Who is Khinstein really. Biography of Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich. Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich - an ambiguous personality in journalism

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein
Occupation: journalist
Date of birth: October 26, 1974
Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein(b. October 26, 1974, Moscow) - journalist, deputy of the State Duma, member of the United Russia faction.
Parents Alexander a Khinshtein- engineers. In 1991 he graduated from secondary school No. 193 in Moscow. In 1996 he entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
Alexander Khinshtein has been working in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper since 1991, but until 1996 “no one knew about him”, he became famous for his publications of telephone conversations of famous people.

Alexander Khinshtein- Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation and the Union of Journalists of the city of Moscow, laureate of professional awards. Former professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems liquidated on December 10, 2008 by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

"The Khinshtein Case"

In May 1999 against Alexander a Khinshtein A criminal case was initiated on the forgery of a driver's license. In January 2000, MIA investigators attempted to forcibly take Khinshtein to the city of Vladimir to conduct a forensic psychiatric examination on a previously initiated criminal case. This case and investigative actions myself Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein explained by his critical publications about the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deputy Alexander Khinshteina

December 7, 2003 Alexander Khinshtein was elected to the State Duma from the Semyonovsky single-mandate constituency No. 122, Nizhny Novgorod region. Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission under the Administration of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Alexander Khinshtein- Member of the United Russia faction, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technologies, member of the State Duma Anti-Corruption Commission, member of the State Duma Commission on the Application of the Electoral Legislation of the Russian Federation; co-chairman of the working group to study the practice of spending budgetary funds allocated to finance road construction and investments in road construction. Member of the inter-factional deputy association "Aviation and Cosmonautics of Russia".

Alexander Khinshtein- Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on information policy and interaction with public associations.
He initiated about 40 bills in the field of criminal, administrative and civil law.

Alexander Khinshtein awards

* Order of Honor,
* Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree,
* Zhukov medal,
* Medal "Defender of Free Russia",
* Anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian fleet",
* Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow",
* Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg",
* Medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow.
* Awarded with departmental awards of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO, the Ministry of Justice, the State Customs Committee of Russia, FAPSI, Spetsstroy of Russia, the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation,
* FSB Prize 2006 in the nomination "Fiction and Journalism" for the book "Dungeons of the Lubyanka".

Alexander Khinshtein awards

Bibliography Alexander Khinshtein
* Khinshtein A.E. Hunting for werewolves. - M .: Detective-press, 2005. - ISBN 5-89935-072-5 (see also Werewolves in uniform)
* Khinshtein A.E. How Russia is being killed.- M.: Olma Media Group, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-98675-005-7
* Khinshtein A.E. Yeltsin. Kremlin. Disease history. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-373-00357-5
* Khinshtein A.E. Secrets of the Lubyanka. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-373-02197-5
* Khinshtein A.E. Berezovsky and Abramovich. Oligarchs from the high road. - M.: Lora, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-98675-001-9


In 2001, he graduated from the Correspondence Department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in 2007 he graduated from the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

He worked in various large-circulation newspapers, since 1991 - a freelancer for the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" ("MK"), since 1992 - in the staff of "MK". Observer at the editor-in-chief of "MK".

Alexander Khinshtein is widely known as the author of high-profile materials in the genre of investigative journalism. As a result of his publications, numerous criminal cases were initiated, a number of high-ranking officials, law enforcement officers and special services were fired.

Khinshtein himself considers his first significant journalistic work to be a large article about Vladimir Zhirinovsky, published at the end of 1994, in which he cited little-known facts, stories of people who knew the LDPR leader in his student years.

The journalist became widely known in July 1996, when, during the presidential election campaign, MK published a sensational transcript made by Khinshtein of a tape recording of a conversation between members of the campaign headquarters of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin concerning the famous "copier box" with half a million dollars.

In 1999-2006 acted as the author of a number of articles directed against businessman Boris Berezovsky and his special services - the private security company "Atoll". Among other things, Khinshtein wrote about the criminal ties between Berezovsky and the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The journalist was prosecuted several times.

In May 1999, there was a scandal related to the initiation of a criminal case on the fact that Khinshtein used deliberately forged documents, which he presented to the traffic police officers who stopped the journalist for violating traffic rules.

In January 2000, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs attempted to forcibly take Khinshtein to the city of Vladimir to conduct a forensic psychiatric examination, which was ordered in the framework of a case initiated in May 1999. In February 2000, the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dropped the criminal case against Khinshtein due to the fact that the acts committed by him do not pose a great public danger.

December 7, 2003 Alexander Khinshtein was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Semenov single-mandate constituency 122 (Nizhny Novgorod region). He was a member of the State Duma Anti-Corruption Commission and a member of the Security Committee.

In 2007, he was re-elected to the State Duma as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the All-Russian political party United Russia.

He is a member of the United Russia faction, a member of the State Duma Committee on Industry, a member of the State Duma Commission on Legislative Support for Combating Corruption.

Alexander Khinshtein initiated about 40 bills in the field of criminal, administrative and civil law.

Alexander Khinshtein is widely known as a writer. He is the author of the books Crisis (co-authored with Vladimir Medinsky), Secrets of the Lubyanka, How Russia is being killed, Berezovsky and Abramovich. Oligarchs from the High Road, Yeltsin. , "Dungeons of the Lubyanka", "What color is fear." Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.

His activities were awarded the Order of Honor, the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, Zhukov's medals, "Defender of Free Russia", "300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy", "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", "300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg", departmental awards of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO, the Ministry of Justice, the State Customs Committee of Russia, FAPSI, Spetsstroy of Russia, the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow.

February 11, 2005 Alexander Khinshtein was awarded the honorary award of the Union of Journalists of Russia "Golden Pen of Russia" for a series of publications in "MK" in the genre of investigation for 2004. He is a laureate of the Prize. A. Borovik, awards of the FSB of Russia in the field of literature and journalism, awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the best work of literature and art, the Shield and Pen awards, the Best Pens of Russia awards, Moscow awards in the field of journalism, the Almaz Prize.

Alexander Khinshtein is a laureate of the international film-television festival "Law and Society". He was awarded the titles "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office", "Honorary Worker of Justice of Russia", "Honorary Worker of Special Communications of Russia". He is also an honorary citizen of the Gorodetsky district, the cities of Balakhna and Shakhunya (Nizhny Novgorod region).

Deputy and journalist Alexander Khinshtein has a very “dubious biography”. He, according to media reports, is and. Khinshtein was also seen more than once in ties with organized crime. However, this does not prevent him from creating the appearance of an "active fight against corruption" and throwing mud at the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin.

Moskovsky Komsomolets continues to publish negative articles about the activities of Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and some of his subordinates. The authorship of these publications, as a rule, belongs to the infamous deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Khinshtein, whom many of his colleagues simply call Khinya behind his back.

Strictly speaking, why is this “Hinya” not happy with the work of the entire ICR or the activities of Bastrykin personally, who, by right, is considered one of the best investigators in Russia and enjoys the sincere respect of his colleagues ?!

However, Alexander Evseevich stubbornly ignores the merits of Alexander Ivanovich, which makes Khinshtein's articles about Bastrykin and the TFR extremely biased. However, what kind of objectivity, when you need to tritely "work out the order." Well ... With this talent "Heaney" no one argues. After all, “jeans” he writes very well.

Of course, pouring "informational dirt" on others is very easy. It is much more difficult to be critical of one's own "creativity". Unless, of course, Khinshtein's "writing" can be attributed to this category.

In general, no one could have known about Alexander Evseevich. Indeed, during his work in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper from 1991 to 1996, no one knew about Khina. And he "untwisted" only due to the fact that he was entrusted with the publication of telephone conversations of famous people.

And even then this “privilege” went to Khinshtein by sheer luck. After all, in the mid-90s, the security forces "stumbled" on him at a difficult moment for the "MK" moment of "personnel starvation." Then the killers blew up Dmitry Kholodov, who wrote about corruption in the Ministry of Defense. Alexander Minkin, who had access to wiretaps and other materials of the “analytical service” of the Most group, left the MK for Novaya Gazeta. Many other influential journalists also left the publication.

As a result, the security forces needed a new "drain tank" in the MK. Khinshtein became them. Rumor has it that the security forces stumbled upon Khinya after his interview with the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Filatov.

Although there is another version. After all, as you know, intelligence officers regularly monitor the media sphere, selecting for themselves the most valuable and outstanding personnel. Valuable "Hinya" was not, but stood out quite.

Alexander Khinshtein - "schizophrenic deputy"

The thing is that Alexander Evseevich was prone to schizophrenia as a child. Yes, Mr Khinshtein is indeed a schizophrenic deputy.

Heaney developed this disease in early childhood. Khinshtein gives the following description: ... irritable, demanding, "throws tantrums", aggressive towards the mother ... loved to play "daughters-mothers" with girls ... Capricious, disobedient, stubborn, fought in passion, sobbed, "rolled up" ... was fixed on the act of urination in appropriate conditions ... From the age of 7, we are sharply excitable, shouting in a “wild voice” for no reason, aggressive towards mother and children. From the age of 10 fears for my life and health. ... He harassed his mother with threats to throw himself off the balcony ... sometimes he became very "compassionate", experienced fears at night ... From an early age he has fears of darkness and loneliness ... He was afraid to go to the toilet, and suddenly the bandit hid ... selfish, self-centered ... Diagnosis: schizophrenia»

In his youth, Khinya tried to hide his illness, but he did not succeed, as the disease progressed steadily.

At the age of 12, during his stay in the children's psychiatric hospital No. 6 in Moscow, Khinshtein was diagnosed with "Schizophrenia, continuous with exacerbations." Later, in 1991, he was observed in the clinical psychiatric hospital No. 15, from where he was discharged with a diagnosis: "".

And this man, who is not all right with his mind, still dares to blame Alexander Bastrykin and the Investigative Committee for something. However, as you know, schizophrenics are not responsible for their words. And that means articles too. So the intelligence officers really liked it. After all, in which case Khinshtein could be declared insane at any moment and saved from responsibility.

"Career ladder" Khinshtein

Soon, the security forces provided Khina with compromising evidence on important politicians and officials. His "finest hour" came when he got a printout of the conversations between Chubais, Ilyushin and Krasavchenko. It was then that Chubais's assistants were covered with a photocopier box filled to the brim with money.

Then, on the orders of his masters, "Hinya" began to "wet" in the MK those whom he was told. So he poured dirt on the well-known fighter against organized crime, the then head of the Moscow RUOP, Vladimir Rushailo, who would later become the Minister of Internal Affairs.

In addition, Khinshtein conducted his "informational and provocative activities" against the former head of the FAPSI and one of the most worthy Russian officers of that time, General Alexander Starovoitov.

It is believed that this black PR campaign against Starovoitov was paid for by the Most influential group at the time. So, apparently, "Khina" does not care who to take money and information from - from the FSB or from the disgraced oligarchs.

Of course, many journalists can be called "ideological prostitutes." But Alexander Khinshtein is especially distinguished in their ranks.

By the way, according to media reports, before the information attack on Starovoitov, Khinya brought home $22,000 in cash. This allowed Khinshtein's parents, having sold an apartment in Teply Stan, to buy a new living space in an elite house near the Red Gate, in the house where the Vstrecha cinema is located.

Then "Hinya" for generous fees "drenched" more and more people in MK. One of them was Rushailo's comrade-in-arms, General Orlov, who also tried to fight crime.

Obviously, Khinshtein was set against him for this.

And now "someone" set Khinshtein against Bastrykin. But who is it? Taking into account the conflict between the TFR and the Prosecutor General's Office, the version suggests itself that Khinya is fulfilling the order of Yuri Chaika. This version is confirmed by the fact that Khinshtein is an adviser to the Prosecutor General.

Of course, Alexander Evseevich could put forward a version that with his “Bastrykin’s mochilov” he is fulfilling the order of the voter, but this is very vaguely believed. After all, "Hinya" has long "scored" on his deputy duties.

Deputy Khinshtein "threw" his voters

As Valery Sergeichev, his former assistant in the Nizhny Novgorod region, assures, instead of fulfilling his direct duties, Khinshtein is engaged in his personal "affairs".

The fact that "Hinya" does not care about its voters at all forced Nizhny Novgorod residents to initiate the resignation of Alexander Evseevich from the post of deputy. Thus, an initiative group of citizens was created in Nizhny Novgorod, which set itself the goal of recalling State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein. It was just Valery Sergeichev who supervised her.

This group of citizens officially applied to the Nizhny Novgorod media.

“Deputy Khinshtein did not justify the trust placed in him. Instead of doing his direct duties, namely lawmaking, Khinshtein is engaged in his personal "affairs". How can a deputy who appears at meetings only on Fridays and sometimes at the special invitation of Oleg Morozov, head of the faction, defend the interests of his voters? What can be asked of him in such work? Nothing,” the initiative group said in a statement.

By the way, Khinshtein not only neglected his duties, but he also came to victory in the elections “not in a completely honest way.”

His ex-assistant Sergeichev publicly told how Khinya bribed his voters.

« There was massive voter buying. For example, in the city of Krasnye Baki there is a priest who also rules over the Voskresensky district. During the election campaign, this priest received about $2,500 from Khinshtein for agitating parishioners. There was also a Jewish family to whom he tossed $1,500, and there are plenty of such cases. If necessary, I will find the names. In the areas that I oversaw, this technique was used at every turn. Through our agitators, we scattered the newspaper, in which the main article was about the candidate Kosterin. In it, we wrote how much Kolya stole. That is a lot of unverified information, sheer rubbish. During the elections and the day before, we handed out an incredible amount of matches. In the villages, this issue is treated very reverently, which is why they are especially fond of matches. Hundreds of matches with Khinshtein's logo were handed out left and right. In addition, I was given a specific task: to give each "comrade" an approximate amount of money. I had 12 commissions and 12 envelopes, each of which contained 3,000 rubles. I personally gave these envelopes from Mr. Khinshtein to the chairmen of precinct commissions. That is, I want to say that all known, accessible and inaccessible methods were used to win Khinshtein in the elections. Quite serious forces were brought under Khinshtein in the elections, and first of all the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the election period itself, a technique called "carousel" was used. Its essence is that near the polling stations there were cars in which there were people from our campaign headquarters, and on the approaches to the polling station there were agitators who directed people going to the polls to our cars promising them various benefits. It should be noted that the majority of voters, especially in small towns and rural areas of the 122 Semenov constituency of the Nizhny Novgorod region, are far from rich people, many who abuse alcohol. The first voter who agreed to help us (naturally, for money or, for example, a few bottles of vodka), took out of the polling station and gave us his blank ballot paper. It made a mark for our candidate. All subsequent voters who approached our car were given an already filled ballot, which they had to throw into the ballot box, and in return bring their own - blank. So we controlled the election process", Valery Sergeichev told reporters.

As you know, bribing voters is a crime. Thus, according to Sergeichev, it turns out that Khinshtein is a real criminal.

Criminal cases of Alexander Khinshtein

By the way, in May 1999, a criminal case was initiated against Khinshtein for forging a driver's license. In January 2000, investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to forcibly take Khinshtein to the city of Vladimir to conduct a forensic psychiatric examination in a previously initiated criminal case.

Recall that in 1999, the investigative department of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate opened a criminal case against Alexander Khinshtein, a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The journalist was accused of “using a deliberately forged document” - a certificate of an employee of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, issued under a different surname ... "If the investigators' attempts to check Khinshtein's mental health (or rather, his illness) would have come true, then Alexander Evseevich would have been put on compulsory treatment even then .

However, the "high patrons" did not allow to apply to "Hina" those treatment measures that are usually taken for violent schizophrenics. But who are these mysterious patrons - the Kremlin? Special services? "United Russia"? As it turns out, they don't belong here...

Khinshtein and Berezovsky

The thing is that Khinshtein has long worked with business partners of Boris Berezovsky. For example, it is alleged that in the interests of the owner of RussNeft, Mikhail Gutseriev, and the former owner of LogoVAZ, Boris Berezovsky, Khinya wrote quite a few articles about the situation in the Caucasus.

The point is that Khinshtein, believed to be in the interests of Berezovsky and Zakayev, repeatedly criticized Ramzan Kadyrov. So "Hinya" started a slanderous rumor that Kadyrov supposedly "does not have a higher education." However, Khinshtein, as always, lied. After all, Ramzan Kadyrov successfully completed his studies at the Academy of Civil Service. In general, Khinshtein completed Berezovsky's "order". Rumor has it that Bereza covers Khinya for this, using their connections in Moscow.

So, most likely, Alexander Evseevich very actively enjoys the support of Boris Abramovich.

Obviously, this is precisely why Khinshtein pours dirt on Alexander Bastrykin with such impudence. Remember how a few years ago Khinya spread false rumors that Bastrykin allegedly had his own business in the Czech Republic. Say, the head of the TFR and his wife registered the company LAW Bohemia in Prague. However, during the proceedings, Bastrykin proved that all this was a heinous lie of Heaney.

Interestingly, if Berezovsky had paid Khinshtein for critical articles against Putin, would Khinya have written this material? Be sure - he wrote ... After all, money does not smell, and it seems that Alexander Evseevich does not care where to get it from.

So, for example, Khinya, according to the media, worked for a long time with members of the Solntsevo organized criminal group. Moreover, judging by the publications, Khinshtein's especially warm relations are associated with United Russia deputy Andrey Skoch, who was also previously one of the "Solntsevo" ones.

Apparently, the criminal world taught Alexander Evseevich a lot. Among these skills, for example, is the ability to solve the problem “by concepts”. So, during the celebration of the birthday of Moscow businessman Dmitry Shumkov in an elite restaurant in Izhevsk (in the businessman’s homeland), “Khinya” at the beginning insulted the famous parodist Alexander Peskov, and then, finally getting drunk, made a drunken brawl in the Park Hotel.

Deputy Hinshine is a homosexual

By the way, in Khinshtein's biography there are facts that are stranger than drunken fights and criminal cases. The thing is that Alexander Evseevich, according to media reports, is a homosexual. On the Internet, this fact has long been vigorously discussed. In particular, a number of IT resources openly write that "".

In Nizhny Novgorod, the opposition even built its information campaign against United Russia on this.

Campaign poster claiming that Khinshtein is a homosexual

His faithful assistant Anton Cheremisinov was considered to be Heaney's lovers.

Anton Cheremisinov - assistant and lover of Alexander Khinshtein

By the way, in Nizhny Novgorod even his friends joke about Khinshtein's homosexuality. For example, Khinya was seriously disgraced. When he went to the recreation center for power engineers in the Borsky district in the company of his comrades Roman Antonov and Alexei Sannikov. Of course, that friends went to the dacha in the company of prostitutes. But Khinshtein did not show any attention to the girls. However, for a homosexual, this is a completely logical reaction.

However, Khinshtein's "gay adventures" in Nizhny Novgorod do not end there.

According to colleagues, Khinshtein celebrated his first birthday as a deputy (2004) in Nizhny Novgorod at the Robinson restaurant. There were many invited from the local elite. Colleagues saw how the deputy gently hugged and kissed on the lips with Valery Lemorenko, who at that time held the position of deputy plenipotentiary representative Kiriyenko. Khinshtein publicly showed kindness towards this official that day, even though in these circles in the local political party Lemorenko is openly called “pid ... catfish” (in the original sense of the word). According to rumors, "everything has long been clear with Lemorenko", because he is "Kirienkov's", and there were always many handsome young men and older people in Kiriyenko's headquarters, who regularly gathered for group orgies in various clubs. As a person who mistakenly looked at one of these parties said, he had enough impressions for a long time. About Mr. Kiriyenko, by the way, "gay" jokes have repeatedly arisen. Once, the American edition of Exile even released an issue that outwardly copied the Moscow Times. On the front page was an article about Kiriyenko's removal from office for getting into a fight at the Chameleon gay club because he didn't win a prize in some competition. In other words… the behavior and nickname of his deputy Lemorenko are quite relevant to the situation. As for Khinshtein, he did not limit himself to one kiss that evening.

At the same event, Alexander Evseevich spoke warmly and, seeing off, touchingly kissed the lips of Mikhail Mikhailovich Groshev, at that time the general director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - Nizhny Novgorod. Oddly enough, but in the region Mikhail Groshev became famous not for professionalism or impartiality ... He was "caught" in his office by employees of the VGTRK company at the moment when he was giving a blowjob to his young employee. According to colleagues, the entire journalistic fraternity of Nizhny Novgorod knows about this, which is why Groshev is still the object of appropriate jokes and malicious witticisms.

Following the political background of Khinshtein's homosexuality, facts from his journalistic life began to emerge. The friendship and tender affection of Alexander Khinshtein and Andrey Karaulov are known to many. Karaulov previously often invited Khinya as an expert on his Moment of Truth program. But what kind of courtesies Khinshtein paid back to an old friend - one can only guess. Although there are some assumptions. According to journalists, Khinshtey was Karaulov's lover and approached this case from the "passive side".

But the worst thing is that there are rumors in the journalistic community that Khinshtein has recently switched to young boys under the age of 18. And this is “pedophilia” (Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

So who is Alexander Khinshtein - gay, schizophrenic or an ordinary liar?

It is not easy to answer this question. It is likely that Alexander Evseevich combines all these negative qualities.

And such an immoral type as Khinshtein still dares to spread false rumors about the head of the ICR, Bastrykin? As they say, whose cow would moo ...

Type in the Yandex search box the following phrase “Schizophrenia with low progression with affective psycho-like disorders” and see what comes of it. Unfortunately, there will be very few links - only six. One about “Sexual crimes against children”, two about the course of this serious illness, and finally three links - exactly half - about the well-known and respected journalist, State Duma deputy Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein. Just think about it! Probably, this talented person is also a professional psychiatrist?! Or, perhaps, his pen touched on some medical issue, or, in the spirit of a journalist, some famous "doctors' case"? However, no. These links are provided with explanations of a completely different nature. “Alik, as they say in certain circles, “has a diagnosis”” and “Detractors explain Khinshtein’s recklessness by the fact that he was repeatedly treated in various psychiatric clinics with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia.” Very strange. The deputy, the voice of the people - and suddenly schizophrenia. Something is wrong here. We take the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. "Schizophrenia (from the Greek schizo - split and phren - mind, mind, thought), the most common mental illness, which is characterized by a variety of manifestations and tends to chronic course."

So, does Khinshtein have a split mind? Unlikely! Most likely, Yandex simply fails, because you cannot hide such an ailment - not a needle. If you believe the same TSB, schizophrenia manifests itself from childhood, and can lead over time to the most monstrous consequences. This is a split personality, and the appearance of obsessive ideas, and a tendency to deceive, a loss of reality, and, simply put, an inability to distinguish what is permitted by society from what is not permitted, and a complete loss of a holistic personality. Unfortunately, from the biography of Alexander Evseevich it is difficult to learn about his childhood and youth, and to give any assessments. On the website of the deputy, these stages of life are modestly omitted. “I was born on October 26, 1974 in Moscow. Higher education - graduated from Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, journalist. In general, it must be said that the official autobiography proposed by Khinshtein is distinguished by terrible stinginess. In addition to the birth and graduation of the institute, there is no longer a single fact from life, with the exception of a description of dozens of awards, prizes, honorary diplomas, memberships in various organizations. The biography of the people's choice is covered, oddly enough, with a fog of mystery and mystery. They say that medical books, references from the school, detention protocols and other documents that could shed light on this case are classified materials. Only the secret services have access to them, although information leaks seem to occur regularly.

So in the extract from the medical history No. 3820 Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich dated 12/18/86. you can find a lot of interesting comments by the attending physician Kasatkina. Here are just a few of them (note: see the full text of the document in the appendices): “... irritable, demanding,“ throws tantrums ”, aggressive towards mother ... loved to play“ mother-daughters ”with girls ... Capricious, naughty, stubborn, in an affect, he fought, sobbed, “rolled up” ... was fixed on the act of urination under appropriate conditions ... From the age of 7, we are sharply excitable, screaming in a “wild voice” for no reason, aggressive towards mother and children. From the age of 10 fears for my life and health. ... He harassed his mother with threats to throw himself off the balcony ... sometimes he became very "compassionate", experienced fears at night ... From an early age he has fears of darkness and loneliness ... He was afraid to go to the toilet, and suddenly the bandit hid ... selfish, self-centered ... Diagnosis: schizophrenia.

It is known that at the age of 12, during his stay in the children's psychiatric hospital No. 6 in Moscow, Khinshtein was diagnosed with "Schizophrenia, continuous with exacerbations." Later, in 1991, he was observed in the Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 15, from where he was discharged with a diagnosis: "Schizophrenia of little progression with affective psycho-like disorders." Because of this injustice and all the problems. Offended by fate, Sasha had to deceive and hide his illness from childhood. The path of the deputy began with the fact that, hiding his illness, which is an absolute medical contraindication to entering a university, Khinshtein became a student at Moscow State University. In principle, it can be understood, because all young people want to really succeed, and a university is a ticket to life. In Russia, it is customary to lie a little, and there is nothing special about it. God is with him, with the law. After all, other people drunk get behind the wheel, and Khinshtein just illegally got a license. During the preliminary investigation, it turned out that Khinshtein could not and cannot legally obtain the right to drive a car due to illness. But what to do? Feeling hurt, hurt? Of course not. After all, a small deception is not a big deception. Therefore, with a driver's license, as well as with a university, it was not without deception.

Not having permission to take exams, in 1996 he submitted documents to the traffic police, according to which he lived in the same apartment with the mother of the head of the traffic police department in the city of Shatura! It is clear that, while actually living in Moscow, Khinshtein received his rights in Shatura. And the result? Today, the deputy has several registered traffic violations, including one collision. And it's not so scary - the main thing is that Sasha feels like a full-fledged person, breathes deeply.

Only once Khinshtein did not have to dissemble and impersonate another. During the call to the army, he honestly submitted documents about his “health” to the commission and was released from service. It is no secret that this kind of certificate can be obtained for money, only in order not to repay the debt to the Motherland in the ranks of the Armed Forces. However, in this case, Alexander Evseevich most likely did not have to do this. He already had help. Yes, and which of the doctors will do a six-year-old certificate retroactively. On the other hand, even if there was no such certificate, it is completely incomprehensible what is better for a respected person and a State Duma deputy - to be suspected of bribing officials and using fake documents, or to confirm his sad diagnosis. The choice is very difficult: schizophrenic or criminal? At that moment in his life, the future deputy chose the first, because he did not want to serve. However, it is completely incomprehensible how Khinshtein would now answer the question of why he was released from the army. But back to the history of the disease.

What's next? Sasha Khinshtein, hiding his illness, after graduating from Moscow State University, ends up in MK. He is haunted by thoughts of injustice, of that sad medical fact, because of which he must deceive everyone, and which he must hide. What will he do here, in the editorial office of Moskovsky Komsomolets? A tendency to obsessive ideas, hypochondria, headaches, and changeable mood... By the way, let's remember the deputy's diagnosis.

TSB again. “For continuous Schizophrenia, from the very beginning, a steady increase in negative disorders (phenomena of loss of mental functions) is inherent, which are combined with monotonous so-called. productive symptoms (hallucinations, etc.) ... Low-progressive Schizophrenia is characterized by a predominance of obsessive phenomena, senestopathies (vague painful sensations in the body) manifestations of hypochondria, hysteria in combination with pronounced autism (the predominance of isolation, active withdrawal from the outside world), persistent asthenization, emotional impoverishment " . “Obsessive phenomena, obsessive states, anancasms, obsessions, ideas, memories, fears, inclinations that arise in a person stubbornly, irresistibly, often painful for the individual, not accompanied by the loss of belonging to one’s “I”; actions can also be intrusive. From N. I. fruitless discussions are most often observed on banal topics (for example, why the earth is round); fruitless philosophizing - "mental chewing gum"; fear; cravings for absurd acts (for example, throwing themselves into water) ... "
One would like to say in the words of Socrates: “Oh, poor Alcibiades! How pitiful is your situation…” Unfortunately, this diagnosis is Khinshtein’s true biography. The symptoms listed above appear one after another in his life. Hallucinations in which he sees intruders in everyone led him to the "clothing of investigations." The heroes of the articles, Yeltsin, Berezovsky, Abramovich, Kasyanov, Rushailo became his obsessive phenomena ... He writes whole volumes of books about these people, they completely haunt the journalist. But the headlines, unfortunately, betray the key emotions: "The Chronicle of Lies", "The Age of Lawlessness", "The Werewolf...", "The Mystery...", "Duration...", "To Power over the Dead"... You can continue indefinitely; the theme of injustice and a general conspiracy constantly worries Khinshtein. It is physiologically necessary for him to blame others, not because he is an "evil person", but simply because of his illness. By the way, in psychology, the effect of transference is well known, when the patient transfers his qualities to other people.

There is hardly a person who would seek the truth as fiercely and uncompromisingly as Khinshtein does. Some deputy inquiries, courts and investigations that he initiated cannot be counted. From a medical point of view, Khinshtein is also unique - his almost textbook case history, and its manifestations, due to the fame of Alexander Evseevich, can be observed by students from all departments of psychiatry in Russia at once. Khinshtein's next symptom - the loss of belonging to one's "I", or, more simply, a split personality, has already become "the talk of the town." It is well known that the deputy loves to transform, changing at the same time, though not his face, but his documents. Fake identification cards were repeatedly confiscated from him, and Alexander Evseevich's house has the largest collection of Chekist badges in general. So what? It's just a disease. Khinshtein simply collects KGB badges, and he already has about 5,000 of them. They say that this strange hobby was inspired by the fact that Khinshtein is a corresponding member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, and was also awarded departmental medals of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice. May be. But Khinshtein plays the Chekists not at the Academy, but even very much in life. Accustomed to hide the truth since childhood, he tries to find himself in the image of a hero and public defender - a security officer-journalist-deputy, changing documents like gloves. At the same time, he, unfortunately, converges with the most notorious scammers.

There is a well-known story of how Khinshtein received a fake certificate of a customs officer. In 1998, Alexander Khinshtein met citizen Sudakov. He worked in the Moscow Customs Administration, and achieved significant success in this field. Sudakov wanted positive coverage of customs activities from the journalist, and the journalist wanted to get another “I”. Sudakov went upstairs to the head of the Moscow Customs Department, Mr. Soldatov, and asked him for one customs officer who urgently needed operational cover documents to investigate criminal case number 143775. The unsuspecting head turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the local deputy minister ordered to draw up the necessary documents.
Instead of a photo of a certain customs officer, Sudakov sent a photo of a journalist he knew to the relevant department. As a result, a certificate in the name of police captain Alexander Evgenievich Matveev arrived back at the customs office with a photograph of Khinshtein pasted there. From that moment, Khinshtein turned into another “person” ... He had the right to carry service firearms and special equipment, he could detain a compatriot and check documents at any time of the day or night and anywhere.

The happiness of owning a piece of paper was slightly overshadowed by the intervention of the investigating authorities. A fake document has been found. On May 15, 1999, the criminal case of Khinshtein, who was arrested by the traffic police, began to wander around the investigators. Finally, in March 2000, a decision was made to bring Khinshtein as a defendant, and Sudakov was charged with a crime under Article 6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Over time, Khinshtein himself forgot who he really was. That is the nature of the disease. Another symptom of him - a tendency to absurd deeds - was expressed by Alexander Evseevich in the form of all kinds of brawls and scandals for which he is famous. This has been written about in the press many times.

Perhaps all this is speculation, and Khinshtein's medical history is just Yandex's mistake, but one way or another, I would like to recommend the deputy to take care of his health, it will not be superfluous. Medicine recommends to patients with schizophrenia the following. “The treatment of schizophrenia is determined by the form and stage of the disease. They use insulin therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, psychotropic drugs and occupational therapy.” It seems that from this entire list, occupational therapy, namely, occupational therapy, would be very useful for Khinshtein. We read: “Occupational therapy, occupational therapy, the use of labor processes for therapeutic purposes. In some diseases, T. is used to increase the tone of the body, normalize metabolic processes, while using labor in the fresh air, which requires the participation of many muscles (for example, gardening). And this would be most welcome, since "in the garden" - in the constituency - they have not seen "work in the fresh air" of their chosen one for a long time. After all, here Khinshtein managed to deceive everyone. After the last election, the residents of the region wanted to initiate his early resignation, so this time Khinshtein entered the Duma at the bottom of the United Russia list. Being the fourth, he was the first, since the respected people before him on the list, such as the leader of the Nizhny Novgorod list - governor Shantsev and the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Bulavin - refused mandates. So what to do? Since childhood, Sasha feels that he is not like everyone else. And now, you have to spin around, prove to everyone and everyone that Alexander Khinshtein is a worthy person, that he "has the right", and not "a trembling creature."

Appendix: medical history of Alexander Khinshtein, scanned documents, complete collection.

Alexander Khinshtein is a journalist and writer who investigated the illegal activities of famous personalities: Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Rushailo, Mikhail Zurabov. Engaged in political activities. He hosted the program "X-Files" on the TVC channel. He was a State Duma deputy from United Russia for three convocations (2003-2016). Since October 24, 2016 - Advisor to the Director of the Russian Guard.

Early years. Education

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein was born on October 26, 1974 in Moscow, in the family of engineers Evsey Abramovich and Inna Abramovna Khinshtein (maiden name Regier). His maternal grandfather was a hero of the front, he died in 1943 in battles near the Ukrainian village of Vodyahovka.

In 1991, after graduating from high school No. 193, he became an unofficial employee of Moskovsky Komsomolets. In the first months of his work, he was almost fired because of a note about an allegedly planned erotic exhibition in one of the Moscow museums, which he wrote according to a Playboy journalist.

A year later, Alexander was officially placed in the editorial office. The first significant material in Khinshtein's journalistic career was an essay published in 1994 on Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.

From 1996 to 2001, Alexander Evseevich studied in absentia at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2007 he graduated from the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Journalist career

Fame for the journalist was brought by a sensational article written in November 1996 with a decoded recording of the dialogue of employees of the election team of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. The voices of Anatoly Chubais, Viktor Ilyushin and Sergei Zverev were recognized on the tape recording.

This was preceded by a scandal that received coverage as "the Xerox box case." In June 1996, two members of Yeltsin's campaign headquarters, Sergei Lisovsky and Arkady Yevstafiev, carried out of the White House a box containing about $530,000. They were detained, but soon released (as noted in the press, due to pressure from Alfred Koch, Anatoly Chubais and Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana Dyachenko), and the initiators of the detention were dismissed.

I would venture to suggest that it was about the possible evacuation of Lisovsky or Evstafiev abroad. The offer of help was apparently made to Chubais by one of his foreign friends.

A criminal case was initiated, but closed in April 1997, as it was not possible to establish the owner of the box.

In 1999, Khinshtein published many negative articles about politician Boris Berezovsky and his private security company Atoll. In particular, the journalist wrote about the connections between Berezovsky and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, called the oligarch a close friend of the Deputy Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Rushailo.

Alexander published two or three provocative articles a month. He began to follow the associates of the figure and the members of the "family" of the then President Boris Yeltsin. Between Alexander Evseevich, "Atoll" and Boris Berezovsky, there were protracted legal proceedings that lasted more than two years: "Atoll" accused Khinshtein of using false documents and facts.

In May 1999, a criminal case was opened against Khinshtein for using deliberately false documents. At the traffic police post, Alexander presented a fake certificate of captain MUR Matveev. A day after the detention, the journalist was released on bail. The investigation found that the Moscow customs officer Oleg Sudakov gave the journalist a certificate for a number of “correct” publications. The journalist himself believed that the case was initiated at the suggestion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in retaliation for a number of his publications that criticized law enforcement agencies.

In February 2000, the case was closed, considering the crime committed by Alexander to be harmless to society. Khinshtein claimed that Vladimir Putin intervened in the matter, who did not need extra hype before the elections.

The criminal case did not prevent Alexander Khinshtein from running an election campaign to be nominated to the State Duma of the III convocation, but in December 1999, running for the Orekhovo-Borisovsky constituency, he lost to General Andrei Nikolaev, albeit by a small margin.

In the same 1999, Alexander Evseevich began to conduct the author's television program "The X-Files", broadcast on the TVC channel.

In 2000, the journalist continued to attack Rushailo and his deputy Alexander Orlov on the pages of Moskovsky Komsomolets.

In 2003, Khinshtein became a deputy of the State Duma of the IV convocation from the Semenovsky single-member district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Having received a mandate, he became a member of the United Russia faction. He was a member of the commission on combating corruption and on the application of the electoral legislation of Russia. He also served as Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Industry, Construction and High Technologies. Initiated consideration of 95 bills. Subsequently, he was re-elected twice.

Debate Zhirinovsky vs Khinshtein

In 2005, Alexander presented the materials of the investigation in several articles about the former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov (the so-called "dacha case"). He found out that two years earlier, Kasyanov allowed the privatization of two state residences located in the elite district of Moscow Troitse-Lykovo, after which the property was transferred to the Ministry of Property of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VPK-Invest", and then put up for auction and sold for 11 million rubles to the company - one-day "Amelia". Subsequently, this company resold one of the residences to Kasyanov, the other to Valtex LLC, whose co-owner was Mikhail Fridman.

Khinshtein asked that his investigation be considered an official request to the Prosecutor General's Office. A criminal case was opened against Kasyanov. As a result, the court ordered Kasyanov to return the dacha to the state department, but did not demand compensation for the damage for the demolition of the buildings located on the site. Khinshtein called the outcome of the case "a triumph of justice."

Over the next five years, Alexander Evseev again touched on scandalous topics related to Boris Yeltsin and Boris Berezovsky. Again and again the headlines of the magazines were filled with articles about political figures.

In 2008, Khinshtein published compromising information on the chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin - the materials claimed that Bastrykin owns real estate and business in Prague. Four years later, opposition politician Alexei Navalny used his work in his investigation. Khinshtein reacted to this with the words "The enemy of my enemy is not yet my friend." In the same year, Novaya Gazeta published an article in which they noted Bastrykin's connection with a gang of hoes. Alexander Evseevich noted that he was not surprised, since he had been writing for many years about “lawlessness and lawlessness in which the Investigative Committee and its chairman personally were mired.”

Personal life of Alexander Khinshtein

Alexander Khinshtein is married for the second time. First wife - Yulia Fedotova (born 1983), journalist, graduate of Moscow State University.

After the divorce, the politician and journalist had almost no time to arrange their personal lives. However, in the fall of 2012, through mutual friends, he met actress Polina Polyakova (real name Olga, born in 1983), known for the TV series Closed School.

In 2014, their son Artem was born, a couple of months later Alexander and Olga got married. In May 2017, the couple's second son was born.

Alexander Khinshtein now

Since October 2016, Alexander Khinshtein has been an adviser to the head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, which is why he froze his membership in United Russia. He is a frequent guest on television, where he is called as a guest expert on political issues.

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