Manipulation of mass consciousness. The main deceptions of humanity (1 photo)

I will notice right away that I am a Christian, not a religious fanatic. And I do not follow religion, which the church is trying to present as truth, but conscience, as taught by Christ and his direct followers. I frankly feel sorry for people who believe the Bible is the only truth, and even more so the book of God. The Bible and Christianity in general have long ago departed from the original teaching, and there are many examples of this. When I see texts in the Bible that are contrary to common sense, then I say so. Recently, I have become more and more convinced that believing in the Bible, traditional history, politics and law enforcement agencies is not only not recommended, but strictly prohibited. I prefer to check the accuracy of information from several sources, including those that have been previously anathematized or ignored by classical history.

So in modern history a huge number of forgeries, errors and simply conjectures and inventions of the authors of "monumental" works are known. A simple example is the history of the Russian State. According to this scripture, the Russians appeared "suddenly", that is, no one lived here, and then the Russians appeared with their culture, writing, science and ancient way of life. Again, "suddenly" they became wild as a result of which they called for help from Rurik from the Swedish Varangians. So what happens? First, the Swedes snatched a pill from the Russian knights, and then they were called to rule by the same knights. Delirium of a gray mare turns out. It's kind of like declaring war on America, pounding them in full, and then saying: "Well, okay, like, you will be the main ones with us!" But if you look more closely, it becomes clear that the Russians lived here for thousands of years before the appearance of "ancient" Europe. And Europe itself was built by the same Slavic tribes.

During excavations in Rome, at the end of the 19th century, a stone was found on which symbols were carved. The Europeans twisted it this way and that, well, in general, they do not know what is written there, they took it and blamed it all on some mysterious Etruscans. Until at the beginning of the 20th century, this very pebble was not examined by a certain academician Morozov, he then discovered that the record was made in Slavic runic and drop caps. He managed to read the record and thereby question the ALL history of Europe. He was the first to suggest that the name of the people "Etruscans" comes from a combination of the words "from the Russians." But as it usually happens, the uncle was already aged and soon died, and his works "disappeared" out of sight for as much as 80 years.

Is the name correct?

You have probably already asked the question - what does the history of Russia have to do with the Bible? I will answer, the most direct. To be convinced of this, let us turn to the Bible itself. When the baby Christ was born in the stable, the first who came to him were the Magi. As you know, the Magi were Slavs, they were pagans with a capital letter, they possessed extensive knowledge about nature, space and the spiritual world of people. So what did they want from a newborn? The Bible does not give an answer to this question, but this does not mean that it does not exist. In general, almost nothing is known about Jesus Christ, for example, where was he and what did he do before he became a teacher and inspirer of Christianity? This is a segment of 30 years of life. The answer I found in pagan legends that have survived to this day, they mention a young and very gifted sorcerer Radomir.

The name Radomir was given to him by his father and mother, and it was his real name, which reflected his true essence. This name had a double meaning - the Joy of the world (Rado - peace) and the Light of Knowledge that brings the world, the Light of Ra (Ra - do - peace). And he was named Jesus Christ later, when the history of his life and his teaching were completely changed. Jews have always had many Jesus. This is the most common and very common Hebrew name. Although it came to them from Greece ... Well, Christ (Christos) is not a name at all, and it means in Greek - "messiah" or "enlightened". The only question is, if the Bible says that Christ is a Christian, then how then can one explain these pagan Greek names that were given to him? Interesting, right?

Here is another (Greek) name for Jesus Christ:

Yeshua ha-Nozri (ישוע הנוצרי), Yeshua of Nazareth is the reconstructed original form (reverse translation) of the gospel nickname of Jesus Christ (Greek Ἰησους Ναζαρηνος, Jesus of Nazareth). (

In addition, there are other references and names, for example, the Muslim prophet Isa and the Jewish prophet Yeshu, which are also associated with the person of Christ.

On this moment we found out that the name Christ is pagan and does not correspond to any of the names of the known prophets of that time. As for the name Jesus, it is a mystery shrouded in darkness. There were many Jesus, like the Russian Vanya, and Radomir could really use this name, so as not to torment the poor Palestinians by pronouncing such a difficult-to-pronounce Slavic name.

Dates of birth and crucifixion of Christ?

While I was dealing with the secret of the name of Christ (Radomir), I came across another riddle - the time of his birth. It would seem that everything is very clear - 2012 years ago. But the facts suggest otherwise. For the first time such calculations were made by the Roman monk Dionysius the Small. He lived, it is believed, in the 6th century, that is, more than 500 years after Jesus Christ. Dionysius analyzed the calendar and astronomical situation on the day of the crucifixion of Christ and thus calculated all the dates. The Church then rejected them, continuing the countdown from the "creation of the world." Medieval historians also did not recognize the calculations of the monk for a long time. And suddenly, in the 15th century, the church changed its mind and began to count the years "from the Nativity of Christ" - from the date calculated by Dionysius the Small. Why did it happen? Why did the clerics not turn to the already powerful scientific base of that time and ask the scientists to at least double-check the calculations, but began to rely on the work of 900 years ago? But because scientific methods just refuted the calculations of the monk, and it turned out that nothing had passed since the birth of Christ.

My attention was drawn to one phenomenon known from the Bible called the Star of Bethlehem. According to the biblical description, it was bright Star which flashed over Bethlehem and led the Magi straight to the stable they needed, but at that time no astronomical phenomena of this magnitude were recorded. At that time, many civilizations were already observing the stars. It turns out that in different parts of the world, different astronomers have suppressed such an astronomical phenomenon? No, they didn't, they fixed it, only a thousand years later! In the Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian and many other testimonies, a description of this phenomenon has been preserved. Modern astronomy confirms this evidence. It was the explosion of "Novaya", and traces of this explosion have survived to this day in the form of a crab nebula. The formation date of this nebula falls between 1000 - 1150 AD.

Another interesting historical fact: all the oldest Bibles were born after the 15th century. They showed up "suddenly." No Hebrew manuscripts of the Talmud exist before the 9th century. The oldest manuscript containing the complete Old Testament Bible dates back to 1008. Neither scholars nor churchmen have found a single proof of the existence of the Old Testament before the 9th century, and the world generally heard about the New Testament only in the 15th century. A radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud carried out in 1988 determined that it was made ... in the 11th century.

It is believed that Christ was resurrected on March 25, Sunday, the day after the Jewish Passover. The result of the calculation according to these data turns out to be amazing: only one single year corresponds to the conditions of the First Passover - 1095. Let us subtract the life span of the Savior from it (31, as Dionysius believed, or, according to others, 33) and we will see that there is no 1 year does not work.

The Personality of Christ through the Eyes of Other Religions


For modern Judaism, the personality of Jesus has no religious significance and the recognition of his messianic role (and, accordingly, the use of the title "Christ" in relation to him) is absolutely unacceptable. In the Jewish texts of that era, there is not a single mention of his personality that could be reliably identified with Jesus of Nazareth. The uncensored version of the Babylonian Talmud mentions a preacher named Yeshu, whom some Jewish scholars identify with Jesus of Nazareth, despite significant factual and temporal discrepancies between information about him and the gospel story.


In Central and Southeast Asia, it is believed that Jesus traveled to these lands. In Buddhism, there are several points of view about Jesus. Some Buddhists, including the 14th Dalai Lama, believe that Jesus is a bodhisattva who dedicated his life to the welfare of the people. The Zen teacher of the XIV century Hasan, having heard several sayings of Jesus from the Gospel, noticed that he was an enlightened person and not far from Buddhism.


In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is revered as a close friend and messenger of Allah, and as one of the five main prophets (along with Adam, Moses, etc.). Isa is spoken of as the Messiah. A revelation was sent down to him - Injil ("The Gospel of Jesus Christ"). According to the Qur'an, Isa was neither killed nor crucified, but was lifted up alive by Allah.

The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

I think it is not necessary to cite the entire text of the gospel here, anyone interested can find it on Google. But some of the most interesting (in my opinion) passages will still be appropriate.

The least faithful of all is the one who prays more than others and thinks that from this he will be given more than others. For he himself does not understand what he believes. As if a beggar, incapable of anything else, humbly prays for the fulfillment of desires. What are you begging God for? Or do you think he was mistaken when he sent you what you have, and you want to teach him how you should correct that mistake? That means your God is not intelligent. Why then do you call him God, why do you believe in him and why do you pray to him? You yourself do not know what you are bowing to. And there is little true faith in you. I tell you, being of little faith is worse than not believing at all. For denying God, you will come to God.

Whom do you listen to and whom do you go to worship? And who are the most revered people in it? Scribes? Pharisee? High priests? All, no matter how many of them came before Me, are thieves and robbers, and worse than that. For it is not your bread and not your gold that they steal, but your life itself. They honor God with their lips and tongue, but their hearts are far from him. And they are likened to painted coffins, which on the outside seem beautiful, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all kinds of filth. And those hypocrites shut the Kingdom of Heaven to men, for they themselves do not enter into it and do not admit those who want to enter. And they love what people would call them: teacher! teacher! Don't call them teachers. They are blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind leads the blind, then both will fall into the pit. And for centuries they hide the keys to true knowledge and replace them with half-truths, which they dress up in the clothes of Truth, and therefore it is more dangerous and more terrible than a lie.

Beautiful wrapper and bitter candy

1) love your enemy

In 988, the Christians (Dionysians) SO loved (with fire and sword) the Gentiles in Kievan Rus that, together with the destroyed cities, a third of the population "ascended to heaven". And how did they love different peoples in the crusades? One can only dream of such "love". Women, children, old people. SO "loved" that the Roman PAPE had to carry out world repentance for the innocent victims. And with what “love” a third of Europe was burned at the stake by Catholic priests, it takes your breath away.

2) I came to share a man with his father and a daughter with his mother

Here, without any philosophizing, it is said about the principle known to the great conquerors - Divide and conquer!
Now they are actively trying to promote juvenile law - according to which, if you (for the purpose of education) beat or restrict your child in something, then he will be taken away from you, deprived of parental rights. So the "gentlemen" who honor the second commandment, perhaps (not God, of course) will knock on our doors in order to separate, as Jesus commanded, children from their parents. USA, and enlightened Europe "enjoys" it to the full. In the immature consciousness of a child, you can implant any ideology using NLP techniques. If the child does not care about the parents, then he will generally "naklush" on other people.

3) Who will hit you on the right cheek, substitute the left

A living example of Babtists or Sadomasochists. There is someone who likes it. A person becomes passive, his instinct for self-preservation and preservation of offspring is shackled. On the streets of even our city, one can observe how this postulate works in life, a certain crowd can beat one person, and passers-by will pass by or rush home to hide. Who can say with confidence that if "gopniks" or "others like them" attack him, then ordinary passers-by will intercede for him, or brothers in faith who follow the principle "who will hit you on the right cheek, turn the left one." I can’t say that, I’m not sure (and this is already the legacy of the 2nd postulate). “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything”, “My shirt is closer to the body” is what is now in people's heads, this is what the news is hammered into our heads (all around murder, violence - and now everything is all right with you, why do you demand more from the authorities if you are now better than those poor fellows who have become heroes of television news).

4) Do not worry about tomorrow (also present in the ten commandments)

Clearly and clearly stated. Without speculation and ins and outs. We know the ordinary version of this dogma: "The main thing is that I feel good today, and after us even a flood." So much for the pollution of the environment, sick children (with various exotic diseases). Personally, this approach to the future of our planet is unacceptable to me. GMO products, toxic water, acid rain, burning out the core layer, which took billions of Earth years to form.

5) Do not commit adultery, for whoever looks at a woman lustfully is already committing adultery with her in his heart

I agree that thoughts determine the purity of awareness. Pure thoughts are pure consciousness. Pure deeds. If, looking at a woman, a man will not perceive her as a “woman” (mother of future children, keeper of the hearth), then there will be no offspring and, as a result, the birth rate of the population falls. Countries dominated by Christianity are dying. Whether you like it or not, man is a social animal, and only control over instincts makes him a MAN. There are a lot of examples, you can see them yourself. And we are beaten from two sides: sexual revolution on the one hand and spiritual celibacy (abstinence) on the other. Many are already unable to conceive.

6) Thou shalt not kill

Initially it sounds like: “Thou shalt not kill your brother in Christ,” that is, if not a Christian, then you can kill? Interestingly, if our grandfathers devoutly observed this postulate in the Second World War, then you and I would hardly be alive now. Or maybe I'm wrong and the "true Aryans" brought us the benefits of civilization and we insulted them so?

“They look with their eyes and do not see; they hear with their ears, and do not understand ... "(Mark 4:12).

At the beginning of 2011, news agencies reported on the outstanding achievement of world science and astronautics. It all started with the launch on March 17, 2009 from the Russian Plesetsk cosmodrome of the Rokot carrier rocket, which launched an ion-powered spacecraft into low-earth orbit. Scientists set a task for the satellite - to fly around the planet in low orbit and collect data on the magnitude gravitational field Earth.
By the end of 2010, this work under the GOCE program (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) was carried out, as a result of which world science received irrefutable evidence of the fact that our planet Earth is by no means a ball, but a geoid - geometric figure, in which one pole is convex, the other is concave.

The data obtained thanks to the GOCE space program turned out to be so sensational that someone decided to immediately fog up and turn the result obtained by scientists literally upside down.

Any schoolchild knows that the South Pole of the Earth is the continent of Antarctica.
The mainland is not a deflection of the earth's crust, but, on the contrary, a bulge. At the same time, it is known that the North Pole of the Earth is a depression in the earth's crust, which is covered by the Arctic Ocean.

If this is obvious to everyone, then all sane people should have a natural question:
Why did scientists need to turn their worldview (view of the world) upside down?

The obscurantism of the clergy was defeated by the representatives of true science only after the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei created the very first in the history of science "The theory of relativity"... With his theory of relativity and brilliant examples from the reality around us, Galileo literally smashed all the counter-arguments of the Vatican representatives to dust. Only after that, the latter were forced, gritting their teeth, to admit that The Earth does revolve around the Sun, not the other way around..

The revenge was committed by clerics in the twentieth century, when Albert Einstein came up with another "Theory of Relativity", full of various absurd "assumptions".
In this regard, it is pertinent to give an example of the criticism with which truly great scientists fell upon an imaginary star of world magnitude - Albert Einstein.
Here are the words of the Russian academician Klimenty Timiryazev, the author of the fundamental work "Plant Life"(1878).
Regarding the extremely abstract provisions of Einstein's theory of relativity, he wrote: “Is there, however, a necessity that compels us to unconditionally agree with these assumptions, with which a healthy mind cannot, at least, immediately come to terms? To this we can firmly answer: no! All conclusions from Einstein's theory, consistent with reality, can be obtained and often are obtained much more in a simple way with the help of theories that do not contain absolutely nothing incomprehensible - nothing in any way similar to the requirements that are presented by the theory of Einstein. "

What caused this serious battle in science?
This time obscurantists and true scientists came together in an intellectual duel for the matter of light - ether.
Why did Timiryazev become one of Einstein's opponents? - does anyone understand now?

Basic research K. Timiryazeva solved the problem of the dependence of photosynthesis on rays of different wavelengths and formulated ideas about photosynthesis as an accumulation process solar energy... That is, Timiryazev was not just sure that the luminiferous ether really exists, he had at his disposal evidence obtained in the course of experiments that ether is material and plants accumulate "matter of light" in themselves. In other words, plants increase their live weight not only by feeding through the roots, but also feeding through the leaves, due to the assimilation of the energy and matter of light.

Soon this battle in science grew into a real revolution. Who and on whose side participated in it, the future leader of the world proletariat V.I. Lenin, who wrote the book "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism".
As usually happens in any revolution, in the end the victory over reason won out a lie.
Ether was replaced in the model of the universe by an absolute emptiness - "physical vacuum". Thus, any idea of ​​the subtlest basis of our Universe, the matter of light, which possesses unique properties, was literally thrown out of the Temple of Science, and school and university textbooks were rewritten.

The obscurantists did not care that over the past 40 centuries, all the philosophers of the world literally deified the ether, and the intuitive physicists who studied light and magnetic phenomena clearly imagined the matter of light in their imagination, due to which, in fact, in 1865 the famous " electromagnetic theory of light ”, which became the forerunner of the discovery of radio waves. The theory of light was created by James Clerk Maxwell based on his personal ideas about the existence of the ether.

For what purpose and why were clerics scientists committed the most real "crime of the century" ?! - want to know?
First, because religion has always dominated politics and science.
And secondly, the obscurantists really wanted to deprive all of humanity of the scientific basis for understanding the meaning of the image “Holy Spirit” brought by Christ. The Bible writers stated that The Holy Spirit is something like a dove, once descended on the Virgin Mary, which is why she immediately became pregnant. And all philosophers for 40 centuries have persistently insisted that the Holy Spirit is the very Mother of God, who is called the matter of light.
The most interesting thing is that Christ stated the same: "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."(John 4: 23-24). To the question of the curious: "Where does the Holy Spirit dwell?" the messiah said: "Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"(1 Cor. 3:16).

So that the ether does not confuse in our time the minds of the so-called commoners, who made up and still constitute about 95% of any society, religious figures-obscurantists and considered it their duty to remove any idea of ​​it from science to hell. An excuse for this "Crimes of the century" soon found - Michelson and Morley proposed a pseudo-scientific experiment to measure the "ether wind" over the surface of the planet. This experiment contained in its very idea logical error... Then no one noticed it, and at the suggestion of Albert Einstein and a number of other clerical scientists, the ether was thrown out of the Temple of Science, and all school and university textbooks were carefully rewritten in accordance with the “new worldview”.

To completely blow the brains of people interested in scientific truth, the same group of cleric scientists came up with the theory "Big Bang"... Supposedly, our Universe arose from a tiny incredibly dense pea, which once exploded, and now we all live on one of its fragments, continuing to scatter from some center of the catastrophe ...

So it turns out that since the beginning of the twentieth century, all our so-called " modern physics"Is on a false foundation, and if so, now the priests of the newly formed" science of nature "have to show literally Jesuit resourcefulness so as not to expose the deception of billions of people on the planet.

What is the deception in the representation of the geoid shape of the Earth?- You want to know?
To begin with, pay attention to the fact that we have a phenomenon: the earth has the shape of a geoid, but no one is in a hurry to explain why this is so?

Everything becomes clear if you call a spade a spade.
The "North Pole" in the first figure is actually the "North Magnetic Pole of the Earth", respectively, "South Pole" is the "South Magnetic Pole of the Earth".
Here's the answer itself: The earth has a geoid shape due to its natural magnetic field.

The Earth, as every schoolchild knows, is surrounded by its own magnetic field (magnetosphere) and is in it, as if in a cocoon. The Earth's magnetic field is caused by the processes taking place at the atomic level inside the core of our planet, and is nothing more than a closed movement of the luminiferous ether. Ether literally flows out of the region of the South Geographic Pole of the planet in a stream and, having rounded the globe along the meridians, flows into the region of the North Geographic Pole.

Take a look at this picture from a school textbook.
The arrows indicate the direction of "rotation" of the magnetic field. This is the direction of movement of the magnetic field relative to the earth's surface.

Important! Do not confuse, reader, the geographic pole of the planet with its magnetic pole.
The South magnetic pole, paradoxically, is in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and the North magnetic pole is in the southern ( for each magnet, one of the poles is usually called the north, if the lines of force come out of it, and the south, if the lines of force enter it... In the above image from the encyclopedia, the magnetic poles are reversed).

This direction of the ether flow explains why the northern hemisphere of the Earth resembles an apple in shape, and the southern one resembles the lower part of a lemon (the North geographic pole is slightly concave, and there is a bulge in the region of the South geographic pole on the Antarctic continent.
This figure is called a geoid.

Geographic north pole of the earth
South magnetic pole

South geographic pole of the Earth
Magnetic north pole

Now it remains to say about the magnetic field itself.
Until now, physicists had to show literally Jesuit cunning in order to hide the greatest deception of mankind, committed to please the religious obscurantists who continue to hold the power over the world in their hands.

What has not been written and still is not writing about the magnetic field!
What is a "magnetic field"?
It turns out that this "Special form of matter"!

What is its specialty?
It turns out that this is "incorporeal" matter! Pseudo-material entity!
Moreover, it has unique properties: the magnetic field has the character of a vortex! Everybody calls him that "Vortex magnetic field".

But what is spinning in this vortex?
It turns out that this is still a mystery covered in darkness!
Not a single textbook says about that. It is known that a magnetic field has kinetic energy and is generated by the movement of electric charges.

The question arises: if the magnetic field has kinetic energy, i.e. energy of motion, then there must be some particles, the movement of which actually forms a magnetic vortex?

No! - the founders of "modern physics" tell us. There are no "magnetic charges"!

Then what moves in the so-called "magnetic flux"?
On this occasion, the academicians from physics keep a deathly silence.

The strictest prohibition is imposed on the ether, therefore, HOW they can admit that the vortex motion of the ether generated by the movement of electrons is the "magnetic field".

Recently I received a letter from Poland from an honest scientist who today literally shouts about this unprecedented deception of mankind.
This is what he wrote to me.
“Hello, Anton! I want to inform you that I managed to expose the "magnetic fraudsters". This is a special kind of cheaters who deceive human minds and prevent them from correctly understanding many physical phenomena. I want to prevent them from deceiving people further and will do a lot to promote this issue.
People need to be aware of this egregious case in the history of science in order to be able to protect themselves from fraud. Most The best way protection - education. Based on this idea, I decided to write to you as well. I am sure that you, relying on your knowledge and your intuition, will know what to do for this. Respectfully yours, Bogdan Shynkaryk. "

Bogdan sent me a number of his scientific works, which describe simple experiments that any laboratory can repeat. His unpretentious experiments eloquently prove that the magnetic field is not just material, it has mass! And the official science stubbornly keeps silent about this !!!

It turns out that in the presence of sensitive scales of even average accuracy, you can easily make sure that any metal bar, when magnetized with electric current gains additional mass!
And even water sealed in a glass flask, when magnetized for several days or months by the field of a permanent magnet, also acquires additional mass, and loses it during subsequent demagnetization!

All these facts expose the lie of the official fundamental science called "modern physics".
On this basis, together with Bogdan Shynkaryk, I want to say the following today:
Friends! If the deception is exposed, maybe the time has come for this truth to triumph ?!

Progressive researchers call the fictional history of mankind a great deception (at least so distorted that it is already very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff), as well as Darwin's erroneous theory of evolution and the origin of man, a theory that is still recognized by orthodox science as the only correct one. ... (site)

Forbidden archeology and its artifacts

At the same time, archaeologists find confirmation that highly developed civilizations on Earth existed hundreds of millions of years ago. So, in 1934, a unique iron hammer was discovered in America, which is one hundred and forty million years old. Moreover, it is made of a stainless iron alloy, the manufacturing technology of which modern metallurgy does not know and it is not known yet when it will know.

The same can be said about the found trace of a sandal with double stitching (by the way, at the time of its discovery, such an ideal double stitching on shoes could not even be performed), which in general is almost half a billion years old. And such artifacts that do not fit into modern concept The origin of Homo sapiens, it is enough, in this regard, it is worth remembering at least the fragments of skeletons of giant people that are constantly encountered by archaeologists, which reached twenty or more meters in height and weighed, apparently, several tons.

How can this Great Deception be overcome?

It is surprising that the relatively recent history of mankind, which scientists define as only a few millennia, is so distorted that progressive researchers are simply amazed. For what purpose was all this done, and can this Great Deception be corrected today? For example, even in our chronology, supposedly from the birth of Christ, even then somewhere from three to ten centuries has disappeared - is it a joke! The history of Russia is completely distorted! And such examples, as they say, are innumerable.

It would seem, the progressive scientist exclaims in his naive impulse to get to the bottom of the truth that it is worth today, relying on modern achievements of science, to reconsider and correct everything, say, to admit that Darwinism is wrong, Egyptian pyramids built at the wrong time and completely wrong (even with the wrong purpose), as everything is written now in the textbooks? However, not all so simple. History and many other things at all times have been distorted not because of the negligence of the chroniclers, but on orders from above. Only those theories and concepts were written and rewritten, only those theories and concepts were taken on faith, and even those great discoveries that were beneficial to the ruling elite, and not just one country, but the world elite, became the property of civilization. And it has always existed, it is not for nothing that the rulers at all times were equated with the gods. And this was far from an allegory ...

And finally, is it possible at all in modern society fix this? Will this not lead to general chaos and, ultimately, to the destruction of civilization? Yes, you need to fix it, but it should be done gradually, without waving a saber over your head. And this is an example of how slowly (though not without difficulty) it gets to its feet and spreads its wings in its spiritual, which, God knows, will certainly correct history and abandon false theories and erroneous postulates - just give it time ...

29.09.2015 20:03

An overview of the global deceptions of our time does not imply extensive justifications, detailed information and all the necessary Additional materials for each voiced topic can be found at the proposed links.

Deception # 1 Modern science is making progress

Modern science is the basis of the worldview of a huge number of people. This key point - the introduction of the same worldview - makes science similar to different religions and ideologies. But unlike the latter, only science claims to global coverage of all peoples of the Earth, working with the so-called "all progressive humanity." For management purposes, it does not matter how true the implemented worldview is, the only important thing is that it is the same for all people. Modern science has turned into a chimera, which is engaged not in the knowledge of the surrounding world, but in the conscious concealment of knowledge from Humanity.

The reinforced concrete foundation of a false global scientific doctrine crushes any alternative theories, research and inventions that could shed light on the nature of living matter, electromagnetic phenomena, gravity, alternative energy.

We are constantly being told about the progress of science, the fruits of which we all enjoy: computers, mobile phones, GPS-navigators. But, firstly, all these successes of applied physics appeared not due to the correct physical picture of the world, but due to technological breakthroughs, for which new theories were hastily adjusted. Some of these breakthroughs, for example in microelectronics, do not have a technological chronicle, which, according to a number of researchers, is a sign of the transfer of such technology to people from those who have already owned it for a long time.

And secondly, current technologies threaten life on the entire planet, such as nuclear power plants - "smoldering nuclear bombs", catastrophes at any of which are already global and in the long term can lead to the destruction of all life on earth.

Deception # 2 Modern medicine is making progress

Modern medicine, except for emergency traumatology, does not treat people, but makes money. As in any business, she makes sure that there are more and more clients. Therefore, many people are mutilated even before birth, even more children are killed with special cruelty right in the womb, which is impossible to imagine even among animals. In modern medicine, it is considered the norm to make these killed babies expensive raw materials for anti-aging creams and drugs. If the child is not killed in the womb, then they try to cripple him during childbirth, using the savage practices of obstetrics. Then, after the birth of children, they are poisoned with vaccinations, and in an older age, people are treated with poisons, which are slyly called medicines. Sometimes, as in the case of some types of influenza, diseases are specially bred as a bacteriological weapon, which is also beneficial because the same non-humans who created the disease are selling the medicine against it.

Any valid alternative or folk remedy healing is ridiculed and never introduced into widespread practice, since it contradicts the goal of keeping a person sick for as long as possible.

Also, modern medicine, by definition, cannot cure a person, since it approaches him exclusively from the standpoint of a biological carrier, without considering the processes of interaction of a person's essence with his body.

Deception # 3 Religions make people better

Deception number 4 Modern economy is a natural stage in the development of society

With proper and harmonious development, the use of nature-friendly technologies, our planet can feed an order of magnitude more people than now. Here are just a few facts:

40% manufactured in the USA food products ends up in a landfill. This amount of food is enough to feed half of the African population.

In the United States, farmers are paid subsidies so that they do not produce products that exceed the established limits.

According to the UN, a third of the world's food is thrown away every year. It was produced but not used.

Now the whole world looks at Russia as a potential leader in the field of organic farming. We can become a monopoly of natural food production all over the world, this place in the international division of labor is free. Only Russia, the largest country in the world, has millions of hectares rested from chemistry as a result of the destruction of Soviet agriculture, and our lands practically did not know GMOs. There are no other such countries. Russia can supply expensive natural food products to both Europe and China, which can become an inexhaustible source of foreign exchange earnings, in contrast to exhaustible oil and gas reserves.

Deception # 6 Traditional History

Our recent history is an excellent illustration of the level of human civilization before the infection; what global cataclysms and the most brutal ways this incredible grandeur and splendor was destroyed. To keep us in the dark about this information - effective method control the masses.

Thanks to the development of communications, everyone who wants to have access to evidence of high technologies, planetary cataclysms, knowledge of ancient civilizations that have torn the ramshackle fabric of official history, sewn with white thread, is now available to everyone.

The execution of the Royal family of the Romanovs in 1918, the calendar according to which is now 2015 from the birth of Christ instead of 7524 years from the Creation of the World according to the original chronology, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the spread of the entire civilization from a common ancestor in Africa - these and a huge number of other official myths of traditional history have long been convincingly refuted by independent researchers. People who do not receive salaries and awards from academic science collect information, analyze primary sources and artifacts, publish them on blogs and forums, and share interesting publications. The shaft of information contradicting the official dogma will sooner or later turn into quality.

Deception # 7 Humanity is lonely in the universe Deception number 8 The essence (soul) of a person and its reincarnations do not exist

Such denial is observed both at the level of the official materialistic scientific picture of the world, when proven cases of reincarnation are ignored by scientists, and at the level of most religions, which aim not to give real knowledge, but to control and manipulate a person's life, blackmailing him with an "eternal pension" - heavenly life ...

If a person knows what our world is and what is his place in it, he will never act as the distorted social structure... He will appreciate his essence of more momentary material goods and will very clearly represent the price that will have to be paid for transferring his thinking to the camp of the enemy. Knowing that in this case he will go down evolutionarily in future incarnations and will be born in an infected society, in unhealthy and poisoned bodies, a person will strive for nobility, generosity, honesty, justice, responsiveness, determination. Without this, his children will not believe that a parent who stole and cheated all his life suddenly sincerely repented and began to re-educate them. Then he will instill similar qualities in his children, educate those who can transform this imperfect world of ours.

Deception # 9 Despite the shortcomings, humanity is developing in the right direction

Many of us feel that something is wrong here. There should not be so much injustice and cruelty on Earth; a person should not be limited and stupid; it should not be difficult to live honestly and fairly; it should not be profitable to become deceitful and shameless.

Science cannot mark for so many years, industry cannot poison people and the planet with poisons, Agriculture- to give tasteless and unhealthy food.

In a poisoned society, a person is given a choice of how to act in each specific case. What is its landmark? In such cases, the so-called voice of conscience speaks to the individual. Conscience is a signaling system of an entity, the analogy of which is in the cockpit of a passenger airliner, when dangerous deviations or situations are promptly indicated by illuminated banners or sound signals. What happens if airplane pilots ignore stall signals? It is the same with a person: constant ignoring of the voice of conscience for the sake of the logic of an infected society ultimately leads to the fact that diseases, "bad luck" appear on the material level and, ultimately, a complete reset by the essence this body... And the essence itself at the same time accumulates negative baggage, which will interfere with development in the next incarnations.

But a person always has the opportunity to turn to his conscience for a hint, just as the pilot glances over the instruments from time to time to make sure that the flight is proceeding normally.

The only and indisputable guide when choosing a model of behavior in everyday situations should be your conscience. It is always there while you are alive - do not hesitate, just learn to hear it.

Deception # 10 ...

We will leave this place vacant so that you can reflect on what you have read, refute or agree with the listed deceptions, and, perhaps, independently formulate the most important deception that deserves to take first place in this gloomy rating ...

An overview of the global deceptions of our time does not imply extensive justifications, detailed information and all the necessary additional materials on each voiced topic can be found at the proposed links.

Cheating number 1. Modern science is making progress

Modern science is the basis of the worldview of a huge number of people. This key point - the introduction of the same worldview - makes science similar to religions and ideologies. But, unlike the latter, only science, working with the so-called "all progressive humanity", claims to have a global coverage of all peoples of the Earth and from school age polls lay false dogmas. For management purposes, it does not matter how true the implemented worldview is, the only important thing is that it is the same for all people.

The reinforced concrete foundation of a false global scientific doctrine crushes any alternative theories, research and inventions that could shed light on the nature of living matter, electromagnetic phenomena, gravity, alternative energy.

We are constantly being told about the progress of science, the fruits of which we all enjoy: computers, mobile phones, GPS-navigators. But, firstly, all these successes of applied physics appeared not due to the correct physical picture of the world, but due to technological breakthroughs, for which new theories were hastily adjusted. Some of these breakthroughs, for example in microelectronics, do not have a technological record, which, according to a number of researchers, is a sign of the transfer of such technology to people from those who have already owned it for a long time.

And secondly, current technologies threaten life on the entire planet, such as, for example, nuclear power plants considered to be a blessing of alternative energy, disasters at any of which already have the status of global ones and in the future can lead to the destruction of all life on Earth. One such "smoldering atomic bomb", as experts call them, under a certain set of circumstances is capable of blowing up the entire planet.


Study the facts of the failure of the modern scientific paradigm, analyze alternative theories and views, develop communication among alternative honest scientists, inventors, researchers. Give up the view of ecology as a separate science - everything should become environmentally friendly: politics, economics, science, education, everyone's personal life. Try to preserve the independence of thinking in children when they are faced with scientific dogmas.

Cheating number 2. Modern medicine is making progress

Modern medicine, except for emergency traumatology, does not treat people, but makes money. As in any business, she makes sure that there are more and more clients. Therefore, many people are mutilated even before birth, even more children are killed with special cruelty right in the womb, which is impossible to imagine even among animals. In modern medicine, it is considered the norm to make these killed babies expensive raw materials for anti-aging creams and drugs. If the child is not killed in the womb, then they are trying to cripple him during childbirth, using the savage practices of obstetrics. Then, after the birth of children, they are poisoned with vaccinations, and in an older age, people are treated with poisons, which are slyly called medicines.

It is believed that medicine saved mankind from epidemics of plague, smallpox, tuberculosis, but most of these diseases disappeared due to the development of personal hygiene. So, in Russia, with its traditional bath, the above diseases were practically absent.

Instead of pandemics of the past, modern medicine displays some types of influenza artificially as biological weapons, which is beneficial in that the creators of the demand - the virus - sell the medicine against it.

In modern medicine, transplantation is being promoted as a great blessing, the essence of which, in most cases, is that the rich buys his life by killing the poor. The growth of this industry stimulates local military conflicts and black markets for organs as criminal sources of human raw materials.

Any existing alternative or folk remedy is ridiculed and never introduced into widespread practice, since it contradicts the goal of keeping a person sick for as long as possible.

Modern medicine, by definition, cannot cure a person, since it does not study him as an integral system and approaches him exclusively from the standpoint of a biological carrier, splitting a person into parts, without considering the processes of interaction of his essence (soul, consciousness) with the body.


Do not shift responsibility for your health to people in white coats. In the current system, no one will apologize to you for a child crippled during childbirth or with the help of vaccines, for a tampon left in the body after surgery. Lead healthy image life, do not use legal drugs - tobacco and alcohol, start the tradition of taking a steam bath once a week.

For diseases in the first place, use alternative therapies and folk methods without forgetting about common sense.

Cheating number 3. Religions make people better


Use common sense in your life, study religions as a technology for managing the masses. Reorganization of civilization is impossible without revision of its fundamental defect and basic lie - artificial religions. Environmental friendliness, life in harmony with nature have never been part of their tasks, because in religions there is no such concept - "Nature", what our ancestors called "Mother of cheese earth". Look for a worldview in which there is no place for the destruction of our common planetary home.

Deception # 4. Modern economy is a natural stage in the development of society


Deception # 5. The planet is threatened by overpopulation, resource depletion and hunger

Local problems of overpopulation exist in some foreign countries and peoples, however, firstly, they can be solved by raising the evolutionary level of the inhabitants of these regions, and not by the methods of their genocide. Secondly, with the correct and harmonious development, the use of nature-like technologies, our planet can feed an order of magnitude more people than now. Here are just a few facts:

40% of the food produced in the United States ends up in landfill. This amount of food is enough to feed half of the African population.

In the United States, farmers are paid subsidies so that they do not produce more than the established limits.

According to the UN, a third of the world's food is thrown away every year. It was produced but not used.

Now the whole world looks at Russia as a potential leader in the field of organic farming. We can become a monopoly of natural food production all over the world, this place in the international division of labor is free. Only Russia, the largest country in the world, has millions of hectares of arable land rested from chemistry, and our lands practically did not know GMOs. There are no other such countries. Russia can supply expensive natural food products to both Europe and China, which can become an inexhaustible source of foreign exchange earnings, in contrast to exhaustible oil and gas reserves.


Strive to live in harmony with Nature, if it is impossible to leave the city, support and participate in promising projects of the format of ecovillages and rural tourism. Look for like-minded people, depending on personal abilities and talents, grow organic products or support similar projects, for example, through crowdfunding services.

Cheating number 6. Traditional history

Our recent history is an excellent illustration of the level of human civilization before the infection; what global cataclysms and the most brutal ways this incredible grandeur and splendor was destroyed. Keeping us in the dark about this information is an effective way to manage the masses.

Thanks to the development of communications, everyone who wants to have access to evidence of planetary cataclysms, high technologies of ancient civilizations, which tore the ramshackle fabric of official history, sewn with white threads.

The execution of the Romanov Royal family in 1918, the calendar from 2015 from the Nativity of Christ instead of 7524 years from the Creation of the World according to the original chronology, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the emergence of ancient megalithic structures, the spread of the entire civilization from a common ancestor in Africa and the emergence of different races on Earth - these and a huge number of other official myths of traditional history are reasonably refuted by independent researchers.


If you do not receive salaries and bonuses from academic science, then collect information, analyze primary sources and artifacts, publish them in blogs and forums, and share interesting publications. The shaft of information contradicting the official dogma will sooner or later go from quantity to quality.

At the same time, be critical of information from modern whistleblowers of official history, who often pursue their own goals, use the most reliable sources about our history: first of all, our language, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, folk dances and songs, traditional crafts - all this figurative information cannot be rewritten, as it happened and is happening with written sources.

Deception # 8. Despite the shortcomings, humanity is developing in the right direction

Many of us feel that something is wrong here. There should not be so much injustice, cruelty and wars on Earth; a person should not be limited and stupid; it should not be difficult to live honestly and fairly; it should not be profitable to become deceitful and shameless.

Science cannot mark for so many years, industry - to poison people and the planet with poisons, agriculture - to provide tasteless and harmful food.


In a poisoned society, you are given a choice of what to do in each case. Let the voice of conscience serve as your guide. Conscience is a signaling system of an entity, analogous to which is found in the cockpit of a passenger airliner, when dangerous deviations are promptly indicated by audible or flashing signals. What happens if airplane pilots ignore stall signals? It is the same with a person: constant ignoring of the voice of conscience for the sake of the logic of an infected society ultimately leads to the fact that diseases, “bad luck” appear on the material level and, ultimately, a complete reset by the essence of this body. And the essence itself at the same time accumulates negative baggage, which will interfere with development in the next incarnations.

But a person always has the opportunity to turn to his conscience for a hint, just as the pilot glances over the instruments from time to time to make sure that the flight is proceeding normally.

The only and indisputable guide when choosing a model of behavior in life situations should be your conscience.

Deception # 9: The ruling elites are the best part of society, acting in the interests of the people

To maintain such an unnatural order, the rulers manipulate public consciousness with the help of proven methods of controlling the psyche of the masses, such as distracting attention, keeping people in ignorance, creating an information background according to the principle of "bread and circuses", the gradual introduction of solutions that, if introduced at a time, would cause social opposition ... Thus, a civilization of total lies is created.

The actions of the ruling elites are so inhuman that they gave rise to eccentric hypotheses that people are ruled by aliens, reptilians, blue-blooded beings ... Perhaps the biggest lie of our time is that ruling pseudo-elites are made up of humans?


Learn methods to manipulate the masses and look for ways to counter them.

Deception # 10. The purpose of human life is material wealth

Speaking in simple words, this deception sounds like this: the main value in modern world- money. The meaning of life modern man was the accumulation of material wealth.

This global deception leads to many destructive consequences for consciousness and soul:

The destruction of traditional family values ​​and the introduction of physical and spiritual perversions leading to degeneration.

To promote a lifestyle where money becomes the meaning of life, the installation is being introduced that the essence (human soul) and its reincarnations do not exist.

A similar denial of the existence of the soul is observed both at the level of the official materialistic scientific picture of the world, when proven cases of reincarnation are ignored by scientists, and at the level of most religions, which aim not to give real knowledge, but to control and manipulate a person's life, blackmailing him with an "eternal pension" - heavenly life.

If a person knows what our world is and what is its place in it, he will never act as prompted by a distorted social structure.


Ask yourself, what is the main purpose of your life? Raising money to support your family, are you not going against the voice of conscience? Adhere to traditional family values, value your unique humanity for more momentary material goods, and think about the price that will have to be paid to translate your thinking into the camp of the enemy. Know that in this case you will descend evolutionarily downward in this and in future incarnations, you will inevitably return to an infected society with a tangle of unresolved problems. Strive for nobility, generosity, honesty, justice, loyalty, determination. Can't be vaccinated in children best qualities if you yourself are deceiving and selling your soul.

Only after changing yourself can you instill the necessary qualities in your children, educate those who, after you, will transform our imperfect world.

An adaptation of this article:

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