Social science. New full reference book for preparation for the exam. Ed. Baranova P.A. History. Cartographic training. Manual for preparing for the exam. Markin S.A.

History. Cartographic training. Manual for preparing for the exam. Markin S.A.

R. at D.: 2016. - 159 p.

The manual is intended for both secondary school students in preparation for the exam at the rate of domestic history and for teachers of general education institutions when organizing the study of this course, its repetition and generalization. The manual includes maps and tasks to them in all periods of domestic history, which will help students to systematize existing knowledge and, if necessary, fill out the discovered gaps in a timely manner.
The manual is a universal help in the process of forming and improving students of basic cartographic knowledge, which will ensure the successful survey of the history of history.

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Section 1. Recommendations for performing tasks for the ability to work with a historical card, scheme (B8, B9, BIO, B11)
Section 2. Training Tasks
Topic 1. The history of Russia from ancient times until the middle of IX in
Topic 2. Rus in the second half of IX - early XI in
Topic 3. Rus in the XI - the first third of the XII in
Topic 4. Russian lands in the first third of the XII - the first third of the XIII in
Topic 5. Fighting Russia with ingenic invaders in XIII-XTVBB
Topic 6. Fighting Rus for Unity and Independence in HSU-XV BB
Topic 7. Russia in the XVI in
Topic 8. Troubled Time (1598-1613)
Topic 9. Board Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645)
Topic 10. Board of Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676)
Topic 11. Board of Fyodor Alekseevich (1676-1682) and Sofia Alekseevna (1682-1689)
Topic 12. Board of Peter I (1689-1725)
Topic 13. Russia in the era of palace coups (1725-1762)
Topic 14. Russia in the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796) and Paul I (1796-1801)
Topic 15. Russia in the reign of Alexander I (1801-1825)
Topic 16. Russia in the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855)
Topic 17. Russia in the reign of Alexander II (1855-1881)
Topic 18. Russia in the reign of Alexander III (1881-1894)
Topic 19. Russia in the reign of Nicholas II (1894-1917)
Topic 20. Great Russian Revolution (1917-1922)
Topic 21. USSR during the period of the economic policy (1921-1928)
Topic 22. USSR during the period of industrialization (1929-1941)
Topic 23. Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Topic 24. USSR during the post-war recovery of the national economy (1945-1953)
Topic 25. USSR in the period of "thaw" (1954-1964)
Topic 26. USSR during the "Part period" (1964-1984)
Topic 27. Perestroika in the USSR (1985-1991)
Topic 28. Russian Federation "1991-2014
Those 29. Economic development of Russia in different periods
Answers to training tasks.

4th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: 2018. - 544 p.

In the directory addressed to high school graduates and applicants, in full, the material of the "Social Studies" course is given, which will be checked at a single state exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of elements of the content on the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - testing materials of the exam (kima). The directory contains blocks-modules "Man and Society", "Economy", "Social Relations", "Politics", "Law", which constitute the basis of the school course "Social Studies". Brief and visual - in the form of schemes and tables - the presentation form ensures maximum training for the exam. Task samples and answers to them, ending each topic, will help objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and skills.

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Preface 6.
Block module 1. Man and society
Topic 1.1. Natural and public in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution) 12
Topic 1.2. Worldview, its types and forms 17
Topic 1.3. Types of knowledge 20.
Topic 1.4. The concept of truth, its criteria 26
Topic 1.5. Thinking and activities 30
Topic 1.6. Needs and interests 41
Topic 1.7. Freedom and the need for human activity. Freedom and responsibility 45
Topic 1.8. System structure of society: elements and subsystems 50
Topic 1.9. The main institutions of the Company 55
Topic 1.10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture 58
Theme 1.11. The science. The main features of scientific thinking. Natural and socio-humanitarian sciences 65
Theme 1.12. Education, its significance for personality and society 78
Topic 1.13. Religion 81.
Topic 1.14. Art 89.
Topic 1.15. Moral 95.
Topic 1.16. The concept of public progress 101
Topic 1.17. Multivariance of social development (types of societies) 106
Theme 1.18. Threats of the XXI century (global problems) 109
Block module 2. Economy
Topic 2.1. Economy and Economic Science 116
Topic 2.2. Production factors and factor income 122
Topic 2.3. Economic systems 126.
Topic 2.4. Market and market mechanism. Demand and offer 134
Topic 2.5. Permanent and variable costs 145
Topic 2.6. Financial institutions. Banking system 147.
Topic 2.7. Main sources of business financing 154
Topic 2.8. Securities 160.
Topic 2.9. Labor market. Unemployment 163.
Topic 2.10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 173
Theme 2.11. Economic growth and development. The concept of GDP 177.
Topic 2.12. The role of the state in the economy 184
Topic 2.13. Taxes 191.
Topic 2.14. State budget 195.
Topic 2.15. World economy 202.
Topic 2.16. Rational Economic Behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 210
Block Module 3. Social Relations
Topic 3.1. Social stratification and mobility 216
Topic 3.2. Social groups 227.
Topic 3.3. Youth as a social group 232
Topic 3.4. Ethnic community 235.
Topic 3.5. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, paths of their permission 240
Topic 3.6. Constitutional Principles (Fundamentals) of National Policy in the Russian Federation 249
Topic 3.7. Social conflict 252.
Topic 3.8. Types of social norms 260
Topic 3.9. Social control 264.
Topic 3.10. Family and marriage 267
Topic 3.11. Deviationing behavior and its types 272
Topic 3.12. Social role 276.
Topic 3.13. Socialization of Individual 280.
Block module 4. Policy
Topic 4.1. The concept of power 283.
Topic 4.2. State, its functions 291
Topic 4.3. Political system 304.
Topic 4.4. Typology of political regimes 307
Topic 4.5. Democracy, its basic values \u200b\u200band signs 310
Theme 4.6. Civil society and state 314
Topic 4.7. Political elite 323.
Topic 4.8. Political parties and movements 327
Topic 4.9. Mass media in the political system 336
Topic 4.10. Election campaign in the Russian Federation 342
Topic 4.11. Political process 351.
Topic 4.12. Political participation 355.
Topic 4.13. Political leadership 360.
Topic 4.14. Public authorities of the Russian Federation 364
Topic 4.15. Federal Device of Russia 374
Block module 5. Right
Topic 5.1. Right in Social Normal System 381
Topic 5.2. System of Russian law. Lawmand in the Russian Federation 395
Topic 5.3. Concept and types of legal liability 401
Topic 5.4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 409
Theme 5.5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on Elections 417
Theme 5.6. Civil Law Subjects 421
Theme 5.7. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity 428
Theme 5.8. Property and non-property rights 433
Theme 5.9. The order of acceptance to work. The procedure for the conclusion and termination of the employment contract 440
Topic 5.10. Legal regulation of spouse relations. The procedure and conditions of imprisonment and termination of marriage 448
Topic 5.11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 453
Topic 5.12. Right to a favorable environment and ways to protect 460
Topic 5.13. International Law (International Human Rights Protection in Conditions of Peaceful and War Time) 468
Topic 5.14. Disputes, the order of their consideration 473
Topic 5.15. The main rules and principles of the Civil Procedure 476
Topic 5.16. Features of the criminal procedure 484
Topic 5.17. Citizenship of the Russian Federation 495.
Topic 5.18. Military duty, Alternative Civil Service 501
Topic 5.19. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer 509
Topic 5.20. Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system 513.
Training option of examination work on social science 523
Examination System for Social Scores 536
Literature 540.

The directory includes the material of the school class "Social Studies", which is checked at a single state exam (USE). The structure of the book corresponds to the federal state standard of secondary (full) education on the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks were developed - control measuring materials (KIM), which constitute the examination of social studies.
The directory presents the following meaningful blocks modules: "Man and Society", "Economy", "Social Relations", "Politics", "Law", which form the core of the content of school social social education and correspond to the Codicator of Elements of Social Studies in Social Scanted within Ege.

Title: EGE. Social science. Perform the tasks of part C.

The manual is intended to prepare for the successful implementation of the tasks of part from a single state exam in social science. Qualified recommendations for performing tasks C1-C8 are given. It is described in detail the algorithm for writing social science mini-essays (essay): the circle of general topics, the determination of the main social science and concepts (aspects of general topics) are given, examples of statements of outstanding thinkers in all sections of social sciences and brief biographical information about the authors of statements are given.

This manual contains recommendations for the preparation of graduates of general education schools to solve the tasks of part from a single state exam (EEE) on social studies.
Part C includes 9 tasks with a detailed answer (C1-C9). These tasks relate to the basic social sciences forming the course of social studies of the main and full secondary school (philosophy, economics, sociology, social psychology, political science, legal entities).


Preface 3.

Work with a ligament scheme 43

Philosophy 49.
Economy 51.
Political Science 53.
Justice 56.
Sociology 58.
Social psychology 60.
Reference material

Section "Philosophy" 65
Section "Economy" 71
Section "Political Science" 75
Section "Jurisprudence" 82

Section "Sociology" 88

Section "Philosophy" 94
Section "Economy" 97
Section "Political Science" 99
Section "Crimping" 104

Section "Sociology" 109

Section. "Philosophy" 113

Section "Economy" 121
Section "Sociology" 123
Section "Political Science" 125
Section "Law Defense" 128

Used literature 157.

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Download the book of the exam. Social science. Perform the tasks of Part C. Markin S.A. 2011.

This manual contains recommendations for the preparation of graduates of secondary cabinaries to solve the tasks of part from a single state exam (USE) on social studies.
Part C includes 9 tasks with a detailed answer (C1-C9). These tasks relate to the basic social sciences forming the course of social studies of the main and full secondary school (philosophy, joniology, sociology, social psychology, political science, lawsurance).
The tasks C1 and C2 refers to the basic level of complexity, tasks C3, C4, C5. C6, C7, C8, C9 refer to a high level of complexity.
Tasks of part C are estimated from 2 to 5 points. For the proper execution of tasks C1, C2, C5, C8, the student receives 2 points. For the correct execution of tasks C3. C4, C6, C7 - 3 points. For the correct execution of the task C9 - 5 points. Thus, for the complete and correct execution of the tasks of part C, you can get 25 points.
During the execution of fortunes of part with students should show their skill:
search and extract social information presented in an unadapted original text:
explain external and internal connections (causal and functional) socially studied
revealed "on examples studied theoretical provisions and concepts of social sciences:
assess the actions of subjects of public life (personality, group, organization) from the point of view of social norms and social reality:
formulate on the basis of acquired social sciences own judgments and arguments but certain problems:
characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and importance in society;

Preface 3.
Section 1. Recommendations for the fulfillment of tasks C1-C4 6
Section 2 Recommendations for the execution of the task C5 13
Section 3 Recommendations for the implementation of the task C6 18
Section 4 Recommendations for the implementation of the task C7 22
Section 5 Recommendations for the implementation of the task C8 29
Section 6 Recommendations for the implementation of the task C9 36
Work with a ligament scheme 43
Fine implementing an algorithm for work on the essay (possible options) 49
Philosophy 49.
Economy 51.
Political Science 53.
Justice 56.
Sociology 58.
Social psychology 60.
Reference material
Definitions of social sciences 64
Definitions and brief characteristics of social science terms denoting general topics 65
Section "Philosophy" 65
Section "Economy * 71
Section "Political Science" 75
Section "Lawbook" 82
Section "Social Psychology" 83
Section "Sociology ^ 88
Samples designation aspects of general topics 94
Section "Philosophy" 94
Section "Economy * 97
Section "Political Science" 99
Section "Lawbook * 104
Section "Social Psychology" 106
Section "Sociology * 109
Examples of sayings of famous thinkers in the sections of social studies 113
Section. "Philosophy" 113
Section "Social Psychology" 117
Section "Economy" 121
Section "Sociology" 123
Section "Political Science" 125
Section "Law Defense" 128
Biographical information about authors of sayings 132
Used literature 157.

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