When the mushroom season begins. When mushrooms grow. Warm rains and thunderstorms predict the appearance of early boletus

Mushrooms are a special gift of nature! They are delicious and are used by culinary experts in a wide variety of dishes. And what a pleasure it is to pick mushrooms: the forest filled with the aromas of herbs and foliage, the chirping of birds and the delight of mushroom finds! And none of the mushrooms from the store can compare with the fragrant mushrooms from the forest, found personally. How to pick mushrooms and when to pick mushrooms. The answers to these questions will be given by a mushroom calendar or a mushroom calendar.

Mushroom picking- is not such a simple matter as it might seem at first glance. There is an optimal time for mushroom picking. different types... And of course, you need appropriate weather conditions. The mushroom calendar will help you choose the time to hike for mushroom gifts of nature. Experienced mushroom pickers, of course, can do without it, but the beginning mushroom calendar will come in handy.

Mushroom calendar

A novice mushroom picker should definitely know that the mushroom year begins in April and ends in the second half of October. Please note that each mushroom grows at a specific time, not constantly. Therefore, if you are specifically targeting honey agarics or russula, then first you need to look at the calendar of mushrooms, specify the month when they grow.

  • Mushroom calendar for April

April the most difficult month for mushrooms, fixes the mushroom calendar. At such a time, there are often frosts, so not all mushrooms are able to survive frost, snow and cold. Only the most persistent survive. Mushrooms appear around mid-April. You can find morels in the very thick of the forest, exactly where the snow still lies. They grow in open areas, where most of them fall sunlight... But oak and pine forests will surely delight you with stitches and cinder omphalia.

  • Mushroom calendar for May

May also does not particularly please mushroom pickers with the abundance of their gifts, according to the calendar of mushrooms. This is the month when the mushrooms are just getting ready for their summer and lavish season. But, if you try hard, then deep in the forest you can find morel hats and chunky lines. The end of May will delight mushroom pickers more, since during this period there is a high probability of finding boletus and chanterelles. Of course, the bulk of this type of mushroom will appear a little later, but if you are impatient, then you have the opportunity to find such pioneering mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for June

In June, according to the mushroom calendar, there is folk omen: If the strawberries have already turned red in the grass, and the mountain ash and viburnum are already covered with flowers, then you can safely go in search of russula. Finding them will not be difficult, since they are located in open places, and do not hide from anyone. In mid-June, you can safely go to collect boletus, boletus and moss. The end of the month will generously delight you with stalwarts, boletus and podgruzdki.

  • Mushroom calendar for July

July, as the calendar of mushrooms fixes, is one of the not most successful months for a mushroom picker. There is little rain during this period, and the scorching sun simply does not allow mushrooms to grow and develop normally. Therefore, during this period, one should not hope for a special harvest of mushrooms. But, nevertheless, if rainy weather is established, then you can safely go into the forest in search of boletus, boletus and boletus, according to the calendar of mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for August

August is one of the most favorable months for mushroom pickers, the mushroom calendar suggests. The heat subsides, night fogs become more frequent, and dew becomes more abundant. In the forests, you can find a huge amount of oil. Also, you will definitely be lucky for autumn mushrooms and Polish mushrooms. Ryzhiks are a real gift for a mushroom picker who went to the forest in August.

  • Mushroom calendar for September, October

September and October are cold months, in which it is already difficult to find a large number of mushrooms, but it is still worth trying. The mushroom calendar notes that if you show perseverance and perseverance, you can please yourself with russula, goats and green leaves.

More details on the schedule of mushroom growth can be found in the Mushroom Calendar below. Each month is rich in mushrooms. Simply, there is a special time for each mushroom. Therefore, if you have any preferences, then it is best for you to navigate this way the mushroom picker's calendar.

Mushroom calendar for june july august spring and autumn

What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
mushrooms in April mushrooms in may mushrooms in june mushrooms in july mushrooms in august mushrooms in september mushrooms in october
Morels + + +
Stitching + + +
May mushroom + +
Oyster mushroom + + + + + +
Meadow mushroom + + + +
Boletus + + + +
Granular butter dish + + +
Summer mushroom + + + + +
The chanterelle is real + + +
White mushroom + + + + +
Boletus + + + + +
Reindeer rocking + + + + +
Thorny raincoat + + + + + +
Common champignon + + + +
Field champignon + +
Valuy + + +
Funnel talker + + +
Mushroom umbrella white + + +
Mushroom umbrella variegated + + + +
Real milk + +
Poddubovik + + +
Ivishen + + +
Podgruzdok white + +
Podgruzdok black + +
The pig is fat + +

Russula yellow,

food, etc.

+ + + + +
Flywheel green + + + + +
Hericium yellow + +
Ring cap + + +
Larch oil can + + +
Pink hair + + +
Black milk + + + +
Gingerbread spruce green + + +
Pine mushroom + + +
Gray talker + +
Late oiler + +
Winter mushroom + +
Podgruzdok black and white + +
Polish mushroom +
Autumn oyster mushroom +
Row gray +
Autumn line + +
Autumn honey agaric + +
Row purple + +
Greenfinch + + +
Gigrofor brown + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms... Hurry up - the end of June is a great time to pick young mushrooms suitable for delicious dishes... You can still amuse yourself with exquisite mushroom food, and for the other two summer months, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickling and pickling! And for a snack interesting information about mushrooms and advice to mushroom pickers.

Mushroom lifespan

Mushrooms grow rapidly, increasing by about 1-2 cm per day. The average size of the mushroom takes 3-6 days. The life expectancy of honey fungus, chanterelles, boletus is 10 days. Live up to 14 days White mushroom and boletus, up to 40 - champignon. With the maturation of the spores, the number of which is in the tens of millions, the mushrooms age and often rot.

Mushrooms are delicious and nutritious. If you follow some rules, the mushroom season will bring you only joy:

  1. The first sign of a clean area to pick mushrooms is the abundance of fly agarics.
  2. If only russula grow on the edge, it is better to bypass it - most likely, the soil is contaminated.
  3. 90% of mushrooms grow along forest edges, clearings and young plantings, so it makes no sense to climb into the thickets, risking not finding your way home.
  4. Mushrooms grow from 1 day to 3 days. Optimal conditions: 10-20 degrees Celsius, for lamellar and noble ones - from 5 to 15 degrees above zero. Air humidity - 80-90%, rain and abundant dew are desirable.
  5. Only young mushrooms in which the caps are not fully open or partially open are suitable for food. Overripe mushrooms with a hat open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a twig - let the spores spread around the area. But if the cap is curved, like a dome, it means that the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to a cadaveric one is forming in it. He is dangerous, this is the main cause of poisoning.

The mushroom season starts in mid-April - early May. On the northern slopes of ravines, in forest thickets, where the sun rarely looks, there is still spongy snow, and on the edges of deciduous and deciduous forests, warmed by the sun, morels appear on clearings and along forest roads. The mass growth of morels is observed from the first to the third decade of May. At the same time, you can collect stitches. These mushrooms love pine forests, settle on clearings and roadsides on sandy soil.

Fresh morels and lines are poisonous. Before eating, they are carefully processed: boil 2-3 times, draining the broth, or dry.

In early June, the mushroom picker will meet the first russula. There are many varieties of russula. These are the most productive mushrooms and they can be harvested until late autumn. Russula are easy prey, in other places of the forest there are a lot of them, and it seems that extraordinary flowers of a wide variety of colors and shades have grown in the emerald greenery.

In June, you need to look into the birch forests if you want the basket to be filled with the first boletus, and in thinned, light pine forests, you can collect boletus. At this time, green mushrooms are not uncommon in the forest. Since the second half of June, the growth of mushrooms has noticeably increased: more than 15 species of cap mushrooms can already be found in the forest.

In pine forests overgrown with heather, aspen and often birch forests, very noticeable mushrooms appear - aspen mushrooms. Their red hat is visible from a distance on the green carpet. These mushrooms grow until late autumn, but most of them occur from the first decade of August to the second decade of October. In June, when the first warm rains will pass, chanterelles will appear in abundance, settling in cheerful flocks on grassy and mossy forest glades. At this time, you can look in the light pine forest for the king of mushrooms - boletus, and at the beginning of July, porcini mushrooms appear in birch forests.

In June, pigs are found, in forest glades and forest edges - champignons, and in July in conifers with birch and birch forests, families of milk mushrooms begin to come across. It is necessary to take a closer look at the bumps, because under a layer of last year's needles and leaves, the milk mushroom often hides from the eyes of the mushroom picker.

The most mushroom month is, of course, August, and its best gift is mushrooms. From the first days of the month, they sprinkle in young spruce and pine forests. The second half of August and the first decade of September is a golden time for a mushroom picker: just manage to collect abundant harvests of mushrooms valuable for drying, salting and pickling. At this time, there are a lot of boletus, aspen, boletus, camelina, mushrooms. Less valuable mushrooms also grow - waves, ryadovki, podgruzdki. In August, you can find autumn mushrooms, but their time has not come yet. There are many honey agarics in September, when other mushrooms begin to disappear. The sky is frowning more and more often, pouring fine cold rain on the thinned forest. Fallen leaves are everywhere - a flowery outfit of autumn, among which it is already difficult to find a mushroom, but the mushrooms are in plain sight. Surrounding the stump, they climb up in a crowd, as if it was damp and cold on the ground. Before the first snow, you can carry these tasty and clean mushrooms from the forest with full baskets.

The mushroom calendar is capricious. No one year coincides with another in terms of the number of mushroom species and their yield. Only the order of appearance of mushrooms is almost constant.

A real mushroom picker meets the sun in the forest with trophies in a basket. Early in the morning, when there is still no slanting sun rays, the mushroom is more visible. Those who are late can only get overgrown mushrooms and cut off mushroom legs. Walk through the forest slowly, some will run around him and return home with an empty basket, and mushrooms love to play hide and seek. Under a dense branch, in moss, among a heap of leaves, they often hide from the gaze of mushroom pickers, especially after the summer dry wind. In a rainy summer, mushrooms settle in meadows and along the edges. If you find a mushroom, then circle around: often mushrooms grow in companies. It is not necessary to pull the mushroom out of the ground by its roots; it is better to cut it off with a knife, without scattering the forest floor. Save the mycelium - get good harvest and in the future.

The Russian writer S. T. Aksakov wrote that mushrooms have favorite places where they will certainly be born every year in greater or lesser numbers. And he had such places in mind, he did not come from the forest without mushrooms. "I always have a lot of noticed mushrooms, mostly white ones," said Aksakov, "and I take them at the age that I need, or leave them to reach their full development and beauty."

(S. T. Aksakov. Collected works, vol. 4. M., published artistic literature, 1956, pp. 594-595.)

It is best to collect mushrooms in baskets of willow twigs, placing them with their caps down or sideways if mushrooms with long legs. In buckets, due to the lack of fresh air supply, mushrooms can "burn" and deteriorate. You cannot collect mushrooms in backpacks and bags - in this container they wrinkle and crumble.

Fresh mushrooms brought home must be sorted, cleaned and processed immediately, they cannot be stored.

Who, in an exciting mushroom hunt, did not have to wander in an unfamiliar forest, looking for a way home! Of course, it is good to have a compass with you, but it is not always at hand. Therefore, when picking mushrooms, one should pay more attention to the peculiarities of the terrain: a noticeable tree, glades, bends in the road, etc. It is useful to look back from time to time in order to remember the way back from the forest.

It's easy to navigate by the moon at night. The full moon is opposed to the sun, which means that at 7 o'clock. it is in the west, at midnight in the south and at 19:00. - in the east. A straight line drawn through the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper, which is shaped like a ladle, will pass to the bright Polar Star, which is always in our hemisphere in the north.

In a lonely tree, the crown is always thicker and more luxuriant on the south side. On cuts of stumps, the thickness of the annual rings is wider towards the south. On the trunks of pines, resin appears on the south side, and moss and lichens grow on stones and trees from the north. Anthills are usually located on the south side of a tree or stump.

The sides of the horizon can be easily identified with a watch. To do this, the hour hand is directed towards the sun.

A line running from the center of the watch through the midpoint of the angle formed by the hour hand and pointing to the number 1 will indicate where north and south are. Before lunchtime, the south will be to the right of the hour hand, and after lunch it will be to the left. Exactly at 13 o'clock. the sun is in the south. The minute hand is disregarded. Keep the watch in a horizontal position.

Nature can help a mushroom picker determine the weather for the coming days. Before bad weather, oxalis and forest grains fall, folds the leaves of meadow clover, sweet clover smells strongly, and the flowers of dandelion, thistle and coltsfoot close. Yellow acacia flowers usually smell strong in the evening. If their aroma is felt on a sunny morning, this is a thunderstorm.

Going into the forest to pick mushrooms, pay attention to your flower garden. Morning glory, mallow, marigolds folded their petals and seemed to have withered - it means that it will rain and you need to put on rubber boots and take a raincoat with you.

Is it possible to pick spring mushrooms or is it worth waiting for the autumn mushroom season, how to pick mushrooms in the forest? You can always pick mushrooms in the forest, the main thing is to understand mushrooms and know which mushroom appears at what time, so as not to confuse it with a poisonous one. Those who do not know when to pick mushrooms should learn a simple rule: mushrooms can be picked from May to late autumn. And also remember what kind of mushrooms grow in the forest at a certain period of time. Spring and summer months are great times to hike in the forest to pick mushrooms.

When to pick mushrooms in spring

The beginning of the mushroom season begins in early spring, when the very first spring mushrooms appear in the forest. They are eagerly awaited by mushroom pickers hungry for a quiet hunt. What kind of mushrooms appear in the forest in spring and when to pick them?

  • When to pick mushrooms Morels

Morels are harvested in late April or early May. Morels grow mainly in deciduous forests, because they love fertile soil. Mushrooms of category 3, therefore, before stewing, frying or freezing morels, it is necessary to soak in three times the volume of water for at least 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly under running water.

  • When to pick mushrooms Raincoats

After morels comes the time of raincoats. You can find raincoats in meadows, meadows and even on roads. Raincoats appear immediately after rain. Fried young raincoats are very tasty. They must be used on the day of collection. In Italy, they are considered the best mushrooms. In our country, they are little known and undeservedly referred to the fourth category.

  • When to pick mushrooms Champignons

Champignons begin to meet in May and their mushroom season lasts until autumn. So the question of when to pick mushrooms is a rhetorical one. For your information, champignons are good both fried and in soup, because they have a pronounced mushroom aroma. Champignons also contain special substances that destroy cholesterol plaques.

When to pick mushrooms in summer

Summer mushrooms are considered the most valuable. When the summer is rainy, then even in hot weather the variety of mushrooms is so rich that it is simply impossible to list them. All types of mushrooms that can be found in the forest in summer form their fruiting bodies until autumn. Many of them grow until autumn, but mushroom pickers love to collect them in the summer.

What mushrooms to pick in June

In June, boletus and boletus are most likely to be found in the forest. In addition, June is rich in russula and summer mushrooms. In the shady forests at the end of June, there are a lot of chanterelles and boletuses. Many mushrooms can be found in the meadows and forest edges. There are still pigs and bitters in the forest at such a time. And after wandering you can meet the king of mushrooms - a white mushroom.

  • When to pick mushrooms Boletus

In June, boletus mushrooms can be collected in the forest, which grow mainly in birch groves. All brown birch trees are edible mushrooms and differ slightly in nutritional quality. Boletus mushrooms are good in every way in soup, in gravy, fried, in pies. They are also tasty in the marinade. Appears in the first half of summer in June, but most of the boletus are harvested from the second half of August until late autumn. Boletus is the closest relative of the porcini mushroom.

  • When to pick mushrooms Boletus

Boletus among tubular mushrooms after white takes the second place, in terms of food qualities it belongs to the 2nd category, it is eaten boiled, fried, dried and pickled. It is also the fastest growing mushroom. It is one of the most widespread and well-known edible mushrooms. This elegant mushroom cannot be confused with others; it also has no resemblance to any poisonous mushroom. Therefore, to the question of which mushrooms to pick in June, the answer is obvious - aspen mushrooms.

  • When to pick mushrooms Butterlets

The oil is collected in coniferous forests. It got its name from its oily, slippery to the touch cap. It is used in soups, fried, salted, pickled, in sauces and side dishes, rarely used for drying, but also suitable. Butter mushrooms are relatively early mushrooms and can be harvested in cleared pine forests from the first days of June. This period lasts no more than two weeks. Then the boletus disappears and reappears somewhere in the second half of July, and grow en masse from mid-August and the first half of September.

  • When to pick mushrooms White mushroom

Since the end of June, a porcini mushroom appears. The white mushroom grows both in deciduous forests and in conifers, prefers to be friends with spruce, pine, oak and birch. It is fried and boiled fresh in soups, stewed in roasts; they dry and then prepare soups, borscht, bake pies, make mushroom caviar. Porcini mushrooms are pickled and made into various snacks. White mushroom is considered the most delicious and healthy mushroom. The porcini mushroom is harvested from mid-June to the end of September, the most massive harvest is in the second half of August.

What mushrooms to pick in July

In July, as a rule, they pick mushrooms for pickling and pickling? July is the month of the harvest of mushrooms. Milk is a great option for pickling, especially yellow. Volzhanki and whitefish appear in July, which are only slightly inferior to the milk mushroom. You can please yourself with the taste of saffron milk caps, of which you can collect a lot in July. Gingerbreads are great in cooking.
  • When to pick mushrooms Milk

Families meet with milk mushrooms. Real milk mushrooms grow mostly on sandy soil, in oak, birch, pine-birch forests. Most fruitful in July-August. Yellow milk mushrooms are harvested until October in spruce forests. Milk mushrooms are mushrooms of the first category. Only salted ones are used. Before salting, they are soaked for at least three days in cold water, which is changed at least twice.

  • When to pick mushrooms Ryzhiki
Many mushroom pickers put pine or pine mushroom in the first place. It can be found in young pine trees that grow along the grassy edges of older pine forests. Ryzhik is a mushroom of the first category, one of the most delicious mushrooms. It is used salted, canned and pickled, retaining its bright orange color in salting. Ryzhiks can be harvested from late July to late October.
  • When to pick Chanterelle mushrooms
Edible mushrooms with good taste but little nutritional value... Chanterelle is distributed in all forests of the temperate zone of the Old World. The cap of the chanterelle is convex or flat, funnel-shaped by maturity, with a thin often fibrous edge, smooth. Chanterelles are used pickled, salted, can be fried without prior boiling. Fruiting from July to October, often large groups.

What mushrooms to pick in August

The end of August is the richest season for mushrooms. In August, you certainly won't have to think about when to pick mushrooms. You can do this all August and early September. What are the mushrooms in August? All of the above mushrooms remain relevant for collection in August, but do not collect overgrown ones. Young mushrooms, fresh, not bitten by insects, are suitable for food. If the mushroom is wormy, throw it out boldly.
  • When to pick mushrooms Autumn mushrooms
Autumn honey agaric (real) - a popular and very productive mushroom grows in large groups from late August to late autumn on stumps, roots, dead and living trunks of deciduous, mainly birch, less often coniferous trees, sometimes in nettle thickets. Honey mushroom is good for cooking hot dishes, drying, salting, pickling. For hot dishes, these mushrooms must be boiled for at least 30 minutes.
  • When to pick mushrooms Volnushki
Grows in deciduous and mixed forests under birch trees. A widespread mushroom and very productive. The first layer of waves and violins appears at the end of July, simultaneously with the flowering of heather, the second layer - from the end of August. Volnushki need to be able to cook. They are eaten only salted. Before salting, mushrooms need to be soaked for three to four days, changing the water each time. Then rinse well and salt with spices.
  • When to pick mushrooms russula
The russula grows in almost all forests, in clearings, forest edges, but prefers roadsides and rare young birch forests without undergrowth. The first russula are harvested in June, but in August these mushrooms have the most fruitful season. The russula with green and yellow caps are considered the most delicious. The russula are boiled, stewed in sour cream sauce, fried, pickled, dried and salted. Boil the mushrooms for 5-7 minutes.

Safety rules for picking mushrooms

Rules for collecting mushrooms and preserving the reproduction of mycelium when collecting mushrooms:
  • If you want to see a rich harvest of mushrooms next time coming to a famous place again, follow the rules of mushroom picking. Now that you know when to pick mushrooms, respect nature's gifts. When picking mushrooms, spare the mycelium: carefully cut the mushroom with a knife at the base and in no case pull it out of the ground.
Safety rules for mushroom pickers:
  • Without recognizing the mushroom, it is better not to cut it - treat mushrooms with caution, because the mushroom is a very insidious product. Mushrooms should be picked only by familiar ones - those in which you are sure.
  • If the summer is rainy, then the mushrooms are soaked in water and become unusable. You should not dry such mushrooms, they still lose their taste and begin to release toxins.
  • Upon returning home, you should sort out the mushrooms, and immediately, without delay. After sorting out the mushrooms, put them in cool salty water for an hour, this will drive out unnecessary guests.
  • Mushrooms must be carefully processed and cooked reliably!

How to pick mushrooms correctly

  • The mushrooms are harvested early in the morning before the sun warms them up. In this case, they can be stored for a longer time.
  • Do not pick up old, overgrown mushrooms. They accumulate products harmful to humans and absorb from environment foreign substances.
  • The collected mushrooms are immediately cleaned of adhering to them earth, leaves, needles, grass and other debris. Put the mushrooms in the basket with the caps down - this way they are better preserved.

Mushroom picker equipment

So when do we open the mushroom season and what equipment do we need? When you go to pick mushrooms, you will certainly need a good sharp knife, because it is better for them to cut the mushrooms without disturbing the mycelium itself, as well as a comfortable long stick (indispensable when looking for mushrooms) to lift or rake foliage with it, as well as a basket or basket

Experienced mushroom pickers know that you need to take with you to the forest:

  • basket for mushrooms;
  • mushroom knife;
  • a stick for searching for mushrooms;
  • first aid kit with plaster and disinfectants;
  • water and sandwiches;
  • electronic GPS navigator;
  • phone with a charged battery (emergency phone number 112)

Now we know when to pick mushrooms, figured out how to pick mushrooms correctly, learned the safety rules when picking mushrooms, we know which mushrooms to pick in the summer, and stocked up on mushroom pickers' equipment. We looked at the calendar of the mushroom picker and are ready to go into the forest for mushrooms. It remains to refresh the information on how to distinguish mushrooms. It is no secret that many poisonous mushrooms are disguised as edible ones. So, let's figure out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms

  • How to collect porcini mushrooms
Description: White mushroom will be distinguished by a thick and dense leg, brown cap, white flesh, pleasant taste and smell. White mushroom is easy enough to distinguish from poisonous.
Danger: discoloration at the break, bitter taste. Do not confuse porcini with poisonous yellow - its flesh turns pink at the cut.
  • How to collect Boletus mushroom
Description: Boletus boletus is distinguished by a dense, brown-red cap, the flesh turns blue at the break. This is how the edible boletus mushroom can be distinguished from other mushrooms.
Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
  • How to collect mushrooms Boletus
Description: Boletus boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, the cap is brownish above, the cap is white below, the flesh at the break is white. These are the main differences between edible mushrooms, so they distinguish edible boletus from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
  • How to collect mushrooms Butterlets
Description: The butter dish (boletus) has a yellow stem and the same cap with white marks along the edges and a sticky, as if oiled, skin on top, which can be easily removed with a knife. Learn to distinguish between poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: discoloration at the fracture, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
  • How to collect mushrooms Mokhoviki
Description: Flywheels have a dark green or reddish velvet cap, yellow stem, and a spongy layer. These are the main signs by which you can distinguish edible mushroom mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Dangerousness: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
  • How to collect chanterelle mushrooms
Description: Chanterelle is dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly transition to a dense and strong leg. A way to distinguish edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: red-orange color, empty leg.
  • How to collect mushrooms Ryzhiki
Description: Ginger is a lamellar mushroom of the corresponding color, secreting milky juice - orange and not bitter in taste. So to distinguish edible camelina mushroom from mushroom twins.
Dangerousness: white, bitter, acrid milky juice.
  • How to collect mushrooms Honey mushrooms
Description: Honey mushrooms hatch in small families on stumps, roots, trunks of dead trees. The ocher-colored mushroom cap is covered with small black scales directed from the middle, under it there are whitish plates, on the leg there is a white ring or film.
Dangerousness: grows on the ground, the cap is yellow or reddish, without scales, black, green or brown plates, there is no film or ringlet on the leg, an earthy smell.
  • How to pick mushrooms for mushrooms
Description: Milk mushroom is a lamellar mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and acrid milky sap, grows in flocks next to birches. This is how you can distinguish the mushrooms from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: rare plates, sharp blue discoloration and stone hardness at the fracture, the absence of birches nearby.
  • How to collect mushrooms Volnushki
Description: Volnushka is a lamellar mushroom with a shaggy pink cap, curved at the edges, white and acrid milky juice. it distinctive features waves.
Danger: "wrong" hat - not pink, unfolded, without furry.
  • How to pick mushrooms russula
Description: Russula - lamellar mushrooms, break easily, caps different color- pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. So you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones.
Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink stem, reddened or darkened soft film on the stem, rough and tough flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

Mushroom picker calendar

The phenological calendar of a mushroom picker will come to the aid of novice mushroom pickers. The mushroom picker's calendar shows the most popular mushrooms and the period when to pick these mushrooms in the forest. Of course, it all depends on the region and the weather in each season, but the mushroom picker's calendar gives some of the useful knowledge when to pick mushrooms. You will also find it useful
What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
April May June July August September October
Morels + + + - - - -
Stitching + + + - - - -
May mushroom - + + - - - -
Oyster mushroom - + + + + + +
Meadow mushroom - - + + + + -
Boletus - - + + + + -
Granular butter dish - - - + + + -
Summer mushroom - - + + + + +
The chanterelle is real - - - + + + -
White mushroom - - + + + + +
Boletus - - + + + + +
Reindeer rocking - - + + + + +
Thorny raincoat - + + + + + +
Common champignon - - + + + + -
Field champignon - - - - + + -
Valuy - - - + + + -
Funnel talker - - - + + + -
Mushroom umbrella white - - - + + + -
Mushroom umbrella variegated - - - + + + +
Real milk - - - - + + -
Poddubovik - - - + + + -
Ivishen - - - - + + +
Podgruzdok white - - - - + + -
Podgruzdok black - - - - + + -
The pig is fat - - - - + + -
Russula yellow,
food, etc.
- + + + + + -
Flywheel green - - + + + + +
Hericium yellow - - - - + + -
Ring cap - - - + + + -
Larch oil can - - - + + + -
Pink hair - - - - + + +
Black milk - - - + + + +
Gingerbread spruce green - - - - + + +
Pine mushroom - - - - + + +
Gray talker - - - - + + -
Late oiler - - - - + + -
Winter mushroom - - - - - + +
Podgruzdok black and white - - - - - + +
Polish mushroom - - - - + - -
Autumn oyster mushroom - - - - - + -
Row gray - - - - - + -
Autumn line - - - - - + +
Autumn honey agaric - - - - - + +
Row purple - - - - + + -
Greenfinch - - - - + + +
Gigrofor brown - - - - - + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms. Well, don't hesitate. The end of June is a great time to pick young mushrooms suitable for delicious meals. While you can still amuse yourself with exquisite mushroom food, and for the remaining two summer months, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickling and pickling! Happy quiet hunting!

The 2018 mushroom picker calendar will help you decide when and what mushrooms to pick, when they are just starting to grow, and when they have massive fruiting. From this (and also from the weather and the place) it depends on what you will come home with from the "quiet hunt". As practice shows, mushrooms grow almost all year round. But not everyone knows about this, and they lose the opportunity to feast on forest mushrooms, no matter what time of year it is outside the window. I think many will agree that the end of summer and all autumn until the first frost can be called the mushroom season. At this time, people gather mushrooms en masse in years when the weather allows it. But some species cannot be found either in summer or autumn.

What mushrooms grow in spring

A long-term study of the timing of the appearance of conditionally edible and edible mushrooms allows us to see a certain pattern. Morels and stitches appear first in the spring forest. They grow from March (in cooler areas from mid-April) to May.

These are the first spring mushrooms. Morels of a line appear in April - May: morels grow in deciduous plantations, on sufficiently fertile soils, but the lines can be found and collected in pine forests, in open areas accessible to the sun's heat. At the same spring time, small cones-strobiluriuses, colibiae, very often with long tapered appendages, can develop on cones, as well as twigs in the soil.

Morels grow in spring (in the fall, some of them grow again, but this is more the exception than the rule, so such isolated cases are not taken into account). So, in the spring it is quite possible to pick up morels, cook something tasty, dry for future use or freeze. In addition to morels, there are other spring representatives (for example, oyster mushrooms), which you can read about on our website and in the mushroom picker's calendar.

After morels and stitches, you can harvest three crops, which are still called "layers" by experienced mushroom pickers. These are mushrooms, different in composition, as well as in productivity.

What mushrooms grow in summer

The first layer of mushroom occurs in June, the period when winter rye spikes in your area. Because of this feature of the period, the mushrooms that appear at this time are called "spikelets". These are noble white, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms. The first harvest of these mushrooms is small and short, always welcome. They look for spikelets in sufficiently illuminated places: along paths, in meadows, forest edges and clearings among rare deciduous young growth.

The second layer of mushrooms begins 2-3 weeks after the first. In terms of composition, it is much more diverse than the first, but in terms of yield, it is also weak. Lasts 2-3 weeks. Mushrooms appear more often in open areas, a little less often in mature deciduous forests.

The main and most abundant harvest of mushrooms can rightfully be considered the third layer. In terms of diversity, abundance of individuals, in terms of fruiting mushrooms, it is out of competition. They are collected both in open places and under the forest canopy.

In the table above, you can see the average harvest dates for a number of edible and conditionally edible mushrooms. Please be aware that the times in the table are for middle lane RF. Therefore, if the forests in which you will pick mushrooms are in more northern regions, then the beginning of their harvest will be delayed by 1 to 2 weeks, and the mushroom season will end later for the same period.

If you are in the southern regions, then the mushroom harvest should be expected 1–2 weeks earlier than indicated in the table. It will end from 1 to 2 weeks earlier from the indicated tabular dates.

What mushrooms grow in autumn

Autumn is the most fruitful mushroom picking season. Autumn mushrooms are harvested not only for frying in a skillet for lunch. During this period, you can collect mushrooms for harvesting. It depends not so much on the month of the year as on the weather. If it is suitable, then the yield will be high. Season is different, so watch the weather.

All dates in the table are indicative, depend not only on the place, but also on other factors (for example, the weather) and may vary from year to year. The signal for the end of the mushroom season in late autumn or early winter (depending on the area) is the appearance of the late carpophores. It grows in young pine forests on the soil.

What mushrooms grow in winter

Several types of mushrooms can be picked even in winter. It would seem that you can do in the forest in winter ... But winter, as it turns out, is not a reason to stay at home either. Many mushroom pickers love so much " quiet hunt”That even in winter they go to the forest to find, for example, winter mushrooms. If you know mushroom places, then you can pick up a basket of mushrooms right from under the snow.

For example, winter honey agaric grows on stumps and in tree hollows, it is able to grow and bear fruit at temperatures approaching zero. It is found even after frost. In a warm strip, it can be harvested in February. When frosts begin to recede for a short period, then on thaw days, you can go on exploration in the nearest forest. There are other winter representatives that you can meet on the site.

As you can see, no matter what time of year it is outside the window, mushrooms can be found almost all year round. It is more important to watch the weather, because even in autumn, if it is dry, you can come home from the forest with an empty basket. Happy "quiet hunt"!

One of the most famous mushroom specialists in Russia, Mikhail Vishnevsky, came to Komsomolskaya Pravda radio to tell you what to expect from the mushroom season in 2017 in Moscow and the Moscow region [radio broadcast]

Mikhail Vishnevsky, the founder of the Mushroom Place store, Candidate of Biological Sciences, mycologist and author of books about mushrooms in Russia, in the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda. Photo: Ivan MAKEEV

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- Nowadays there are very few mushrooms in the forests ...

This year the weather situation is unique. It was almost winter in May and June. And as a result, in July, mushrooms of various types began to grow at the same time - I don’t remember this! .. There were late spring mushrooms - morels and lines, and classic summer mushrooms like boletus, and even the first autumn types of mushrooms, boletus, talkers, ryadovok - apparently , they did not understand what was happening with the weather and assumed that autumn had already begun ...

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region in 2017

But all of them did not grow massively and abundantly. Alas, the grass grows better this year. In fact, many people, looking at how healthy and abundant the grass grows, rejoice, think that they will trample the mushrooms after it. So, nothing like that! Mushrooms with grass are vicious competitors who cannot stand each other.

- The spring was cold, but now it is warm and it rains from time to time. Isn't this ideal weather for mushrooms?

Yes and no. In fact, now the mycelium is developing under the ground with might and main: just terrible is happening there, she rushes in all directions, scatters her threads, and she is very good! But the fruiting bodies - what we collect in the forest - are not formed. This requires a sharp change in conditions: either a sharp warming, or a sharp cooling, and at the same time - a decrease in humidity. This will lead to the fact that tiny fruiting bodies will be laid on the mycelium. And if this abrupt climate change lasts at least a few days - two, three, and preferably five - then in two weeks the mushrooms will develop to the required size, and we will get a more or less distinct harvest. But so far there have been no conditions for this. And myceliums released one or two mushrooms instead of the fifteen or twenty we wanted ...

Still, I hope that around the first ten days of September we will see mushrooms in the forest. But there will not be as many of them as last year, which, of course, was very successful.


- What mushrooms are growing on the territory of cities now?

The classic city mushrooms that always grow are a variety of champignons and dung beetles. Their advantage is that they don't need wood. Most of the mushrooms, be it white, camelina or oil cans, are mycorrhizal, they necessarily enter into symbiosis with some oak, some with a birch, some with some other tree. And champignons and dung beetles have enough moderately moist nutritious soil - they are ready to climb even on the lawn, even to make their way out from under the asphalt ... That is why mushrooms can be artificially cultivated. And many city mushrooms literally escaped from the greenhouses where they were grown: someone threw peelings or rotten mushrooms that were not suitable for sale onto the street - and they took root.

Another group of edible mushrooms is those that are brought into the city along with seedlings and lawn soil. It can be all sorts of interesting ryadovki and talkers. Together with the seedlings of trees, russula, milkmen are brought, some kind of wave, or even a mushroom, can easily grow near the house!

But we must bear in mind that mushrooms tend to absorb all kinds of filth. All mushroom pickers know that next to highways - and there are a lot of cars in cities - they are definitely not worth collecting.

- And if you take the Moscow woodlands, like Losiny Ostrov or Bitsevsky Park?

There is an interesting situation with them. For many decades noble mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, chanterelles - have disappeared from Moscow altogether. That is, they hid: the mycelium existed, but stopped bearing fruit. But, apparently, now something has changed with the ecological situation, or maybe the mushrooms have adapted to the urban environment ... We now have starlings wintering in the city, rooks that do not fly to warm regions - this has not happened before. So the white ones with chanterelles, apparently, have understood something for themselves, and now they again bear fruit in the city.

This year, Russian white truffles were unexpectedly found right in Moscow. I myself found one in Petrovsky Park, not far from the KP editorial office.

It happens that a mushroom, which was considered rare, unexpectedly gives a powerful surge in numbers. For example, last year it happened with a purple spider web listed in the Red Book. A very beautiful, luxurious mushroom, it is not often found - and suddenly it simply covered the entire European part of the country, people carried it out of the forest with baskets. This happens once every 10-20 years with almost every type of mushroom. And in the generally lean 2017, this happened with Russian white truffles (they are also called Trinity or Posad). A lot of them. Moreover, they started to grow earlier than expected - usually the season begins at the end of August, and then they appeared in mid-July ... This will be the year of truffles. Well, and also chanterelles, which are so unpretentious that they almost don't give a damn about when to grow.

In principle, truffles have been growing on the territory of present-day Moscow for a very long time, many millennia. A hundred years ago, they were calmly collected on the territory of the city. They are not so difficult to find - they tend to protrude to the surface in about half of the cases, partially, or even almost entirely ... Just keep in mind that the Russian white truffle is not the same as the delicious Piedmont or Perigorian truffle: it even belongs to to another genus of mushrooms, although it is called the same in Russian, and outwardly is very similar. European ones cost several thousand euros per kilogram and are valued due to strong smell like an exquisite seasoning. And our truffle is simply fried like porcini mushrooms or chanterelles, and the red price for it is two or three thousand rubles per kilogram. But you can surprise the guests by saying "I fried a turkey with truffles!"


There are also pigs that people throw themselves at when there are not very many mushrooms. They look quite presentable to themselves, they were previously actively eaten. And now they are considered poisonous ...

More precisely, deadly. The thin pig is not poisonous in the strict sense of the word, it cannot be poisoned, but it can cause a severe allergic reaction, in which the body begins to destroy its own blood cells. And then - anemia, liver or kidney failure, and death ... Then the neighbors say: "Grandma died of the liver!" - and no one connects her illness with the fact that she ate pigs. Scientists generally figured out this relatively recently. It is interesting that one person can eat pigs all his life, and the other will die after the third portion - everything is individual here. The risk group primarily includes those who have problems with immunity, ranging from AIDS and ending with any allergies. But you can't eat pigs for others either - you shouldn't play this Russian roulette.

- A question that has been debated for many years: is it better to cut or twist mushrooms?

This is a war of points and blunts, as in Gulliver's Travels. An egg doesn't care which side to break it with a spoon. Once upon a time, the problem did not exist at all: porcini mushrooms were torn out of the soil, and the milk mushrooms were broken, because they have a fragile leg. Mushroom pickers took knives in their hands when mass procurement of canned mushrooms began, that is, in the 20s - 30s of the 20th century: with a knife, baskets are filled much faster ... In general, the question itself appeared around 1923: a certain comrade Regel, who was engaged in the cultivation of champignons, published a brochure on how to properly collect them in greenhouses. There they really cannot be torn out of the soil - the substrate layer is disturbed, and this harms the development of the mycelium. But you can't cut it off either, because a leg remains, which mushroom mosquitoes begin to infect. The only option is to carefully unscrew and cover the hole with earth. And this was picked up by other authors and extended to ordinary forest mushrooms ... Although the dispute is ridiculous - in the forest it does not affect the mycelium in any way.

By the way, there is an opinion that buying mushrooms grown in special conditions in stores is more "civilized" than picking mushrooms in the forest. Allegedly, mushrooms from greenhouses are more environmentally friendly and safe.

It is a myth! Yes, some people think that the environment is unfavorable, some acid rains are coming from the sky, and the mushrooms absorb all this filth. Whether it is a "sterile" mushroom. But in fact, in greenhouses, mushrooms are grown on the same manure, soil or straw that was collected somewhere in the fields! And mushrooms are almost one hundred percent of what they grew up on. So these are all such commercial la-la, which you should not listen to - in terms of their composition, cultivated mushrooms practically do not differ in any way from their wild-growing counterparts.

- The classic question: where to go to pick mushrooms? Let's hope they will appear this year ...

The Moscow region, unfortunately, lies in a kind of gap between two mushroom peaks. If you look to the south - in the Tula, Nizhny Novgorod regions, everything is in order with mushrooms. And in the north there is also beauty: Vladimirskaya, Tverskaya, Novgorodskaya ... And we are in some middle, where there is less of everything.

Still, there are two pleasant directions in the Moscow region. First, to the south, towards Kashira, where the forest-steppe begins - mushrooms are very fond of such places. Secondly, to the west, towards Zvenigorod, where the climate is good, there are many deciduous and even deciduous forests. And to the east, where Meschera, swamps, mosquitoes are, it makes sense to go mainly for boletus. If you go north, it is better to get to Dubna or even to the Tver region.

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