The delight of suffocation. Sexual fetishes. Variants of norm or deviation? Sexual asphyxia: a physiological point of view

Mechanical asphyxiation is a state of oxygen deficiency caused by the physical blockage of the path of air movement or the inability to make respiratory movements due to external restrictions.

Situations in which a person's body is compressed by external objects, or when external objects have injured the face, neck or chest, are usually referred to as traumatic asphyxia.

In contact with

Mechanical asphyxia - what is it?

For the diagnostic classification of diseases associated with asphyxiation, the International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision is used. Mechanical asphyxiation MKB 10 has the code T71 if suffocation occurred during squeezing (strangulation). Strangulation due to obturation - T17. Compression asphyxiation due to crushing by earth or other rocks - W77. Other causes of mechanical suffocation - W75-W76, W78-W84 - including suffocation with a plastic bag, inhalation and ingestion of food, foreign body, accidental strangulation.

Mechanical asphyxia develops rapidly, begins with a reflex holding of breath, often accompanied by loss of consciousness within the first 20 seconds. Vital signs with classic strangulation go through 4 stages in sequence:

  1. 60 s - onset of respiratory failure, increase heart rate(up to 180 beats / min) and pressure (up to 200 mm Hg), the attempt to inhale prevails over the attempt to exhale;
  1. 60 s - convulsions, blue discoloration, decreased heart rate and pressure, the attempt to exhale prevails over the attempt to inhale;
  1. 60 s - short-term cessation of breathing;
  1. up to 5 minutes - intermittent irregular breathing persists, vital signs fade away, the pupil dilates, respiratory paralysis occurs.
In most cases, death with complete cessation of breathing occurs within 3 minutes.

Sometimes sudden cardiac arrest may be the cause. In other cases, an intermittent heartbeat may persist for up to 20 minutes after the onset of suffocation.

Types of mechanical asphyxia

Mechanical suffocation is usually divided into:

  • Strangulation-strangulation;
  • choking-obturation;
  • suffocation from compression.

Strangulation asphyxia

Strangulation is the mechanical closure of something, in the context of asphyxia, the airway.


When hanging, the airway is closed with a rope, cord or any other long elastic object that can be tied with one side to a fixed base, and with the other, fixed in the form of a loop around the person's neck. Under the influence of gravity, the rope squeezes the neck, blocking the flow of air. However, more often death when hanging occurs not from a lack of oxygen, but due to the following reasons:

  • Fracture and crushing I and / or II cervical vertebra with a displacement of the spinal cord relative to the medulla oblongata - provides 99% mortality almost instantly;
  • increased intracranial pressure and extensive cerebral hemorrhage.

In rare cases, hanging can take place without the use of elastic objects, for example, from squeezing the neck with a fork in a tree, moving a stool, chair, or other rigid elements that are geometrically located so that they can be clamped.

Of all strangulation suffocations, death from asphyxia through hanging occurs most rapidly - often within the first 10-15 seconds. Among the reasons can be named:

  • Localization of compression in the upper part of the neck poses the greatest threat to life;
  • a high degree of trauma due to a sharp significant load on the neck;
  • minimal possibility of self-rescue.

Loop elimination

Damage and marks characteristic of mechanical asphyxia

The strangulation groove (trace) from hanging is characterized by clarity, unevenness, openness (the free end of the loop is not pressed against the neck); shifted to the top of the neck.

The groove from the forced strangulation by the noose runs along the entire neck without a break (if there were no interfering objects, for example, fingers between the noose and the neck), uniform, often non-horizontal, accompanied by visible hemorrhages in the larynx region, as well as in the places where knots, rope overlaps are located, is located closer towards the center of the neck.

Traces of strangulation by hands are scattered all over the neck in the form of hematomas in places of maximum squeezing of the neck with fingers and / or in places where the skin folds and is pinched. Nails leave additional marks in the form of scratches.

When compressed by the knee, as well as by pinching the neck between the shoulder and forearm, there is often no visual damage to the neck. But forensic experts easily differentiate these types of strangulation from all others.

With compression asphyxia, due to large-scale disturbances in the movement of blood, there is a strong blue discoloration of the face, upper chest, and limbs of the victim.

White and blue asphyxiation

Signs of suffocation of white and blue asphyxia

Cyanosis, or bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, is a standard feature of most asphyxia. This is due to factors such as:

  • Changes in hemodynamics;
  • increased pressure;
  • congestion venous blood in the head and limbs;
  • oversaturation of blood with carbon dioxide.

The most dramatic bluish tinge are those affected by mechanical compression of the body.

White asphyxia accompanies suffocation, in which the main symptom is rapidly increasing heart failure. This happens when drowning by flooding (type I). In the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, white asphyxia is possible with other mechanical suffocation.

Traumatic asphyxiation

Traumatic asphyxia is understood as compression asphyxia resulting from an injury in an accident, at work, during man-made and natural disasters, as well as any other damage leading to the impossibility or restriction of breathing.

The reasons

Traumatic asphyxiation occurs for the following reasons:

  • the presence of external mechanical obstacles that impede the performance of respiratory movements;
  • jaw injuries;
  • neck injuries;
  • gunshot, knife and other wounds.


Symptoms develop with varying intensity, depending on the degree of compression of the body. The key sign is a total circulatory disorder, externally expressed in severe edema and bluish tinge of the parts of the body that were not subjected to compression (head, neck, limbs).

Other symptoms include broken ribs, collarbones, and coughing.

Signs of external wounds and trauma:

  • bleeding;
  • displacement of the jaws relative to each other;
  • other traces of external mechanical impact.


Hospitalization required. The main focus is on the normalization of blood circulation. Infusion therapy is performed. Bronchodilators are prescribed. Organs damaged by trauma often require surgery.

Forensic medicine of mechanical asphyxia

Modern forensic science has accumulated a large amount of information that makes it possible, by direct and indirect signs, to establish the time and duration of asphyxiation, the participation of other persons in suffocation / drowning, and, in some cases, to accurately determine the perpetrators.

Mechanical strangulation is often violent. For this reason outward signs Asphyxiation is critical when a court decides on the cause of death.

The video discusses the rules for artificial respiration and chest compressions


Mechanical asphyxiation is traditionally the most criminalized of all types of suffocation. Moreover, for centuries, strangulation has been used as a punishment for crimes committed. Thanks to such a "wide" practice, today we have knowledge about the symptoms, course, duration of mechanical suffocation. It is not difficult to define violent strangulation for modern forensic science.

Asphyxiophilia, also autoasphyxiophilia, sexual asphyxia (aggl. Erotic asphyxiation) - sexual deviation, which consists in the deliberate restriction of oxygen access to the lungs and brain in order to achieve sexual pleasure. Asphyxiophilia is classified as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. It is a very dangerous practice and needs to be controlled by the sexual partner, as it can cause loss of consciousness, immobility and death. Asphyxiophilia is often carried out in front of a video camera or mirror. In asphyxiophilia, other sexual deviations are sometimes observed, such as fetishistic transvestism (about twenty percent of cases) and masochism (about eleven percent of cases).

History of asphyxiophilia

Historically, the practice of asphyxiophilia was documented as early as the beginning of the 17th century. It was first used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Most likely, this idea appeared in connection with the observation of persons who were executed by hanging. Spectators of the public hangings noted that during the execution, men developed an erection, which sometimes remained after death; some men ejaculated when hanging. Ejaculation could be carried out in the hanged and after death, which is associated with the phenomenon of disseminated muscle relaxation (another mechanism that people who practice asphyxiophilia are trying to find).

Physiology of asphyxiophilia

A short-term restriction of oxygen supply to the brain and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in it causes a state of dizziness, a strong general relaxation, which is accompanied by sexual arousal. Researcher George Shuman describes the following effect. When the human brain is deprived of oxygen, a conscious, half-hallucinogenic condition called hypoxia occurs. Hypoxia combined with orgasm produces a strong sense of pleasure.

Causes of asphyxiophilia

Psychoanalytic theories view the victims of autoerotic death from the point of view of the eroticization of helplessness, weakness and the threat to life, which is overcome through survival through asphyxiophilia. This creates a sense of success. In the book Autoerotic Fatalities (Dietz et. Al., 1983), the authors show that the most common psychological processes underlying asphyxiophilia are the desire for the subjective experience of hypoxia, performed from masochistic fantasy, which includes the desire to be humiliated, tortured and sexually aroused. through risk. Some adolescents may try to practice asphyxiophilia and then move on in that direction for no clear reason.

Methods of asphyxiophilia

The methods provided here are for encyclopedic purposes only and are in no way a call to action!
These actions are life-threatening and are categorically not recommended for use in sexual practice!

As a rule, the following methods of asphyxiophilia are used, which limit the supply of oxygen to the lungs and brain:

  • compression (squeezing the abdomen or chest);
  • strangulation (hanging and strangling);
  • the use of chemicals;
  • blocking the flow of oxygen through the mouth and nose, placing the head in water, gas mask, bag or other sealed container;
  • blocking the airways with duct tape, rags, etc.

Sometimes complex mechanisms are used to achieve the desired effect (for example, hydraulic devices)

Victims of asphyxiophilia

In the United States of America, between 250 and 1000 deaths of asphyxiophilia are recorded annually. Choking from asphyxiophilia can often be mistaken for suicide, the leading cause of death in adolescents (in part because other family members can eliminate evidence of paraphilic activity).

Death often occurs when loss of consciousness caused by partial asphyxiation leads to a loss of control over the mechanisms of suffocation, as a result of which the asphyxiation continues and ends in death. Although asphyxiophilia is quite common in having sex with a partner, many asphyxiophiles engage in dangerous activities alone, making this behavior potentially more difficult to cope with. In some cases, the body of a victim of asphyxiophilia was found naked, sometimes hands squeezed the penis. This is often accompanied by pornographic material or sex toys, as well as signs of orgasm before death. The average age of victims of an asphyxiophilic accident is approximately twenty-five years, but deaths have been observed in adolescents and men in their seventies. Autoerotic death is often defined as murder, especially when it occurs in the presence of a partner.

Treatment of asphyxiophilia

Few practitioners of asphyxiophilia turn to specialists for treatment. Combinations of cognitive behavioral therapy and medications(for example, the antiandrogenic hormone medroxyprogesterone and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to relieve depression and reduce sex drive).

Sexual behavior and sexual disorders in humans
General concepts sexology Andropause Asexuality Wollust Homosexuality Cavernous bodies Clitoris Libido Masturbation Masters and Johnson Orgasm Pigasm Sexual arousal Penis Promiscuity Sexual norm Tantric sex G-spot Transsexuality Sexual response cycle Orgasm control Frustration Benjamin scale Erexia scale Erexia Tanner scale
Sexual dysfunctions Anorgasmia Vaginismus Venous leakage Hypogonadism Dyspareunia Clitoris Menopause Penile fracture Early ejaculation Erectile dysfunction
Sexology manipulation Vaginoplasty Labioplasty Ligamentotomy Wurn's technique Penile enlargement Clitoris enlargement G-spot enlargement Kegel exercises
Sexual deviations Asphyxiophilia

Erotic hanging of a girl using a non-tightening loop and a heavy counterweight

Autoasphyxiophilia, asphyxiophilia, sexual / erotic asphyxiation, sexual / erotic suffocation, breath control games- a form of abnormal sexual activity associated with the use of drugs that limit the access of oxygen to the lungs and / or to the brain to enhance the sensations associated with sexual release. Excitation occurs when there is a short-term restriction of oxygen supply to the brain and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the brain. Causes a state of dizziness and strong relaxation of the whole body, accompanied by sexual arousal. It is one of the forms of BDSM -practice, related methods associated with obtaining euphoria and other effects, without sexual pleasure - games with asphyxia and holotropic breathing.

It is carried out most often either by imposing a loop of a thick rope (belt, rag tape) on the throat and short-term strong tightening followed by loosening, or by pulling the sealed bag over the head and pulling it around the neck - the so-called bagging (from the English bagging, derived from bag - bag ).

It is a rather dangerous practice and requires mandatory control from the partner, as it can lead to loss of consciousness and immobilization of the partner. It is associated with a serious risk to the life of the subject: in the United States, according to experts, there are annually from two hundred to one thousand cases of autoerotic death associated with such actions.


The following methods are commonly used to limit the supply of oxygen to the brain:

  • Strangulation (stranglehold, hanging).
  • Compression (squeezing the chest or abdomen).
  • Shutting off the flow of air into the mouth and nose or placing the head in an airtight container: gas mask, bag, water, etc.
  • Use of chemicals.
  • Closing the airway with rags, duct tape, etc.

Characteristics of victims of autoasphyxiophilia

As a rule, an asphyxiophile hides his activities from everyone, even from the closest people, therefore, the presence of this deviation becomes known only when such activity leads to death. Most of the known asphyxiophiles are men, average age at the time of death - 26.5 years. Quite often, such hobbies appear in adolescence.

Approximately 11% of autoasfixiophiles have sadomasochistic tendencies associated with the performance of appropriate actions, and 20% change into women's clothing with its activity.

Male asphyxiophiles use sophisticated devices to avoid death; women, on the contrary, tend to use the simplest means of achieving hypoxia. Often the act of asphyxiation is performed in front of a mirror or video camera.


  • Deryagin G.B. Criminal sexology. A course of lectures for law schools. M., 2008.552 s

As promised, the material on erotic asphyxiation

The sweet death

Every year from 500 to 1000 people in the world die from the so-called scarf (from the English scarf). It is about women and men who hanged themselves during masturbation. No, they do not want to commit suicide, but only strive for "light strangulation", throw a noose in order to get special pleasure. The fact is that there is a myth in sexual folklore that the cessation (at the time of orgasm) of the blood flow to the brain multiplies the intensity of orgasm. So say people who have escaped such a dangerous erotic ecstasy.

Some scientists, such as Harvey Resnick, professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University Graduate School of Medicine, believe that brief stupefaction caused by asphyxiation stimulates the release of endogenous opiates into the brain (endorphins). They cause an incredible, almost narcotic, experience of orgasm. Unfortunately, sometimes the loop is tightened more than expected. And then, due to a short-term clouding of consciousness, the victim is not able to quickly untie the scarf, tie or string with which he "made love" ...

G. Vladimirov, a researcher at the All-Union Suicidological Center, comments:
Famous American dancer Isadora Duncan strangled by her own
car, wrapping her too long scarf on its wheel. What was she experiencing in those last seconds? ..
In my practice as a suicidologist, I have had to deal with self-hanging more than once. I remember a guy who "on a bet" with a girl that he would be able to get out of the loop on his own, hung on a rope tied to a water heating pipe. He lost the argument, but, fortunately, survived. And it was he who first asked me this question: what is the connection between suffocation and orgasm?
In the brain there are two centers of orgasm: cortical and subcortical. The cortical center provides a conscious influence on orgasm, for example, when it is necessary to delay its onset or reduce the manifestation of ecstasy. The subcortical center organizes the automatic flow of orgasm at a physiological, unconscious level.
Cortical nerve cells are more sensitive to lack of oxygen than subcortex cells. Therefore, when suffocating, the cortical center of orgasm is turned off first. As a result, the subcortical center is disinhibited, the level of sexual arousal increases.
In addition, the sleepy plexus squeezed by the rope bombard the brain with pain impulses. The brain, as usual in shock, urgently produces endomorphin and with its help falls into self-anesthesia.

But that's not the whole trick. None of the most considerate lovers is more focused on approaching orgasm than the scarfinger. From the fear of completely losing self-control, he is maximally focused on his feelings, and this exacerbates them to the limit.
You ask, what about masochism in scarfingers? Yes, the use of excruciating sensations to obtain an orgasm is characteristic of masochists.

A coincidence may play a role here. unpleasant sensations and sexual arousal, because an impressionable child conditioned reflex generated at a time. A hereditary predisposition to this psychosexual type is also possible.
What else is the difference between scarfingers? Known for adventurism and risk taking. But that's not all. The deep psychological aspect should not be overlooked. What is a strangled person? It is an utterly helpless and therefore extremely arousing victim. And if he looks at himself in the process of strangling from the side (and this can be done literally - with the help of a video recording or a simple mirror) - then what depths of his own "I" open up to him? Alas, this is a very dangerous science. After all, annually up to 1000 people die from erotic self-strangulation in the USA alone. Therefore, the first piece of advice: if you cannot cope with the craving for this transcendental sensation, experiment only with a reliable partner. For at the onset of death, all the sensations known to you end.

After the sexual revolution in America, many recognized that. Articles that talked about the sinfulness or harm of sex and everything that may be associated with it have almost completely disappeared. And now we are talking about autoerotic asphyxia ...

Everyone understands that the desire of many people, especially young people, to assert themselves at the expense of the status of "the most desirable" or "alpha male" may not serve their health very well, especially with the gradual withering of the body, when there are no more youth resources. But hot blood takes its toll and a huge number of "gourmets" appear who practice different types and ways of sex. For the most part, such practices are called "perversions", although it is rather difficult to say where the experiment ends and the perversion begins. Moreover, psychological interaction with a partner always requires us to provide additional energy, which we are sometimes not ready to spend. Thus, experiments are born during an autoerotic act, easier - masturbation.

Previously, any female masturbation was considered extremely harmful. It was banned, as it was considered the cause of hysteria and, as well as a number of other ailments. For this they could even be put in something like a psychiatric hospital. And the male was not considered something normal, although it was more acceptable.

Now many do not consider masturbation something sinful or unacceptable and actively practice autoerotic gratification and, of course, many are bored with it. Thus, among other things, self-strangulation during masturbation appeared. Many argue that this way they get a wider range of pleasures, and the sensations are deeper. And this has a physiological basis.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of sex. During any high-quality sexual intercourse, the heartbeat accelerates quite sharply and without harm to the body. This is a natural cardio workout. Stimulating the "lower chakra" allows the body to release many hormones that have a beneficial effect on the body and make this act of physical activity more effective and enjoyable, for example. Expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the brain also sharpens all the senses. Testosterone strengthens bones, oxygen saturates tissues, hormones normalize functions internal organs... Massaging the muscles of the lower press, internal tissues, as well as organs of internal secretion, for example, contribute to a long and healthy life... At the same time, no one doubts that it would be better to do all this with a partner. But the positive effect remains even if the person does everything himself.

So what happens when you strangle? Oxygen is cut off sharply, the system does not receive a vital component and announces an alarm, even more hormones are released, which further increase susceptibility and sensitivity. The same adrenaline increases the conduction of nerve impulses. But that's not all. If strangulation is carried out at the peak of the autoerotic act, then the brain overloaded with pleasure signals will first turn off all other thoughts, if they were still present, since it simply will not have reserves for this. But after that, most likely, if you do everything right, there will be a total relaxation of the body. All this contributes to the deepening of those sensations that accompany ordinary sex.

But, it is easy to guess that such activity is dangerous. When this is practiced with a partner, then there is always a chance in case of unforeseen circumstances to call an ambulance and provide the first medical assistance... But the act of masturbation is still shy. The act itself is kept secret, which is logical and understandable, but all the more fear is that all the perversions that complement this entertainment will become known to the public, albeit a very narrow circle of people. Thus, self-strangulation is done in secret from the rest.

According to data for 2005-2007, approximately every thirty seconds, someone died of autoerotic strangulation. Data for later periods could not be found. Distinguishing autoasphyxia from suicide is sometimes difficult. Entire areas of forensic science specialize in this aspect.

A fairly predictable fact is that most of the victims of autoerotic asphyxia are young men. This is also due to the fact that they tend to rather complex designs, which gradually deprive them of air. Girls prefer more simple ways... At the same time, pulling something around the neck is by no means the only way. There is also the possibility of compressing the chest or blocking the airways, taking special medications that prevent the absorption of air into the blood, or pulling the bag over your head, for example. In fact, ingenuity knows no bounds. And all such "operations" are potentially dangerous. After all, the main thing here is to call oxygen starvation in the brain.

To summarize, it is not worth provoking asphyxia on your own under any circumstances. This is very dangerous indeed. If you have a partner you trust, please. I will not say "to health", but this is your life, your right. But the main thing is to make sure that both of you know how to act in case someone goes too far. Knowing how to provide first aid in this case will most likely save someone's life. And for self-satisfaction, there are many other pleasant and interesting ways... No one forbids experimenting, but only so that after that no one cries at your grave. Yes, and over a stranger, too, is not worth it, even if it is a fatal accident.

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