Categorical meaning. Morphological signs. Categorical meaning of a verb Categorical meaning of a verb

Categorical meaning

Generalized meaning, superimposed on the specific lexical meaning of a word: for nouns - the meaning of objectivity, for adjectives - the meaning of a feature, property, quality, for verbs - the meaning of a process, action, state, etc.

Reference dictionary linguistic terms... Ed. 2nd. - M .: Education. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A.. 1976 .

See what "categorical meaning" is in other dictionaries:

    the categorical meaning of an adjective- Significance value. For example: evening bell - the adjective evening denotes a non-procedural feature of an object - this is its categorical meaning; the specific meaning of an adjective is a sign of an object in relation to time ...

    categorical meaning of the verb- The meaning of the process (procedurality), inherent in the verb, regardless of its lexical meaning: actions (run, nag), states (love, sleep), relationships (include, possess) are presented in verbs as a process that takes place in time ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    categorical meaning of a noun- The meaning of objectivity, which is modified in different ways: 1) the names of specific objects of the living and inanimate world: pen, student, mountain; 2) plant names: rose, willow, poplar; 3) names of substances: oil, oxygen; 4) place names ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    the categorical meaning of an adverb- Signs of a sign: it blows quietly. In some cases, an adverb denotes a sign of a subject: pilaf in Uzbek ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Categorical perception- (Greek kategorikos - affirming) a feature or, more precisely, the stage of the formation of visual images, at which specific visual images are identified with a certain class of objects that have a certain meaning. For example, the tendency to hear ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    verb parsing scheme- 1) highlight the word form in the text; 2) part of speech; the categorical meaning of the verb; 3) the initial form of the verb; a question to the initial form of the verb; a question to the word form in the text; 4) the form of the verb (conjugated / unconjugated); 5) verb stems: stem ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    noun parsing scheme- 1) word form in the text; 2) part of speech; the categorical meaning of the noun; 3) the initial form of the noun; a question to the initial form of a noun; a question to the word form in the text; 4) proper / common name ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    category of the number of nouns- One of the main categories of a noun, which forms its categorical meaning of objectivity. The category of number serves to express the quantitative characteristics of objects of objective reality. She contrasts ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

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  • The categorical meaning of the verb. Systemic and functional aspects, N. N. Boldyrev. This monograph examines the problem of forming the categorical meaning of a verb at the conceptual, systemic-linguistic and speech levels. General questions of linguistic ...

The meaning of objectivity, which is modified in different ways:

1) names of specific objects of the living and inanimate world: pen, student, mountain;

2) plant names: rose, willow, poplar;

3) names of substances: oil, oxygen;

4) geographical names: Magas, Grozny;

5) qualities in distraction from the carriers: blue, green;

6) actions, processes in abstraction from the producers of the action: thinking, jump.

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  • - 1) the content associated with one or another expression of a certain language. Each spoken word makes it possible to judge what the speaker means, that is, what the given word means ...

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  • - one of the main. elements of culture, along with custom-norm, value and meaning ...

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  • - a generalized form of imprinting by the subject of social and historical experience acquired in the process of joint activity and communication and existing in the form of concepts objectified in action schemes, ...

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  • - a generalized form of reflection by an individual of social and historical experience, captured in schemes of actions -, concepts -, social roles, norms and values ​​...

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  • - MEANING and concepts that define different forms of implementation of the basic linguistic connection ‘sign - signified’ in the processes of understanding and in the language system. The content of these concepts in logic, linguistics and semiotics is different ...

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  • - A generalized meaning superimposed on the specific lexical meaning of a word: for nouns - the meaning of objectivity, for adjectives - the meaning of a feature, property, quality, for verbs - meaning ...

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  • - The meaning of the process inherent in the verb, regardless of its lexical meaning: actions, states, relationships are presented in verbs as a process that takes place in time ...
  • - Significance value. For example: evening bells - the adjective evening denotes a non-procedural feature of an object - this is its categorical meaning ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Signs of a sign: it blows quietly. In some cases, an adverb denotes a sign of a subject: pilaf in Uzbek ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Usually it is the nominative, singular. The nouns pluralia tantum have the plural nominative: sleigh, cream ...

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  • - 1) word form in the text; 2) part of speech; the categorical meaning of the noun; 3) the initial form of the noun; a question to the initial form of a noun; a question to the word form in the text ...

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  • - In school and university grammars, six cases are distinguished, each of which is not only polysemantic, but is used in singular. and plural Case is an inflectional category of a name that expresses it ...

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In the strict sense, categorizers of linguistic meanings, perhaps, should be considered not even interrogative pronouns, but the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning, which coincides with the generalized lexical-grammatical (categorical) meaning of the nominative part of speech, which acts as the main exponent of this linguistic meaning, and the corresponding pronouns. The interrogative pronoun acts as a kind of "marker", "litmus test", revealing the meaning of a given linguistic meaning. For example, the categorical meaning of a linguistic meaning is objectivity, therefore, the categorizers (in the broad meaning of this term) of this linguistic meaning are pronominatives who what?; its exponents are also the corresponding pronouns of other semantic categories and nouns without prepositions, which retain this meaning. In other words, the core of each linguistic meaning is the words represented by the corresponding part of speech, expressed by the initial form (if it is changeable) or by the morphologized member of the sentence. What is the difference between the categorical meaning of a part of speech and linguistic meaning?

Part of speech is a lexical-grammatical class of words with a set individual differential features. The categorical meaning of a part of speech is the generalized lexical and grammatical meaning of all words included in it. The foregoing presupposes that the words of this part of speech have general semantics (generalization to the highest degree) and certain grammatical features (for example, nouns have a constant gender category, variable categories of number and case, established rules of functioning; adjectives have concordant, syntactic, "Display" categories of gender, number and case, use in the role of an agreed definition, the nominal part of the predicate, etc.). That's why the categorical meaning of a part of speech interpreted as generalized lexicogrammatic meaning.

The linguistic meaning is semantic-functional unification of naming units of heterogeneous structure. Its core is a word (part of speech), but it also includes dismembered naming conventions (prepositional-case forms, lexis, special phrases, phrasal nominees) with the same semantics. Therefore, in our opinion, there is no need to talk about a higher degree of generalization in the semantics of linguistic meaning (in comparison with the part of speech). The difference lies in the heterogeneity, rich structural possibilities of expressing the same linguistic meaning in the same framework of functioning. This gives the right to determine categorical meaning of linguistic meaning as semantic and functional.

In linguistic literature, the question of the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning has not been raised at all, and the question of the categorical meaning of a part of speech is interpreted ambiguously. For example, L. G. Yatskevich writes: “The categorical meaning of a part of speech is a special type of linguistic semantics: it is a vector implicit type of semantics, in contrast to grammatical meanings, grammatical categories and word-formative meanings that express their semantics explicitly - in the grammatical and word-formative form of the word ... This part of speech value is included as a nuclear grammatical meaning into the linguistic field of the corresponding grammatical context, which finds its embodiment in it ”[Yatskevich, 2004, p. 140]. This definition and demonstration of ways of expressing substantiveness (pp. 61-68) indicates that the author confuses the concepts of “categorical meaning of a part of speech” and “categorical meaning of linguistic meaning”, displaying the latter under the name “grammatical concept of a part of speech”. This can be seen especially clearly in section 2.2 “Grammatical concepts of parts of speech. The forms of their existence in the structure of the Russian language ", where the author writes:" Grammatical concepts and categorical meanings of parts of speech are correlative, but not identical concepts. Correlation is manifested in the fact that the composition of grammatical concepts of a language determines the composition of its parts of speech and their categorical meanings. The non-identity of grammatical concepts and categorical meanings of parts of speech is due to the fact that the grammatical concept is the result of a generalization of a higher level than the categorical meaning of a part of speech. Due to this, on the basis of the grammatical concept in the lexical system of the language, not only grammatical classes - parts of speech, but also grammatical and lexical-grammatical superclasses, subclasses and metaclasses are formed ”[Yatskevich, 2004, p. 40-41]. The latter (subclasses, metaclasses) are not disclosed by the author, but it can be assumed that in this case we mean the dismembered naming units that we distinguish, and besides, heterogeneous associations that have no direct relation to the analyzed phenomenon at all. So, the author in the substantive nomination includes adverbs of the type At home know about it.Down below had time to get ready; highlights the substantive nomination, carried out by word forms of nouns in indirect cases, denoting the topic of the statement: From Moscow returned? (That is, those who left for Moscow)[Yatskevich, 2004, p. 66]. It is clear that in such an ultra-broad understanding, the “grammatical concept of a part of speech” goes far beyond the linguistic meaning, and it is completely incomprehensible why the above-mentioned work deals with a part of speech, more precisely, the categorical meaning of a part of speech.

It is known that the main means of expressing each linguistic meaning is a word, more precisely - significant words, united by an appropriate way of displaying reality, categorical meaning, morphological properties and syntactic functioning in part of speech. So, the main onomasiological means of expressing the linguistic meaning "objectivity" is the noun, "space" is primarily represented by the adverbs of place and direction, etc. The question is logical: how are the categorical meanings of the linguistic meaning and words of the part of speech that serves as the main means of transmission this meaning? At first glance, it can be assumed that the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning "absorbs" the categorical meaning of the part of speech. In fact, their relationship is much more complicated and can be traced in several directions. Let's compare:

1. The categorical meaning of linguistic meaning there is a common meaning of all onomasiological means (words, prepositional-case forms of a word, word combinations of a special type, lexis and phrasal nominee), united by a common conceptual content.

1. The categorical meaning of a part of speech is the general lexicogrammatic meaning all words this part of speech, speakers in morphologized function(for a noun this is a function of subject and object, for an adjective it is a function of definition, etc.).

2. The categorical meanings of linguistic meanings do not have special names, they are presented descriptively, for example: the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning "feature of an object", the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning "time", etc.

2. The categorical meanings of the significant parts of speech have special names: for nouns - "objectivity", for adjectives - "a sign of an object", for numerals - "quantity and number", for verbs - "action, state, attitude as a process" , in adverbs - "a sign of a sign", in impersonal-predicative words - "state".

3. The categorical meaning of the meaning is manifested in the onomasiological means, represented by the word and dismembered units: the prepositional-case form of the name, a special type of phrase, lexis and phrasal nominee.

  • 3. The categorical meaning of a part of speech is manifested in onomasiological units represented by a word only in cases 1) they perform a morphologized function in a sentence or 2) in a "dictionary word", that is, in the original form (if the word is changeable), which begins a dictionary entry in explanatory dictionaries ...
  • 4. A part of speech has the ability to express not one, but several linguistic meanings, for example, a noun expresses linguistic meanings "objectivity" (watch a movie, enjoy the meeting),"Object attribute" (brother's hat),"Image and mode of action" (go by the shore),"time" (late autumn).

The observations made do not give a complete answer to the question of the content, general and distinctive qualities of the categorical meaning of the linguistic meaning and the categorical meaning of the part of speech, since these phenomena have not been sufficiently studied, and the question itself is being discussed for the first time, although fragmentary information on this matter can be found in the works many scientists, because the problem under consideration concerns the cardinal issues of semantics, morphology, syntax and is reflected in cognitive science, onomasiology and other aspects of modern linguistics.

The verb as a part of speech combines words with the meaning of a procedural feature, or action of an object. A procedural feature is a part of speech, categorical semantics. All verbs have it. The peculiarities of this semantics are revealed when comparing verbs with nouns and adjectives.

Noun reading and wordform read lexical meaning is called the same action, but they call it differently: a noun - as an independent substance, a set of certain properties, and a verb - as the activity of an object (in this case, a person), i.e., as a manifestation of a substance, as its sign ... In sentences The grass is green under the window and Under window green grass one situation is denoted, which, however, is interpreted differently by the adjective and the verb: the adjective calls the attribute of grass as something given by the nature of things, and the verb depicts "greenness" as a manifestation of the properties of grass, as the realization of its potential.

The designation of a feature, in its existence due to the object to which it is attributed, is a distinctive feature of the verbal meaning. Each verb includes an anaphoric subject this, that is, it refers to an object as a source of action, which corresponds to the traditional definition: "a verb as a part of speech calls the action of an object." In the personal forms of the verb, this feature is manifested in the fact that the verb ending predetermines the type of the acting object, limits the possibilities of its morphemic expression (writingme, you writeyou, writeshe, she, it, person). In impersonal forms (infinitive, participle and gerunds) - in syntactic connections and syntactic distribution.

The second specific feature of a procedural feature is its characterization in time. This property of the verb meaning is also inextricably linked with the morphological categories of the verb, namely with the categories of tense and type. The meaning of a procedural feature is therefore categorical because it is formed based on the grammatical format of the verb.

Just as the meaning of grammatical objectivity does not coincide with the lexical meaning of an object, so the categorical semantics of an action (a procedural feature) is not identical with the lexical semantics of verbs. Lexically, verbs can name both actions and non-actions: processes (rot), events (marry), fortunes (get sick) relations (border) and others. But whatever the verb calls, the verb attribute is given in relation to its source and presupposes a temporal characteristic.

As in nouns the meaning of the subject or is expressed twice, by the lexical meaning of the stem and by grammatical categories (table, book), or depends only on the grammatical form of the word (singing, running, tenderness), so in verbs the meaning of an action can be conveyed both lexically and grammatically (run, saw, wash) or just grammatically (have, belong, be, exist).

So, a verb as a part of speech denotes a feature of an object, obligatory characterized in two dimensions:

1) the attribute is given as a result of the manifestation of the properties of the object (see the school question to the verb predicate: What does - do - will do?),

2) the attribute has temporal parameters (the last property of the verb is sometimes defined by the word "dynamic": the verb names the dynamic attribute of the object).

This is the semantic feature of the verb.

The verb is rich in morphological categories. Some of them - type, voice, mood, tense, face - are only in the verb. Others - gender, number - are the same for the verb and the names. From the morphological side, the verb is specifically characterized by the obligatory inflection. As already noted, there are no immutable verbs in the language, although the verb has immutable forms.

Morphological categories characterize different verb word forms differently. Some categories are found in all verb word forms. They are called constant verb categories. These are the categories of type and collateral. Other categories - mood, tense, person, number, gender - do not have all verb forms. They are called the non-permanent grammatical categories of the verb. The inclination, tense, face in the conjugated verb are inextricably linked with the expression of syntactic predicativity, that is, the grammatical meaning of the sentence. Therefore, they are also called predicative categories of the verb.

In the grammatical structure of the language, the verb as a part of speech is also formed by word-formation means. It is important that many suffixes form only verb stems: and-th (whitewash), e-th (whiten), a-th (ooh), well (ooh), nothing (to be lazy) and etc.

The primary syntactic function of a verb is the function of the predicate in the verb sentence. There is a kind of symmetry between the inflectional forms of the verb (or what is called the finite, that is, definite, verb) and their syntactic role... These forms are not other members of the sentence (we are talking about the actual verbal use). The subject, addition, definition and circumstance, a verb can only be in the form of an infinitive, participle and participle, in connection with which they could be called intra-speech syntactic derivatives.

A verb is a significant part of speech that denotes an action (attitude, state) of an object as a process and expresses it in the form of a kind, voice, mood, time, number, person or gender, acts as a predicate, (personal or conjugated forms) definitions (full participle), circumstances (gerunds) of any member of the sentence, starting with the subject and ending with the infinitive.

The process in grammar is understood broadly. This word means the most diverse activity: action, state, movement, speech, manifestation and change of a sign, intellectual activity, perception, relationships. These groups are not limited to, but the bulk is given. A process involves an action that changes over time. The temporal attribution of an action is the most important characteristic of words related to a verb. All phenomena (words) are capable of grammatical forms denote changes in time (read, read, will read). Morphological features of the verb: conjugation (change in persons and numbers), a large set of morphological features. The verb is distinguished by the most ramified system of grammatical categories. Type and pledge yavl. universal categories. The smallest number of gr cat. har-ny infinitive, gerunds; for participle - type, pledge, time, case, gender, number. Personal or conjugated forms - 6 forms -> it is customary to distinguish 4 forms of the verb: conjugated (personal) in one of the moods, infinitive, participle, participle. Personal make up the core of the system, nevertheless, conjugated. And unharmed. They are combined into a single form of the verb, tk. have a number of common features: common lexicon. Values ​​(read, read, read), the commonality of species and mortgage formations and meanings (read-read), the common management (I read the book, read the book), the common adverbial distribution (EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATION). Conjugate. Forms ch. are used exclusively in syntax. The roles of the predicate or predicate. Reason, deer. They can act as a secondary. Members of the proposition, they are called attributive forms. The infinitive has a special place. And-in (unspecified. Form) yavl. An unconjugated, unchangeable form of the ch., But is included in the s-mu verb. Forms, although different. A kind of structure. Semant-ki and-in analogue of them. n. of existing. (catch-catch), but when general meaning action n-e denotes an action as an object, and i-v denotes a process. The inseparable connection between i-va and ch. morphs and synths are supported: expresses species and collateral values, intercept - not interrupt, return - not return. By its origin, and-in is closely related to both the name and the ch .: this is a form of dat-go, local case, singular. h. Verbal noun. Subsequently, the rest of the forms were lost, and the form -> in c-mu Ch. Indefinite - a generalized name for an action, indefinite with tz. person, time, mood, therefore, this generalized meaning makes and-in the initial the form of the chapter .. Especially the originality of the i-va is manifested at the syntactic level. And-in, controlling a noun, combined with an adverb, can be any member in a sentence: it is always useful to learn (compound nominal predicate). Ira cry (in the compound verb predicate and-in will be obligatory !!!) We want to learn. Maybe minor member: she has a great desire to learn (definition), he made her learn (object addition), She came to study (purpose circumstance).

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