Computer educational games in kindergarten. Computer games for preschoolers Computer games with a detailed description for preschoolers

But there are many negative points when usingcomputer games:

For children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 6-7 years old), a variety of games are recommended in which you can draw any figure or even a picture with the help of the cursor. You can ask the child to come up with a name for the drawn picture, populate it with certain characters, and together come up with a story about them. Special games (dramatizations) are especially good for this, in which the drawn characters can come to life and reproduce invented actions, like in a cartoon. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation: these are by no means the games in which you need to create a game character (choose an appearance, clothes, etc.) and act according to the game scenario. In this regard, the indisputable advantage of dramatization games over traditional game computer programs is the fact that they do not suppress or deform the child's goal-setting sphere. The child sets play tasks for himself in the same way as he does in traditional narrative amateur games, and therefore such computer games do not distort the specifics of preschool play and do not destroy its truly developing essence.Developing and educational games aimed at the cognitive development of the child are suitable for children of this age. These are games for the development of memory, logic, reading and numeracy skills, as well as learning foreign languages..

Stage I - preparatory.

Stage II is the main one.

Stage III is the final one.


  1. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federationdated June 10, 2010 No. 64"On approval of SanPiN" (as amended on December 27, 2010)
  2. [Computer games in the life of preschoolers - Psychological Science and Education - 2012/2]


The value of computer games for preschoolers.

Today, information technology significantly expands the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of preschool education. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to fully and successfully implement the development of a child's abilities. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, a computer allows not only to saturate a child with a large number of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and, which is very important in preschool age, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of computer games for the development of preschoolers has a number of advantages:

interest in new technology appears, the fear of it disappears, which is characteristic of adults in particular;

psychological readiness for mastering computer literacy is formed;

allow you to simulate completely new situations, even in the future, in which real life is intertwined with an imaginary world;

attention and speed of action develop, purposefulness and concentration are brought up;

there is confidence in one's own strengths and capabilities, independence in solving various problems;

the child learns to plan and predict the result of his actions.

But there are many negative points when using computer games:

the child stops communicating with friends, playing sports and other activities that are useful for him;

the entertaining nature sharply reduces the intellectual activity of children in the game;

while experiencing during the day this or that situation that occurred in a computer game, the child thereby overshadows real life events.

Therefore, it is not the computer that should control the child's activities, offering him tasks, but, on the contrary, it is important for the child to use the computer as a means to solve his own developmental problems. In the first case, the computer acts exclusively as a simulator, and in the second, it allows the child's activities to develop, enriching him with various methods of action, enriching his experience. A computer is an enriching element of a developing subject environment. It is a means that contributes to the development of the cognitive activity of preschoolers, the creation of a favorable emotional background, the socialization of the individual, thanks to the development of regulatory abilities (i.e., obedience to the rules) and the possibility of communicative interaction in the game. Computer games in modern conditions are a peculiar form of mastering the surrounding reality. However, it is important to note that they should only complement and not replace amateur games.

Games should be selected taking into account his age, the content of the game and the individual psychological characteristics of the child himself.

At a younger preschool age, it is worth giving preference to games aimed at developing perception. Games of this genre are widespread, so there is no need to recommend specific ones. You can offer games in which you need to assemble a complete picture of several elements, focusing on the sample, or find two identical objects, arrange figures of different colors and sizes in places. This develops not only the perception of color, size and shape of objects, but also the thinking of the child.

For children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 6-7 years old), a variety of games are recommended in which you can draw any figure or even a picture with the help of the cursor. You can ask the child to come up with a name for the drawn picture, populate it with certain characters and together come up with a story about them. Special games (dramatizations) are especially good for this, in which the drawn characters can come to life and reproduce invented actions, like in a cartoon. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation: these are by no means the games in which you need to create a game character (choose an appearance, clothes, etc.) and act according to the game scenario. In this regard, the indisputable advantage of dramatization games over traditional game computer programs is the fact that they do not suppress or deform the child's goal-setting sphere. The child sets play tasks for himself in the same way as he does in traditional narrative amateur games, and therefore such computer games do not distort the specifics of preschool play and do not destroy its truly developing essence. Developing and educational games aimed at the cognitive development of the child are suitable for children of this age. These are games for the development of memory, logic, reading and counting skills, as well as learning foreign languages.

Construction games are also of great importance for the development of children, in the process of which children must either put together a figure of a certain shape from different pieces, or, conversely, break the existing figure into given parts. These games develop not only perception and coordination, but also the imaginative thinking of children, which is basic for preschoolers. In addition to the general developmental games, which we have just talked about, there are also special games for teaching children mathematics, Russian, and logic. The value of these games is that they represent the content of these objects in a more visual (but not simple) form, which allows children to easily and quickly master this material.

It must be remembered that according to the hygienic requirements for organizing the work of children and adolescents with a computer, children of 3–7 years old can spend at the computer no more than 10–15 minutes a day.

Computer lessons should be comprehensive. They include 3 stages.

Stage I - preparatory.

The child is immersed in the plot of the lesson, the period of preparation for a computer game through educational games, conversations, contests, competitions that will help him cope with the task. Gymnastics for the eyes, finger gymnastics to prepare the visual, motor apparatus for work are included.

Stage II is the main one.

It includes mastering the way of managing the program to achieve a result and independent play of the child at the computer. Several methods are used to "immerse" a child in a computer program:

1 way. A consistent explanation to the child of the purpose of each key with the connection of leading and control questions.

Method 2. Focusing on the computer skills acquired by the child, introduce them to the new keys and their purpose.

Method 3. The child is offered the role of a researcher, experimenter, given the opportunity to independently figure out how to manage the program.

Method 4. The child is offered a card-scheme, where the program control algorithm is set. At the first stages, the children get acquainted with the symbols, speak and work out the methods of control with the teacher, and then independently "read" the schemes.

Stage III is the final one.

It is necessary to relieve eye tension (gymnastics for the eyes is carried out), to relieve muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes, acupressure, a set of physical exercises, relaxation to music).

Classes are held in subgroups of 4-8 people 2 times a week in the morning. After each lesson, ventilate the room.


  1. Wenger, L.A. Types of computer games // Is your child ready for school. - M., 1994.
  2. Kalinina, T.V. Office of the preschool educational institution "New information technologies in preschool childhood." M. Sfera, 2008 .;
  3. Novoselova, S.L. On the new classification of children's games // Preschool education. - 1997. No. 3
  4. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2010 No. 64 "On approval of SanPiN" (as amended on December 27, 2010)
  5. Smirnova, E. About The right to play J. Modern preschool education, No. 1, 2011, pp. 28-31

FSBEI HPE "Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after
AND I. Yakovlev "
Department of Information Technology
Computer games for children
preschool age
The project was completed by:
2nd year student of group "B"
Department of Correctional Pedagogy
Faculty of DiKPiP
Sosnovskikh Ekaterina Evgenievna
Cheboksary 2011


informatization, accompanied by more and more
information technology in various fields
human activity.
Just three decades ago, it seemed that
a computer is a complex and mysterious device
a distant future that is only accessible
the chosen ones.
thanks to
multifunctionality, it is useful for a person
any profession. It is the versatility
developmental effect in education.

The computer can be applied not only
as a practical guide in computer science lessons,
but also as a means of empowerment
educational process in
all educational institutions from kindergarten to
schools. The interest of children in the computer is enormous, and
business of adults, create conditions for it
maintenance and expansion for the development and
improving cognition

7 basic rules for a child working at a computer

With low vision, sit at the computer
you can only wear glasses;
Observe the distance from the eyes to the screen (50-70
Take breaks from work and gymnastics for
eyes every 10-25 minutes of work before
Observe the correct working posture;
Do not work on the computer in the dark;
Follow the content of the games and
After class, wash with cool water.

Games for preschoolers

Computer games are special
computer programs that output to
screen a picture, thereby turning this screen
in the field of play. This is a kind of "board game"
but impressive and challenging enough.
the range of which is being updated practically
monthly (if not weekly) can knock down
confused by any of us. And it will help us in this
the question of knowledge of the genre classification of games.
Conventionally, the whole variety of computer games
can be classified as follows:

Arcade games

Arcade games (arcade) - the most
popular kids flash games with enough
simple game plot. Children need
to react
on the
earn points, gradually switch to
all new levels.
In case the child passes the levels in
bonuses in the form of points, weapons and
other options. Also a young player, in case
excellent passage of all levels, falls into
gallery of the best participants in the game, where he can
enter your own name.
Arcades develop the speed of the thinking
process and reaction.

Creative games

Creative games include numerous
educational computer games in which
to kid
all kinds
creative tasks: decorate objects,
find several identical items, find
several differences between two are the same,
at first glance, with pictures, solve others
interesting tasks.
Such games provide an opportunity to identify
the creativity of the child at the earliest
are working
programmers of the most famous software companies.

Role-playing games

In games of this genre, the player has
there is a small squad of characters, each
of which fulfills its separate role or
The goal of the heroes is by joint efforts
explore the virtual world and complete
the assigned task. The task
to be
finding a certain treasure, treasure or
spells. The path to achieving the intended goal
are usually blocked by various obstacles and
pests of different stripes, which are necessary
overcome by force or cunning. Here and
the main principle of role-playing is manifested -
using the right character in the right
time and place.


The genre of the quest involves completing
significant mental challenges while playing.
loses certain game situations.
In order to successfully complete
focus and remember elementary
mathematical rules: multiplication, addition,
subtraction, division. Alternately performing
appropriate tasks during the game, child
gradually advances towards the end of the game, where
successful completion of the game, bonuses await him
or an interesting cartoon.

10. Logical

Most senior preschool children
age are interested in puzzles if,
of course they are available to them. Utility
logic games in that they develop skills
logical thinking. Most often this game
represents a single task or set
multiple puzzles you need
solve. Typical representatives of this
genre are various tasks for
rearranging figures or drawing up a drawing.
Recently, Russian manufacturing firms have been producing many high-quality
a variety of logic games designed for
preschool age, for the purpose of teaching children
counting, reading, writing and other subjects.

11. There is also another classification of children's games:

developing logical thinking and memory
improving coordination of movements (fine
hand motility);
developing skills in counting and reading;
the child's ear for music.

12. How computer games can help:

preparation for school;
program, begins to think first, and then
introduction to research work;
social adaptation of the child to school, his
relationships with future classmates.


Games for
preschoolers: on
what to turn
Why is it important?
Will it fit
selected game by
It is possible that a 4-year-old may be suitable for games for
preschoolers 5-6 years old - and vice versa. Try
review the game yourself before recommending
her child.
Development in
skills and abilities
will contribute
this game?
Preschool games can help
development of fine motor skills, observation,
eye; logical, spatial,
creative thinking. At the same time, the graphic and
musical score for development games
preschoolers may not be inferior to
computer games - "entertainment"
Will the child be able
play this game
along with others
Children's online games usually include
multiplayer games and opportunities for communication.
How long is the chosen
the game will
relevant to
Children's curiosity needs constant
recharge. But educational games installed on
computer, do not update themselves. IN
children's online games new educational games for
preschoolers are usually added by themselves

14. When organizing classes for the preschool development of a child at the age of 4-5 years, it should be borne in mind that usually at this age ...

children can already complete tasks from several stages;
children already know how to concentrate on an interesting task;
children already have well developed hand motility;
children already have certain ideas about the world around them:
people, animals, natural phenomena.
When organizing classes for preschool
development of a child aged 5-6 years is
take into account that usually at this age ...
children can already write numbers and letters;
children are already able to expressively tell stories and poems;
children are already well oriented in space and time;
children are already a little able to classify objects, they are actively
the eye and observation develops.

15. Computer game "Bunny Know-it-all: Preschoolers" (4-6 years old)

The program is developed with active
participation of professional teachers and children
the wishes of parents, teachers and
children directly, which made it possible to achieve
maximizing the effectiveness of educational
Publisher: CJSC "BUKA"
Controls: Keyboard, mouse
"Bunny Know-it-all" instills in a child
self-confidence and stimulates cravings


The game develops:
Math skills:
recognition of numbers;
the basics of the account;
creation of the simplest equations;
solving mathematical problems.
Language skills:
recognition of letters;
replenishment of vocabulary;
development of phonetic skills;
letter combinations.


Logic skills:
sorting items by attributes;
comparison of shapes, colors, sizes;
color recognition.
following oral instructions;
composing rhymes.
Creative skills:
drawing and coloring;
dance sequences;
creating calendars;
Music Creation.


Besides computer
games, you are in the box
benefits - cards with
will help
to kid
secure the material, and
CD with tutorials


20. "Rolls"

browser online game for preschool children
and primary school age (5-11 years old). She
turns the development and learning of children into
exciting pastime.
In "Rulimons" children:
develop logic, attention and memory;
learn to count, distinguish colors and shapes,
improve the eye, observation,
fine motor skills, ear for music;
communicate and make friends, visit each other and
play together.

21. Playable characters

Players are present in the game in
in the form of funny characters -
Rulimonov. Your character type
can only be selected once,
when creating an account. At
desired, the user can
create a new account and
choose a different type of character.
there will be no characters
connections: single player characters
exist in the game autonomously friend
from friend.


Game world "Rulimonov" - country
Rulimonia. The action unfolds in her
the capital. Capital of Rulimonia - modern
virtual city by the sea, consisting of
different locations: public (streets,
alleys, alleys), shopping (shops) and personal


For success in
the decision
tasks players receive
play money - auro.
This is how children get
first performance
about economics, study
"Personal money"
to plan
cannot be exchanged or bought for real
money. A little auro all users
received upon registration, but then players
earn auro on their own by playing
educational games.

24. Conclusion

Use in teaching practice

process, increasing the education of the child,
it is an aid in diagnosing development, solving
tasks of correctional and developmental education,
curiosity; empowerment
individually differentiated approach to
to kid
emotional background.

25. Used literature

Bespalko V.P. Education and training with participation
computers (pedagogy of the third millennium). - M .:
MPSI, 2002.
Glushkova E.K., Leonova L.A. etc. Hygienic requirements for
for preschoolers. // Computer science and education. -
1990. -No. 6. -s.102-104.
Zaitsev V.V., Shaidulina A.F. How to get rid of the addiction to
gambling. - SP-b, 2003.
Electronic resources
"Buka" -company-publisher of computer games - 1993
[Electronic resource]. URL:
"Rulimony" - children's online game - 2010 [Electronic
resource]. URL:
Panina S. Educational computer games for children //
Site "Moscow Mama" - 2006 [Electronic resource]. URL:
Thank you for your attention!

Big Trouble at the Rock Band Festival! Shortly before the start of the school rock band festival, Barbie and a friend named Charms received a cryptic letter with threats: "Do not participate in the festival, otherwise you will regret!" An unknown person mixed their notes and spoiled the scenery. Barbie realized that she needed to reveal this secret as quickly as possible. Performance...

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Genre: baby / simulator
Developer: Activision
Publisher: 1C
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian


FINDER - Park of Wonders (2009)

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Genre: Educational kids games
Developer: Sсholastic Inc
Publisher: ND
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian


Home speech therapist. Practical course (2008)

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Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Children's games
Developer: ID Company
Publisher: Noviy Disk
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz (800 MHz for Windows Vista)
RAM: 64 MB (512 MB for Windows Vista)


Dora the Explorer: Fairytale Adventure / Dora in the Fairyland / Dasha the Pathfinder (2008)

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Year of issue: 2008
Genre: educational game for children
Developer: ImaginEngine
Publisher: Akella
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz
RAM: 256MB
Video card: 32 MB DirectX 9-compatible


Back to school soon. Learning to count (2009)

It is quite possible to teach a kid to count as early as possible, and even while playing! Naughty arithmetic in the poems "Learning to count" will help you to easily learn numbers, and exercises with vivid pictures will make classes fun and exciting. The new program of the well-known series "Soon to School" will acquaint children with numbers, geometric shapes, problems ...

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Games for the little ones
Developer: ID COMPANY
Publisher: Noviy Disk
Developer site: unknown
Interface language: Russian


Four-legged friends (2006)

A fun and kind tamagotchi-style simulation toy in which you can get yourself a virtual puppy. He is affectionate, kind, loves to play and learn new tricks. He's almost like the real thing. You can choose the breed, sex, color and age of the puppy from 6 options. Keep a close eye on the puppy's desire indicators. After all, he, like lyu ...

Year of issue: 2006
Genre: (Arcade Simulator) Virtual Pet
Developer: Lost Sock Games
Publisher: Noviy Disk
Developer site: unknown
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC PII-600 / 64M RAM / 16M Video 3D, Windows XP, DirectX 9.0


Buttermilk. Farm Frenzy (2010)

To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. And to buy something, you must first ... build a farm and earn a lot, a lot of money! Business arcade game with your favorite characters! Matroskin the cat has decided to become an agricultural tycoon! And, as always, he approached the matter very thoroughly: here he has both cows and lambs ...

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Time management Simulation For children
Developer: New disc
Publisher: New disc
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian


Early Childhood Development According to the Montessori System: The World Around Us, Shapes and Colors, Entertaining Logic (2009)

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Children's educational program with elements of the game
Developer: Studio "Bayun"
Publisher: Buka
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System: Microsoft® Windows®XP / Vista
Processor: Pentium® III 1000 MHz
Memory: 256 MB Video Card: Supports 1024 * 728 Resolution Audio Card: Any
Hard Drive: 450 MB
Optional: printer for printing additional. tasks (optional)


Three little pigs against the wolf. Learning the Alphabet (2008)

"Why learn to read and write?" - Children often ask. Three little pigs will answer this question and help you learn letters, put them into words and write them down on paper. The educational program was developed on the basis of everyone's favorite fairy tale about three pigs, but now the wolf has become very, very kind, does not eat meat at all, but eats only mushrooms and lago ...

Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Children's educational game
Developer: MultiSoft
Publisher: Noviy Disk
Developer site: unknown
Interface language: Russian


Pony World 2 (2011)

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Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Strategy (Manage / Busin.) / 3D / For Kids / Virtual pets
Developer: Rhema Press
Publisher: PlayWay
Developer website:
Interface language: English
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB


Baba Yaga "Go there, I don't know where ..." (2004)

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Year of issue: 2004
Genre: educational computer game
Developer: ComMedia
Publisher: ComMedia
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Operating system Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP Pentium III-500 MHz processor 64 MB RAM 12-speed CD-ROM Sound card, speakers or headphones


Chuggington. The trains go to school (2012)

It is much more interesting to study in the company of funny trains from Chuggington! There are four most important subjects in their school: literacy, mathematics, the world around and the rules of conduct. With interactive alphabet your child will quickly learn all letters and learn many new words. In math lessons, he will master counting and learn to solve addition and subtraction problems ...

Year of issue: 2012
Genre: kids games
Developer: ID COMPANY
Publisher: ID COMPANY
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC


Barbie Beauty Boutique (2007)

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Year of issue: 2007
Genre: For Kids
Developer: Vivendi Games
Publisher: Activision
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating Systems: XP / Windows 7
Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz
RAM: 128 MB


The land of knowledge. The secret club. (part 52) ​​Final release. (2011)

"The Land of Knowledge" is a progressive course for preschool children with CDs and magazines. Four heroes from the "Land of Knowledge" invite children to their world, where they: * begin to learn numbers and letters * learn to apply logic and solve problems * learn a lot of interesting things about nature and the environment * acquire social ...

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Children's educational games
Developer: deagostini
Publisher: deagostini
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP, IntelAMD processor 1GG, screen resolution 1024x768 pixels, sound card.

Games in Russian:

Alik. Entertaining math
Antoshka in a fairyland
(for children 4-6 years old)
Funny pictures (for children 5-13 years old)
(for children 3-8 years old)
(for children 4-6 years old)
for children 5-7 years old)
(for school age)
(for 5-10 years old)
(for 4-7 years old)
Little Finder ("New Disc")
(for children 4.5-7 years old)
Rex ("Buka")
Russian riddles ("Falson-Tech")
(for children 5-13 years old)
Form. Texture. Magical transformations. (3 CDs, painting secrets for little artists)
(for 3.5-7 years old)
Chess in fairy tales

Alik, my first English alphabet (for children 4-7 years old)
Adventures on the planet of numbers

Games in English:

My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary 1.1 (English children's dictionary with pictures and cartoons)
Baby and Me (Sesame Street) (for children 1-3 years old)
Dr. Seuss Reading games (for children 4-6 years old)
Stuart Little in Numberland (for children 4-7 years old)
Stuart Little in Wordland (for children 4-7 years old)

Below is a summary of the games. For more detailed descriptions and screenshots, we recommend going to the game developer's website (there are links to specific game pages here).

1 CD
Developer site: RussoBit-M
System requirements: -
Description of the game:
The fun summer has passed and it's time for the kids to go to school. Papa Hare presented the bunny with his first book - the Merry ABC. But the mischievous breeze whirled, turned the book and scattered letters throughout the forest. A difficult task is for Hare - to return all the letters back to the ABC. "Merry Alphabet" is a game for the little ones. Together with the Bunny and the Wise Owl, your little one will go on an exciting journey through the fairytale forest. Behind each tree, he will find many surprises, jokes and mini-games. A forester and a kitten, a turtle and a bear, a wolf and a monkey are waiting for him. And everywhere the inhabitants of the forest will tell him about the letters and rules of reading. A specially developed system of interactive picture exercises will help your child to quickly master letters and syllables, and the announcer will teach you how to read correctly.
Features of the game:
The Wizard of Oz
1 CD
Developer site: MediaHouse
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
The heroes of the children's game "The Wizard of Oz" - Ellie with Toto, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow - once again set off on a journey full of trials and surprises. On the way, they will have to help many inhabitants of the wonderful land of Oz, who have been bewitched by the wicked witch Bastinda. Our travelers will have to visit the dungeons, cross the river in a fragile boat, go through a dense forest, have fun in a forest clearing and, in the end, return to the Emerald Castle of Goodwin. And if their friendship is strong, they believe in goodness and justice, then, in the end, they will surely find and defeat the evil and insidious Bastinda!
The classic plot of the famous book known in Russia as "The Wizard of the Emerald City" looks great in a quest with many educational tasks and puzzles. The heroes of the game speak with the voices of the wonderful theater and cinema artists Dmitry Nazarov (Tin Woodman), Rogvold Sukhoverko (Cowardly Lev), Andrey Yaroslavtsev (Scarecrow), Gennady Frolov (Goodwin) and many others.

Features of the game:
real fabulous adventure
three difficulty levels for different ages
riddles for the development of logic, counting, hearing and memory
beautiful graphics and music
completely in Russian
Magic ABC book
1 CD
Developer site: Young Genius, Akella
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
The program uses the concept of "reading through writing". She helps the child learn to read and write. The main idea of ​​this program is to make reading and writing a fun game with "live", "speaking" letters. The child finds himself in a fairy tale, where computer trolls give him explanations and tasks, for a correctly written word they show colorful pictures with this word and offer different games. In the learning mode, the child is invited to complete certain tasks that will help him learn to read. The training mode has several levels of difficulty. The easiest level is familiarity with the alphabet. At higher levels, words with increasingly complex spellings are suggested. The tasks that the child has to do are: find the letter on the screen; put the missing letter for a word; type a letter or word, etc. If the task is completed, the child will be read the word and shown a colorful photo or picture that contains this word. In free mode, the child can write any letters and words that he wants.
Features of the game:
Day of the sleeping dragon
1 CD
Developer site: Buka
System requirements: Game CD in CD-ROM, QuickTime 4.0
Description of the game:
Little dragon Gaucher needs your help: after all, the most important holiday of the year is on the nose - the Day of the Sleeping Dragon! And what can be a holiday without the Great Pillow Battle ?! None! So the kids will have to help Gaucher and his friends prepare for the holiday - find enough pillows for each monster (and it's not so easy!), Bake a special Alphabet Pie with Uncle Bagel, compose several fairy tales, draw a beautiful picture and help the bugs line up for the holiday parade. While playing, children will be able to master the alphabet and basic reading skills, practice combining objects, arithmetic, recognizing colors, and most importantly, they will learn what without which life in society is impossible - friendship, mutual assistance and the ability to accept and respect not only those who are always nearby, but also the most incomprehensible and unexpected guests - real dragons!
Features of the game:
Gosha the dragon saves the turtles
1 CD
Developer site: Buka
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
Gosha and his friends, the same funny and cute little dragons, like himself, adore spending the summer in the Dragon Summer camp - the very one where local turtles rest and improve their health. Alas, this summer did not work out from the very beginning: as soon as the turtles and dragons gathered at the Turtle Playground to play sports, play and generally have fun, a terrible storm came and took away all the turtles! (Fortunately, dragons are too firmly on the ground to be seriously disturbed by some kind of hurricane.) Who will find all the missing turtles and help them return to the camp? Whoever will tidy up the Turtle Playground, clear the littered river by sailing on it in a canoe, write a welcome song, paint a brilliant picture, return their pearls to the shells (and there are as many as sixty of them!) crocodile by the river? Of course, the brave little eye Gosha and his friend are the same person who sits at the computer and helps the dragons fight fate. The full effect of presence provided by this approach (all the characters of the game recognize the participation of the player in the events, they "look" at him, talk, ask him questions) helps the child to fully immerse himself in the plot and complete tasks, take tests, learn to read and write, not noticing their "teaching" character and feeling not a student, but a master of the situation. Excellent, bright graphics, a huge amount of animation, several dozen characters, tasks that can be performed over and over again, and it will not get bored - your child will play such a game for more than one week, or maybe more than one month. During this time, he will learn to operate with numbers up to 100, easily recognize letters, quickly read simple words, recognize and match colors, shapes and volumes, learn what rhyme is (and even practice versification), and learn the basic norms of communication. With such luggage, you can safely go to first grade!
Features of the game:
The pleasure of playing, plus teaching the child to count and read.
The game was created by Scholastic, one of the leading and most respected publishers of literature and educational games for children.
Fascinating storyline - it will be simply impossible to tear your child away from the screen.
Huge volume of first-class animation and over three hours of voiceover performed by professional actors.
About thirty beautifully drawn game scenes.

Drakosha and entertaining biology
1 CD
Developer site: Media Service 2000
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
Another educational and instructive game from the series "Drakosha and ... company" was published. This time, nothing terrible happened to our friend Drakoshi, he just invites you and your child to learn a new discipline, the next in the list of fundamental sciences intended for comprehension by little boys and girls - Botany. The one that explains what living organisms are and gives concepts about the principles of their existence. The entire program is divided into three large sections: botany, zoology and anatomy, each of which covers several topics. For example, after studying botany, you will learn about the cellular structure of plants, botanical disciplines, the external structure of plants, flowering plants, etc. As before, there is a theory course on each topic, there are test questions and you can play a mini-game. There are a great many of these games: analogs of Pacmen, tic-tac-toe, tag, field of miracles and God knows what else. They will get bored, I think, for young students very long ago. But I continue. The second section - zoology - reveals the issues of unicellular and multicellular organisms, vertebrates, skullless and chordates. And finally, anatomy will introduce you to the structure of the human cell, tissues, organs and the body as a whole. We can safely say that a child who has listened to all the lectures and successfully passed all the game tests in his own school will effectively stand out against the general background with more extensive knowledge of the subject than other classmates who were not lucky enough to have the all-knowing Drakosha as their guides.
Features of the game:
Winter's tale
1 CD
Developer site: RussoBit-M
System requirements: -
Description of the game:
Santa Claus's New Year's clock broke and so that he could put a gift under each Christmas tree, you need to help him collect the scattered parts of the dial. Your assistant in this matter will be a snow maiden and a snowman. Play 11 popular games that all children love. Games like pacman, piste, slalom, snake, maze, snow fortress, memorial, coloring, fold the picture, crossing, funny ice cream and clock. For each victory you will receive a piece of the dial, and at the end of the received pieces you will have to collect a watch. This disc contains colorful illustrations and is filled with funny animations. These toys are aimed at developing: attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking, imagination, creative activity, coordination of movements and will allow your children to have a lot of fun and have a good time.
Features of the game:
Clifford. Bird Island.
1 CD
Developer site (games): 2001-1996 Scholastic Inc.
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
Welcome to Bird Island! Do you already know its inhabitants? How, not yet ?! Then get acquainted: This is Clifford the dog. It's actually very big. The whole city knows and loves Clifford! After all, he is very kind and cheerful. This is Cleo and Tibon - Clifford's best friends. And this is his owner - Emily Elizabeth. Emily and Clifford are always together and they never get bored! And this is Mrs. Carrington - Emily's teacher ... Of course, these are not all the inhabitants of the town, but you will meet the rest on your trip around the island.
Features of the game:
Neznaikin's letter
1 CD
Developer site: Buka
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
Wonderful cheerful fidget and why, beloved by children Dunno with joy and surprise will open the world around you with your children, teach you how to navigate and act in it.
A set of 12 educational games, developed by the BUKA company in cooperation with the Computer and Childhood Association, takes into account the laws of the development of the child's psyche and is based on understanding the capabilities of new computer technology for creating educational tools for children.
With fun and with interest, children will learn to orient themselves on a plane, represent various spatial positions of an object after its mental rotation, develop eye-hand coordination, and at the same time small muscles of hands and fingers, quickness of reaction, attention, logical thinking, observation and ingenuity. Games contribute to the development of creativity in the child, teach him to fantasize. The program "Neznaikina Gramota" was made taking into account the requirements and restrictions on the child's work on the computer, unlike similar Western products, it takes into account the prevailing worldview and the peculiarities of the Russian mentality.
The game is the first holder of a certificate issued by the Expert Council at the Toy Center of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation!
The game is the winner of MULTIMEDIA EXPO ‘98 ’in the competition of educational multimedia products for children!
Features of the game:
The games were developed by scientists - specialists in the field of preschool education, taking into account the peculiarities of child psychology.
"Neznaykina gramota" is the first holder of a safety certificate for children's computer programs.
The games use well-known and beloved characters, and above all Dunno.
Excellent graphics, performed by wonderful artists, dubbing at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.
12 different original games that are fun and enjoyable to play.
Timoshka saves a friend
1 CD
Developer site: Rebelmind
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
This is an adventure game for the youngest users, a collection of colorful educational puzzles united by an exciting storyline. Dozens of educational minigames, juicy mosaics, a funny interactive world - all this is to be understood and explored together with a funny hero named Timoshka. In "Timoshka saves a friend" you will find:
Wonderful graphics and a bright, fabulous atmosphere
12 unexpected multi-level puzzles
Lots of funny surprises
A hint system that will not allow the child to get lost.

What is good and what is bad
1 CD
Developer site:
System requirements: CD with game in CD-ROM
Description of the game:
Small children are very restless and curious. They get to know the world and test everything on their own experience. Therefore, it is so important to explain to them what is good and what is bad.
Toddlers find themselves in a variety of situations and often do not know what to do, even if we, adults, the decisions seem obvious. This game will teach your child to recognize dangerous situations and react to them correctly. While watching funny animations, the child will choose answers from the options offered. At the same time, he will not only have fun, but he will also learn how to make the right choice in non-standard circumstances:
Is it worth hiding under a tree if a thunderstorm with lightning starts during a walk?
Should I climb to save my beloved kitten myself, if he, frightened by a neighbor's dog, climbed a tree?
What to answer to strangers if they come up on the street and propose to go with them?

RedShift 3
(1 CD)

This disk will give you the opportunity to travel millions of light years separating us from other galaxies, explore comets and mysterious planets, observe "black holes" and pulsars, exploding galaxies and supernovae. Redshift 3 is your desktop virtual planetarium. The program is based on a mechanism capable of displaying the position of more than a million stars and planets at any given time from 4700 BC to 10,000 AD. You can become the first witness of the next solar eclipse, or turn back the clock and look at the starry sky through the eyes of Roman emperors. Through introductory astronomy courses and exciting videos, you will discover all the wonders of the universe, from the birth of stars to the search for extraterrestrial life.

RedShift website

Minimum computer requirements:
Intel Pentium 90 MHz,
16 MB of RAM,
Windows 95 / NT (with Russian language support),
Resolution of at least 640x480,
Hi color (at least 32 thousand colors),
Four-speed CD-ROM drive,
· sound card,
· "mouse".

Travel underwater
(1 CD)

An old, still weak, but good program.
Traveling underwater in a bathyscaphe ...
The underwater world of the entire planet is a hypertext reference book with pictures.
First, a short video - beautiful underwater shooting.

1.1. Computer in kindergarten. Someone doubts the need for a child's "communication" with electronic computers, others are distrustful, and some consider its application to be the pedagogy of tomorrow.

The use of computers in education, including preschool education, has ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. The characteristics and capabilities of modern computers and software are constantly improving. The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic images, sound, speech, video, memorize and process data at high speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys.

Advanced pedagogical experience in the use of computer technology in upbringing and educational work convinces us that it successfully forms readiness for learning in preschoolers with speech disorders, develops all the components of speech (sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc., voluntary attention, concentration, children's abilities , enriches and diversifies independent children's activities, forms of communication and cooperation between adults and children.

Classes using a computer are very interesting for preschoolers. They take great pleasure in mastering special computer programs, achieving the correct solution to game problems.

Computer games are a completely new type of activity for preschoolers. Their specificity lies in the fact that the child must independently find ways to solve the problem posed to him, which allows us to consider them as a special means of developing children's creativity.

As many authors note (R.F. Abdeev, 1994; V.P. Bespalko, 2002; O. I. Kukushkina, 1994; E. And Mashbits, 1986, 1988; I. A. Filatova, 1993, games allows you to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the teaching of children with developmental disabilities and significantly increase the effectiveness of any activity.The computer provides ample opportunities for using various analyzers in the process of performing and monitoring activities.The joint coordinated work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers when performing tasks of a computer program allows you to activate compensatory mechanisms of the child.Since preschoolers with speech disorders have a well-developed involuntary attention, the educational material presented in a bright, interesting form for the child is of particular interest. attractive form, which not only speeds up the memorization of the content, but also makes it meaningful and long-term.

Since then, on the basis of the results of scientific research, a lot of interesting and useful computer technologies and games of an educational and educational nature for children, methods of their application in kindergartens have been developed.

Using a computer to enrich the vocabulary, perform phonetic and grammatical exercises has a serious impact on the development of all aspects of a child's speech. Computer games help to solve those speech problems that children have not learned, or have not learned enough. In the process of completing tasks, generalizing concepts are clarified and consolidated. For example:

in the game “Baba Yaga. Go there, I don't know where ... "concepts such as" Furniture "," Dishes "," Toys "," Flowers "," Products ", etc., are fixed.

in the game "ABC in Pictures. Appliances "- concepts such as:" Transport "," Tools "," Household appliances ", etc.

Other assignments teach children:

Use prepositions and words with spatial meaning (about, on the contrary, in the center, trace, right, below, above, behind, in front,

To consolidate the knowledge of the names of baby animals, use them in the nominative, genitive singular and plural, differentiate hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants by ear, find a given sound at the beginning, middle, and end of a word.

Unlike other games and activities, computer games allow you to see the product of your imagination and your game, restore the process, the dynamics of creativity, realize your potential capabilities that cannot manifest themselves in traditional conditions (for example, due to the lack of formation of graphic skills, to influence the motivational sphere in a complex manner (at the same time using sound, color, movement of objects controlled by the child, to implement the principle of self-control, which allows children to feel free, not to be afraid to give wrong answers, not to feel confusion and awkwardness, to actively and independently control the game, which strengthens faith in your strength.

All this causes an increased interest in computer games in both children and adults, and allows purposefully and effectively stimulate and activate the child's capabilities in the intellectual and motivational-emotional spheres.

Thus, the expediency and relevance of the use of gaming computer technologies in the process of correcting the general underdevelopment of speech in older preschoolers is obvious.

For two years we have been working on the problem of overcoming the general speech underdevelopment in older preschool children using gaming computer technologies. The work was carried out in the system, purposefully. We have determined the main goal of using computer gaming technologies in corrective work with children:

increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of work on the correction of speech development disorders in children of the preparatory group with general speech underdevelopment.

The planned tasks were conditionally divided into three groups:

I. Group of tasks of the familiarization and adaptation cycle

1. Familiarization of children with the computer and the rules of conduct when working with it.

2. Acquaintance of children with computer game programs and their characters.

3. Overcoming the psychological barrier between the child and the computer by creating a situation of success.

4. Formation in children of the initial skills of work with the use of the manipulator "mouse" in the process of carrying out correctional classes.

II. A group of tasks for the correctional, developmental, educational and upbringing cycle.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation, prosodic components of speech, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical components of the language.

2. Improving the dialogical speech of children: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand the questions, the meaning of the assignment, be able to ask questions, answer them.

3. Formation and development of skills in educational activities: awareness of the goal, independent solution of the assigned tasks, achievement of the set goal, assessment of the results of activities.

4. Development of verbal and logical thinking, visual and auditory perception, verbal and visual memory, attention.

5. Development of the motivational sphere of children.

6. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children: education of independence, perseverance, concentration; initiation into empathy, cooperation, co-creation.

III. A group of creative cycle tasks.

1. Development of imagination.

2. Development of cognitive activity.

Each lesson with the use of computer games is complex, that is, it is an optimal combination of traditional and computer-aided remedial education that meets the individual characteristics, capabilities and educational needs of a child with OHP.

Classes are held with older preschoolers once a week, the maximum finding of the child at the display is 20 - 25 minutes. To prevent fatigue after 5 minutes of work with the monitor screen, a break is required to do special exercises. In the course of the lesson, games and finger gymnastics are necessarily used to develop fine motor skills. Children really like the rhythmic finger movements, and thus they prepare the baby's fingers to work with the mouse. Finger games have other advantages as well, they help in learning the concepts of "Down" and "Up". At the end of the lesson, a set of exercises is carried out to relieve visual and emotional stress.

1.3. We use the following gaming computer technologies to accomplish the intended tasks:

“Baba Yaga. Go there, I don't know where ... ";

"Luntik. Russian for Kids ";

"Three from Prostokvashino. The ball teaches the alphabet ”;

"Three from Prostokvashino. Uncle Fyodor goes to school ”;

"Primer. Smesharik ";

“Learning to think logically”;

“Development of speech. Boo's brownie in the world of words ”;

“We read by syllables with the brownie Boo”;

Drakosha and Entertaining Informatics;

Speech therapy correction program "Games for Tigers";

“Alphabet in pictures. Technique";

Electronic manual for preschool preparation "Primer" and others.

In the process of working with older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment, computer games, exercises and tasks are used to form the correct sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical categories, overcoming phonetic and phonemic speech disorders, etc.:

"Identify the sounds of nature";

"Chain of words";

"Travel from A to Z";

"Determine the first sound in a word";

"Name and show a picture with a given sound";

“Name and show all the objects in the picture with a given sound”;

"Choose the right one out of two words";

"The fourth extra";

"Insert the missing letter";

"Divide words into syllables";

"Collect the Word" and others.

The appearance of a computer in kindergarten affects all aspects of the pedagogical process and requires the solution of many organizational issues: the time and duration of classes with preschoolers, their number, the unification of children into microgroups, etc.

The work of a teacher using computer technology is closely related to the work of all preschool educational institutions. It is of a research nature and requires extensive knowledge from various fields: pedagogy and psychology, ergonomics and computing, hygiene, correctional pedagogy and other sciences.

From the above, we can conclude that the majority of older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment easily master complex electronic techniques. Both boys and girls like it. And the presence of a computer at the workplace of a speech therapist is a good basis for the comprehensive preparation of a preschooler with OHP for schooling.

Speech therapy classes using computer games contribute to the full development of the child as a whole.

Purposeful systemic speech therapy, based on the use of computer technology, can significantly increase the effect of the correctional and developmental process.

Computer educational games :: getting ready for school :: Mom. RU

Ekaterina Khlomova20.11.2011 at 00:58 Child and family psychotherapist

Computer games for preschoolers should be fun, develop attention, quick reactions, and train memory. The fulfillment of all game tasks should teach the child to think analytically in non-standard situations, classify and generalize concepts; develop fine motor skills of hands and hand-eye coordination. In addition, the game should be meaningful and simple at the same time, with a low level of aggression.

The main plus of computer games in preparation for school is the development of perseverance and dedication in the kid. Children who are familiar with the computer feel more confident in modern life, more easily adapt to different situations.

Computer game rules

The number of minutes on the PC is equal to the child's age multiplied by 1.5. For example, for a six-year-old - the game lasts 9 minutes.

The number of sessions per PC is a maximum of 3 per day. For a six-year-old, that's half an hour a day.

After work - gymnastics for the eyes and outdoor games are required.

Online resources for preschoolers: - a website for children's educational and developmental computer games that can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring books, rebuses, Sudoku, Japanese crosswords, solitaire games and other puzzles that develop perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking; - educational aids and CDs for preschool and primary school children; - Children's portal “We Play” - educational computer games; ​​- children's electronic presentations and clips; ​​- computer program for the development of children; - online educational games for children; - games for children;

More details on the website

Logozavria: site of children's computer games

Educational and developmental computer games and flash games for preschoolers and younger students that can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring, rebuses, sudoku, japanese crosswords, solitaire and others puzzle developing perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking- all that contributes to successful learning child at school.


17.12.2012 - A book was published in the Phoenix publishing house "Lessons of Logozavria: Preparing for School Fun and Fast"... Its content is fully consistent with the curriculum of our Internet schools"Lessons from the Wise Owl".

The first part, titled "Tales for Logosha", is a collection of educational stories containing educational material to prepare for school. The second part, "Learning with Logos", serves as a workbook to consolidate the material under study.

You can view the book and purchase it at a special price in the publisher's online store "".

23.12.2011 - Changed curriculum Internet schools"Lessons from the Wise Owl"(adjusted to program on CD). The order of studying M-S, G-L-R, S-Z, Zh-Sh has been rearranged. The teaching aid now contains 37 chapters (instead of 24), corresponding to the number of lessons. The volume of the workbook has been increased.

01.12.2011 - For specialists interested in the influence of computer technology on the development of children, a section has been added "Experiments".

04.02.2011 - To the section "Games for girls" added games based on the plots of the popular game "Kingdom. The Adventures of Eliza".


Computer games and preschooler.

Posted date: 2011-04-03

This article was created on the basis of the speech of L. A. Paramonova, who told about the results of the experiment in the center "Preschool Childhood" named after A. V. Zaporozhets at the 10th Pedagogical Marathon in Moscow.

T.P. Korotkova reserves the right to highlight the main ideas without distorting the meaning of the author's speech.

The modern world cannot be imagined without a computer. And if the computer as a magnet attracts adults to itself first of all for work, and then for entertainment, and to get pleasure from communication on forums and in social networks, then a child is interested in an “adult” toy in general.

According to the results of recent polls in big cities, people of working age are developing computer skills: people quit all business and work on computers.

Our children find themselves in a very difficult situation. On the one hand, imitating adults, the child is drawn to play at the computer. On the other hand, the stores sell toys that are not conducive to the child's independent play.

Parents prefer to buy games and transforming toys for their child. But, unfortunately, these toys are not conducive to the child's play as such. Such toys develop speed qualities and responsiveness (quickly grab, quickly put down, quickly shoot). And this threatens the child with one more trouble - children do not fully develop speech and sometimes only verbs in the child's speech.

Many parents recklessly allow their child to play at the computer for too long and do not delve into the content of the game.

Leading experts Center "Preschool Childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets conducted an experiment for several years - observation of preschoolers and definitely made the following conclusions:

1. A computer for a preschooler can only be used as a teaching tool. 2. A computer for a preschooler can be used as a developing didactic tool. 3. As soon as the child uses the computer for development, one should constantly monitor the state of health of the child, namely, vision, physical health and emotional health.

How long can you use a computer to develop a child?

According to experts, it is optimal to use a computer 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

At what age can you use computer educational games?

The answer is unequivocal. The child's age is not earlier than 5 years. Because the sign function of the brain matures precisely by this age, and only by this age does the child begin to distinguish between a “sign” and a real object.

What conditions should be created for a child to play at the computer?

Parents need to remember three fundamental things:

1. A good computer game should have a connection with the child's objective activity. What does it mean? The child needs to shift, spread, i.e. act with objects or characters in the game.

2. A good computer game must have a connection with the construction and perception of the child. 3. Computer educational games should reflect the interaction of the child's intellectual and emotional health. The role of emotions is so great that it is difficult to imagine.

Emotions control, correct and initiate intellectual activity.

Speaking about developing computer games, it is necessary to consider two different concepts of "complexity" and "difficulty".

What is complexity? This concept is objective, because any problem has many solutions. What is difficulty? This concept is subjective, since the difficulty of solving the problem arises in some subject.

The task can be difficult, but if the child is fluent in different ways of solving it, then it will be easy for him.

What should be educational programs for preschoolers?

1. Experts in this field propose to create Computer Gaming Complexes.

In kindergartens already exist and will develop Computer play complexes.

What is a "Computer Gaming Complex"?

Such complexes are being created on the basis of kindergartens and provide assistance to older preschoolers in learning and development. Several computers are united by a single program and connected to an adult's computer. An adult can adjust it, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child or specific learning objectives.

What should be computer gaming complexes?

Computers stand in a circle, children work in pairs, sit on a common bench.

2. What is the peculiarity and specificity of teaching preschoolers?

Firstly b Most of the children are afraid to make mistakes when completing assignments. Preschoolers feel constrained, not free. Secondly, after numerous observations, the specialists of the Preschool Childhood Center named after

A. V. Zaporozhets revealed such a pattern. In 13% of children, cruelty towards the heroes and characters of educational games is manifested, and this cruelty controls their actions.

Should children develop cruelty?

Therefore, it is so important that during the developmental computer games with the preschooler there is an adult who would tell, explain and communicate with the child.

In a high-quality educational computer game, there should be neutral fixators to which the child could react less emotionally. For example, he completed the task correctly - the sun is smiling, or the chamomile has opened its petals.

At one time, psychologist BF Lomov warned that “You don’t need to drag EVERYTHING to the screen:“ What can be done by other means, not just with the help of a computer, and must be done without the help of a computer ”. With the help of a computer, it is possible to develop spatial representations in a preschooler, which in the real world a child comprehends with difficulty.

3. Development of spatial representation in a preschooler.

With the help of computer games, this is done easily and simply, and besides this, the child's thinking is developing remarkably. For example, in the game, the child is asked to build a house, but on the way to the rack, the car overturned and the bricks broke.

The task is to collect bricks and build a house. And the child, applying parts of a brick-rectangle in various ways, learns to assemble a whole from parts in space.

In such a game, the peculiarities of the child's age are taken into account, and therefore there is a certain plot, various actions and results. The child is interested and receives joy from the very process of the game.

Such games lay the prerequisites for the successful mastery of trigonometry and geometry in the future, where ideas about space are especially important for future designers and artists.

4. The rate of perception of the child.

The pace of play should match that of older preschool children. This applies to the musical accompaniment, and to the sound, and to the movements of the characters.

5. Subject of game computer programs.

The subject of playing computer games should correspond to the age of the child and should be clear to him by the content. For example, games such as Space, Forest Dwellers, Sea Dwellers, Pets, or Drawing.

What is important when choosing computer games.

Positive emotions are very important for a preschooler. And if something does not work out for the child in the game, it happens "The phenomenon of unfinished action"... The child does not get satisfaction from the game and therefore his emotions remain at a low level.

To prevent this from happening, parents must be with the child to help him.

Children like the so-called "Director's games". Their essence is as follows. The child acts with the image of a little man or the image of a fairy-tale character and, voicing and performing some actions with these characters, creates a fairy tale, cartoon, creates a book or comes up with interesting stories.

Developing computer games that meet medical, psychological and pedagogical requirements are presented on the website of the Institute of New Technologies ”.

What must be present in computer games for preschoolers.

1. Games, in which the prospect of communicating someone with someone is laid. Psychologists say that computer games take place when an adult is interested and when an adult plays with a child.

2. The game must have plot elements, ie. there are hero figures, space markers. And very it is important that in the virtual world the child really communicates, talking and acting, with an adult.

Genuine didactics where children learn from children or imitatively from adults. Therefore, in children's institutions, children are put in twos. Children are wary, afraid to make mistakes.

But in the game, competing or advancing to be more successful, they involuntarily develop.

You can always choose the best for your child. So make the right choice!

Subscribe for the free course "Secrets of Parenting" and get the Secret Book for free. From this course you will learn about the secrets of folk pedagogy, about the secrets of modern education technologies and a lot of other useful information for solving your problems. *

Material from the site

Children's educational games online, children's site "We play"

In games, new knowledge is learned much easier! That's why children's educational games Is a great way to make your child's learning experience fun and more effective.

We bring to your attention the site of children's online games "We play". Here you will find games for the general development of the child, games for attention and memory, logic and thinking, various coloring pages, puzzles, rebuses, riddles, puzzles, and many other interesting tasks.

It is such happiness to watch your beloved child grow up every day. And no doubt all parents want him to be smart and capable. All in your hands.

Only you, dear parents, can help your child develop his abilities, acquaint him with the wonderful world around us.

So do it with the help of the “We Play” kids website! All the games presented were created by our friendly team in cooperation with professional illustrators and child psychologists. Educational games will surely please you and your child.

We tried to create a pleasant, fun atmosphere that will make your child happy to play and learn.

You can be sure that our children's site absolutely safe for your child. There is no obscene content or aggressive ads, and you can safely leave your little one alone with the computer.

Remember that our children's educational games online will help to enrich the child's speech, broaden his horizons and prepare well for school! Learning is fun and easy!

P.S. Our children's site is still quite small, and we, regularly adding new games and sections, will try to grow and develop together with your baby. Visit us more often!

Educational games, developing computer games, children's portal

Your child is still so small, and he needs to be taught a lot. How can this be done if the child cannot concentrate and sit still?

The children's portal “We Play” will come to your aid. Our educational computer games will interest and hold the child's attention. By completing play tasks, your kid will gradually learn what will be useful in further education in kindergarten and school.

Together with us, you will learn to distinguish colors, count, combine objects according to characteristics, compare objects in size, and much more. And our entertaining games will always help you to relax after mental or physical exertion.

remember, that educational games develop the child's thinking, teach him to independently express his thoughts and feelings. The sooner you start working with your child, the more confident he will feel in the future.

On our children's portal educational games of varying degrees of difficulty are presented. And if something does not work out for the kid, support him and help him, but in no case do not scold him. We hope that by completing the tasks together, you will get to know your child better, help him develop his abilities and just have a good time communicating together.

And most importantly, make sure that the child does not get very tired, regulate the time he spends at the computer. Remember that preschool children can only sit in front of a computer screen for no more than 30 minutes a day.

Now go ahead and play! After all, the child loves it more than anything else! And do not forget to praise your child for even minor achievements!


Developing computer

games for preschoolers

In the modern computer games market, you can buy many programs for children. Some of them are also used in preschool educational institutions, where a Computer Gaming Complex (KIK) is being created.

  1. Choose educational computer games for classes with children, taking into account the psychological characteristics of children 5 - 7 years old, which are aimed at the development of basic mental processes: perception, memory, attention, speech, logical thinking.
  2. In the classroom at home or at a preschool educational institution, use modern computer games for children that have an interface that is accessible for children to understand (the rules for interacting with a computer). This will make the child feel more confident and put him in a situation of success.
  3. Make sure that the level of difficulty of the task corresponds to the age capabilities of the child, his personality. This will teach him to evaluate his own strengths, will allow everyone to receive positive results according to their individual program.

Each lesson of the Computer Gaming Complex includes several types of activities that replace each other: conversation or game; work on a computer with individual game tasks; outdoor game or sports exercises; didactic games and construction. In the classroom, sanitary and epidemiological standards are strictly observed and exercises for the eyes are carried out.

We offer you computer games, which are recommended by MA Bykovskaya, a KIK teacher at preschool educational institution No. 289 in Moscow.

1st block. Games for beginners

If your child is 4 - 5 years old, and he is just beginning to get acquainted with the computer, you should choose games with fairly simple tasks for him.

First of all, master the technique of working with the "mouse" and the keyboard with your child, and also understand the basics of the game interface - with the ways of moving to the next task, with managing the level of difficulty, turning off the program. At the initial stage, it is better not to use the so-called arcade games, which are still difficult for a preschooler.

Adventure plots, logical tasks contained in such games increase nervous tension, failure can reduce the child's self-esteem. Arcade games should be introduced when the child acquires the necessary skills with the keyboard and mouse.

  1. "Want to know everything". Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russobit-M". A game from the Mapet Childhood series, which includes several games:

"By water, land and air", "Flora and fauna", "Shape and color".

  1. "Little seeker". Developer "Scholastic"; publisher "New Disc". The game includes several games with pictures, riddles and puzzles.

2nd block. Games for children 5 years old

If children have mastered the basics of computer control, choose games to develop attention, memory, thinking, creative games, as well as some story games accompanied by various tasks.

  1. Antoshka. Dream Hunter Adventures. Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russo-bit-M". The game has a storyline in the form of a book, in which on each page you can find the game or click on interactive objects
  2. "Planet of numbers for kids." Interesting math tasks for comparison, counting, attention and memory.
  3. "Alik". Back to school soon. SILCOM developer; publisher "Russobit-M". Great game for preschoolers. In a cheerful form, the concepts are fixed: size, color, shape, number, number; logical thinking develops. The game has a lot of funny surprises - "animas".

3rd block. Games for children 6 years old

If the preschooler is comfortable with the computer, introduce more complex games for him, sometimes requiring counting skills, recognition of sounds and letters, good coordination of movements and more developed fine motor skills.

  1. Antoshka. An extraordinary safari. In an entertaining game, children get acquainted with various animals and their habitat.
  2. Antoshka. Wonders of Science. Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russobit-M". An entertaining game in an accessible form introduces the basics of science: you can examine objects under a microscope, learn how to set up scientific experiments at home.
  3. "Alik". Summer vacation. SILCOM developer; kaleidoscope of games. Coloring book, tag, tetris, mosaic, musical improvisation. Funny pictures. The games are not plot-related.
  4. "Lelik and Bolek in kindergarten." A set of games without a plot. Games for the development of memory, attention, ability to follow instructions


Educational games for kids: play for free online!

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Do you want your child not only to spend their time with interest, but also to be able to benefit from their fun fun? Educational games for kids are the best choice for the most caring and attentive parents!

Fascinating and simple educational games for children will not only give the baby a great mood, but also provide the baby with the most necessary knowledge and skills. And most importantly, they will not allow the most important time in your child's life to pass aimlessly!

Business time!

As we get older, we gradually get used to the idea that any fun is an idle pastime that distracts us from really important things. Therefore, it seems to us that the time of early childhood is carefree and joyful, when the baby is allowed to play as much as possible: how we would like to do nothing all day!

However, for a child, any games are not just carefree fun, but also a real educational process. This is how the baby learns the world, learns to understand the patterns of events and trains the most important skills that will definitely come in handy in the future. And therefore, you need to approach the choice of games for the kid with all responsibility, almost more than in the future, you will help him with the choice of an institute and a future profession.

The foundation of his future intelligence will depend on whether the child plays good educational games or spends all his time watching cartoons. And it depends only on you, the parents, what the little one's brain will be filled with: incoherent pictures or the first logical conclusions. But which game to choose so that it is of real benefit?

Of course, it is best for the child to play with the parents. You can build towers from blocks, along the way explaining how to make the walls of a toy castle more durable with the right masonry, or play educational games for children, coming to the rescue in case of serious difficulties.

But this is only possible in an ideal world, where dinner is cooked by itself, the floors never get dirty, and your hair always looks like you just left the hairdresser. In reality, a young mother physically cannot be near her baby 24 hours a day, even if she really, really wants to!

Then computer educational games come to the rescue, which will captivate the child for a long time, and at the same time will bring a lot of benefit to his mind. While the child is having fun and gaining intelligence, mom can have time to redo all the housework, and even have time for herself - you must admit, an excellent help in the difficult task of educating the younger generation!

Computers for children!

There is an opinion that there is only one continuous harm from a computer to babies. And who would argue that it is much more useful for the eyes and fine motor skills to fold origami or glue ship models than to click on the monitor with the mouse! But children seem to be drawn to everything new and digital.

How can you spend time at the computer yourself, but not let your baby in? This is almost impossible, and, in fact, not necessary.

The possible harm of the computer to children's health is greatly exaggerated: if the time that the baby spends in front of the monitor does not exceed the norms established by doctors, then nothing bad will happen. But from an early age, learning to handle complex digital technology is very important in the modern world!

We choose only the best!

In Soviet times, this was somehow easier. There was only one puzzle book in the bookstore, and that was the one that had to be taken. Even not only because there was no particular choice, but also because the content of the book was just perfect: the list of games suitable for the development and upbringing of children was formed with the participation of the best teachers of the Union!

Now the choice of various “smart toys” has become much larger, but the percentage of low-quality goods has increased markedly. How to tell a good game from a bad one, how to choose the best entertainment for your child?

First, be sure to pay attention to the color scheme. Of course, educational games for children should be bright, otherwise they simply will not be attractive to the baby and will be a burden for him. But too much color should not be: excessively bright variegation not only tires the eyes, but, as doctors assure, can negatively affect the psyche of the child.

Secondly, learning will be much more effective if the role of a mentor or classmate is one of your child's favorite cartoon characters. It is much more fun to do even a difficult thing if you see a positive example in front of you in the form of your pet! "Look how well Piglet knows the numbers!" "All Winx girls go to school and study with you!" - if you want to be like your idol, you have to work hard!

Thirdly, of course, games should not contain errors - either grammatical or factual. Unfortunately, there are often cases when game creators are careless about their duties and poorly check the content of their games, making both typos and outright mistakes.

It will not be easy for you to explain to your child why right now, in order to move to a new level, you need to give the wrong answer! Therefore, it is better to independently go through all the games that you are going to offer your child in advance in order to filter out those that are done carelessly.

However, if you have no time at all to climb the entire network and find good toys, we have great news for you! We have already done this work for you and have selected only the highest quality educational games for our site.

You can safely download any of them: you can be sure that your child will definitely like it! In addition, the great advantage of our site is the fact that all educational games are available on it online and completely free! This means that you can play them as much as you want and anywhere, even on the road or away.

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