Characteristics of a preschool trainee teacher. A ready-made characteristic for a student undergoing internship - a sample and a template. Reflecting the student's personal merit



Kondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna, a student at the Samara Social Pedagogical College, underwent pre-graduation practice at the JV GBOU Secondary School No. 1 "OC" with. Bolshaya Glushitsa " Kindergarten No. 4 "Spikelet" in middle group"Pock".

During her internship, Svetlana Vasilievna proved to be a literate student, mastering the basic didactic principles. She treated her work responsibly; when organizing educational activities and individual work, she always had didactic, visual material available.

During the practice, Kondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna conducted educational activities in all areas child development: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical. The program content of the educational activity itself corresponded to the age of the children, the logic of educational activity was built in accordance with the requirements.

Svetlana Vasilievna knows how to plan upbringing and educational activities in the first and second half of the day, carries out the tasks of upbringing in the process of children's activities, knows how to organize children in various activities, attract their attention, activate mental activity, and arouse interest in it. Kondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna competently carries out individual work with children, prevents negative behaviors. Svetlana Vasilievna owns ICT. Svetlana Vasilievna takes into account the peculiarities of the state of health and overall development child when planning and conducting different types children's activities, clearly knows the norms of health-preserving technologies.

Svetlana Vasilievna took part in the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment: she designed the art center "I draw", which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment:

Pedagogical expediency: this center corresponds to the age capabilities of children - the presence of a variety of artistic material, the selection of images, pictures that ensure the cognitive, creative activity of all pupils;

Transformability: pictures, photos change in accordance with the educational situation, the theme of the week;

Multifunctionality: this center provides the opportunity to use various components of the subject environment (for example, children's furniture, as well as the use of multifunctional items, including natural materials, suitable for using different types of children's activities;

Variability: the artistic material changes periodically, a new one appears;

Accessibility: free access for children to organize independent creative activities.

Svetlana Vasilievna, a sociable, creative student, as part of her interaction with her family, held a parent meeting on the topic: "What parents should know about the Federal State Educational Standard of Education", developed the "Vesna-krasna" travel folder, designed an information stand "On rights while playing."

During her internship, Svetlana Vasilievna took part in all events held by the Kindergarten No. 4 "Kolosok" JV, actively interacting with the staff of the educational institution.

In general, the theoretical level of the student's training and the quality of the work performed by him can be assessed excellently.

Head ___

Preschool education "GBPOU SPO Mesyagutov Pedagogical College

Tables and diagrams reflecting the state of the landscape; - analytical report on the results of practice.

Within the framework of the final conference on field practice, students defend abstracts on the problems of the state of nature in their native land.

Criteria for evaluating the results of practice:

Completeness of assignments for this kind practice; - the adequacy of the student's perception of the information received during the practice; - the ability to identify problems in the state of the environment; - the consistency and reasoning of the presentation of the material in the reporting documentation; - theoretical analysis of specific situations of the state of the environment; - compliance with the requirements for registration of reporting documentation ; - timeliness of submission of reporting documentation for verification. Preparing for summer practice


To ensure the theoretical, methodological and practical readiness of students to work in preschool institutions in the summer and health-improving period and to independently master the functions of the teacher's activity.


Summer training practice takes place in the form of theoretical, practical classes and business games. During the period of this practice, each student tries himself in the role of an educator.

The proposed tasks are aimed at acquainting students with the features of the educational and recreational complex of a preschool institution in the summer and recreational period. Provide leadership different kinds educational work with students, teachers-methodologists, head of pedagogical practice.

The student, guided by the tasks and content of the program of educational summer practice, draws up a long-term plan, outlines of educational activities, prepares didactic material, attributes.

Carrying out

During the training seminar, students perform:

Comparative analysis of the daily routine in different age groups;

Allocate the features of the regime of life of children in the summer;

Get acquainted with the planning of educational and educational work in the summer and recreational period;

Analyze the conditions necessary in a preschool institution (group rooms and on the site) for organizing educational work with preschoolers in the summer; - make sketches of the pedagogically expedient organization of the preschool child's developmental environment. When analyzing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

What conditions have been created for strengthening the health and hardening of the child's body, increasing the mode of physical activity (sports ground); - equipment for games and independent activities of preschoolers on the site; - creating conditions for the summer environmental work of children; - equipment and equipping the ecological zone in a preschool institution ( ecological trail, a corner of a field, a forest, a meadow, keeping pets on the site); - the presence and equipment of an "autodrome" and a "traffic police site" to familiarize preschoolers with the traffic rules; - creating conditions for medical and preventive procedures in the summer.

These tasks are completed by students in the first two days of educational practice. In the following days, it is recommended that students independently develop and conduct the following forms of work with preschoolers:

Excursion, targeted walk to a forest or park area;

Ecological entertainment;

Games like KVN, "Happy Chance", "Field of Miracles", "Through the Lips of a Baby", etc.

Mathematical (natural history, art) quiz;

Contests of children's drawings on asphalt or sand buildings (clay, stones);

Theatrical performances.

During the period of educational practice, students, acting as educators and children, in a playful way master various methods of organizing the activities of children, planning educational work in the summer at a preschool educational institution.


The results of the entire training seminar are made out in the form of an album and a wall newspaper with stories about the most successful events, presentations of the preschool educational institution, a review of pedagogical piggy banks and instructions to educators for the next summer season.

Admission to summer practice is to complete the tasks of the seminar, the availability of its materials.

Observation practice

Practice goal: the formation of students' holistic understanding of the educational and educational complex of a modern preschool institution and the teacher as the main subject of the educational process in kindergarten.

Practice objectives:


Interdisciplinary connections


Reporting documentation:

Didactic game, finger game (start drawing up a card index of games).

2. Pedagogical

Psychological and pedagogical

The purpose of the practice: the formation of students 'holistic understanding of the educational and educational complex of a modern preschool institution and the teacher as the main subject of the educational process in kindergarten, to draw students' attention to the unique individuality of each child, to the development of his personality in a peer group, the influence of the teacher's personality on the child ...

Practice objectives:

1. Formation of a professional interest in the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher, the creation of students' attitudes towards the formation of a professional position.

2. Studying the specifics of the teacher's work (functions and professional duties of a preschool teacher).

3. Stimulating the need for the formation of a culture of pedagogical activity.

4. Formation of the ability to keep records of observations, process, generalize information obtained during observations, fully and correctly reflect it in the practice diary.

5. Development of the need for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

During the practice, students perform the following activities:

Acquaintance with different types preschool institutions: Children's Home, Orphanage, Speech Kindergarten, Development Center, etc .;

Acquaintance and construction of a developing environment in a basic preschool educational institution;

Studying the professional (organizational, communicative, constructive) skills of the educator;

Conducting didactic and finger games;

In the process of practice, students must master the following skills :

Analyze the subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution;

Observe and analyze the professional skills of the educator in the course of various activities;

Organize children to socialize;

Plan, conduct and analyze, under the guidance of a practitioner, various activities with children;

Produce the necessary didactic visual material;

Carry out a methodological reflection of their activities.

Interdisciplinary connections : preschool pedagogy, preschool psychology, developmental psychology, private methods.

The main criteria for assessing the practice of students:

- the quality of the tasks performed;

The level and depth of analysis of pedagogical activity;

Attitude towards activities (discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, initiative);

The manifestation of independence in judgments, their own position, creativity;

Ability to communicate in the system "student - educator", "student - children", "student - administration", "student - group leader".

Reporting documentation:

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics that passed the "defense" in the preschool educational institution;

Didactic manuals made by students' hands (for groups of early and preschool age) .

Summer practise

Practice goal:

Formation of students' ideas about the peculiarities of the work of a preschool institution in the summer and health-improving period and independent mastery of the functions of the teacher's activity.

Practice objectives:

Studying the features of the activity of a preschool institution (and educators) in the summer and health-improving period; - independent performance by students of all the functions of a teacher of groups of preschool children; - mastering the main methodological approaches to working with preschool children in the summer-health period; - formation of an individual style in pedagogical activities; - mastering the skills to establish business relationships with parents and employees of the preschool educational institution; - the formation of social activity, civic qualities of the individual, creative attitude to work with children.

During the practice, students perform the following activities:

They continue to get acquainted with the working conditions, internal regulations, the traditions of the preschool institution, to get acquainted with the composition of the group;

study the specifics of the manifestation of age and individual characteristics of pupils, their state of health, living conditions and upbringing;

independently organize educational and educational work in the group (development of cognitive and creativity children, the formation of moral ideas and aesthetic feelings, the upbringing of a healthy child, etc.).

In the process of practice, students master the following skills and abilities:

Conduct pedagogical diagnostics of the level of education and upbringing of the children of their group according to the method proposed by the preschool educational institution; - plan educational work with children in the summer; - it is advisable to organize the child's life throughout the day; - take care of the protection of the life and health of children, actively apply hardening procedures ; - understand children's problems, conflicts, regulate relationships in a group, pedagogically reasonably manage her life; - combine individual and collective forms of work with children; - organize various forms of work with parents.

Reporting documentation based on the results of summer practice:

The report is provided in the form of a portfolio folder, in which the following documents should be collected:

scheduling of educational work for every day;

information about the institution where the practice took place and the group;

notes of various classes, scenarios of holidays and entertainment held during the period of practice, children's work, photographic materials;

characteristics from the place of internship signed by the head and stamped by the preschool educational institution;

self-analysis by a student of his work in summer practice.

The results of the summer practice are summed up at the conference, which is organized at the beginning of the 9th semester, where students demonstrate their reports, express their impressions, analyze their activities.

Trial lessons in basic training

Practice goal:

Formation of students' holistic understanding of the peculiarities of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children, mastering the functions of the teacher's activity in groups of early and preschool age.

Practice objectives:

1. Formation in students of a system of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for an educator to perform his functions.

2. Studying the features of the teacher's activities in groups of early and preschool age.

3. Creation of an attitude towards personality-oriented communication with children.

4. Mastering the basic methodological approaches in working with young children.

5. Development of students' ability to choose pedagogical methods and technologies that are adequate to the priority tasks of upbringing at a given age level and the individual characteristics of a particular preschooler.

6. Improving the culture of pedagogical activity.

7. Formation of students' pedagogical reflection.

During the practice, students perform the following activities:

Studying the specifics of the work of a teacher in groups of early and preschool age;

Acquaintance with the construction of a developmental environment in early age groups;

Observation, analysis, planning and carrying out of regime processes and work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children;

Observation, analysis, planning and execution of game activities;

Observation, analysis, planning and carrying out work on physical education and development of children;

Observation, analysis, planning and carrying out work activities;

Observation, analysis, planning and implementation of cognitive activities;

Observation, analysis, planning and implementation of aesthetic activities;

Observation, analysis, planning and carrying out of leisure activities;

Observing, analyzing, planning and conducting a walk;

Observation, analysis, planning and work with parents;

Conducting psychological and pedagogical research and drawing up psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a child;

Carrying out research work on the course topic and WRC.

In the process of practice, students must master the following skills :

Observe and analyze the specifics of the work of the educator and his assistant;

Observe, analyze and plan educational work in a preschool educational institution;

Determine specific educational tasks, taking into account the age-specific characteristics of children;

Organize work with children, parents, choose the most effective forms, methods and techniques for conducting classes;

Develop synopses of various activities;

Study the personality of the child, the collective of children, the products of children's activities;

Draw up a psychological and pedagogical description;

To develop and produce visual aids, didactic material for classes and for work with parents.

Main evaluation criteria:

Manifestation of responsibility, creativity and independence in pedagogical activity;

Implementation of a personally-oriented model of interaction with children, colleagues and parents;

Knowledge of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle;

Ability to test various methodological and didactic approaches in working with preschoolers;

The quality of the production of didactic materials.

Material from the site

Preschool education

Preschool education

The diary of industrial practice "Summer practice" was developed on the basis of the program of the professional module PM 01. - organization of activities aimed at strengthening the health and physical development of children and the program of practice of trial activities aimed at strengthening the health and physical development of children

The diary on educational practice compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the VET in the specialty 050144 Preschool education, the program of the professional module PM 04. Interaction with parents and employees of the educational institution and the program of educational practice of observing the interaction of participants in the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

The practice diary was developed on the basis of the program of the professional module PM 03. Organization of classes in the main general educational programs of preschool education. The diary was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO in the specialty 050144 Preschool education.

Industrial practice diary " Practice of trial lessons (entertaining things) " developed on the basis of the program of the professional module PM 03. - Organization of classes in the basic general educational programs of preschool education. The diary is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO in the specialty 050144 Preschool education

The practice diary was developed on the basis of the program of the professional module PM 01. Organization of activities aimed at strengthening the health and physical development of children and the program of practice of trial activities aimed at strengthening the health and physical development of children. The diary was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO in the specialty 050144 Preschool education.

Material from the site

practice diary 2 z-o (3)

Observing the organization of various types of games in the group and on the site of the kindergarten.

    In which role-playing games children play, age appropriate

    Outdoor games, their appropriateness and age appropriateness

    The place of board-printed games in consolidating children's knowledge.

    Igara-dramatization, its organization and carrying out with children.

Appendix No. 9

Observing the teacher's communication with children, implementing an individual approach to preschoolers.

    Communication style of the teacher with children

    Do children seek help from a teacher and how often., On what issues.

Appendix No. 10

Appendix No. 1. Introduction to the preschool educational institution

Acquaintance with the preschool institution and its main premises.

On the first and second days of my practice in kindergarten No. 1340, I got acquainted with the arrangement of the preschool educational institution, the team, the group in which I will undergo the practice, the documentation, with the arrangement of the inner space of the preschool educational institution and the territory adjacent to the premises where the kindergarten children walk. The priority direction in the work of the teaching staff is the preservation of the mental and physical health of children, the intellectual and personal development every child, adaptation to life in society.

On the territory of the kindergarten there are 6 groups and 2 groups of short-term stay (I am learning to swim). Children from 2 to 7 years old. On the territory of the kindergarten there are:- Group room... All conditions have been created for the full development and upbringing of older children. The group has a dressing room, a play corner, a corner of nature, a rest corner, a corner with didactic materials, a drawing corner, a corner with toys, study tables, a bedroom, a buffet where dishes and cutlery for eating are stored;

- Music hall... There is a piano, next to it is a wardrobe with various costumes of fairy-tale heroes, for children musical instruments, various decorations made of cardboard, plastic and fabric;

- Gym. The gym is equipped with Swedish walls, a rope, hangs, rings, benches, a stand for hoops of different sizes, there is not enough equipment for practicing with all the children of the group at the same time, balls of different sizes, skittles, sticks, bags, cubes are available in sufficient quantities for all children, an instructor made massage mats, paths, sirso and other devices for physical education;

- Pool... Has a dressing room tiled in shades of blue, area rugs. It has a small depth of 60 cm, handrails and non-protruding steps. There are individual caps for each child and swimming circles, towels.

- Methodical office. Equipped with everything necessary for the implementation of pedagogical activities. There is a computer. On the shelves are folders for all areas of the preschool institution's activities: regulatory documents, special methodological literature, manuals.

- Office of the manager... The room is in a simple style on the table of the envy there is computer equipment, documents, writing materials. In the center of the room there is a negotiating table, along the walls there is a closet with documents and folders. The office is clean and bright;

-Utility room- there are preparatory materials for lessons, visual aids. Household equipment.

-Administrative part... The area around the kindergarten is landscaped and has an aesthetic and vivid appearance.

Along the perimeter of the kindergarten, there are children's playgrounds with stationary play equipment: swings, gazebos, sandboxes, various rockers, flower beds. There are many trees and bushes on the territory of the preschool.

In general, the kindergarten has an aesthetic and well-groomed appearance. At first glance, the conditions in the group in which I will be doing my internship (senior group) are good. Carry out educational work with children, under the guidance of a senior educator, deputy head and methodologist.

Teaching staff:

have higher education: 7 people (44%);

have the highest qualification category: 1 person. (6%);

have the first qualification category: 3 people. (nineteen %) ;

correspond to the position held: 1 person. (6%);

Honored workers: 1 person (6%);

Honorary workers: 1 person (6%);

Appendix No. 2.

Acquaintance with the rights and responsibilities of a preschool teacher.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1, employees of preschool institutions have the following rights:

Article 55. Rights of employees of educational institutions and measures of their social support (as amended by Federal Law of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)

1. Employees of educational institutions have the right to participate in the management of an educational institution, to protect their professional honor and dignity.

2. A disciplinary investigation of violations by a teacher of an educational institution of the norms of professional behavior and (or) the charter of a given educational institution may be carried out only upon a complaint filed against him in writing. A copy of the complaint must be given to the teacher in question.

3. The course of the disciplinary investigation and the decisions taken as a result of it may be made public only with the consent of the interested teacher of the educational institution, with the exception of cases leading to the prohibition to study teaching activities, or, if necessary, protect the interests of students, pupils.

4. In the performance of professional duties, teaching staff have the right to freedom of choice and use of teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks in accordance with the educational program approved by the educational institution, methods of assessing the knowledge of students and pupils. The choice of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process in educational institutions with state accreditation and implementing educational programs of general education is carried out in accordance with the list of textbooks and teaching aids determined by the educational institution.

5. For teaching staff of educational institutions, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week.

Depending on the position and (or) specialty of teachers of educational institutions, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the duration of working hours, as well as the minimum duration of annual paid leave, are established by the Code of Labor Laws. Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Pedagogical workers of educational institutions, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, enjoy the right to receive a seniority pension until they reach retirement age, to a free living space with heating and lighting in countryside, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements), on the priority provision of living space. The amount, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of these social support measures are established by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Pedagogical employees of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.

6. The teaching load of a teacher of an educational institution, stipulated in an employment agreement (contract), is limited by the upper limit determined by the standard regulation on an educational institution of the corresponding type and type.

6.1. For employees involved, by decision of authorized executive bodies, to conduct a unified state examination in working time and released from the main job for the period of the unified state examination, the guarantees established by labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms are preserved.

Employees involved in the conduct of the unified state examination may be paid compensation for the work on the preparation and conduct of the unified state examination. The amount and procedure for payment of compensation are established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the funds of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation allocated for the unified state examination.

7. A pedagogical worker of an educational institution of higher professional education who has an academic degree in the relevant specialty has the right to read free of charge training course parallel to the existing one. The management of an educational institution is obliged to create the necessary conditions for this.

8. Pedagogical employees of federal state educational institutions (including executives whose activities are related to educational process) in order to facilitate their provision with book publishing products and periodicals, monthly monetary compensation is paid in the amount of 150 rubles in federal state educational institutions of higher professional education and the corresponding additional professional education, in the amount of 100 rubles - in other federal state educational institutions.

Neighboring files in an item


Characteristics from the place of passing the profile pedagogical practice in the MDOU "Teremok" to the 2nd year student of the KGBPOU "Minusinsk Pedagogical College named after A.S. Pushkin "Stepanova Oksana Viktorovna, studying in the specialty" Preschool education ".


This characteristic was given to Oksana Viktorovna Stepanova, a 2nd year student of KGBPOU Minusinsk Pedagogical College named after A.S. Pushkin ", specialty" Preschool education ", which from 17.01.2017 to 16.02.2017 passed specialized pedagogical practice at the MDOU" Teremok "on the basis of senior group № 5.

During the period of practice, the student has demonstrated good pedagogical training and the ability to organize the pedagogical process in accordance with the requirements of the FGT OOP DO. Oksana Viktorovna skillfully introduced educational moments into the activities of children, and in the process of working with children, she implemented the main educational tasks.

During individual work with children, the student showed the ability to prevent negative manifestations in behavior. Conducted several individual sessions using diagnostic techniques. When planning the activities of children, she took into account the characteristics of this age group. In the classroom, she supported the interest of children, developed their cognitive and mental abilities.

Oksana Viktorovna held cultural and educational conversations with her parents aimed at enhancing interest in partnerships. She actively participated in mass events held in the kindergarten. I independently prepared and conducted a quiz "What do I know about my native land" in my group.

The student joined the team easily, did not hesitate to ask more experienced colleagues questions related to the implementation of pedagogical knowledge in practice.

Based on the results of the practice, the theoretical training of the student and the quality of the tasks performed are assessed as "excellent".

Head of MDOU "Teremok" Hvorostova I.Yu.

Practice leader

Senior educator Kozyreva E.P.

More examples of characteristics from the place of teaching practice:

  • Characteristics of a student of the Faculty of History in teaching practice
  • Characteristics for a student of a pedagogical school from the place of practice at school
  • Characteristics of the student from the place of practice as a primary school teacher
  • Characteristics from the school about the student's work during teaching practice
  • Characteristics of the student-trainee of the philological faculty
  • Characteristics of the internship of a student of a pedagogical university
  • Characteristics of the student from the place of practice in the field of teaching
  • Characteristics of the student-trainee about the passage of internship at school
  • Characteristics of a student of the Faculty of Philology from the place of practice at school
  • Characteristics of the student from the place of teaching practice in the city teenage center


Guseva Anna Vladimirovna

Dates of internship

Place of internship

1. PC 4.1. Determine goals, objectives and plan work with parents (persons replacing them).

2. PC 4.2. Conduct individual consultations on family education, social, mental and physical development of the child.

3. PC 4.3. Conduct parenting meetings, involve parents

4. PC 4.4. Evaluate and analyze the results of work with parents, adjust the process of interaction with them.

5. PC 4.5. Coordinate the activities of the employees of the educational institution working with the group.

6. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

7. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, assess their effectiveness and quality.

8. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

9. Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development .

10. Work in a team and team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners.

Student trainee characteristics

by PM.04. Interaction with parents and employees of the educational institution

Elena Troshina

Dates of internshipfrom 10.03.2014. to 19.04.2014

Place of internshipMADOU "Kindergarten No. 81" of a general developmental type of the urban district of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ibragimova st., 12.

During the pedagogical practice, the student showed professionally significant personal qualities: responsibility, knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations interaction of the teacher with the parents and staff of the preschool educational institution, scrupulousness in preparation for practice and interaction with the teaching staff in the implementation of the tasks of practice.

During the production practice, the following professional and general competencies were mastered:

11. PC 4.1. Determine goals, objectives and plan work with parents (persons replacing them).

12. PC 4.2. Conduct individual consultations on family education, social, mental and physical development of the child.

13. PC 4.3. Hold parenting meetings, involve parents
to the organization and conduct of events in a group and in an educational institution.

14. PC 4.4. Evaluate and analyze the results of work with parents, adjust the process of interaction with them.

15. PC 4.5. Coordinate the activities of the employees of the educational institution working with the group.

16. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

17. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, assess their effectiveness and quality.

18. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

19. Carry out a search, analysis and assessment of information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development .

20. Work in a team and team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners.

These professional and general competences have been mastered in full during the industrial practice.

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 81": _____________ LB. Sufyanova

Head of production practice: ___________ I.V. Fedorova

Student trainee characteristics

by PM.04. Interaction with parents and employees of the educational institution

Bayazitova Gulgena

Dates of internshipfrom 10.03.2014. to 19.04.2014

Place of internshipMADOU "Kindergarten No. 81" of a general developmental type of the urban district of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ibragimova st., 12.

During the pedagogical practice, the student showed professionally significant personal qualities: responsibility, knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the teacher's interaction with parents and employees of a preschool educational institution, scrupulousness in preparing for practice and interacting with the teaching staff to implement the tasks of practice.

During the production practice, the following professional and general competencies were mastered:

21. PC 4.1. Determine goals, objectives and plan work with parents (persons replacing them).

22. PC 4.2. Conduct individual consultations on issues of family education, social, mental and physical development of the child.

23. PC 4.3. Conduct parenting meetings, involve parents
to the organization and conduct of events in a group and in an educational institution.

24. PC 4.4. Evaluate and analyze the results of work with parents, adjust the process of interaction with them.

25. PC 4.5. Coordinate the activities of the employees of the educational institution working with the group.

26. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

27. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, assess their effectiveness and quality.

28. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

29. Carry out a search, analysis and assessment of information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development .

30. Work in a team and team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners.

These professional and general competences have been mastered in full during the industrial practice.

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 81": _____________ LB. Sufyanova

Head of production practice: ___________ I.V. Fedorova

Sample characteristics for a student of a pedagogical college
This characteristic reflects aspects of the professional activity and personal qualities of the student, identified during the pre-diploma practice. This material will be useful for educators-mentors when writing characteristics for students.

Student interns
492 "D" group of the Bratsk Pedagogical College
specialties 050144
Preschool education
Ivanova Marina Vladimirovna, who underwent pre-graduation practice from 04/17/17 to 05/13/17
in MBDOU "DSKV № 110" "Dolphin"
During her undergraduate practice, student Ivanova Marina Vladimirovna, showed pedagogical skills and abilities in organizing educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. Marina skillfully organizes children in various activities, attracts and retains their attention, activates speech activity, and contributes to the development of children's initiative.
The student knows how to plan educational and educational work in the first and second half of the day, carries out in the process of educational activities of children, tasks in various educational areas, in accordance with the theme of the day and week.
Marina takes into account age characteristics, the general development of the child when planning and conducting various types of children's activities. The psychological comfort of the pedagogical activities conducted by the student was ensured by a favorable climate, benevolence, a calm tone of communication, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in interaction with pupils, and a partnership style of relations.
During the internship, Marina Vladimirovna proved to be competent, possessing knowledge of various methods of upbringing and teaching preschool children as a student. She treated her work responsibly; when conducting organized educational activities and individual work, she always had a demonstration and handout didactic visual material available. In the events held, Marina often uses multimedia technologies, knows and applies the techniques of gaming and health-preserving technologies.
Work with parents was carried out in the direction of healthy lifestyle. Marina conducted a survey on the topic "What is a healthy lifestyle?", Individual consultations, offered booklets "healthy lifestyle in the family", the magazine "Zdorovyachok", posted articles in the parent's corner.
Marina Vladimirovna competently and accurately kept all the necessary documentation, timely provided notes for certification and a work plan for the day.
During her internship, Marina Vladimirovna took an active part in all events held at the preschool educational institution: organizing and holding a holiday dedicated to Victory Day, a spring charity fair, a holiday held within International Day families.
Despite short term passing practice, Marina proved herself to be an active, responsible, disciplined and proactive student, able to apply the knowledge gained in college to organize educational activities with preschool children.
Recommended practice mark (in words)
Date "13" May 2017
Educator-mentor: / Shamanskaya N.V.
M.P. Head: / A.K. Evgrafova

sample characteristics per student. internship at a preschool educational institution


    For a 5th-year student of group 504, c / o defectology faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University Budyukina Lyudmila Viktorovna

    L. Budyukina passed teaching practice in speech therapy group 3 GOU ds 1338 SEAD Moscow within four weeks.
    During her internship in speech therapy group 3, LV Budyukina showed herself as an executive, conscientious and responsible student; attended the frontal, subgroup and individual lessons conducted by speech therapist N.A.Preobrazhenskaya.
    Student LV Budyukina was able to easily establish contact with the children of the group and ped. team;
    diagnosed speech and psychological pedagogical development two children with the subsequent writing of the conclusion.
    Lyudmila Viktorovna analyzed the perspective and calendar plan of speech therapy classes, individual long-term plans; prepared and conducted individual and frontal lessons, which were received with interest by the children.
    All the work carried out by the student LV Budyukina revealed high professional readiness and deserves an excellent mark.


    1. Surname, name and patronymic of the student.

    2. Terms of internship.

    3. Professional qualities: adherence to psychological ethics, the ability to establish contact with children, their parents and the teaching staff, attitude to the assignments of a psychologist, independence and qualifications in performing various types of work.

    4. Willingness to undergo practical training: the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice, possession of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of developmental problems in children, the ability to take into account the age and individual-typical characteristics of students.

    5. Information about the types of work carried out during the practice.

    6. Assessment of practice.


    1.Number of preschool institution, terms of practice, age group,
    the specifics of the group.
    2.Pedagogical skills and abilities of students in organizing everything
    the pedagogical process in planning and accounting for educational
    educational work with children:
    - types of work carried out with children most successfully;
    - types of work to which you need to pay attention.
    3.Knowledge educational preschool programs and the ability to work in accordance
    with her.
    4. Ability to plan educational and educational work in the 1st and 2nd
    half of the day.
    5. The ability to carry out educational tasks in the process of children's activities,
    to influence their consciousness, feelings and will.
    6 .. Ability to organize children in various activities. Attract them
    attention and activate their mental activity, arouse interest in it. Ability to carry out individual work with children. Prevent negative behaviors.
    7.The degree of mastery by the trainee of various techniques, including
    the latest modern technical teaching aids and other visual
    8. Ability to carry out differentiated work with children and cultural
    educational work with parents.
    9. Ability to combine frontal and individual forms of work.
    10. Ability to take into account the peculiarities of the state of health and general development
    child when planning and conducting various types of children's
    activities. Ability to put into practice theoretical
    11. The nature of the student's communication with children, colleagues, parents, fellow students.
    12.Ownership of the children's team, what were the difficulties and how they were
    13. The nature of the performance of socially useful work.
    14.Positive aspects and main problems encountered during
    pedagogical practice with a trainee student.
    15. Conclusions on the student's readiness for independent work with children and
    mark for the entire period of pre-diploma practice.
    16. Suggestions and wishes for further independent work
    17. Attitude to work and discipline.
    18. Wishes for the training of specialists.
    The characteristic is drawn up by the educator or senior educator, certified by the seal of the preschool educational institution.

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