How women describe ecstasy. Several effective advice, how to experience an orgasm. Causes that make female sexuality

1. Rhythmic cuts of muscles of the vagina, uterus and even the abdominal press (who has it) with an interval of 0.8 seconds.

When simulations, it is difficult to achieve such speed and rhythm.

2. Energetic television, so that the contact of an erogen zone with an irritant was the most close. Before the end of the orgasm, the woman will not break this contact.

3. The skin on the face and chest blushes. There is an erection of nipples.

It is not possible to imitate such an experienced woman.

4. On the face involuntary grimace, eyes are closed.

Orgasm is one of the forms of violation of consciousness, and control its actions and its facial expressions in this state is not capable of.

5. The genital organs of the excited woman are moisturized with lubricant, and after orgasm, a small amount of fluid can find out of the vagina.

But if the sexual female are dry, as before the intercourse,, no matter how it widespread, she has not experienced orgasm.

6. After orgasm, the woman slowly comes to himself. And even the finished cleansers do not escape immediately take a shower, and they will not lead a conversation on the topic of whitewash the ceiling.

I really want to drink.

7. Increased arterial pressure and pulse.

The last sign, but it is unlikely that a man will be at such a moment to check the pulse at his partner and measure pressure.

Two basic orgasm's simulation rules

1. Better noticing than to go through. Do not play if you have never experienced orgasm and do not know how you can react to this feeling.

2. Do not simulate the orgasm too early, otherwise you are with a partner and in the future you lose the chance to achieve true ecstasy. In addition, your premature finale can have a negative impact on its subsequent adjacent and diligence.

Did any woman feel orgasm?

From the point of view of physiology - yes. Theoretically - no, since even in textbooks for sexology 95%, the indicator is the maximum strip, to take which every man should strive. As for the practical situation of things, for obvious reasons, no one can name the exact figures here, but according to different studies, the orgasm is able to test from 40 to 70% of women.

What does a woman feel during orgasm?

It is believed that women during orgasm are experiencing more vivid and diverse sensations than men. For example, during one large-scale sociological study, American doctors received more than 600 not similar to each other "experiences", which women described their orgasm.

Someone feels growing heat in the genitals, which is then bottled throughout the body. Someone defines an orgasm as involuntary cuts of vaginal muscles (it always happens, but not everyone is felt). And someone as a wave of convulsive contractions, which runs through the whole body from the top of the heels. In general, the feelings are the most diverse. Moreover, in the same woman they can change both over time and depending on the conditions.

How to determine if a woman has an orgasm?

Orgasm is a qualitatively new state, which differs from ordinary strong excitement. Therefore, it is easiest to catch the offensive of an orgasm that changes the behavior of a particular woman, and not by trapping the generally accepted symptoms.

Indirect signs of the onset of orgasm are: rapid breathing (or, on the contrary, his short-term delay), convulsive movements (or, on the contrary, fading), compression of the muscles of the vagina (which is quite easy to determine, entering a finger there), a variety of sound (or, on the contrary, The convulsive compression of the jaws and the snacking of various foreign objects) and others sometimes the manifestations of the orgasm are so weak that it is almost impossible to determine their eye.

Is it possible to distinguish the true orgasm from the imaginary?

Based on the same features of female physiology, to distinguish the true orgasm from the false can with the help of sufficiently bulky and expensive equipment. As for the usual conditions, there is not a single reliable sign, the absence of which or, on the contrary, the presence of a man would determine the truth of the female orgasm completely accurately.

Yes, there are a number of concomitant manifestations related to orgasm that a woman is not able to fake. For example, wrinkled skin around the nipples, redness of the top of the chest, the compression of the vaginal muscles. But even their absence cannot be convincing evidence of the true feelings of your partner.

Does the duration of sexual intercourse affect the power of orgasm?

Yes. Sexologists distinguish such a pattern - the longer the Phase "Plateau" longer (sexual intercourse is divided into four phases - the excitement, "plateau", orgasm, refraction), the brighter orgasm.

Does the initiation affect the power of orgasm?

Yes. The brighter the experiences of a woman in the first phase, the stronger feelings she will experience during orgasm.

How long does female orgasm last?

On average, as much as men: 4-6 seconds. However, options are possible. In addition to the usual (peco-shaped), the orgasm can be protracted (from several tens of seconds to a few minutes) and wave-like (for a long time).

Does the woman controllese themselves during orgasm?

Women tend to experience orgasm more violently than men. They can cry, shout, swear, biting and even lose consciousness. And all this is absolutely normal. Electrophysiological studies (EEG) of the brain of women during orgasm revealed changes, similar to those observed in the epileptic seizure. Therefore, very many women are really not able to control their behavior during orgasm.

Moreover, holding back its emotions, the woman is not able to get a full-fledged orgasm. And constant deterrence can lead to the development of various neuroses and false frigidity.

Is it possible to stop the beginning orgasm?

Sexologists are isolated in the third phase two periods: the first is the approach of orgasm, the second is directly orgasm. At the same time, in the first period, if necessary, the process is still possible. "Turn back", in the second - no.

What is the multiple orgasm different from repeated?

Unlike men, women may experience a multiple orgasm. It differs from repeated by the fact that between the first and subsequent orgasm of the woman all the time is in the second phase "plateau" without leaving it.

With a repeated orgasm, even if it occurs through a short period of time, everything starts again - first excitement, then a short "plateau" and only then orgasm.

Are women able to experience multiple orgasm?

Not. The inclination to multiple orgasm is congenital and occurs about 30% of women.

What orgasm is real?

Not only men, but many women believe that the real orgasm is only vaginal, and everything else is only surrogate. This is not true. From the point of view of physiology, any orgasm is present if it leads to the appropriate discharge.

How much time do you need a woman to achieve orgasm?

This indicator is very individual, but on average 15-30 minutes. That is, a woman to achieve orgasm takes several times more time than a man. If you look at men's and women's graphics of sexual excitement during sexual intercourse, then their difference is immediately striking.

The man first goes the short first phase (excitation), then a slightly longer phase "plateau", orgasm (4-10 seconds) and a short refractory period (4-10 minutes).

In women, the graph is more stretched in time than in men: the first phase is more common and continuous, the second is longer, the third (directly orgasm) can include several curve peaks, the fourth is also longer.

Is the simultaneous orgasm of both partners possible?

Yes. This is happening if the man, first coming to almost the top, does not seek to move further, and helps his partner catch it up. And it does so much time how much it takes it. At the same time, the man himself, with the help of various techniques, keeps himself at the level of "plateau" all the time.

A man cannot simulate orgasm

This is not true.

Doctor of Philosophy of the Institute for the Study of the Sexuality of Man, Research Institute and College in San Francisco, Ted Macvlenn: "Almost every man has simultaneously simulated orgasm. When a group of specialists of the institute interviewed a sample of 2000 men - whether they had to imitate orgasm to imitate them - almost 100% answered positively. It happens, a man drinks too much alcohol or quarrels with his partner. Not enough sexual excitement. As a result, a man just wants to somehow cum with this business. "

If, however, one or another partner will simulate orgasm regularly, serious problems may arise in relationships. Orgasm's simulation is the form of deception, they say specialists, and this can lead to lies in other areas of married life and ultimately undermine it.

To begin with, refer to the story. The word "orgasm" exists in the language of a long time. Its origin is rooted in Ancient Greece. In the literal translation, the word "orgasm" means "swelling from moisture, fervent passion." From the point of view of physiology, it sounds less poetic: the culmination of sexual intercourse, the highest peak of pleasure.

Specialists distinguish between several types of orgasm. Although, of course, it should be understood that this separation is very conditional. And yet.

The easiest is a genital orgasm. He is the most common. It is clear that based on the anatomy (genitals - genitals), this type of orgasm is manifested locally and arises due to a reduction with a certain frequency of muscles in the pelvic region.

The genital orgasm is short-time in time, but felt quite acute. If it is detailed in the anatomical nuances in more detail, 3 types of genital orgasm should be highlighted: the clicory, vaginal and uterine, which, naturally, can take place, both separate phenomena, and follow each other or even attack almost simultaneously.

Pretty rare phenomenon - chest orgasm. And he almost never arises spontaneously. It is achieved after special exercises that can be learned. As a rule, the chest orgasm comes against the background of genital.

And the most desirable is the orgasm of the whole body. Actually, this should be considered the highest satisfaction, a true orgasm, the very highest vertex on which they seek to be at least once (and ideally - regularly), all women.

This orgasm is long, steady and incredibly strong. His train also responds the next day with a pleasant Istoma in the whole body. And sometimes three days after the echoes of such an orgasm are felt.

Women describe orgasm in different ways. Pleasant warmth spilling through the body. Acute pleasure is sweet, sometimes, before unbearable. An irresistible desire to throw out emotion outside - in breathing, in a rumbling, in the body of the body. One similar in all these descriptions is too difficult to choose the words to express your feeling. But that's the sacrament of a true orgasm that he, unfortunately or fortunately, we will not express in words.

But those concrete actions, with the help of which women often try to simulate orgasm, belong to the manifestations of sexual pleasure (or that worse, there are masking of the absence of it): moans, screeching, imaginary cramps, configured rapid breathing. The same kind of manifestations are passionate requests: "Yes, yes! Do not stop! Oh, how good!" That in an English version sounds like: "Yes, Yes! Once More! Oh, Good!"

So effectively play orgasm actresses in pornographic and erotic films. And after watching, apparently, on such scenes on the screen, many women mistakenly take them for the manifestation of true orgasm - so imitate in real life Seen pseudo-resistant, deftly played sexual madness. But, alas, too extended, beautifully built, intelligible "orgasmic" behavior, where, as best, testifies in favor of simulation.

True orgasm define only 5 objective signs. And they already, according to experts, it is impossible to simulate.

1. Rhythmic ripple

It is about abbreviations of many muscle groups: vagina, uterus, pelvic floor, anus, abdominal press. Moreover, it is usually reduced muscles spontaneous, but rhythmic, literally with second pulsation intervals.

The abdominal press muscle contractions are clearly visible, and the abbreviations of the muscles of the vagina, a man feels like a sexual member, which is beyond the stronger. This intensity of abbreviations cannot be accomplished consciously, it happens on the verge of instinct - just as we pull out your hand from contact with something hot or with electric shock.

2. Protective television

Experiencing orgasm, woman involuntarily makes enough energetic television to make closer contact of their erogenic zones With a male stimulus. The purpose of such actions is to prevent pauses, do not reduce the pace, to achieve rapidness and increases of passion until the occurrence of the desired climax.

At these moments, a woman is no longer interested in any caress, nor kisses, no word of love. She will not allow a man to distract all these tenderness. In anticipation of the explosion, all women's nature is concentrated only on physiology.

3. Tides and erection

True orgasm is always accompanied by blood tides to the skin. Rush forehead, cheeks, chest area. Woman feels fever. Spirill appears on the body. In minutes of orgasm, the woman occurs the erection of nipples, the clitoris, sexual lips. Even a very experienced mistress, hardly, is able to simulate a similar condition.

4. Vaginal discharge

The excitation of a woman during orgasm achieves such an extent that the vaginal discharge is excessive, over physiological necessity. Moisturizing lubricant and vaginal secretion, sometimes, so much that the abundance of fluid begins to "sound" during the intercourse, and immediately after the completion of the intercourse it may even be outside.

5. Incoming Grimasa

All conversations about the blissful smile, unearthly Angelic, enlightened expression on his face during orgasm - nonsense! Or the prerogative of beautiful movies. Bliss comes later, and at the time of orgasm is impossible. Because bliss face attached consciously, purposefully.

Whereas with orgasme, a woman is not capable of controlling its facial express. The face of a woman experiencing an orgasm (the same, by the way, applies to men) distorts a low-susiphetic grimace.

This is a kind of instinctive additional effort of the muscles of the face that helps deeper to immerse themselves in orgasm and surrender to the highest physiological (actually, animal) enjoyment. Well, of course, and not without the involvement of the entire psycho-emotional nature of the feeling characteristic of an exceptionally human body.

After true orgasm, many women are in a state of easy prostration, as if losing the feeling of time and reality. The relaxation of the body is gradually. As if leaving, removing, wave. Or goes out the fire, plumbing very slowly, but no, no yes flashering in separate flames.

Psychiatrists jokingly say that a true orgasm is one of the forms of violation of consciousness. But in every joke, as you know, there is some truth. If you watched V.Menshov's movie "Envy of the Gods", then, of course, remember, the sex scene in the truck, in the final of which the heroine of the Alert, shocked for the first time tried, asks in bewilderment: "What ... was it ..." .. "and this And there was an orgasm.

Sex is a mandatory component of our life. Not only the mood, psychological attitude, but also health depends on its quality. Each of the partners wants to get the highest pleasure from proximity, but if men reach orgasm easily, then the representatives of the beautiful floor are not so simple. In this article we will tell you how to experience an orgasm to a woman: about how to get the maximum pleasure, about the types of orgasm and on existing delusions.

Sexologists during numerous studies have revealed that it may not have every female pleasure during sex. Some experience orgasm from the case, and some have never experienced it. Less than fifty percent of women achieve the highest pleasure to the classic method, others have to use additional ways for this (sexy toys, masturbation, etc.) or imitate orgasm.

The ability to experience pleasure during sex in a woman depends on several factors. First of all, it is, of course, the actions of the partner - with a more experienced and attentive man chances to get cherished pleasure increase. However, your senses to the partner also play a big role - a beloved man Woman wants stronger, touching and caressing beloved hands and lips deliver incomparably more fun. It's no secret that sex with your loved one is always brighter and sensual, therefore, the likelihood of achieving orgasm with the beloved above.

The age of a woman also affects. Often sexual experience It does not depend on the age: Some begin to have sex in fifteen, others - at twenty-five, but no one has canceled physiology. The peak of his sexuality is a woman reaches about thirty years. Plus, a mature woman can better understand her body, she knows what he wants, as well as long.

If for a man is primarily important appearance (He loves his eyes) and the behavior of a partner, then for women a much larger set of factors play a key role. Important feelings, mood, decor, gentle words, even the smell. Everything is born primarily in the head. Even a recent quarrel with a partner can impose a negative imprint. With good start (and it is not only in the foreplay) the likelihood that you will experience during intimate intimacy orgasm is much higher.

Types of female orgasm

Female orgasm, unlike male, is accompanied by more vivid sensations, plus the entire representative of the excellent sex is capable of multiple orgasm, while men are deprived of such privileges. According to sexologists, in women, an orgasm is divided into three types: clitoral, vaginal and extregnital.

Clitual orgasm can be obtained by stimulating partners with fingers, tongue or with masturbation. In order to experience a vaginal orgasm, you need to stimulate the vagina with a phallus, a vibrator or fingers. The more often and more intensively, such stimulation occurs, while orgasm is shorter. With less intensive stimulation, the orgasm is usually brighter and lasts longer. An extrageneal orgasm can be experienced with passionate arms, kisses, caresses, that is, without sexual intercourse. Not every woman is capable of such a type of orgasm, but, nevertheless, it is possible.

The woman has an orgasm on average seconds of thirteen-twenty-five seconds, sometimes this time can come up to a minute. With multiple orgasms, the state of ecstasy can be maintained for ten minutes - the pleasure that is introduced into the indescribable state of bliss, rolling the waves with almost no stop.

Differences of clitious and vaginal orgasm

Orgasm clitoral is more similar to the removal of stress, relaxation - it is not long and is not accompanied by super-bright sensations. From the orgasm of the same vaginal, it is possible to lose consciousness. Every woman has a different way - the symptoms may differ, but they will definitely not remain unnoticed. Vaginal orgasm involves the whole body, and it can last for a very long time. The experienced sensations resemble the American slides - they are growing, reaching their peak, then they calm down a little, and then rush up again, having brought you to the top of bliss.

How to understand that you have experienced a vaginal orgasm? The most common signs of such an orgasm are a light trembling in the whole body, a slight numbness of the limbs or even faces, goosebumps, redness of the neck and face, noise in the ears, dizziness. Changes can be noticed in breathing - it becomes intermittent and shallow. This is how voluptuous sensations are manifested - you can have one of these signs or somewhat immediately, and perhaps there will be some other sensations, because in this matter everything is very individual.

Why does the body behave like that? This happens because during the orgasm, the brain cannot control it (body). Plus, your body receives impulses caused by a reduction in vaginal muscles. After such bliss in women, there is a special hormone oxytocin, favorably affecting the nervous system - it begins to feel protected and becomes more calm. She also exacerbates a sense of care and confidence in the partner, relationships become more harmonious. Of course, a man after sex in no way should turn away to the wall or leave, because the sexual excitement of a woman passes not as fast as he.

Delusion regarding female orgasm

Women, like men, want to get a maximum of pleasure during sex. Today, the theme of female orgasm is actively discussed at the Internet - ladies shall be divided with each other by advice, experience, some tricks. However, not all tips are equally effective. First, every woman is individual, and what helps to experience the orgasm one, for the other absolutely does not fit. Secondly, among all these councils there are many and delusions. We will tell you only about the most common of them.

Sexual intercourse should be sufficiently long

It is believed that the longer a man will last, the higher the likelihood that a woman will experience an orgasm. There is a small proportion of truth in this, but it is impossible not to take into account the fact that sex can turn into a sports marathon and simply lose that attractiveness that delivers pleasure to partners.

The most vivid female orgasm can be experienced during the first five-ten minutes. If sex lasts twenty or half an hour, it becomes monotonous. Of course, after such efforts, the orgasm is quite possible, but it will already remind only a weak surge of sensations and will not give an unforgettable emotion. If you prefer long loving classes, then you should not neglect pre-caress - they will save excitement for a long time.

Closer to orgasm a man should move with more power

Another confusion is that when a woman begins to experience orgasm, a man must move faster and apply stronger "strikes". However, it is not. On the contrary, during the orgasm partner move it should be slower and more tender. Many women note that under masturbation, more vivid and intensive orgasms are experiencing than with intimate proximity to a man. This happens for the reason that, caressing itself, it is possible to better feel the spasms of your vagina and with the approach of the orgasm to weaken the touch, focusing on their feelings.

When a man begins to enter his penis with all his force in the partner, it does not allow her to feel the vagina pulsation and get a full pleasure from the sensations experienced during sex. Thus, he also deprives himself great pleasure, because the penis beating with force is not able to feel anything other than his own sensations. If a man will move more calmly, making tender and rhythmic shocks, he will help and partner to experience a bright intensive orgasm, and he will receive a huge pleasure from her pulsating vagina.

Partners must experience orgasm at the same time

Simultaneous orgasm can be experienced, as a rule, only if you have already slept together many times and know each other well. In all other things, it will be better if the first woman will finish. Unlike men, even having experienced an orgasm, a woman does not lose interest in what is happening and will continue the sexual act until the partner is over. The vagina becomes still flourishing after orgasm becomes more sensitive to the movements of the penis, and it can cover a new wave of voluptuous sensations.

How to experience orgasm

The lack of satisfaction during sex sometimes makes the woman doubt his sexuality. You can continue to torment doubts or simulate orgasm, but it is better to try to change this situation. To seek help to a sexopathologist or a sexologist will not everybody, so we collected the most effective tips in this article, which will help you to achieve orgasm and, accordingly, get rid of the feeling of dissatisfaction and irritation.

Do not simulate

Women in nature are excellent actresses - can pretend indifferent, surprised, joyful, offended and even simulating enjoying pleasure in bed. Simulation sexual pleasure Familiar to every woman is not a bit. Some are so much included in the role that the true orgasm is not able to distinguish. Someone does it to give pleasure to his beloved, and someone - so as not to seem like a frigid or hopeless log.

To portray out an actress or give will to real feelings - the choice is definitely behind you. Only, many people do not know that such a simulation may prevent a natural orgasm. The fact is that with his pretense you interfere with the brain, which, by the way, is your most important sexual authority, concentrate on sensations experienced during intimate proximity.

When simulations, you only think about what makes in this moment Partner, because you can pretend in time and depict the necessary emotions. This is one of the reasons why you do not get pleasure from sex. The most importantly condition of the orgasm is based on the fact that your thoughts and your attention should be concentrated only on the sensations experienced by you.

If you want to achieve such a desired orgasm, then you need to, first of all, learn how to focus on your sensations during intimate proximity, and not to look for a certain field of genital organs, believing that you can strengthen your feelings on it. Of course, there are such areas, but all your efforts will be in vain, if you do not bring order in my head, because it is the brain first of all be responsible for getting pleasure.

Do not think about anything but your sensations

If the genital organs had no connection with the brain, there would be no pleasure from sex, even with the easiest excitability of the body. Our brain is the "center of pleasure" and is fully responsible for the enjoyment experience. It is even able to compensate for the awkward and inept actions of the partner. Of course, it does not mean that you must ignore the inability of a man to delight you enjoyment. Just do not forget that the ability to concentrate on their feelings can work wonders and bring you to orgasm.

Even if your partner is a real professional in everything that concerns sex, orgasm you can do not experience if you do not learn to listen to your own feelings and adequately perceive them. After all, everything originates from our brain, and the orgasm, including - it does not depend on the impact on the erogenous zones. You probably noticed that when you good mood, Any touch of the partner may awaken a sexual desire in you. But in a bad mood, when your head is engaged in negative thoughts, even the touch of erogenous zones does not cause any emotions.

During intimate proximity, you can and need to think only about your feelings, concentrate on them, and not worry about laying hair and how you look at the present moment. But it is not necessary to dwell on to experience the maximum pleasure - in pursuit of it you will miss a quiet bliss from caressing and partner's kisses. Watch out for your feelings, but be relaxed to enjoy every moment.

Men do not worry about what they look like during sex, why don't you follow their example - do not be afraid that you will have funny Face or clumsy movement. Because nothing will happen if you listen to your feelings. When we are talking About intimate proximity, constraints are not appropriate - just enjoy each other.

Examine your body

To experience a female orgasm, sometimes you need to make some efforts. For example, learn your body and explore his reactions to intimate affairs. This will allow you to understand what sensations you are experiencing when the peak of bliss, features preceding sexual satisfaction.

According to sexopathologists, the best way For the study of the body of a woman and his reactions is masturbation. If you have not tried it, now, perhaps, it's time. At the same time, masturbation should not fully replace sex life - it is only one of the ways to know your body, which you can use it from time to time. If you have doubts about your sexuality and the ability to experience orgasm, then try masturbating. If you are at least once for the pleasure of masturbation, it means that you are fine.

Having studied her body and his reaction to intimate affairs, it would be easier for you to understand and find out your feelings for orgasm. Perhaps you have already experienced it before, he was not just so bright, so I did not notice his signs. When you know your body, like five fingers, it will be easier for you to manage your feelings - find the right posture, choose the rhythm, the strength of movements and the depth of penetration of the penis.

Show activity

No need to wait from the partner when he will finally find the right position or take the tempo up to you. Want to experience a female orgasm - try to find a position yourself, in which you will experience the maximum pleasure. Do not be afraid to be active and move more.

It is better to control your body during intimate intimacy and, accordingly, to increase the likelihood of achieving an orgasm allows the post of "rider" when you are on top and choose the desired rate of movements and the depth of penetration. Plus, in this posture, it is convenient to stimulate the clitoral zone - it can be done on your own either to trust a partner. Ask the partner to squeeze or pinch your buttocks to the beatings - thanks to such stimulation of the nerve endings located in the pelvic region, the pressure changes in the vagina, which contributes to even greater excitation.

Eyes to eyes

Of course, with closed eyes, it is easier to concentrate on their sensations, but the visual contact is sometimes able to create real wonders. Try during sex to use the postures in which you can watch each other in your eyes. It can be like a classic missionary posture, and "Horseman" - lean towards a partner's chest, squeeze the booster to his body and try most of the time to maintain visual contact. So both will be easier for you to tune in one wave and freeing the brain from extraneous thoughts. In addition, with visual contact it is impossible to pretend - it reveals true emotions.

Closer to the body

Not only visual contact allows you to experience orgasm, but also the contact is physically. The more often your bodies come into contact with intimate intimacy, the brighter emotions and more pleasure. In the excited state, the body becomes very sensitive - all nerve endings are activated. Pos, where the bodies are made as much as possible, quite a lot. This is the pose of "rider" when you are top and pressed against the partner's chest, and on the side, when the partner firmly hugs you from behind. You can try to lie on the stomach, and the partner will enter you from behind, while you need to lift the body so that it can hug you and your bodies in touch with each other.

Be frank with your partner

If you feel that you can not experience pleasure with a partner, talk to him about it. But in no case in the form of complaints and accusations! This can only spoil everything. Every man wants to feel the king in bed, and women such a vanity only on hand. If you like certain caresses, try to direct it in this direction - say that you are just delighted if it continues in the same spirit, but a little more tender / faster / earlier / longer, etc. If he does not do what you wanted, just explain what kind of caress you are waiting for him, and what excites you during intimate intimacy.

Do not be shy and afraid. Sex, perhaps, is the most intimate part of our life, and where, as you do not need to be as frank as much as possible and with yourself, and with a partner. Take a man right during sex with words or your hand. It will not only help you achieve the desired goal, but even more will excite and will spur him. Do not also ignore and wishes on his side.

If you have experienced an orgasm, tell me about it! Praise and express your gratitude to your man, especially if he tried for you. By this, you will serve a good service for yourself: first, a man will understand what you are waiting for him, secondly, your words will give him confidence in their sexual possibilities. Men is also important to feel welcome and be proud of themselves - you want after sex gentle as gratitude, and they too. Of course, we are not talking about sex for one evening, but if you have a permanent partner, then do not bother the praise. One "But" - only if there is something to praise.

Stimulate the clitoris

You can stimulate the clitoris as a partner and you. Stimulation should be started with gentle touchs to the nearby region and then pubis. After such careful strokers, you can move directly to the stimulation of the clitoris itself. Follow the convex point of the clitoris and start learning your feelings - try making the moves to the left, right, up, down. Experiment also with the rhythm of movements. When you understand that the excitement increases, increase the intensity of caresses, but not much, the whaticle in this area is very gentle, and instead of pleasure there may be unpleasant sensations.

To experience clitoral orgasm while proximencies with a partner, try the postures at which the clitoris is involved, or ask the partner to stimulate it with free hand. An excellent way to achieve clitoral orgasm are oral caresses. The partner needs to caress the language first near the pubic zone, and then when the woman will be excited, go to clutter.

Training Muscles Vagina

If you want to experience the maximum pleasure during intimate proximity to the partner, you will be useful to learn how to special exercises that train the muscles of the vagina and increase their sensitivity. These exercises must be performed three times a day, daily. Strain the muscles of the vagina as if trying to delay urination. For one approach, make 10 repetitions, but do not hold the voltage longer than 3 seconds.

Create a sprinking atmosphere and make a variety

It is not necessary to specifically prepare a romantic situation, lit candles and drink champagne. Just a good day together, whether it is a fun walk, active leisure or some emotional shake - and at night you can count on great sex! If you have a long relationship with one man, the likelihood of achieving orgasm during intimate proximity to it can gradually decrease. To avoid this, sometimes it is useful to make a little variety into sex life - it can be some role-playing game With any plot, sexy toys or just an unusual place.

We shared advice with you how to achieve orgasm during sex - you can only apply them in practice. Drop all the constraints and stereotypes are where it is about the intimate proximity of two people, especially those who love, should be complete confidence and freedom of expression!

Women came to simulating orgasm. Yes, so deftly, that you can not distinguish the simulation from the genuine orgasm. And we are not needed by men, we need to get a real assessment of our sexual efforts. Only, we will find out whether everything is done correctly, or you need to try better. There are physiological signs of the true female orgasm, who will tell if the woman received pleasure, or she imitated an orgasm.

Plateau - harbing orgasm

Female orgasm necessarily precedes a special state - plateau. What is a plateau is a period of maximum sexual excitement of a woman. Orgasm occurs only after the woman reached the plateau.

According to external manifestations, the plateau can be confused with an orgasm. Woman shouting during frictions, writhing, wriggling. And after reaching the plateau subsides. But it is a lull "before the storm." She slowly continues friction. Then he gradually accelerates. Again begins to shout-moan. And then a real orgasm is experiencing in joyful convulsions.

Reducing the moisture sheds

At the time of orgasm, the vagina worst a member is especially tight. The grip can be felt. And the peasant, respectively, it gives a special pleasure. If you feel more pleasant sensations inside the "pussy" in the midst of a female orgasm - it means that it cums in real. In some cases, during orgasm, the vagina may even push out a member or, on the contrary, caustize deeper. Do not be afraid. These are normal manifestations of genuine orgasm.

At a slim woman, orgasmic spasms can be felt, just putting her hand on her belly. The act of these cuts are so strong that the wave rolled throughout the body of a woman, reminding convulsions. The most convulsions that love to imitate simulators. But if there was no cramps inside the vagina, then all other convulsions are doubtful.

Women's ejaculation

In some women, the orgasm is also accompanied by the release of a large amount of fluid from the vagina. Do not confuse it with an intimate lubricant allocated during sex. And it does not flow out the sperm of the partner. Vagina, indeed, can allocate some liquid during orgasm. By analogy with a male orgasm, this liquid is called ejaculate. After orgasm, the woman remains "lake" between the legs. The more female ejaculate, the stronger there was an orgasm.

The moment of selection of the ejaculate can be felt. The man has a feeling that the partner pressed on him during sex. Especially clearly it is noticeable in the position "Rider", when a woman is sitting on top with the legs spread and does not prevent anything from ejaculate to flow into a partner.

"Erection" of nipples

Orgasmic spasm inside female body Maybe absolutely not manifesting outside. The lack of screams and convulsions does not mean the absence of orgasm. And on female nipples you can diagnose orgasm. If the orgasm was genuine, then the internal spasm will come to the chest and make the nipples to get up with a bar.

However, seductively stitching the tips of the breasts can and simply from strong excitement, and even from the cold. Therefore, the erection of nipples can be considered a secondary sign of orgasm.

Cold lips

Another secondary sign of orgasm, or rather, a sign of the lack of orgasm can serve as the cold lips of a woman during the conversion kisses. There are in mind your lips on your face ;-) Kiss a woman. And if in response it kisses as if reluctantly stressful cool lips - a formal kiss - then it may not have experienced orgasm. And if the lips are soft and pliable, then, most likely, the orgasm was.

Calm and relaxation after sex

An authentic orgasm is a peak of sexual pleasure, in which a huge number of "pleasure hormones" endorphins enter the blood. Scientists measured that endorphine allocated during orgasm operate with 200 times more morphine. Yes, sex is like drugs.

However, we will not conduct a chemical analysis of female blood to determine the content in it endorphins. But it is easy to see in what mood a woman after sex, or in the morning.

The orgasm is the reaction of the nervous system of the human body. Orgasm is a component of a healthy sexual contact, which is characterized by obtaining the pleasure of the highest degree.

Female orgasm lasts, as a rule, longer than male. All types of female orgasm bring sexual satisfaction.

Physiology of female orgasm

In the process of achieving and receiving orgasm, breathing is rapidly, the pulse is accelerated up to one hundred eighty blows per minute or more. In addition, arterial pressure indicators are increasing. This mode of activity of the heart muscle can be compared with a large physical voltage. Sometimes the face and chest blush during orgasm.

The initial stage of achieving a female orgasm, from the point of view of physiology, serve the rhythmic contracting movements of the muscles of the vagina, which appear in its external third. Then these movements are transmitted to the uterus cavities.

As a rule, a woman can achieve the next orgasm after a fifteen-minute break. However, many faint representatives may experience a discharge within a few minutes, and several discharges can go each other.

Many women experience sufficiently short-term orgasms, which will not last many longer the average male orgasm. There is a place in some cases and a long orgasm that can last up to minute. A long female orgasm usually has a wave-like nature, that is, discharge and enjoyment is increasing, it falls.

In many women, at the time of the achievement of orgasm, a short-term discharge is noted, which is then replaced by the sensation of a powerful push in the clitoris zone and in the vagina. At the same time, the woman feels warm, spilling throughout the body. It comes to feeling that something comes out of the body. The feeling of the heat spread to the whole body is replaced by rhythmic contractile movements in the vagina, in the field of small pelvis, sometimes covering the zone of external genitals. At the same time, the woman is experiencing indescribable sensations of pleasure.

Types of female orgasm - genital orgasm

The genital orgasm is the most common among women, which is why the name is ordinary. In other words, he will arrive. That is, upon the onset of discharge, it can be assumed that this is most likely a genital orgasm. From the point of view of physiology, the genital orgasm is the result of muscle contractions in the field of small pelvis.

Types of female orgasm - chest orgasm

Breast orgasm is achieved by stimulating nipples. However, such a type of orgism managed to comprehend far from all women.

Types of female orgasm - Common orgasm

it unique view Female orgasm, as it affects the whole body of a woman - head, limb, eye language. Sometimes a woman may seem to seem that even the reality surrounding it at the time of orgasm is experiencing the same sensations. Such a female orgasm is extremely durable and resistance. Some women admit that such an orgasm has experienced for several hours. The time limit of such a discharge cannot be established for the reason that sexual intercourse with a partner lasts, as a rule, less orgasm itself.

Traditional types of female orgasm are clitious, vaginal and utack orgasms. Some experts still do not recognize the existence of the uterine orgasm. But these studies show that with a special technique and the ability of the Women herself to experience this type of orgasm, it can be achieved. Although, of course, clitoral and vaginal orgasms differ incomparably greater frequency.

Orgasm - It is, you know a multi-step process. It cannot be started from the middle or skip some of the stages - otherwise nothing will work. This, by the way, is explained why a husband is preferable to the vibrator: he knows how to excite.

Here they are, five mandatory stages on the way to happiness (and one optional):

1. Sexual desire

Even before the excitement, a woman should have sexual desire. Moreover, it can go from the inside (erotic thoughts, fantasies), be caused by external factors (viewing an erotic film, touching the erogenous zone) or provoke a combination of these factors. Therefore, in fact, good sex toys are made from very pleasant to the touch of materials, and in appearance they are very pretty. And they should not apply them immediately to the genital region: they can caress the whole body.

2. Excitation

At this stage, the body of a woman is preparing for intensive sexual interaction. There is a gradual tide of blood to the organs of a small pelvic. Breathing is expensive. The frequency of heart abbreviations and blood pressure increases. Chest increases. The clitoris, small and large sex lips swell. The cervix and body of the uterus are somewhat delayed up and back. Lubrication is released.

In most cases, the excitement in women increases gradually and requires at least ten minutes of adequate stimulation - this is why it is impossible to pass the prelude. It is necessary for the development of receptor sensitivity to certain level. If there are braking factors, the excitement can slow down or completely stop, for example, from experiences about relations with a partner, a squeak of a bed or from fear that children sleeping in the next room will hear.

3. Plateau

The excitation at this stage remains strong, fixed at about one level for some time and does not increase anymore. The body is preparing for orgasm. The pulse frequency can increase to 160 beats per minute. The clitoris rises slightly, the power of the girth of the phallus increases (due to the blood flow of the wall, the vagina swell).

In the Plateau stage, the woman focuses on its sensations in the genitals (ecstatic interactions), so external stimuli becomes not so important.

If at this moment the man will not be able to hold back ejaculation or for various reasons, his erection will weaken, you, of course, is waiting for deep disappointment ... Eresection rings serve as a sudden fall. And you thought it was an unnecessary perversion?

4. Orgasm

All physiological indicators reach their peak. Blood pressure and pulse rises as much as possible. Rhythmic intimate muscle contractions occur. Sometimes the limbs are not easy and as if they are spashed, the muscles of the face are reduced and "love rash" appears - bright pink spots. There is a discharge. A woman can experience various sensations - take off, explosion, wrestling, waves of pleasure. At the time of orgasm, consciousness narrows and focus only on pleasant sensations and psychological pleasure.

5. Resolution

The frequency of heart rate, blood pressure and breathing normalizes. The chest and the clit return to the initial size. Large and small lips acquire their usual color. The uterus relaxes. A woman feels satisfaction and relaxation. The number of hormones increases. Thanks to oxytocin (hormone of happiness), a woman is experiencing tenderness and attachment to its partner. Enkephalins and endorphins raise the mood and remove thoughts about problems and anxieties. Estrogens prevent the mood to reduce and facilitate the premenstrual symptom.

6. Refractory period

Sometimes comes simultaneously with the stage of permission or after it. Its intensity can occur in different ways or even absent from various women (therefore, for quite a long time, they talked about this period as the peculiarities of the male orgasm). At this time, the continuation of any sexual stimulation is perceived painfully. That is, not every woman can, king, immediately start again.

Previously allocated:

Prior to the most important studies of American sexologists W. Masters and V. Johnson in the 60-70s. Our century physiological reactions to sexual arousal were little known.

These studies, which consisted of a series of objective observations for the sexual cycles of volunteers in the laboratory, showed that Sexual reactions during the Koitus are divided into four phases:

1) the excitation phase;

2) the phase of maintaining excitation at the same level ("plateau phase");

3) the orgasm phase;

4) Phase of permission or voltage removal phase.

These phases of the sexual cycle are not always so clearly observed and felt. In addition, we are talking only about physiological reactions, which in real life of a person do not exist separately, out of thoughts, feelings, extension of the partner reactions, the atmosphere of relations, etc. The initiation from the point of view of physiology is provided by a person with two mechanisms: blood tide in the tissues genital organs and women's mammary glands and an increase in muscle tension not only in these organs, but in the whole body.

First phase excitation -

it occurs in response to erotic stimulation, which causes the response of the human body. Stimulation is not necessarily physical nature, as already mentioned, it can also be psychological mechanisms. In women, the first physiological response to sexual arousal is the formation of vaginal (vaginal) lubricant. Often it appears in 20-30 seconds after the start of erotic stimulation. Naturally, everything we are talking about now, there is only against the background of psychological (emotional) readiness for contact. The appearance of the vaginal lubricant is due to the tide of the blood to the walls of the vagina, as a result of which the particular fluid of the mucous membrane of the vagina is distinguished. It first allocated in the form of individual droplets, further, if all that happens corresponds to the characteristics of the woman, the entire inner surface of the vagina is moistened. The initial excitation and selection of lubrication can be invisible not only for a sexual partner, but also for the woman itself. The intensity of the selection, the composition and smell of vaginal lubricant have their own characteristics of each woman and may change during life. There is no connection between the amount of lubrication allocated and the level of excitement of a woman, from a physiological point of view, its purpose is the preparation of a vagina to contact with a sexual member.

In the same phase, other changes from the genital organs occur: sex lips are revealed, interior Vagina increases in volume and uterus raised up. Also increases the amount of small lips and the clitoris swelling occurs, the nipples swell, the venous pattern of the breast is enhanced, and all the iron increases slightly in the amount.

The described reactions of the excitation phase are not always going on the increasing. Often there is a decrease in reactivity, a decrease in the level of sexual excitation. This may occur due to internal factors (anxiety, fatigue, lack of true attraction to the partner, hurry, etc.). In addition, the same phenomena can be as a reaction to distracting sounds, unexpected or inconsistent behavior of a partner, etc. Highly an important point is the coincidence of the real behavior of the sexual partner with the expected and preferred. The more mismatch, the greater the chances of the excitation decline.

It should be said that in general the loss of spontaneity of sexual reactions, the emergence of thoughts and anxiety about the potency, the success of Koitus themselves "break" the flow of physiological reactions and can be a brake for both men and for a woman.

Second phase - plateau -

it is characterized by the fact that the level of excitation is preserved (does not fall, but does not increase). To say something defined about the duration of this period is difficult - everyone has its own characteristics. If a man has difficulty in the sense of a very short time of Koitus, then the duration of this phase can be almost inconspicuous, if, on the contrary, he has problems with ejaculation - the time of this phase can be expressed by dozens of minutes and accompanied by the emotions of fatigue and extension, and not awkwardness.

During the period "Plateau", women have a very interesting phenomenon (by the way, it is first observed by W. Masters and V. Johnson). It consists in the fact that due to the growing excitement and tide of the blood occurs , named by the authors of research "Organic cuff", that is, the narrowing of the vagina by thirty, and sometimes more percent. This means that with the harmony of relations of sexual partners, the vagina seems to be "adjusted" to any sexual member, regardless of the features of the shape and size. The deep logic of what is happening is also confirmed by the fact that in the part of the vagina, located further from the entrance, at the same time, on the contrary, there is an expansion, the meaning of which in creating the ideal conditions for sperm. That is why this phenomenon of specialists call the formation of a "seed bag".

But the clitoris, oddly enough, maybe at this time, as it were, "leave", that is, it closes with large lips increasing due to the tide. At this time, indirect stimulation of the clitoris is quite effective by impact on large sex lips.

Small sex lips in this period increase two or three times and change color. It was found that if erotic stimulation continues, the next phase of a woman would have an orgasm. At the same time, half of women and a quarter of men have something named "germ", that is, redness, the most pronounced in the chest, the top of the abdomen, neck and face.

The third phase is an orgasm -

This is the shortest phase of the sexual cycle, it lasts a few seconds. But these seconds stand a lot, no wonder the orgasm is considered the highest point of solvents, culmination.

It is very difficult to describe this particular orgasm, since, on the one hand, it is quite common feelings, on the other - it proceeds in different ways not only different peoplebut also in different periods of human life. The differences in the feeling of orgasm may be due to both physiological causes (illness, fatigue, fatigue, etc.) and psychological (feelings for the partner, mood, features of the partner's behavior, etc.).

Almost until the middle of the 20th century, there has been a mass of assumptions assessed today as obsolete, incorrect and unclear. It should be said that these considerations regarding female orgasm were often expressed (and alas, often expressed by) doctors. First of all, this belief is that women do not tend to feel orgasm at all. Of course, this reflected the traditions and values \u200b\u200bof society. Let us remember how boys and girls become adults ("sex for men, love for women"). For men, "it is necessary", for women - "marital debt." Testing, and most importantly - to demonstrate an orgasm for women was considered indecent. There is an English proverb, translated into the Russian sounding like this: "Lady does not move," that is, a real lady, a lady, cannot show some feelings in Koitus, it only "inferior" with a man who "it is necessary."

Also refuted the provision on the types of female orgasm (vaginal, clit, uterine). Orgasm - a single reaction obtained by stimulation of various erogenous zones, but having a single process flowing in the brain. Divide the orgasm on the "trigger" part of the body is meaningless.

At the heart of sensations with orgasm, women are about the same experiences. This is: acute pleasant sensations in the clitoris area that extend to the entire pelvis area; The feeling of the "heat wave", diverting from the genitals throughout the body, and "vaginal pulsation", that is, the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic bottom. Some women describe the feeling of weightlessness and criminalization of orgasm.

Infinite disputes of specialists (and non-specialists, of course), is an orgasm required for each sexual intercourse and how to evaluate the compassion (full or not?) If it would end without orgasm for a woman.

More medieval doctors talked about the female "satisfaction without orgasm." And today, many experts adhere to the opinions about the fact that for most women is desirable, but not necessary condition for achieving sexual satisfaction. That is, a woman has an orgasm as it can paint, increases pleasure, but his absence does not exclude sexual satisfaction.

The fourth phase is permission -

completes the reaction of the sexual cycle. In this phase, all the phenomena described gradually disappear in the reverse order. Women gradually disappears the organic cuff, the uterus moves back to its original position, the small sex lips become paler and decrease to the initial sizes, the vagina is narrowed, and the clitoris acquires its usual look. Milk glands are also returned to the initial state.

It can be said that the task of the permission phase is the refund of all organs and human body systems to the initial level.

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