What is the difference between jam and jam, features and manufacturing technology. What is the difference between jam and marmalade? What is thicker jam or confiture

What a great variety of sweet desserts was invented on the basis of berries, fruits and even some vegetables, boiled with sugar and carefully placed in jars, so enticing sweet tooth. Usually these desserts are used as a filling in homemade cakes or eaten spread on toast with hot tea. But for many of us it is difficult to understand how jam and confiture differ, what is the technology for preparing this or that fragrant dessert. Let's talk about their difference and other unique qualities. So it will be easier for us not to get confused in their various names.


How to understand which of the products is in front of you? What is the difference between jam and jam?

First, we describe the preparation of the classic variation of jam. In order to get the right jam, you need to boil berries or chopped fruits with sugar. During the preparation of this dessert, it is necessary to monitor the transparency of the syrup. High-quality jam should have as transparent syrup as possible without inclusions. Berries and other ingredients from which this dessert is prepared must keep their shape and in no case fall apart. To fully answer the question of how jam differs from jam, consider the technology by which it (jam) is prepared.


If the hostess cooked jam, but the syrup turned out to be very thick, then she got a different product. Moreover, if fragments of fruits are visible in the syrup, damaged and fallen off from the main fruit or berry during cooking. In this case, no matter how hard the hostess tried, she made jam. Thick syrup and boiled berries are only acceptable for jam. This is the difference between jam and jam.

Smooth or wrinkled?

Some dented and even damaged fruits are suitable for making jam. It is especially preferred if the fruits contain a lot of pectins. Pectin is a substance that helps jam acquire its characteristic firmness. If jam can pour, then in the case of jam, this is unacceptable. This is another point that distinguishes jam from syrup weakness, for jam this is not normal.

How to understand that the jam is ready?

During the cooking of jam, its readiness is determined by how the cooled product behaves. The mass should not pour from a spoon, but fall off in pieces. Let's hope that now you know exactly how jam and jam differ.


It is made from very finely chopped fruits. Preparing jam most often from apples and plums. In the composition, in addition to fruit ingredients, there is sugar. Also, for a more interesting flavor, cloves and cinnamon are added to the jam. The result is a very thick dessert that is sweet and has a smooth texture. This is exactly what distinguishes jam from jam and jam.

Jam can be cooked from overripe and ugly fruits. In the general mass, it will no longer be visible how beautiful or ugly fruits were the basis for jam. Their beauty does not affect the taste of the finished product. The readiness of the dessert is determined by running a wooden spatula along the bottom of a wide dish in which it is cooked. If the resulting path is filled with jam slowly, you can turn off the stove. Dessert is ready.

What is the difference between confiture and jam?

Confiture is considered to be a close relative of jam. But confiture has a more jelly, transparent base, in which preserved undamaged pieces of berries and fruits are visible. You can even see whole berries in this delicate beautiful dessert.

Apricots, quinces and apples were the first fruits used to make jams. The dessert was invented in France, and the French guessed to add gelatin to the clear syrup. For a more interesting coloring in confiture, berry juice was used (and is still used).

Confiture is prepared from peeled and blanched berries and fruits. You can use fresh or frozen berries.

For some time, the fruits are boiled in syrup with the addition of sugar. Then put gelatin or agar-agar, which are harmless thickeners.

To make the taste more pleasant, the confiture is acidified with citric acid and vanillin is added.

To prevent the mass from sticking to the bottom of the dish, in no case should it be mixed with a spatula or spoon. Such manipulations will spoil the integrity of the berries included in the prepared dessert. Mixing occurs by gentle rotation of the container in which the confiture is cooked. Then all the berries remain beautiful and whole, and the syrup is transparent.

If the fruits intended for confiture are small in size, then the dessert can be cooked at a time. But if the fruits have a dense texture or large, then cooking takes place in several stages. Each time, it is necessary to completely cool the prepared confiture at room temperature.

The readiness of tender and sweet confiture can be determined by the pieces of fruit (or whole berries) evenly distributed throughout the mass.

As you can see, the most work and ingenuity is needed when cooking confiture. But the result is a delicate, fragrant and beautiful dessert.

Since mankind invented freezers, the problem of preserving the harvest of berries has been almost completely solved. Everything is frozen, from honeysuckle to viburnum, keeping vitamins in the crop to the maximum. But no one canceled the jam! In this article we will talk about the best recipes for preserves, marmalades and jams from the participants.

  • What is the difference between jam and jam, marmalade and marmalade.
  • The best recipes for classic gooseberry and plum jam.
  • Recipe for chocolate jam.
  • Recipes for yellow plum and blackcurrant confiture.
  • Recipe for honey from fireweed and cherries in their own juice.

Let's remember once and for all how these desserts differ.

Jam- these are whole, intact berries or pieces of fruit in a transparent and viscous sugar syrup.

  • Only the best and ripe fruits are suitable for jam.
  • A lot of sugar is always put in this dessert (the sugar content in jam syrup is about 70%).
  • Jam is not boiled for a long time (but it can be done in several steps).
  • Classical jam is not stirred during cooking, but only the dishes are shaken.
  • Jam is cooked only in basins. This is not a whim - moisture evaporates faster from such dishes, and the jam in it burns less.
  • A drop of finished jam does not spread, but retains its shape.

Jam- a dessert of boiled, out of shape fruits with a high content of pectin in a very thick syrup.

  • Jam can be made from crushed, damaged and slightly unripe fruits and berries.
  • Most often, jam is made from apples, plums and cherries.
  • Jam is boiled first over high heat, gradually reducing it to a minimum.
  • To avoid burning, jam, like jam, is boiled in wide basins.
  • Ready jam does not drain from the spoon, but falls from it.

MariLi Member

I cook in small portions from bell pepper, red onion and green tomatoes. I replace part of the sugar with dark honey. Serve with cheeses.

Confiture- a jelly-like dessert with whole, not boiled berries or pieces of fruit.

  • For the preparation of confiture, a thickener, gelatin or agar-agar is often used (but not necessarily).
  • It is not forbidden to add vanilla, citric acid or cocoa to confiture.
  • If confiture is boiled in several steps, it must be completely cooled between boils.
  • The last portion of sugar is added to the confiture when it has already been removed from the fire.

Jam- a dessert of fruits and berries, crushed in mashed potatoes with sugar.

  • The jam should be homogeneous and thick.
  • Jam can be cooked from crumpled, damaged, overripe fruits.
  • Jam is boiled in a basin, continuously stirring it during cooking with a wooden spatula.
  • The jam is ready if you make a groove in it with a spatula, and it will not drag on right away, but only after a while.

Plum, lemon and walnut jam

The recipe of the participant of our portal with a nickname Sveta2609.

Prick a kilogram of plums (Hungarian and renklod are good for this recipe) with a needle, put in a saucepan and pour hot syrup over.
Syrup: 800 grams of sugar and a glass of water.

Plum, filled with syrup, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and leave overnight. After a day, remove from heat again and bring to a boil, leave again for a day. On the third day, bring to a boil again, add a little vanilla, juice of one lemon, a glass of walnuts, boil for seven minutes, pour into sterilized jars and close with lids.

In no case should plum jam be stirred, just shake the basin! This will keep the fruits whole.

Gooseberry jam on cherry leaves

Recipe from a member of our portal with a nickname Great.

For this jam, dense berries are taken, and ideally, seeds should be released from them, but it is not necessary, the main thing is to chop the berry on both sides so that it does not burst during cooking.

Syrup: Gradually add a kilogram of granulated sugar to a glass of water. The volume of liquid increases markedly. We throw cherry leaves into the syrup, and cook until the color changes (not for long). Pour the gooseberries, cook at a low boil for another 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, leave to cool completely, cook again for 5 minutes at a low boil, leave to cool, cook for another five minutes. We check if the drop spreads - if it spreads, leave it again until it cools down and repeat the five-minute boil.

Before pouring the jam into jars, do not forget to remove cherry leaves from it. The jam should "thicken with whole berries." For a kilogram of berries - a kilogram of sugar.


The recipe was used by generations of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Polinka Participant

The sugar in the syrup should completely dissolve, and then the syrup should boil until it becomes crystal clear. That's not for long.

Plum Chocolate Jam

Jam prepared according to the recipe of a member of our portal with a nickname azumeeva children will especially like it.

Peel 2.5 kg of plums and twist through a meat grinder or puree with a blender. Cook over low heat for one hour.

Add 750 grams of sugar mixed with 5-7 tablespoons of cocoa (depending on how much you like chocolate. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add 100 grams of butter. Cook over low heat for another 10 minutes.

Add 250 grams of chopped nuts (any, but usually walnuts are taken). Cook over low heat for another 10 minutes.

Add a little vanillin or a bag of vanilla sugar. Cook over low heat for another 10 minutes. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.


It tastes like chocolate with fruit filling. It's great on bread, like smearing chocolate paste.

Yellow Plum Confiture

Recipe from a participant with a nickname Samaritan woman.

Samaritan woman

The yellow plum has a terribly sour skin, and in ordinary jam it always hangs out in lumps.

Pour a kilogram of pitted plums with 750 grams of sugar, immediately put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat, add another 750 grams of sugar, and stir the confiture until the sugar is completely dissolved. After that, put it in jars, cover with napkins and leave to cool completely, then close the lids.

It turns out delicious and very thick confiture, which your family will most likely eat before others.

Black currant confiture

This recipe was suggested by a member of our Svail portal from the Altai Territory, where blackcurrant grows very well, and it is harvested in all possible ways. Blackcurrant confiture is a very popular recipe in Altai, but it is better known as "jelly". Indeed, it turns out jelly, and the berries are collected at the top of the jar. It's unusual and delicious.

Bring 12 cups of currants, 8 cups of sugar, 4 cups of water to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, then add another 8 cups of sugar, mix well and arrange in jars.

Cherry in own juice

This recipe is from a member of our portal with a nickname Natasya quite laborious, but the result will not disappoint anyone.

Jars filled with berries are placed in a pot of water and put on fire. When heated, the berry will release juice - you need to not miss the moment when it rises to the shoulders.

A liter jar is boiled for 15 minutes, closed with a lid and put under a fur coat until completely cooled. According to the same recipe, you can make blueberries for pies and other berries.

Fireweed honey

An amazing dessert of Ivan-tea flowers is offered by a participant with the nickname SanSanych58.

We will need 2-3 cups of fireweed flowers (200 grams), a liter of water, a kilogram of sugar and the juice of one lemon.

We fill the flowers with water. put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes and leave for 5 - 10 hours. We filter the broth - it should turn purple, but taste bitter.

Pour sugar into the bowl for jam, pour the broth into it, bring to a boil over low heat. At this stage, honey acquires an ugly dirty lilac color, this should not be scary. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes, constantly removing the foam. Cook until the honey reaches the desired density (to check, pour a little in a saucer). At the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon or citric acid.

Ready honey should turn bright pink.
And how to collect, dry and ferment Ivan tea, our article will tell you.

Temptingly delicious desserts made from berries and fruits with added sugar are familiar to every sweet tooth firsthand. Most often they are brewed from traditional apples, raspberries or currants, but exotic options are also found in stores from mangoes, pineapples or rose petals. Some housewives surprise guests with pine cone jam or cucumber jam.

Surprisingly, confiture, jam or preserves are not always used as independent desserts. For example, cranberry and lingonberry options perfectly play the role of sauces for meat dishes. Jam is a delicious sweet filling for various muffins. Berry and fruit sauces emphasize the taste of cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes.

The geography of these popular sweets is also extensive. In English-speaking countries, jam is preferred, especially its classic orange variant. The French love a variety of jams. Jam is traditionally common among Slavic peoples. Its popularity is so high that in Romania, the Czech Republic, Croatia they even organize festivals where you can find the most incredible varieties: from garlic, eggplant, carrots.

However, not everyone can distinguish jam and jam from confiture or marmalade.

What dessert is called jam?

It is generally accepted that jam was invented by the Hellenes, who boiled the mythological "golden apples" (quince) in honey. Later, this recipe underwent some changes, and traditional apples, plums and pears, as well as more exotic lemons or rose petals, began to be cooked in honey syrup.

Much earlier, an oriental version of this sweet appeared, closer to the modern one. In Persia, instead of honey, sugar was added to fruits, but they used jam as a sauce, flavoring it with a large number of various spices.

Today, the classic version of jam is obtained by boiling berries or pieces of fruit with sugar. At the same time, the sweet syrup should remain transparent and quite liquid, and the fruits should not lose their shape.

In the manufacture of jam, several immutable rules are traditionally followed:

  • Only ripe and intact fruits containing a high concentration of natural acids and sugars are selected.
  • For best preservation, the sugar content in the syrup should be at least 70%.
  • To preserve the shape of berries or fruits, the jam is not allowed to boil for a long time, boiling the syrup in several steps, stirring only by shaking the dishes.
  • To make jam, it is preferable to use low and wide dishes made of stainless steel or aluminum. In such containers, the evaporation of excess moisture is faster and the syrup does not burn.
  • In the finished jam, the fruits become transparent and evenly distributed throughout the volume, and the syrup becomes viscous after cooling.
  • A properly cooked dessert will not be sugared, and will be stored for a long time without loss of taste even at room temperature.

How to make the "right" jam

One of the legends says that jam owes its appearance to the practical Scottish girl Janet, who once cooked a dessert of bitter oranges, adding sugar to them. Since then, jam with too thick syrup and boiled berries or fruits has been called jam.

The technology for making treats has several secrets.

  • Even slightly wrinkled and damaged fruits are suitable for it. The main thing is that they contain as many pectin substances as possible, providing the desired viscosity. For this, slightly unripe fruits are sometimes even added to the prepared product.
  • Plums, apples or quince are best suited for making jam, which are pre-blanched and then boiled until tender in sugar syrup.
  • Always start boiling at a high temperature to quickly get rid of excess water. The next stages of cooking are carried out on the slowest fire to prevent burning.
  • For the same purpose, wide stainless steel or aluminum containers should always be used.
  • The readiness of the jam is determined when it reaches the required consistency: the cooled mass should not drain from the spoon, but fall in pieces.

Confiture - a relative of jam

If on the shores of foggy Albion they prefer a uniformly thick sweet mass, then on the other side of the English Channel, in France, they fell in love with a more delicate, jelly version that retained the shape of the fruit intact. The first jams were made from quince, apricots and apples. For better gelling, the French began to add gelatin, and for intense coloring - berry juice.

To properly prepare confiture, you should know a few basic nuances of the process:

  • For cooking, you can take fresh or frozen fruits and berries, peeled and pre-blanched.
  • After boiling the fruits in sugar syrup, a thickener is added to the mass. Usually this role is played by agar-agar or gelatin.
  • To improve the taste, jams are often flavored with vanilla or citric acid.
  • To avoid burning the sweet mass, it must be stirred regularly. This should be done not with a spoon, but by rotating the dishes, otherwise the pieces of fruit or berries will lose their shape.
  • Confiture from tender and small fruits is prepared in one boil, and from denser and larger fruits, they are boiled repeatedly, allowing them to cool completely in between.
  • The confiture is completely ready if the pieces of fruit are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Jam - a delicacy originally from Poland

The name “jam” itself is of Polish origin, since it was there that more than a century ago they already knew how to boil the pulp of the Hungarian plum for a long time without adding sugar, and then bake it in the oven. Such sweetness could be stored in the cellar for several years.

Now jam is also prepared using fruits crushed to a state of puree. In the modern version of the dessert, sugar is necessarily added, as well as, if desired, citric acid and various spices (cloves, cinnamon and others). Properly cooked jam is very sweet, thick and homogeneous. To make it exactly like this, you should know some secrets of cooking:

  • For jam, not only ripe, but also overripe, damaged and wrinkled, but not spoiled, fruits are quite suitable.
  • To get a fruit puree, the fruits are peeled and blanched (the denser fruits are boiled), and then passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve or colander.
  • For cooking, always use wide dishes so that the liquid evaporates more intensively.
  • To prevent burning, the thick mass is continuously stirred using a wooden spatula. This process is traumatic, since the boiling mixture is strongly splashed and can cause burns.
  • Readiness of jam is easy to determine - just run a spatula along the bottom of the pan. If the resulting “path” fills up slowly, then the dessert is completely ready.

Are there any benefits to eating sweet treats?

If we talk about the safety of useful vitamins and elements contained in the original berries or fruits, then their maximum amount remains, of course, in the jam. Everyone knows that raspberry delicacy is indispensable for fever, viburnum helps to reduce pressure, and apple dessert improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This is especially true for a five-minute jam, where substances valuable for health are subjected to minimal heat treatment, and therefore are less destroyed. Other varieties of sweet desserts: jams, marmalades and marmalade - due to long and aggressive processing, they lose almost all the value of the raw materials.

There is not a single person who would not eat fragrant and incredibly tasty jams from fruits and berries in his life. However, the homemade industry is very diverse and whimsical. And few people can boast of a clear understanding of where the jam is, and where the jam, confiture or jam is. This article with elements of history will help you figure out what is the difference between these sweets.
A bit from the history of jam.
Historians claim that the ancient Greeks were the first to cook the fruits of fruit trees: on a slow fire, they boiled quince with honey to the consistency of a viscous mixture. Following the Hellenes, the Romans took over the culinary baton. In the 4th-5th centuries, the Apicus cookbook describes recipes for making jam from apples, plums, lemons, and even rose petals.
The first to learn how to make jam using sugar were the inhabitants of Persia, since sweet sand appeared there much earlier than in Europe. But they did it in a very original way, adding a large amount of spices to the recipe, because they preferred to use jam as sauces for spicy dishes.
In Russia, the very word "jam" appeared at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. In cookbooks, however, this word has been replaced by candling, which means "a way of boiling in sugar syrup." In international modern culinary, "preserve" refers to an exclusively Russian delicacy.
Features of national cooking
So, jam is a sweetness obtained by boiling ripe and intact fruits or berries with sugar. The syrup in the jam should be transparent, and the fruits should not lose their shape and color. Russian cuisine has its own traditions of making sweets. For example, it is customary to boil fruit in a huge (preferably aluminum) bowl or large saucepan. In the finished jam, the berries become a little transparent, and the syrup should drain from the spoon in a heavy stream.

Jam. History of appearance.
The origin story is quite amazing. According to Scottish legend, the husband of a certain lady named Janet Keiler, who lived in the early 18th century, bought bitter oranges from the Spaniards, who took refuge on a ship from a storm in Dundee Bay. The hostess did not lose her head and cooked a dessert out of them, which was later called jam (after her name).
Jam making technology
Today, jam is a jelly-like dessert with berries and fruits. To make jam, you can take slightly wrinkled and incomplete, but not spoiled fruits. They are blanched for several minutes (treated with boiling water or steam), then boiled, covered with sugar or poured with syrup. It is important to start cooking in a wide flat dish over high heat, gradually lowering the temperature over time. Ready hot jam should flow in a trickle, cooled down - fall in pieces.
Outwardly, jam resembles confiture (about it a little lower), but in consistency it is not so dense. In Russia, they mistakenly believe that jam and jam are one and the same.

french confiture
Confiture is a French version of jam that got its name from the word "confiture", which means "boil in sugar". Sweetness is a thick jelly with fruits evenly distributed in it. Initially, confiture in France was made from apples, quince and apricots. Later, people began to add cherry or currant juice for flavor and color, and gelatin for density (the French were the first in this).
Cooking technology
Confiture can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries and fruits, which are pre-sorted, peeled, blanched, boiled in sugar syrup and a thickener is added. If desired, vanillin and citric acid can be added to the dessert, which will give originality to the taste. It is important to know that small fruits need to be boiled once, and large ones several times.

The word comes from the Polish "powidła", which means "a food product of boiling fruit or berry puree with sugar". It is not known for certain where they learned how to make jam, but it is believed that 100 years ago it was prepared in Poland on the banks of the Vistula, where fruit-bearing plum orchards were located. Women boiled pitted plum fruits in copper utensils until thick for three days. Sugar was not added, but cinnamon, citric acid, cloves or other spices were added. Then the jam was poured into pots and baked in the oven until a crust formed. The dessert could be stored in cellars for several years.
How to cook jam
For the preparation of jam, ripe and even damaged and rumpled fruits are suitable, which are washed, cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. Then boil in a wide bowl, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Jam can be considered ready if, when a spatula is drawn along the bottom of the container, a path is formed that is slowly filled with hot mass.

Jam, marmalade, jam and confiture are stored for a long time, without losing their taste and useful qualities, if properly prepared and packaged.

Summer flies by in an instant, and all that remains is to review the photos, slowly wash off the tan, and also enjoy the homemade preparations made for winter. And if our grandmothers prepared mainly jam, jam, compote and juice, then the vocabulary of modern housewives has been significantly replenished. Now on the table you can see jams, nectars and jams, which, by the way, are often confused with jam. In fact, many are sure that jam is just a “foreign” name for a treat loved since childhood. However, this is not quite true.


Word "jam"- native English. Jam refers to a jelly-like mass made from boiled foods with added sugar. Jams can have either a solid thick consistency or with the presence of pieces of fruit. There are jams made from one type of berry or fruit, but it is also quite common to find jams made from several types. For the preparation of jam, the appearance and ripeness of the berries is not important. They may be slightly bruised or underripe.

strawberry jam

Jam- These are fruits or berries boiled in syrup that retain their shape when welded. As a rule, jam is made from one type of fruit or berry. At the same time, the berries are carefully selected: they must all be of the same degree of maturity and retain their shape. The jam looks transparent, with clearly visible berries.

strawberry jam

How to make jam and marmalade

The first stage in the preparation of jam is the laborious selection and preparation of berries. They must be washed, peeled and cut. Now the ingredients can be slightly boiled. After that, the berries are poured with syrup and boiled. In order for the mass to be jelly-like, pectin is added to it. When cooking, the fire should be constantly increased, even after boiling. Boiling should be distributed evenly, foam should be disposed of. The jam will be ready when a drop of it on the plate thickens. Packing takes place in small jars, it is not necessary to roll up the jam.

There are a lot of ways to make jam, and every housewife has her own secrets. Therefore, we will focus on the classic recipe. At the first stage, the berries and fruits are thoroughly washed, cleaned, if necessary. If the berries or fruits are large, then they can be cut. In fruits with pits, they are removed. Most often, an aluminum basin is used to make jam, in which syrup is diluted: sugar with water. Fruits or berries are placed in hot syrup, after which they are boiled. There is another way that does not include sugar syrup, this is filling the berries with sugar and infusing them for a day. Berries are boiled over low heat for 30-40 minutes. The first sign of readiness is the appearance of foam. Next, the jam is poured into a container and rolled up. In some cases, it is closed with a capron lid.


Jams are great for baking, as they have a thick consistency and practically do not spread. They are added to ice cream, desserts and yoghurts.

Jam is eaten as a completely self-sufficient product. Often used as a gravy for sweet dishes, such as pancakes. It is not recommended to put it inside the pies, as the jam spreads quickly. But whole berries from jam can decorate homemade cakes.

Findings site

  1. Jam is jelly-like, while jam can be either thick or more liquid.
  2. You can put damaged fruits or berries in jam, only selected ones get into jam.
  3. Jam is boiled over low heat, while the fire is constantly increased when cooking jam.
  4. Jam can be used as a filling for pies, and the jam in this case will spread.

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