Zolotarev National Guard. The former "brigade" from the "Tambov" organized criminal group became the commander of the National Guard of Russia. General of the Army Viktor Zolotov

Viktor Zolotov, a native of the Soviet KGB, who was involved in the protection of senior officials of the USSR and Russia, rose from the bodyguard of Boris Yeltsin, Anatoly Sobchak and Vladimir Putin to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of Russia. In July 2017, he was appointed to lead an anti-terrorist group in the North Caucasus in connection with repeated threats by the Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in Russia by a court) to destabilize the situation in the southern regions of Russia.


Viktor Zolotov was born on January 27, 1954 in the town of Sasovo, Ryazan Region. After serving in the border troops, he worked as a mechanic at an AZLK in Moscow.

In 1970-2000 he was engaged in the protection of senior officials, working first in the ninth department of the KGB of the USSR, and since 1990 - in Main security department Russia.

In 1990, he became the bodyguard of the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, at the same time meeting Vladimir Putin, who was then the deputy mayor of the city. After becoming prime minister in 1999, Putin invited Zolotov to join his bodyguard. Since then, Zolotov has been in the closest circle of the current president.

In 2000-2013, Zolotov headed the security service of the President of Russia, being the deputy director of the Federal Security Service. In 2013, he became Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In May 2014, Zolotov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In November 2015, Zolotov was awarded the military rank of General of the Army.

On April 5, 2016, the President of Russia appointed Zolotov director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops - the commander-in-chief of the National Guard troops. At the same time, he was made a permanent member of the Security Council.

On July 29, 2017, the President of Russia, having signed a decree on improving the management of the united group of forces for conducting counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus, put Viktor Zolotov at the head of the leadership. Its task is to involve in the conduct of counterterrorist operations in the North Caucasus Federal District the formations of the Russian Guard and the armed forces of Russia, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, the FSO.

Notes (edit)

  1. Earley P. Comrade J .: The Untold Secrets of Russia "s Master Spy in America after the End of the Cold War. N.Y., 2008. P. 298–301.
  2. Putin's bodyguard // Leningradskaya Pravda, 02.02.2004.
  3. Poison Factory // Radio Liberty, 04.06.2009; Encyclopedia of Poisons from Stalin to Putin // Radio Liberty, 17.12.2009.
  4. Decree on the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was signed // Official website of the President of Russia, 09/18/2013.
  5. Viktor Zolotov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs // Official website of the President of Russia, 05/12/2014.
  6. Zolotov Viktor Vasilievich // Official site of the Russian Guard.
  7. Viktor Zolotov appointed head of the National Guard // Official website of the President of Russia, 05/04/2017.
  8. A change has been made to the composition of the permanent members of the Security Council // Official website of the President of Russia, 04/05/2017.
  9. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2017 No. 345 "On improving the command and control system of the Joint Group of Forces (Forces) to Conduct Counter-Terrorist Operations on the Territory of the North Caucasian Region of the Russian Federation" // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information, July 29, 2017.

Where did the head of the National Guard, ex-bodyguard of Vladimir Putin Viktor Zolotov come from?

Hit exactly the "nine"

The main part of the biography of the head of the newly created National Guard, Viktor Zolotov, is still classified. Officially, he began his career as a mechanic at a factory. But already at the age of 20, he got into one of the elite divisions of the KGB - the 9th department, which was engaged in the protection of the first persons of the state.

Most often, we were visited by those who distinguished themselves in the service in the border troops, special forces of the GRU, Airborne Forces. The preference was given to people who showed themselves in critical situations or in a combat situation, - said the site Major General of the KGB, former chief of staff of the 9th KGB Directorate Valery Velichko.

Viktor Zolotov just served in the border troops.

I don’t remember him in the 70s and 80s, ”Velichko admitted. - Obviously, at that time he had not yet had time to distinguish himself with anything.

Zolotov distinguished himself in 1991. A photo of Yeltsin on a tank near the White House, whose back is covered by an unknown security guard in dark glasses with a concentrated expression on his face, has spread all over the world media. This was Zolotov. Later he got into the camera lens in the same way when he covered the back of Vladimir Putin.

The story of Putin and Zolotov's acquaintance took place in the 90s, when Zolotov headed the security of the then mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Sobchak was then very friendly with his deputy, Vladimir Putin. They say that Putin and Zolotov became friends with a common hobby for judo. Zolotov became Putin's sparring partner on the tatami for many years to come. By the way, Zolotov, like Putin, continues to train and until recently even headed the Oyama Kyokushinkai Karate-do Federation. By the way, another well-known karate fighter in the same direction is the president's plenipotentiary in the Far East, Yuri Trutnev.

Silence - Zolotov

The former head of Boris Yeltsin's security service, Alexander Korzhakov, knows a lot about the first years of Zolotov's service. But for many years he has refused to talk about his former subordinate.

I will not talk about this person !. - I can only say that I made of him the Zolotov we now know.

In the 90s, everyone knew Korzhakov, nobody knew Zolotov. Today the situation is different.

The protection of the first persons in modern times has changed a lot. We served the state, and the current guards serve individuals ..

Petersburg colleagues of Putin and Zolotov argue that their relationship was cemented during the period of persecution of Sobchak. Both then neglected their personal careers for the sake of the disgraced patron. Sobchak left for Paris. Putin resigned from the mayor's office. Zolotov left the FSO (Federal Security Service).

Putin definitely trusts him, he generally values ​​reliability and personal loyalty. Apparently, he had the opportunity to be convinced of this more than once, - Velichko believes.

And in service, and in friendship

After leaving the FSO, Zolotov went into commerce, joining the influential St. Petersburg businessman Roman Tsepov as a personal guard. Tsepov was credited with unlimited opportunities and connections with both government officials and high-ranking law enforcement officials. Tsepov was considered the uncrowned king of the Northern capital until he was poisoned by unknown assailants in 2004. This crime has not yet been solved and is one of the most mysterious murders of our time. After the murder of Tsepov, Zolotov returned to civil service.

Putin did not forget his colleague and invited his personal security guards - this is the highest degree of trust.

The everyday life of the presidential guard is a secret. But it is known that Zolotov has many awards over the years of service. Colleagues even jokingly call him the Generalissimo. Among the awards there are not only honorary and jubilee ones, but also those that are simply not issued - the Order of Courage and the Order for Military Merit. Since Zolotov's service is top-secret, only the winner of the awards can tell about his exploits. But he did not give a single interview in his life. Which, obviously, is also appreciated by Putin.

Perhaps Zolotov received his orders for preventing one of the assassination attempts - it is believed that during his time in power, the president was assassinated a dozen times.

Increased attention is paid to the protection of Putin. The places where he visits are carefully and repeatedly checked and examined. Food for him also undergoes a multi-stage test. Before serving it to the president, special staff tasters try it, ”said one of the interlocutors, who asked not to indicate his name.

In 2014, 60-year-old Zolotov finally left the presidential guard and was appointed head of the Interior Ministry troops. Even then, they said that this chair was an intermediate stage and Zolotov would soon head one of the leading special services - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO or the FSB. But the reality turned out to be even more interesting: a new special service was created under him with the broadest powers in the area in which Zolotov has been working all his life - security.


Valentine's wife is a housewife.

Son Roman worked as deputy general director of FSUE Okhrana of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now - a businessman, producer and actor (starred in several film projects).

Daughter Jeanne is the owner of the apartment.

/ Expert comment

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Boris Vishnevsky: The guards are coming to power

Zolotov's appointment did not come as a surprise. He is a non-public person, shady, devoted, his own. All these qualities are in demand and appreciated today. Even when he was appointed deputy minister of the interior, there were expectations that he would eventually take the ministerial chair. But now it is obvious that a virtually separate power structure has been created for him in addition to the existing ones.

A tradition has already developed that the leaders of our state tend to trust most of all those who are in charge of their personal security. Remember Korzhakov from Yeltsin's security. The same Dyumin whom Putin put in charge of the Tula region. But when people who are in charge of security start influencing politics, it’s not very good. It is significant that all whom Putin can now trust are his guards. This is due to Putin's past, his career in the KGB. He was taught that way. But in fact it turns out that the state is becoming more and more like a special service. A constantly strengthening army must protect from external enemies, and the National Guard, created in the image of the gendarme corps, it turns out, will fight against "enemies" inside the country.


What is the National Guard?

The National Guard includes units of SOBR and OMON, special forces centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for controlling the circulation of weapons, FSUE Okhrana ...

What was it created for?

Protection of public order, participation in the fight against terrorism and extremism, participation in territorial defense, protection of important state facilities, elimination of the consequences of emergencies ...

What is it entitled to?

Stop crimes, check documents, detain suspects, inspect vehicles and citizens, use special means and weapons without warning during protests ...

MOSCOW, April 5. / TASS /. The President of Russia has appointed Viktor Zolotov as director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. The decree was posted on the Kremlin's website.

"To appoint Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, relieving him of his post," the text of the document says.

By a separate decree, Zolotov was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Decision to create a new division

Earlier on Tuesday, Putin announced the creation in the Russian Federation of the National Guard on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"The decision has been made, we are creating a new federal executive body on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, creating the National Guard, which will deal with the fight against terrorism, organized crime, in close contact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to perform the functions that were performed by the units of the OMON, SOBR, etc. ", - said the head of state at a meeting with Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov and Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Zolotov.

Composition of the National Guard

The structure of the Federal Service of National Guard Forces, by the order of the President of Russia, includes "command and control bodies and subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation exercising federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of arms circulation and in the sphere of private security activities, as well as extra-departmental security, including the Center for Special Purpose of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ".

As stated in the presidential decree published on the Kremlin's website, the National Guard also includes "special rapid reaction units of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; mobile special forces of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

"We will fix it, as we discussed it with the Minister of Internal Affairs, not only in the decree, but also in the future federal law so that there is no inconsistency, so that everything works clearly and harmoniously," Putin said.

"I very much hope that the troops of the National Guard will also effectively carry out their tasks, as they have been so far, and will intensify their work in those areas that are considered priority," he added.

The President recalled that the issue of improving the work of law enforcement agencies and, in particular, their power component had already been discussed earlier. “We thought about how we could improve our work in all areas, including those related to the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking,” Putin said.

Victor Zolotov

Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov was born on January 27, 1954 in the Ryazan Region into a family of workers. Graduated from the Law Institute and the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After graduating from school, he worked as a mechanic at the production association Zavod im. Likhachev (ZIL). He served in the Border Troops of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR. In the 1970s-1990s. - An employee of the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, transformed in 1990 into the Security Service of the KGB of the USSR (from the end of 1991 - the Main Directorate of Security of the RSFSR, from June 1996 - the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation). On August 19, 1991, together with Alexander Korzhakov, he guarded the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin during his address to the citizens of Russia from the armor of a tank in front of the White House. In the first half of the 1990s. provided personal protection for the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and the first deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg Vladimir Putin. In 1996 he was dismissed from the FSO. He worked in private security companies in St. Petersburg, in particular in the Baltic Escort company. In 1999 he headed the security service of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. From 2000 to 2013, he held the position of Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation - Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. During this period, the FSO was headed by Evgeny Murov. In 2013, he joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the Russian Federation. From September 2013 to May 2014, he was Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Nikolai Rogozhkin. Since May 12, 2014 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Internal Affairs is headed by Vladimir Kolokoltsev). In addition to the Internal Troops, he oversees the system of non-departmental security, licensing and permitting work, special forces and aviation centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the state defense department. General of the Army (2015). He was awarded the Orders of Merit to the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, Alexander Nevsky, Courage, Military Merit, Friendship, and medals. Has the honorary title "Honored Employee of the State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation".

Viktor Zolotov is the head of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, a relatively new executive body for the country. This is an experienced military man who began his career as an ordinary military serviceman. Like any politician loyal to the authorities, Zolotov is under the scrutiny of both the press and the opposition.

Childhood and youth

There is almost no information about the early stages of the biography of Viktor Vasilyevich. It is known that he was born in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region on January 27, 1954. After school, he worked for some time as a mechanic at AZLK. In his own words, he was a drummer for communist labor.

He did his military service in the border troops, and after that he became an employee of the 9th Main Directorate of the KGB, which was responsible for protecting the government. The reasons for admission to such a place, of course, were not disclosed, as well as the details of Zolotov's work for the State Security Committee.

Viktor Vasilyevich graduated from the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, also received his education at the military academy of the General Staff. There is no official information about faculties and study time.


The first publicly available certificate of Zolotov's work in the field of protecting government officials is a 1991 photo. In the photo, behind the back, addressing the putschists, young Victor is visible. It is known that in the 90s Zolotov worked as a bodyguard, who at that time was the mayor of St. Petersburg. There is also photographic evidence of this fact - Viktor Vasilyevich walking next to the 10-year-old.

Viktor Zolotov, Ksenia Sobchak and Anatoly Sobchak

While working for the mayor, Viktor met the future president of Russia - at that time he was Sobchak's deputy. The acquaintance became close enough: both men appreciated martial arts and turned out to be good sparring partners. In 1996, Viktor Zolotov was dismissed from the ranks of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation. One of the reasons for leaving was the client's loss in the mayoral elections.

He did not change his activity profile - he continued to work as a bodyguard. This time the ward was an entrepreneur, another former bodyguard of Sobchak. Subsequently, this fact more than once aroused the interest of journalists - it is known that Tsepov provided security services to criminal authorities and himself repeatedly came into the field of view of law enforcement agencies.

In parallel with his activities at Tsepov, Viktor Vasilyevich worked as the head of state security for the OLEI-jazz company, one of the leading importers of fruits at that time.

Zolotov built his further career by working for the state. In 2000, he was appointed head of the Security Council of the President of the Russian Federation, later he replaced Anatoly Kuznetsov and became deputy director of the FSO. In this position, the man worked until 2013. While working, he rose to the rank of colonel-general in 2006.

The next stage is the post of the first deputy minister of internal affairs, and on May 12, 2014, Viktor Zolotov was appointed commander-in-chief of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The man became general of the army on November 10, 2015 according to the decree of Vladimir Putin.

The idea of ​​forming the Russian Guard dates back to the 90s, when Yeltsin entrusted this issue to Rutskoi. But the project was put on hold and was put aside for a long time. The "second wind" opened in 2012, when the first reports appeared about plans to create a National Guard, a structure directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation. The decree on the creation of the Rosgvardia (Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of Russia) was signed by Vladimir Putin on April 5, 2016. On the same day, Viktor Zolotov was appointed its commander-in-chief.

Duel with Navalny

On August 23, 2018, the publication of the fund's investigation, which concerned the Russian Guard, took place. One of the main topics was the issue of food supply. According to the data provided by the opposition, in 2017 the Druzhba Narodov meat processing plant became the only supplier of food for the Russian Guard. The investigation indicated a direct connection between this fact and a sharp increase in the purchase prices for meat, cabbage, onions and oil.

On September 11, Viktor Zolotov's response to Alexei Navalny appeared on the Web, which immediately attracted the attention of Russian Internet users. Viewers took notice of Zolotov's controversial rhetoric and marveled at how patchy and at times risky his speech turned out to be.

Viktor Zolotov challenges Alexey Navalny to a duel

The final of the appeal was. At that time, Alexei could not personally answer the head of the Russian Guard due to the fact that he was in a special detention center. The reason for the arrest was a protest action that took place six months before the events.

People reacted to the "challenge to a duel" ironically and began enthusiastically discussing the upcoming "fight" between the general and the oppositionist. An unofficial flash mob has started under the hashtag #zold challenge. Users began to upload comic appeals to Viktor Vasilyevich on the Web, in which they challenge the general to a wide variety of duels: on pillows, on eyebrows, in tic-tac-toe, and even through the exam in mathematics.

People also noticed that Zolotov's appeal contains information that can be regarded as a threat. gave a commentary according to which there are no threats in the text of Viktor Vasilyevich, and also stated that sometimes libel should be combated by any means.

Ksenia Sobchak, known for her oppositional views, unexpectedly came to the defense of the general. She blamed PR manager Zolotov for the scandal, and advised users to watch his first official interview, which Viktor Vasilyevich gave for her film about Anatoly Sobchak.

Personal life

Over the years of service in the state security structures, Zolotov was used to hiding his personal life. It is known about the general's family that his wife's name is Valentina and that they have two children. Viktor Vasilyevich's daughter's name is Zhanna, she is married to Yuri Chechikhin, a film producer. Until 2014, Roman's son served on the staff of a private security guard, and in Chechikhin's mini-series “I Have the Honor” he played Sarantsev, one of the main characters. Now Roman Zolotov is the deputy head of the Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sports.

Viktor Zolotov has a close relationship with the head of the Chechen Republic. There were no official statements that Viktor Vasilyevich was a friend, but it can be assumed that, at least, business ties between them are close. In 2016, Zolotov was awarded the Order of Kadyrov, and in 2018, Ramzan Akhmatovich personally congratulated the general on his birthday.

The income of the head of the Russian Guard for 2016 amounted to over 6.7 million rubles.

Viktor Zolotov now

The main concern of Viktor Zolotov today is the Russian Guard, whose goal is to combat organized crime and terrorism.

The general himself, in his address to Navalny, made it clear that one of the most important tasks is combating corruption.


  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III and IV degrees
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • Order of Courage
  • Order of Military Merit
  • Order of Friendship
  • Honored Employee of the State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation
  • Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov
  • Patriarchal badge "700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh"
  • Maroon beret - presented on May 7, 2015 by decision of the Council of Servicemen of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who have the right to wear a maroon beret
  • Honorary Citizen of the city of Sasovo

General Viktor Zolotov, who recently headed the Russian National Guard, has a rich biography. However, most of it is still classified.

What do official sources know about this Russian military leader?


Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov was born on January 27, 1954 in the city of Sasovo, which is located in the Ryazan Region (RSFSR). He was brought up in a working class family, after graduation he went to work as an ordinary locksmith.

Since the early 1970s, the future general was an employee of the 9th Main Directorate of the USSR State Security Committee. How a young man in his early twenties got into this elite unit, whose task was to protect the first persons of the state, no one knows. Such an invitation, as a rule, was received by those who distinguished themselves during service in the border troops, the Airborne Forces, as well as in the GRU special forces.

In this case, preference was given to people who showed themselves excellently in a combat or critical situation.



General Viktor Zolotov has a daughter, Jeanne. She married producer Yuri Chechikhin, known for films such as Circumstances and Thugs.
General Viktor Zolotov also has a son. Until 2014, Roman was a full-time employee of the private security guard. Together with Chechikhin, he was involved in producing films, in one of which ("I have the honor") he played one of the main characters. Today Roman Zolotov works as the Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Physical Education and Sports.

Protection of the first persons of the state

In 1991, all the world's media published a photograph of Yeltsin during his speech on the armor of a tank. This photo clearly shows a man in dark glasses, who is covering Boris Nikolayevich's back. This was Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov. A little later, he also got into the camera lenses, covering the back of Vladimir Putin.

Moving to St. Petersburg

In 1991, Zolotov, then still a modest FSO officer, was sent from the capital to St. Petersburg. Here he was supposed to guard A. Sobchak. The mayor's family, his wife and ten-year-old daughter Ksenia, also needed protection. However, they were not entitled to state protection. That is why in 1992 Zolotov decided to contact the Baltic-Export company. This security company was headed by Roman Tselov.

In 1994, a new contract was signed with Tselov. The mayor's office invited him to protect public order in the places where the vice-mayor of the Northern capital, Vladimir Putin, was staying.

Meeting the future president

Zolotov got to know Putin closely in the 90s. The future president and Zolotov became friends against the background of a common passion for judo, and for many years they remained sparring partners on the tatami.

An interesting fact is that Zolotov, like Putin, still does not leave training. Until recently, the general even headed the Syama Kyokushinkai in karate-do.

Work in commercial structures

After Sobchak lost the elections in 1996, which were supposed to give him the post of mayor of St. Petersburg, Zolotov had to resign from the FSO. Then it seemed that the career of the future general had come to an end. Leaving the civil service, he went to work for the Baltic Escort company. Zolotov did not limit himself to participating in the work of this company alone. In the late 90s, he organized the work of security services in banks. At the same time, Zolotov collaborated with the largest importer of fruits, OLEI-Jazz. In this company, he also headed the security service.

Business "Baltic Escort" went well not only under Sobchak, but also under the new governor Yakovlev. The company received many contracts for the protection of facilities, events, infrastructure of the city, as well as touring stars and cruise ships.

Return to duty

Zolotov's biography changed dramatically in the late 90s. This happened at a time when the Russian government was headed by the director of the FSB, Putin. At his invitation, Viktor Zolotov left St. Petersburg and returned to Moscow. He changed his favorite Saab car for a government-owned BMW, taking over as head of the Russian Prime Minister's Security Service.

In 2000, Colonel Zolotov was appointed head of the Security Service of the newly elected president, Putin.

Characteristics of a loyal guard

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that whoever is responsible for the security of the president is someone who is fully trusted. And this man became Zolotov. The head of Putin's security, according to people who know Viktor Vasilyevich, performed his duties perfectly. He is a guard, loyal to his boss, and tough towards others. And this is confirmed by the fact that Zolotov retained his position even under President Dmitry Medvedev, being simultaneously engaged in security and prime minister.

During the period when Viktor Vasilyevich was Putin's direct guard, he was responsible for literally every minute of his life. He himself made the selection of personnel and organized the food process. Putin also trusted Zolotov with the management of his personal financial affairs. The construction of the presidential residence in Gelendzhik was underway under the supervision of a loyal security guard. Zolotov personally came to the site and gave specific instructions on the arrangement of communications and security.

Viktor Vasilyevich was jokingly called the generalissimo because of the frequency of getting regular stars on his shoulder straps. Already in 2006 he had a high rank - Colonel General. Viktor Zolotov received this title thanks to his unlimited loyalty to the president.


In 2007, Colonel-General Viktor Zolotov became a participant in a kind of war between the security forces. The opposing sides in it were Viktor Cherkesov (head of the FSKN) and (director of the FSB), as well as Alexander Bastrykin (head of the Investigative Committee) and Igor Ivanov (secretary of the Security Council). At that time, the FSKN was conducting a case on the withdrawal of funds by the Russian security forces that passed through a chain of Russian and foreign banks.

Operational data was collected thanks to video and photographic observations, wiretapping of telephones, etc. The Investigative Committee and the FSB did not want to put up with this. They responded by arresting employees on the staff of the Federal Drug Control Service.

What role did Zolotov play in this confrontation? He sided with Cherkesov, who, despite the support, lost the battle. Today, the former head of the Federal Drug Control Service is a modest deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Viktor Zolotov still occupies a high state post.

New appointments

In September 2013, the internal troops learned about Viktor Vasilievich. Zolotov was appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not surprising that this work was entrusted to such a responsible and experienced person.

General Zolotov led the internal troops on 05/12/2014. Then he became the first deputy. Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was subordinate to 220 thousand people wearing shoulder straps. In addition, the internal troops are all the special forces of Russia, which are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this is 25-30 thousand fighters who have passed special training.

According to some sources, General Zolotov headed the internal troops only in order to subsequently move to a higher step. Is it really? Former bodyguard of Putin Zolotov - Minister of Internal Affairs? Will he replace Kolokoltsev in this post? All the assumptions made were not officially confirmed. Only Commander-in-Chief Zolotov was introduced to the personnel. At the same time, the Minister of Internal Affairs described him as an officer with an outstanding biography and high moral qualities.

On November 10, 2015, Zolotov (RF) received another military rank - General of the Army. It was assigned to him according to Russia by V.V. Putin.

On April 5, 2016, the general became the director of the federal service and the commander-in-chief of these troops. The President has created a new power structure for his loyal guard. Today, according to his status, Zolotov is a minister. He is also a permanent member of the Russian Security Council.

Responsible post

The National Guard, led by Zolotov, was created on the basis of the internal troops, which are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the explanations of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, the newly formed structure is directly subordinate to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. Putin.

What is the main purpose of the National Guard of the Russian Federation? Its main goal is to maintain public order, combat extremism and terrorism. In addition, the structure headed by Zolotov should take part in the defense of the country's territorial integrity, guard special cargo and especially important objects. The task of the personnel of the National Guard is to help the FSB at the border.

The President also entrusted General Zolotov with the responsibility of monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of security activities of private companies and arms trafficking.

Thus, the most important task of the National Guard is to fight organized crime. Such a service will definitely need an operational component. And it is in the internal troops. This is internal intelligence.

General Zolotov has a tremendous amount of work ahead of him. He needs to centralize the activities of several disparate divisions that make up the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is a responsible task that an experienced and strong person will certainly cope with.

Who will serve in the National Guard? The internal troops of Russia are being transformed into this structure. The guard will include the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this is OMON and SOBR, as well as private security and the Center, which includes the aviation and rapid response forces. The National Guard will also include other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as FSUE Okhrana.

It is noteworthy that the new power structure is universal. To create it, it will not be necessary to increase the number of staff and staff. In addition, all polygons and training bases of the Interior Ministry troops will be transferred to the subordination of the National Guard. Thus, the budget will incur minimal costs.


For the entire period of service, Zolotov was awarded the following orders:

- "Friendship and Courage";
- "For Services to the Fatherland" (3rd and 4th degree);
- "For military services";
- Alexander Nevsky.

He also has a commemorative patriarchal sign "700th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh."
Among the awards of Zolotov, there is also a very rare medal. It is called "Defender of Free Russia". The medal bears the inscription "August 21, 1991".

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