Communion on what questions. Communion in Russian. Syntactic characteristic of communion

Communion is considered a special form of verb therefore can answer questions that makes? And what made? However, the communion has and properties make it similar to the adjective and in this case it is already answering questions about what? What?.

Thus, the communion shows the attitude towards action, or in other words, a sign of action. For example, a simple example, the sacrament passion is characteristic of the adjective ending, and it seems to answer the question what? However, at the same time, this word is formed from the verb to passion and answers the question that making?

Here it is the two-incidence of communion as an adjective and as a verb. And in the proposal it will look like this: enthusiastic, I looked at the sunrise, that is, passionately watched, where the passionately shows a sign of the actions of the verb watched.
The communion is part of speech that combines some of the verb properties and the adjective name.

Communion answers questions: what? What makes? What did you do? What made?

Reading a book man man [what? ] [What makes? ] Reading. Those who read a book man [what? ] [What did you do? ] I read. Man who read the book man [what? ] [What made it? ] I read.

Since the sacrament is a special form of verb, which attacked signs of both the verb, and the adjective, then one of its features is the ability to form a brief form. In the lesson you will learn about the grammatical, syntactic and stylistic signs of short communities.

Topic: Communion

Lesson: Brief communities

Unlike the complete communities that are used primarily in the book speech, brief communities are widely used in household speech And even used in dialects.


Exercise number 87, 88.Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya TA and others. "Russian. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The task. Read the text of a comic letter, which was written by one fabulous hero. Write a brief ending communion from the text, select the end, determine the number, specify the verb, from which this communion is formed.

We live very well. The house is always pribran, underwear is purrano and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with carpet, curtains are stash and covered with rollen, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers in time politized and fed. Books are decomposed on the shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always assembled and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are flushed, tinted, combed. The noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. Girls are dressed and painted. Boys are dressed and shod.

Russian language in schemes and tables. Brief communities.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling of communities. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya MM, Lviv S.I. and others. "Russian. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Drop, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya TA. and others. "Russian. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

3. "Russian. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Drop, 2012.

4. Lviv S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 hours " 8th ed. - M.: Mnemozina, 2012.

Communion in Russian To this day is the subject of the discussion of the lingules: some believe that the communion is Special form of verbothers believe that the communion is a separate independent part of speech.

Based on this, participle- this is a special form of verb (or independent part of speech), which indicates a sign of the subject regarding the action, combines the characteristics and verb, and adjective, and answers the question "What?" (What? What? What?). Like the adjective name the communion is consistent With the name of the noun, among the way (in the singular) and the case.

Initial form of communion (like the adjective) - this is the form of the singular, male genus in the nominative case: flying, standing, fled.

Morphological signs of communion.

1. The communion is inextricably linked with the verb, as it is formed from it, so it takes such it from the verb signs:



2. Despite the similarity on features with the verb, the communion does not have a form of a future time. The present form has only communities that are formed from the verbs of an imperfect type: read (imperfect) - reading (present), reading (past time); Read (perfect view) - I have read (past time).

3. On behalf of the adjective communion has the following signs:

The ability to change by childbirth (in units), numbers and cases: flying, flying, flying flying;

The ability to be coordinated with the name of the nouns in the number, childbirth and the case: thinking old man, used opportunity, boiling milk;

As well as high-quality adhesives, the suffering communities have not only complete, but also a brief form: P rooked - read, completed - Dodelan.

Discharges of communities.

According to the lexical sign, two discharges are distinguished: valid communionand padding communities.

  • Valid communion - Communities that indicate a sign of action committed by the subject, an object or face, which is discussed in the sentence (text):

The reading person will always be one step ahead of what to read does not like.

  • Padding communities- These are communion, which indicate a sign that appears from the subject, face or object under the influence of another subject:

Sweeting the artist of the song is a song that the artist sang, firing wood-tree - a tree that cut the woodcutters.

Features of suffering communities.

  1. Praditive communions have a full and short form: read book - book read; Viewed film - The film is viewed.
  2. Praeling communities can be formed only from transient verbs: watch the movie - Viewed Movie; Listen to music - listened music.
  3. The phrase with persistent communals can spread by pronoun or nouns, which are subject to action: written (by whom?) Student Abstract; Cooked (by whom?) Girl Lazagna.

The syntactic role of communion in the proposal.

Communionlike adjectives can perform in the proposal as definitionor :

Nature looked aslevous Before spring (composite nominal fag). I took from the shelves more than once read Book (definition).

Communion of brief form also act as composite nominal fag:

The book is read by me for 3 hours.

Plan and sample of morphological parsing communion.

Morphological analysis of the communion They are carried out according to the following plan:

1) part of speech;

2) initial form;

3) the discharge of communion;

4) signs of verb: view, refund, time;

5) Signs of adjective: complete or short shape (for persistent communion), number, genus, case;

6) What is the member of the sentence?

Example. Our house was built in just six months.

Built - Communion, indicates a sign of an object by action, answers the question "What?"; N.F. - built; persistent, perfect view, non-returnable, past time; Brief form, the only number, male genus; The sentence acts as a faithful.

Anyway, both of them are firmly connected with the verb in morphological features and by meaning. The value determines which questions are responsible for the sacrament, as well as to accommodate.


This part of speech has not only verb characteristics, but also signs of adjective. Languages \u200b\u200bgive different definitions of communion. Professor A. M. Peshkovsky calls it a mixed part of speech, V. V. Vinogradov refers to the communion of a hybrid verbal adjective form combining the specifics of the verb with the features of the adjective. Communion, as an adjective, indicates a sign of the subject, but not a simple, and a sign in action, and this is relative to him with the verb.

What questions meet the communion

Insofar as we are talking On the sign of the subject (albeit), the communion is characterized by questions: what (, -one, -th)? A brief communion answers questions: what? What are you?

Now let's see which morphological features of the Communion inherited from the verb, and which are from the adjective. Find out what questions are the communion in different grammatical forms.

Verbal signs of communion

Like the verb, the sacrament has the form, repayment, time, brief and complete forms in the assistant pledge.

Communions are capable of being perfect and imperfect: chopped hub / conceded bitch.

Communions are irrevocated and returnable: carrying truth / rushing to the whole support.

Communions are used only two times - the present and past: playing baby / playing violin.

Valid communion and suffering

Depending on whether the item itself makes an action or it assumes the action of another subject or person, the communities are divided into two categories: valid and suffering.

Answers questions: What (, -one, -th)? The meaning of it is to express a sign of the subject that the action independently performs. (Example: Schoolchildren, planted larch, take care of the tree.)

In real time, the following suffixes are written in the present time: - (-H-), - (-the-). Last time, these communion are written with suffixes -The-, -Sh-. (Examples: carrying, reading, breathable, dependent, who read.)

Paddative communities respond to the same questions as valid, and denote a sign of an object undergoing someone else's action. (Example: larch, planted by the guys, was good.)

That's how suffixes are written suffer. Commons: -n-, -enn-, -th- (-th-), -th-. (Examples: Romable, readable, dependent, readable, built-in, washed.)

In the assistant pledge, there is also a complete, and brief communion. What questions do it answer? This is what? what? What? and what are you? (Examples: Tree is planted with schoolchildren, the juice will drink yesterday, the shirt is embroidered on the collar, vegetables are grown on the garden plot.)

at communion

As an adjective, the communion is capable of changing among the numbers, childbirth, and in full form - by cases. It will not be difficult to determine which questions are responsible for the communion used in a particular case. Examples:

  • An identity case: a person (what?) Thinking, notepads (what?) Written.
  • PEITIVE case: man (what?) Thinking, notebooks (which?) Written.
  • Conductive case: a person (what?) Thinking, notebooks (how?) Written.
  • The accusative case: a person (what?) Thinking, notepads (what?) Written.
  • Current case: man (what?) Thinking, notepads (what?) Written.
  • The proposed case: about a person (what?) Thinking, about notepads (which?) Written.

Features of punctuation of involvement

Communion at which there is a dependent word is the involvement of the turnover. It is separated by commas if after the word that determines. (Example: Oak, alone growing on the plain, was a kind of lighthouse for me.)

The involvement of turnover does not require commas if it is located in front of the word-defined word. (Example: Lonely growing on the plain oak was for me a kind of lighthouse.)

Syntactic characteristic of communion

This part of speech most often acts in the proposal as a definition. "Related links" with the verb make the communion capable of being in a proposal part of the composite faith, however, it is available only to brief forms of communion. And the involvement of the turnover, which is an indivisible design and in the proposal all is entirely a member of the sentence, may generally be any secondary member.


This part of speech can be figuratively disseminated as an active communion (more than + communion). His questions more remind questions to the verbs than the adjective, like communion. The task of verbalism is to designate an extension effect with the main thing that is expressed by the verb. We can say that the verbality decorates the verb: "She walked, considering the autumn trees." In this part of speech, adjacent the characteristics of the verb and adverb. With the verb of verbality, the vern is that it is Returnable, has perfect and imperfect species. Similarity with adverb is captured in its immaculateness.

Questions that are asked for verdict

Express the completed additional action, and therefore imply the question "what made?". (Examples: Playing on the piano, uttering toast, thoring the branch.) They are usually formed on the basis of the infinitive of the perfect species, to which suffixed morphemes -It, -t, -h. Sometimes the verprices of owls. species are formed from the basis of the verbs of the future time, then the suffix is \u200b\u200bused -and I).

The designer of the type of imperfect express an additional action that lasts, it is not completed. The question is and the question: what making? (Examples: Playing a piano, pronouncing a toast, breaking the branch.) This sectional category is created by adding the verbs of the present and imperfect view of the suffix -and I). And suffix - School Helps to create a verbality of nonsense. View from the verb "to be": being.

The peculiarity of the perpensity punctuation is that it is always allocated to commas in the sentence. An exception can be called only those designers who switched to adverbs, they are located in this case after the verb and imply the question: how? (Example: People watched silently.)

Participial turnover

Tempecility plus a dependent word is on the letter, as well as solitary administration, always allocated with commas. Exceptions are heavily inclusive turns that have become phraseologists. (Example: Drinking sleeves to work.)

Temprics always have one - the circumstance.

We found out which questions are responsible for the communion and leadingness, and also saw the features of which parts of the speech carry these special forms of verb.

Communions have some grammatical signs of verb, noun and adjective.

Combat, as a special form of verb, there are two types:

  • perfect species - deciding (from deciding), which prompted (from to encourage), agitated (from weighing);
  • imperfect species - falling asleep (from fall asleep), worried (from exciting).

Communities have two time:

  • the past - resolved (one who decided), agitated (one who excited);
  • present - falling asleep (one who falls asleep), worried (the one who is worried).

Communions do not have the form of a future time.

Communions are:

  • returns - with suffix -schess (deciding, rushing),
    Non-returnable - without suffix, "prompted, built);
  • actual - reflect the sign of the object or subject as the initiator of the action, that is, those that "act" (the solved swimmer - who decided that the reason was prompted);
    Praditive - reflect a sign of an object or subject as an artist who "suffer" and perform an action on the initiative of another (the agitated sea - who excited the wind, I worry - which the memories are worried).

As nouns and adjectives, communities change on cases, numbers, childbirth. In communities:

  • Padeges - nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, cool, proposed (awakened day, awakened the day, awakened the day, etc.);
  • Numbers are the only and multiple (falling asleep baby, falling asleep children);
  • Kind - male, female, medium (boiling stream, boiling water, boiling milk).

The case, the number, the genus is determined by the case, the number, the nature of the nouns, with which the Partition is correlated (under the fluttering flag - with the nouns and communion of the fluttering only number, male genus, anterior case). Full communities are leaning as adjectives.

Some communion, as well as adjectives, have two forms:

  • Full shape - flooded, covered,
  • A brief shape - flooded, covered.

The initial form of communion is the nominative case of the only number of male genus. Morphological signs Communions are correlated with an indefinite form of the verb, it is determined by the transition or non-peculiarity, perfect or imperfect.

Examples of communion

We give examples of proposals with communities. Combathes are highlighted in color.
The picture drawn by the fifth grade student was exhibited at the city-wide competition. Sailors did not risk going to go out empty Beardy sea. He noticed a friend raising the steps to the second floor.

By numbers

My work is finished long-term.
All cookings were finished.

In forms

The boat was exactly glued to black water, densely decorated with yellow leaves (M. Gorky).
The chest of his starchy shirt was decorated with a devilish fiesty tie (M. Gorky).

The starchy, decorated - the suffering communities in full form. Printed, decorated - Paddative communions in brief form.

By times

Examples of persistent and valid communities in different times from the works of M. Lermontov:
Real Time:
Suddenly, on a bright strip, crossing the floor, the shadow flashed.
Actual last time:
In the Seine, she overturned the kettle and the candle standing on the floor.
Personal Time:
The oak leaflet broke away from the branch of the rim and went into the steppe, cruel beard persecuted.
Past time:
Mashuk's head smoked like a torn torch.

Syntactic role

Communion in full form in the sentence acts definition.
Locked trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves (A. Kubrin).
On the unexed compressed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle, the autumn splason (A. Kubrin) is slaky brushed.

Communions in a brief form perform in the proposal only as the nominal part of the composite.
Long seelings are shaved, like bells, according to branches (E. Maximov).
Glowing sunset Dal Heaven is embraced (S. Naddon).

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