How to increase the iq of the brain. Playing a musical instrument. Reduce your alcohol intake

"Non est terminus" (lat.) - "There is no limit to perfection." This phrase has been repeatedly pronounced and confirmed with all their lives by the outstanding minds of mankind. It is this aspiration of a person for self-improvement and self-development that determines his spiritual and moral qualities, as well as his place and role in society. And to characterize his intellectual achievements, there is an IQ coefficient. We will deal with the question of how to increase IQ in this article.

IQ or intelligence quotient of an individual characterizes the level of mental development of a person. This indicator is a scientific assessment of intelligence and is determined by passing specially designed standardized scientific tests. With the help of tests, a person's readiness to solve problems, his ability for abstract thinking, the quality of memory, the amount of general knowledge and other factors are determined.

The IQ coefficient is calculated by dividing the number responsible for the mental age of a person (determined using an IQ test) by his real biological age and multiplying the resulting number by 100. For example, if at the age of 10 a child is 15 years old, then his IQ will be equal to 15/10 × 100 = 150. IQ tests are designed in such a way that the average IQ of the entire population will be approximately 95-100%, and the subjects themselves usually range from 70% to 130%.

Can IQ Boost?

Intelligence is the natural ability of the brain to integrate complex processes in the environment by comparing, classifying, identifying patterns and creating connections between them. The thought process leads us from isolated, instinctively received point estimates of what is happening to its full analysis and awareness. The knowledge and skills that we receive "at the exit" of this process and characterize our mental abilities and intelligence level.

Scientists have proven that the vast potential of the mind in most people is in a "dormant" state. Just as the body needs various sports exercises, morning exercises and exercises in the gym to keep it in good shape and to keep it in good physical shape, the human intellect also needs some kind of exercise. They will help speed up the thought process, improve reaction and memory, and increase IQ levels.

It is about how to increase IQ and what kind of mental activities will be discussed in the next section.

How to improve your IQ level?

The problem of how to increase IQ has been studied by many Russian and foreign experts in the field of psychology and physiology. Most of the research has led scientists to an unexpected conclusion. It turns out that a person's IQ level is directly related to his physical form. As the saying goes: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body."

For your brain to work more efficiently, you need to monitor its physical health. For this, systematic sports, daily walks in the fresh air, jogging, yoga classes, etc. are recommended. Another additional factor that plays an important role in maintaining brain health is diet. The brain also needs to be fed, and not only with information. So, the advice remains relevant, suitable for all occasions: eat balanced food and as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Taking various multivitamins will also not be superfluous in this case. The main thing is to approach everything wisely, and especially to the development of the mind.

Good neuromuscular coordination is essential in working to achieve a high IQ level. It is developed while playing musical instruments, while doing handicrafts, wood carving, etc. Active sports can also improve coordination. And so that your nervous system does not fail, you should seriously approach the issue of the daily routine. The main thing is to allow enough time for sleep and rest, since even the most outstanding mind can also get tired.

Games that increase IQ

How to increase IQ through games and is it possible? It turns out that it is possible. Let's take a closer look at this.

Scientists have proven that games can be a great way to stimulate the brain. While playing, a person begins to think in a completely different, opposite to the ordinary state. Games in which it is necessary to solve various logical problems or those that make us think very quickly are especially useful. Solving puzzles, folding puzzles, solving crosswords and sudoku, board and even video games can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also a useful activity for improving IQ.

Scientific studies have shown that the popular Tetris game in the 90s stimulates mental activity, improves concentration skills, and increases reaction speed.

An interesting fact was noticed: the more experienced the players become in the game, the less their brains need to consume glucose (the main fuel of the body). This discovery is applicable in other areas of human life. As a person becomes more experienced in a particular occupation, the effort required to function effectively decreases. The main thing is training.

Books that increase IQ

We read books with the hope that they will enrich our mind with new ideas and knowledge, decorate our life, making it more meaningful and rich. In the modern age of information, books are more accessible than ever before. But, unfortunately, a modern person has less and less time to read them. Therefore, the problem of reading quality has become very urgent. After all, you can "swallow" a lot of books and not get a single new thought for yourself, not even remember a line, and after a short time you will not remember a single plot. Or it may happen that just one book read in time will enrich your mind and change many views on life.

Scientific literature

The choice of scientific books should not be limited only to textbooks in different disciplines. All scientific works that can improve our understanding of the world and the nature of its existence are suitable for the development of intelligence. Research studies such as commerce or sociology will also be very helpful in training your thought processes.

The main thing is that you manage to understand not so much the theory as the very course of scientific thought, its logic, the construction of the analysis, the use of scientific research methods. Science books teach us how to develop our intuition through hypotheses and test it with objective evidence. It is these properties of the scientific literature that will be useful to those hoping to increase their IQ level.

Philosophy books

The philosophy of ancient times, like the science itself "philosophy" grew out of the seed of analytical thinking. If science teaches us to understand the external world, then philosophy teaches us to understand and realize ourselves in this world. Philosophy is very well suited to the name "science of human life." In addition to classical philosophical works, this category also includes fundamental religious texts. The Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-Gita, etc. can also be attributed to a kind of philosophical treatises, in addition, one should not lose sight of their enormous sacred value for humanity.

The significance of these books in people's lives can be viewed not only through the prism of religious dogmas, but also from the point of view of their wisdom and beauty. Works of this kind are able not only to prosaically raise the level of IQ and make a person think, but also to give meaning to his existence.

Science fiction novels, fantasy

Many ordinary people are very skeptical about this genre of literature. They reproach science fiction in its utopian fiction and in absolute isolation from reality. This question is very controversial and, from the point of view of art, even inappropriate. Only a completely unimaginative person can deny the fact that great works of fiction contain more truth than any other literary genre, because they allow the reader to experience an entirely new reality.

Science fiction is created by such artistic techniques that contribute to the improvement of the reader's consciousness, his understanding of the surrounding reality and the laws of society. It is by completely breaking away from the daily routine that the authors of science fiction novels show readers their everyday life, as if from a bird's eye view. From this point of view, small, daily worries and problems that cloud our global perception of the world and its laws are simply not visible. They do not prevent us from focusing on the basics and thinking about the eternal.

Serious fantastic works, in addition to vivid images and intricate plots, are also filled with philosophy, psychology and history. Truman Capote - a famous American writer, playwright and actor - said that a good novel is worth more than any scientific work. In order to expand the individual human intelligence, reading science fiction can be given one of the leading places. Such a pastime will make you a more active thinker, improve oratorical skills and make you an interesting and informative interlocutor.


The study of history is still considered by many adults to be quite boring. Perhaps the school memories of history lessons are still fresh: the dry text of the book, dull cramming of various dates and tedious lectures. For those who, for a number of reasons, have a relationship with this discipline far from enchanting, we advise you to radically reconsider your attitude towards it.

The article has already mentioned that a person's life experience, experienced, felt, meaningful and understood by him, is the fundamental factor in the formation of his intellect. And is it possible to talk about how to increase IQ without being interested in the life experience of all mankind and not knowing the stories of people who, with their intellect, with their mind (although, in some cases, perhaps with their stupidity), were able to change the world? The story is an exciting, sometimes tragic, sometimes anecdotal, filled with wonderful characters and grandiose ideas, the evolution of life. No wonder they say that by studying the past, we can avoid mistakes in the future.

The study of history increases understanding and awareness of the present, teaches us eternal cultural and moral values ​​(sometimes, unfortunately, proceeding from the opposite), forms a civic position in us. In terms of increasing IQ, we want to give advice that is not related to the choice of specific historical literature, but related to how you should work with it. When reading any historical work, be it an essay, essay or biography, always focus on causation. It is important to carefully monitor which decision or which idea became the root cause of the subsequent event, what effect it led to, what resonance it received, etc. Be attentive to the details: they often contain the most important arguments. Such a meaningful approach to history will make your mind more flexible and your logic undeniable.


Many people believe that poetry is just a flight of imagination and the ability to choose consonant words. If your word “poetry” evokes images of Shakespearean actors reciting flower rhymes, and the lines in a column are boring by their very appearance, then convincing you to take seriously the benefits of reading poetry for increasing IQ is a big problem.

Although genetically determined, intellectual ability needs to be properly developed as well as to maintain appropriate mental alertness throughout life.

The latter allows you to postpone old age, avoid weakening memory, prevent many diseases and senile dementia.

The essence of the work of the human brain (as well as of different muscle groups, body systems) is that regular training sessions, the correct mode of alternating activity and rest, a good mood, allow you to maintain and develop functions, no matter what initial data a person has.

Therefore, there are excellent ways to develop both outstanding and impaired children's intelligence literally from the first days of a baby's life!

German scientists have collected 10 of the most simple and effective activities for the development and strengthening of intelligence, which are effective for children of all ages and even adults.

Show the correct example (and not "read morals"), and most importantly - be sure to praise him for every achievement, celebrate and encourage successes, including the most insignificant ones.

2. Play educational games with your child

Must include fine finger motor skills (including lacing, tying knots, peeling small berries, garlic, etc.). Such efficiency is directly related to the development of intelligence, stimulates its development, allows you to heal a number of anomalies and diseases (including cerebral palsy).

The basic argument is that a diverse set of educational games can effectively improve the coordination of motor finger movements with visual perception. In the course of scientific experiments, an increase in the abilities of mental perception has been reliably proven through similar activities in the experimental group.

3. Learn!

Learning is excellent for strengthening intelligence and memory, especially if abilities and aptitudes allow one to be considered a good student.

With each portion of the acquisition of new knowledge and skills (counting, reading, writing, presenting what has been learned, etc.), groups of neurons are activated, stimulating the development of an ever larger scale of scientific and other knowledge.

Due to this feature of intelligence, from early childhood it is very useful to conduct training sessions with a child, read to him (and ask him to retell information), solve simple mathematical problems, etc.

Group lessons should not be neglected; painting circles, groups for the development of logical thinking, the study of foreign languages, technology and any others are suitable.

4. Nutrition for the development of intelligence

This is a large amount of seafood in a child's diet. Caviar, fatty fish are very rich in the most important for the brain - Omega 3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids). The most important substances are found in dairy products and flax seeds, walnuts and some others.

Omega 3 (being a structural substance for the tissue of the brain and retina) by 40% improve neuronal metabolism, are responsible for the formation of cell membranes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids ensure optimal brain functions not only in childhood, but at any age.

In the course of studies of the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on animal generations, it was experimentally proved that there is an irreversible impairment of the ability of young to learn when there is a lack of Omega 3 in the diet of mothers.

5. Drink mate, coffee, green, black tea (by age).

The tonic substances, taurines and caffeine contained in various varieties sharpen intellectual abilities. For those who are too early or unable to take strong stimulants, you should choose the right diet (it should give the body a lot of energy, but not overload digestion).

Milk and orange juice are pretty good alternatives to tonic drinks. It is important not to consume too many energy drinks, caffeine and analogs.

It is necessary to abandon transgenic fats (margarine, cooking oil), artificial sweeteners - all of them are very harmful, clog blood vessels, destroy cell membranes. Fatty and artificial food spoils not only the figure, health, but also the intellect.

6. Using the developmental potential of entertainment.

To improve brain activity, it is much more useful to use games for erudition and ingenuity, watching educational films of a cognitive nature than primitive computer games with shooting and fights and television.

The right choice (not what television offers, but a thoughtful selection on the Internet) also successfully forms the culture, allowing you to acquire the correct speech and manner of communication on an unconscious level.

In the Russian version, for example, it is invaluable to captivate a child with historical "video lessons" by Gumilyov and Kapitsa, scientific periodicals, informative documentaries about wildlife and space.

7. Relieve the child (and yourself) from stress and overwork.

Stress is the worst that can be. If a child is under prolonged stress, his intellectual abilities and health will inevitably fade away.

The changes that have occurred may be irreversible. Therefore, one should be attentive to his condition and complaints, the appearance of unusual reactions (too quiet or agitated) - all of the above can serve as a symptom of insurmountable stress associated with the criminal behavior of kindergarten educators, teachers, and peers.

- Sometimes, in order to save him, you need to pick him up from the nursery, kindergarten or change school. Otherwise, you can get an obvious degradation instead of early socialization, the development of independence, the ability to survive in a team and realize leadership qualities.

Domestic violence also has a tragic impact, when a child is beaten or scolded for poor grades or poor results, while his actual abilities do not allow him to perform better. Here you only need encouragement to study, the creation of a calm and comfortable environment for study, praise for any efforts and achievements, together with adults, passing the material until successful mastering.

Let's admit stress only in small doses and not artificial. In the right proportion, it can sharpen mental capacity as the body expends reserve resources. Severe or persistent stress has the opposite effect. To be effective, a child must act with joy, realize the important happiness for him of games, communication with friends, favorite activities and hobbies.

Striving to raise geniuses, parents often or too burden the child with training, sections, circles, leaving no time for childhood and even health recovery.

Or I direct the child's activities and education outside the sphere of his personal interests, subjecting him to his will, depriving him of realization in what he was born for, depriving him of his personal will and initiative.

For the last group of reasons, a child can even lose the will to live. In both cases described, stress can lead to persistent depression, nervous breakdowns, chronic diseases (like diabetes).

8. The dynamism of the reading load.

According to the principle “the quieter you drive, you know more”, a particular case of “stressful” information acquisition works. Everyone knows how badly different express methods with increased stress, like "English in 3 weeks", have a bad effect on the psyche and health.

Research unequivocally shows that a comfortable mode of assimilation of information is important for the brain (not fast, not slow, perceived by the student as optimal).

It is also important to maintain this mode while reading. Those who read with a high-speed method, too quickly or too much, find themselves in a deliberately losing position (compared to leisurely readers) in the actual assimilation of the material. The pursuit of the amount of information consumption is not appropriate, one should not rush a little student.

9. Fresh air and physical activity.

Children need a walk in the air, walking stimulates cerebral circulation, improves its long-term functioning in optimal mode through the work of blood vessels.

Let the child walk after school if the child asks, but don't force it out. Find out what types of outdoor activities he prefers.

Perhaps he is not comfortable walking in the yard or wandering around the streets (feeling of danger, bad social environment, lack of interesting entertainment), but it is pleasant for him to walk with his parents in the quiet quarters in the evening, admiring the shop windows or accompanying you to the playground. Give the opportunity to be active the way he wants. Go to the forest and walk, visit the pool, walk your dog.

10. Afternoon siesta (short nap).

Scientists have proven that a 15-30 minute afternoon nap gives an increase in performance. This technique was used by renowned scientists and the military to stay alert and focused until the end of a long day at work.

Such sleep is useful for everyone, regardless of age, especially with serious stress at school and university. In addition to dramatically improving performance, taking a short nap improves memory.

Last updated: 09/14/2014

Training the human brain opens up great business opportunities. Various internet sites, video games, mobile applications ... there are many ways to capitalize on your desire to develop your intelligence. But does this kind of training really work? Can you improve your cognitive ability or increase your IQ? Several recent studies have shown that doing various exercises improves your information-handling abilities, but they do not necessarily improve your intelligence or your reasoning and abstract thinking abilities.

The effect of test preparation on test results

Today, schoolchildren and students take a wide range of standardized tests, from those that take place in elementary school to those that are taken upon admission to higher education. Preparing for such a test will help increase factual knowledge, as some experts suggest, but it rarely affects the general level of IQ.
Why? It's very simple: this kind of training allows you to increase what is called in psychology, but will not affect the fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence relies on facts and information, while fluid intelligence relies on the ability to think abstractly or logically.
In the study, published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers examined IQ scores and test scores from approximately 1,400 8th grade students. Preparation helped improve test scores; it had no effect on fluid intelligence. The authors believe that it is fluid intelligence that is a much better indicator of problem solving ability, abstract thinking skills, memory capacity and information processing speed.
However, while the researchers found no improvement in IQ test scores after training, this does not mean that training is irrelevant. The study clearly shows that students who score high on standardized tests score high on other important tests as well.
Crystallized intelligence is also important in many areas of life - both in school and later in the workplace. For example, factual knowledge is important both for doing mathematics and for the subsequent application of information in the real world.

Training does not always affect the development of intelligence

Another study, already published in the journal Neuroscience, found that games designed to train the brain increased performance on specific tasks, but did not lead to an overall improvement in general intelligence. 60 study participants were tested for the ability to refrain from acting. Upon seeing the signal pointing left or right, the participants had to press the button corresponding to the correct direction. In a quarter of the cases, however, the signal was followed by an audible signal prohibiting the participants from pressing keys.
Compared to the control group, whose members did not receive the inhibitory signal, the members of the experimental group had an increased level of activity in the regions of the brain associated with inhibition. However, the researchers did not notice any corresponding activity in areas of the brain associated with memory function.
According to scientists, training can lead to a temporary improvement in the ability to perform a specific task, but it probably does not have much effect on intelligence in general.

Should you train your brain at all?

After learning about the results of these studies, you may wonder whether brain training makes any sense at all. After all, if it doesn't lead to improved intelligence, then what's the use? There is, however, a benefit: although such training may not lead to an increase in IQ, it can lead to an increase in the level of knowledge and improvement of abilities in specific fields of activity.
You can register on one or another site aimed at training the brain, or download any application that promises to improve your intelligence. You just need to know what exactly you can or cannot achieve using these tools. Try to ignore false promises from developers claiming that your IQ level will skyrocket; instead, focus on building on factual knowledge, challenging yourself every time you have fun and rewarding time.

If you believe the statistics, the iq of the average Russian is 96, while for the inhabitants of Japan this figure is 105, and for the indigenous inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea - 66. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that between the well-being of any country and the average level of intelligence of its inhabitants there is clearly expressed direct relationship.

With regard to an individual, the same can be said - the more developed his mental abilities, the more chances he has to achieve success in life and realize his potential. People with iq> 110, as a rule, have higher education, occupy leadership positions and become real professionals in their field. Therefore, many are interested in how to increase iq, and how realistic it is.

You can use a program with which you can increase your IQ by about 17 points in 7 days. Print this sign out and hang it on the wall where you can see it, or just keep it close at hand on your desk so you don't accidentally miss your next class. After all, the most important thing in any workout is consistency. It is not difficult to adhere to these recommendations, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strictly follow the plan. However, advice should not be taken too literally - this is all just a general guide to action.

How to increase iq? Action plan

Day of week

What to do?

Time (in minutes)


IQ growth (in points)


Play short-term memory games like Dual N-Back at or eat some grapes

The development of short-term memory will allow us to stir up the mind and make it more mobile, and the use of grapes or grape juice, so rich in various antioxidants, can improve our memorization abilities.

Take creatine or eat beef

Creatine is used as a sports supplement to increase body muscles. It is also abundant in beef dishes. Studies have shown that a daily intake of 5 g of creatine can increase iq by 15 points in 6 weeks. This substance increases the supply of energy in the brain, which is necessary for counting operations.

Play "Erudite" ( or

Boosting and improving your vocabulary is great advice for those looking to learn how to improve iq. You can fight in the composition of words from a given number of letters both on the Internet with other players, and on the phone or with a computer.

Play your favorite video game (it's the turn of Call of Duty)

Video games can improve our visual perception of the world around us, which, in turn, is one of the main factors for improving iq.

Stop slouching at the table - march on the treadmill!

Scientists in psychology and neurology have confirmed that a healthy and toned cardiovascular system can increase mental capacity by 50%.

Practice solving IQ tests

Our intelligence in terms of training is similar to mischiefs - the more often we give it various tasks, the stronger it becomes.


Time to be vegetarian

Several studies have found a pattern between vegetarian food and high IQs. Therefore, be sure to include some vegetables in your diet.

196 minutes or about 3.5 hours

17 points

Well, now you know the ways to increase iq, you just have to get started. You can train your mind on the way to school or work, sitting on the bus or walking. We recommend that you first use tests to identify those areas in which the lowest results, and then select the appropriate exercises. For example, if you want to improve your counting ability, you can summarize in your mind the numbers of passing cars, etc. Practice more often - and it will definitely give results.

It is impossible to become smarter overnight. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming of oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise regularly

It improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, and good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical ability. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem-solving speed, visual acuity and hearing, and slows down reactions. The right combination of deep sleep and REM sleep is especially important for maintaining good mental health. Here physical exercises from Lifehacker will again help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to function optimally. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy nutritional supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke, stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small amounts, especially when combined with socializing, can be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive use can lead to acute and chronic disruption of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've wanted to try for a long time! It promotes the plasticity and flexibility of the brain. Studying math is an excellent training in logic and abstract thinking, and it also improves concentration, mental stamina and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by several points. Use to learn new things.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people.

Meet with them regularly and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what may be worth changing in yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are not in the room where you should be.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading.

It will improve vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as enhance your knowledge and speaking repertoire. Reading must be!

9. Play complex computer games

Shooters and racing games develop reaction speed at best, but they don't provide you with mental stimulation. Choose a game that includes complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. These are, for example, the puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, the highest threshold for entry is probably Eve-online.

10. Give up limiting beliefs about your own intelligence

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often, the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers mean more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a fulfilling life!

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