Genital piercing. Genital piercing. Contraindications to an intimate puncture

Someone will say that this is vulgar or even stupid, while others think it is very sexy. Disputes on this topic do not subside today, although punctures in intimate places can hardly be called a wonder. If you are reading this article, then you are interested in intimate piercings. How safe is the procedure, how it goes, what complications may arise, in what places is intimate piercing done, and is the earring really in intimate place can enhance sexual sensations, we'll talk about this.

Genital piercing technique

Genital piercing, like any other type of piercing, is a puncture of the skin with a needle, into which the master will insert a specially designed jewelry. Only a professional with experience in this field should carry out the procedure. In no case do this manipulation to yourself at home! If for any reason you suddenly think that this is a trifling matter, stop and read the article to the end. Intimate piercing is not for you. There are many subtleties and dangers here. Even not all salons are licensed to carry out this manipulation. If you decide on such a step as genital piercing, approach the search for a master very responsibly.

The step-by-step scheme of piercing is as follows:

  1. The master carries out the treatment of the skin at the site of the future puncture with an antiseptic.
  2. A mark is made on the skin where the puncture will be located.
  3. If necessary, an injection of anesthetic is given.
  4. With a special puncture tool, one edge of which looks like an ordinary needle, and an ornament is inserted into the other, the craftsman will make a “hole”.
  5. Simultaneously with the puncture, the decoration will already be installed in the right place.
  6. The master will fix it by winding a ball on the bar or fastening an earring ring.
  7. The procedure ends with recommendations from the master regarding the care of the puncture site.

Where can a puncture be made?

Types of intimate piercing in women

  • Inner Labia. Puncture of the labia minora. This piercing of the labia is considered the easiest to perform and the fastest in healing.
  • Outer Labia. Puncture of the labia majora. The piercing site can be selected individually, depending on whether you want to receive additional stimulation of the clitoris or to give pleasure to your partner. In the first case, the "hole" is made near the clitoris, and in the second, closer to the vagina. This piercing of the labia is quite difficult, it takes 3 to 4 months to heal.
  • Hood. Puncture the skin fold over the clitoris. It is considered the most popular type of piercing. It can be executed both horizontally and vertically.
  • Clitoris. Clitoris piercing. The anatomy of not all women allows for this genital piercing. A miniature adornment is used here to preserve the sensitivity of the organ. The healing period is from a month to two.
  • Christina. The puncture is made at the point of contact between the labia majora and the pubis. Decoration does not stimulate erogenous zones, but carries an aesthetic load. This type of piercing in intimate places is very impractical: you will probably feel discomfort if you wear skinny jeans.
  • Nefertiti. Deep genital piercing from the skin above the clitoris to the Mount of Venus. Healing is long lasting. Piercing is dangerous because it occurs along the nerve of the clitoris.
  • Superficial piercing of the genitals. This type involves a puncture of the skin on the pubis. One or more implantation is possible. Such piercing in intimate places is not practical, requires increased attention during healing and is quite often rejected.

There are many blood vessels in the puncture area of ​​the intimate area, so you need to be very careful so as not to cause severe bleeding and infection. You may also encounter pain when urinating. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the “affected area” for 2 weeks at least 2 times a day with a disinfectant solution. Do not visit saunas, swimming pools, postpone trips to the sea, going to the solarium. If you find redness, feel pain, immediately consult a doctor and remove the metal trinket.

Types of intimate piercing for men

  • Dydoes. This option appeared not so long ago. When performing, paired punctures are made on both sides of the head. Small rods are inserted. According to the owners of this type of genital piercing, sexual sensations after the procedure are revived with renewed vigor.
  • Frenum. He came to us from Europe. It is a stimulant of long-term enjoyment. The jewelry is placed in the skin at the base of the head, where the ring is placed around the penis. During sex, the ring compresses the organ, delaying ejaculation. This is the simplest type of male genital piercing.
  • Prince Albert. Came to us from the Victorian era. Prince Albert was quite an extraordinary person and wore a ring that was threaded through the glans of the penis to support it. The puncture was made through the urethra to the base of the head. The procedure is easy and does not have any negative consequences. Since the skin is very thin, it heals quickly enough. After such a piercing, it is necessary sexual abstinence from 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Ampallang. A rather unknown type of genital piercing. It is used by the Indonesian tribes when initiating a boy into a man. The ornament is pierced horizontally through the head. The ear ring passes both through the urethra and next to it.
  • Apadravya. Vertical puncture. The head intersects with the lower ball at its base. Such a genital piercing was even mentioned in the Kamasutra, as it brings a lot of pleasure. Apadravya can be called the most difficult, in order for the puncture to heal you will have to refrain from love relationship for several months.

Dangers of intimate piercing

If you decide to get an intimate piercing, you need to know what dangers you can face:

  • There is a risk of bacterial infections. Monitor the sterility of the instrument.
  • Nerve damage is possible. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional.
  • In case of an allergic reaction to metal, the jewelry may be rejected.
  • If you get bored of your genital piercing or have to remove it, an unaesthetic scar may remain at the puncture site.

Rules for a successful intimate puncture

For intimate piercing for girls to bring pleasure, not disappointment, it is necessary:

  • Check for genital tract infections.
  • Step by step follow the instructions for caring for the puncture site with your own hands.
  • To carry out the manipulation only in specialized salons, there can be no question of any independent puncture.
  • Do not skimp on jewelry, purchase only high-quality bars or rings made of gold, titanium or implantium.
  • Observe all recommendations: refrain from visiting the sauna, solarium, pool during the healing period.
  • Do not have sex until the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not remove jewelry until the wound is completely healed.

Intimate puncture - does it hurt?

The most pressing question: "Intimate piercing, is it painful to do?" A huge number of nerve endings makes the procedure painful in this area. Evaluating pain on a 10-point scale, intimate piercing in women can deservedly get a top ten. But it all depends on individual characteristics and the pain threshold of every woman. Some people note that wound healing is much more painful than the five-second puncture itself. If necessary, the technician can give you a local anesthetic.

Contraindications to an intimate puncture

Like any other manipulation associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, genital piercing has contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an allergic reaction to an anesthetic or metal.

How to care for a wound

Compliance with cleanliness and banal rules of personal hygiene is the key to successful and quick wound healing. A fresh puncture needs careful care: at least twice a day, wash the wound with a special disinfectant, which the master will advise you. Do not use greasy creams until the wound is completely healed. If you experience a burning sensation, soreness, or severe redness, see a dermatologist right away. In the event of an allergic reaction to metal, the jewelry may need to be removed.

Piercing and sex life

Intimate punctures are most often done either to decorate intimate places, or to enhance the sensations in bed. Relatively sexual sensations and new emotions during sex, there are pros and cons that should be considered:

  • Argument FOR. Many people really enjoy a small piece of metal in an intimate place that stimulates the erogenous zones. Some are turned on by the thought of having jewelry for intimate piercing from a partner.
  • Argument AGAINST. Others, on the contrary, are frightened even by the thought of the presence of a piece of metal on the partner's body. Fear of injury does not allow you to fully relax and get the most out of sex.

That is why before getting a genital piercing, check with your partner. If he is open to such experiments, why not diversify his sex life in this way?

As many people exist in the world, you will hear so many opinions about intimate piercing. One way or another, an intimate female piercing is intimate, so that you personally decide to be or not be on your body.

A person with a tattoo or piercings is not surprising to anyone now. It is perceived either as decoration or as a way of self-expression. But 25 variants of modifications of the human body, made in sound mind and firm memory, are injected into a stupor. It's just hard to believe that a person is able to create with his own body.

Sharpening teeth is common practice in many tribes. This usually applies to the front teeth. Once upon a time it was part of a religious rite, but now it is just a cosmetic procedure.

Neck rings are also considered a traditional cosmetic procedure, because in many tribes it was believed that the longer the neck, the prettier woman... Local beauties put rings on their necks, and not just like that, but at a certain angle.

The tongue is cut in half from tip to root. Some people feel that kisses become more sensual thanks to this step.

A corset piercing is an incredibly painful modification in which the back is pierced in two rows and then laced up like a real corset. Because the pain is hellish. And the risk of infection is enormous, then most often this "decoration" is temporary.

If someone loves to wear all sorts of jewelry on the body, but does not want to get pierced, he can try implant magnets. When the magnet is under the skin, it immediately attracts metal objects to itself. Now you can wear jewelry without punctures.

This action is also called stigmatization, and it is the process by which a mark, usually a symbol or pattern, survives on the skin. As a result, the burn scar turns into a timeless decoration.

You can implant anything and anywhere, even balls of various materials into the genitals. They say that it is not only beautiful, but also enhances sexual pleasure during intercourse.

The iris is not the only part of the eye that can be tattooed. The white of the eye is fine too. You can completely change its color, or you can limit yourself to some pattern.

A type of scarification, when the layers of the skin are removed either mechanically (for example, using sandpaper) or chemically.

A strange phenomenon originated in Canada, and became widespread in Japan. A saline solution is injected into the forehead where a temporary bagel (donut) swelling forms.

During this procedure, a person is suspended from hooks implanted in their body.

Most people, when a speck gets into the eye, immediately strive with all their might to get rid of it. And there are people who deliberately inject all kinds of ornaments into the eyeball and pay a lot of money for it.

In the process of scarification, scars are formed on the body in all sorts of ways. As a result, either a picture or words appear on the skin.

The fashion for them appeared in 1994, when they began to inject small objects made of silicone or Teflon under the skin. They are also called 3D implants.

In this case, the jewelry is not completely inserted under the skin, but partially. The process is also called skin perforation.

Usually, the piercing involves a small piercing in which a small piece of jewelry is worn. Someone thought this was not enough, and he came up with an extreme option, piercing the most unexpected parts of the body and decorating them with very strange objects.

Lip piercing is the most popular type of it, but sometimes it takes on a very strange shape.

They sewed and flogged

Sutured lips can be an alternative to tunnels. Most often, such a procedure is considered ritual, symbolizing the need to close the mouth. There were also cases of expressing political protest in this way.

In African tribes, you will not surprise anyone with stretched skin, but fashion has come to Western countries... Now everything is stretched: eyes, nose, lips, ears.

The procedure consists in giving the ears a pointed top shape. To do this, a wedge-shaped piece of the auricle is removed, and the two edges are spliced.

The history of plastic surgery knows several cases of an incredible desire to give oneself the appearance of one or another animal. The American known as the Crouching Cat undertook 14 surgeries to transform into a tigress. And plastic surgeons, knowing about the eternal striving for beauty and the ideal, especially women, take the opportunity and offer everything to eliminate the most often imaginary shortcomings.

Well, the most interesting thing is an intimate puncture. Such decorations are unlikely to be seen by someone outside, but they are not made to surprise onlookers. Genital piercing Is the main intimate attribute of the 21st century... It can be female and male. Most often, girls pierce their labia and clitoral hood, and a strong half of humanity decorates the head of the penis and the scrotum.

Many clients say that the pain from an intimate piercing was about the same as during the piercing of the earlobe. The exceptions are ampallang, apadravia, dido, and serious (albeit rare) clitoral piercings are painful types of piercings, but they have benefits that are definitely worth clenching your teeth for a few seconds.

Female Intimate Piercing: Hypersensitivity

The structure of the female external genital organs is distinguished by an enormous - albeit sometimes subtle - variety of forms. Not all women are suitable for all types of intimate piercings: for example, women with a small clitoral hood and small labia minora can only get the labia majora pierced.

For a number of reasons, vertical clitoral hood piercing is the most popular type of female intimate piercing. As the name suggests, the piercing is located in the natural crease of the female genitals so that the jewelry fits comfortably between the legs. In this position, nothing presses on him, and the puncture is not irritated. The structure of the genitals in almost 90% of women is such that the clitoris has " foreskin"(Ie the protective skin fold that covers the clitoris), into which the jewelry is inserted.

Even if you are overweight, you can still make a vertical puncture of the clitoral hood if you have a sufficiently developed hood and access to it is not difficult. Sometimes during the procedure, the help of an assistant is required to conveniently open this area for a puncture; most likely, it will be either the second piercer, or yourself - in this case, you will be given and asked to put on clean gloves. Even if the jewelry is completely hidden between the full labia majora, the vertical puncture of the clitoral hood will heal without problems.

Vertical puncture of the clitoral hood heals VERY quickly. Some women swear that everything healed for them in a week, if not less. To be on the safe side, it's best to take care of your puncture for all four weeks of the minimum healing time, even if it stops bothering you the next day.

After the procedure, physical activity is not prohibited, however, it is still better to refrain from riding a bicycle or horse for one to two weeks. In addition to these types of activities, the new piercing will not interfere with you in any way, you just may not notice it.

Intimate piercing: lingerie and hygiene

Tight-fitting underwear helps keep the jewelry in place, thereby reducing discomfort and risk of injury. Be sure to wear underwear - an extra layer of fabric helps maintain cleanliness, as it does not allow lint and dust from the clothes to get into the puncture; it is also obvious that wearing a panty liner without panties to which it can be attached is difficult.

Intimate piercing: urination

Body fluids often get caught on certain types of genital piercings - this is not a problem as long as it is yours. Urine is one of the first antiseptics known to mankind, and if you're healthy, your own secretions won't harm your piercing.

Among the various ways to get pierced male organs, there is a truly legendary one - Prince Albert. He is a ring that passes through the urethra at the base of the head. Today Prince Albert (who has a lot of photos on the Internet) is the most popular type of piercing for male "dignity". Moreover, the cost of such a piercing is relatively high.

Cock piercing

To avoid unexpected surprises after a glans or body piercing, I use the amazingly named rubber cock bandage. This dressing consists of sterile gauze wrapped around the puncture and an absorbent cloth over which I wear a medical glove (the glove's hanging fingers resemble a chicken comb). I secure the whole thing with a rubber band, which should be tight enough to hold the band in place, but not too tight so as not to interfere with blood circulation. Prince Albert, ampallang and apadravia usually bleed in such a way that the glove has to be changed several times. Do not take off the cock until it is full or you feel like urinating. Wear this waterproof bandage until the puncture is bleeding (usually the first two to three days).

Male Intimate Piercing: Erection

Erection of the penis during the marking or disinfection of the puncture site is a natural phenomenon that will not surprise an experienced piercer. In fact, a sudden erection in this case is rather a plus for some types of piercing, as it will allow you to accurately select the size of the jewelry, but if you have to "stand" until the moment of the puncture, this can significantly complicate the procedure or even make it impossible - and so there will definitely be a lot of blood. Try to distract yourself for a few minutes by thinking about cleaning the bathroom or having dinner at your grandmother's to help ease your condition. An erection can also happen the moment you see your new puncture with the jewelry installed for the first time. Again, bleeding is common.

Puncturing your genitals is a responsible business as it can affect how you feel during sex. An improperly made piercing can reduce sensitivity or even lead to its temporary or complete loss. Due to differences in genital anatomy and personal preference for stimulation during sex, you should consult an experienced piercer before deciding on an intimate piercing. Find an experienced professional who has been specially trained in intimate piercing and who can communicate with you in a free and relaxed manner about this very sensitive topic. A good piercer should be able to behave in a way that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Characteristics of intimate piercing

Intimate piercings are not jewelry for the faint of heart. Only bright and extraordinary personalities dare to pierce "these" places. Traditionally, intimate piercings include genital piercings, nipple and sometimes tongue piercings.

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Intimate piercing - a bit of history

Piercing, like tattoos, has its roots in ancient times. In many Indian and African tribes, the custom of piercing various parts of the body has been preserved - for some peoples it is a symbol of courage, while for others it replaces amulets from evil spirits. Intimate piercing for women was common in antiquity. Intimate areas the girls were pierced with a kind of "lock", which could only be removed by her future husband. In this way, the integrity of the young bride was guaranteed.

Closer to our times, the fashion for intimate piercing was introduced, oddly enough, by a man - Prince Albert

The most popular male puncture is named after him. Nipple piercings were also originally introduced to men by Roman soldiers to prove their masculinity. Later, this piercing became popular among women in the Middle Ages. The revealing neckline of that time often left the breasts practically open, and punctures and staining of the nipples became fashionable. So female intimate piercing is not a newfangled trend, but just a well-forgotten old one.

Nipple piercing is one of the most popular piercings for women. Such a puncture is not visible to strangers, but it can piquantly peep through clothing if you have not put on a bra. As a decoration, small rods or rings with a diameter of about a centimeter are inserted. Later, another decoration - a shield - can be inserted into the nipple. It simultaneously consists of a ringlet and a barbell. The special design of this shield creates the effect of erect nipples. The puncture can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

The most versatile is the horizontal puncture. After the first piercing has healed, a second piercing can be made, having received the original composition of jewelry. Nipple piercing is quite painful, but for punctures, local anesthesia, such as lidocaine, is often used. The nipples heal for 1-2 months. Contrary to popular belief, a good nipple piercing does not interfere with breastfeeding.

Nipple piercings are popular with celebrities too. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Janet Jackson can boast of juicy punctures

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Genital piercing

The piercing of intimate organs is done by both young girls who are ready for experiments and older women who want to diversify their sex life. The most common piercing of the labia. It is quite simple and does not require complex maintenance. The clitoris and hood are also pierced.

There are several types of female intimate piercing:

  • Inner Labia - a puncture of the labia minora. It is done very quickly and painlessly, it also heals quickly. Serves for decorative purposes only.
  • Outer labia - piercing of the labia majora, a direct descendant of the ancient "locks" piercing. It is more painful, so anesthesia may be used when performing it. It heals longer than a puncture of the labia minora.
  • Christina is a vertical piercing that runs from the hood of the clitoris to the bottom of the pubis. Due to anatomical features, it may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Hood - puncture of the clitoral hood. Very popular lately, but quite painful. It can be horizontal and vertical. According to reviews, it greatly diversifies intimate life.
  • Clitoral puncture is less common than the previous type. It is quite difficult to make a piercing in this place, and an incorrect puncture is fraught with loss of sensitivity.
However, a good piercing of the clitoris will significantly improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
  • The triangle is also a type of erotic piercing. It is done under the clitoris and connects the labia minora.
  • Princess Albertina - lower urethral puncture. It is quite difficult to perform, but heals quickly.
  • Isabella - passes through the clitoris, connecting the top of the hood and the area above the urethra. Very difficult and rare puncture.

All types of genital piercings vary in complexity, pain, and healing time. But usually such punctures heal for about a month.

Some women now decorate their bodies not only for the sake of beauty, but also for the sake of obtaining sexual pleasure... It is for this purpose that today in cosmetology gynecology offers such a procedure as intimate piercing. Today, there are many types of it.

"Christina" - piercing with a long healing period

Women rarely dare to make themselves this particular type of puncture. First, it heals for a long time - within 4 months. And secondly, the anatomical features of many representatives of the fair half of humanity do not allow this to be done. Finally, such a piercing can be a lot of inconvenience while walking, constantly scrolling.

"Christina" is an aesthetic adornment of oneself. During intercourse, no additional pleasure can be obtained with its help. This piercing is a puncture of the clitoral hood under the Venus Hillock. The decoration to be used in this case must be L-shaped.

Most popular vertical puncture

One of the most popular types of intimate piercing among women is the vertical clitoral hood piercing. Such a puncture heals within 4-8 weeks. A variety of jewelry options are suitable for this piercing.

This procedure is not difficult for a professional. The patient does not experience pain. After all, the fabric to be pierced is very thin. The result of such a piercing is not only beauty, but also stimulation of the clitoris during sexual contact with a partner.

Horizontal puncture is a great pleasure

For aesthetic purposes, women also make a horizontal puncture of the clitoral hood. It heals within 6-8 weeks, which is also pretty quick. With its help, you can also get additional sensations during sex. In this case, you need to choose the right piece of jewelry with one or two balls. It is necessary to install the product so that these balls fall on the clitoris.

It is impossible to do such a piercing on your own or from unverified masters. We need a preliminary consultation with a professional who will determine the amount of blood supply to this area. Only after that, an experienced specialist will do everything according to the rules.

Puncture of the labia minora - for yourself and your partner

Most often, the labia minora is pierced in order to enjoy the stimulation of the clitoris. This is only possible if the decoration is set quite high. During sex from such a piercing, and the partner can get significant pleasure.

Most often, small rings are used as jewelry for such a puncture. Many women even try to make several punctures in this place. However, it is worth remembering that this can lead to tissue stretching.

This type of piercing requires special care. He may bleed for the first 4-5 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to use special pads immediately after the procedure. And in the future, you will have to very often resort to hygienic procedures. After all, after each trip to the toilet, you will have to rinse the piercing with warm water.

Puncture of the labia majora - just for beauty

By doing piercing of the labia majora, many women dream of instantly receiving a lot of pleasure from intimacy. However, this option is only for decoration. Most of the pleasure can be felt from punctures in the hood of the clitoris. However, the popularity of this type of piercing is not diminishing. Moreover, a properly selected decoration can stimulate the male partner's penis.

This piercing heals within 2-3 months. A wide variety of decorations are used for it.

There are many more different kinds intimate piercing in women. However, most of them, due to the anatomical features of some of the fair sex, are simply impossible to implement. Therefore, the desire to decorate oneself in this way is not enough. It is imperative to consult a specialist.

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