We read cubes. Zaytsev's development methodology. General Development Set

And the method of Glen Doman, and many others.

Today we will talk about the well-known method of child development by Nikolai Zaitsev. Zaitsev's technique or learning to read is based on the use of special developmental material, on certain principles of building work in the form of a game.

Who is Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev? Why did Zaitsev create his own method for teaching children to read? What are Zaitsev cubes? What are the features of the Zaitsev technique, as well as its advantages and disadvantages? You will find out the answers to all these questions by reading the article "Zaitsev's Method or Learning to Read". And also in the article you will find a video about this technique from the very founder - Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is a well-known innovative teacher from St. Petersburg. Born in 1939 into a family of rural teachers. As a fifth-year student at the Pedagogical Institute, Zaitsev went to Indonesia, where he was a translator, taught the Indonesian language and taught Russian to foreigners. This time marked the beginning of the innovative ideas of teaching reading Nikolai Zaitsev.

Zaitsev is the creator of the famous cubes, thanks to which new opportunities have appeared in teaching children to read. Nikolai Zaitsev created his own methodology by which children learn to read while playing.

Nikolay Zaitsev founded and runs the Center for Non-Standard Technologies in Education. Zaitsev created about 25 effective techniques. These methods (teaching children to read, Russian, mathematics; teaching adults and children a foreign language and Russian as a foreign language) are popular in many countries Western Europe, America, CIS, Russia.

Zaitsev's technique (teaching to read) is based on teaching reading with the help of warehouses (using Zaitsev's cubes) in the form of a fun game, using songs and backing songs.

Why did Nikolai Zaitsev create his own method of teaching reading?

  • often children, knowing the alphabet, cannot form letters into syllables and words. Since in the alphabet one picture is given for one letter. The child remembers both the letter and the picture. And later he needs to explain why the word "juice" was formed from the picture words "magpie" - "glasses" - "goat". Zaitsev came to the conclusion that in order to learn to read, it is not necessary to know the name of each letter separately.
  • it is difficult for children to read syllables. Indeed, sometimes there are syllables that are difficult to pronounce, for example, the word “splash”.

Warehouse - what is it?

Zaitsev came up with an alternative to letters and syllables - a warehouse.

The warehouse is the basis of the method of teaching children to read according to the Zaitsev method.

A warehouse can be called a pair of consonant and vowel letters, from a consonant and a hard or soft sign, from one letter. For example, A-I-C-T, VO-RO-NA.

What are Zaitsev cubes?

Zaitsev's cubes are developing material for learning new knowledge during the game with the help of several systems of information perception.

The set includes 52 cubes, 7 of which are repeated.

Cubes are subdivided according to several criteria:

  • To size:

  1. large (cubes with hard syllables)
  2. small (cubes with soft syllables),
  • By filling or sound:

  1. gold (cubes with vowels),
  2. Iron (cubes with ringing warehouses),
  3. Wooden (cubes with muted warehouses),
  4. wooden-gold (cubes for warehouses with a soft sign)
  5. iron-wooden (cubes for warehouses with a solid sign),
  • By the color of the letters written on the cubes:

  1. vowels - blue;
  2. consonants - in blue;
  3. the hard and soft mark is green.
  • Single and double cubes.
  • White cube with punctuation marks on it.
  • Cubes vary in weight.

Zaitsev painted warehouses on the edges of the cubes. Since the cubes differ in color, size and sound or content, different channels of information perception are connected when playing with them. Children can exactly feel the difference between the letters. Singing syllables to several melodies helps the learning game with cubes.

I suggest you watch a video about the teaching method of reading from the author himself. So, Nikolai Zaitsev is on the air:

What are the distinctive features Zaitsev's methods?

  • learning by playing
  • learning-game takes place in an informal setting. There are no desks and silence, children can go to tables, blocks, search and choose.
  • the principle of visual presentation of the material is used. Exercising with the help of the Zaitsev technique, the child uses hearing, sight and touch.
  • the lesson lasts about 25 minutes, but you can play less, the main thing is that the child has interest and excitement. Classes should be held regularly.
  • developing material is presented in one place in the form of tables and cubes, the principle is applied from the particular to the general, from the general to the particular
  • teaching methods are universal. They are suitable for preschoolers, students and adults.

From this article, we learned about the features of the Zaitsev technique, about the Zaitsev cubes, and also considered the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.

Parents have to choose how, when, what and in what form to teach their child.

Do you use, have used or are going to use this method of child development? What is your experience and your impressions of the Zaitsev method? Should I teach my child to read before school?

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Today there are many teaching methods. Parents, for whom the intellectual development of their own children is not an empty phrase, are lost in front of a variety of learning systems and technologies. A large number of offers is not bad, there is a possibility of making the best choice. But on the other hand, you first need to understand how this or that technique works. Today we will tell you about the technique of Nikolai Zaitsev.

Who is Nikolai Zaitsev?

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After graduating from school, Nikolai worked for 2 years at the factory, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

Nikolai Zaitsev's early childhood development methodology occupies a special place in pedagogy. The Russian teacher and educator was one of the first to practice early teaching of children to count, reading, music, foreign languages(in particular English) and other cognitive disciplines.

The famous teacher Nikolai Zaitsev created his own educational system for children 3-5 years old, according to which children learn to read and solve mathematical problems. Indeed, thanks to this system, many kids have mastered and learned new skills for themselves absolutely without coercion and the usual cramming for school.

Basic principles of the Zaitsev method

Zaitsev's technique has the following basic principles:

  • From general to particular and from particular to general.
  • From the concrete-figurative through the visual to the verbal-logical.
  • Providing visibility (not only from the word look) using various channels of perception.
  • Systemic material supply.
  • Algorithmization of educational activities.
  • Taking into account the physiology of the perception of educational information.
  • Protecting the health of students.

Zaitsev Cubes

Zaitsev gives us a new learning model: warehouses. He modeled his cubes with warehouses written on the sides. The kits that you can find on sale may differ slightly: in size, weight, material from which they are made, and fillers. These are 52 cubes in which 7 syllables are repeated for words like mom.

A warehouse, unlike a syllable, is not only a combination of a consonant and a vowel, it can also be a separate letter, as in the word C-LO-N, or a combination of a letter and a sign (soft or hard), for example Tb or Hb.

Thus, the child is more understandable, since in the recent past he learned to pronounce the first words. For example, MA-MA, MA-SHI-NA. This is how the child begins to speak, so it is easier for him to learn to read.

Cubes feature:

  • They can be made of wood or iron. And for good reason. Iron means voiced warehouses, wooden deaf ones.
  • All the letters on them different colors eg vowels are blue, consonants are blue. Thus, we can distinguish vowels from consonants.
  • Signs (hard and soft) are marked in green.
  • Large and small cubes also have differences: for large warehouses they are hard, for small ones they are soft.
  • There are no warehouses ZHY, SHY, ZHYA, SHYA, which will allow the child not to make gross mistakes in words.
  • White cube with punctuation marks.

So the child gets to know the words through the warehouses and begins to read, it is better to speak. Then you can move on to the training tables.

Reading teaching method

Zaitsev's reading technique and his teaching to read are known all over the world. Zaitsev introduced such a concept as a syllable, which is a pair of loud + consonant, as well as a consonant with a hard sign + a consonant with a soft sign, plus one separate letter. Many parents know about Zaitsevsky cubes, on which syllables are applied.

The Zaitsev system is based on the principle: from simple to complex. And this principle is taken from life itself, because when a baby begins to speak, he does not speak whole words, but pronounces individual sounds or syllables. This means going from simple to complex.

During training, children work with individual syllables, they sing them or rhythmically clap their palms to the beat. All cubes sound differently, thanks to which children quickly understand the difference and differences between vowel and consonant syllables, voiced and soft consonants. Nikolai Zaitsev deduced 46 signs by which his cubes differ from each other. For example, a tapping sound is characteristic for wooden cubes, and a sonorous sound for gold cubes.

Mathematics for Zaitsev

First, children learn to count from 0 to 100. In this, the kids are helped by a multi-colored ribbon on which numbers are drawn in circles, squares or a special matrix. The matrix clearly demonstrates the number relative to 100. For example, 65 is 65 filled cards, and the remaining 35 cards are not painted.

The next step after mastering the basics is more difficult. Children learn to add numbers, subtract, operate with three-digit numbers. For this, cubes are used during reading, as well as special tables, play sets.

For what age is Nikolay Zaitsev's technique suitable?

The system is also not tied to a specific age. You can begin to master it at a year, and at two, and at five years old.

For children from 1 year old: the child will speak faster and at the same time master the basics of reading. But at first it is better to play with him simple games: find a large or small cube, arrange by color or sound.

From 3 years old and older, children begin to read after a few lessons. You can simulate the classes yourself and look at your child, if he is interested, you can practice more often, if not attractive, postpone. Usually children like to play with blocks at times for other purposes.

The advantages of the technique

    • children of the younger age groups of 3-5 years old can study;
    • playful learning is interesting for young children;
    • the first results appear after a few sessions;
    • children quickly memorize warehouses and begin to read;
    • your child will never make gross mistakes in words;
    • the technique is available both for work in a team and for individual use at home;
    • you can study at your own pace;
    • pretty simple and intuitive material.

Disadvantages of the technique

  • there is no development of creative abilities;
  • difficulties may arise with the isolation of a separate sound from a word, what will affect the letter;
  • the technique is more suitable for children in whom the right hemisphere of the brain is better developed;
  • at school you will have to retrain the child, since the kid, using warehouses as part of the word, will not be able to correctly make the phonetic composition of the word. Since the warehouses do not correspond to the syllables, the child will be confused and mistaken;
  • teaching aids are not cheap, not every parent can afford;
  • to conduct classes at home, the parents themselves will have to spend enough time to read and master the material themselves, and then present it to the child. You just won't be able to sit down and work out! And if you still decide to make cubes with your own hands, then you will have to spend more than one evening on craftsmanship. And not every mother has a time resource (although all household members can be involved in making cubes);
  • some children swallow endings in words.

Zaitsev and his method made a splash in the development of the child's intellectual characteristics. Prominent scientist Nikolai

Zaitsev made an invaluable contribution to the development of pedagogy. With the help of his developments, children quickly learn to read and count, but this is not enough for the realization of the mental potential of children.

2018-02-09 11:56:25 0 1628

Every parent wants his child to become a child prodigy (or at least just capable and smart). There are many methods for organizing assistance to adults for teaching a child to read and write, read and math. These are the systems of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman and many others. A special place here is occupied by Zaitsev's cubes - a method of teaching reading from an early age.

Who is Nikolai Zaitsev

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After graduating from school, Nikolai worked for 2 years at the factory, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

It was this period of time, when he had to teach adults the Russian language that was not their native language, that gave rise to the development of his famous method of teaching reading and writing. Implementing new techniques, creating interesting tables on the go, he tried to "convey the essence of the language to others."

Having developed his own teaching method, the young teacher decided to test it in the middle classes of a comprehensive school. However, a huge setback awaited him here. The students were only able to memorize the rules, without trying to understand them. Accustomed to this kind of training, they could not readjust.

Then, Nikolai Alexandrovich decided to test his method on kids. The methodology was revised, he conducted all classes in a playful way. And here he was in for a huge success. Toddlers from one and a half years old and preschoolers with literacy problems only needed a few lessons to start reading. Some schools have begun to fully apply his teaching system, using the "ringing miracle" (as the cubes are called) in their work.

Observing the kids, the teacher came to the following conclusions:

  • In order to learn to read, the crumbs do not need to know what the letters are called. Most often in the alphabet, letters are associated with pictures. The child remembers the image of the letter and the image that he associates with it. Then it is very difficult to explain to him that CAT (letter K), SCISSORS (letter N), TOY (letter I), MUSHROOM (letter D) and STORK (letter A) are added into one word BOOK.
  • Reading by syllables is very difficult for a child. Even if the kid learns the names of the letters without pictures, it will be difficult for him to understand how the syllable MA is obtained from the letters M and A. To understand the tiny principle of merging syllables, teachers have to use various tricks in their work. But in Russian there are words from one syllable in which there are many consecutive consonants (for example, VSPLESK). Reading such words will be very difficult for a child reading by syllables.
  • It is easier for a person to first learn to write than to read. By writing he understood the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading - the transformation of signs into sounds. It will be much easier for a kid to learn to read through writing.

General principles of the Zaitsev method

Zaitsev's one-of-a-kind author's technique has been used for over 20 years. However, the famous teacher does not stop constantly improving it. Many different techniques and games have already been created to complement the basis. With the help of the technique, you can successfully teach even very young children to read and write. At the same time, for preschoolers 6 years old, just a few lessons will be enough, and you can see that he can already start reading.

This teaching method is suitable not only for children who like quiet games with blocks, but also for active restless children. The use of this technique is suitable for working with hearing impaired children with very poor eyesight and mental disabilities. When working with them, you can get very nice results... A good effect can be seen when working with children with autism.

In his method, Zaitsev emphasized that the child's cognitive processes must go through all types of perception: auditory, visual, motor memory, touch and thinking. When working with kids, the teacher should be able to organize a fun playful learning environment, be in the role of a mentor in the learning process.

With dice games:

  • the baby's vocabulary will expand;
  • skills of competent writing will be developed;
  • the child's speech will become more intelligible;
  • a number of speech therapy problems can be corrected;
  • develop the logic and thinking of the child;
  • teach the baby to work independently.


The standard set includes:

  • 61 Item (s) assembled cardboard cube
  • 6 pcs. cardboard tables with syllables, letters and other graphic signs
  • 4 things. cardboard tables in B3 format
  • CD for listening with songs for cubes and tables
  • a methodological manual that you can use as a synopsis of classes.

What is a warehouse

In his methodology, Nikolai Zaitsev offers an alternative to syllables - he uses warehouses. For him, this is the basic unit of language. The warehouse can be one letter, a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and a solid sign, a consonant and a solid sign. This principle of reading - warehouse - is the basis of Zaitsev's methodology. This technique is very similar to Fedot Kuzmichev's primer, 19th century, and L. Tolstoy's alphabet. These books also used the principle of learning from warehouses.

The warehouse can be identified by placing a hand below the chin and saying a word. The effort of the muscles that you feel with your hand will be the warehouse.

Warehouses according to his method are located on cubes and in tables. He used vision, hearing and tactile sensations to aid learning. analytical thinking, the formation of which is required when reading, develops only by the age of 7. By arranging the warehouses on cubes, Zaitsev made them different in color, sound, and size. With this, when the child takes the blocks, various channels of perception are activated.

Description of the method

Classes should be held only in a playful way. Children should not sit in one place, they need to move, jump, dance and sing. All movements in the lesson take place in a dice game.

Cubes can vary in size. Large cubes depict solid sounding warehouses. On small cubes - with a soft sound. They can be single or double. On the double cubes there are consonants that do not combine with all vowels (zhu-zhu-zhi).

The sonority of the warehouse is indicated by metal, the deafness - by wood.

Gold is the vowel. The hard sign is depicted on iron-wooden cubes, the soft one - on wooden-gold ones. There are punctuation marks on the white cube. Color matching for letters is different from school. Here, vowels are denoted in blue, consonants are denoted in blue, and hard and soft signs are in green. This difference from school blue, red and green colors, according to Zaitsev, helps children to start reading fluently.

The sets can be different:

  • a layout for self-gluing cubes may be offered;
  • may already be assembled;
  • with a plastic base.

It will take a lot of time to glue the cubes on your own. They need to be additionally strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of the same size. After gluing, it is better to cover it with elastic bands, this is necessary so that your cube does not fall apart while it dries. For better protection, cover each cube with foil or laminate a cube scan. If you have chosen this option of cubes, then it is better to make a copy of each sweep. So in the course of the game, you will definitely have enough warehouses for writing words.

Tables should be hung fairly high. This contributes to the prevention of scoliosis and visual impairment. If you are only working with your child, then it is better to determine the height by the baby's hand raised up. She should touch the top of the table. It will be convenient to hang tables in the corners of the room, so it will be more convenient for the baby to look for the necessary warehouses. The tables can also be wrapped in plastic to increase their lifespan. Using tables is just as important as dice games.

According to the method of Nikolai Alexandrovich, all warehouses on cubes must be sung. He believes that the effect of this is much better, and it is more interesting for the baby to study music, which helps to instill an interest in learning.

Provide the child with all the cubes to play at once. This tutorial should never be taken away from him. They should always be in his field of vision. Let the baby get to know them, carefully consider them.

Ask him to choose the one that interests him the most. Warehouses written on its edges must be shown singing. Ask to find a large cube, then a small one, iron, wooden, gold. The child must understand that all cubes are different in size and sound.

After he has mastered this information, introduce him to the syllabic tables. Sing one of the columns of the table and ask your kid to bring a cube with the same storage. Sing artistically, showing your child what warehouses can be: voiced or deaf, small or large. You can even use appropriate movements. You do not need to ask the child to sing the warehouses back to you. When he is ripe for this, he will begin to sing along with you and on his own.

Teach your child to write with bricks or a pointer. By singing the warehouses and showing them on the table, the kid will begin to understand how words are formed. You can teach your child to write and play outdoor games at the same time. Ask him to write the names of loved ones at different ends of the room. Now let the child run to visit loved ones.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that all classes should be held only in a playful way. The child should not sit in one place, give him complete freedom of movement. Every child is different. He doesn't owe anything in class. Let the baby develop to the best of his ability, do not rush things. Don't force the game into practice. Of course, it is better to practice every day, at least a little bit, but if the kid is not in the mood for classes today, then it is better to postpone it than to force it. You can play both in the morning and in the evening. Focus on the mood of the crumbs.

Choose the games that your child will enjoy the most. If you have a fidget, then it is better to use outdoor games in the lesson. If your kid prefers calm games, collects puzzles for a long time, then use games that do not imply activity during the lesson.

If the baby loves to build, then offer him to build locomotives with names, towers with warehouses, roads, houses from cubes.

At what age can you start learning and what games to play

You can acquaint your baby with cubes almost from birth. Keep in mind that at this age the child is not yet capable of classes. Up to six months, the development of the child is very fast. Don't overload it now. Cubes can be used as a rattle, only occasionally showing him a warehouse or a word. Do not try to see any results during this period, do not expect them from the child. Now, with their help, you will only prepare your child for the learning that lies ahead.

After 6 months, the child is no longer interested in playing with cubes, as with a rattle. Now you can start chanting the warehouses. Until one year old, keep showing cubes, warehouses, simple words... Let the crumb crawl among them. You can try asking him to give you a cube with a specific warehouse. Leave warehouses on the items you have named throughout the day, show and sing them to your baby.

The older the child becomes, the more difficult games are offered to him. For a one-year-old baby, along with those games that were before, you can already increase the level of difficulty by offering new ones. Act gradually. You can use N. Zaitsev's textbook “Letter. Reading. Account ", which offers a lot of entertaining games, but you can come up with your own. Connect the kid's imagination, ask him what games he wants to play.

Play Zoo. Let the kid settle various animals around the zoo, making up their names from the warehouses. In the "Store" he can sort the goods on the shelves. Going to the "Journey" you must definitely collect your suitcase. Let him play the role of a cook, putting in a saucepan the names of the ingredients needed to prepare a soup or favorite dish.

Invite your child to play the game "Who Will Call More." Name words that begin with a given warehouse. You can make this game themed.

Put the cubes in front of him, from the warehouses on them it should be possible to compose his name. Let the baby try it on his own. Next time complicate the task, he must find suitable warehouses himself. Let him add words from cubes, and then look for these warehouses in the table, pointing to the necessary warehouse with a pointer.

The games that you came up with together, the child will play with great pleasure, because they are much more entertaining for him than those offered by the author. These games will be exactly what he likes, invented with his interests in mind.

Pros and cons of the technique

As with every modern technique, learning to read with the help of Zaitsev's cubes has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.


  • Children learn to read very quickly. It takes very little time for a child to start doing this. Moreover, the older he is, the faster the learning process proceeds. According to the author himself, even children who have just turned 4 years old can start reading on their own after 4 lessons. Of course, this does not apply to all children. On average, children 3-4 years old need six months to study, an older preschooler needs 10-12 lessons, a 6-7 year old child will have enough for a week.
  • The teaching method according to Zaitsev is not tied to any particular age. You can start practicing when your child is 6 months old, or you can use it for first graders.
  • The sounds produced by the cubes of different timbre, pitch and volume will contribute to the development of hearing, memory, and will perfectly develop a sense of rhythm.
  • As a result of playing with blocks, the child's fine motor skills are actively developing, which is very important for the development of intelligence.
  • Learning takes place at a pace that allows the child's abilities. Everything is very individual. Nobody rushes and urges the guys, does not tell them that they owe something.
  • It will not be difficult to master the technique. It can be successfully used at home.
  • Children immediately learn to write literate. There are no warehouses on the cubes that are impossible in Russian (such as CHYA, ZHY).
  • The teaching method according to Zaitsev contributes to the prevention, preservation and promotion of health. By playing, the child trains the eye muscles. This helps preserve vision. Its preservation is facilitated by the location of large text on the tables in different places, the bright color of the cubes, which does not irritate the eyes.

Game aids, located taking into account the requirements of the methodology at the proper height and in different places, serve as an excellent prevention of posture disorders, physical inactivity, and didactic workload during classes.

In general, this playful method of teaching reading successfully helps in the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

  • The method is based on the principles of cooperation pedagogy, which avoids conflicts between children, parents and teachers.
  • Children play by themselves. This perfectly develops independence and self-organization. Even short lessons are enough for successful learning. Playing with them constantly, the invisibility of their conduct on the principle of "by the way", will give an excellent result in learning.
  • The technique is very simple, systematized, and visual.
  • The child does not have to master the ways of merging letters into syllables, he learns ready-made warehouses, which contributes to the ability to read fluently and without hesitation.

The system of education of the Petersburg teacher Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev became very popular. Zaitsev's teaching methodology is based on the idea that elementary particle speech is a warehouse.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant with a vowel or a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Zaitsev painted these warehouses on the edges of his famous cubes.

When a child begins to speak, he does not pronounce letters separately, he says "ma", "pa", "ba". This method is applied on cubes. Learning on Zaitsev's cubes takes place in the game, children sing syllables, clap their hands, jump and run. In the same way, kids playfully get acquainted with mathematics. Zaitsev developed special tables according to which children perform arithmetic operations.

Training according to the Zaitsev method is not only tables of syllables and arithmetic operations, but also toys that emit different sounds, musical instruments, cubes with cut pictures, puzzles, building sets, etc. In addition, created in kindergarten or at school, the learning environment must be supported at home. Tables should be hung around the apartment, any household activity should be accompanied by certain methodological instructions and much depends on the spirit that reigns in the family.

Zaitsev's cubes differ in 46 characteristics. Big and small, "iron", "wooden" and "gold". Cubes weigh and sound differently.

"Gold" cubes - ring, "iron" - rattle, "wooden" dully knocks.
Sounds help children to feel the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

Learning is aided by the singing of blocks and chains of warehouses for several melodies. The size of the letters and signs in Zaitsev's tables and on Zaitsev's cubes is sufficient so that a child can perceive it without any stress from a distance of several meters.

The counting method, based on Zaitsev's tables, is offered to children from the age of three. A four-color ribbon with numbers from 0 to 99 in numbers and in the form of grouped objects - circles and squares. Even three-year-old children after a very short time are able to find any ordered number on the tape. Even and odd differ in color, the composition of the number is clear to everyone: the number of tens, units.
Cut cards represent a number in relation to one hundred (for example, 54 filled squares in a matrix of 10 * 10 cells and 46 open ones).

Children 4-5 years old easily switch to addition and subtraction within a hundred, first graders do this after a few lessons, avoiding many months of acquaintance with numbers and a hundred-hour sitting in the top ten.

The transition from the number tape to table 1 helps to speed up addition and subtraction operations within a hundred, bring them to automatism and switch to mental calculations earlier than the deadlines provided for by traditional programs.

Six cubes and table 2 will help children learn how to write and read three-digit numbers, create figurative ideas about their composition - the number of hundreds, tens, units.

Table 3 will introduce students to the recording and name of multidigit numbers.
Zaitsev's manuals will be interesting and useful to all children. Lessons with "Zaitsev Cubes" are game-based and children learn while enjoying the lessons.

"Warehouses" by Voskobovich.

The game-aid "Skladushki" is intended for teaching children early (from 3-4 years old) reading in the warehouse system. The warehouse system for teaching children early reading is now widespread. In addition to the fact that the warehouses in this system, children initially learn to pronounce the way they sound in words, the warehouses themselves are located in a strictly defined way. This game is a popular system of teaching reading for young children, redesigned by V. Voskobovich, by the famous St. Petersburg teacher N. Zaitsev.

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ON. Zaitsev "Writing. Reading. Counting". download
Zaitsev tables

The section presents manuals for teaching reading, calligraphy, mathematics, grammar of the Russian language, English language according to the methods of N. Zaitsev.

To get acquainted with the manuals in the catalog for each section and each name is given short description... You can also check the current value of the benefit right there and make a purchase in our store.

Please note that only the manuals themselves provide a complete and detailed description of the theoretical, didactic principles and methods of working according to N. Zaitsev's methods.

Summarizing the many years of experience of parents, educators, teachers, this is what it says:

  • Many parents are able to teach their children themselves. For those who are especially impatient, they put together words from cubes and begin to read and count even two-year-olds.
  • Children familiar with Zaitsev's Cubes are quicker to speak, take sounds cleaner.
  • Preschoolers four to five years old begin to read and count within a hundred after 10-12 lessons.
  • Children with developmental disabilities are successfully rehabilitated.
  • First graders begin to read, add-subtract within a hundred in the first week.
  • Learning Russian from a difficult and boring subject can be made easy and fun.
  • Vision and posture are not only preserved, but even improved (there are conclusions from serious scientists), the number of problems associated with physical inactivity is sharply reduced.

The last observation is related to the peculiarities of teaching materials and methods of organizing classes. Tables located on the walls and, as it were, surrounding the students are used when introducing new material, explaining it, consolidating it, repeating it.

Each of the tables represents a system reference signals(V.F.Shatalov) or enlarged didactic unit(P.M. Erdniev), allowing a minimum of signs to transmit a maximum of information and having properties quick manifestation in memory(P.M. Erdniev) the necessary knowledge.

Any teacher's question can be answered, any task can be completed using tables as a support. Successful is the one who makes the best decisions, that is, performs actions with the least number of steps, based on qualitative inferences: he purposefully selects the desired table, in it the desired column, line or cell containing the answer.

To provide quick access to any table, desks are placed around the perimeter. Students spend a significant part of their study time in motion (no time to sit down), with their heads held high (but not excessively). In an effort to quickly (a natural competitive effect) to give the correct answer, they begin to read information not only from close, but middle and long distances, thereby involuntarily training and strengthening vision.

Elimination of immobility, physical enslavement, which is inevitable when working in a sitting position, allows students to think more actively, to keep their attention on learning tasks longer and without much stress. Classes are held in a playful way. Hundreds of games have been developed and described in methodological manuals for manuals. The pace of work, assimilation and consolidation of information is so high that it can easily be ahead of any traditional standards. So, everyone has fives! Everyone is successful! Consequences: removal of complexes and stresses, improvement of the psychological climate in the group (class), elimination of student-parent conflicts, student-teacher, parent-teacher.

70-80 percent of children by the age of seven without any overload and even with the strengthening of psychophysical characteristics can be prepared for classes according to the programs of the current third-fourth grades.

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