I am Radik. This is all fiction" Where Radik Galiakberov Raja sits

The article dealt with the Tyap-Lyap gang in Kazan. This organized criminal group, originally from the USSR, was the first to engage in contract killings, its fighters differed from the district gopniks not only in strict discipline, but also in their own, perverted ideology. In the late 1970s, the security forces managed to send the leaders of the gang to jail, but many ordinary members of Tyap-Lyap escaped punishment - they hid, went into the shadows. But the collapse of the USSR and the transition of the economy to market relations in the early 1990s served as an excellent ground for rampant banditry. Fighters of the Tyap-Lyap gang with their experience came to the court in the new Kazan organized criminal group - the notorious Hadi Taktash. Among other things, the gang went down in criminal history by the fact that, investigating its crimes, law enforcement officers for the first time in Russian history used a witness protection program.

Fathers and Sons

Khadi Taktash (1901-1931) is a Tatar poet, the founder of Soviet Tatar poetry. There is a street named after him in Kazan. In 1982, on this street, like on many other streets of the capital of Tatarstan at that time, its own youth gang was formed.

The Khadishevites regularly took part in the massacres for their territory, were brought to the police. And the future leader of the group, Radik Galiakberov (Raja), even thundered at the "youngster": at one of the gatherings he punched his opponent's head with a metal ball. After serving his due, Raja was released and began to brag to his comrades what success he had achieved during his imprisonment. According to the ambitious Galiakberov, he almost single-handedly managed to raise the entire sewing industry and earned a large sum for that time - 600 rubles. “The boss didn't even want to let me go. Shouted, they say, the production will stop, "- said Radik with pride.

Meanwhile, the 90s came, a split was outlined in the group. The former authorities under the leadership of Rauf Sharafutdinov (Raf) did not want changes and continued to live according to thieves' laws. The young people - Anvar Khaliullin and his entourage - advocated the expansion of spheres of influence, the seizure of power over city enterprises and the opening of their own firms. The Raja joined the "reformers" camp.

Sharafutdinov was not enthusiastic about business prospects, but he was not listened to: Khaliullin introduced his people to the local Orgsintez plant, and the young offshoot of the Khadishevskys started trading in plastic wrap. Rafa among his supporters immediately announced Anvar's guys as renegades and decided: from now on, Khaliullin should share the proceeds with him. He only laughed - and Sharafutdinov did not forgive such disobedience.

No Country for Old Men

On November 4, 1992, Khalliulin came to a meeting with his entourage at a house in the private sector of the city. When he went out into the yard, shots rang out: later it turned out that the killer simply thrust a hunting rifle through the hole in the fence and fired several volleys. Anwar died on the spot.

Sharafutdinov was jubilant, but not for long. Realizing whose work it was, the adherents of the deceased Khaliullin immediately found a mercenary who agreed to kill Rafa. In January 1993, Rafa went on a business visit to the capital, where he planned to meet with local thieves in law. The killer followed him: the customers decided that it was better to "execute" the offender in a foreign city. The guest of honor was expected in a high-rise apartment on Panteleevskaya Street. Sharafutdinov entered the entrance, followed by a liquidator ... Rafa was killed with one shot in the head.

The young animals were not going to stop there. The bandits feared that Sharafutdinov's associates might retaliate. At an internal council, all authoritative "old men" were sentenced to death. They decided to kill in the same way as Rauf - away from Kazan.

The first to go to certain death in Moscow in September 1993 were three "old men" - Ilsur Valeev, Rustem Boreyev and their "foreman" (Didya). Khadishevtsev, under the pretext of arranging a loan of 50 thousand dollars, were lured to the capital by their friend Andrei Sitnov (Sito). He was one of the "young", but the trinity was not alarmed: in their opinion, all strife remained in the past. And it cost them their lives. Sitnov placed them in a rented apartment near the Taganskaya metro station and on the very first night opened the door to the accomplices who had arrived by the next train. They shot everyone. The bodies were dismembered and buried in a forest belt.

Sitnov himself returned to his hometown with a legend for the "old people": they say, all three left the apartment and disappeared without a trace. Independent searches did not lead to anything, and go to the police ... You understand. Raja contacted a friend of the missing, Alexander Kobalnov (Pavlo), and offered to join forces to find friends. But he did not trust Radik and, referring to urgent matters, refused. After which his car was fired upon, Pavlo miraculously survived. Some time later, Kobalnov's brother-in-law found out through his channels: it was an act of retribution for intractability.

The puzzle gradually took shape: the heirs of Sharafutdinov realized that the “young” were involved in the disappearance of their comrades-in-arms. This means that the war is not over yet. While the "old men" were developing a plan of retaliatory operations, headed by the young Nikolai Gusev, his deputy Raja and some of the militants hastily departed for Moscow. Soon Gusev emigrated to Spain. And the organized crime group "Hadi Taktash" was headed by Radik, satisfied with this turn of events.

He immediately began to try on the image of the godfather of Don Corleone from the novel. His speech was interspersed with quotes from the book, he tried to dress smartly, kept himself imposing, even put his jaw forward when talking. It looked extremely comical, but the subordinates stifled laughter in the bud: no one wanted to go to the grave ahead of time.

They let on the "Venus"

Alexander Kobalnov and two of his closest associates, Bulat Kuvakov and Sergei Aksanov, did not lose hope of getting even with Raja. They went to White Stone to try to find the missing members of the group. Galiakberov immediately found out about this - and sent his fighters to reprisal.

First, the liquidators managed to intercept Sergei Aksanov. They brought the guy to a rented apartment, the one where Didenko, Valeev and Boreyev were killed. There, the bandits brutally beat Sergei, broke his skull and threw him in the bathroom, believing that Aksanov was no longer a tenant.

Then the killers, putting several axes in a shopping bag, moved to Bibirevo, where Kobalnov and Kuvakov were staying. Opening the door with the keys borrowed from Aksanov, the bandits broke into the apartment and began to hack right and left. Having finished the work, they separated the limbs from the bodies, wrapped the remains in blankets, put huge cobblestones there for weighting, carefully tied them up and threw them into the nearby Chermyanka river.

Returning to the apartment on Taganka, where Raja, who had arrived there, was awaiting them, the killers reported to the chief: "They made Venus." That is, they dismembered the corpses (as you know, the statue of Venus de Milo has no hands). This "term" was invented by Galiakberov himself. In addition to megalomania, he suffered from paranoia: Radik saw "bugs" installed by law enforcement officers everywhere, and he was encrypted as best he could. Praising the fighters for their successful mission, Raja took them to the bathroom, where Aksanov was bleeding to death. He, seeing the executioners, begged for mercy. In vain - he was finished off, dismembered and buried.

Back to Kazan, Raja and the company were in no hurry: they decided to sit out in the capital for loyalty. And, as it turned out later, it was not in vain: six months after the massacre of the second trinity, the severed hands of Kobalnov and Kuvakov surfaced. Divers called to the scene found one head. When examining her, forensic experts found a distinctive sign: Kobalnov once had an extra tooth. Alexander's wife, having arrived for identification, confirmed - yes, her husband had such a feature. Kuvakov's head was never found.

Hired monkeys

Raja and the company returned to Kazan in 1996. By this time, it became clear that the police had no evidence of Galiakberov's involvement in the massacre of Kobalnov and Kuvakov. Radik also did not have obvious competitors within the group - he took care of their elimination in advance, remotely ordering respected members of the organized criminal group to loyal fighters or removing opponents with the help of undercover intrigues.

On September 24, 1994, at the suggestion of Raja, Aleksandr Maryashin, who was claiming the Khadishev "throne", died, whom Galiakberov successfully pitted against another member of the group (Uryndyk). Egorov hired a third-party killer - one Kazan unemployed, gave him a Kalashnikov assault rifle and promised to pay a thousand dollars. The killer lay in wait for Maryashin at the moment when he and his wife got out of the elevator, and opened fire to kill. Maryashin died on the spot, his wife survived, but the bullet that bounced off the wall mutilated her face.

In 1995, another of the Khadishev leaders (Pichuga) was eliminated. On the fateful day, he and his wife were going to go shopping. Pichuga got behind the wheel of the Zhiguli cars parked at the entrance, his companion hesitated. Two tall blondes in dark glasses approached the car. Nodding in greeting to Alexander's wife, who was examining them, the young ladies sat in the back seat. Pichuzhkina's wife, believing that her husband had a business conversation, decided not to interfere and stayed on the street: she was not particularly interested in what her life partner was doing, she only knew that his place of work was the Arskoye cemetery. Suddenly, the woman noticed that blood splattered on the windshield inside the cabin. At the same moment, the strangers jumped out of the car and ran away.

Unexpectedly for herself, Alexander's wife rushed after one of the ladies. She, noticing the pursuit, pointed a pistol at the pursuer and pulled the trigger. There was a click, but there was no shot: fortunately, the killer ran out of cartridges. Taking advantage of the shock state of the failed victim, the killer sped up. The last thing that Pichuzhkina drew attention to was that the woman was running like a man, with her skirt lifted high.

When Pichuzhkina returned to the car, her husband was already dead: during the autopsy it turned out that two clips had been released into him. They managed to detain the killers in hot pursuit. They turned out to be two members of Pichuzhkin's brigade - Aydar Litfullin (Monkey) and Ilsur Agleyev (Maimul, which also means “monkey” in Tatar). It turned out that the cunning Raja had accumulated their anger at Pichuga, spreading a rumor that the foreman wanted to eliminate both "monkeys". A little later, the one who had a lot of weight in the organized criminal group (Vorona) was eliminated. The Raja sighed with relief and set about building his empire.

Intimacy on "Health"

What did the Khadishevskys not do! In addition to controlling many city firms, they have established the supply and distribution of drugs. By the way, Galiakberov's wards themselves did not use the potion: if Raja was informed about such an offense by his subordinates, he immediately deprived the guilty of their lives.

Soon, many local residents found out: if you want carnal pleasures, go to the Zdorovye plant. In addition to a range of legal health services such as massage and various procedures, a prostitute could be hired there. This lucrative business, which brought in up to six thousand dollars a day, was also organized by the Khadishevskys. And the head of the "night butterflies" was put (Sych), previously convicted of rape. "They won't be spoiled with such a thing," reasoned Raja.

And the truth: Owl regularly robbed his charges, not hesitating to carefully feel the young ladies squealing from such rudeness. If you find a "stash" - woe to its owner. The girl was beaten harshly and extremely skillfully so that there were no bruises and she could continue to work. But one day the pimps overdid it, and the victim died.

There were ritual firms and two city cemeteries near the Raja - Arskoye and Arkhangelskoye. Many "shooters" Galiakberov "scored" on these graveyards: it was said that not all of those who arrived there came back. Some found their last refuge in other people's graves: they were simply dug in from above.

Another way of earning money for the Khadishevites was dog fights. The Raja was present at almost everyone, placing his bets. All Radik's dogs were kept in elite conditions on the territory of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden, which was located extremely well - on Khadi Taktash Street. By the mid-90s, the organized criminal group included three brigades: Volochaevskaya, cemetery and Rajovskaya. The first two obeyed the third and meekly replenished the common fund of the group.

Flew out of my head

The times when it was the height of happiness for the Khadishevites to recapture their territory from aggressive neighbors have sunk into oblivion. Now the Raja's group needed power over all of Kazan. And the phrase "Hadi Taktash is our whole city!" was considered the slogan of the organized criminal group. However, the implementation of ambitious plans was hampered by other powerful groups. For example, the organized criminal group of the Zhilploschadka Zhilka microdistrict with its permanent leader Khaidar Zakirov. They recaptured the Khadishevskys' patrimony - the Orgsintez plant, but so dashingly that Galiakberov, who was afraid of Zakirov, did not dare to retaliate. To the delight of Raja, soon Haidar felt cramped in his native Kazan, and he, together with his fighters, went to conquer St. Petersburg. Zakirov clearly overestimated his strength and was soon shot there during one of the gangsters' showdown.

In addition to Zhilka, Radik's militants were sharpening their teeth on the Pervakovs, the First Gorki grouping of the district. The formal reason for the declaration of war was the offense of the "pervak" Alexander Grinkov (Grin). The bandit arrived at one of the Khadishev's drug outlets and took 200 grams of cocaine - for himself and for the lads. He didn’t pay, casually abandoning “later”.

Grina invited dear guests to the table, and Arshba and Mubarakov volunteered to run for more. As soon as the door closed behind them, Sito, Sych and Blottero pulled out their pistols and shot Grinkov and Kirokosyan point-blank. And they slowly raised their glasses for peace: there was nowhere to rush, because soon two more victims were to return.

As soon as Akaki and Rail appeared in the corridor, they found themselves under a hail of bullets. Arshba died on the spot, and Ruble, having received a through wound in the head, not only survived, but was also conscious. I decided to pretend to be dead. But I heard shots: it was Sitnov and Grebennikov who were bypassing the bodies and making control shots to the head. When Sito, armed with a revolver, fired at Arshba lying next to Ruble, Rail jumped up and ran away. The sieve pressed the hook in vain: the pistol was jammed. Ruble managed to escape.

The first to whom the surviving bandit was revealed in the hospital was the closest associate of Grini, the leader of the Pervak, Albert Batrov (Bibik). He was furious. Another boss of the group, Ferdinand Yusupov (Fedya), tried to convey to Bibik that the massacre of Grinea and his comrades was nothing more than a far-sighted provocation on the part of Raja, but he did not listen. Breaking away from the grouping of his supporters, Batrov began to prepare for war.

Insidious reprisals

Galiakberov was waiting for this war. He quickly teamed up with a member of the group, Rinat Farkhutdinov (Rintik), who had recently left the prison. At one time he was considered a specialist in the extraction of weapons, for the storage of which he served a decent time. Rintik proposed to form a group of killers who could be sent to shoot the "pervak". Radik gave the go-ahead, and soon the ranks of the Khadishevites were replenished with new liquidators - Denis Cherneev, Anatoly Novitsky and Valery Shirokov.

Bibik Raja did not wait for the attack. Members of Batrov's group died one after another. The "Pervaki" tried to answer, but their tactics were neutralized by the cunning Galiakberov. During the war, he tried to surround himself with the maximum number of bandits. The task of those was simple: to carefully observe what is happening in the district and call the police about any suspicious persons. The guards of order, who, without knowing it, were guarding Raja and his henchmen, arrived at the scene and sometimes detained the killers who had arrived to the soul of Galiakberov. Thus, the massacre ended with disappointing results for the "Pervaks" - they lost nine fighters, the Hadi Taktash organized criminal group - only one.

Seizing a convenient moment, Rintik also hurried in his own interests. He decided to deal with the husband of his ex-wife Nikita Vozdvizhensky. He once was a member of the organized criminal group "Hadi Taktash", but could not stand the bloody philosophy of Raji and left the group. Vozdvizhensky and Gavrilova got married when Farkhutdinov was in prison, and the abandoned husband harbored a grudge. He convinced Galiakberov that the best enemies were former friends, and received the go-ahead to eliminate Vozdvizhensky.

Vozdvizhensky himself expected such a development of events and told his wife that the Raja would never forgive him for leaving the gang. On August 5, 1998, he was shot dead near his car. The killer pre-punctured the wheel of the car and took advantage of the fact that the victim, studying the rubber, squatted down. The murderer of her husband was seen by Gavrilova, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. It was Rintik's friend Anatoly Novitsky, who was well known to her. She informed the law enforcement officers about this, they rushed to find the killer, but he seemed to evaporate.

Realizing that at any moment he could become a victim of a hired killer, Albert Batrov fled to Moscow at the end of 1998. In order not to waste time looking for him, Radik decided to resort to trickery. He ordered his killers to liquidate a certain Aleksandr Sakmarov (Kuyan), a former member of the Khadishev group, the husband of Batrov's sister. The calculation was simple: Albert would come to the funeral of his brother-in-law, and he would be sent to the next world after his relative. Killer Shirokov killed Kuyan right in front of his wife and little daughter, when the family entered the entrance of their house. But Bibik, contrary to expectations, did not appear in Kazan. He died in the capital from a complicated pneumonia at the age of 44.

"Pervaki" fell, and Raja turned his gaze to new opponents - Pavlyukhinskaya organized criminal group. Not only were they competitors in the field of drug trafficking, but also the young people who were processed by the Khadishevites were invited to join their ranks. Novitsky, hiding from the police, received a new order: to eliminate the leader of the opponents, Vladimir Marushkin.

Gift for the police

Police Day 1999 can rightfully be considered the beginning of the end of the Khadi Taktash organized crime group. It was on November 10 that Novitsky, disguised as a homeless person, went to eliminate Marushkin. The killer waited at the entrance for a long time. As soon as Marushkin showed up in the yard in his car, Novitsky jumped out into the street and fired the entire Makarov pistol store at him. The authority died on the spot.

Suddenly, the liquidator was knocked down. Novitsky did not have time to understand anything, as he was surrounded by unknown guys and began to severely beat him. It turned out that young members of the group were witnesses to the massacre of the “Pavlyukhinsky” leader. Most likely, they would have kicked Novitsky to death if it had not been for Vakhitovsky's officers who arrived at the scene of the crime.

The killer was detained and taken to the police station. There, demoralized by the failure, Novitsky repented of the fact that he decided to kill for five thousand dollars and began to hand over his bosses. So the law enforcement officers received several printed sheets of sincere confession. The killers, according to the liquidator's testimony, included prominent leaders of the Khadishev group.

On November 30, 1999, Galiakberov was detained. Soon he was joined by his 11 colleagues - Farkhutdinov, Sychev, Sitnov and others. The decapitated group was falling apart before our eyes. The indictments were actively prepared, but then bad news came out: the assassin Novitsky refused his testimony. And even brazenly looking into the eyes of Vozdvizhensky's widow, who identified him, said that she was mistaken.

Gavrilova's testimony is enough to put Novitsky behind bars. But what about Raja and company? Let them go now, all the painstaking work will have to start all over again. And then the investigators decided to apply the witness protection program for the first time in Russia.

Forensic innovation

In order to hide the identity of those who dared to speak out with incriminating truth against the Khadishevites, the law enforcement officers went to various tricks. They pulled a sheet in the doorways of their offices so that criminals could not identify witnesses by silhouettes. They put knitted balaclavas on eyewitnesses of crimes. Once I had to do professional make-up - they invited a specialist from the local theater. We even learned to change the voice: we assembled a distorting speaker from old disco equipment. For greater objectivity, the criminals themselves were dressed up. For example, in white medical coats. And then the eyewitness, in addition to pointing out the suspect, had to describe what kind of clothes the offender was wearing on the day of the crime.

Realizing that the evidence base is being collected at a decent speed, the bandits began to drown each other. The liquidator Valery Shirokov, who was detained together with everyone else, practically destroyed the testimony of his boss Rintik. Ordinary pawns shared stories of the Raja's atrocities. And only Galiakberov himself stubbornly denied his involvement in the Khadishev. "I am not Raja, I am Radik!" - he humbly broadcast during interrogations.

By the beginning of the court hearings, by January 2002, 32 volumes of the criminal case had been collected. Seventeen witnesses continued to carefully conceal: they were brought to the courthouse with heavy security, and placed in one of the rooms. The entrance was open only to the judge, whose duty was to check passports. The citizens themselves entered the conference room with their faces covered, wrapped in thick blankets.

But one of the main witnesses for the prosecution, the widow of Nikita Vozdvizhensky Yulia Gavrilova, did not live to see the trial. On New Year's Eve 2002, she was found dead in her own apartment. The medical examiners determined that the death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Residents of the high-rise building confirmed: local outcasts lit a huge fire under the windows, and many residents of Kazan had to literally run out into the street, fleeing the suffocating smoke. The guards suspected that the death of Gavrilova was of a criminal nature, but they could not prove it.

The death of Gavrilova did not greatly affect the course of the case. Although only 13 of the alleged 60 murders were proven, Raja and Rintik received the capital punishment - life imprisonment, Blotter and Sych - 24 years in a maximum security colony, Sito - 22, Novitsky - 20, and Shirokov - 15 years in prison. Together with them, five more members of the group were convicted. The bandits appealed to the Russian Supreme Court. In February 2003, all complaints were dismissed, and the convicts left to serve their sentences. Radik Galiakberov, who before the verdict of the Supreme Court announced that he would be released, with a reinforced police escort went to live out his life in the famous colony "Black Dolphin". The formidable organized crime group "Hadi Taktash" ceased to exist.

The article dealt with the Tyap-Lyap gang in Kazan. This organized criminal group, originally from the USSR, was the first to engage in contract killings; its fighters differed from the district gopniks not only in strict discipline, but also in their own, perverted ideology. In the late 1970s, the security forces managed to send the leaders of the gang to jail, but many ordinary members of "Tyap-Lyap" escaped punishment - they hid, went into the shadows. But the collapse of the USSR and the transition of the economy to market relations in the early 1990s served as an excellent ground for rampant banditry. Fighters of the Tyap-Lyap gang with their experience came to the court in the new Kazan organized criminal group - the notorious Hadi Taktash. Among other things, the gang went down in criminal history by the fact that, investigating its crimes, law enforcement officers for the first time in Russian history used a witness protection program.

Fathers and Sons

Khadi Taktash (1901-1931) is a Tatar poet, the founder of Soviet Tatar poetry. There is a street named after him in Kazan. In 1982, on this street, like on many other streets of the capital of Tatarstan at that time, its own youth gang was formed.

The Khadishevites regularly took part in the massacres for their territory, were brought to the police. And the future leader of the group, Radik Galiakberov (Raja), even thundered at the "youngster": at one of the gatherings he punched his opponent's head with a metal ball. After serving his due, Raja was released and began to brag to his comrades what success he had achieved during his imprisonment. According to the ambitious Galiakberov, he almost single-handedly managed to raise the entire sewing industry and earned a large sum for that time - 600 rubles. “The boss didn't even want to let me go. Shouted, they say, the production will stop, "- said Radik with pride.

Meanwhile, the 90s came, a split was outlined in the group. The former authorities under the leadership of Rauf Sharafutdinov (Raf) did not want changes and continued to live according to thieves' laws. The young people - Anvar Khaliullin and his close friend Nikolai Gusev - advocated expanding spheres of influence, seizing power over city enterprises and opening their own firms. The Raja joined the "reformers" camp.

Sharafutdinov was not enthusiastic about business prospects, but he was not listened to: Khaliullin introduced his people to the local Orgsintez plant, and the young offshoot of the Khadishevskys started trading in plastic wrap. Rafa among his supporters immediately announced Anvar's guys as renegades and decided: from now on, Khaliullin should share the proceeds with him. He only laughed - and Sharafutdinov did not forgive such disobedience.

No Country for Old Men

On November 4, 1992, Khalliulin came to a meeting with his entourage at a house in the private sector of the city. When he went out into the yard, shots rang out: later it turned out that the killer simply thrust a hunting rifle through the hole in the fence and fired several volleys. Anwar died on the spot.

Sharafutdinov was jubilant, but not for long. Realizing whose work it was, the adherents of the deceased Khaliullin immediately found a mercenary who agreed to kill Rafa. In January 1993, Rauf went on a business visit to the capital, where he planned to meet with local thieves in law. The killer followed him: the customers decided that it was better to "execute" the offender in a foreign city. The guest of honor was expected in a high-rise apartment on Panteleevskaya Street. Sharafutdinov entered the entrance, followed by a liquidator ... Rafa was killed with one shot in the head.

The young animals were not going to stop there. The bandits feared that Sharafutdinov's associates might retaliate. At an internal council, all authoritative "old men" were sentenced to death. They decided to kill in the same way as Rauf - away from Kazan.

The first to go to certain death in Moscow in September 1993 were three "old men" - Ilsur Valeev, Rustem Boreev and their "foreman" Vladimir Didenko (Didya). Khadishevtsev, under the pretext of arranging a loan of 50 thousand dollars, were lured to the capital by their friend Andrei Sitnov (Sito). He was one of the "young", but the trinity was not alarmed: in their opinion, all strife remained in the past. And it cost them their lives. Sitnov placed them in a rented apartment near the Taganskaya metro station and on the very first night opened the door to the accomplices who had arrived by the next train. They shot everyone. The bodies were dismembered and buried in a forest belt.

Sitnov himself returned to his hometown with a legend for the "old people": they say, all three left the apartment and disappeared without a trace. Independent searches did not lead to anything, and go to the police ... You understand. Raja contacted a friend of the missing, Alexander Kobalnov (Pavlo), and offered to join forces to find friends. But he did not trust Radik and, referring to urgent matters, refused. After which his car was fired upon, Pavlo miraculously survived. Some time later, Kobalnov's brother-in-law found out through his channels: it was an act of retribution for intractability.

The puzzle gradually took shape: the heirs of Sharafutdinov realized that the “young” were involved in the disappearance of their comrades-in-arms. This means that the war is not over yet. While the "old men" were developing a plan of retaliatory operations, headed by the young Nikolai Gusev, his deputy Raja and some of the militants hastily departed for Moscow. Soon Gusev emigrated to Spain. And the organized crime group "Hadi Taktash" was headed by Radik, satisfied with this turn of events.

He immediately began to try on the image of the godfather of Don Corleone from the novel by Mario Puzo. His speech was interspersed with quotes from the book, he tried to dress smartly, kept himself imposing, even put his jaw forward when talking. It looked extremely comical, but the subordinates stifled laughter in the bud: no one wanted to go to the grave ahead of time.

They let on the "Venus"

Alexander Kobalnov and two of his closest associates, Bulat Kuvakov and Sergei Aksanov, did not lose hope of getting even with Raja. They went to White Stone to try to find the missing members of the group. Galiakberov immediately found out about this - and sent his fighters to reprisal.

First, the liquidators managed to intercept Sergei Aksanov. They brought the guy to a rented apartment, the one where Didenko, Valeev and Boreyev were killed. There, the bandits brutally beat Sergei, broke his skull and threw him in the bathroom, believing that Aksanov was no longer a tenant.

Then the killers, putting several axes in a shopping bag, moved to Bibirevo, where Kobalnov and Kuvakov were staying. Opening the door with the keys borrowed from Aksanov, the bandits broke into the apartment and began to hack right and left. Having finished the work, they separated the limbs from the bodies, wrapped the remains in blankets, put huge cobblestones there for weighting, carefully tied them up and threw them into the nearby Chermyanka river.

Returning to the apartment on Taganka, where Raja, who had arrived there, was awaiting them, the killers reported to the chief: "They made Venus." That is, they dismembered the corpses (as you know, the statue of Venus de Milo has no hands). This "term" was invented by Galiakberov himself. In addition to megalomania, he suffered from paranoia: Radik saw "bugs" installed by law enforcement officers everywhere, and he was encrypted as best he could. Praising the fighters for their successful mission, Raja took them to the bathroom, where Aksanov was bleeding to death. He, seeing the executioners, begged for mercy. In vain - he was finished off, dismembered and buried.

Back to Kazan, Raja and the company were in no hurry: they decided to sit out in the capital for loyalty. And, as it turned out later, it was not in vain: six months after the massacre of the second trinity, the severed hands of Kobalnov and Kuvakov surfaced. Divers called to the scene found one head. When examining her, forensic experts found a distinctive sign: Kobalnov once had an extra tooth. Alexander's wife, having arrived for identification, confirmed - yes, her husband had such a feature. Kuvakov's head was never found.

Hired monkeys

Raja and the company returned to Kazan in 1996. By this time, it became clear that the police had no evidence of Galiakberov's involvement in the massacre of Kobalnov and Kuvakov. Radik also did not have obvious competitors within the group - he took care of their elimination in advance, remotely ordering respected members of the organized criminal group to loyal fighters or removing opponents with the help of undercover intrigues.

On September 24, 1994, at the suggestion of Raja, Aleksandr Maryashin, who was claiming the Khadishev “throne,” died, whom Galiakberov successfully pitted against another member of the group, Yevgeny Yegorov (Uryndyk). Egorov hired a third-party killer - one Kazan unemployed, gave him a Kalashnikov assault rifle and promised to pay a thousand dollars. The killer lay in wait for Maryashin at the moment when he and his wife got out of the elevator, and opened fire to kill. Maryashin died on the spot, his wife survived, but the bullet that bounced off the wall mutilated her face.

In 1995, another of the leaders of the Khadishev group, Alexander Pichuzhkin (Pichuga), was eliminated. On the fateful day, he and his wife were going to go shopping. Pichuga got behind the wheel of the Zhiguli cars parked at the entrance, his companion hesitated. Two tall blondes in dark glasses approached the car. Nodding in greeting to Alexander's wife, who was examining them, the young ladies sat in the back seat. Pichuzhkina's wife, believing that her husband had a business conversation, decided not to interfere and stayed on the street: she was not particularly interested in what her life partner was doing, she only knew that his place of work was the Arskoye cemetery. Suddenly, the woman noticed that blood splattered on the windshield inside the cabin. At the same moment, the strangers jumped out of the car and ran away.

Unexpectedly for herself, Alexander's wife rushed after one of the ladies. She, noticing the pursuit, pointed a pistol at the pursuer and pulled the trigger. There was a click, but there was no shot: fortunately, the killer ran out of cartridges. Taking advantage of the shock state of the failed victim, the killer sped up. The last thing that Pichuzhkina drew attention to was that the woman was running like a man, with her skirt lifted high.

When Pichuzhkina returned to the car, her husband was already dead: during the autopsy it turned out that two clips had been released into him. They managed to detain the killers in hot pursuit. They turned out to be two members of Pichuzhkin's brigade - Aydar Litfullin (Monkey) and Ilsur Agleyev (Maimul, which also means “monkey” in Tatar). It turned out that the cunning Raja had accumulated their anger at Pichuga, spreading a rumor that the foreman wanted to eliminate both "monkeys". A little later, Dmitry Vorontsov (Vorona), who had a lot of weight in the organized criminal group, was eliminated. The Raja sighed with relief and set about building his empire.

Intimacy on "Health"

What did the Khadishevskys not do! In addition to controlling many city firms, they have established the supply and distribution of drugs. By the way, Galiakberov's wards themselves did not use the potion: if Raja was informed about such an offense by his subordinates, he immediately deprived the guilty of their lives.

Soon, many local residents found out: if you want carnal pleasures, go to the Zdorovye plant. In addition to a range of legal health services such as massage and various procedures, a prostitute could be hired there. This lucrative business, which brought in up to six thousand dollars a day, was also organized by the Khadishevskys. And the head of the "night butterflies" was made Alexander Sychev (Sych), previously convicted of rape. "They won't be spoiled with such a thing," reasoned Raja.

And the truth: Owl regularly robbed his charges, not hesitating to carefully feel the young ladies squealing from such rudeness. If you find a "stash" - woe to its owner. The girl was beaten harshly and extremely skillfully so that there were no bruises and she could continue to work. But one day the pimps overdid it, and the victim died.

There were ritual firms and two city cemeteries near the Raja - Arskoye and Arkhangelskoye. Many "shooters" Galiakberov "scored" on these graveyards: it was said that not all of those who arrived there came back. Some found their last refuge in other people's graves: they were simply dug in from above.

Another way of earning money for the Khadishevites was dog fights. The Raja was present at almost everyone, placing his bets. All Radik's dogs were kept in elite conditions on the territory of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden, which was located extremely well - on Khadi Taktash Street. By the mid-90s, the organized criminal group included three brigades: Volochaevskaya, cemetery and Rajovskaya. The first two obeyed the third and meekly replenished the common fund of the group.

Flew out of my head

The times when it was the height of happiness for the Khadishevites to recapture their territory from aggressive neighbors have sunk into oblivion. Now the Raja's group needed power over all of Kazan. And the phrase "Hadi Taktash is our whole city!" was considered the slogan of the organized criminal group. However, the implementation of ambitious plans was hampered by other powerful groups. For example, the organized criminal group of the Zhilploschadka Zhilka microdistrict with its permanent leader Khaidar Zakirov. They recaptured the Khadishevskys' patrimony - the Orgsintez plant, but so dashingly that Galiakberov, who was afraid of Zakirov, did not dare to retaliate. To the delight of Raja, soon Haidar felt cramped in his native Kazan, and he, together with his fighters, went to conquer St. Petersburg. Zakirov clearly overestimated his strength and was soon shot there during one of the gangsters' showdown.

In addition to Zhilka, Radik's militants were sharpening their teeth on the Pervakovs, the First Gorki grouping of the district. The formal reason for the declaration of war was the offense of the "pervak" Alexander Grinkov (Grin). The bandit arrived at one of the Khadishev's drug outlets and took 200 grams of cocaine - for himself and for the lads. He didn’t pay, casually abandoning “later”.

This made Raju happy: the hunting season for the Pervakovskys could be considered open. On August 25, 1997, the Khadishevskys came to the apartment on Mavlyutinskaya Street, where Grinya was walking with his friends - Ttivos Kirokosyan, Akaki Arshba and Rail Mubarakov (Ruble). The team included Sitnov, whom Grinkov considered one of his best friends, the storm of Kazan prostitutes Sychev and Sergey Grebennikov (Promokashka).

Grina invited dear guests to the table, and Arshba and Mubarakov volunteered to run for more. As soon as the door closed behind them, Sito, Sych and Blottero pulled out their pistols and shot Grinkov and Kirokosyan point-blank. And they slowly raised their glasses for peace: there was nowhere to rush, because soon two more victims were to return.

As soon as Akaki and Rail appeared in the corridor, they found themselves under a hail of bullets. Arshba died on the spot, and Ruble, having received a through wound in the head, not only survived, but was also conscious. I decided to pretend to be dead. But I heard shots: it was Sitnov and Grebennikov who were bypassing the bodies and making control shots to the head. When Sito, armed with a revolver, fired at Arshba lying next to Ruble, Rail jumped up and ran away. The sieve pressed the hook in vain: the pistol was jammed. Ruble managed to escape.

The first to whom the surviving bandit was revealed in the hospital was the closest associate of Grini, the leader of the Pervak, Albert Batrov (Bibik). He was furious. Another boss of the group, Ferdinand Yusupov (Fedya), tried to convey to Bibik that the massacre of Grinea and his comrades was nothing more than a far-sighted provocation on the part of Raja, but he did not listen. Breaking away from the grouping of his supporters, Batrov began to prepare for war.

Insidious reprisals

Galiakberov was waiting for this war. He quickly teamed up with a member of the group, Rinat Farkhutdinov (Rintik), who had recently left the prison. At one time he was considered a specialist in the extraction of weapons, for the storage of which he served a decent time. Rintik proposed to form a group of killers who could be sent to shoot the "pervak". Radik gave the go-ahead, and soon the ranks of the Khadishevites were replenished with new liquidators - Denis Cherneev, Anatoly Novitsky and Valery Shirokov.

Bibik Raja did not wait for the attack. Members of Batrov's group died one after another. The "Pervaki" tried to answer, but their tactics were neutralized by the cunning Galiakberov. During the war, he tried to surround himself with the maximum number of bandits. The task of those was simple: to carefully observe what is happening in the district and call the police about any suspicious persons. The guards of order, who, without knowing it, were guarding Raja and his henchmen, arrived at the scene and sometimes detained the killers who had arrived to the soul of Galiakberov. Thus, the massacre ended with disappointing results for the "Pervaks" - they lost nine fighters, the Hadi Taktash organized criminal group - only one.

Seizing a convenient moment, Rintik also hurried in his own interests. He decided to deal with the husband of his ex-wife Yulia Gavrilova Nikita Vozdvizhensky. He once was a member of the organized criminal group "Hadi Taktash", but could not stand the bloody philosophy of Raji and left the group. Vozdvizhensky and Gavrilova got married when Farkhutdinov was in prison, and the abandoned husband harbored a grudge. He convinced Galiakberov that the best enemies were former friends, and received the go-ahead to eliminate Vozdvizhensky.

Vozdvizhensky himself expected such a development of events and told his wife that the Raja would never forgive him for leaving the gang. On August 5, 1998, he was shot dead near his car. The killer pre-punctured the wheel of the car and took advantage of the fact that the victim, studying the rubber, squatted down. The murderer of her husband was seen by Gavrilova, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. It was Rintik's friend Anatoly Novitsky, who was well known to her. She informed the law enforcement officers about this, they rushed to find the killer, but he seemed to evaporate.

Realizing that at any moment he could become a victim of a hired killer, Albert Batrov fled to Moscow at the end of 1998. In order not to waste time looking for him, Radik decided to resort to trickery. He ordered his killers to liquidate a certain Aleksandr Sakmarov (Kuyan), a former member of the Khadishev group, the husband of Batrov's sister. The calculation was simple: Albert would come to the funeral of his brother-in-law, and he would be sent to the next world after his relative. Killer Shirokov killed Kuyan right in front of his wife and little daughter, when the family entered the entrance of their house. But Bibik, contrary to expectations, did not appear in Kazan. He died in the capital from a complicated pneumonia at the age of 44.

"Pervaki" fell, and Raja turned his gaze to new opponents - Pavlyukhinskaya organized criminal group. Not only were they competitors in the field of drug trafficking, but also the young people who were processed by the Khadishevites were invited to join their ranks. Novitsky, hiding from the police, received a new order: to eliminate the leader of opponents Vladimir Marushkin

Gift for the police

Police Day 1999 can rightfully be considered the beginning of the end of the Khadi Taktash organized crime group. It was on November 10 that Novitsky, disguised as a homeless person, went to eliminate Marushkin. The killer waited at the entrance for a long time. As soon as Marushkin showed up in the yard in his car, Novitsky jumped out into the street and fired the entire clip of Makarov's pistol at him. The authority died on the spot.

Suddenly, the liquidator was knocked down. Novitsky did not have time to understand anything, as he was surrounded by unknown guys and began to severely beat him. It turned out that young members of the group were witnesses to the massacre of the “Pavlyukhinsky” leader. Most likely, they would have kicked Novitsky to death if it had not been for the officers of the Vakhitovskiy police department who arrived at the scene of the crime.

The killer was detained and taken to the police station. There, demoralized by the failure, Novitsky repented of the fact that he decided to kill for five thousand dollars and began to hand over his bosses. So the law enforcement officers received several printed sheets of sincere confession. The killers, according to the liquidator's testimony, included prominent leaders of the Khadishev group.

On November 30, 1999, Galiakberov was detained. Soon he was joined by his 11 colleagues - Farkhutdinov, Sychev, Sitnov and others. The decapitated group was falling apart before our eyes. The indictments were actively prepared, but then bad news came from the pre-trial detention center: the assassin Novitsky refused his testimony. And even brazenly looking into the eyes of Vozdvizhensky's widow, who identified him, said that she was mistaken.

Gavrilova's testimony is enough to put Novitsky behind bars. But what about Raja and company? Let them go now, all the painstaking work will have to start all over again. And then the investigators decided to apply the witness protection program for the first time in Russia.

Forensic innovation

In order to hide the identity of those who dared to speak out with incriminating truth against the Khadishevites, the law enforcement officers went to various tricks. They pulled a sheet in the doorways of their offices so that criminals could not identify witnesses by silhouettes. They put knitted balaclavas on eyewitnesses of crimes. Once I had to do professional make-up - they invited a specialist from the local theater. We even learned to change the voice: we assembled a distorting speaker from old disco equipment. For greater objectivity, the criminals themselves were dressed up. For example, in white medical coats. And then the eyewitness, in addition to pointing out the suspect, had to describe what kind of clothes the offender was wearing on the day of the crime.

Realizing that the evidence base is being collected at a decent speed, the bandits began to drown each other. The liquidator Valery Shirokov, who was detained together with everyone else, practically destroyed the testimony of his boss Rintik. Ordinary pawns shared stories of the Raja's atrocities. And only Galiakberov himself stubbornly denied his involvement in the Khadishev. "I am not Raja, I am Radik!" - he humbly broadcast during interrogations.

By the beginning of the court hearings, by January 2002, 32 volumes of the criminal case had been collected. Seventeen witnesses continued to carefully conceal: they were brought to the courthouse with heavy security, and placed in one of the rooms. The entrance was open only to the judge, whose duty was to check passports. The citizens themselves entered the conference room with their faces covered, wrapped in thick blankets.

But one of the main witnesses for the prosecution, the widow of Nikita Vozdvizhensky Yulia Gavrilova, did not live to see the trial. On New Year's Eve 2002, she was found dead in her own apartment. The medical examiners determined that the death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Residents of the high-rise building confirmed: local outcasts lit a huge fire under the windows, and many residents of Kazan had to literally run out into the street, fleeing the suffocating smoke. The guards suspected that the death of Gavrilova was of a criminal nature, but they could not prove it.

The death of Gavrilova did not greatly affect the course of the case. Although only 13 of the alleged 60 murders were proven, Raja and Rintik received capital punishment - life imprisonment, Blotter and Sych - 24 years in a maximum security colony, Sito - 22, Novitsky - 20, and Shirokov - 15 years in prison. Together with them, five more members of the group were convicted. The bandits appealed to the Russian Supreme Court. In February 2003, all complaints were dismissed, and the convicts left to serve their sentences. Radik Galiakberov, who before the verdict of the Supreme Court announced that he would be released, with a reinforced police escort went to live out his life in the famous colony "Black Dolphin". The formidable organized crime group "Hadi Taktash" ceased to exist.

OPG "Hadi Taktash"

Location Russia

Rauf Sharafutdinov, Anvar Khaliullin founded

Active years 1980s - 2002

Territory part of the city of Kazan

Criminal activity Racket, money laundering, contract killings, extortion.

Opponents of the organized crime groups "Pervaki", "Zhilka", "Pavlyukhinsky" and other criminal groups in Kazan.

"Hadi Taktash" is one of the most famous Russian organized criminal groups, which emerged in the late 1970s and was liquidated only 20 years later.

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, the concept of "Kazan phenomenon" appeared in the mass media and legal literature of the USSR. Teenagers from workers' suburbs, from the outskirts of Kazan, united in youth groups named after the names of the districts or streets in which the members of these groups lived. They began to "divide the asphalt", that is, to seize territories. The "Kazan phenomenon" reached its heyday in 1978, when members of the Teplocontrol organized crime group, better known as "Tyap-Lyap", organized a series of races across Kazan, killing anyone they met. True, after that the group was quickly finished. Several members of Teplocontrol were sentenced to death by firing squad.

It was to such groups that "Hadi Taktash" belonged. It got its name from the street where the members of the group lived - Hadi Taktash Street. Some of its members have already served their prison sentences - "to serve". The period of its rise fell on the early 1990s - the collapse of the USSR and the formation of a market economy.

In September 1993, three residents of Kazan - Ilsur Valeev, Rustem Bareev and Vladimir Didenko went on business to Moscow and disappeared without a trace. After some time, several more residents of Kazan went to the capital - Alexander Kobalnov, Bulat Kulakov and Sergey Aksanov. They were friends of the first three missing and went in search of them. Soon they also disappeared.

In early January 1994, two dismembered corpses were found in the Chermyanka river sewer on the outskirts of Moscow. The examination showed that these were the bodies of Kobalnov and Kulakov. The other four were never found, although there is no doubt that they were killed.

It soon became clear that all the dead and missing were members of the Kazan group "Hadi Taktash". By that time, she had split into two teams - "old men" and "young". "Old men" advocated thieves' concepts, and "young" - for the implementation of their influence in the economy, power and in other spheres of life.

The head of the old people in the early 1990s was Rauf Sharafutdinov, nicknamed Rafa. The head of the "young" was Anvar Khaliullin. The "young" began to actively engage in business. They took control of the Orgsintez plant in Kazan, profitably selling its products - crumbs and film. The "old men" immediately decided to take a share from the operations of the "young", but received a tough rebuff.

On November 4, 1992, Anvar Khaliullin, who refused to share, was killed through a hole in the fence with a gun. In January 1993, the "young" responded - Sharafutdinov was killed in Moscow on Panteleevskaya Street. The aforementioned six Moscow murders and disappearances soon followed. All those killed belonged to the clan of "old men", which made it possible to consider that the "young" were involved in the crime.

After the completion of the "cleansing" operation, Nikolai Gusev became the leader of "Hadi Taktash". He closed all the main financial flows on himself. He makes an intelligent and sensible Radik Galiakberov, nicknamed Raj, as his partner and right hand in the group.

After the expiration of the timeframe for the investigation of the murder of six people in Moscow and its suspension, Gusev left for permanent residence in Spain, where he lives to this day. Galiakberov became the head of the group.

The Raja continued to purge the remaining "old men". The no longer active members of the group, Volodin and Maryashin, and a number of others were killed. Since there were no more enemies left, the Khadishevites began to move on. They took control of the entire prostitution of Kazan and the drug trade. The patronage of prostitutes was entrusted to Alexander Sychev, who was previously convicted of rape. Also, the Khadishevskys took over the sphere of ritual services in Kazan.

For a while, the group was relatively quiet. But in the summer of 1995, its active members Eduard Khairullin and Vladimir Vorontsov were killed. Two years later, brother-in-law Alexander Kobalnov, who took an active part in his search, was killed. As always, there were no witnesses.

The bloodiest year in the history of "Hadi Taktash" is rightfully considered 1997 - the year of its highest prosperity.

The most dangerous opponents of the Raja in the criminal world of Kazan were the Zhilploshchadka (Zhilka) organized crime group, headed by Haydar Zakirov. The Zhilkovskys seized the Orgsintez plant from the Khadishevskys, but later switched to St. Petersburg, where in the summer of 1996 Zakirov was killed by killers. This made it much easier for the Raja.

Another enemy of "Hadi Taktash" was the "Pervaki" grouping in the "First Gorki" area. On August 25, 1997, three corpses were found at once in an apartment at a house on Mavlyutov Street - all members of the "Pervakov". The fourth victim survived. Rail Mubarakov, nicknamed Ruble, gave testimony exposing the "Khadishevskys", in particular, Andrei Sitnov, who personally supervised the massacre, and Sergei Grebennikov, nicknamed Promokashka.

But soon Mubarakov recanted his testimony, and two other witnesses, the Nikolayev brothers, who had seen Sitnov and Grebennikov, were killed. Both of them had to be released.

The leaders of the Pervaki group were Albert Bodrov, nicknamed Bibik, and Ferdinand Yusupov, nicknamed Fedya. Half of the "Pervaki" group, led by Bodrov, declared war on the "Khadishev", and Yusupov took a side position.

As a result of the war, 9 Pervakov members and several bystanders were killed. Of the "Khadishevskys" only one died, and Sitnov was also wounded during one of the showdowns.

On August 5, 1998, Nikita Vozdvizhensky, a former member of Hadi Taktash, was killed. On March 9, 1999, another former member of Hadi Taktash, Alexander Sakmarov, was killed. The purpose of this murder, as the investigation later found out, was to lure Bibik from Moscow to Kazan for the funeral of Sakmarov - he was Bibik's brother-in-law. But Bibik did not come.

On November 10, 1999, an attempt was made on the life of the leader of the Pavlyukhinskaya organized criminal group in Kazan, Vladimir Marushkin. The killer was detained by Marushkin's guards, but the authority himself was killed. The detainee was Anatoly Novitsky, the killer of "Khadi Taktash". Novitsky testified against Raja.

At the end of 1999, Galiakberov, Sychev, Grebennikov, Sitnov and other members of the Khadi Taktash group were arrested. Most of them refused to testify.

The investigation into the case of "Hadi Taktash" had no analogues until now. For the first time, an entire organized criminal community had to be uprooted. For the first time in the history of Russian legal proceedings, a witness protection program was applied. Masks, voices and figures were changed to witnesses.

According to the investigators, there are at least 60 murders on the account of the Hadi Taktash organized crime group. But the court recognized only 13 of them as proven.

In January 2002, the trial took place. He sentenced:

Grebennikov and Sycheva - to 24 years in prison

Zainutdinova and Sitnova - to 22 years in prison

Novitsky and Cherneev - 20 years in prison

Shirokova - to 15 years in prison.

In total, 11 bandits received 180 years.

Two more - Radik Galiakberov and his right-hand man Rinat Fakhrutdinov, nicknamed Rintik, received the capital punishment - life imprisonment.

Radik Galiakberov is currently in the Black Dolphin colony in the Orenburg region.

The motto of the "Khadishevskys" was: "Hadi Taktash - the whole city is ours!"

In 2003, law enforcement officers who were investigating the murder of Aybat Aibatov, director of the Krasny Vostok brewery in Kazan, on February 20, 1996, turned to Raja, who is already serving a life sentence, for help. Raja said that a certain Boris Bulatov turned to him with a request to liquidate Aibatov, but he was not satisfied with the amount of the fee. The order was accepted by another former member of his group - Sergey Pavlov, nicknamed Sailor. Pavlov and Bulatov were arrested and in 2006 were sentenced to 9 and 11 years in prison, respectively. And the Rajah made some concessions on the detention regime.

Film. Film from the cycle "Criminal Russia" - "The End of the Brigade"

Film. "Hadi Taktash - the whole city is ours"

Film. Life and death of the "Kazan phenomenon"


Former leader of the Kazan organized crime group "Khadi Taktash" Radik Galiakberov(Raja) is being held in the criminal case "Pervakov" as a witness and was previously interrogated during the preliminary investigation.

The interrogation of Galiakberov, to be held in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan today, was preceded by the appearance on May 11 in the courtroom of the "right hand" of Raja Renata Farkhutdinova named Rintik. Sitting in a glass cage, he said that he was very worried that he was invited to the court in an unusual role of a witness, and said that he did not know the accused personally. When asked to identify the defendants Firdinanta Yusupova and Valentina Lukoyanova Farkhutdinov said that his eyesight had deteriorated and he did not see who was sitting in the dock.

It turned out that Rintik knew "Pervakov", but was familiar with the members of the group who ... have long been dead. For example, Farkhutdinov communicated very closely with Alexander Erusalimsky... Rintik said that he was a "cleaner" and ruthlessly eliminated all who interfered with the "Pervak".

In December 1997, Farkhutdinov left the colony and immediately joined the Raji gang, becoming one of the leaders and bringing several more "militants" with him. Another "haditaktashen" Alexander Sychev(earlier in the courtroom he named of the accused "ordinary residents of Pervyi Gorki" and explained that he himself had never been a member of the group) introduced Rintik to Yerusalimsky. The purpose of the acquaintance was very prosaic - the Pervak ​​needed a weapon, and Rintik provided as many as two bags of firearms for $ 4,000.

“The weapons were kept in the basement on Khadishka,” Rintik explained. - Now this building is no longer, and in those days no one dared to meddle there ... ".

It is interesting that a few years later a black cat will run between Yerusalimsky and Rintik and the latter will organize an attempt on the killer of the Pervakov, which, however, will fail. It is even more surprising how "Pervaki" after the split and leaving the group Albert Batrova nicknamed Bibik, who organized the "Bibik Brigade", managed to maintain good relations with the "Hadi Taktash" group, which arranged a "blood bath" for Batrov's people. In this regard, Rintik was extremely frank in the courtroom. “If Batrov hadn’t been hiding in St. Petersburg, but lived in Kazan, he would have been killed for sure,” Farkhutdinov said.


And today, the “great and terrible” Radik Galiakberov, nicknamed Raja, the leader of the “Khadi Taktash” gang, is being convoyed from the Black Dolphin colony to Kazan. Already now, the court is taking unprecedented precautions in connection with the sudden visit of the authority, who is serving a life sentence in the most terrible colony in Russia.

Witnesses who are serving life sentences in places of deprivation of liberty have been transported to the court before to give testimony, but we still haven’t had people like Raja, ”the press secretary of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan explained to BUSINESS Online Natalia Loseva.

Last week the book "Banditskaya Kazan" by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan was published Maxim Belyaeva and Assistant Head of the Investigative Directorate of the TFR for the Republic of Tatarstan Andrey Sheptytsky(you can buy it in "Knizhny Dvor" in the "Suvar Plaza" shopping center). In it, the authors tell the story of the Kazan criminal world, covering the period from the middle of the last century to the bandits who rampaged in our days. Of course, the authors of the book "Gangster Kazan" could not ignore Galiakberov.

The newspaper "BUSINESS online" publishes an excerpt from the book, which gives an idea of ​​how Raja came to power, and tells about the habits of a well-known authority throughout Russia, which was previously not widely known. Raja's "golden age" actually dates back to 1994, when Galiakberov, being an active member of the "Khadi Taktash" group, "ordered" another "Hadishen" Alexandra Pichuzhkina named Pichuga.

In 1995, Pichuzhkin was shot dead near his own entrance by two girls. As it turned out, the "girls" were killers from the "Pichugin Brigade" Ilsur Agleyev, nicknamed Maimul, and Aydar Lutfullin - Monkey. The killers did not change their clothes: both were arrested in hot pursuit and confessed to everything. The suspects told the investigators that Raja had slandered them in front of Pichushkin and that he decided to eliminate them. Therefore, they had no choice but to work ahead of the curve.

The next was Dmitry Vorontsov, nicknamed Crow, who at that time controlled the activities of the Kazan plant "Health" and the plant "Polimiz", which processed polyethylene crumb. At one time he was a member of the "Goose brigade", but then moved on to Maryashin. Having learned about the elimination of Pichuzhkin, Vorontsov said that he would be next. And I was not mistaken. With the elimination of Raven, all of his businesses were automatically taken over by the Raja. And in the "Zdorovye" combine, the "Rajovskys" began to carry out training camps. The brigade even had a second name - "Combinatovskie".

In general, with the murder of Pichuga, Galiakberov no longer had any competitors. His brigade became the center of the Hadi Taktash group. And he himself is downright a "man-legend." At that time, "on the street" they said that the Raja in Moscow killed six people with impunity, and burned the corpses.

Galiakberov rallied around himself the most devoted: Sito, Bulba, Sergei Grebennikov (Promokashka), Sychev (Sych) and others. At the same time, Halva disappeared without a trace. In November 1994, he went to Simferopol for brandy. Informed people believe that the reason for the liquidation was his habit of talking too much drunk. The Raja generally liked to clean the rows ...

Zainutdinov, Grebennikov, Sitnov and Sychev were the closest to the Raja. It was impossible to break into their circle. It was only Sychev who succeeded, and even then after "tying enemies with blood." The second in importance after Galiakberov in the brigade was Zainutdinov. He was considered the main hitman of Hadi Taktash. His favorite phrase was: "Can you kill a person for money?" At the same time, Bulba loved animals - birds, fish. At home he had an aquarium weighing two tons ... "


In the 90s, the authority of the Raja in Kazan and beyond its borders was indisputable, because he was the sole owner of the common fund. Many businessmen, among whom were quite famous people in the city, regularly paid tribute. Belyaev and Sheptytsky in the book "Gangster Kazan" give the reader an exhaustive portrait of the authority, who, as it turned out, was an ardent admirer of the famous hero of the actor Marlon Brando and tried to copy it in everything:

“... All power within the brigade was concentrated in the hands of Raja, he was the undisputed leader - no one could contradict Galiakberov. He was respected and feared. The discipline in the brigade was tough. Disobedience was punished both physically and materially. For the slightest violation, they could be beaten or even "kicked off".

All the property acquired during the time of being in the group was taken away from the "sacked". At the same time, leaving the gang was possible only in case of death or due to drug or alcohol abuse. Voluntary exit was not provided.

For Galiakberov himself, Don Corleone was an idol: “ The Godfather "became his favorite film. He loved to quote him and strove to be like him in everything - he always wore a suit, a white shirt with a tie, wore a long coat. And just like his hero, he protruded his lower jaw. “By nature, ambitious, domineering and pathologically cruel, cunning: does not trust anyone, does not act directly, but surreptitiously and by the hands of others.", - friends characterized Galiakberov. And at the same time well-read, sociable, intelligent.

Law enforcement agencies also praised him. " A tactician, strategist, a good psychologist, he knows how to direct almost any situation in the right direction, to use it for himself with maximum benefit. He is aware of almost all methods of operational-search activity", - reads an excerpt from the online help."


“By this time, in addition to the“ raj ”ones, the“ khadishki ”included two more brigades - the“ cemetery ”, which oversaw most of the cemeteries of Kazan, and the so-called“ Volochaevsk ”. The latter appeared in the mid-90s and got their name from the Kazan Volochaevskaya Street, where one of the few objects controlled by the brigade was located - a service station. At first, the Khaditaktashevskys simply rented part of the station premises for car repairs. But after a while the director of the station discovered that the locksmiths who worked for him had ceased to obey him, obeying only the tenants. And in the evenings, several dozen young people began to gather in the vacant lot at the station.

However, neither the cemetery nor the Volochaevskies did any special weather on the street. They led a separate life, did not contradict Galiakberov and regularly paid money to the common fund. The main source of income for the "Raj's" was the drug trade, which the "young" were engaged in. Raja, by the way, was the first to establish the supply of elite cocaine to Kazan and, in fact, was a real drug lord. In addition, his organized crime group was engaged in murder, illegal arms trafficking, fraud, extortion, organization of prostitution in the Zdorovye plant and specially rented Kazan apartments.

Another rather exotic form of income was the organization of dog fights in the suburbs of Kazan. Moreover, the Khaditaktashevskies managed to keep fighting dogs in the zoo.

The heroin trade, as well as the control of prostitution, allowed Hadi Taktash to become one of the wealthiest gangs in the city. They say that Galiakberov quite often accumulated up to a million dollars in cash.

Having come to power, the Raja could well have stopped killing, but it seems that he got a taste for it. When there was simply no one to kill in his group, he switched to his neighbors - "Pervakov", namely to the brigade of Batrov, nicknamed Bibik.

The main reason for the war was the competition in the drug market. It only remained to find a reason. And in the summer of 1997, the "Pervogorkovsky" authority Alexander Grinkov, nicknamed Grinya, took 200 grams of cocaine from Sita, with whom they once sat in the isolation ward, and did not pay. Upon learning of this, Raja said that Griene would not get away with it.

After that Sito, Sych and Blotter went to Grinkov's place. Without thinking bad, the authority accepted them as relatives. Having drunk with Grinea, the "Hadishen" men took out their pistols and shot the authority and two of his friends. The fourth "Pervak" named Ruble, who was wounded in the cheek, pretended to be dead and, having waited for an opportune moment, ran away from the apartment.

The fact that the Hadishenskys had shot Grinya was quickly found out by the Pervogorkovskys. Right before the murder Grinkov received a call from his childhood friend Konstantin Nikolaev, nicknamed Chekist, and Grinya said that his guests were Sito, Blotter and Sych. In addition, one of the eyewitnesses identified them from photographs.

In the end, Sitnov and Grebennikov were detained. However, soon the Chekist was shot in the courtyard of a house on Syrtlanova Street in Kazan, and in connection with the death of the witness, the suspects had to be released. Even despite the fact that Sychev's fingerprints were found in the apartment. The latter stated that the prints on the glass remained from the time of his meeting with Grinya, which took place a few days before the murder ... "


The split of the Pervakovs into the Fedya Brigade and the Bibik Brigade occurred precisely because Fedya and Bibik had a cardinal divergence of opinions about Grinev's murder. The latter wanted revenge, and the former did not want to declare war on the Raja. As a result, Galiakberov, with whom Bibik nevertheless began a confrontation, announced that he would pay $ 50 thousand for Batrov's head:

“... In September 1997, the Pervogorkovskaya gang beaten to death a Khaditaktashevsky, nicknamed Tolkun, who lived on their territory. Now the Raja has declared war on the "pervak".

At the same time, the "Volochaevskaya" brigade spoke out unexpectedly sharply against the war. Immediately after that, an attempt was made on the leader of the "Volochaevskys" Marcel Gizatullin. However, judging by his character (they were shooting on the territory of the "Pervak" and obviously not going to kill), it was clear that this was the work of Raja, who really wanted to drag Marsik into the war. Gizatullin, we must give him his due, did not believe in the version of the "Pervakovs" and did not fight.

For the head of each "Pervogorkovsky" from Batrov's brigade, Raja promised to pay $ 5,000. The members of the group were given lists with the license plates of the "Pervak" cars. Galiakberov, however, did not think this was enough - he set out to create a special brigade of killers, which would shoot only "Pervak". To do this, he turned to Rintik. At one time he was a "Khadishen", but during the war between Anwar and Rauf he switched to the "Pavlyukhins", saying that he did not want to shoot at his friends. In 1995, Farkhutdinov was convicted of possession of two pistols. He was released in December 1997. Something went wrong with the "Pavlyukhinsky" ones, it came to the "arrow", to which he invited the "Khaditaktashevskys" ...

This time Farkhutdinov, who found himself without money after the break with the Pavlyukhinsky, happily got down to business, and soon he had four killers at his disposal, including his nephew Denis Cherneev.

The first in May 1998, Rintik decided to kill a friend - "Pervak" Ilnura Ismagilova named Fly agaric. He entrusted this murder to his nephew Denis. Since Cherneev did not know Ismagilov, Farkhutdinov made an appointment for him on Mavlyutov Street. Rintik called Ismagilov, who was in the company of the "Pervogorkovskaya" youth, aside, thus showing him to Cherneev, who was nearby, and left.

After that, the nephew walked towards the company, holding a black plastic bag in his hands. From a distance of about a meter, despite the large number of witnesses, he began to shoot aimingly, without removing the barrel from the package. He fired three shots - in the head, chest and stomach of the authority. Then he tried to fire a control shot in the head. But when he saw next to Ismagilov a student of the biology department of Kazan University Yuri Pushkarev, Cherneev from the PM shot him twice in the stomach. Pushkarev tried to escape, ran to the nearest house and fell there (and soon died in an emergency hospital). Having got rid of Pushkarev, Cherneev went up to Ismagilov, who was lying on the asphalt, but he was prevented from making a control shot this time: a "Pervagorkovsky" guy hiding nearby, rushed at the killer and bit his left arm. The bitten killer escaped.

At the end of June, Rintik personally shot a "Pervak" named Cactus. A month later, the turn came to Nikita Vozdvizhensky- a former member of the Didi Brigade, who went over to the Pervak. Farkhutdinov found out the address of Nikita's safe house. The killer punctured the wheel of Vozdvizhensky's car in the evening, and the next morning he shot the victim almost point-blank when he changed the spare tire.

And finally, in the spring of 1999, Raja set out to remove Bibik himself, as the Kazan groupers said, "put a price tag on him of 50 thousand US dollars." The organization in Batrov's brigade left much to be desired, the "pervak" could not offer any serious resistance to the Raja, except to kill Tolkun. Therefore, Bibik had to hide in St. Petersburg. However, Galiakberov and Rintik figured out how to lure him to Kazan.

For this they decided to kill his brother-in-law. Alexandra Sakmarova nicknamed Kuyan, believing that Bibik will come to his funeral. In addition, Kuyan, like Vozdvizhensky, used to be in the "Didenko brigade", and it was a matter of course for Radik to deal with the "defector".

It was not the first time they tried to kill him. In November 1997, Sakmarov was shot at near the Teatralnoye cafe in Kazan. However, then he, wounded, managed to escape. The Khaditaktashevskys approached the next assassination attempt creatively. Rintik Brigade member and childhood friend Valery Shirokov I found on the street an ownerless boxer dog, which on the day of the murder he began to walk near Kuyan's house. At this time, Cherneev was in the parking lot to give a signal to Shirokov about the appearance of Sakmarov. Another fighter of Fakhrutdinov - Anatoly Novitsky- sat in the car to pick up the killer after the murder, while Rintik himself watched what was happening.

He was 100 percent sure of success, so on the day of the murder he sent a message to Galiakberov: “Hello, how are you? Watch TV ”, knowing full well that the plot of the murder will be shown in the crime news.

Shirokov fired back, even though Sakmarov appeared with his wife and little daughter. At the same time, Kuyan's wife tried to fight the killer and therefore remembered him well. Soon he, Bulba and Sych were detained, however, the latter two were quickly released for lack of evidence.

Bibik never came to his brother-in-law's funeral. Although the "Hadishen" people were waiting for him very much. And soon Batrov was completely inaccessible to the Khadishen people: he was arrested for possession of weapons ... ”.


In the book "Gangster Kazan" the authors also tell in detail about the gradual decline of the "Khadi Taktash" group, which, after the liquidation of the former "pervak" from the "Bibik Brigade", switched to the "Pavlyukhino" group. Meanwhile, the "godfather" of the Kazan mafia, Galiakberov, is becoming one of the richest bandits in the city, but his arrest turned out to be very prosaic, without the pathos that is inherent in movies:

“... This is where the war with the“ pervak ​​”ended. The Raja's authority in the city has grown to unprecedented heights. But even this was not enough for him. He switched to the closest neighbors - "Pavlyukhinsky".

Relations between the gangs deteriorated back in 1998, due to the fact that the Pavlyukhinskaya gang began too actively to recruit adolescents living on the territory of Khadishka and organize their drugs there. First, the "young" fought, and then it came to the "old people": Rintik received an order to liquidate the authority of "Pavlyukhin" Vladimir Marushkin named Maruska.

His murder was committed on Police Day - November 10, 1999. The killers lay in wait for Marushkin near the entrance of the house on the street. Esperanto and shot almost point-blank with pistols. Although the task was completed and Maruska died on the way to the hospital, in general the killers were in for a failure. One of them - Novitsky - was caught hot on the trail by the "Pavlyukhinskaya" youth, beat him up, after which the loser fell into the hands of policemen who drove up to the scene of the crime.

It was evident from everything that a war was about to begin between the groups. In this regard, it was decided to immediately detain Galiakberov. The operatives received information that Raja was on the "arrow" with members of the "Tyap-Lyap" group, which was held on the territory of the Arsk cemetery in Kazan. At that moment, all groups of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan were on the road. Therefore, only two operatives went to the training camp. On the spot, they saw Galiakberov, who was explaining something to criminal competitors. Opera was immediately summoned to the aid of SOBR. But then the bandits began to disperse. It was impossible to hesitate: the Raja could hide. We must pay tribute to the courage of these policemen - they two (!) Entered the office, where there were at least three dozen brothers and "without noise and dust" detained Raja. Later, the authority did not hide that he made a fatal mistake, surrendering without a fight to only two operatives ...

Following Galiakberov, the entire leadership of his brigade in the amount of 13 people - "Devil's Dozen", was in custody. They were charged with 15 murders, organizing a criminal community, banditry, extortion, drug trafficking and arms trafficking. None of the "Hadishen" members admitted their guilt. And Raja generally called the accusation a fiction. And he refused to testify.

The investigation of this unique criminal case on charges of banditry and other crimes against an entire criminal community was the first in the modern history of the law enforcement agencies of Tatarstan. And the methods used by the investigation in the Khadishka case became the foundation for the development of all subsequent criminal cases of this kind, not only in Tatarstan, but in Russia as a whole.

For example, a well-known Russian criminalist was invited to inspect the Moscow apartment in which the Khadishenskys dismembered Aksanov Alexander Dvorkin, thanks to whose special knowledge and the use of the method he developed, 7 years after the crime, traces of blood were found in the bathroom.

For the first time, at their own peril and risk, the investigators also applied the method of encrypting witnesses, who were 17. Their personal data were changed, they themselves were under the protection of SOBR and did not even appear in the courtroom. They were interrogated using special equipment that changed their voice beyond recognition. The witnesses themselves were in the next room. This was an exceptional measure, without which the case would have ended before it could begin. Moreover, the "Khadishenskys" who remained at large, as soon as they could, resisted the investigation.

For example, Shirokov, who gave confessions during the preliminary investigation, refused them in court, explaining that he was under pressure in the pre-trial detention center. Chernozhukov, taken as a victim from Ukraine (where he was serving his sentence) to Kazan, for some reason ended up in a pre-trial detention center in the same cell with the defendants. After that, of course, he immediately "forgot" who shot him and under what circumstances. There were also a dozen witnesses who saw Aksan in Moscow after 1993 ...

According to rumors, high-ranking officials of the prosecutor's office were repeatedly approached by well-known entrepreneurs in the city with offers to provide sponsorship in exchange for the release of the Khadishevskys. And the proposals were very serious - right up to the construction of a new building for the prosecutor's office.

It is surprising that Galiakberov continued to rule the group and organize gatherings of his OPS, even while sitting in the isolation ward. The camera most of all resembled a five-star hotel room and was even equipped with a plasma TV. Cell phones were seized from the cell almost every day. And already during the trial in Kazan, rumors spread that the Raja or his patrons had collected a quarter of a million dollars to bribe the court ...

However, none of the "Raj's" were released. Although the court found charges of several murders unproven, and in some minor episodes they were dropped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the verdict was very harsh.

Raja and Rintik, 33, received life sentences. The rest of the Khaditaktashevskys were sentenced by the court from 6 to 24 years in a strict regime colony. The only indulgence for Galiakberov and Fakhrutdinov was that they were sent to serve their sentences in one cell of the Black Dolphin special regime colony in Sol-Iletsk (Orenburg region of the Russian Federation).

On this, the "Rajovskys" ceased to exist ... ".


The Raja, for sure, will be able to tell the court about the war with the part of the Pervakovs that broke away from the Fedya Brigade. Although the “return” of Galiakberov to Kazan will be a very epochal event in itself, it can shed light on a number of high-profile murders, of which “Pervakov” is accused. For example, a new and very unexpected turn may occur in the episode of the murder of "Pervak" Nikolayev, nicknamed the Chekist - his liquidation, according to the indictment, was ordered by the now defendants Lukoyanov and Yusupov. But, after all, Nikolaev witnessed that the "Khaditaktashenskie" Sito, Sych and Blotchka were visiting Grinkov on the night of his murder.

In fact, in 1997, after the murder of Grinkov, Nikolaev was the only witness who could testify against active members of Khadi Taktash. And so ... they kill him. And Sito, Sych and Blotmokashka are released - the only witness who could "hand over" them (and then, possibly, Raju himself) to law enforcement agencies, died.

Earlier at the court hearing, the father of the murdered Nikolaev said that his son was on good terms with Yusupov and Lukoyanov. They both even walked at Konstantin's wedding.

“They had friendly relations, there were no conflicts,” said the Chekista's father. Then the testimony of the murdered Nikolayev's brother (also now deceased) was read out, who stated that the murder of his brother could have been committed by members of the organized criminal group “Khadi Taktash”, and not “Pervaki”. Against the background of these facts, the version that the Chekist died due to a quarrel with Lukoyanov and Yusupov fades.

Will Raj take responsibility for the murder of Nikolayev in the courtroom, thus removing one of the episodes of the indictment from the shoulders of "Pervakov"? Hardly ... although Galiakberov has nothing to lose ...


Sheptytsky told "BUSINESS Online"

As far as I know, Galiakberov had already once been convoyed from the Black Dolphin just to testify in the Pervakov case. But then he was taken to Kazan incognito. The figure of Raja in the criminal world of our city was very significant. Despite the fact that at that time Haider and Zhilka were more and more heard, Galiakberov was in no way inferior to them in ambition and the scale of his crimes. He, too, shortly before his arrest, had already tried to go to Moscow and began expansion into other regions. And it was not for nothing that the people came up with a horror story: "Hadi Taktash" is a wonderland, went into the entrance and disappeared there! " Raja kept the city in fear, was the first to start selling cocaine, at one time he even showed interest in Orgsintez, despite the fact that he was "controlled" by Zhilka - he was not afraid of anyone.

His testimony in the Pervakov criminal case should be of great importance for the process. This is evidenced by at least the fact that for the sake of this he is transported from the "Black Dolphin". Raja, by the way, had a warm relationship with the Fedya Brigade, because Yusupov did not support the Bibik Brigade in the war with Hadi Taktash. As for the episode with Nikolaev, nicknamed the Chekist, I think that Raja will not "load" himself with new episodes, because even the prisoners of "Black Dolphin" do not lose hope one day to get out of there ahead of schedule. Although in the case of Galiakberov, such a development of events is unlikely.


There are four defendants in the Pervakov criminal case: Firdinant Yusupov (Fedya), Valentin Lukoyanov (Valek), Sergei Sardaev (Sardai) and Leonid Andreev (Kisman). In the criminal case "Pervakov" there are 6 episodes of murder: Konstantin Nikolaev and Victor Gusev, according to the investigation, they were killed in the course of an internal showdown. Leader of the Kaluga group Vyacheslav Tatarov, according to the indictment, he was killed because he refused to let the Pervakov prostitutes into the Bulgar hotel, which was under the control of Kaluga. Member of the "Kamaevskie" group Marat Iskhakov was killed due to a conflict with the leaders of "Pervakov", the owner of the parking lot on Professor Kamay Street Sergey Vasin, was liquidated due to the fact that the defendant Lukoyanov allegedly wanted to stand at the head of the parking lot.

The most notorious crime attributed to Pervak ​​is the murder of the founder of RCA Radio Communications Agency LLC (this is the largest paging operator in Tatarstan in the late 90s) Timur Atnagulov... The businessman was shot dead in the entrance of his own house in August 1999. According to the investigation, the leaders of Pervakov killed Atnagulov because he did not want to allow their influence on his business anymore. Many of these murders are related to the 1997 split of the Pervakovs into the Fedya Brigade and the Bibik Brigade (led by Batrov).

The defendants were also charged with banditry and possession of weapons. In the criminal case, the testimony of about 80 witnesses was collected. Even the former leader of the Kazan organized criminal group “Khadi Taktash” Galiakberov (Raja) was interrogated as a witness in this case.

None of the defendants, except Sardaev, pleaded guilty. All the defendants, with the exception of Andreev, are in custody.

Supreme Court of Tatarstan. 2002 year. 13 defendants. All in black and all, as if on selection, broad-shouldered, stately. The leader of the Khadi Taktash organized crime group, Radik Galiakberov, nicknamed Raja, maintains an unshakable, frightening calm. He did not flinch during the sentencing. And the verdict was harsh. Galiakberov and his right hand, Renat, receive the capital punishment: life imprisonment in the Black Dolphin prison. The remaining 11 gang members shared 180 years of imprisonment with each other.

The case of the Tatar group "Khadi Taktash" was and remains unprecedented, still unparalleled.

Why did I decide to write about this? I was never interested in the nineties, I did not hear anything about the notorious rampant banditry either from my parents or from grandparents. Thank God, this did not affect our family. But an accidentally opened article on Wikipedia told such things that I could not help thinking and writing about all this.

Bloody runs

It all started with the carving of asphalt. This was the name of the war for the territory of influence between the boys from the city outskirts. Distraught from the feeling of a small but power, from the smell of the blood of enemies and the permissiveness of the times of trouble, they smash and gnaw each other to death. There were many small street clans. At first, a gang that did not stand out from the "hadishki", as the people called the street of the Tatar poet Khadi Taktash, is gaining momentum over time. Gathering under them the same young and crazy, they arrange the terribly famous runs through the streets of Kazan. Their only goal was - to kill everyone in the way. None of them knew pity and did not expect her to be with him. The boys have learned to kill.

Old men

"Hadi Taktash" - began to sound more confident, the whole city learned about the rabid guys from this gang, but by the time it flourished, a struggle for power began in it. The old people wanted to stick to "thieves' notions", while the young were actively moving into business, trying to seize the largest enterprises in Tatarstan. When they succeeded Rafa - the leader of the old people demanded a share, but received a tough rebuff. The answer was the murder of the leader of the young - Anvar. It was a desperate move, the old people underestimated their opponents and as a result - six murders. The first to be shot was Rafa himself. The details of those murders will warp anyone (http://www.rg.ru/Anons/arc_2002/0205/1.shtm - knife and ax workers)

Now a certain Nikolai Gusev becomes the main one. I liked his story the most. Having managed to steal and waiting for the expiration of the investigation of the six murders, he leaves for permanent residence in Spain, where he is still.

After his departure, the heyday of the "Kazan phenomenon" begins.


What did the media do to us? We began to like villains, we are delighted with unscrupulous politicians, vampires, thieves in law ... we are ready to love them, even if they are beautiful, or romantic, or in the depths of our souls unusually kind! .. There are many examples and we adore all of them as much as they disgust and fear us.

Raja is one of these heroes.

Only he is absolutely real. While you are reading this article, he is probably sitting or standing in his cage in the Black Dolphin. Because in this prison it is strictly forbidden to go to bed until late at night. And most likely he is reading something. His thirst for reading, known back in the days of "Hadi Taktash", has now reached its peak. He read almost everything in the prison library. But about life in "Dolphin" a little later.

Fountain at the entrance to the prison

While in the 90s, Raja is young, impudent, but smart and reasonable. He closes all the main financial flows of the group on himself and begins to gradually remove competitors. When the old men were done away with, his attention was switched to other Kazan organized criminal groups: Zhilka and Pervaki. A series of brutal assassinations of their members did not keep you waiting, and the sphere of influence was restored again.

The Khadishevskys go further: they take control of the entire prostitution Kazan (only this business brought up to 5 thousand dollars daily) and the sphere drug trafficking , selling up to 1 kg of heroin per day.More than 40 firms, factories, restaurants, banks, and even two cemeteries were also caught in the criminal turnover..

A the authority of "Hadi Taktash" is indisputable. Raja himself is the sole owner and manager of the common fund. Frightened businessmen, among whom were quite famous people in the city, regularly pay tribute to him. To Him - the great and terrible Raja.

We made Venus

By the end of the 90s, Radik Galiakberov had created a classic criminal community with a clear hierarchical structure, combat units, intelligence and counterintelligence. He also developed a system of pseudonyms, which was used by his subordinates when negotiating on cell phones and pagers. During the negotiations, the following phrases were used, for example: “he got sneakers” (synonymous with “white slippers”), “we made Venus” (dismembered corpse). Galiakberov held "meetings" in the office of the Zdorovye plant. He was severely punished for being late for the "planning meeting".

What is surprising about Raj and what brings him closer to the antiheroes of cinema and literature? A combination of the incongruous: a unique mind and exceptional cruelty, erudition and unprincipledness, aestheticism, which manifests itself even in the nature of the crimes (he timed them to symbolic dates that meant something for the victims or himself) and impeccable taste.

Raja always looked like a dandy, in his speech he operated on the statements of ancient Greek philosophers and constantly quoted "The Godfather" whom he knew by heart. No swearing, slang and other thieves' stuff. He also loved Venus very much:

from the memoirs of a witness:

"Aksanov crawled on his knees, begged Galiakberov to keep him alive, cried, even kissed his hands ... Raja told Halva to cut Aksanov's corpse into pieces ... Marcel handed Galiakberov one leg and Aksanov's head in a bag. Marcel cut Aksanov gradually, and as the Galiakbers were cut off opened the bathroom door and took these pieces of the body from him. After transferring the piece, Galiakberov immediately closed the bathroom door and packed the cut off into a bag ".


Fall of the empire

Everything comes to an end. For Raja, it began with an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Mokrushkin, the leader of another opposing organized criminal group. The killer Raji pretended to be a bum and, going up to Makrushkin, put the whole clip in him. And everything would have gone smoothly as always, had it not been for the youth of the Pavlyukhinskaya organized criminal group on duty at the entrance of their leader. They caught up with the killer and beat him to a pulp. The ambulance and the police, which arrived later, found a pistol lying next to the victim (if you can call him that), and from it the tangle of crimes began to unravel.

After a while, the killer Novitsky testifies against Raja. If earlier the investigators did not have enough evidence to bring charges against him, now they have appeared. Almost simultaneously with this, one of Galiakberov's closest associates is found killed. Things are not going well. The sphere of influence of "Hadi Taktash", inflated to the limit, begins to descend like a rubber ball.

The decisive factor in the "Kazan phenomenon" was the political will of the president of the republic, who decided to put an end to all bandit formations. He takes control of everything and a powerful raid begins. In 1999, a series of arrests by the Khadishevskys eventually ends with the arrest of Raji himself.

January 2002 unique trial.

In the first days of the trial, there was nowhere for the apple to fall. They checked their passports and bags. There are 13 people in the dock, a damn dozen. A submachine gunner was on duty at the cell with the defendants. The appropriate composition of the court was selected - even the lawyers of the convicts say that these are docks in their case.

In the cage, the people behaved quite freely. It was only when the judge read out the verdict that the faces of the groupers became serious. None of them pleaded guilty to any of the charges.

Radik Galiakberov, who answered all the questions of the prosecution in the same way: "I am not Raja. I am Radik. This is all fiction," was sentenced to death behind bars in the most terrible prison in Russia. Together with him, his henchman Rinat Farkhutdinov was sent there. The remaining 11 convicts shared 180 years of imprisonment.

"Black Dolphin".

No one has escaped from here yet. Here cameras are not just cameras. These are cells within cells. The prisoners are strictly forbidden to communicate with each other. When leaving the cell, everyone is blindfolded in order to disorientate in space: so not one of them will understand and remember the prison plan.

Escape is out of the question.

I don’t know and don’t want to know what this means.

But Raja believes in his liberation. Even during the trial, the Khadivshevites who remained at large had no doubt that their leader would come out justified: his power was so great in their eyes. It was rumored that the president of the republic at that time was given an ultimatum: either Radik was released, or the president would be killed. It is not clear how everyone had the strength not to bend under the almighty "Hadi Taktash".

Of course, hoping to get out of the Dolphin is extremely unreasonable. But what else does a man have who, at his twenties, is condemned to die in prison? ..


Below I will provide a link to an article by a person who personally spoke with Raja at Black Dolphin. There he described in detail all his feelings. The most important of them is Radik Galiakberov - this well-read, intelligent in communication, extremely erudite and even in the conditions of "life" looking after the appearance and health, a man ... was it really possible to dismember corpses in cold blood? Be the organizer of terrible crimes? Ordering both girls and women? To be extremely unprincipled? ..

For me personally, while I was collecting material for this article, I was constantly reminded of Hannibal Lecter. The analogy is obvious.

Who are these people? Is it possible to consider them as more developed in a purely spiritual plane, personalities, if they are capable of such polar manifestations? We are all middle peasants, we live on the same plane: we do little evil, sometimes we are capable of love. Who are they? Those who cognized the dark depths of evil and the dazzling light of knowledge? Maybe they are capable of much more powerful love than we, floundering somewhere near the coast? ..

In conclusion, I will quote the lines of a letter that Radik wrote to a journalist who visited him:

“Thank you very much for the book you donated. I read it with interest and I dare to note that the events described in it do not always correspond to real facts.

I do not complain about fate and take it for granted that misfortunes and troubles are a part of our life, that they happen to us all the time and we are few,

what can we do about it.

You are part of the system and have no right to choose. So, willy-nilly, you have to come to terms with what is happening and play your role with dignity. Why worry about what we cannot change? Please accept the assurance of my utmost respect. Radik. "

Raja in "CHD"

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Dalai Lama - life path, quotes and sayings
In our world, in the huge flow of information, almost everyone could hear about the Dalai Lama, about his teachings and philosophy of life. Who is this man, whose statements are quoted all over the world? Dalai Lama XIV (Ngagwang Lovzang Tenjin Gyamtsho) is a Buddhist
A brief history of Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia is one of the great civilizations of the Ancient World that existed in the Middle East, in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Conditional chronological frames - from the middle of the 4th millennium BC. e. (Uruk era) to October 12, 539 BC e. ("The fall of Babylon").
A Brief Dictionary of Musical Terms
Authentic - 1) authentic cadence in a major-minor system: a sequence of dominant and tonic chords; 2) in the medieval modal system - a scale, the range of which is built from the main tone one octave up. Adagio (adagio) - 1) about
Walrus - an amazing world of animals
The marine life has become a symbol of the harsh Arctic. It is difficult not to notice a giant walrus, it is easy to identify by its formidable fangs. The name of the animal is literally translated from Greek - "hanging on the teeth." In the northern hemisphere, this mammal is the largest