What is the communion. What is the communion? A set of involvedal forms depending on the grammatical characteristics of the verb

Communions in Russian traditionally include the following education.

  • ace(spelling also - yusch) or - as set (spelling also -), eg: walking, trembling, servicing, affecting, rotating, under constructionvalid communcies of the present time. "
  • Combathes formed by suffix - vS. or - sh, eg: based, inflicted, rotating, built, writing, afraid who came. Such formations are called "valid times of the past time."
  • Communions formed by suffixes -eat (-) or - them, eg: rotated, studied, formed, driven, incommable. Such formations are called the "suffering communcies of the present time."
  • Communions formed by suffix on - n.or -T., eg: learned, educated, beatey busy. Such formations are called the "suffering gestances of the past time."

As will be shown below, the above-mentiones of communities are to some extent conditional: the semantic and syntactic properties of these formations are not in all cases correspond to the inner form of traditional terms; Here, these terminological labels are used in strict accordance with the morphological form of communions, that is, in accordance with the type of suffix. In particular, as valid Type communion under constructionand built, that is, the communities that have both suffixes characteristic of valid communities and postfix in its composition. -Weused in passive value. On the complex nature of such formations, see.

Communions combine semantic and grammatical signs characteristic of the verbs, on the one hand, (the lexical importance of the foundation; management models and, wider, the ability to attach dependent, forms independent clause; grammatical categories of collateral, type and time, see) and for adjectives , on the other hand (the ability to act as an attribute of the name and - for part of the communities - to form a faithful combination with the verbal bunch; Conditional categories of kind, numbers, cases and animation, jointly expressed by the endings on the adjective model; the ability to be coordinated with the name of these categories In attributive use; for part parts is also typical of the adjective oppression of brief and complete forms, see), see also Articles Verb, adjective. For this reason, the parties sometimes refer to the number of "hybrid" forms asset forms or are interpreted as an independent part of speech (CP. Description of them as a "mixed part of speech" at A. M. Peshkovsky [Peshkovsky 1928/2001: 104] and distributed in typology The concept of "mixed category"), see the article part of speech.

Hereinafter, however, the communities are considered as morphological forms of verbs. The main reason for such a interpretation is that any involved form is in paradigmatic relations with the forms of a certain verb (and not adjective) lexeme; For example, form comingenters paradigmatic relationships with verb word go(such as comes out, came, go, entering), not any adjective.

Under a separate communion of a verb, a combination of all word forms having a common basis comprising a swing suffix and differ in adutely categories (for example, studied studied studiedetc.). The consequence of such a interpretation is the fact that the number of involvedal forms includes and brief forms of communion ( studiedetc.), despite the fact that they cannot act in a sentence as an attribute name of the noun.

So, when it says about a "separate communion" of one or another verb, there is a whole fragment of the word-substitable verb paradigm, which has about the same internal device as the paradigms of the adjectives (CP. The concept of "adjective declination"). However, as a representative of such a fragment, it is usually used for simplicity a complete form of a nominal case of a single number of male genus; So, for example, it is said that the above wordforms are word-format studied- Peritative communion of the past time from the verb explore.

2. Communion as a means of relativization

The involvement of a turnover (or solitary sacrament in the absence of a dependent), consumed in the position of definition to the name, in most cases correlated in meaning with some independent clause (otherwise the "predicative group", or "elementary predication"), which includes finite The form of the verb, from which the sacrament is formed, and the name of the noun, which is modified by communion. So, for example, designs setting sunand hawk chickenfrom correlating with the following simple proposals, respectively:

(3) The sun comes.

(4) Hawk takes a chicken.

This property of the correlation of the involved structure with independent clause is explained by the fact that the communion, like other verb shapes, always indicate a certain situation, real or irreal.

In the first case (the involved structure refers to a real situation) the situation is indicated by communion should take place at a certain point in time. So offer (1), repeated here for convenience at number (5), means that at the time of observation there is a situation that can be denoted as the sun comes.

(5) Now the hedgehog with a bear was still sitting under Vyaz and looked at setting sun. [FROM. Kozlov. True, we will always be? (1969-1981)]

In the second case, the involved structure refers to an irreal situation, that is, to a situation that is localized not on the time axis, together with other situations denoted in the context, and in one of the "imaginary worlds", as in the following example:

(6) Imagine man lying on the beach. [L. Ya. Ginzburg. Notebooks. Memories. Essay (1920-1943)]

However, in the case of surreal semantics, the communion refers to a situation that can be indicated by an independent clause ( man lying on the beach).

Thus, with the help of a communion used as a consistent identification of the noun, the referent of this name is characterized through its role in a certain situation, while the corresponding situation can usually be designated using Clause containing this name. From said it follows that the communities are one of the means of relativization in Russian. With such a interpretation, the involuntary turnover (as well as a single sacrament used attributely) can be considered as a kind of relative, or relative (cf.ng. "Relative"), Claus (see relative offers).

3. Current and Padding Parties

In some cases, attribute involved clause is correlated within a sense with two independent structures that differ in pledge, that is, on the syntactic position of the actant. For example, the involved clause from Example (7) can be put in accordance with the independent clause in the actual pledge (8), and the independent clause in the suffering pledge (9).

(7) The character, created by Chaphel, it becomes one of the main characters of the new circus ... [Yu. K. Olesh. In the circus (1928)]

(8) Chaplin created a character.

(9) The character (was) was created by Chaplin.

It can be noted that the passive design (9) itself contains a brief shape of the same communion. createdwhich is used in a disassembled attribute design (7). In this sense, the correlation of an attribute design (7) with an independent clause (9) would create unwanted circularity. Instead, the involved designs of this kind are usually correlated with the two possible independent clauses, which uses the design of the actual pledge. Thus, the design (7) and similar to it are considered to relate to the relativization of direct addition. This allows you to interpret the relevant communion as persistent, which corresponds to generally accepted practice. With this approach it turns out that the formation of persistent involuntary relative clauses is simultaneously relating and the expression of the category of pledge (passivization).

In traditional Russian grammar, in the definition of communities, the syntax presented above is usually dominated by the semantic approach [Grammar 1953: 506], grammar 1980: 665 (§1577)]. With this approach, the definition is usually based on the approval that communities combine the value of the procedurality characteristic of the verbs, and the value of the signs characteristic of adjectives; Sometimes it says that with the help of communities, the action (process) is represented as a sign of the subject. As part of such an approach, opposition between valid and suffering gestances is also usually carried out on semantic, and not on syntactic grounds, Wed:

"Depending on whether the sign is presented as an active, that is, as described by the action produced, or as passive, that is, characterizing the acting action, all the parties are divided into valid and suffering<разрядка источника>"[Grammar 1980: 665 (§1577)].

Such a semantic interpretation is generally consistent with the understanding adopted here, however, for a number of reasons, it should still be recognized as vulnerable. Indeed, the wording "Produced Action" and "Independent Action" refer directly to those semantic roles that participants relevant situations (for example, Agens and Patients). However, the properties of the communities are actually removed from semantic roles directly, but from the properties of basic diathesis of a particular verb, that is, from a typical ratio of semantic roles and syntactic positions. So, for example, for verbs passed, burn, breakthe basic is such diathesis at which the role of patients is subject to consistent. Despite the fact that, for example, about man with suffering, burned house or broken elevatorit can be said that these objects are characterized by "on the test" (and not according to the "manufactured") action, researchers still unanimously interpret the corresponding communities as valid.

A separate problem in the light of what is said is the communion with suffixes - ace(-yusch), -as set (-), -vS. and - shformed from return verbs having a passive value:

(10) Tobacco factory under construction in Dagestan Over time, I could also become an investor in the production of tobacco leaf in the region and its consumer ... ["Life of nationalities" (2004)]

(11) Culture is less chemical the process studied by putting. ["Incomprehensible Stock" (2003)]

The involvement of the revolutions of this type can be correlated within the meaning with proposals in which finite return form in passive value, Wed. For the last two examples:

(12) in Dagestan building tobacco factory.

(13) (some / this) chemical process studied Prigid.

As can be seen, determined by the nouns from examples (10) and (11) relations within the meaning with the subjects (12) and (13), in which return forms are used in the passive value. Thus, forms like communion building, studied From the above examples, it is necessary to interpret as valid communities relating to the subband of the passive pledge, whose value is expressed by a return postfix -We . Therefore, in principle, a situation is possible in which within the framework of the paradigm of one verb coexists, for example, ( studied) and relating to the subband of the passive pledge containing postfix -We(studied).

With the approach adopted here, the approach to the separation of real and suffering communities is found that, firstly, the process of education of communion does not lead to the appearance of postfix in word -WeAnd secondly, the actual and suffering communities are clearly distinguished by the set of subfixes used in their formation.

4. Communions of the present time and communion of past time

In Russian grammar, the existence of the seasons of the present time and the communion of the past time is generally accepted. The basis for these traditional designations is most clearly traced in the examples like as follows:

(14) - And where are you see kissing Golubkov? "Only two old people," said Dmitry Mikhalych. [F. Lights. My opening of the museum (2001)]

(15) I hear Click and smock open iron beer traffic jams. [F. Knorre. Stone wreath (1973)]

(16) that he thinks about disappeared Gold? [YU. O. Dombrovsky. Faculty of unnecessary things, part 5 (1978)]

(17) Remember those shot Schultsev brothers? [YU. O. Dombrovsky. Faculty of unnecessary things (1978)]

In the first two examples of the Situations, expressed by the parties, are interpreted approximately the same way as the finite forms of the present time were interpreted (CP. doves kiss, Beer traffic jams open), that is, as taking place at the time of observation. In the following two examples, interpretations close to those that would characterize the finite forms of the last time of the same verbs (cf. gold is disappeared, Schultsev brothers shot), that is, the communities refer to situations that took place until the point of observation. Thus, in the first two cases, we have the communion of the present time, in the second two cases - the communion of the past time.

At the same time, the communion of the present and the past time is not always used in direct accordance with what time form would be used if the desired value was expressed by the finite form of the verb. Especially there is no direct conformity between the choice of the sediments of the present / past time and the fact that the situation has the situation in the present or in the past speaker. Consider the following two examples:

(18) the first three readers, downtown in the editor and right answeredon questions receive A thousand rubles each. ["Evening Moscow" (2002)]

(19) for the village Olya saw workingin the water of old people and adolescents . [IN. Gubarev. Kingdom of curves mirrors (1951)]

In the first case, the "commander of the past time" refers to the situation in the future; If this situation was denoted by the finite form of the verb, most likely, the form of a future time of the verb would be used (cf. the first three readers who will be delivered and will answer.). In the second case, the "communion of the present" refers to the situation in the past; If this situation was designated a finite form of verb, most likely, the form of the past verb time would be used (cf. old men and adolescents who worked in water). Such a discrepancy between the categorical type (in some sense of the conditional name), the communion and its temporal interpretation arises due to the fact that word proposals are used as the main lesions, specifying on future situations ( receive) and in the past ( saw) respectively. According to these examples, it can be seen that in order to establish the time reference of the communities, there may be significantly not only their own categorical meaning, that is, the classifies to this or past with respect to the moment of speech, but also a relation to another action (such grammatical meanings called usually taxis). Thus, in example (18), the situations described by the gentlemen who later responded and answering may occur after the moment of speech, but before the situation described by the verb receive. In Example (19), the situation described by communion working, happened until the moment of speech, but at the same time the situation described by the verb took place with it saw.

When discussing the seizures used in the function of the reconnaissance modifier, it is convenient to use the concept of a support form, first introduced in [Non-catch, Otain 1987/2001: 299] when describing the taxi values \u200b\u200bof the verprictions (see also the article by Tempecia). The support form (with respect to the attributely used communion) will be called the vertex verb word formation of the clause, which is directly enters the name modified by commident. So, in the sentence (14) the support form for the communion kissing is a leaky hierarchically nearest clause - form see, and in the sentence (18) the support form for communion downtown and answeredis a taught get.

In contrast to the communion - to determine the non-infinite form - the reference form is often independent, as in examples (11) - (16) above. However, the reference form in principle may be dependent, in particular, non-infinite, as in the following example:

(20) The night sky was illuminated by fireworks, arranged moved, screaming "Korea! Korea!" crowd. [Izvestia (2002)]

In this case, the support form for communion defeasian and screamingis the form of another communion - arrangedfor which, in turn, the reference is a form illuminated. Regardless of whether a specific reference form is an independent finite, dependent finite or non-infinite, its time reference is set without taking into account the properties of the dependent involvement. On the contrary, to determine the aspect of the temporal interpretation of the occasion of the temporal reference reference form can play a significant role, as in examples (18) - (19).

Thus, the semantic loading of opposition between the "communities of the present time" and the "communities of the past time" in the general case is unidenticious to oppose the finite forms of the present and the last time (see also the article and lower). This problem is discussed separately for valid (see Actual Partition / p.3. Contrasting the actual communities of the present and past time) and the suffering (see Persistent Communion / p.3. Contrasting the suffering communities of the present and past time) communities.

Discussing such problems, A. V. Isachenko comes to the following conclusion: "Traditional term" commissions of the present "and" Communion of the past time "applied by us conventional symbols forms and say nothing about the general grammatical<разрядка источника> Semantics themselves these forms "[Isachenko 1965/2003: 542]. Such a look is radical: agree that the traditional terms "nothing" do not speak about the grammatical semantics of the communities of the present and the past time, difficult. However, it should be remembered that the assignment of one or another communion among the seasons of the past or present is consistently based on a formal basis (determined by the type of suffix), and not on the basis of substantive correlation with the finite forms of the past or present.

5. Communities and other attributes of ungalled education; The problem of adaptation of communion

5.1. Communions and other attributes of ungalled education

In addition to actually, the communities in the traditional sense, the ability to act as many other units formed from verbs, such as adjectives, actually appear as a name modifier diligent, creeping, lying,. readableetc. Nevertheless, such formations are usually not included in the paradigms of the relevant verbs, that is, not considered to be commonplace (some of these formations are sometimes called "pseudoids", see pseudoid). In addition, there are separable lexems formed with the help of the same suffixes as generally accepted communities, but for one reason or another, knocking out of verb paradigms and interpretative not as partitions, but as the exclusive adjectives (often are monomic communion actually); The problems associated with such formations will be considered in.

Criteria, allowing to distinguish between communion actually and other exclusive formations of an adjective type, are rarely called explicitly (see, however, [Plunyan 2010]). The main difference between the sediments from the exclusive adjectives is that the communities are included in the paradigm of the corresponding verbs, while other exclusive adversients are associated with verb lexemes only derivational, word-formative. Thus, the search for criteria that distinguish itself the communion and excommunicable adjectives should be conducted among those signs that are used to distinguish between the selection and word formation. To them, in particular, belong:

Separately, the paradigmatic criterion in this context should be mentioned separately in this context - the presence / absence of parallelism between the set and the values \u200b\u200bof the grammatical categories of finite forms and communion / exclusive adjectives (view, time, deposit), see.

5.1.1. Productivity

In general, communion actually differ in greater productivity than other exclusive attribute formations. A special place here, however, occupy two types of communion.

5.1.2. Syntactic correlation

Real communions are able to "inherit" the verb is most of his syntactic characteristics Regularly. So, the communcies are usually maintained with the principal ability to be combined with the same Sirconstants as in the finite forms of the corresponding verbs, and the set of active valences to the actants in communals differs from the corresponding set for finite forms only in the absence of valences to the actant, which is subjected to relativization (to the subject With valid parties and direct addition to the suffering genthesis), and to the subject (for persistent communities; "Instead of" valence, valence to the agent supplement in the efficient case, CP, is recorded on the fastest communities; my neighbor bought a car and machine bought by my neighbor). Methods for encoding actants are considered in the article by the syntax of involved revolutions. None of any other attribute ungalled education demonstrates comparable syntactic parallelism with finitic forms: most of them have the number of possible dependent - both actants and sirkonstants - it turns out to be reduced compared to the finite forms of verbs more radically, CP. schoolboy tries to solve the taskbut * schoolboy, diligent solve the task; snake crawling between stonesbut * snake crawling between stones; fish lies in the sunbut * fish lying in the sun; teens will read the magazinebut * happy teenage magazine magazine.

5.1.3. Semantic regularity

In communities (as in the word-substitutional forms of verb), the lexical significance in the norm coincides with the lexical meaning of the finite forms of the same verbs, which can be interpreted as the maximum degree of semantic regularity. In other exclusive attribute formations, lexical importance is usually different from the verbal substantial components. This can occur either due to more or less idiomatic increments, which is especially characteristic of the exclusive adjectives, homonymous communions (cf. brilliant performance, read(n.)watches fallen voice), or thanks to the presence of relatively specific components of semantics, characterizing entire word-forming types of exclusive adjectives (cf. semantics "tendency to intensive action" at adjectives chattering, grillingor "increased ability to expose" with adjectives malleable, brittle,see [Plungean 2010]).

Using the criterion of semantic regularity together with the criterion of syntactic correlation (see), it can be said that registered groups in which the vertex is modified by communion or involved in the norm, can be correlated - without adding or removing any lexical material - with simple proposals, In which the faeble expressed the finite synthetic form of the same verb (see). For other exclusive formations it is uncharacteristic. So, for example, if available seagull flying over waves(Communion), then it is true that gull flying over the waves; on the contrary bat squirrel(The exclusive adjective) is a 'protein that (in principle) flies', that is, the 'protein that can fly' (but not necessarily 'flies' or 'fly').

5.1.4. Paradigmatic

The traditional names of the four communities seem to be talking about the presence in the system of communities of those opposition, which are characteristic of both finite forms of verbs. There is a point of view according to which the presence of typical of the verbs of grammatical categories (species, time and collateral) is the main difference between the communities from all other ungalled adjective formations [Peshkovsky 1928/2001: 128]. In fact, this parallelism is partly impaired, since the opposition of the sessions of the present and the last time does not coincide with the opposition of the one-name grams in the finite forms of the verb, and the opposition of real and suffering communals does not fully coincide with the opposition on the key to finite forms (see this problem and Article pledge).

The joint use of the three first criteria discussed above, (productivity, syntactic correlation, semantic regularity) as a whole makes it possible to oppose the four classes of "real genthes" by other ungalled formations of an adjective type (see also); In particular, these criteria make it possible to exclude all the separable adjectual units from among the communities, in the formation of which other suffixes are used, except for four named above.

However, to use these criteria in assessing individual use of such units, which include suffixes typical for communities, it is almost impossible. The first complexity is operational: To use the listed criteria, it is necessary to compare actually recorded use with imaginary, whose properties are not directly observed. For example, in the case of an isolated (without dependent) consumption of ungalled education with a suffix, typical for the communion, the question of whether such a form could be used with verb addicts and whether it would be possible in this case that This is the same unit. The second complexity is informative: it is that even the "real communities" refer to some situation, in particular, to action, as a sign of one or another object; In this sense, the proposals are obviously laid down to the weakening of the dynamic components present in the semantics of the verb. Thus, the distinction between the actual communion and exclusive adjectives is associated with the degree of weakening of the verb dynamic signs: in the exclusive adjectives they are weakened even more than in communities. This problem is devoted to the next section.

5.2. Adjustment of communals

In very many cases, units that externally coincide with undoubted gestures are partially devoid of semantic and syntactic correlation properties with finite forms of verb. This situation is described with the help of the term Adjustment of the semides under which the loss is understood as the loss of the verb semantic and syntactic properties, leading to the weakening of the connection of aduteactive education with the verb lexema, and ultimately the transition of a specific education in the adjective class. Consider the following pair of examples:

(21) Tom and his comrades, offended Close and parents, are decided to leave home. ["Questions of psychology" (2004)]

(22) Shechor very much paid this work, and there is very offended His letter, when, already in Soviet times, everyone honored to the anniversary of the theater awards, and they did not remember it. [Izvestia (2002)]

In both of these proposals used wordworks, formally arranged as the suffering passengers of the past time from the verb offend. In this case, it can be noted that in (22), all conditions are performed characteristic of the situation relating to direct additions with the help of persistent communion; In particular, the condition of meaningfulness of this proposal is that at some point the situation described by the proposal occurred in the past Close and parents offended Tom and his comrades. To build a similar corrective statement for the second sentence is impossible, cf. * letter offend. In this case, using the characteristic offended There are some signs of letters that are not related to any localized situation described by the verb offend.

5.2.1. Signs indicating the adaptation of communities

Specific adjustment models differ for the intersections of different types and are described in the appropriate sections (see the actual selection of the present time, the suffering communion of the present time). General, however, is that adactive is primarily a gradual semantic development process. Private manifestations of this process can be among other things the following signs.

1) the lack of syntactic correlation (see just a disassembled example offended letter), that is, the inability to act as a relativization tool. The use of this criterion, however, is sometimes encountered for certain difficulties. Indeed, phrase offended letter Expand to an independent proposal is fundamentally impossible. However, there are also very numerous cases when such deployment in principle may, but at the same time, the drastrated finite proposals are clumsy, unnatural. So, for example, a personal group ringing sound (23 entries in the housing) is likely to be "deployed" into the full clause sound ringsbut such use seems not quite natural (in the case of only 3 examples, where with the finite form of the verb ring It would be used to be subject sound).

2) the loss of components of the value associated with the localization of the situation in time and space: washable, increased requirements- In these revolutions, while maintaining their usual interpretation, it is impossible to use the circumstances of time and place: # washing every week wallpaper, # elevated last year requirements).

3) the loss of the ability to attach the dependent characteristic of the corresponding verb lexes (CP. Lubility of a agent supplement in combination common disease – ? common European disease or direct addition in combination awesome movie – ? stunning viewers of the film). At the same time, the absence of any typical for the verb dependent with a specific wording consumption in itself cannot be considered a sign of adaptation, since the finite forms of verbs addicted - including those corresponding to valences - may be absent.

4) the development of the ability to combine with adverbs of measures and degrees ( very, too, so) in case the corresponding verbs of such abilities do not demonstrate ( very knowledgeable man / *a man knows a lot).

5) Individual shifts in lexical meaning indicating the exit of the verb paradigm. For example, secured 'Possessfulness, not knowing the need, muddy', following 'Nearest in turn after something', brilliant 'Outstanding, excellent', decisive 'Main, the most important'. However, the shifts in the lexical meaning can characterize non-individual adextivable communions, and entire groups of sections of the seasons (see articles dedicated to individual types of communities: the actual communion of the present time, the actual communion of the past time, the suffering communion of the present time, the suffering communion of the past time).

5.2.2. Signs indicating the preservation of the status of communion

Along with the manifestations of adjective (see), you can list some signs that indicate the preservation of the status of communion; Some of these signs are mirrored towards just listed.

Conduct a clear boundary between "more communion" and "already adjective", ceased to be word-deformations, it is fundamentally impossible. The ability to adaption is an integral property laid down in the very nature of Russian communities; Almost any Russian communion in one degree or another can demonstrate it. In sections dedicated to individual types of communities, are the main ways of adaptation characteristic of the corresponding types.

For practical purposes, in particular during calculations, decisions taken in a subcortose with removed by homonymy will be used: most of the word is put in line with one interpretation - they understand either as commonplace or as adjectives. However, it is reported that any binary markup in this area is fundamentally conditional. Indicative, for example, in this respect the following two examples of subcortus with removed homonymy: both of them contain the form floweringAt the same time, in the first case, it disassembles as the actual communion of the present time from the verb blossom, and in the second - as an adjective flowering:

(23) Waste and TU can be turned into a flowering garden if it is hereditary; And an incomplete blooming garden - turn into a wasteland. [YU. Davydov. Blue tulips (1988-1989)]

(24) After a blackout for a few seconds, the playpen turned into a flowering garden. [AND. E. Kio. Illusions without illusions (1995-1999)]

6. Grammatical categories of communion and syntactic functions

In all patterns related to one or another communion, the same set of grammatical features characteristic of verbs (see) is being implemented. These grammatical signs are expressed outside the end, that is, the basis of the communion (including the obfikax itself), with the help of a postfix (in the case of its presence) and in rare cases by the analytical method (see below).

The words are somewhat conventionally called those categories that are implemented with the help of flexions (endings) in private flows; A set of these categories is close to the composition of the wordordinary categories of adjectives (see).

6.1. Verb categories in communion

This section discusses how the following verb categories are presented in the communities:

6.1.1. View

As the forms of verb, that is, entering the paradigm of the verb lexemem, the communities retain all classifying categories of verb, in particular the category of the form (see view): Any communion is formed from the verb of the perfect species or from the verb of an imperfect. The verb belonging to a perfect or imperfect form significantly affects the composition of possible communities: the verbs of the imperfect species are regularly formed by the communion of the past and present, from the verbs of the perfect species - only the severity of the past time.

In the literature, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that the communities "have consistently spent throughout the category of verb species" [Peshkovsky 1928/2001: 128]. Being generally true, such an idea creates the illusion that a set of private species values \u200b\u200bof specific parties will coincide with the set of private species values \u200b\u200bof the "relevant" finite forms of the present and past time, which is not quite exactly in two respects - 1) one or other of aspect Interpretations of the communion may be absent from the corresponding finite form (see) and 2) on the contrary, aspect interpretation, which has a finite form, may be absent from the communion (see). Aspect interpretation of communion absent from the corresponding finite forms

In some cases, communion receive species reading, absent from the "relevant" finite forms. The most vivid case of this kind - the presence of the suffering seasons of the past time is not only action (dynamic), but also the state interpretations that are missing or weakened in the corresponding finite forms. This problem is designed in detail in studies of Yu. P. Knyazeva and E. V. Paducheva mainly on the material of the use of communities in the composition of the fant (in their composition, the brief forms of communions can receive perfect reading) [Knyazev 1989], [Prince of 2007: 486-490] , [Paducheva 2004: 495-503]. However, the attribute use of the suffering passengers of the past time admit to the state interpretation:

(25) The secret of "revival" of the MOAI, completely lost throughout so many centuries, can well be used today - for example, in construction during the installation of PPPs. ["Technique - youth" (1989)] - * The secret of "revival" of the MOAI has completely lost over so many centuries

Another case of the appearance of sediments of species values \u200b\u200bmissing among the corresponding finite forms is the ability of the suffering communcies of the past time of the verbs is associated in the limited-fold, and not in the total value in combination with the circumstances of the multiplicity [Refrodilova 2011: 84]:

(26) Name A.N. Afanasyev known to every Russian person, because the most beloved and memorable book of our childhood, many times read and retold, called "A.N. Afanasyev. Fairy Tales »(Yandex, [Refrodilova 2011: 84])

In case of composed of phytite forms of SV and NSV, the total circumstance is impossible, cf. * read and retold many times. The absence of the intersection of aspect interpretation is possible for the corresponding finite forms

Another type of non-compliance between the aspect potential of involved and finite forms is the situation of the lack of the intersections of certain aspectual readings that are possible for the corresponding finite forms. This falls here, among other things, the inability of the suffering communals of the past time of the NSV "denote the action in the process of proceeding", and more precisely their specialism on the expression "generally inactive, limited-multiple and other retrospective values" [Princes 2007: 489]. Fixed few examples are fixed in the building, in which such communities are used in other values, for example, iterative (27) or conitative, refer to the texts of the XVIII-XIX centuries and is mainly the archaic [Refrodilov 2011: 82].

(27) ... The proof of the magnitude of these storerooms serve duties, collected In Alexandria, annually with bringing and exporting, which, despite their cheapness, exceeded 37,000,000 livres. [N. I. Novikov. About trade in general (1783)]

In addition to this, it can be noted that in some cases, communities are comparable to the set of fundamentally affordable aspectual readings with the corresponding finite forms, but differ from them by the nature of the restrictions on the implementation of these values \u200b\u200bor the distribution of the frequency of forms with various aspect interpretations (see [Prince 1989] , [Refrodilov 2011: 85-86]).

6.1.2. Pledge and refund

In communion, the postfix returns always has a form -We, but not - sch, contrary to the general rules for the distribution of options -We / - by (see Return / Clause 1.3. Postfix options).

Combination in the framework of one word formation of suffering communion and postfix -We In Russian literary language is impossible (regardless of the meaning of this postfix).

When the approach is accepted here, the process of education of communities from verbs, the finite forms of which do not have postfix -Weis never accompanied by the appearance of this postfix. For such formations, the category of collateral is manifested in opposition to valid and suffering communities. In particular, the brief forms of the suffering communities of the past time is used in the formation of analytical liabilities (see pledge).

The situation is somewhat more complicated with the seasons of verbs, as part of the finite forms of which there are forms with a return postfix.

For those transitional (non-returnable) verbs, which are possible the formation of finite liabilities with the help of a return postfix, in the framework of passive subpararadigms, the intersices having suffixes of valid communities are found. Thus, for example, the verb to considerhaving finite forms of passive pledge ( considering, consideredetc.), there is as actually valid communion ( considering) and valid communities relating to the subband of the passive pledge marked by return postfix ( considered, considered). In this case, the formation of the latter is described as consisting of two relatively independent processes: passivation marked by postfix, and the formation of valid communcies with the help of communion suffixes.

Finally, for most registered verbs, which the postfix is \u200b\u200bnot associated with the marking of the collateral category (and fixed in all finite forms), the education of the communities also does not affect the sign "Return / Non-return" (CP. laughand laughing, mixed; learnand student, trainedetc.). However, there are exceptions for two types:

· Padding communion like constructedcorrelated with returnable verbal verb ( agree), cm. ;

· Dialect formation type labor (from work), cm. . Non-returnable suffering communion, correlated with a return verb

In Russian, there are communities containing suffering communion suffixes (first of all of the past time), which correlated within a sense with returning verbs (see, as well as a discussion in [Knyazev 1989: 193-196], [Prince of 2007: 533-551] And especially in [Refrodilov 2011: 40-48]). This correlation model is most apparent for those cases when the finite forms of the corresponding verb without refund simply do not exist, CP. constructedWhat is correlated in meaning with agree(Wed * * align), or when such returnable verbs themselves are inconspicuous, that is, not regular relations with relevant non-returnable, cf. persistent (associated with persistentbut not with prevent), contractual(associated with reach an agreementbut not with negotiate), confused (associated with rissingbut not with raster). This is adjacent to involuntary education, which are close in meaning, first of all, returning verbs, although they in turn are removed from correlate non-returning verbs on one of the productive models. So, enamoredsends to the situation described by the verb fall in lovebut not necessarily fall in love with. Finally, there are also suffering involvement, which, in a certain context, are correlated within the meaning of returning verbs; so normal combed will be used in relation to man who himself bracious (although it is not necessary) brokencan send to the causative situation described by the transition verb smashbut in a certain context may acquire decozative semantics characteristic of the verb crash (see Return / Clause 2.3. Decausal):

(28) Often, with such intensive operation, various breakdowns occur: broken joystick, scratched or at all broken When dropping the screen, the failure of the speakers . (Yandex), example from [Refrodilova 2011: 44]

Some of these entities satisfy the key criteria used in the elimination of communities from other exclusive adversies (see); Moreover, they are characterized by some degree of productivity, which there is an extensive fixation in spoken and informal speech ( neta; stripped on the ears; Question regardingWindows [Refrodilova 2011: 44-46]). Thus, one of the possible interpretations of their interpretation is to consider these formation by the suffering germinals of return verbs. With this approach, in this marginal case, a return indicator is deleted in the formation of communities, just as it occurs when the names are formed (cf., for example, striving, effort, touchand strive to try). Dialectric and Spacious Education Type labor

In the dialect and subtennar speech, some of the formations are recorded, which looks like actual communities of the present, devoid of a return indicator, but correlated in meaning with returning glages: labor(= worker)Outstanding(= outstanding), partly serving(= avenue) and even washing(= wash):

(29) I want to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, they say that detergents - The best option in the kitchen. (Forum http://peredelka-forum.ru)

The status of such forms is not quite clear. Apparently, in the texts in literary Russian languages, such formations penetrate through the imitation of dialective speech or the surprise, while we are talking On the use of single forms, and not about the productive process. In fact, in such cases, the literary texts do not actually fall in fact that the adjectives developed on them are often stylistic painted. Interpretation of repayment and collateral at communities

So, in normal case, the education of communion in Russian does not affect the categories of "repayment / non-return", inherited from producing verbs. Exceptions concern marginal cases when the education of communals is accompanied by the removal of the return indicator from the composition of the word form.

(33) Take a break You, as it should, beingmaybe I would still live, worked ... [I. I. Kataev. Heart (1928)]

(34) her would marry, at least for whom, and she is a shooting ... [G. Shcherbakova. Ah, man ... (2002)]

However, it is essential that among the communities combined with would be, the absolute majority make up the actual communion of the past time; Thus, such analytical participants are parallel to finite forms. subjunctive track (representing a combination of particles from a formal point of view would be With the form of the past verb time). This makes it suggest that such combinations to some extent are drawn into a system of forms of Russian verb.

Combinations of valid communion of past time with a particle would be marked in the literature; It is usually said that they have marginal character and that therefore, they should not be included in the communion of the Russian language, Wed. "There are only a few writers and are not the norm of the literary language" [Grammar 1953: 510].

Usually in the examples discussed in such cases, the situation, expressed by the reference form, refers to the zone of the surreal, and the particle would be In the involuntary turnover, only repeatedly expresses the semantics of irreality. So, for example, in the following example would beApparently, it can be omitted in the composition of the involvement turnover, since the scope of the marker is distributed on this would be From the main clause:

(35) but founded by In this case, a person agreed Donate your life for the sake of infinite viewing of this amazing film? [FROM. Aleksievich. Zinc Boys (1984-1994)]

Cf. Designed: But there would be a person in this case,agreed to sacrifice your life?

In example, (31), the initiance in the main clause is not labeled, but the importance of the main proposal is that this is a certain category of information, the identification of which is scheduled, but not yet implemented; With the help of involved turnover, this information is characterized through their role in some possible situation in the future. In such cases, communion with a particle would beit is usually easily replaced by the sacrament of the present, acting in the "timeless" meaning, cf. Designed:

(36) At the same time, everything is possible to identify information, contributing The establishment and detention of persons involved in the operation of the transmitter.

That communion without marker would beit can "carry the charge of subjunctivity", clearly visible according to the following example:

(37) and in these terrible, gentle-blue in the morning, the clay heel through the desert of the city, I imagined a man, losting reason because it would begin to clearly feel the movement of the globe. [IN. V. Nabokov. Sun (1930)]

Here is the support for the communion imagine Specifies the context of one of the "possible worlds", so that the situation described by the communion (loss of reason) belongs to the zone of the surreal. Nevertheless, the usual form of valid communion is used; It is noteworthy, however, then this communion itself serves as a reference form for the apparent, which uses an already finite form, while the form of the subjunctive inclination ( started). Thus, not being labeled formally on the basis of subjunction, the sacrament may well correspond to the semantics of finite forms of the subjunctive inclination.

So, in the considered cases of particle would beas part of the involuntary turnover optional. In other words, it should be recognized that ordinary communion, out of a combination with a particle would beIn principle, can be sent to situations that in independent clause would be expressed using the forms of the subjunctive inclination. It is to such a thought that L. P. Kalakutskaya comes after analyzing examples of type I will read anything, if only I got a book from his feather. It notes that such designs are replaced on type designs I would read any book released from under his feather And that "the meaning of such structures is completely covered by the value of the usual consumption of the verbal inclination" [Kalakutskaya 1971: 11].

However, sometimes the use of particles would be The involuntary turnover seems grammatically obligatory. This is observed when a certain participant in the situation, expressed by the reference form, is characterized by means of involuntary turnover through the role that he would play in some other situation, while this other situation turns out to be an imaginary modification of the situation that is expressed by the reference form.

(38) White shirt gate was intercepted by a dark lace: Detail, in other circumstances would be elegant, on the threshold of the village school, it looked at least strange - as if the teacher did not even decide to wade ... [M. Dyachenko, S. Dyachenko. Magazes are possible all (2001)]

(39) Lena steps, during the day extraked In the noise of the street, as in the carpet, they were distributed now with merciless slaps. [T. Nabnikova. Cat Birth (2001)]

The use of circumstances in such cases, explicitly indicating the differences between the properties of the situation, a pronounced reference form, and the "imaginary" situation: in other circumstances In the first example, day In the second (the condition of meaningful of the second sentence is that the situation Steps of Lena were distributed with merciless slaps There is not a day).

Interestingly, such consumption fully correspond to the interpretation of communities as one of the relativification tools, in which, in particular, the involuntary turnover is put into line with some independent clause (see). For example, in order for the last sentence to be meaningful, it is necessary that the following constructed statement with the finite form of the subjunctive inclination is true:

(40) During the day, the steps of Lena would go out in the noise of the street.

Moreover, for the cases described, the actual communion of the past time with a particle would be It turns out to be the only acceptable relativization strategy with the help of communion (designed examples with conventional, non-suspended examples, are straightened by semantics from fixed design: steps, Happy Streets went out in noise ...; Steps, afternoon in noise streets ...).

So, the communion in Russian is incompatible with the meaning of the imperativeness, nor with the accumulation of the imperative. In some cases, ordinary sacrifices can express situations that in independent clause would be expressed by the forms of the subjunctive inclination (thereby the semantic opposition to the expressive and subjunctive ignition turns out to be partly neutralized in the communion zone). At the same time, cases of consumption of structures that can be interpreted as valid partitions of the subjunctive inclination are recorded (it is a combination of conventional valid gravity and particles would be). Moreover, in some cases, this design turns out to be the only possible involuntary relativification strategy (however it is necessary that other relativification tools can be used in the relevant communication situations; it is also possible to imagine that in these situations speakers can be statistically avoiding the use of structures with relativization).

6.1.4. Time

The traditional names of Russian communities seem to be suggesting that they expressed a category of time. It should be remembered, however, that the semantic oppression of the communities of the present and the past time (the rules for choosing one or another time) is inaudently opposing the forms of the present and past time in the finite forms of verb, see. Strictly speaking, the time of the communities is not exactly the same category that the usual time (finite forms) of the verb. In the framework of the communion system, time behaves like a classifying category, opposing the communion of the present and past time, see them a valid communion / claim 1. Contrasting the actual communion of this and past time and suffering communion / claim 1. Opposition to the suffering communcies of the present and past time).

6.2. Value import categories of communals

When it says about the words of communion, it means that fragment of the paradigm of the forms of verb, which is united by the generality of the involcer. Thus, the forms of communion playing, comingor mentionedall synthetic word formations are recognized in which the foundations are found. playing-, comingand mentionedaccordingly, not only those of these forms that are capable of acting in an attribute function (although this function is used when determining the seasons).

Above the opposition of real and suffering communities, as well as the communion of the past and present, also introduced with a support for their use in the attribute function (see,). However, the traditional designations of the communities apply to all involved in shapes with the same foundations; For example, all wordforms with the basis mentioned (not only full forms mentioned, mentioned, mentioned etc, but brief forms mentionate, mentionate, mentioned and mentioned) It is considered forms of the suffering time of the past time.

If some categories characteristic of verbs (see) are expressed as part of the cores of the communities (see), then with the help of flexions of communions, the examinations are typical for adjectives: genus, number, case and animation; Also, suffering in addition to complete (attribute) forms characteristic of all the exception of communities, there are also brief (predicative) forms, see about the possibility of their education for communities of different types B).

Characteristic for many adjectives, the formation of synthetic or analytical degrees of comparison, the communion actually is usually impossible. The possibility of such formations is one of the manifestations of [Isachenko 1965/2003: 540] (for example, love, valimame[Refrodilova 2011: 11], more blooming view, the most outstanding scientist[Bogdanov et al. 2007: 534]).

6.3. Syntactic functions of communion

In this section, those syntactic functions that can be carried out in the proposal are involved in private clauses will be considered. Here will be used for the calculation proposed in for an adjective lexeme and including 5 types of use organized into an ordered semantic map. If you arrange these five types in the order of increasing predicatence, you should consider successively:

1) Relative restrictive use ( monkey infected with a strain of polyovirus type 2, did not get sick), cm. ;

2) Rejecting irregular use ( Irina, blinded by hatred, did not even consider it), cm. ;

3) depictive use ( he himself returned loaded), cm. ;

5) actually predicative use ( the door was open), cm. .

In parallel, the question of using complete or brief forms of communities will be discussed.

6.3.1. Rejecting use: restrictive and irregular

As follows from this article used at the beginning, any communion is capable of acting in an attribute position, that is, as an agreed definition. Like other definitions, the communities can be used as restrictive and irregular (approach) attributes. In the first case, with the help of communion, many referents denoted by the vertex nouns (with other definitions depending on it):

(41) A monkey infected by the strain of polyovirus type 2, did not get sick, but a monkey became ill, infected with a polyovirus strain type 3, highlighted on the 16th day of the disease. ["Virology Questions" (2002)]

In the restrictive use of the seasons in them, a predicative start manifests itself, since the value of the corresponding forms is not included in the assembly zone (so, the fact that two different monkeys have become infected with two different strains of viruses, not included in the assembly zone in the example above), and the situation Moveed by communion is called to clarify the references of certain objects (in the example - monkeys). Restrictive communities and involvement do not linearly disappear from the name of the group with which they relate.

In the second case, that is, with an approasisitive (irrestrate) consumption of communities, some characteristic of the modified name is reported, while the constraints are not observed. In particular, as in the case of other modifiers, communions that modify the names of their own with a single reference or finite pronouns can be interpreted only irregularly:

(42) Irina, blinded by hatred, did not even consider it. [IN. Tokarev. Own true (2002)]

Usually, irregular definitions are used to transmit any background, side information, often in such cases there are additional semantic relations between the main clause content of the principal clause and the content of the main clause - reassembled, etc. In such cases, the intonational separation of the involved clause is observed; In writing sources, it is difficult to accurately determine in which such cases such separateness is assumed, however, cases of prepositive consumption of involved Clauses are expected: unlike restrictive prospipitive communities and involvement, irregular communities and involvement in the letter are separated from the modified regulatory comma group:

(43) The struck by the determination of Venizelos, King Constantine believed that this mobilization would still be carried out against the central powers. [BUT. K. Kolykovsky. Dardanell Operation (1930)].

Unlike restrictive communities and involvement, irregular communities and turnover can linearly "disappear" from their vertex names (at the same time they still come with them in relation to coordination).

(44) Pine thicker creaked, swinging by the wind, and only a worker-woodpecker Dulbil and darked somewhere at the top, as if he wanted to continue the low clouds and see the sun ... [S. Kozlov. True, we will always be? (1969-1981)]

6.3.2. Depictive use

The so-called "depictives", in which predicativeness is expressed even more, are adjusted to irregular use (see). Departilations call such consumption of attribute structures by nature when:

a) there is some referent, which is a semantic actant in the main prediction, i.e., in predication led by the reference verb;

b) the attribute form (secondary predication) does not forms with the corresponding name of the unified component;

c) At the same time, the attribute form describe some situation that takes place at the time of the action expressed by the reference verb.

Here is a definition from, see also).

Like adjectives, communion can be used as part of depictives. Like the adjectives, the intersections in the composition of depictives can be used either in the same case as a personalized group denoting the appropriate referent in the main clause (45), or in the form of an efficient case (46), on the depictive consumption of the workplace case, see the Current Padel / clause 2.3.12. At the same time, in both cases, they are consistent with the central participant in categories of kind and number:

(45) he himself returned loadedlike a trainer. [YU. Nagibin. Buntish Island (1994)]

(46) Serve political toll juice that was formed when heating. [Recipes national Kitchens: Armenia (2000-2005)]

Apparently, the depictatives consistently consistently come out of consumption: involvement of involvement of the prevailing depictives in the uncertainty are predominant. For factors governing the choice between these two options, see among other things [Rakhilin, Kuznetsov in print].

With the depictive use of communities in many ways similar to the so-called. complementative use (type seeing him leaving home), cm. .

6.3.3. Complete use

The complementative functions of the communities speak in cases where the semissions fill the semantic valence of verbs of perception or, less often, mental activity.

(47) She saw his hard, bold straightness, his inspiration; seeing his declamming poems; I saw him drinking laxative. [IN. Grossman. Life and fate (1960)]

With complemental use of the seasons, one of the referents participating in the situation indicated by communion is implemented as a syntactic actant of the main verb; So, in (48) Matte occupies a position of direct supplement in support form consider. In this regard, such structures are similar to depictive involved structures (see). The main difference between these two types of structures concerns the fact that during the depictive use of the name referment is not only syntactic, but also by the semantic actant of the main prediction, and the situation denoted by communion is not included in the actual structure of the reference form. So, in example (45) an actant verb return is an is hebut not a situation described by communion loaded (The consequence of this property is that usually the involuntary turnover in the composition of the departure can be omitted without a violation of grammatical correctness). When complementative use, on the contrary, the current structure of the reference form includes a situation, but not a referent name. So, in example (48) Matte is not a semantic verb actant consider (although it is a direct addition); verb consider has a centential actant that could be expressed by the design Stein enters ... in the top five. The omission of the involvement turnover in such structures leads to grammatical incorrect (* This gave the foundation in those years to consider matte) or to a significant change in the actant structure of the reference form ( saw him recording poems \u003d 'I saw him declare poems', ¹ 'saw it').

In the modern Russian communion used in the complementative function, almost always take the form of the cleaner case and are consistent with the "their" participant by the genus and the number as in the examples given.

In the texts of the preceding periods, a strategy prevailed in the preservatives of perceptions in the complemental involuntary design with the verbs of perception, in which the communion was consistent with the "his" registered group, that is, with the group with which the communion is associated with meaning. Given the fact that it is mainly about the situation of subordination by transitional verbs, in fact in such structures used the forming case of communion:

(49) Pushkin, seeing his incident, threw up a gun and shouted: "BRAVO!" [IN. A. Zhukovsky. Letter to S.L. Pushkin (1837)]

In modern texts, such a design is extremely rare, but single use examples are still fixed:

(50) But one day saw her standing on horse yard, and her legs were spattered with mud. [YU. Azarov. Suspected (2002)]

How quickly changed zoom in this fragment of grammar is illustrated by the data given in the following table. Here the number of examples from the case on request is displayed: verb see (in any form) + pronouns is he, she is or they are In the form of a vinitive case + communion in the form of a vinitive or creator case. Manually removed "trash", that is, examples in which the communion still does not perform a complementative function.

Table 1. Communion in the complemental function when the verb see By texts of various eras: coordinated communion and communion in the hardware case

According to the data in the table, it can be seen that the fracture came to the middle of the XIX century - about from this time the communion in the complementative function when the verb see Quickly come out of use. In addition, the data in Table 1 shows that over time, the total frequency of complementative seizures of communities (at least when the verb see) reduces (pairwise differences between periods of statistically significant, criterion χ2, in both cases P<.05).

With the verbs of mental activity (such as, for example, consider, believe, suppose etc.) at all stages of the development of the Russian language reflected in the building, the communion in the complementative function was used only in the articulated case:

(51) We considered it for a long time to be kidnapped by people, koi and my wife were looking for here [V. T. Nareny. Bursak (1822)]

In all those listed so far, cases (i.e., with restrictive and irrestrate rejecting use (see), as well as in the composition of depictive (see) and complementative designs), the seasons are used almost exclusively in full form (about rare and in general archaic exceptions . [Refrodilova 2011: 24]).

6.3.4. Predicative use

Finally, the communion can be part of the faugible, that is, it is used predicative. This class of use includes combinations with a ligalar verb. be and semi-associated verbs ( become, seem etc.).

As in the case of adjectives, brief forms are truly used only in this syntactic position, however, the ratio of brief and complete forms should be considered separately for various types of communities. In addition, and at the very ability to protrude in the composition of the faithful communion will differ significantly. In different ways, all types of communities behave in a predicative position: Valid times of last time in predicative position

The actual communion of the past time in the literary language in a predicative position is used limited. At the same time, no reliable use of brief forms of such communities (Wed * * fire was extinces etc.).

As for the complete forms of valid periods of the past time, they are occasionally used in a predicative position, but mainly it is the intersection of non-transparent verbs of the SV, denoting a change in the state, while consumed without dependent. For such communities, it is usually possible to talk about a certain degree of adaptation (see (see and the actual passage of the past time / p.4. Adjusting the actual semanthics of the past time): They possess the stative semantics and denote the resulting state that comes as a result of the achievement of the natural limit of the situation, As in the following two examples:

(52) So, in crowns about 50% of trees after the lower fires of the needle was yellowed. ["Forestry" (2004)]

(53) I do not really know the names of that river. Muddy was oblase. Crawled, as if snake, between slippery shores. [E. Haetskaya. Blue Dragonflies of Babylon / Enhancing Enhancing (1997)]

As with other types of composite nominal faugible, in this context, with explicit bonds, both the forms of the creatorial (52) and the forms of the campaign case (53) are possible; The first opportunity is more frequencies. Valid communion of present in predicative position

Eating valid seizures of the present time in the composition of the facility with the verb ligament bealmost always speaks of one degree or another adaptation ( the museum was amazing, the news was stunning). However, (few) cases of consumption of real sections of the present time in this position are discussed in [Bogdanov 2011: 108-111], cf. The following example given in this work:

(54) People at the factory wasreading"Star" loved and eagerly subscribed to her. (from the Internet)

A. V. Bogdanov notes that in such a position, communion cannot have ordinary verbal dependent [Bogdanov 2011: 111], which in the usual understanding is just one of the manifestations of adaptation.

The actual communities of the present time, however, are somewhat freely used with semi-associated verbs, while in such contexts the restriction for the presence of the dependent is no longer valid, that is, the corresponding formations are no longer necessarily used in adactive values:

(55) At the same time, it was knit and raised the top of the body so that it seemed standing On the rear legs. [YU. O. Dombrovsky. Monkey comes to his skull (1943-1958)] - cf. ??? it was standing on the rear legs

In the actual valid communities of the present, there are no brief forms in modern Russian. The possibility of forming such forms in units with the morpheme structure of valid communcies of the present time is the manifestation of their adaptation (see), Wed, for example, mention of type designs He is very knowledgeablein [Isachenko 1965/2003: 543], [Bogdanov 2011: 109]. Praeling communities of present in predicative position

Brief forms of the suffering communities of the present, in principle, can be used in the composition of the faugible with the verb beHowever, in modern language, they are used in this way rarely and usually sound archaic:

(56) their liturgical charter, texts, literature, legal and canonical legends were determined And forever defined by Byzantia. [AND. Meyendorf. The spiritual and cultural revival of the XIV century and the fate of Eastern Europe (1992)]

The full forms of the suffering communities of the present in modern Russian are not predictively used. Appropriate forms can be used in combination with a bunch, but this always indicates a certain degree of adaptation (see):

(57) Parking our was protected, For employees, but a security guard or slept, or did not see the criminal, and maybe he was with him at the same time. [IN. Glajovsky. Russian Doctor in America (1984-2001)]

In this example, it is not a description of the situation transmitted by the verb guard, but about attributing a specific parking to the class protected. In XVIII and, partly, the first half of the XIX century, the full forms of the suffolding communities of the present could be used to predictively and transfer dynamic situations (as in the following two examples), but in modern Russian such structures are not used:

(58) ... Ingria, the province of the All-Russian, after many years it is uninfinitive under the IGA Swedish was keen… [BUT. I. Bogdanov. Description of St. Petersburg (1751)]

(59) In the midwife, everywhere is fighting off from our troops and cut the squads, which are needed to be sent to find food (Denis Davydov. 1812. (1825)) Personal times of past time in predicative position

The suffering communities of the past time, unlike other types of communities, are used predicatively very often. Combinations of brief forms of these communities with verb forms beforming the analytical forms of the suffering collateral, see article pledge. The question of the status of structures with the bundle and the full forms of the suffering communities of the past time, see Discussion of type designs the door must be open / door must be openput / analytical forms of the suffering pledge and binder designs.

6.3.5. Generalization

Thus, the communities demonstrate a wide range of syntactic functions, from purely attribute (see) to purely predicative (see). For the first pole, the use of consistent complete forms is characterized for the second - short forms; Some intermediate functions can perform the forms of the cooling case of complete communities.

7. A set of involvedal forms depending on the grammatical characteristics of the verb

As mentioned above (see), the full range of possible communities of Russian verbs includes four varieties:

  • valid communion of present;
  • valid communion of past time;
  • persistent communion of the present time;
  • persistent communion of past time.

It should be added to this that those transient verbs that allow the formation of return passive forms (that is, a subset of verbs of an imperfect species, see a deposit), along with actually valid gestures can be detected by valid partitions of subparagm pledge pledge, expressed by return postfix (type under construction), cm. .

In the articles dedicated to specific communities (the actual communion of the present time, the real time of the past time, the suffering communion of the present time, the suffering communion of the past time), describes private restrictions on the formation of certain involvemental forms. However, on some common characteristics of such restrictions should be stopped immediately. These are the limitations associated with the valented characteristics of the verb (see), and the limitations associated with the aspect characteristics of the verb (see).

7.1. Restrictions related to valented verb characteristics

The first group of restrictions is associated with valented verb characteristics.

7.1.1. Restrictions on the formation of valid communcies

Since valid parties are a means of relating to the subject (see), they cannot normally form from verbs that have no syntactic valence to be in the nominative case, that is, from impersonal verbs ( light, cold, frown, snake, sick, believe, thinketc.).

Sometimes, however, deviations from this restriction are recorded. For example, real particles are sometimes used from such meteorological verbs, which are traditionally considered impersonal (see impersonality / p. 1.2. Restrictions on the imposition and word formation characteristic of impersonal verbs).

(60) But, hurt at the feet and without even looking at his master, but looking at evening The garden, the dog immediately realized that the owner had suffered trouble. [M. A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita (1929-1940)]

Perhaps this is due to the fact that such verbs are in fact limited to use with pronounced, mainly in artistic prose:

(61) Somehow pushed him into the empty, sacrificed without soldiers, and he wandered into the garden, a deaf bushes behind the garden, where stemnel in front of him in the shade apple tree and cool evening Glowing thick grass land. [ABOUT. Pavlov. Matyushin's case (1996)]

Another class of fixed deviations is the use of valid communcies from verbs with the value of the presence or absence, with the finite forms of which there are no subject to the nominative case; With the help of such valid parties, sometimes the participant is related, which, with finite forms, would be encoded by a genitive case:

(62) "Leva, as you are expensive to me," (he asks me three kopecks not grabs on a mug of beer). [E. Gerstein. Extra love (1985-2002)] - cf. OK The mug of beer lacked three kopecks, but ??? There were lack of three kopecks on the mug of beer

However, such uses are, apparently, on the verge of literary norms or beyond.

7.1.2. Restrictions on the formation of suffering communion

Since the suffering communities are a means of relating direct addition (see), they cannot form from verbs that have no syntactic valence to direct addition, that is, from non-transparent verbs. Of this limit, there are few exceptions, see about them the syntax of involved rolling / p.3. Syntax of revolutions with suffering gestures.

In addition, the impersonal verbs are not formed, in which the only participant is drawn up with a vinfection case; so, do not form the suffering communities actually impersonal verbs, such as wear, znobit, cf. * Caught, * Doggy. At the same time, in some cases, involuntary structures can be correlated within a sense with impersonal proposals in case they are impersonally used ordinary transition verbs, Wed. The following two examples:

(63) through lowned ears, Through tight and tightly strained membranes, the Molley's voice made his way to him. [IN. Astafiev. Sad Detective (1982-1985)]

(64) Barrel obediently froze, Snap screamed with such a force that the ears had laid. [D. Dontsova. Dollars Tsar Pea (2004)]

7.2. Restrictions related to the type of verb

The second group of restrictions is associated with the lack of communities of the present time in the verbs of the perfect species; (Wed. Lack of valid or persistent communities of the verb draw, if there are appropriate communities from the verb paint: drawing drawing). This restriction logically derives from the absence and finite forms of the present time in these verbs.

7.3. Generalization: Possible set of involved in different classes of verbs

Thus, depending on its characteristics, Russian verbs are in principle to form a different number of communities:

1) transient verbs of the imperfect species are able to form all four communities ( drawing, drawing, drawn, hand-drawn). In addition, as part of their passive subparagm, characterized by the presence of postfix -We, two more valid communion (present and last time, respectively, are possible: drawing, drawing).

2) transient verbs of the perfect species are capable of forming only the actual and suffering communion of the past time ( drawn, drawn) .

3) the unprofitable verbs of the imperfect species in principle are able to form valid communities of the present and past time ( sitting, sitting).

4) Incompose verbs of the perfect species are able to form only valid times of the past time ( sex).

5) impersonal verbs of both species in the norm of communities do not form.

In the literature, it was repeatedly noted that the theoretical opportunities to form communion of different types are implemented among Russian verbs not to the same extent. In order to visually illustrate this thesis, turn to the calculations on the subcortus with the removed omonymy. The following table shows the total number of full forms of communion of different types depending on the type and transitionality of the verb.

Table 2. The frequency of complete forms of communion of various types depending on the type and transitionality of the verb

Transient verbs

action. in

action. POST.

strada. in

strada. POST.

When looking at this table, the following becomes clear.

1) Significantly ahead of the frequency of all other types of communion of persistent communion of the last time of the verbs of SV ( killed, found, publishedetc.), even if not to take into account the predicative use of brief forms (see).

2) While the verbs of SV grammatically, only the intersection of the past time, the verbs of the NWR in quantitatively prevail the communion of the present time. Thus, the category of "time time" turns out to be very closely related to the type of verb; cf. With the system of verbalias, who have the same trend manifests itself almost absolutely (in the verbs of the NWV, the dead-in-time leaders are on the verge of a grammatical norm, see the verbality / p.2.1. Selection of a hea-patious suffix).


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  • Zaliznyak A.A. The grammar dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian dictionaries. 2003 (1st ed. - M. 1977).
  • Zeldovich G.M. Synthetic liability of the perfect view on -We: Why is it (almost) not? // Linguistics issues, 2. 2010. P. 3-36.
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  • Pertsov N.V. On the word-importing status and the peculiarities of the word-byfection of the returnfulness of the Russian verb // Moscow Linguistic Magazine, 9 (2). 2006. P. 29-50.
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Main literature

  • Bogdanov A.V. Semantics and syntax of ungalled adversies. Dissertation thesis on the degree of candidate of philological sciences. M.: MSU. 2011.
  • Vlakhov A.V. Communion of this time in Russian. Graduation qualifying work of Bachelor of Philology. St. Petersburg: SPbSU. 2010.
  • Vyatsova A.P. Types of taxis relations in the modern Russian language (on the material of the involved designs). Dismission abstract. ... to. Philol. science M. 2008.
  • Godizz Z.I. Vido-temporal values \u200b\u200bof the communion of the perfect species. Dismission abstract. ... Cand. Philol. science Spb. 1991.
  • Grammar 1953 - Vinogradov V.V. (Ed.) Grammar of the Russian language, t. 1-2. M.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1953. C. 506-521.
  • Grammar 1980 - Swedov N.Yu. (Ed.) Russian grammar. Tom I. M.: Science. 1980. C. 665-671.
  • Demyanova E.M. The ratio between the time of the faithful and time of the attribute-communion with suffixes - ace-, -yusch-, -as set-, -lasch- on the morphological level // Dissertationes Slavicae. Sectio Linguistica, 22. Szeged. 1991. P. 11-17.
  • Ivannikova E.A. On the so-called process of adaptation of communals // Questions of historical lexicology and lexicography of East Slavic languages. M.: Science. 1974. P. 297-304.
  • Isachenko A.V. Grammar stroke of the Russian language in comparison with Slovak. Morphology. I-II. Edition Second. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic culture. 2003 (reprint of Bratislava edition. 1965. 1st ed.: 1954-1960).
  • Kavetskaya R.K. Observations over the temporal values \u200b\u200bof valid communcies of the modern Russian language // Proceedings of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Voronezh State University, 29. Voronezh. 1954. P. 137-151.
  • Kavetskaya R.K. Syntactic functions of structures with valid communion in modern Russian // Proceedings of the Voronezh State University, 42 (3). Voronezh. 1955. P. 83-85.
  • Kalakutskaya L.P. Adjustment of communities in the modern Russian literary language. M.: Science. 1971.
  • Kalakutskaya L.P. Time communities // Russian language in school, 1. 1967. P. 62-68.
  • Knyazev Yu.P. Meaning and statement: their ratio in Russian structures with communities on-one, -E. München: Otto Sagner. 1989.
  • Kozintseva N.A. Taxis functions transmitted by the gentlemen and involved turns in Russian // Bondarko A.V., Shubik S.A. (Rev. Ed.) Problems of functional grammar. Semantic invariance / variability. St. Petersburg: Science. 2003. P. 175-189.
  • Karapivina K.A. Interested taxis in Russian. Thesis. SPB: SPbSU. 2009.
  • Krasnov I.A. Transition of communities into adjectives in modern Russian literary language. Cand. diss. M. 1955.
  • Lisina N.M. A valid sacrament as a component of the semantic sentence structure // Offer and its structure in the language (Russian). M. 1986. P. 74-83.
  • Lopatin V.V. Adjustment of communities in its relationship to word formation // Questions linguistics, 5. 1966. C. 37-47.
  • Lutsenko N.A. To the characteristics of some personal and involved forms as members of the species paradigm of the verb // Scientific Notes of the Tartu ON-TA, 439. Questions of Russian Aspectology, 3. 1978A. P. 102-110.
  • Lutsenko N.A. On the study of the type and other categories of communion (notes on the status and prospects) // / Scientific Notes of Tartu ON-TA, 439. Questions of Russian Aspectology, 3. 1978b. P. 89-101.
  • Ossenmuk L.P. On the delimitation of the suffering communals of the past time and homonymous ungalled adjectives // Russian language in school, 2. 1977. P. 81-85.
  • Paducheva E.V. On the attribute ride of the subordinate predication in Russian. Q: Machine translation and applied linguistics, 20. M. 1980. P. 3-44.
  • Peshkovsky A.M. Russian syntax in scientific lighting. - 8th ed., Extras. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic culture. 2001 (1st ed. - M. 1928). P. 12-133.
  • Plunjan V.A. Communion and pseudo-shifts in Russian: about the boundaries of variability. REPORT, read February 26, 2010 (Oslo). 2010.
  • Rozhkova A.Yu. Communion and verbalia as markers of the speech competence level of the speaker (on the material of the sound corps of the Russian language). Graduation work ... Master of linguistics. St. Petersburg: SPbSU. 2011.
  • Rusakova M.V., Sai S.S. 2009. Competition of the actual communities of the last and present time // Kiselev K.L., Plunjan V.A., Rakhilina E.V. (Ed.) Cabinet studies in Russian grammar. Digest of articles. M.: Space-2000. 2009. P. 245-282.
  • Sazonova I.K. 1989. Russian verb and his involvement. M.: Russian. 1989.
  • Refrodilova M.A. Competition of the relativification strategies to be in Russian: Cabinet study. Course work. St. Petersburg: SPbSU. 2009.
  • Refrodilova M.A. Relativization of the participant in passive in Russian. Graduation qualifying work of the 4th year student. St. Petersburg: SPbSU. 2011.
  • Kholodilova M. A. Competition of the relativization strategies subject to Russian // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Proceedings of the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 (3). 2011. P. 219-224.
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  • Fowler G. Oblique Passivization in Russian. The Slavic and East European Journal, 40 (3). 1996. P. 519-545.

It is the proncesses that were used in the request in order to exclude the ingress of the usual agreed definitions that are part of the nominal groups.

In a number of Russian dialects, type structures are used in the perfect function he leftHowever, they are not represented in the literary language.

This restriction in reality knows the exception, CP. Discussion of examples of type Labor was a heavy, taking a lot of time(Yandex). In [Refrodil in print].

The ability to form brief forms may have both complex adjectives, including the seasons as their second component, see about this (on the example of the form deep-headed) in .

As marginal formation of these verbs, you can also mention the valid communion of the past time, which are included in the paradigm of the infrared pledge, marked by the indicator - sia, that is, type forms drew, read, writing.These forms are even more marginalized than the relevant communion of the present and the last time from the verbs of the NSV. This marginalness logically follows from the rarity and controversial admissibility of the recovery liabilities of the verbs of the SV, that is, such structures, such as, for example, the book will read with a big interest and microbiologist, and young men who have not seen another scientific book. (On the controversial status of the last see, in particular, [Pertsov 2006], [Zeldovich 2010], and the above example is also discussed. Nevertheless, the corresponding involvement of occasionally is fixed in the texts. As M. A. Kryodilova notes, with such formations, type modifiers are often recorded. suddenly, Sam(herself, itself) by himselfprobably because these modifiers are poorly combined with the regulatory suffering gestances of the past verbs, cf. one piece, wrote by itself in the subway (an example of Yandex, which is driven by M. and refrigerator) and even more dubious one piece, written by itself in the subway[Refrodilova 2011: 77].


Communion, as part of speech in Russian, is considered the most difficult, or rather, its education, depending on the verb, its indicators (grammatical). Total 6 communities (taking into account the return) are formed from verbs. These are transitional verbs that have an imperfect view. The communion has long been described by different authors. For example, V. Dal, who is the author of the famous intelligent dictionary, wrote in it about this: the sacrament, is part of the speech of the Russian language involved in the verb, in the adjective image. He thus emphasized our attention not only to its content, but also stressed the form of communion. In these two parts, there is a lot of common, they vary in numbers, births, pades. They can be coordinated with the adjectives, they both respond to the same question - "What?". From this we can conclude that the signs of both the verb and the adjective are already laid in the communion. This duality was noticed by ancient grammar, so they gave him this name (communion), as if "involved" and to the name of the adjective and verb. If in one word combined signs of several other speech parts, then it becomes richer in content, as well as economical. According to the statement of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov: "This verbal names serve to reduce the human word, concluding the name and verb in themselves." This property of communion is widely used by the authors. artistic works. In the literature, you can often meet a description of the paintings of nature, artistic characteristics, internal experiences of the heroes, where communion are used. The conversational speech is not very shot by this part of speech, as it is satisfied with cutting, it is usually applied not expressive brevity, but an adapter turnover.

What is the complexity of the education and consumption of communion? Often it is confused with the name of adjective. Of course, you can learn how to see the writing, but it is necessary to understand the depth and subtleties of this great language, then there will be no errors. IN school Program The communion is considered as a special verb shape, its definition as part of speech is the second name, referred to as a hybrid verbal-adjective form. In the communations, signs of adjective and verb are connected, they mean a procedural sign of the subject. So, the verbal signs of communities include:

1. Conservation of the character having verb control (for example: talk about verses - talking about verses);
2. Preservation of the type of verb;

They can:

3. Place 2 forms of collateral (bivalve concept) - persistent and valid;
4. Playing two temporary forms - past and present.

As for the verb signs of communities, they are constant. But the signs of adjectives with them are variables, this applies to the genus, the number, the case, full or brief (for the suffering) forms and the corresponding flexias in a particular proposal - definition or legend. The initial form of communion, as adjectives, is a nominative case, male genus, the only number. The common feature of the use of communion consists of speech accessories (book), which it itself is. In a number of major discharges, the communities include elements of the language (literary), borrowed from the Old Slavonic language - from here their phonetic features.

Science, which studies parts of speech is quite complex, but any cultural and educated person in their nature loves to unravel various riddles to get exhaustive answers.

Part of speech: participle

Communion is a verb form that represents the action, condition, etc. As a sign of a person or subject.

General grams., Value

Question to the initial form?

Permanent morphological signs

Non-permanent signs

Characteristic role in the proposal

Sign of the subject by action


Valid, persistent; time, view

Case, genus; Full-brief


Signs of verb

Signs of adjective

the species (SV and NSV) is an intensity (the sign is relevant for valid communcies), returns, - time (present and past). - Pledge (valid and suffering).

To signs of adjective come - Rod, - the number, - the case (in complete communities), - completeness / short (only in suffering communals). 3. Communities are consistent with nouns like the adjective (when declining, it has the same with the adjective system of case exposure as adjectives) and in the proposal are the same members, that is, the definition and registered part of the composite nominal faith ( brief communities - Only part of the fag).

Return . , educated and having in its composition ( ) -We (bite sia - biting sia , biting sia ). There are only .

Transaction and incompetence

The transitionals are such communities at which there may be a dependent word (noun or pronoun) in the form of a vinitive case without a pretext (reading (what?) Book, magazine; drawing (what / who?) House, birch, brother, sister).

Unproven: Sleeping on the bed boy,


Valid communion. Particularities are common, which is called a sign, developed by a subject of action, which is determined by this commander: "Reading Boy", "Faded Snow", "Wheeling Wheel".

ST R A D A T E L I e communion called a sign that
developed by the action experienced by a person or subject on the part of another person or subject: "Books read by us in childhood", "Torn the Hurricane Wire"
paddative communities are formed only from transient verbs;Build a house - Built House


imperfect species

Perfect view


Past time

And from the verbs of the perfect species are formed only by communionlast time.

The basis is present. BP. + suffix:

- (-the-) - I SPR.


--- (---) - I SPR.


- (-Shis-) - II SPR.


-them- - II SPR.


Past time

Infinitive base + suffix:

Infinitive base + suffix:



-nn- (-n-)




-New- (-N-) - from verbs on-I (s) - II SPR.




Use of communion : Communions are generally affiliated book speech. The mansion in this respect is only the brief forms of the past time of the suffering pledge ("Work is written", "tea is already napping", "Streets are covered", etc.), which are actively used in live speech, in a domestic conversation. The rest of the discharges of the communities, constituting the belonging of different styles of the book speech, is widely used in it. This is due primarily to the fact that the communities contribute to the compression of speech, replacing themselves longer in verbal relationship. put supply offers. Wed: "The tree that has grown on the hill" and "a tree that has grown on a hill".

Fullness -sphatness . Paddatives have two forms full and brief: read-read; Open-open. The complete form of communion in the sentence is usually the definition. A brief form of persistent communion ^ does not inclined and serves in the proposal to be sure. Compare: 7. Noise shrouded in fog forest. - OKU OKU TAN fog. (Word is shrouded - definition, and the word is shut off - a sure.) 2. The children approached the open door. The door is open. (The word open-definition, and the word is open-:. The surehead.) Pravitative communities of brief form are formed when--. The relics of suffix is \u200b\u200bor less likely. With, unlike the communion of the full form in brief communities, one N: the read book-book is read, painted trimmed tribes are painted.

Participial - This is a communion with a dependent word or dependent words.

Do not confuse: The dependent and defined word is different words. The definable word is the word to which the communion relates from which its form depends. The dependent word is a word that spreads the communion. Its form depends on the form of communion.Fog, descended on the river at night, the day dispersed. Defined word -fog. Participle - sank The form depends on the shape of the defined word: fog (what?) Droinated -Od.ch., M.R., I.P. Dependent words- on the river at night , form of dependent words, if they are changeable, depends on the communion:dropped (for what?) on the river - V.P.Pricaturn -sowing on the river at night

Transition of communities in the names . Some communion crossed a very long time:handed, intimate, frank . Others recently have been formed atomic forms:brilliant surface (sacrament) and brilliant speaker (ad ). More often, the transition is carried out from the sufferor. Preach. Last time:a brought up girl, a qualified worker. Action. Communion (transition):scattered people, causing a tone, extinct eyes.

Fully lost the verb signs and became adjectives:

1) : Uch, YUCH, Ah, Bar: Stray, hanging, fuel, lying

2) words formed from verb with suffix -l: faded, experienced, sluggish, burning

3) sophisticated words, the basics of which include swinging suffixes: Alsonic, newfound

4) words formed from verbs with suffixes -Hh, -En, Yong, when there are no dependent words with them: Beremny, boiled, knitted, rugged, etc.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Communion perhaps the most controversial element in Russian. Linguists still can not definitely answer what it represents it.

Some are absolutely sure that this is a separate and independent part of speech. But others insist that this is just a special form of verb, which reminds.

What is the communion - what questions are answered and examples

That is why it is very difficult to give a single definition of communion. So we write a few streaming:

Communion is an independent part of speech or a special form of verb, which indicates a sign of a subject regarding the action. It simultaneously combines signs and adjective, and verb.

What questions meet the communion (examples)

Let's first remember what questions answer adjectives and verbs:

But to recognize in the text of the sacrament, find words that would answer questions "What?", What? "What?" What? ", What?". Or try to replace them on " What making?», « What made? "," What made? ".

Another sign that helps to distinguish the sacrament from the adjective is the presence of they have the following suffixes:

To be clearer what we are talking about, we immediately give a few examples of communion:

Lying - from the verb lie
Written - from the verb to write
Washed - from the verb wash

Interestingly, any communion can only be used. in the past or present time. But the future does not exist. For example:

Wisiving (present) and who wished (past)
Hugging (present) and hugging (past)
Assembled (present) and assembled (past)

For the sake of interest, you can try to "break the language" and submit these words in the future. I'm sure you will not succeed!

Signs of verb at communion (persistent, valid)

Since the sacrament is called a special form of verb, it should have the corresponding exclusive signs.

Among them:

Signs of adjectives at communities (short, number, genus, pelvis)

In parallel, the communions also have all the signs that can be found at adjectives:

  1. The form - full and brief

    Read - Read (Brief Communion), Paid - Paid (Brief Communion), Complete - Dodelhan (short communion)

  2. Number - the only and multiple

    Flying - flying, feeding - nursing, dressed - dressed

  3. Rank - Male, female and medium

    Painted - painted - painted, standing - standing - standing

  4. Paide - All the parties are inclined

    The reading (nominative) - reading (genitive) - reading (duty) - reading (accusative) - reading (creative) - reading (offered)

How to distinguish the sacrament from the adjective

The simplest way to differences between the adjective is shown in the picture below.

Adjectives show simply a sign of the subject (noun). For example, "white chamomiles". And the communion show a sign subject by action. For example, "blooming chamomile."

How to distinguish the sacrament from the exclusive adjective

This is perhaps the most difficult moment for understanding. For example:

How to be? After all, the words are absolutely the same and at the same time are different parts. All these words are formed from verbs. How to be? Remember Rule:

Communions have only direct value. In a figurative value, they are not used. Therefore, any communion can be replaced by a combination of words that and the verb, from which it is formed.

And the adjective can be replaced by adjective.

For example, the sacrament in the phrase "brilliant away lights" can be replaced by "Spark, which shines away away." Well, "Blooming Garden" is a "garden that blooms."

The attractive in the phrase "Brilliant actor" can be seen only by synonym, for example, a "talented actor".

How to distinguish the suffering communion from the verb

Usually with verbs confuse brief forms of suffering communities. For example:

How to be, because the meaning of these proposals is absolutely synonymous. If you can insert a bundle "Be" In the past or the future of time. With the communion it will do it, with the verb there. For example:

  1. Cafe was closed
  2. Tasks will be solved
  3. The article was written

With the verb, this focus will not pass.

Rules for writing communals

With the right writing of the communities, many schoolchildren on exams arise certain difficulties. Especially if we are talking about the suffixes "-n-" and "-nn-" and "non-" particles.

Spelling in suffixes -n- and -n

Double letters " NN.»They are written in communations in the following cases:

  1. if communities have a perfect view, for example, a solved problem;
  2. if there is any console, except "not", for example, a read book;
  3. if there is a dependent word, for example, a fighter fighter saber;
  4. if the words erected on "-onal" or "-ded", for example, pickled cucumber.

For the last rule there are several exceptions. So, the words forged (fence) and a vigorous (piece) are written with one letter "H", since in this case it's not about suffixes, but about the part of the root of words.

One letter "H" Writing in the communions if:

  1. they relate to a brief, for example, meat eaten;
  2. there is no console, for example, baptized baby;
  3. there is no dependent word, for example, a wounded fighter (compare with what was slightly higher);
  4. there is a prefix "not", for example, a rapid decision.

And there are certain words-exceptions. There are no consoles in them, but they are still written with two letters "NN":

forgive, purchased, captured, devoid, given, abandoned, offended, solved, seen, promised, readable, born, caught.

And there are so-called Paired communionsin which one and two letters "N" can be written at the same time. And it all depends on the context. There is no specific rule here, you need to remember these couples:

Confined (on a report) - a contractible (person)
Named (above text) - Named (brother)
Planted (flower) - planted (father at the wedding)
Drawn (something) - Dowry (Bride)

Spelling with the prefix

"Not" is written ply In the sacrament, if:

  1. there is no oppression or dependent words, for example, unnoticed error;
  2. there is a prefix "undo", for example, not paid salary;
  3. communions simply cannot be used independently, for example, indigrant or hated.

BUT apart The prefix "not" with communities is written in the following cases:

  1. if there is a dependent word, for example, a mistake not noticed by anyone (compare with what was a little higher);
  2. if there is a contrast, for example, not noticed, but missed error;
  3. if the communion is brief and in affectionate form, for example, the error is not seen.

There is such a concept in Russian as a personal turn. So called some kind of communion with a dependent word. For example:

Giving failure
Growing in the porch
Indented water

Regarding spelling, then in relation to the involvement of the main difficulty - it is necessary separate commas or not. And here there is a strict rule in which exceptions are not allowed.

If the involvement of the turnover is after the main word, then it is allocated with commas.

And if before him, then the punctuation marks do not need. Compare:

Flower growing at the porch died from drought
Flower growing in the porch died from drought

Instead of imprisonment

And there is still such a thing in Russian. So called an extension to the main verb. For example:

She skipped
Thought sad
Fell hitting

By the way, there will also be disputes on the topic on the topic of verbalism, which is considered to be considered - an independent part of speech or another form of verb.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Movetona and Comilfo - What is it and what value these words are in modern speech (not to walk in Wikipedia)


I believe that the communion is one of the most complex parts of speech. It depends on the grammatical indicators of the verb. Four, and if we take into account and returnable, then six pieces are formed from transient verbs of an imperfect species. So, from "read" is possible six communities: the reading, reading, readable and returnable: readable, readable.

Very metoto about the communion said V.I. Dahl, author of the famous dictionary: "Part of the speech involved in the verb, in the form of adjective." The attention is paid not only for the content, but also on the shape of the communion, since it is really reministed with its "appearance", it is really reminded of adjective: it changes in childbirth, numbers and cases, consistent with nouns and answers the question what? Consequently, in the communations laid signs and verbs and adjectives. This duality of the parties noticed the ancient grammar, giving him the name "Communion", i.e. involved in the name and verb. Combining in one word of signs of different parts of speech naturally makes these words are more rich in meaningful, and therefore more economical, to which M.V. drew attention Lomonosov: "Sei verbal names serve to reduce the human word, concluding the name and verb strength. This property of the communities to conclude" in themselves there were and the verb strength "is widely used in writing, especially in artistic literature. Pictures of nature, portrait characteristics, internal experiences of heroes are very often transmitted by writers through communion. But in normal spoken Speech Participation cutting. Another A.S. Pushkin wrote about this: "Communions ... It is usually awarded in a conversation. We do not say: the carriage of the bridge; the servant, the room; we say: which jumps, which sweeps, etc. - replacing expressive brevity communion. turnover "

In my abstract, I wanted to clarify the most difficult moments in education, use, etc. Communions. The main complexity and frequent mistakes arise due to the fact that many are confused by the adjectives. In comparison, both examples, on errors, you can still learn how to write well and understand all the subtleties and depths of the Great Russian language.


Communion is a hybrid verbal-adjective form, which in school traditions are considered as a special verb form. Communions are combined by signs of verb and adjective, expressing the value of the procedural sign of the subject. Glazhnaya signs of communities:

1. The nature of the verb control is preserved (for example: dream of freedom - dreaming about freedom);

2. The type of appropriate verb is preserved;

3. The communion has two collateral forms (in accordance with the two-shallow concept) - a valid and affirmative collateral (for example: allowed - the actual deposit, permitted - the suffering key);

4. The communion has two temporary forms - the present (loving, beloved) and the past (loved) time.

All verbal signs of communities are constant, variable signs are signs of adjective: genus, the number, the case, complete or brief (in suffering communities), the form and the corresponding flexion in the proposal is a legend or definition.

Pridsescence of the present time are formed from the verb basis of the present time with the help of suffixes-/ - / Yusch, in -yess - - - valid communities, suffixes -th, -th-, -im- - the suffering communities. Communion of the past time is formed from the basis with an infinitive basis. At the same time, suffixes are used for the formation of valid communities - if the base is ends with a vowel (for example: hearing - hearing-entertainment) or -Sh-, if the base ends on the consonant (for example: brought-th - brought). In the formation of the suffering genthesis of the past time, the suffixes are attached to the verb basis - if the base ends onto the vowel, except / and / (for example: to hang out - hang), -nn, if the base ends on the consonant or / and /, Moreover, in the latter case / and / falls (for example: a shot - a shot-concrete, brought - brought-of-one), - to form communities from some verbs of unproductive classes with the basics on and-, -, as well as from the verbs of the IV productive class (for example: stitched - stitched, flux-to-slip, shrink - jammed, rotated - rotated). The initial form of communion, as an adjective, is the nominative case of the only number of male genus.

A common feature of the use of communities is that they make up the belonging of the book speech. This is explained by the history of communities.

The main discharges of the communities belong to the elements of the literary language borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, which affects a number of their phonetic features, for example, in the sections of the present time: the current, burning, which corresponds to the adjective fluid, hot, which are by the origin of the Old Russian communion, and Also, in the presence of a number of communities before the hard consonant under the stress E, whereas in the verbs, from which they are formed, under the same conditions there are EK (O): who came, but came invented, but invented, blossomed, but bloomed.

Communication of communities with Old Slavonic language in the XVIII century. Lomonosov is celebrated, which in his "Russian grammar" about several discharges of communities clarifies that they are used only from Slavic verbs and are not allowed from Russians. So, he writes: "The actual pledge of the current communion of the above, is produced from the verbs of Slavic origin: a crown, writing, feeding; and are not very decent from ordinary Russian, which are unknown: saying, chasing." The same is noted by him regarding the suffering communities of the present time "from Russian verbs, in the Slavs in the use of not former, produced, for example: the trogged, swap, maramerable, very wild and hearing are imbued," and relative to the communion of the last time of the actual pledge: "... for example, Bucked, blaspiced, dived, dutiful, very disappeared. " At the same time, Lomonosov marks the greater relevance of the communities for high styles of speech, indicating that they are "decently relying in rhetorical and poems, rather than in a simple calm, or in the surprise."

Currently, two centuries after Lomonosov, restrictions on the formation of communities from pure Russian verbs, alien to the Old Slavonic language, has not been preserved. And the examples of unacceptable communions are demonstrated by Lomonosov, do not create that impressions of insulting the linguistic faintness, which he speaks with such categoricalness, and quite admissible. The main discharges of complete communities are productive and easily formed from any verbs, including from the neoplasms (the turret, unknown, turbulent). Supporting communities of the present time are the least common, but also in some types of verbs are productive (westing, formable, stored) and unproductive only with suffix -om- (incommable, slave, desired).

But at present, firstly, communities are the belonging of a literary language (they are not in dialects); Secondly, they are almost not found in conversational speech.

The mansion is the brief intersections of the past time of the suffering pledge (written, brought, nanit), which are widely used in household speech and are used in dialects.

On the contrary, for different books speech styles, complete communities are one of the necessary tools that is used extremely widely. This is due to the fact that the communities contribute to the compression of speech, allowing the opportunity to replace the apparent proposals; Compare: Enterprises, early plan and enterprises that completed the plan ahead of schedule; The delegate and delegate chosen by the General Assembly, which was elected the general meeting. In the newspaper speech, it is almost always preferred by communities.

Communions in their meaning are close to adjective and often go into adjectives. The general difference between the sedes from the adjectives is that the sacrament is indicating a temporary feature of the subject created by the subject of the item itself (valid partitions) or the action carried out on this subject (the suffering party), while the adjective indicates the constant sign of the subject, for example: flying seeds is seeds who fly, are in motion, and the volatile seeds are seeds that have features in the structure, thanks to which they easily fly are transferred to the wind. Adjective, on the contrary, only characterizes the subject and does not provide information about what state it is, therefore the phrase is possible: the earth was covered with volatile maple seeds, although these seeds lie motionless on Earth.

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