Unusual street food around the world (33 photos). Curry, sausages and pizza. What is ordered at home in other countries

Many people like to travel, but in order to save money and expand their luggage of culinary knowledge, they prefer to snack on street food. In addition, on the road, there is not always time to sit in a restaurant, because usually everyone is in a hurry, there is still a lot to see, but there is little time. Delicious and cheap dishes are offered in almost every country in the world. That's why street foodthe best choice and it doesn't matter what the soul asks for - hot dog, rice, meat, baked goods - they are all on this list.

1. Tacos and Tostadas, Mexico

Those visiting Mexico should try tacos and tostados. Taco is a soft tortilla, and tostados is a small, fried, crunchy tortilla made from maize or wheat. Various fillings are wrapped in such cakes: beans, guacamole (mashed avocado and tomatoes with spices and chili peppers), sauce and cheese, seafood, for example, shrimp. All the filling is minced as tacos and tostados are eaten by hand. The meal costs $ 1-2.

2. Souvlaki and Pita, Greece

Souvlaki is a grilled meat and vegetable dish that is cooked right in front of your eyes. It can also be served in a round or oval pita. This is the most delicious combination especially for the hungry tourist traveling in Greece. You can order pork, beef and chicken, and even swordfish meat. You can also choose tzatziki sauce, onions, lettuce, etc. The dish costs $ 6.

A delicious and healthy French baguette is sold and served everywhere in France. A long, crispy loaf of white bread is cut in half and you can put anything in it. The French, especially for breakfast, like to add cream cheese or pate, jam and butter.

4. Simit and kokorech in Turkey

In Turkey, a huge variety of goodies and sweets are offered on the street to passers-by and tourists. Traditional street products include simit and kokorech, roasted mutton. Simit, a sesame or poppy seed bagel, is mostly eaten for breakfast. Kokorech is a dish made from lamb or goat meat, their liver, lungs and heart, with the addition of lemon juice, olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper and cooked on a spit. Then the meat is wrapped so that it is comfortable to hold. It is served both in a baguette and on a plate.

5. Karriwurst, Germany

When traveling in Germany, you should definitely try currywurst. This is a fried pork sausage that is served whole or cut into pieces. Add tomato sauce, curry or ketchup with curry. The dish is popular with children and is served with fried potatoes or a bun. It is estimated that about 800 million currywursts are eaten by the Germans a year, and only 70 million in Berlin itself.

6 hot dog in New York

New York is known for its hot dogs. The sausage is scalded, fried or baked and served in a bun with spices, ketchup, onions, herbs, mustard and chili. The dish is associated with American baseball, and there are different recipes for cooking: with beans and pork, with a chop, fried, etc. The choice is large!

7. Nasi Goreng. Indonesia

Nasi Goreng is a must-try fried rice when traveling in Indonesia. The dish is prepared from half-cooked rice, which is fried in oil with onions, garlic, soy sauce and chili. Optionally served with eggs, chicken, shrimps. In 2011, the dish was ranked second out of 50 in CNN's delicious food rankings. For $ 2 you can try the national Indonesian dish, which is served on a paper or metal plate.

8. Shish kebab, Morocco

If a regular kebab consists of meat and fries, then the Moroccan dish is something different. Shish kebab is traditionally made from lamb meat, but beef, chicken and pork, and fish are also used. The meat is cooked on a skewer and served with rice and pita bread or in a sandwich. This dish differs from the European one. Kebabs are prepared according to different recipes, but Moroccan for $ 5 is worth trying.

9. Bel Puri, India

Sambusa - fried pies

The dish is better known as samosa or samsa. These are fried or baked pies with different fillings: potatoes with spices, onions, peas, lentils, lamb, beef, chicken. This is a very popular dish in Asia, there are different cooking recipes. Samsa has become popular in Europe as well, but try original dish better in Kenya. And, of course, it is better to eat a pie, albeit high-calorie, than to dare to try

Nobody will call this food "food of the gods", it is food for modern busy people... It may not be considered a healthy food, but it is definitely one of the cheapest and most delicious. It's about fastfood.

Burgers, pizza, pasta, chicken wings, coffee, donuts - everything is done quickly and looks great and tastes good. Today, many residents of megacities can no longer exist without fast food. Recently, the number of fast food chains has been steadily growing, but the giants of this business are practically unchanged.

Here is a list of the top 12 largest networks fast food in the world.

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This restaurant chain was founded in the United States in 1964 by two brothers, Leroy Raffel and Forrest Raffel. They make their own sandwiches, salads, chips, fries. The very famous beef sandwiches are served with curly fries and mozzarella. In the 1980s and 90s, the chain had many restaurants around the world, but many of them closed in the 90s.

Today the chain has about 3500 restaurants in 4 countries of the world (USA, Canada, Turkey, Qatar).

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Pizza is one of the favorite foods of most young people around the world. John Schnatter opened his first Papa John's Pizza in 1983 in the United States. John used his original pizza recipe, which everyone loved very much. Within a year, his restaurant became such a popular destination that he had to expand his business.

Today Papa John's Pizza is the third largest pizza delivery chain in the United States. Papa John's Pizza has over 4,200 establishments around the world and is represented in 35 countries.

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This American network dates back to 1940 in Illinois. It started out as a small ice cream and dairy store, but soon they had to open several more outlets.

Today DQ is a chain of more than 5700 restaurants in 30 countries of the world, which sells ice cream, soft drinks, milkshakes, hot dogs, hamburgers, salads and other dishes.

Their most famous dish is the Blizzard frozen treat.

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Taco Bell is the most successful Mexican fast food brand. It was founded in Irvine, California by a man named Glen Bell in 1954 and was then called Taco Tia. Bell focused on selling tacos, the Mexican national dish. His restaurant was a great success and very soon he opened many restaurants throughout Southern California.

On August 24, 1853, an employee of the restaurant at the Moon's Lake Lodge in Saratoga Springs, New York, a mestizo named George Crum, accidentally cooked potato chips. Legend has it that the catering was visited by none other than himself railway tycoon Vanderbilt, and ordered, oddly enough, the most ordinary fried potatoes. However, the spoiled "oligarch" repeatedly returned the food served to the kitchen as under-fried. Surprisingly, the client not only did not reject the dish, but was also extremely pleased with it. sachets.

160 years later, chips are far from their original - ideal - recipe. And today they top not only the list of the most desirable goodies, but also the rating of the most harmful products. The Weekend project decided to recall which popular dishes doctors consider the most dangerous for our health - and, most importantly, why.


1. Chips and French fries

Popular diets: macrobiotics for micro sizeThe Weekend project examines in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons, and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today on the agenda is Madonna's weight loss system, macrobiotics.

The famous catch phrase says that "everything pleasant in this world is either illegal, or immoral, or leads to obesity." Fried potatoes in oil do not violate the law and the framework of morality, but, being a shock dose of starch and fats, inevitably leads to weight gain, if you include such a culinary "delicacy" in your daily menu.

but excess weight- a mere trifle in the context of other health problems that the presented dishes are fraught with. And the harm caused by modern chips can hardly be attributed to potatoes - after all, today they are prepared from wheat and corn flour and a mixture of starches, including genetically modified soybeans. Add to this all sorts of "flavors" - bacon, sour cream and cheese, red caviar and even (!) "Fried potatoes". Of course, they are all components from the E line - food flavors and flavor enhancers.

In particular, we are especially fond of manufacturers of E-621, aka monosodium glutamate. This toxin, acting on the human nervous system, can "make" even the most obscene food tasty and desirable and, moreover, instill in it a dependence akin to a narcotic one.

The need, and quite real, and not far-fetched, can "inspire" and French fries. True, it is made from real potatoes, only "genetically improved" - even, smooth, with large tubers in order to facilitate the cleaning process. Having cut it into slices, it is doused with steam (hence this practically unattainable in home conditions the effect of a crispy crust with a soft core), frozen and already in such a semi-finished form is sent to fast food chains. In the same place, the slices are fried in oil, or rather a mixture of oils for deep fat, which includes a combined "cocktail" of fats, including palm and Coconut oil... Such a mixture costs a lot, but, once poured, it can be used for up to 7 days without rancidity. During this time, acrolein, acrylamide, glycidamide are formed in it - fat breakdown products and strong carcinogens, that is, substances that cause the appearance of cancerous tumors. By the way, one serving of French fries, with its comparatively low nutritional value for fast food at 273 kcal per 100 grams (that is, approximately 340-390 kcal per "standard" portion), contains about 30 grams of such "reusable" fat. It would seem, well, what is 30 grams? To visualize this amount, imagine: about 15 grams of oil fits in one tablespoon, so we sip a delicious crispy potato with a couple of tablespoons of oil with carcinogens. The average rate of fat consumption per day is 90-100 grams, and they, like other nutrients, are found in one dosage or another in almost all food products.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - and not because, eating chips and fries, you will soon be unable to button your favorite jeans. High cholesterol, plaques in blood vessels, atherosclerosis, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, degenerative liver changes, deterioration of sexual function in men and, most importantly, the development of cancerous tumors, and not only in the gastrointestinal tract - all these consequences of adherence to fast food have already been observed by scientists in the United States. almost 70 years old.

In Russia, the fast food industry flourished a little over 20 years ago, in the post-perestroika era. Today, both the "shortage" and the "dashing 90s" are already behind us - alas, family holidays are still accompanied by a trip to a fast-food restaurant, and an evening rest with watching a movie involves a bag of chips under your arm.

AFP / Paul J. Richards

2. Burgers and hot dogs

The above side effects can be attributed to the "quick" sandwiches, but here, in addition to frying in oil, the situation is complicated by the "meat component". So that there is enough protein for everyone who wants to have a quick and satisfying snack, cows, pigs and fish are bred industrial scale and by industrial methods, using special compound feeds (sometimes on anabolic steroids) for rapid weight gain. By the way, thanks to such meat and fish, which are included in our menu, we become extremely resistant to the action of antibiotics when they are really needed, that is, when we are sick. Against this background high calorie content dishes and the same cholesterol seem completely trifles.

Further - more, the ubiquitous soy, glutamate and a whole range of E-components are added to a very dubious protein: preservatives (so that the cutlet can keep its presentation for years), stabilizers and synthetic dyes. These additives irritate our digestive system, dull the feeling of fullness, make you eat more and more often. The stomach stretches, and already without help from the "E-shek" begins to demand the continuation of the banquet.

It would seem - a roll, cutlet, lettuce, well, cheese, well, mayonnaise. But, you must admit, a burger made from homemade products does not at all taste like its "restaurant" counterpart. After all, in the kitchen arsenal, we, fortunately, do not have those food additives that are stuffed with minced meat on in-line production... Namely, they make us return to the food point again and again, suggesting that it is not so tasty at home.

3. Sausage row and canned food

The described "meat nightmares" would be true in relation to sausages, if only natural meat were used in their production. However, it is worth recording here the dangers of hidden fat - after all, even the most natural sausage product consists mainly of pork skins and lard. Skin, cartilage, offal and meat residues, plus 25-30% of transgenic soybeans and, of course, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants, food colors, flavorings - this is the approximate composition of any sausage, regardless of the type and brand of the manufacturer.

Canned food is, in fact, a dead product that has retained its relative nutritional value solely thanks to the "solution" of "E-shek", acetic acid, sugar and, of course, a huge amount of salt (if a person needs 6-10 grams of sodium - chlorine per day, only 100 grams of canned food contains an average of 15 grams of salt).

RIA Novosti / Anton Denisov

4. Instant noodles and puree

Beef, chicken, shrimps, mushrooms, plus almost spaghetti with almost sauce - this is how the manufacturers of wonderful food from bags offer a royal meal, supper and breakfast. And this is exactly the case with "free cheese". Of course, it would be very convenient to pour boiling water over the contents of a plastic cup for 3-5 minutes - and voila! - get actually Italian pasta, fettuccine or risotto. In fact, we will get a hot (for faster absorption) "mix" of all possible nutritional supplements and absolute zero benefit.

With the systematic use of such "compound feed" in the body, the system collapses - it seems to have received food and calories, but they contained too few substances that he really needed for normal functioning. Deprived of food, soon it sends SOS signals to the brain, and we feel like we are hungry again.

Here it will not be superfluous to remind you under which codes on the product packaging these or those assistants of manufacturers are hiding: preservatives(can cause cancer, kidney stones, liver damage, food allergies, bowel disorders, oxygen starvation, violation of blood pressure) - E from 200 to 290 and E 1125, stabilizers and thickeners (cancer, diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver) - E 249-252, E 400-476, E 575-585 and E 1404-1450, emulsifiers(cancer, indigestion) - E 322-442, E 470-495, antioxidants(liver and kidney diseases, allergic reactions) - E300-312 and E320-321, food colorings (cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, nervous disorders and allergic reactions) - E 100-180, E 579, E 585, flavor enhancers(nervous disorders, brain damage) - E 620-637.

In fairness, it is worth noting that there is a modest list of additives that are considered harmless and even beneficial to health - it, if desired, can be easily found on the Internet.

These "magic" sauces, traditionally accompanying most fast food dishes, can turn the healthiest food into poison. Ketchup, in addition to stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives, contains chemical dyes and consists of almost a fifth of sugar. Such dressing perfectly hides the natural taste of even the most unappetizing, if not simply spoiled, dishes - it is not for nothing that they say that "you can eat everything with ketchup."

Mayonnaise, on the other hand, is a carrier of so-called trans fats - isomers of fatty acids that can deceive our body by integrating into the biomembranes of cells instead of natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Transconfigurations lead to oncogenesis, atherosclerosis, increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and, to put it mildly, they worsen immunity - they interfere with the work of enzymes that guard our body. An additional danger is plastic packaging, where mayonnaise is often poured in order to save money - the vinegar contained in the sauce has the super ability to suck carcinogenic substances out of it. Guess where they go.

6. Chocolate bars, lollipops and gummies

Without the danger of getting diabetes, cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, dental problems and allergic reactions, a person can eat a maximum of 50 grams of sugar per day. This upper limit of the norm is about 10 teaspoons, but do not forget that in addition to the "pure" sugar that we put in tea or coffee, glucose and sucrose are waiting for us, say, in the same ketchup. Or in yogurt. But you never know where: it is worth reading the composition of familiar products, a subheading in the "carbohydrates" column - and it will become obvious how much we exceed the norm allowed by the WHO (World Health Organization), even without auxiliary materials in the form of chocolates, caramels and cakes (by the way, the latter - another ideal carrier for trans fats, along with mayonnaise).

These products have the highest glycemic indices, that is, sugar from them is absorbed almost instantly. At the same time, they do not contain any useful substances in themselves - unlike such glycemic leaders as honey and dried fruits. Moreover, bright candies, glazed candies and gummies with all sorts of flavors can hardly be called "food" at all - it is rather a mixture of sweeteners and sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, emulsifiers, antioxidants and food colors.

7. Sweet sodas and juices

Popular diets: weight loss by blood typeThe Weekend project examines in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons, and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today the legendary blood type nutrition is on the agenda.

By the way, about the rate of sugar consumption per day - one liter of cola contains about 112 grams of sugar and about 420 calories (despite the fact that daily rate consumption for most people fits into 2000-2500 kcal). Add to this caffeine, dyes and phosphoric acid that "flushes" calcium from the body, plus carbon dioxide, which allows the harmful components to be distributed even faster throughout the body.

Soda in the "light" version is considered more preferable, as not harmful to the figure. However, at zero calories, they contain sweeteners - mainly aspartame, which breaks down into formaldehyde (a class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine (toxic when combined with other proteins).

It is poorly washed off with saliva, irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth and provokes thirst again and again - to get rid of the sugary aftertaste. And the harmlessness for the figure is very doubtful - soda contributes to the formation of cellulite, and in the long term, for lovers of "light" drinks there is a metabolic disorder.

But if, in general, no one has any illusions about soda, then for some reason the attitude towards "box" juices is very strong, not only about their harmlessness, but even about their health benefits. However, with the exception of carbon dioxide, their composition is almost identical to that of soda pops. One glass of orange juice from a bag contains about six teaspoons of sugar, one glass of apple juice contains about seven. Undoubtedly, apples and oranges themselves contain sugar, but not only - vitamins and dietary fiber become a pleasant bonus, and glucose is no longer absorbed into the bloodstream at such a lightning speed. Packaged juices do not have such advantages - reconstituted from a concentrate and, to the envy, are durable, they can differ in cost depending on the "promotion" of the brand, but they still remain unhealthy.

8. Popcorn

By itself, corn poses no danger to health - yes, carbohydrate, yes, it contains starches, and the calorie content for plant foods is considerable - about 330 kcal per 100 grams of product. But it contains fiber and a lot of useful substances - vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

In a word, imagine popcorn just fried corn grains - it will not be in the ranking of the most harmful foods. But everything changes when they come - butter, salt, sugar, caramelizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors. By the way, the dose of salt in classic salted popcorn goes off scale so that no chips could even dream of it - and this is fraught, at least, with increased blood pressure and impaired kidney function. Well the nutritional value popcorn, thanks to all sorts of additives, increases to an average of 500 kcal per 100 grams.

9. Alcohol

Degenerative disorders in the cerebral cortex, destruction of the liver, oncology, genetic mutations - it would seem that everyone is well aware of the harm of alcohol to the human body. Drinking people live on average 10-15 years less, and the quality of this life is very low - in addition to the aforementioned health problems, they are pursued by mental disorders, depressive conditions. 1/3 of all suicides (and, by the way, 50% of accidents) occur in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Even in very small doses, alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, it is very high in calories in itself - 7 kcal per 1 gram (for comparison, the nutritional value of pure proteins and carbohydrates is 4 kcal per 1 gram). And the main danger - the border between "use" and dependence is very fragile, it is easy to cross it without even noticing it.

"Light" cakes, cottage cheese desserts, yoghurts and mayonnaises only seem to be a friend and helper of people watching their figure and cholesterol. In fact, the very decrease in the fat content in the product is more than offset by an increase in the proportion of carbohydrates - starches, sugars and sugar substitutes, the harm of which we have already discussed.

Thus, the passion for products in the "light" version just contributes to obesity - nutritional supplements metabolic processes are inhibited in them, or even lead to "carbohydrate disruptions", when an organism prepared to break down glucose suddenly discovers that some cyclamate or aspartame has been slipped into it. The psychological factor also plays an important role here - since the product is "light", it means that it can be eaten 2-3 times more without remorse (and without a feeling of satiety).

Another one negative side hobbies exclusively for low-fat foods - vitamin deficiency, because some are vital important vitamins(A, D, E and K) are fat soluble. Calcium from low-fat dairy products is also not absorbed.

When we eat, our stomach fills up, stimulating the receptors of the nerve fibers in its walls. Nerve signals are then sent to the brain via the vagus nerve, creating a feeling of fullness. Some foods saturate more effectively than others. What do you need to eat to satisfy hunger for a long time? Here is a list of 8 foods with a high saturation index.

1. Potatoes

People who care about the shape of their bodies are wary of him. You don't need to do this: small portion potatoes without nutritive additives (such as heavy sauce or bacon bits) should be included in the diet as they are a vegetable with a high satiety index (SI). Studies have shown that boiled potatoes are 7 times more satiating than sweet buns! A serving of mashed potatoes contains about 140 calories. These vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and PP (niacin), as well as potassium. Potatoes also have a positive effect on the acid-base balance of the body.

2. Pasta made from wholemeal flour

They are much healthier than traditional pasta and have a much higher nutritional value. These pasta contain a lot of fiber, which swells up in the stomach, making you feel full. The body takes longer to digest pasta made from coarse flour, and sugar levels rise more slowly after eating them than after eating wheat products. Iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and calcium can be found in them. It is an ideal product for physically active people or athletes.

3. Whole grain bread

It saturates much more effectively than white, and at the same time is a very healthy product. Products of this type contain a large amount of fiber and mineral salts, since they contain more particles of the grain shell, where valuable components are collected. Research shows that whole grain bread has antioxidant properties, that is, it "sweeps away" harmful free radicals from the body, protects us from disease and premature aging. In addition, consuming whole grain bread reduces the risk of heart disease.

7. Rice

Both white rice and brown rice have a high satiety index, but for health it is better to choose the latter. Brown rice is a partially refined grain and can be stripped of its shell to produce white rice. Studies have shown that eating brown rice markedly reduces the risk of diabetes, while white rice increases this risk. Brown also contains more fiber, B vitamins (especially B6, B3, B2) and vitamin E. But white contains a lot of iron and folic acid... If it comes About cooking, brown rice takes a little longer to cook.

8. Apples

They have great satiating power - much more than bananas. The rule of eating one apple a day for health was introduced by the ancient Romans. And rightly so: these popular fruits in our country contain vitamins C, A, group B, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, pectin. The components present in apples strengthen the nervous system, lower high cholesterol levels, neutralize toxic substances present in the body, regulate digestion and protect against constipation, stimulate the secretion of uric acid by the kidneys. Remember that it is advisable not to peel apples before eating, since most of the vitamins and minerals are located under the peel. However, this recommendation is relevant only for those apples that are called "seasonal", that is, grown and harvested recently, and not those that have been stored in malls throughout the last year ...

Food to your home or office is one of the most popular restaurant services all over the world. If you don't feel like cooking, it's just a lifesaver. In our country, pizza and rolls are most often ordered from delivery services, according to statistics, they are in the first place for delivery. But what do they like to order at home in other countries?

Aif.ru and the Obed.ru website looked into the bags of food delivery companies in different countries and found out what foreigners order.

Main trends

Pizza. She is everywhere and everywhere. As in Russia, pizza is most often ordered. Watching a football match - pizza, drinking beer with colleagues - pizza, conferring with friends - and then pizza. Even at lunch in the office, pizza is still a frequent guest. She is the leader in delivery in almost every country, or at least one of the top three.

Where do you think the fastest pizza delivery in the world is? Of course in Italy. There were 40,000 pizzerias recorded there last year (the area of ​​Italy is 301,300 km2). It seems that there couriers use only their legs and, in rare cases, a bicycle for delivery, and the delivery time itself takes no more than 10-15 minutes. For comparison: in the USA (9,519,000 km2) there are 69,000 pizzerias.

Chinese boxes. Chinese fast food is rarely ordered here, but Chinese food is very popular in the world. The fact is that it is practically the only "healthy" fast food, thanks to the use in recipes of a large amount of vegetables, meat and various spices.

Indian dishes are gaining popularity all over the world, and are often ordered at home in the US, UK and other European countries. So far, we have not seen such a trend in Russia.

United Kingdom. Popular modern French and British cuisine, as well as Japanese, Italian, Indian. Average check: 30-40 pounds (1.8-2.4 thousand rubles).

Germany. Germans love grilled chicken and fries. Here they are delivered most often. For about 25-30 euros.

Spain... Paella, pizza, grilled meat are ordered most of all. Average bill is 30 euros.

Greece... Favorite food delivery - pizza, grilled meat on the bone, homemade sausages, "musakas" ( the National dish, eggplant casserole with minced meat). Average bill is 30 euros.

USA. Pizza, burgers, fries, Chinese food in boxes, and also rolls and sushi. Indian cuisine with delivery is popular. Average bill 35-40 dollars.

Portugal... Here fish has become a favorite: the Portuguese love cod dishes, and also order pork and pizza. The average bill is 20-30 euros.

Australia... BBQ and other meat dishes (steaks and meat pies) are popular, as well as fish and seafood specialties. Australians love fast food. Constantly order: buns, sandwiches, hamburgers, sausages, chicken, fish and chips ( Fried fish with fried potatoes), pizza, kebab.

Also in Australia, take-out food is very popular. They usually buy a meat pie (meat pie with sauce or ketchup) and take them home. Most often, Australians visit and order food at McDonalds, Hungry Jack’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut. Average bill is 20 Australian dollars (about 700 rubles).

Thailand. Here pizza and European fast food have finally lost ground. Thais love national pilaf, massaman curry (Thai goulash), tom-yam soup, roti pancakes with condensed milk

India... Pizza in India is one of the most popular dishes to order. They also bring home Chinese dishes, rice, puri (crispy balls), dal (national soup made from dal beans, coconut milk and vegetables). The average bill is 300-400 rupees (180-240 rubles).

The most famous food delivery

It is located in Indian Mumbai and is called "dabbawala". This network is famous for its efficiency, accuracy and uniqueness. The fact is that dabbawala (as delivery couriers are actually called) do not bring lunch from a restaurant, but deliver it directly from the customer's home.

Dabbawala was formed 125 years ago. Back then, British employees needed normal home-cooked meals, because they couldn't eat Indian food. Dabbawala stepped into the business and began to deliver them vessels from home.

Most of the workers even then, in late XIX centuries and now - illiterate. Nevertheless, the dabbawala service is the most reliable in the world. According to statistics, there is only one error per 6 million orders. Couriers use a sophisticated color coding system to deliver the order to the exact address. Food is delivered on foot, on bicycles, and if delivery is required around the area - on suburban trains. The subway has recently appeared in Mumbai, but couriers are not using it.

Dabbawala is also interesting because with its help tourists can look into the life of ordinary Indians. The delivery service gives everyone the opportunity to try themselves as a courier. You can spend an entire day with the food delivery service, helping to deliver orders around Mumbai. Even world celebrities have used this service. Among them is the famous British entrepreneur Richard Branson, who himself delivered the lunch to his own office in Mumbai. This "attraction" not only entertains tourists, but also attracts new customers.

The service became known all over the world in 2001, and in 2003 Prince Charles tried out dabbawala, who liked the Indian service so much that he still keeps in touch with its employees. In 2011, Forbes named dabbawala as one of the most important innovations in India.

Maria Rodionova, experienced motorcycle traveler:

Delivery, of course, is relevant in all countries where we have traveled - it is quick and often cheaper than going to a restaurant. We asked friends in Spain, Holland and Austria about food delivery. They order food with home delivery about once a month or two, that is, the statistics do not differ from ours. However, their orders are more often dominated by fresh salads, light thin-crust pizza, Chinese noodles or Italian pasta. Sushi, in principle, is not as wildly popular as ours.

The offerings of even such international and versatile cuisine as fast food are somewhat different from the menu of Russian food delivery companies. V European countries, in particular, in Spain, Holland, France, Denmark, health care is very popular. Therefore, any pizza or sandwich should be, as they say, "eco" or "bio". Hence the predominance in the delivery of easy recipes with lots of fresh vegetables.

It would seem that McDonald's (although today this name cannot be mentioned in vain), McDonald's is everywhere. But in Europe, in addition to the big macs we are used to, there are such proposals as a roll sandwich with mozzarella, arugula, balsamic vinegar and tomatoes. Because it is "eco", that is, it is less high in calories and more useful.

We thank Obed.ru for help in preparing the material.

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