How to develop thin human bodies. Thin bodies in human energy and their properties. The rest of the main Nadi

In the classic understanding of the essence of Aura, today the following highlights can be distinguished. It is considered generally recognized that the main condition for the successful mental activity of man is a healthy and well-developed aura. It has a positive impact on man's personal qualities and their development, but, on the other hand, the stronger the person becomes spiritually - the more strengthened it. In addition, it is the most effective barrier on the path of any malicious effects from the outside. Thus, a fairly powerful aura is capable of behaving in itself to a certain extent to influence the course of events. At the same time B. real life The power of a powerful and developed spiritual aura can stretch very far beyond the physical presence of a person who has it.

However, for the completeness of the picture to the foregoing, it is necessary to add the concept of the energy structure of the human body, which is generally accepted in esoteric knowledge systems.

In fact, in the fact that a person has a physical body that is not only available to our immediate perception, but also a few "thin" bodies, today there is no doubt - it is recognized even "academic" bodies, their structure, functions, and t. d., But these are issues of terminology or copyright interpretations.

Nevertheless, the main conclusion that can be made from this model of the structure of a person is clear. If we really consume not only from various substances (matter, ether, etc.), but also from various thin bodies, each of which can be viewed as part of a separate world (physical, astral, etc.), - a person is, in fact, the most complex system of interpenetrating worlds .

Field interactions

Used figurative thinkingWe can imagine a relatively visual model of such a system. To explain, you can take a regular piece of sugar. This is a crystal structure. Sugar is impregnated with liquid (it is not essential to notice that, according to modern concepts, individual liquids can be considered as liquid crystals). Any liquid can be saturated with gas. Next and fluid, and gas can be ionized by radiation. This gives another level of interpenetration. As a result, we have four interpenetrating media at the same time in one subject. For an external observer, they exist in each other; In this case, areas of heterogeneity may occur. It depends on the degree of saturation and penetration, as well as on the uneven structures of the density and energy concentration.

As already mentioned, it is practically generally accepted that the aggregate of intangible, thin, energy - they also call them differently, but the essence of the human bodies and form his aura together. And today has been developed a special technique for photography, allowing to see the human aura. Note, however, that in such pictures a single structure is recorded, that is, all the bodies or shells are fixed as something whole.

This is consistent with the bioflasp theory, which is trying to explain everything from the standpoint of classical physics. For biology as a lively substance science, the concept of a biological field is as fundamentally as a concept gravitational field For physics. To date, there is a bioflasp theory that, trying to explore the features energy structure And the person's appropriate structures, considers all the actual material as lying either in the sphere of bodily sensations, or as manifestations of oscillations of the general psycho-physiological tone of the body, unlike the views of esoteric science. Supporters of this theory, as a rule, avoid appeal to various kinds of "otherworldly" forces and entities, but seek to explain all with objective biophysical processes; This system, in contrast to esoteric, does not oppose itself the usual picture of the world, and trying to organically link himself with her. Performing in relation to biological objects in fact, the same function, which, with respect to physical objects, performs a hypothetical gravitational field, the biological field seems to be something no less real.

Thin fields

We are talking about the subtle bodies of a person, or its energy shells. First of all, it should be noted the fact that energy fields The person is distinguished by heterogeneity and considerable variability. The coarsest fields can be felt almost any person, and even without any preparation. These energy media have their own channels in the physical body. They practically correspond to the "Meridians", which are used in traditional Eastern reflexology. The needles are introduced into separate points through meridians. These channels occur on the verge of contacting muscles, ligaments and bones, in many places to significantly deepen into the body.

It is more difficult to feel (not to mention to see) the fields, much more subtle. Nevertheless, we have a set of descriptions compiled by psychics - people who, by virtue of their special susceptibility, are available special, "energy" vision. Below is one of these descriptions.

Energy form more or less even concentric spheres around the physical body. In a healthy person, normally, energy originates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown, spilling like a solid fountain in all directions; Then, in the crotch area, the current changes to the reverse for a new lift to the source. A person, just as the heart leads to the flow of blood, performs the movement of planes and energy volumes around its body. The inverse and cyclic movement of the energy occurs, apparently because their structures are comparable to the structures of earthly gravity. The energies of the most spiritually developed representatives of humanity have the ability to "pop up" in coarse, heavier energy layers of the physical plan and therefore can arbitrarily change the direction of movement, depending on the will their host. Being in such a spiritual field. A person feels lightness and freedom. At the state of the fields, you can judge the state of a person or the surrounding environment. For example, at a completely healthy person, the field has exactly designated surfaces with deep and juicy staining. Any thought coloring these spheres is somewhat new.

With a systematic leakage of the field energy, the pear shape is acquired, a wide side of the downward. Due to the fact that the fields themselves, as one of the components of a person, are very inhomogeneous, their energy diversity is ordered by the structure of thin bodies.

Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection.

Thin bodies

It is believed that a person, in addition to the usual, physical body, has a few other invisible (under normal conditions) tel. There are many such theories. Even in the classic Christian interpretation, a person consists of body, spirit and soul. In eastern esoteric schools with various variations The existence of seven and more "subtle" human bodies is approved. At the same time it is understood that all these bodies, or fields, permeate the physical, material body - as in the example of a slightly higher example, water impresses a piece of sugar, and so on.

The most important is the moment that in addition to physical there are also subtle bodies. There is no consensus about the number of these bodies, or the shells, until there is, and the terminology is sufficiently conditional. Therefore, here we give their description on B. Brennan, which most fully consistent with almost any esoteric knowledge systems, on the one hand, is confirmed by individual scientific data, on the other.

located both inside and around our . They permeate it like the way the water impresses the sponge.

Essential body

The first subtle body is the essential, or the human energy body. This body is a copy of the physical body. It definitely repeats its silhouette, going beyond its limits by 3-5 cm. The essential body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs. It consists of a special type of matter called ether. The ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter, which consists of our world, and even thinner than the essential, types of matter. From the ether there are the body of many entities, mention of which we meet in mystical literature. Anyone, if desired, can see a bluish ether bodies around his fingers, if you look at them with dispersed eyes on a white background. In addition, photographed the essential body allows the well-known Kirlyan effect. The color of the essential body, as described by psychics, varies from light blue to gray. In a sensitive person, it has a bluish tint, at a athletically folded, physically strong person in the ethereal body is dominated by gray tones. The etheric body forms the so-called "energy matrix" of the human body, which corresponds to the organs of the physical body. The distortions arising in the human energy body lead first to the disorder, and then to the reincarnation of the physical body organs (their diseases). Most psychics feel the hands of distortion just the energy body, and the corrections contribute. In case of proper impact, after the correction of the energy body, the physical body is healing. In the same body, there are various energy flows, including energy meridians, on which they affect the acupuncture and acupressure. Since the essential body completely repeats the physical, it is sometimes called the essential twin of the person. After the death of man, the essential body dies on the 9th day.

Astral body

Otherwise - the body of emotions. It consists of a thinner matter than the essential. This body is 5-10 cm goes beyond the limits of the physical body and does not have such a clearly defined form as the ethereal. It is a continuously transfusable colored energy bunches. In a non-modest person, this body has a fairly uniform and discharged. In a very emotional person, these multi-colored clots are more dense and dense - outbreaks of negative emotions manifest as bunches of the energies of "heavy", dark flowers: crimson, red, brown, gray, black, etc. If the person is emotional, but leaving Energy in the emotional body relatively quickly resolve. In the presence of protracted negative emotions (insult, aggressiveness, etc.), thickens of negative emotional energy arise, which may remain almost unchanged very long time. Such formations are capable of negatively affect human health. According to the colors of the astral body, it is possible to determine which emotions to a greater degree inherent in this person. Astral energies create a whole so-called "astral plan", where many entities live, of which Egregors are the most important (they can arise from subtle energy not only as an astral, but also the next, mental plan). In addition, all entities created by people in dreams live on the astral plan. The brighter there was a dream, the longer his objects can persist on the astral plan. The astral plan has several levels (or floors), and one can boldly assert that the lower floors of the astral are the lower floors of the subtle world. All the astral plan takes 6 floors in the small world. A person has the opportunity to consciously get into the astral body to this plan and watch what is happening there. After the death of man, his astral body dies on the 40th day. The remaining, thinner bodies can remain on the astral plan much longer when it is due to karmic interactions.

Mental body

The third body of a person is called a mental body. This is the body of thoughts and knowledge of man. It is very developed by scientists, researchers and in general people whose life defines predominantly thoughtful work, and significantly less - people who are busy in most part. The mental body goes beyond the limits of 10-20 cm and as a whole repeats its contours. It consists of an even decent energy of the mental plan, which takes 7-8 floors of the subtle world. The mental body has a bright yellow color, outgoing from a man's head and spreading all his body. When a person is tensely reflects, the mental body expands and becomes brighter. In the mental body you can distinguish the bunches of energies, reflecting our beliefs and stable thoughts, - they are called thoughtforms.

Minds can consist of energy only a mental body if our beliefs are not accompanied by emotions. And if the beliefs are connected to emotions, the thought form is formed by the energy of mental and emotional plans. The more stable the thoughts and conviction of a person, the more clearly outlined by the thought of his mental body. After the death of man, his mental body dies on the 90th day.

More detailed description The thinking is devoted to the next section.

Three thin body discussed above belong to our material world, born and dying together with a person. The next, the fourth body belongs to its immortal component and passes the endless series of reincarnations in the process of reincarnations.

Karmic body

Otherwise, it is called the causal body of man. This is the body of the soul, which contains the causes of all actions of a person and information about his future possible actions. The karmic body has a view of the clouds of multi-colored thin energy clots, which protrudes on 20-30 cm limits the physical body of a person. These bunches are significantly more blurred compared to those that are observed on the body of emotions, and in coloring their brighter tones prevail. After the death of man, his karmic body does not die, but. Included in an endless process of further reincarnations along with other, even thinner bodies.

Intuitive body

The fifth body of a person has different names from different authors, but they are all similar to the definition of its main characteristics: this is a subtle energy body that concentrates the highest unconscious processes. According to B. Brennan terminology, it should be called a decisive essential body. This is the matrix, which builds the first (essential) body. In cases where there is any failure at the level of the first ether body, it is restored according to the template that is laid in the fifth body of a person. It looks like a dark blue oval, leaving 50-60 cm beyond the physical body. Inside the intuitive body there is a lacoon, which completely coincides with the first essential body, which fills it. This is exactly how it defines both its shape and dimensions. However, the fifth body is capable not only to restore, but also distort the essential body - when certain prerequisites for this occurs.

Heavenly body

The next, sixth body, got the name of the celestial body. It extends 60-80 cm. Out of our physical body. Clairvoyants see it as multicolored flame rays emanating from the physical body of a person. It is at the level of this body a person is able to experience the highest feelings - spiritual ecstasy experienced in the process of prayer or meditation.

Kometer body

The seventh body of a person is the highest, its name comes from the Kabbalistic term "ketcher" - the crown. It exits 80-100 cm beyond the physical body. People with high energy this distance may be even more. Looks like a kettle body as a golden egg, in which all other human bodies are concluded. The outer surface of this "Egg" has a protective film with a thickness of 1-2 cm. This film is elastic, but is durable, and prevents the penetration of negative external influences. Inside a golden egg, a gift endowed with a gift of clairvoyance can observe the main power flow connecting its poles and passing through the spine of man. On the surface of the kettle body, color luminous hoops are sometimes visible - they correspond to the bright events in the previous life of a person. This body provides communication with the highest mind, receives information from him the information and transfers back the necessary information.

Cosmic Note

Over the seventh layer of aura, i.e. The kettner body is sometimes distinguished by the eighth and ninth. Each of them, respectively, is associated with the eighth and ninth chakras located above the head and are far from all sources mentioned. Supporters of this concept believe that these layers, or, as they are also called, levels are characterized by very thin vibrations and, corresponding to general rule Alternations of substances and shapes have a crystal structure. The eighth level consists mainly of a liquid substance, and the ninth is a crystal structure - a template for all forms below it. In the literature you can find very little information about these layers, but also not to mention them would be wrong.

based on materials from the book: Bubichenko Mikhail - "Your Aura - the path to spiritual perfection" .

All the subtle bodies of man and their full description

Thin human bodies - energy accomulators, drives of necessary energy, keepers of many potential and human energy systems. In addition, subtle bodies provide the work of physical bodies and human bodies.

Thin bodies - you need to know and develop, because the general success and state of happiness of a person depends on their health and explosion!

Thin human bodies - full description

Any esoteric or yogi knows that a person, besides the physical body, there are also 7 delicate or energy bodies, each of which has its own special functions and features of the structure. It turns out that together with the physical body in the human soul 8 thin bodies. Thin bodies are part of the human energy, some of them (the upper body) are immortal, like the soul, part (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable, with a new embodiment (formation of the physical body), a person forms new lower bodies.

Thin bodies - determine human energy strength, protection and many abilities that are associated directly with these bodies. Each thin body is controlled by one or another. And all together, subtle bodies and form a multi-colored aura of a person. Consider everything in order, and in subsequent articles in more detail every subtle body.

What is the subtle bodies of a person. Definitions, structure, etc.

The subtle bodies of the person are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by the corresponding chakras and intended to hold free energies, the protection of consciousness, fastening other energy systems (abilities, etc.), giving a person to a person in a small world, etc.

There are errors in drawings, they are approximate to create a general presentation.

Basic thin bodies:

  1. Essential (Svaadhisthan Chakra)
  2. Astral (chakra manipura)
  3. Mental (Anahat Chakra)
  4. Karmic (Vishudha)
  5. Buddhic (Ajna)
  6. Spiritual (Sakhasrara)
  7. Absolute (Atman)

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) - physical, he is managed by the chakra of Muladhara.

Each thin body accumulates and keeps the energy of its level, the necessary person for life, development and activities.

Essential body - accumulates essential energy, the astral body - astral, mental - mental, etc.

Each type of energy - has its own characteristics and purpose. Essential - keeps heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy is needed for protection and fighting, this is the energy of force. Mental - for mental work to think, manage thinking and thoughts.

Every subtle body - has its own thickness that different people Different. Energy-developed people, thin bodies - large, powered by energy, then they say - "big man" :) If a person is exhausted - thin bodies can hang on it like rags, one physical body then barely moves.

What gives the development of thin bodies of man?

Each subtle body is a set of its capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what gives - strength, health, pleasure from the feeling of yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance from diseases, etc.

The development of the essential body is the control of the circulatory system, it makes it possible not to shine in winter and do not die from the heat in the summer and many. Dr.

The development of the astral body - gives a person an invulnerability of negative emotions of other people, the ability to influence its energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your subtle bodies?

1. Thin bodies are developing and grow automatically, with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, when implementing a person's aspirations and principles of these chakras. for exampleIf a person is engaged in mental operation, his mental body will develop and grow and grow.

2. Through a targeted set of appropriate energy on a thin body using special esoteric energy set techniques. Regularly filling its thin bodies with energy, the person develops them, they all the time increase and grow, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through the correct lifestyle - such that does not lead to energy exhaustion, but, on the contrary, contributes to the harmonious development of the individual, and accordingly, its subtle bodies. When there is all important in life - sport, hardening, emotional training, relationship, mental work, spiritual development, ministry (social activity), etc.

4. Through the removal from thin bodies and the corresponding chakras of negative, blocking or destructive effects. This person either makes himself if he has for this ability and powers (in meditation, for example), or it helps to make a spiritual healer

In the following article, we consider the main features of all subtle bodies of a person.

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Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the subtle bodies of man, their properties, as well as how they feel. At least I feel them. To date, I feel 4 bodies, sometimes 5. So, in total of the generally accepted for our understanding of 7 fine bodies of a person (in some sources 9).

Thin human body, these are energy systems that are designed to maintain the full functioning of the person as a multidimensional model.

  1. Physical body

Of course, it will certainly not name it, but it is included in the general family of bodies of our existence in this world. It is how it helps us to acquire life experience and implement God's plans. It is thanks to him that we learn to understand this world and interact with him.

Our task, maintain the health of the physical body. Preserving the physical body in good shape helps us better know this world and get the maximum experience. In addition, we can and should become creators of God and help him. Do not ask how slaves, Lord give, and help him create in this world. A big mistake of many people engaged in spiritual practitioners is disregard by their physical body. The body should serve the soul, help her live in this world and it should be healthy.

  1. Essential body

It carries vitality (Prana) and repeats the shape of the human body. Our endurance is depends on the essential body, the health of the physical body. Fatigue or drowsiness also have a dependence on our broadcast.

Many people do not know, but a human essential body is in 2 projections. Firstis located close to the physical body and repeats its shape (see image). When you bring your hand palm to your or someone else's body, you will feel elasticity at a distance of 1-3 cm from the physical body. This is the essential body.

But there is and the other projection of the essential body. She, depending on the strength and infrade, may be several meters or even tens of meters. It is dense and felt quite well. The outer shell is easy to increase and decrease. A few meters, I move it enough enough. I feel it like a gray cheek. The outer ester does not repeat the shape of the physical body, but looks like a cocoon, naturally increasing in nature and decreasing in the premises.

The main task of the ethereal body is to saturate the physical body of the energy. After the death of the physical body, the essential destroys for 9 days.

  1. Astral body

This is the body of emotions and desires, feelings and experiences. It has a thinner structure compared to essential. The astral world is on another frequency and passes through the physical and etheric worlds. The astral body has an egg shape. The physical body depends on him very much. We can say that our physics is formed under the action of the astral body.

That is why, in esoterica, so much time is paid to astral corrections, without considering that the astral body is affected by karmic, and incorrect actions with the astral may not only help, but also aggravate the situation. Most often it is the second.

After the death of the physical body, astral decays for 40 days.

  1. Mental body

This is the body of mind and thoughts. It reflects our beliefs, and has a higher frequency of the structure compared to astral. All religions are also in this body. It is in mental dimension. The brain does not generate thoughts, it simply processes information from mental dimension. It is accepted that the mental body disintegrates 90 days after the death of physical.

Essential, astral and mental bodies die together with physical and constitute the lower triad of the human soul, which is not transmitted to the following embodiments.

  1. Causal (casual, karmic) body

This body forms the consciousness of the soul on the basis of actions, thoughts, human emotions. Here the experience of all incarnations, everything experienced and tested. The karmic body affects our thoughts and actions. It helps to know this world through logical thinking and reasoning.

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All information and experience after the death of the physical body, the casual bodies transmits further. This information forms desires and aspirations.

At times, I manage to feel this body as a need for any actions. Intuition is closely related to this projection.

  1. Budy (spiritual) body

This is the body of consciousness or an intuitive body. Here is information about world view, views, values. A person with a strong budicheological body calmly relates to difficult life situations. He just feel from the inside any situations, and understands the whole game of what is happening.

I really like to be in this dimension when nothing works for you and you feel harmony and freedom.

  1. Atmannic body

This is the highest "I" or the main goal of a person's life. If a person has a developed atmanic body, he feels in himself God's spark. In other words, he feels an obvious connection with the creator.

There are also exist solar and gallactic bodyBut at this stage I do not see the point of it. It is necessary to figure out and feel the first 7 thin bodies of a person. You can write a lot, but will it be true?


Often, 7 thin bodies of a person are portrayed by such a picture.

When I learned to feel subtle bodies in such a picture, I did not understand why I can't feel anything other than the broadcast. Only then realized that this is a conditional image. In fact, everything is wrong. Each structure has its own dimension. And if you take, for example, the mental body (see the picture above), it is in 4th place, but not as painted, but on the 4th place to increase frequency. Those. The most dense body, it is a physical, less dense and higher-frequency - essential, even less dense and high-frequency - astral, etc.

The mental body is not as in the picture in the form of an oval. It changes from thoughts and can be of any size, for example, with our planet or solar system.

The essential body can be more astral, but in frequency it is 2 place after physical.

It's enough for today. I think the general structure and appointment of thin bodies of a person is clear.

Good to you and prudence! Yours faithfully, .

The paradox of the modern stage of development of science is that the more scientists try to move away from the "remnants of the past", the more they are approaching them. The hypothesis that the physical body should not be considered the only component of the person, has long been considered by the most solid researchers. The subtle bodies of man who are invisible to our eye, their forms and the structure fell into the field of view of scientists in the middle of the twentieth century.

What is a subtle body?

Under subtle bodies imply systems that control the energy centers - chakras . Explain in a few words these pretty abstract concepts Unprepared, quite difficult. Some philosophical trends and oriental religions consider subtle bodies of human conductor in other worlds, where they are perceived in the same way as a physical body in the surrounding reality.

Essences of the subtle world, the classification of which will be presented below are divided by esoterics into 2 groups. Some of them are immortal and travels with us from one life to another. The second mortal, as well as the physical body, which is subject to decay after its own death. The concept of subtle bodies should not be confused with the concept of the soul. According to Esoteric, the soul is consciousness, "I", which remains after physical death.

7 thin bodies of man

Non-physical shells - essence of the Thin World, K. lassificationThe ancient teachings left to us allocate 7 energy systems:

  1. Essential body (Energy Center - chakra Svaadhisthana ). It is considered the closest to the physical shell of all subtle bodies. Many people are able to see the essential component of not only living beings, but also inanimate objects. The essential body is responsible for the blood and urinary system of the material shell of a person. It is responsible for immunity and thermoregulation of the body. The shell and itself needs protection. The essential component can damage the wrong way of life and negative emotions. One of the easiest and most affordable ways to support the body are sports.

  2. Astral body (Energy Center - chakra Manipura ). Responsible for our well-being in the astral world. If this body is not damaged and not destroyed, a person is well protected from a negative energy impact, a better known as "damage", "Schalz", "Curse", etc. People who have a healthy astral shell can affect others. In addition, there are special exercises, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to travel in thin world. However, if the traveler permits a mistake, he risks not to return to the physical world.
  3. Mental body (Energy Center - chakra Anahata ). Thin Invisible bodies of man, their forms and buildingsit is necessary to study in order to preserve their health. Each of our intangible substance requires its own power. Mental body needs knowledge, search for truth. For most people, mental activity ends after receiving the profession. And someone stops learning after school. The mental essence of those who do not seek any new knowledge is gradually atrophied. Like any organ of the physical shell, it turns into a rudiment. Without receiving mental progress in this life, the soul is forced to return to the world once again, which has just left or go down to a lower level of development.

  4. Karmic body (Energy Center - chakra Vishudha ). Expressions "Bad karma" and "good karma" are familiar to many people. In fact, karma can not be bad or good. This is a combination of our actions committed in past lives. The task of a new embodiment is not to get a punishment for "bad karma." The soul returns to correct errors.
  5. (Energy Center - chakra Ajna ). Thin human bodies, their shapes, purpose and structure can not always be understood and explained. Buddhic body gets its development only when a person develops its extrasensory abilities. It is important and the process of improvement, and its goal. If you are aiming to become clairvoyant only to earn and become famous, your actions will be considered mercenary, and Buddhic essence will not receive the desired development.

  6. Spiritual body (Energy Center - chakra Sakhasrara ). You can develop this body in several ways, the main of which are the service of God, the struggle against evil on a thin level and spiritual teaching. This entity is revealed at the seventh, the highest level of human development on Earth.

  7. <
  8. Absolute body (Energy Center - chakra Atman. ). The body is developed for those who are called Messias and Great Teachers, what were Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The shell is filled with absolute energy, which comes from the absolute (so sometimes called God, the highest essence). The body may exceed the physical shell in its size.

Thin human bodies, their shapes and the structure have not yet been fully studied by modern scientists. The equipment of the new millennium is not so perfect to know the spiritual substance. Skeptics accustomed to believe only in what can be perceived by the senses. However, even those distant from religion, mystics and philosophy, people recognize that there are worlds and measurements in the invisible to us.

We all have 7 tel. Let's briefly remember (or re-learn) about each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but it is not. Physical body - This is only a real-man's jade, which consists of thin bodies. Our eyes are arranged so to see only tight material objects. But if we develop spiritually, the more advanced areas of the brain and the vision of the finestaterial objects will open. And in our world there are people who seen subtle plans for the surrounding life.

Essential body It is a matrix of a physical body, but in the form of a thin, spiritual and material. If the essential bodies are healthy, then they are automatically healthy and in a dense body. And the essential body will be great when the mental and astral bodies will create healthy and clean organs in it by clean thoughts and good desires.

"Seeing" the essential body seems to be a grayish violet; From him, short pale-bluish rays, the so-called aura of health proceed from it. If these rays are perpendicular to the body surface, the person is healthy; The patient also falls down and confused, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is sick. It is these short rays that are manifestation vitality, repel from the person of the disease.

Some sources put on the explanations of the essential body after the mental - the fourth, - explaining this by the fact that in vibrations that exist modern man With its expanded consciousness, it exceeds both previous ones.

Astral body - The body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are fully monitored by our high-technical bodies, then the need for the body of the Astral will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped person is a cloud unclearly outlined mass of the low-type astral matter, which is capable of responding to animals of lust. The color of it is dim - brown, muddy-red and dirty green tones. Different passions appear in them as heavy waves; So, the sex passion causes a wave of muddy carmine. And the gust of the malice is a red zipper with a bluish tint.

The astral body of a medium-breeding person is larger in size, has a glowing look. And the manifestation of higher emotions causes a wonderful game of flowers. The outlines are clear, it gets similarity with its owner. And the "wheels" chakras in it is already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is a wonderful sight of radiance and painting. Unprecedented shades appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the "Wheel" indicates the activities of higher centers; The absence of coarse particles makes it unable to respond to the vibrations of low desires and they rush past, without attracting and not assigious.

Thinking or Mental body It is given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has higher vibrations than astral, and when it is turned on completely, the astral body is not involved in working together. The mental body is an expression of a person, but the synthesis of incarnation is preserved in the highest, immortal nature of man.
It develops by purifying thoughts and expansion of consciousness.

In a highly developed person, it is a wonderful spectacle of rapidly pulsating gentle and bright light shades.
People engaged in mental and mental activity are rarely immersed in that atmosphere of feelings and desires, which are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal triad of the soul of man has the names of Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise Activities - will - wisdom).

Causal Body (Manas) keeps the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We were coming from of different worlds, were men and women, rich and poor, kings and thickens ...
We all erased memory for a while not to harm in the present existence. All people with us contact with us had it in former lives, and the memory of the previous relationship can only damage.

Atmal body Stores all information about our real life - from birth and to date. It does not disappear with the death of a physical body, but presents with us until we learn and do not understand all the lessons intended for us.

Buddhhi body He is the most important. It summarizes the entire experience of our soul, which has accumulated in the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the sphere of spirit (atma - buddhi) there is a complete unity, which says that we are all one by origin, one by the method of our evolution and one by the common goal of our existence. The only difference between us is that some started their way before, and others later. Some walked faster, while others slower.

The recognition of universal fraternity and the desire to implement it in the earthly life is the strongest engine for the development of the highest nature of man.

The material is taken from esoteric literature

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