Inclusive practices in preschool educational organizations. Inclusive practice in early childhood education. Children live together, in one regular group

E.V. Starodubtseva,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of ICRKPO

Today, the world recognizes the absolute value of each member of society and the need to maximize the use of opportunities, regardless of individual characteristics and limitations. And therefore, the introduction of inclusive practices in the life of an educational organization at the level of preschool education is of particular importance.

In today's educational environment, we are faced with a wide variety of starting conditions for inclusive education. Variable forms of inclusive practice in preschool education are being created: groups of compensatory and combined types, inclusive groups; preschool departments, in which there are library services, early assistance services, counseling centers, special child groups for short-term stays, developmental play support centers, etc. In this way, choices are expanding for families with children with special educational needs.
When implementing inclusive practices at the level of preschool education, the following questions come to the fore:

  • How to combine the requirements of the preschool curriculum and the characteristics of different children who must master it in pedagogical activity?
  • What is needed when building an individual development plan for a child and planning group work?
  • How to organize social interaction of children, taking into account their individual differences?

Today, the educational organization must change in order to become inclusive, focused on any child with any educational needs. This is a complex process that requires organizational, meaningful, value changes. The organization of inclusive practice presupposes a creative approach and a certain flexibility of the educational system, which adapts to the individual educational needs of children. At the same time, new approaches to teaching are used, variable educational forms and methods of teaching and upbringing are applied.
To manage inclusive processes, it is necessary to introduce team forms of work, project forms of organizing activities, diagnostics and monitoring of inclusive processes, forms of coordinating the interests of participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers, administration).
Inclusion is a bi-directional process that involves mutual adaptation and the willingness of the collective to accept a “special” child. Already at the first stages of the development of inclusive education, the problem of the unpreparedness of teachers of mass groups to work with children with special educational needs arises, a lack of professional competencies in working in an inclusive environment, the presence of psychological barriers and professional stereotypes are revealed.
There are a number of main difficulties that teachers face when implementing inclusive practices:

  • ignorance of the peculiarities of accompanying children with disabilities in the educational process,
  • differentiation of didactic support,
  • choice of methods and techniques for working with children with various developmental disorders,
  • cooperation and partnership with families raising children with disabilities and normally developing children.

The problem of the readiness of preschool teachers for professional activities in inclusive educational conditions is one of the main issues and requires the development of advanced training programs and psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the inclusive process.
The Moscow Institute of Open Education offers variable forms of professional development for teaching staff who implement inclusive practices at the level of preschool education - advanced training courses, educational events of the Pedagogical subscription, master classes, etc.
Of particular relevance are seminars in which teachers present to colleagues a unique experience in building variable models of the educational environment of preschool children with disabilities, and practice-oriented master classes, where teachers can acquire the skills that are necessary to organize work with children with special educational needs. Together with refresher courses, such events allow teachers to fill the deficiencies in the use of inclusive technologies and receive the necessary didactic and methodological assistance for the implementation of inclusive practices in their daily activities.

Significant changes taking place recently in the sphere of education of the Russian Federation are associated with a new attitude towards people with disabilities and children with disabilities. Integration processes are increasingly covering various categories of children with developmental disabilities. The categorical apparatus is being updated in accordance with international practice and the tendency of the humanistic approach, the conceptual and legal foundations of special education are changing. Along with integration, inclusive education appears and is actively developing, aimed at ensuring the correction of developmental disorders in various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering kindergarten and school programs. One of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education is to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of social status, psychophysiological and personal characteristics.

One of the main goals of modernizing educational programs and infrastructure of preschool educational institutions is: ensuring the rights of all citizens to receive quality preschool education. In the process of modernization, the task is being solved - the creation of a preschool educational institution without a barrier environment that allows children with disabilities to receive modern preschool education, the development of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and social institutions.

The experience of implementing integrative programs in Russia and around the world (correctional classes in mass schools, special groups in preschool educational institutions) led to the understanding that, on the one hand, an individual approach that is applied to children with special educational needs is important to every child, which the methods and methods of teaching and upbringing found in the process of creating combined kindergartens open up new perspectives for children with normative development, and on the other hand, it became obvious that the allocation of “special” classes in schools and groups in kindergarten often leads to the exclusion of children with disabilities from the cultural and social life of an educational institution, creates certain barriers in communication and interaction between the subjects of the educational process. Therefore, they began to move from the model of “integration” to the idea of ​​“inclusion” - joint education and upbringing of children with different starting abilities.

The relevance of introducing inclusive education into pedagogical practice is beyond doubt. This type of education at the educational institution makes it possible to provide the necessary psychological, pedagogical and medico-social assistance to a large number of children, allows it to be as close as possible to the child's place of residence, provide parents with counseling support, and also prepare society for accepting a person with disabilities.

The introduction of children with disabilities into the human community is the main task of the entire correctional care system. Social inclusion is understood as the ultimate goal of special inclusive education aimed at including the individual in the life of society. Educational integration, being a part of social integration, is viewed as a process of upbringing and teaching special children together with normally developing ones.

Inclusive educational institutions create ideal conditions for community members not only to better understand the issues of education, upbringing, socialization and integration of children with disabilities, but also to join a new system of values ​​and views for better interaction with others, regardless of whether they are different or similar.

Inclusive education involves the joint education of children with special educational needs and normally developing peers within the same group along different educational routes.Inclusive education (fr.inclusif - including, lat. include-conclude, include) is a process of development of general education, which implies the availability of education for all, in terms of adaptation to the different needs of all children, which ensures access to education for children with special needs. “Inclusive” education is about recognizing the value of all children’s differences and their ability to learn in a way that is most appropriate for each child. It is a flexible, open, dynamic system that takes into account the needs of all children, not only with developmental problems, but also of different ethnic groups, gender, age, belonging to a particular social group. The educational system adapts to the child, not the child to the system. Benefits are received by all children, and not any specific groups, new approaches to learning are often used, variable educational programs, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing are used that are adequate to the needs, capabilities and abilities of children with disabilities. Children with disabilities can be in a group full time or partly, with or without a teacher-tutor, learning with information support and according to an individual curriculum.

The goal of inclusive education is to achieve a certain social status for all children and to assert their social significance. This also applies to children with developmental disabilities. Joint education of children with different psychophysiological capabilities is an attempt to give self-confidence to children with disabilities. Children with special educational needs not only need special treatment and support, but also the inclusion of compensatory mechanisms, the development of their abilities and achievement of success in school.

Inclusive upbringing and education of children with disabilities should start from the earliest years, since it is well known that it is in preschool childhood that communication and social interaction skills are laid in a person that will help him in his future adult life. “Special” children need a welcoming and stable environment more than usual. A child who experiences certain difficulties in development will not be able to socially adapt, master the skills of adequate functioning in society, if his childhood passes in an artificially created environment that is very different from the usual one (the child is in a boarding school, isolated at home or is studying in a special group) ...

Joint education of preschoolers with different starting capabilities is permissible if the educational institution has created special conditions for education and training. There are eight basic principles of inclusive education:

1. The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements.

2. Everyone is able to feel and think.

3. Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard.

4. All people need each other.

5. True education can only take place in the context of real relationships.

6. All people need the support and friendship of their peers.

7. For all learners, progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot.

8. Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

Objectives of inclusive education:

    creation of an effective system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support for pupils in preschool educational institutions in order to correct the shortcomings of their psychophysiological development;

    realization of the right of a child with special educational needs to education, correction (compensation) of developmental deficiencies, taking into account individual characteristics and capabilities;

    construction of individual correctional and educational routes based on the results of studying the characteristics of the development of children, their potential, the zone of proximal development and abilities;

    mastering by pupils of educational programs in accordance with FGT;

    provision of cognitive, communicative, social, personal, artistic, aesthetic and physical development;

    preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and psychological health of children with disabilities;

    implementation of early full-fledged psychological, social and educational integration of pupils with disabilities into the environment of normally developing peers;

    providing the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions and a special subject-developing environment, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort;

    creation of conditions conducive to the harmonization of the development of the child's personality, depending on the individual mental and physical characteristics and capabilities of the child;

    providing psychological and pedagogical assistance and social support to families in raising children, increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;

    ensuring joint multidisciplinary activities of a team of specialists, who are in close contact with each other and with other participants in the educational process to achieve the most effective educational and social adaptation of children with disabilities;

    training of teachers who are ready to work with children with various developmental disabilities, who have knowledge in the field of correctional and special pedagogy, who are familiar with technologies, methods and techniques for working with children with disabilities;

    the formation of a tolerant attitude towards the problems of children with special educational needs among all participants in the educational process.

To implement full-fledged inclusion, special programs are needed to facilitate the adaptation of children with disabilities in a general education institution and a specially organized educational and educational environment of a preschool institution. Inclusive education should start from early childhood, i.e., more actively include children with developmental problems in kindergarten groups. To do this, create the necessary environment in the preschool educational institution group.
It should be accessible and developmental. In an inclusive preschool educational institution, you must have good modern equipment for all types of activities, game therapy, music therapy, etc. An important point is the presence of a well-trained team of specialists in the preschool institution. Educators, psychologists, speech therapists, music directors should master the techniques of various branches of correctional pedagogy and elements of health-saving technologies, since no matter what reforms take place in the education system, in the end, one way or another, they are locked in a specific performer - a teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation of the main innovations in practice. The direct inclusion of children with various psychophysiological disorders in general education groups falls on the shoulders of the institutions themselves and the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

The profession of a kindergarten teacher is specific, it differs from other pedagogical professions in that the teacher of a preschool educational institution not only observes children and carries out educational activities, but also constantly educates them through classes, stories, singing. It is the preschool teacher who is the first, after the family, who introduces the child to the world of knowledge, cultural values ​​and communicative interaction. The kindergarten teacher organizes and conducts work on the physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic development of the younger generation. The preschool teacher prepares children for school, teaches the skills of counting, sound analysis and synthesis, recognition of letters and numbers, drawing, modeling, construction; develops children's communication skills, thinking, observation, independence, acquaints with works of art, ethical norms and rules. The duties of the educator include strengthening the health of children and introducing them to work; counseling parents on education, upbringing, the formation of socially desirable qualities (responsibility, friendliness) and the development of children's abilities.

For the successful introduction of various innovations into practice, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to him in the new conditions, the teacher must have the necessary level of professional competence, sufficient voice and speech skills, cultural and moral potential and emotional and personal readiness to work according to the new educational model. The introduction of ideas of inclusion in educational institutions requires serious work on the preparation of competent teaching staff. There is a need for psychological and pedagogical correction of the professionally significant qualities of the teacher's skills and abilities, and their improvement, as well as psycho-preventive work to relieve the emotional stress of educators and other employees of the preschool educational institution. Professional retraining of educators should include courses on neurological and psycho-physiological characteristics of children with disabilities, the basics of special pedagogy and psychology, as well as special methods. Psychological training of employees of an inclusive preschool educational institution may include:

The development of teachers' sustainable motivation for self-improvement, the deepening of professional self-awareness, through special games and exercises, an increase in the professional self-esteem of teachers.

Acquaintance with the techniques of self-management and self-regulation of emotional states in order to prevent and overcome the possible consequences of mental overstrain, maintain the optimal level of emotional states and their application in practice.

To create a full-fledged educational and educational environment in a preschool educational institution, a full-fledged, comprehensive interaction of educators, correctional teachers, medical personnel and kindergarten administration is required. The pedagogical effect in solving educational, upbringing and correctional-developmental problems largely depends on the well-coordinated work of specialists in all areas of correctional-developmental activity. In inclusive groups for children with disabilities, the joint activities of all preschool educational institutions are based on the addition and deepening of the influence of each of them.

The following forms of interaction are effective:

Interchange of diagnostic data for choosing the best ways, forms and methods of working with children;

Coordinated planning of the activities of teachers and specialists, in connection with the problems in the development of individual routes for children with disabilities;

Periodic lectures and seminars by specialists on the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the definition and implementation of a correction route for children with special educational needs;

Preparation of printed material (stands, brochures, thematic folders), in which problem areas of education and training of children with disabilities will be highlighted in an accessible form for educators;

Keeping notebooks for the interaction of participants in the educational process in an inclusive preschool educational institution;

The fulfillment by the teacher of the individual tasks of the teacher-psychologist, the teacher-speech therapist

Mutual attendance of classes, to adjust the most effective forms and methods in working with children.

An important condition for organizing work in groups of a combining orientation is the creation of a favorable subject-developing environment, calm emotional background, as well as the fulfillment of organizational and pedagogical requirements:

Development and introduction of an adapted program for children with disabilities.

Mandatory creation of a friendly atmosphere of communication between a teacher and children, children among themselves and with teachers; teachers teach children in a group to take care of children, to involve them in joint activities, games, etc.

The wide use of playing techniques, surprise moments, didactic games in class with children in order to maintain interest in the process of activity and to obtain a given result. It is necessary to select such didactic games that have a positive emotional coloring, develop an interest in new knowledge, and make children want to do mental work.

Building individual routes in a spiral: at each next stage, the tasks of work become more complicated and in each type of activity the skills are not only consolidated, but also become more complicated;

Establishing the duration of the lesson, depending on the degree of complexity of its content and on the condition of the child on a given day;

Close cooperation with parents, conducting purposeful and systematic work with the family, in which they use various forms of cooperation, which contributes to the parents' awareness of their functions and role in raising a child.

The educational process of the kindergarten provides for both the care and care of children, as well as the processes of upbringing and teaching knowledge, important life skills, the development of personal qualities and abilities of children, the correction of their developmental deficits. The inclusion of children with special educational needs in the educational process of the preschool educational institution changes, first of all, the attitudes of adults towards children - all children have special features, special educational needs, not only “special” ones. Inclusive education develops tolerance, tolerance, compassion and mutual respect in preschoolers. Participants in the upbringing and educational process learn to see the opportunities that children with disabilities have, despite their disabilities.

With this approach, pedagogy as a whole changes, it becomes inclusive, inclusive, not only in the sense that special children should be included in the already built-up process of transmitting knowledge, skills and abilities to normally developing children, but in the fact that education, taking into account individual differences children requires the creation of new forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Inclusive education requires a constant creative contribution from everyone; all its participants - teachers, parents, children, administration - are included in the creative process of education.

For the successful implementation of inclusive education for children with special educational needs, changes in the education system itself are needed.Based on the principles of the social model, society needs to overcome negative attitudes towards child disability and unusual development and provide them with equal opportunities for full participation in all spheres of social life.

Thus, inclusive education is the next step in the development of education not only for children with disabilities, but also for the entire educational system. At the moment, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool education system, inclusion in kindergartens is becoming more accessible and real. We are moving away from the frontal forms of teaching preschoolers, widely introducing integrated forms of work with preschoolers. A developing environment is formed according to the principle of variability, an individual approach is carried out when submitting educational material, an independent activity of a child develops, a modular organization of educational programs is being introduced. All this allows you to achieve high efficiency of educational activities.

The disadvantages of inclusive education are the psychological unpreparedness of society to accept a person with disabilities, the imperfection of the system of social support and provision of such persons and persons with disabilities. The difficulty of solving the problem of working with children with disabilities is aggravated by the professional incompetence of specialists in educational institutions, insufficient understanding in society of the possibilities of such children, who participate equally in the life of society. Based on this, it is necessary to develop and create conditions for increasing the level of professional competence of city teachers who carry out inclusive education in educational institutions, and parents with children with disabilities.

Inclusive education in Russia is still experimental in nature and has a number of disadvantages. One can note the lack of special training of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions, their ignorance of the basics of correctional pedagogy and special psychology, as well as the unformed software and methodological apparatus of "inclusion", insufficient material and technical equipment of institutions.

MBDOU « Russian woman » « CRD » G . Kaluga NSP « Antoshka »

CONSULTATION (for teachers)

"Organization of inclusive practice in a preschool educational institution"

Prepared by:

St. educator


Kaluga, 2017


Model of a preschool inclusive educational institution

Structural subdivisions of an ECE that implements inclusive practice


1. Organization and content of inclusive practice in a preschool educational institution .

The construction of the educational process in preschool educational institutions that implement inclusive practice dictates the need to create a structural and functional model, designed on the basis of the integration of systemic, competence-based and differentiated approaches, orienting teachers to mastering by pupils social, health-saving, communicative, activity, information competencies.

When deciding on the deployment of inclusive practice in an educational organization, the following is taken into account:

the presence of the motivation of the head of the preschool educational institution;

psychological readiness of the preschool educational institution staff for inclusion, which implies acquaintance with the basic values, goals, methods of organizing inclusive practice and agreement with them;

the presence of the necessary specialists (teachers of defectologists, pedagogical psychologists, teachers of logopedists, tutors) or an agreement with psycho-pedagogical and medical-social centers on psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities;

availability of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, including a barrier-free environment;

the possibility of improving the qualifications of teachers.

The main goal of an educational organization in the process of becoming an inclusive practice is to provide conditions for the joint upbringing and education of children with different educational needs.

When the decision is made, the development of innovative pedagogical activity takes place, which involves a number of mandatory procedures (awareness of values, setting goals, analysis of conditions, selection and creation of tools and methods, assessment of results and correction of activities) and the stages of their implementation in accordance with the tasks to be solved.

On thefirst stage the following activities are planned:

the leader makes a decision on the organization of inclusive practice in ECE;

together with a representative of the education management body, the head of the preschool educational institution conducts an analysis of the qualifications of specialists, the composition of the subject-developing environment, educational programs and technologies according to which the educational institution works for compliance with their conditions for the implementation of inclusive goals;

the head of the NGO holds meetings with the teaching staff to discuss and work out the main goals, values ​​and principles of inclusion, a long-term and current plan of action for the team, determine the composition of the PMPK and the coordinator for organizing inclusive practice in the preschool educational institution;

there is an acquaintance with children and families, and if there is an advisory center (CP) in the NGO, the initial admission of children with disabilities for diagnosis and development of recommendations is carried out;

PMPK, based on the conclusion of the PMPK and the results of diagnostics carried out by internal specialists, develops an educational route for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions (lekotek, PSA, short-term stay group, inclusive group, additional classes with specialists) and an individual educational program;

the main measures are determined for the adaptation of the children of the group to the new conditions with the arrival of children with disabilities;

meetings are held with parents of children with disabilities and age norms;

contracts are signed with parents;

a schedule is drawn up and a daily routine is determined.

When a child with special educational needs is included in the educational process, it is necessary to think over what new will be introduced by this or that child, what changes this will require from the institution. The arrival of such a child in a kindergarten or school means drawing up an individual educational route and changing environmental conditions, taking into account its characteristics. For example, if a child arrives with musculoskeletal disorders, the entire route of the child's movement through the kindergarten is planned, all regime moments and their provision (going to the toilet, sitting at a desk or at a table, walks, physical exercises), pedagogical actions to organize the child's learning and interaction with other children. If a child comes with features of the emotional-volitional sphere, the teacher's activities are planned to include this child in the group of children.

On thesecond stage the following tasks are solved:

development of a concept for the organization of inclusive practice, including the basic values ​​and technologies for their implementation;

development of an educational program that takes into account state requirements and features of the inclusive process;

creation of methodological support for the educational process;

creation of variable forms for the implementation of inclusive education;

professional development of teachers and specialists;

identification of teachers and specialists who develop individual educational programs for children with disabilities;

creation of a subject-developing environment;

development of a new management structure for an inclusive educational institution;

building partnerships with all participants in the educational process;

creation of network interaction with partner organizations.

The organizational model of an inclusive preschool educational institution should take into account a variety of conditions, depending on the kindergarten's equipment, be flexible and variable.

2. Model of a preschool inclusive educational institution

The organization of inclusive practice presupposes a creative approach and a certain flexibility of the educational system, taking into account the needs of not only children with disabilities, but also of different ethnic groups, gender, age, belonging to a particular social group.

The inclusive approach implies the need to change the educational situation, to create new forms and methods of organizing the educational process, taking into account the individual differences of children. To manage inclusive processes, it is necessary to introduce team forms of work, project forms of organizing activities, diagnostics and monitoring of inclusive processes, forms of coordinating the interests of different participants in the educational process (preschoolers, parents, teachers, administration).

The main principle of managing an inclusive kindergarten is the principle of joint decision-making by the participants in the educational process and responsibility for its implementation. On the basis of this principle, the structures for managing the inclusive process are determined:

1) Scientific and Methodological Council of ECE;

2) Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation (PMPk) of the preschool educational institution;

3) the teaching staff of the inclusive group;

4) parent committee.

One of the important conditions for organizing an inclusive process is teamwork of employees. The management team is a group of specialists united by an understanding of the prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions and pursuing a common policy in the team to achieve the set goals. The functioning and development of inclusive ECE depends on the exchange of information and the ability of people to jointly solve problems and problems. Teamwork contributes to:

more successful work of ECE;

rapid adaptation of the educational system to changes in the external environment, a clear response to changes in educational demand;

modernization of the organizational management system during the transition from a functional linear organizational structure to a matrix structure, which combines vertical and horizontal management systems.

The form of command management of the preschool educational institution isscientific and methodological council , which solves strategic and operational tasks. The scientific and methodological council includes a head, an inclusion coordinator, heads of various services of the preschool educational institution - an advisory center, early assistance, a lekoteka, a senior educator, leading specialists.

The Scientific and Methodological Council develops a concept for the development of inclusive practice in ECE, a development program and an annual plan; determines the directions of development and the plan for the introduction of new technologies for preschool education; summarizes existing experience in the field of inclusive practices; determines the list of necessary scientific and practical materials; carries out strategic planning of the activities of inclusive preschool educational institutions.

In addition, the council solves operational tasks:

analysis of the situation in the preschool educational institution and prompt response to it;

discussion of plans and reports of ECE structural units;

control and analysis of the activities of PMPK DOO;

determination of values, goals, principles and directions of work of the institution.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPk) is created to conduct a psychological and pedagogical assessment of the dynamics of a child's development and determine the mechanisms and specific ways of implementing an individual educational route (based on the results of diagnostics and recommendations received from the PMPC) and, in particular, to develop an individual educational program and assess the effectiveness of the selected methods and technologies for helping a child and adapting it to the ECE center.

The coordination of the activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution on the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational process is facilitated by the assignment of the duties of the coordinator for inclusion to one of the specialists of the preschool educational institution. An inclusion coordinator is a specialist with higher pedagogical, defectological, psychological education (teacher-logopedist, teacher-defectologist, pedagogical psychologist), who has experience working with children with various developmental disabilities, who has undergone professional training (advanced training, professional retraining, bachelor's, master's degrees) in the field of inclusive education ... Also, the duties of a coordinator can be performed by a social teacher, a methodologist or a senior educator who has at least a year of experience in structural units or an inclusive kindergarten and has undergone retraining, which gives him the right to work with children with disabilities. The main goal of the coordinator's work is to ensure effective interaction of all subjects of the inclusive educational process, which is one of the most important conditions for the successful inclusion of children with disabilities and their parents in the environment of an educational institution, for the adaptation of an educational institution to new conditions of functioning.

The responsibilities of the Inclusion Coordinator include:

interaction with the PMPK to receive recommendations on determining the educational route and conditions necessary for the effective inclusion and successful adaptation of the child to the preschool or its structural units (early assistance service, short-stay groups, lekotek, group "Special child", inclusive group; flexible visiting regime , additional classes with specialists);

organization of training for the personnel of an inclusive group for the arrival of a child with disabilities - conducting a conversation about the features of his development, methods of working with him and creating the necessary conditions in the group;

organizing the preparation of parents of normally developing children for the arrival of a child with disabilities in a group - conducting discussions at a parent meeting, showing films about children with disabilities, organizing joint parent-child events (for example, holidays, hikes) with the participation of families raising children with disabilities;

organization of methodological assistance to educators in adapting each child with disabilities and including him in interaction with other children; general games, group lessons;

assisting a psychologist in organizing play activities in mini-groups in order to include a child with disabilities in interaction with other children;

organization of interaction between specialists and educators of inclusive groups: weekly working meetings with a discussion of work results, keeping a journal of interaction, current records for each child;

control over the maintenance of documentation for each child by ECE specialists, attendance at specialists' classes;

organization and control over the conduct of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in order to track the dynamics of the child's development (3 times a year);

organization of PMPC work to discuss the achievements of each child (3 times a year - scheduled consultations, as well as at the request of parents or teachers);

organization of interaction with the family of a child with disabilities: meetings with parents, conversations, consultations, information support, drawing up an individual development plan for the child, taking into account the interests of the family, involving parents in participation in correctional development work, organizing meetings of parents with specialists, a consultation with the participation of parents - upon request parents or educators;

organization of child consultations with specialists (neuropathologist, neuropsychiatrist or others) at the request of parents or teachers;

establishing cooperation with specialists from other organizations dealing with a child with disabilities attending a public institution (for example, a PPMS center), organizing joint meetings, developing a common strategy for correctional development work;

organizing the continuity of inclusive education: assistance in choosing a public education institution when a child moves to the next stage of education (for example, from kindergarten to school), establishing contacts with the teaching staff of a public education institution, to which a child with disabilities enters, assistance in his adaptation;

organization of interaction between specialists and educators of inclusive groups: working meetings with discussion of work results;

together with the senior educator (other members of the administrative group), organizing open classes, master classes, seminars with the aim of improving the qualifications of the teaching staff, seminars and trainings for parents.

Thus, the inclusion coordinator creates the necessary conditions for joint work of the ECE team and parents for the most effective implementation of the development and rehabilitation program for each child with disabilities and his socialization in an inclusive group.

Teaching staff of the inclusive group includes: educators, a teacher-logopedist, a teacher-defectologist, a pedagogical psychologist, a tutor, a social teacher, teachers of additional education.

The purpose of the work of this team is to organize a child and adult community as a social model in which each person is a resource for another person.

The main activities of the teaching staff:

development and implementation of specific stages of mastering the educational program by all children of the group, including mastering the individual educational program by a child with disabilities;

analysis of the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of all children in the group;

development by each specialist of calendar and thematic plans for correctional development work;

implementation, based on the decisions of the PMPK, actions to include children in the group at the beginning of the school year;

planning daily routines and group activities;

discussion and planning of actions for cooperation and interaction with parents;

planning, organizing and implementing events and holidays;

analysis of emergency situations and organization of actions to resolve them.

The PMPK appoints each child with disabilities a leading specialist (depending on educational needs) from among the specialists of the teaching staff of the group.

An increase in the professional competence of teachers and specialists is recorded in the process of professional supervision. Supervision is a type of psychological and pedagogical support for workers in helping professions. Supervision is aimed at improving the professional competence of employees and preventing burnout syndrome. At the preschool educational institution, supervision is carried out (on request) both by colleagues from the institution and by specialists invited from other organizations in accordance with the decisions of the scientific and methodological council.

    Structural subdivisions of an ECE that implements inclusive practice

An inclusive educational space is based on the provision of new forms of preschool education for children with different starting opportunities. For children who, for any reason, cannot attend a preschool group full-time, additional structural units are created: a game development support center (CIPD), an advisory center (CP), a lekothek, an early assistance service (EWS), a short-term stay group "Special child ”, whose activities are aimed at providing variable educational services to families of children aged 2 months to 7 years.

The opening of new structural units in the kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of the activities of lekotheques, early assistance services, an advisory center, short-stay groups, as well as letters of recommendation, collections of methodological recommendations.

When a child with disabilities is admitted in each structural unit, an initial consultation is held, during which the specialists of the units (pedagogical psychologist, teacher-logopedist, teacher-defectologist, social educator, etc.) carry out diagnostics and make primary recommendations for specifying an individual educational route and conditions for the child's adaptation (for discussion at PMPk).

In each of the departments, educational services for a child with disabilities are provided in accordance with an individual educational route. One of the conditions for the success of the educational process is the inclusion of the family in the educational space. Ways to include parents can be individual consultations (at the request of an adult), master classes or seminars.

In the structural units of the preschool educational institution, the child can stay before school or move, as soon as he is ready, to a short-term stay group, an inclusive group, etc.

The presence of structural units allows the preschool educational institution to vary educational forms, providing a choice of educational services that meet the needs of parents and the recommendations of the psychological and pedagogical commission. The composition of structural units in different ECE centers may vary. We will give a brief description of these divisions.

Advisory point organized in state educational institutions that implement general educational programs of preschool education for parents (legal representatives) and children aged 1 to 7 years who do not attend educational institutions. The purpose of creating an advisory center is to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives), to support the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend educational institutions.

Areas of activity of the advisory point:

providing comprehensive assistance to parents (legal representatives) and children 5-6 years old who do not attend educational institutions in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school;

providing advice to parents (legal representatives) on various issues of upbringing, training and development of preschoolers;

promoting the socialization of preschool children who do not attend educational institutions;

comprehensive prevention of various deviations in the physical, mental and social development of children who do not attend educational institutions;

ensuring interaction between the state educational institution implementing the general education program of preschool education and other organizations of social and medical support for children and parents (legal representatives).

Early assistance service is a structural subdivision of a state educational institution for children in need of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance, a compensatory (combined) kindergarten, an elementary school - a compensatory kindergarten, a special (correctional) primary school - a kindergarten or other educational institution in which the necessary conditions for its activities.

The early assistance service implements a program of education and upbringing of children aged 2 months to 4 years. In a specially organized developmental environment, specialists (teacher-defectologist, pedagogical psychologist, teacher-logopedist) conduct individual and group lessons with the participation of parents, advise parents on the developmental problems and achievements of the child, on the use of games and exercises at home. The purpose of the service is psychological, pedagogical and social support for a family with a child with identified developmental disorders (risk of violation), who does not attend an educational institution, selection of adequate ways to interact with the child, his upbringing and education, correction of developmental deviations.

The content of the activities of the Early Intervention Service:

psychological and pedagogical examination of children with developmental disabilities (risk of disruption) and their families;

provision of comprehensive correctional and developmental assistance to children with developmental disabilities (risk of impairment) and psychological and pedagogical support to their families;

implementation of work on adaptation, socialization and integration of children with developmental disorders (risk of violation);

inclusion of parents (legal representatives) in the process of upbringing and education of the child;

determination of the child's further educational route.

Lekoteka is a structural subdivision of a state educational institution that implements a general educational program of preschool education. Lekotheques are organized for children who cannot attend state educational institutions for health or developmental reasons and need psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.

In the activities of the library, various correctional, developmental and play methods of work and the implementation of psychological support for the development of children are used. The purpose of the lekothek is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for children aged 2 months to 7 years with developmental disabilities for socialization, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, support for personality development and the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives).

The lekothek conducts individual and group lessons aimed at developing primary social skills, motor, emotional-volitional, cognitive, speech spheres. The content of the classes is determined depending on the recommendations of specialists and in accordance with the educational programs for children with various developmental disabilities. Lekoteka is one of the first stages of a child's socialization. Subsequently, the child can be transferred to an inclusive group or class.

The content of the lekoteka's activities:

implementation of an educational program, developed taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of pupils, adopted and implemented by the lekothek independently;

psychocorrection by means of play in children aged 2 months to 7 years with developmental disorders;

training of parents (legal representatives), specialists of state educational institutions in methods of play interaction with children with developmental disabilities;

conducting psychoprophylactic work with family members of children with developmental disorders;

psychological and pedagogical examination of children with developmental disorders with the consent of the parents (legal representatives);

assistance to parents (legal representatives) in the selection of adequate means of communication with the child;

selection of individual techniques for the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in children;

supporting the initiatives of parents (legal representatives) in organizing family interaction programs.

Development group "Special child" is created for children with disabilities aged 3 months to 7 years in order to provide them with systematic psychological and pedagogical assistance, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, social adaptation, assistance to parents in organizing the upbringing and education of children. The group is created to carry out correctional and developmental work of specialists of various profiles with children with disabilities, to ensure the primary adaptation of a child with disabilities in a peer group without the individual accompaniment of an adult, and to prepare for visiting an inclusive group. For this purpose, individual and group classes are held for a teacher-logopedist, teacher-defectologist, pedagogue-psychologist. In group lessons, musical-rhythmic activities, folklore folk games are introduced. In individual work, specialists, in addition to the main correctional methods of work, use body-oriented therapy techniques that are adequate to the child's characteristics, non-standard methods of visual and play activities.

The content of the activities of the development group "Special child":

conducting correctional developmental group and individual lessons aimed at the development of communicative, cognitive and other spheres in order to maximize the social and emotional adaptation of the child among peers;

preparing a child with disabilities for inclusion in an inclusive group;

consulting work with parents.

Inclusive group (group of combined orientation) The preschool educational institution opens for the joint upbringing and education of healthy children and children with disabilities. An inclusive group is completed in accordance with the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution: “In groups of combined orientation, the maximum occupancy is set depending on the age of children (up to 3 years old and over 3 years old) and the category of children with disabilities and is:

up to 3 years old - 10 children, including no more than 3 children with disabilities;

over 3 years old:

10 children, including no more than 3 deaf children, or blind children, or children with musculoskeletal disorders, or children with moderate, severe mental retardation, or children with a complex disability;

15 children, including no more than 4 visually impaired and (or) children with amblyopia and strabismus, or hearing impaired children, or children with severe speech impairments, or children with mild mental retardation;

17 children, including no more than 5 children with mental retardation.

For example, 2 children with Down syndrome, 1 child with early childhood autism syndrome, 1–2 children with cerebral palsy, and several children with general speech underdevelopment can effectively study in one group.

The content of the activities of the inclusive group:

implementation of developmental activities (development of speech and ideas about the world around them, development of the cognitive sphere, play, research, design, graphic, constructive activities, etc.);

socialization in conditions of joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities and usually developing peers;

implementation of correctional activities of specialists (teacher-logopedist, teacher-defectologist, pedagogical psychologist, massage therapist);

implementation of programs for the creative development of children (ceramic workshop, choreography, music-rhythmic classes, game therapy, etc.).

The main areas of work of the teaching staff in an inclusive group:

diagnostics of the individual characteristics of the development of each child;

a comprehensive assessment of the child's resources and deficiencies in order to draw up an individual educational route and an individual educational program;

planning the educational process, taking into account the individual educational needs of the children of the group;

organization of joint life activities of children in an inclusive group;

monitoring of the inclusive educational process.


    Volosovets, T. V., Kutepova, E. N. Inclusive practice in preschool education: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions [Text] / -M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2011. - 144 p.

    A child in an inclusive preschool institution: a methodological guide [Text] / Ed. T.V. Volosovets, E.N. Kutepova. - M .: RUDN, 2010.

Inclusive education at preschool educational institutions is an innovative education system that allows children with disabilities to develop in a full-fledged society. This education system implies equal treatment of all children and the introduction of an individual approach to learning, taking into account the characteristics of each child. As a result, children become full-fledged parts of society.
Inclusive education is ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities. Let's take a closer look at what an inclusive education in a preschool educational institution is.



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Inclusive education at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard Give each person all the rights that you would like to have yourself! Robert Ingersolly

Inclusive education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at providing children with disabilities with the competencies they need for successful socialization in modern society. Inclusion (in French - including; from Latin: I conclude, I include) - ensuring a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities Inclusion is a process in which something is included, that is, it is involved, encompasses or is a part of, as part of a whole: this is the active inclusion of children, parents, education specialists in joint activities

Inclusive education is ensuring equal access to education for all learners, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities. It must be understood that inclusive education is not integration, it is a broader concept: Children live together, in one regular group Specialists help children Ordinary groups are changing

Attention is focused on the capabilities and strengths of the child Children learn tolerance - perceive human differences as ordinary Children with disabilities receive a full and effective education in order to live a full life Development problems, the emotional state of children with disabilities become important for others Equal opportunities for everyone

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with disabilities The characteristic of children with disabilities is expressed in the fact that these children have physical, intellectual or emotional-volitional problems, experience certain difficulties in social adaptation, in mastering the skills of functioning in society, they have impaired cognitive activity, which leads to problems associated with learning difficulties. The problem in the development of the child is connected not only with biological factors, but also with the failure to fulfill the main pedagogical laws: limited communication, the system of collective relations (primarily with peers) is broken, there is no or reduced social activity. A child with special needs is, first of all, a child!

Relevance of inclusive education Special institutions for children with disabilities created and widened the gap between the “sick” and “healthy” part of society. Inclusive education at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard offers a path of unity and works to create a reliable foundation for the immersion of children with disabilities into the social space.

The organization of inclusive education at the preschool educational state educational institution gives a chance to improve the prospects of children. With its help, they learn to communicate with other children, develop communicative, behavioral functions, interact with each other. The tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities: Protection of the strengthening of physical and mental health, including emotional well-being Preservation and support of the individuality of the child Formation of a general culture of pupils

Basic principles support the diversity of childhood Preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the general development of a person Full-fledged living by a child at all stages of preschool childhood, amplification (enrichment) of child development.

Factors of acceptance of children into a group in most children with disabilities, the rate of speech and thinking activity is reduced, they get tired quickly Children find it difficult to communicate with adults and peers Movement of preschoolers with disabilities differs from the movements of ordinary children

Special conditions for children with disabilities Creation of an appropriate educational space Creation of software and methodological support Creation of a subject-development environment Creation of didactic support Ensuring a safe developing environment, including on the site, walking

ensure communication with specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist, etc.) Relationship with the surrounding society (polyclinic, social protection, socio-cultural space) Main educational program Encourage children if they help each other and are tolerant of their peers with disabilities Focus on education and upbringing on the strengths of children. This will allow the child to believe in himself.Interaction with parents or legal representatives

The principles of inclusive education, the principle of an individual approach Support for independent activity Active inclusion in the educational process of an Interdisciplinary approach Variability in the organization of learning and upbringing processes Partnership with the family Dynamic development of the educational model of a kindergarten

Inclusive education requires a constant creative contribution from everyone; all its participants are included in the creative process of education - teachers, parents, children, administration, society. The conditions for inclusion today are not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for each step, analyze the conditions, select means for the implementation of inclusive practices.

Emotional-volitional disorders - it is necessary to create a situation of success in children, to use innovative technologies to relieve stress and relieve stress.

Children with speech impairments - it is necessary to involve them in joint activities with other children, with the help of games, game technologies, to activate the speech of children, to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills.

Thank you for your attention!


Inclusive education at preschool educational institutions according to the federal state educational standard

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at providing children with disabilities with the competencies they need for successful socialization in modern society.

The purpose of this decision- adaptation, socialization, training and support of children with disabilities throughout their life: from preschool age to employment.
Inclusive (in French - including; from Latin: I conclude, I include)

Inclusion is a process in which something is included, that is, it is involved, encompasses or is included in the composition, as part of the whole: it is the active inclusion of children, parents, education specialists in joint activities

Inclusive education at preschool educational institutions- an innovative education system that allows children with disabilities to develop in a full-fledged society. This education system implies equal treatment of all children and the introduction of an individual approach to learning, taking into account the characteristics of each child. As a result, children become full-fledged parts of society.
Inclusive education is ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities.

It is necessary to understand that inclusive education is not integration, it is a broader concept:

  • Children live together, in one regular group

  • Specialists help children

  • Regular groups change

  • Attention is focused on the capabilities and strengths of the child

  • Children learn to be tolerant - perceive human differences as ordinary

  • Children with disabilities receive a complete and effective education in order to live a fulfilling life

  • Development problems, the emotional state of children with disabilities become important for others

  • Equal opportunity for everyone

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with disabilities

The characteristic of children with disabilities is expressed in the fact that these children have physical, intellectual or emotional-volitional problems, experience certain difficulties in social adaptation, in mastering the skills of functioning in society, they have impaired cognitive activity, which leads to problems associated with difficulties in teaching.

The problem in the development of the child is connected not only with biological factors, but also with the failure to fulfill the main pedagogical laws: limited communication, the system of collective relations (primarily with peers) is broken, there is no or reduced social activity.

A child with special needs is, first of all, a child!

The relevance of inclusive education at preschool educational institutions

Children with disabilities - physical or mental - traditionally found themselves isolated and, accordingly, deprived of steps to integrate into the environment. Special institutions more often created and widened the gap between the “sick” and “healthy” part of society.

Inclusive education at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard offers a path of unity. Teaching each child to interact, helping to overcome developmental difficulties is a sign of a humane society that respects all its participants. Therefore, it is important to ensure that such education becomes a practice used everywhere. The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) is working to create a reliable foundation for the immersion of children with disabilities into the social space.

According to Rosstat, the number of children with one type of disability in Russia has grown significantly over the past 30 years and continues to grow. This means that thousands of families in the country need support. Supporting inclusive education means giving children the chance to become part of society, develop talents, and socialize.

Organization of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The federal state educational standard offers a chance to improve the prospects of children. Getting an education before school is extremely useful for every child, and especially for children with disabilities. With its help, they learn to communicate with other children, develop communicative, behavioral functions, interact with each other.

The tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard in relation to children with disabilities:

  • Protection of the promotion of physical and mental health (including emotional well-being)
  • Preservation and support of the individuality of the child, the development of his individual abilities and creative potential
  • Formation of the general culture of pupils.

Basic principles:

1.supporting childhood diversity

2.preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the general development of a person

3. full-fledged living by the child of all stages of preschool childhood, amplification (enrichment) of child development.

When accepting a special child into a group, there are three factor a:

  • The majority of preschoolers with disabilities have a reduced rate of speech-thinking activity, they quickly get tired
  • Children find it difficult to communicate with adults and peers
  • The movements of preschoolers with disabilities differ from those of ordinary children (there are motor disorders)

It is necessary to create special conditions for children with disabilities

1. Creation of an appropriate educational space

2.creation of software and methodological support

3. In accordance with the GEF, great attention should be paid to the independent activities of children. To stimulate children's activity, educators should use the principles of organizing a subject-developing environment:

  • the subject-development environment should be attractive, taking into account the age of the children, so that they have optimal opportunities to be active, to work both in cooperation with adults, with other children, and independently, comfortable and cozy.
  • If children with intellectual disabilities provide them with toys from the previous group.
  • There must be a correction zone, corners of solitude (it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to retire and fall asleep peacefully. For this, canopies over the crib, houses are suitable).
  • Individual copyright space - variable, so that each child, in accordance with his interests and capabilities, has a choice and the opportunity to realize his initiative (choice of toys, materials, activities)
  • Developing environment, taking into account the "zone of proximal development" (a child can solve problems with the help of an adult, but after gaining experience of joint activities, he becomes capable of independently solving similar problems)
  • The environment must be constantly renewed, be changeable following the changes in the interests and educational needs of children.

3.creation of didactic support

  • To correct the existing developmental deviations
  • To correct the content of the educational program
  • To correct behavior or social competence

4. providing children with a safe developing environment, including on the site, for a walk.

5. Relationship with specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist)

6.interaction with the surrounding society (polyclinic, social protection, socio-cultural * space)

7. main educational program, individual correctional and developmental route, correctional and developmental program, system of individual work in the calendar plan.

8.reward children if they help each other and are tolerant of peers with disabilities

Focus on the strengths of your children in teaching and nurturing. This will allow the child to believe in himself.

9. Interaction with parents or legal representatives.

Inclusive education is built on the following principles:

The principle of an individual approachassumes the choice of forms,

methods and means of teaching and education, taking into account individual

educational needs of each of the children in the group. Individual child development programs are based on the diagnosis of the functional state of the child and involve the development of an individual development strategy for a particular child. An individual approach involves not only external attention to the needs of the child, but provides the child himself with the opportunity to realize his individuality.

The principle of supporting the child's independent activity.

An important condition for the success of inclusive education is

provision of conditions for independent activity of the child. The implementation of this principle solves the problem of forming a socially active personality. A person who is the subject of his own development and socially significant activities. When activity is entirely on the side of adults who take care of the child, believing that his characteristics do not allow him to realize his capabilities, a "learned helplessness" is formed, a phenomenon when the child expects external initiative, remaining passive himself. The same can happen to the parents of children with disabilities. Parents may expect help or actively seek government benefits, ignoring their own opportunities to participate in social life.

The principle of active inclusion in the educational process

all its participantsinvolves the creation of conditions for understanding and acceptance of each other in order to achieve fruitful interaction on a humanistic basis. Inclusion is the active inclusion of children, parents and education specialists in joint activities: joint planning, holding common events, seminars, holidays to create an inclusive community as a model of a real society.

The principle of an interdisciplinary approach.The variety of individual characteristics of children requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the definition and development of methods and means of education and training. Specialists (educator, speech therapist, social educator, psychologist, defectologist, with the participation of a senior educator) working in the group regularly diagnose children and, in the process of discussion, draw up an educational action plan aimed at both a particular child and the group as a whole.

The principle of variability in the organization of training and education processes.

The inclusion of children with different developmental disabilities into an inclusive group presupposes the presence of a variable developmental environment, i.e. necessary developmental and didactic aids, teaching aids, without a barrier environment, variable methodological base of teaching and upbringing and the ability of the teacher to use a variety of methods and means of work, both in general and special pedagogy.

The principle of partnership with the family.

The efforts of educators will be effective only if they are supported by the parents, are understandable to them and correspond to the needs of the family. The task of the specialist is to establish trusting partnerships with the parents or relatives of the child, to be attentive to the request of the parents, to what, in their opinion, is important and necessary at the moment for their child, to agree on joint actions aimed at supporting the child.

The principle of dynamic development of the educational model of kindergarten.

The kindergarten model can change, including new structural units, specialists, developing methods and tools.

BUT, by starting to create conditions for "special" children, we violate the principle of equal rights for other children. To preserve it, you need to learn how to work with all children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Such an installation requires answers to questions:

How to combine the requirements of the preschool curriculum and the characteristics of different children who must master it in pedagogical activity?

How to take these features into account when building an individual development plan for a child, when planning work in a group?

How to make education and social interactions of children of high quality, taking into account their individual differences?

With this approach, pedagogy as a whole changes, it becomes inclusive, inclusive, not only in the sense that special children should be included in the already built-up process of transmitting knowledge, skills and abilities to normally developing children, but in the fact that education, taking into account the individual differences of children requires the creation of new forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Such education requires a constant creative contribution from everyone; all its participants - teachers, parents, children, administration - are included in the creative process of education. The conditions that exist today are not sufficient for inclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the current stage as a transitional one and move very slowly, foreseeing each step, analyzing the conditions and selecting means for the implementation of inclusive practice.

Inclusive practice in early childhood education. A guide for preschool teachers Team of authors

Inclusive practice as an innovative pedagogical activity

The construction of the educational process in preschool educational institutions that implement inclusive practice dictates the need to create a structural and functional model, designed on the basis of the integration of systemic, competence-based and differentiated approaches, orienting teachers to mastering social, health-saving, communicative, activity, information competencies by pupils.

The organization of inclusive practice is based on the following principles:

principle of an individual approach involves a comprehensive examination of students and the development of appropriate measures of pedagogical influence, taking into account the identified features (the choice of forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing, taking into account the individual educational needs of each of the children of the group);

the principle of supporting the child's independent activity (individualization)... An important condition for the success of inclusive education is the provision of conditions for the child's independent activity. The implementation of this principle solves the problem of forming a socially active personality, which is the subject of its development, and not a passive consumer of social services;

principle of social interaction involves the creation of conditions for understanding and acceptance of each other by all participants in the educational process in order to achieve fruitful interaction on a humanistic basis; active involvement of children, parents and education specialists in joint activities, both educational and social, to create an inclusive community as a model of a real society;

principle of interdisciplinary approach... The variety of individual characteristics of children requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the definition and development of methods and means of education and training. Specialists (educator, speech therapist, social educator, psychologist, defectologist, with the participation of a senior educator) working in the group regularly diagnose children and, in the process of discussion, draw up an educational action plan aimed at both a specific child and the group as a whole;

principle of variability in the organization of training and education processes. The inclusion of children with different developmental disabilities into an inclusive group presupposes the presence of a variable developmental environment, that is, the necessary developmental and didactic aids, teaching aids, a barrier-free environment, a variable methodological base of teaching and upbringing and the teacher's ability to use a variety of methods and means of work, both general and special pedagogy;

the principle of partnership with the family... The efforts of educators will be effective only if they are supported by the parents, are understandable to them and correspond to the needs of the family. The task of the specialist is to establish trusting partnerships with the parents or relatives of the child, to be attentive to the request of the parents, to what, in their opinion, is important and necessary at the moment for their child, to agree on joint actions aimed at supporting the child;

the principle of dynamic development of the educational model of kindergarten... The kindergarten model can change, including new structural units, specialists, developing methods and tools.

When deciding on the deployment of inclusive practice in an educational institution, the following is taken into account:

The presence of the motivation of the head of the preschool educational institution;

Psychological readiness of the preschool educational institution staff for inclusion, which presupposes acquaintance with the basic values, goals, methods of organizing inclusive practice and agreement with them;

Availability of the necessary specialists (teachers-defectologists, educational psychologists, speech therapists, tutors) or an agreement with psychological-pedagogical and medical-social centers on psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities;

Availability of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, including a barrier-free environment;

The possibility of improving the qualifications of teachers.

The main goal of an educational institution in the process of becoming an inclusive practice is to provide conditions for the joint upbringing and education of children with different educational needs.

When the decision is made, the development of innovative pedagogical activity takes place, which involves a number of mandatory procedures (awareness of values, setting goals, analysis of conditions, selection and creation of tools and methods, assessment of results and correction of activities) and the stages of their implementation in accordance with the tasks to be solved.

On the first stage the following activities are planned:

The head decides on the organization of inclusive practice in the preschool educational institution;

Together with a representative of the educational management body, the head of the preschool educational institution analyzes the qualifications of specialists, the composition of the subject-developing environment, educational programs and technologies, according to which the educational institution operates, for compliance with their conditions for the implementation of inclusive goals;

The head of the educational institution holds meetings with the teaching staff to discuss and work out the main goals, values ​​and principles of inclusion, a long-term and current plan of action for the collective, determine the composition of the PMPK and the coordinator for organizing inclusive practice at the preschool educational institution;

There is an acquaintance with children and families, and if there is an advisory center (CP) in the educational institution, the primary admission of children with disabilities is carried out for diagnosis and development of recommendations;

PMPK, based on the conclusion of the PMPK and the results of diagnostics carried out by internal specialists, develops an educational route for children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution (lekotek, PSA, short-term stay group, inclusive group, additional classes with specialists) and an individual educational program;

The main measures for the adaptation of children of the group to new conditions with the arrival of children with disabilities are determined;

Meetings are held with parents of children with disabilities and age norms;

Agreements are signed with parents;

A schedule is drawn up and a daily routine is determined.

When a child with special educational needs is included in the educational process, it is necessary to think over what new will be introduced by this or that child, what changes this will require from the institution. The arrival of such a child in a kindergarten or school means drawing up an individual educational route and changing environmental conditions, taking into account its characteristics. For example, if a child comes with musculoskeletal disorders, the entire route of the child's movement through the kindergarten is planned, all regime moments and their provision (going to the toilet, sitting at a desk or at a table, walking, physical activities), pedagogical actions to organize training and interaction of the child with other children. If a child comes with features of the emotional-volitional sphere, the teacher's activities are planned to include this child in the group of children.

On the second stage the following tasks are solved:

Development of a concept for the organization of inclusive practice, including the core values ​​and technologies for their implementation;

Development of an educational program that takes into account state requirements and features of the inclusive process;

Creation of methodological support of the educational process;

Creation of variable forms for the implementation of inclusive education;

Professional development of teachers and specialists;

Identification of teachers and specialists who develop individual educational programs for children with disabilities;

Creation of a subject-developing environment;

Development of a new management structure for an inclusive educational institution;

Building partnerships with all participants in the educational process;

Creation of networking with partner organizations.

The organizational model of an inclusive preschool educational institution should take into account a variety of conditions, depending on the kindergarten's equipment, be flexible and variable.

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What qualities are needed to achieve success. Certain human qualities are required to be successful. Professional psychologist Nikolai Kozlov talks about ten qualities of a successful person. 1. The body is healthy and energetic. 2. Joyful
Creator and ruler of the golden horde
The Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi, Turkic Ulu Ulus - "Great State") is a medieval state in Eurasia. Encyclopedic YouTube 1 / 5✪ What is the Golden Horde? ✪ Golden Horde. Video tutorial on the history of Russia Grade 6 ✪ Mongol invasion and Gold