The meaning and origin of the name Svetlana. The meaning of the name Svetlana. Interpretation of the name Diminutive names of svetlana

Svetlana is a unique name, the origin of which is still controversial. It was previously assumed to be clean Slavic name and it means "bright". Some scholars have expressed an opinion about the ancient Greek origin of the name, but this version has not been confirmed.

The only one for certain known fact, this is that the name Svetlana was first mentioned in the poem by A.Kh. Vostokov "Svetlana and Mstislav" in 1802. Most likely, it was he who came up with this remarkably beautiful name.

Later, Vasily Zhukovsky also used the name Svetlana for his ballad of the same name, after which the name came into use. The Orthodox Church officially recognized the name only in 1943, when it was already very popular. Not the last role in the popularization of the name was played by the fact that this was the name of the only daughter of I.V. Stalin.

History knows a lot of outstanding women bearing this simple and bright name. Among them are the woman-cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, the announcer of the Central Television Svetlana Morgunova, actresses Svetlana Kryuchkova and Svetlana Svetlichnaya, athletes Svetlana Khorkina and Svetlana Zhurova, singer Svetlana Loboda, director Svetlana Druzhinina and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Svetlana (Fotinia) Palestinian is considered the patroness of all Svetlana - her path to faith began with a shipwreck, in which she alone survived. The waves brought the girl to the island where the blessed Martinian lived. He told Svetlana that he had been living alone on the island for many years, but three times a year a shipman came to him, bringing provisions. After his story, he blessed the girl, and he himself threw himself into the sea, where he was caught by dolphins and helped to get to the shore.

After a while, a shipman arrived on the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, devoting all her time to prayers. Six years later, Svetlana died - this was discovered by a shipman who had once again sailed to the island. They buried the Monk Svetlana in Palestinian Caesarea.

They turn to the icon of the Monk Svetlana with any everyday problems, pray for health and well-being.

Name characteristic

Svetlana is an independent and responsible person, accustomed to relying only on herself. The entire energy of the name is literally imbued with lightness and mobility, fun and emotion - this is probably why it was and remains very popular in the Slavic countries.

In life, Svetlana is distinguished by her friendliness and sociability, she adores cheerful noisy companies and new acquaintances. Svetlana fully justifies her "bright" name - she is an easy, unforgettable and unenviable person who knows how to easily find mutual language with any opponent. She does not have any special fortitude of character, or the ability to complete the work she has begun, but thanks to self-confidence, she manages to convince others of the presence of the qualities she lacks.

In the character of Svetlana, in a bizarre way, imperiousness and kindness, perseverance and inability to make decisions, overestimated self-esteem and altruism are combined. Friendliness and generosity does not prevent Svetlana from being a leader and commander, firmly defending her opinion. It should be noted that positive traits Highlights are more pronounced than negative ones. She knows how to completely ignore public opinion, she even likes it when people talk about her.

It is always very difficult for Svetlana to cope with her emotions, she is a very temperamental person. Powerfulness in her gets along well with easygoingness, so it is easy to communicate with her, even if she is in a bad mood.

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If necessary, Svetlana can dramatically change her life, reconsider her views and priorities. She is subject to other people's opinions, impressionable and defenseless against intrigues. She often lacks pragmatism and foresight, she is a poor strategist. Sveta easily accepts everything that people say on faith.

Fate is not always favorable to Svetlana, but her good adaptability and flexible psyche allow her to endure failures. She really needs support, but she does not know how to ask for help at all. Light by nature does not have sufficient determination to achieve those lofty goals that it sets for itself. She begins to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in her nature to ask for help. Her indecision makes Sveta go with the flow and follow a well-trodden path.

Despite the absurdity of her character, Svetlana knows how to make friends completely disinterestedly and faithfully. It is always light and comfortable next to her, and the wisdom that will surely come to her with age will only increase her attractiveness for communication. There has never been and never will be a shadow of insolence or self-interest in the Light.


Little Svetochka is my mother’s first helper; she is happy to wash the dishes, help cook and babysit her younger brothers and sisters. She is cheerful and sociable, easily fits into any children's team... The girl feels like a little princess, she loves her family very much, but with her own, only she understands love.

Since childhood, Sveta has carefully monitored her appearance; she always dresses neatly and tastefully. As she gets older, she will be interested in fashion trends, and in this she will be helped by an innate sense of taste.

She loves to command and be the center of attention, but lacks self-confidence. She studies well at school, since she has a good memory, however, her knowledge is very superficial and limited by the information in their textbooks. Parents should instill in the girl a love of reading from an early age, then a diversified personality will grow out of her. The girl has a very plastic psyche, therefore, what values ​​will be laid down in her by parents and teachers in childhood, those will become the main ones for her. It is necessary to develop purposefulness and tact in her, otherwise, as she gets older, she will not want to work or study.

But a strict upbringing will not do Svetlana's benefit, since in this case the "volcanic" side of her character may appear. After years of restraining feelings and emotions, she can indulge in fun and riotous life with a vengeance. Parents should try to find a "golden mean" so that their daughter in the future could show her best qualities... Their arguments should touch the heart of a teenager, otherwise Svetlana simply will not accept them.


The most important thing for Svetlana is her moral and psychological state. She may have frequent headaches, especially when she is nervous. Sveta needs to observe the daily regimen and get enough sleep, otherwise the migraine attacks will intensify.

In general, Svetlana possesses good health, and besides her love of sweets, she usually has no bad habits, which is good for her appearance and condition.


Svetlana always feels better in the company of men, with whom she easily finds a common language. She is superficial about life, so she does not have clear criteria for choosing a partner. If she likes a person, she will easily agree to sex.

At first glance, Svetlana may seem cold and unapproachable, but in fact she is terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man is pointless for her, she definitely needs someone who will love her.

But, despite this, sex does not play a big role in her life. For her, spiritual connection, the ability of a man to protect and provide for his woman is much more important. If the partner is gentle and passionate, Svetlana will become clay in his hands, from which you can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and family, male name compatibility

Svetlana perfectly understands the importance of marriage for a woman, so she chooses her husband carefully. Early marriage is not typical for her, she has been waiting for her prince for a long time, and rarely makes mistakes in her choice.

Family happiness, children and home are what Svetlana can find herself in. She will leave her job without regret, devoting herself entirely to her family. She has been given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so her husband will feel happy, since he will not have to change his habits.

Svetlana will let her husband solve all financial problems and all other life tasks. If she is forced to do everything herself, the woman will be unhappy. Sveta will gladly hand over the palm to her husband, but she will try to keep all affairs under her secret control.

Svetlana will provide her children with maximum coziness and comfort, all her actions will be subordinated to the interests of her husband and children. But she does not know how to rationally spend money, preferring to live for one day.

A successful marriage for Svetlana is possible with men named Vadim, Vladimir, Oleg, Boris, Peter, Vasily, Eduard, Alexey and Yuri. An alliance with Alexander, Dmitry, Gleb, Mikhail, Vladislav, Anton and Eugene should be avoided.

Business and career

During her life, Svetlana can change many professions and jobs until she finds what she really likes. She is not a workaholic by nature, so she rarely reaches career heights. In addition, Sveta does not like to study, she often does not have a higher education.

It can make a good cook, bartender, salesperson, waitress, administrator, manager, operator or copywriter. In addition, Svetlana creative person therefore she can choose art, music or culture as her field of activity. With age, she can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business captivates her.

Since Svetlana loves to show herself as an imperious and authoritarian person, she will quite cope with a leadership position. But she will turn out to be a bad businessman - she does not know how to bring the business started to the end, does not know how to make profitable deals. Her actions are often driven by impulses and emotions, and she does not hear the voice of reason. In addition, although she is ambitious, she is lazy.

Most often, Svetlana just goes with the flow and is not too puzzled by building a business and a career. In addition, she is a person of mood, and a momentary impulse can force her to radically change her place of work.

Talismans for Svetlana

  • The patron planet is Neptune and Mercury.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. If a girl born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then nature will most fully endow her with talents and abilities.
  • A good time of the year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • The lucky color is blue, brown, green and red.
  • The totem plant is birch and lily. The birch is a symbol of beauty and innocence; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. Lily in Christian tradition considered an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary, she symbolizes the three main Christian virtues: faith, hope and mercy.
  • The totem animal is a hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, meaning, on the one hand, love and fertility, and on the other hand, licentiousness and cowardice. The Slavs believed that the hare goes to its goal by deception and cunning, but at the same time, this animal, lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary, symbolizes the victory over lust.
  • The talisman stone is rock crystal and black opal. Rock crystal will attract love, luck and spiritual harmony to Svetlana's life. It relieves bad dreams and normalizes sleep. Black opal will relieve Svetlana of inexplicable fears, will help to establish contact with people. Since ancient times, black opal has been considered a stone of fidelity, both physical and spiritual.

Horoscope for Svetlana

Aries is a touchy, sentimental and emotional woman who can think outside the box. She is a creative person, and in difficult situations she is lost and withdraws into herself, therefore she really needs support and approval. Svetlana-Aries knows how to do without intrigues and conspiracies, so it is impossible to convict her of hypocrisy. She tends to trust her heart and feelings, but over the years she usually gains worldly wisdom, although she experiences all her troubles, even small ones, quite acutely. A successful party for Svetlana-Aries can be made by a Libra man - these are two opposites, which will always be drawn to each other.

Taurus- a cheerful and charming woman, very easy to talk to. She loves noisy parties and fun pastime, but her career is of little interest. Marriage and material values ​​are also not of great interest to her. But at the same time, she is able to demonstrate persistence in achieving her goal, and if she wants, she can make a good career. She is very hard going through love failures, as she expects worship and eternal love from her chosen one. A successful marriage for Svetlana the Taurus is possible with a man born with her under the same constellation - it will be a union of redoubled strength, energy and optimism.

Twins- gullible, naive and sympathetic nature, which really needs support. She has outstanding mental capacity, but she often lacks perseverance, so Svetlana-Gemini often remains unsettled in life. She can repeatedly marry, and only the accumulated life experience will help her make the right choice. By nature, Svetlana-Gemini is a real workaholic, but she sprays her attention on everything at once, so the impression of chaos and confusion is created. In communication, she is witty and light, so men rarely remain indifferent to her. As a life partner, she needs a man who will allow her to do what she loves, such as a Libra man. It is rare to find a couple more suited to each other.

Crayfish- infantile and insecure Svetlana, for whom support and praise are the driving force. She can be the life of the party, but she often plunges into melancholy and depression. She limits her social circle only to those people who will not express anything negative against her, since she is very sensitive to any criticism. At the same time, Svetlana-Cancer is vindictive, and at the right moment she can take revenge on her offender. But in love, this is the most devoted and unbridled woman who lives by the law “all or nothing”. The Scorpio man will become a find for her - they will complement each other in all spheres of life.

a lion- a domineering woman, prone to narcissism. She finds it difficult to get along with people, although she needs attention and worship like air. Its main positive traits are optimism, cheerfulness, prudence and activity. Svetlana-Lev also shows her persistent character at work, she never fusses and does not rush, because she knows perfectly well what she will be doing today and tomorrow. In love, Svetlana-Leo will behave like a king, and will not rush to part with her freedom. Her husband will have to let her make decisions and manage finances at her own discretion, then this union has a chance to last a long time. The ideal life partner for Svetlana-Leo will be the Sagittarius man - he will inspire and support his wife in all her endeavors.

Virgo- an erudite and versatile personality, well versed in people, but not very fond of being in the spotlight. She easily adapts to any environment and quickly makes friends. She does not accept cunning and lies in relationships and never allows herself to be manipulated. Svetlana-Virgo brings her professional skills to perfection, therefore she loves to perform not collective, but individual work... Svetlana-Virgo can create an ideal marriage union with a Cancer man - he will help her to open up as a woman, and she, in turn, will thank him with care and understanding.

scales- a tactful and well-mannered woman, a born diplomat. She tries not to show people her vulnerability, so no one can say that he knows her well. The energy of Svetlana-Libra has nothing to do with fussiness, but tactfulness with indifference. She equally respects people of any social status and nationality, but will require the same respect for herself. In marriage, Svetlana-Libra will seek, first of all, partnership, she will never tolerate scandals and quarrels in her family. In this regard, a Leo man can become an ideal husband for her - this couple is simply created for a long and happy life.

Scorpion- distrustful, suspicious person who does not know how to find a common language with others. She has exaggerated requirements, she requires a special attitude towards herself. At the same time, she is naive and sentimental, she is very sensitive to any criticism of herself. Svetlana-Scorpio does not know how to analyze the situation at all, she prefers to strike first, and not to wait. She considers revenge for the wrong done necessary condition conflict resolution. At the same time, she will remember the good once done for her all her life, and she will certainly respond with gratitude in return. Svetlana-Scorpio is unusually sexy, and she needs a strong partner whom she will respect. A Cancer man can become such a partner for her - loyalty and dedication to common ideals will become the basis of this strong union.

Sagittarius- a real altruist and idealist who sees only good in people. Her openness borders on straightforwardness and even tactlessness, and the inability to play around and cunning in some cases does not benefit her. Svetlana-Sagittarius is different strong character based on sincerity and truthfulness. However, she tends to overestimate her strengths, and often takes on several tasks at once, and then experiences internal discomfort from the fact that she is not doing anything. She wants to make a good impression, because most of all she values ​​her reputation. In the family, Svetlana-Sagittarius knows how to create an atmosphere of prosperity and prosperity, even if financial opportunities are small. The ideal partner for Svetlana-Sagittarius will be a Leo man - in life they will be best friends, and in bed they will be passionate lovers.

Capricorn- a workaholic and careerist, ready to work tirelessly. Despite her imperiousness and organization, in her heart she is a vulnerable and good-natured woman, acutely reacting to criticism in her address. Svetlana-Capricorn has a restrained and balanced character, she never allows people to see her weaknesses. For her, keeping her brand is the most important attitude in her life. In love, Svetlana-Capricorn is capable of self-denial, she can easily abandon her own career and devote herself entirely to her husband. An Aries man can become a good couple for her - this union has every reason to be strong and happy.

Aquarius- smart and calculating, she can become an adornment of any society. She is endowed with hard work, perseverance and dedication, which allows her to reach career heights. Accustomed to self-discipline, she gives herself up to work without a trace. At the same time, it is very important for Svetlana-Aquarius to be loved and respected. Despite being busy at work, she will take over most of the household chores and will not burden her husband with them. But for happiness she needs her husband to leave her enough freedom for her favorite activities and hobbies. Numerous positive qualities often make Svetlana-Aquarius a role model. Svetlana-Aquarius has ideal compatibility with a Sagittarius man - they both value freedom and independence equally.

Fishes- a shy and insecure woman who needs support. She is fragile, gentle and pure - a real young lady of the 18th century. She is a graphic illustration of the saying that a woman's strength lies in her weakness. Svetlana-Pisces does not know how to focus on the main thing, which makes her spend a lot of time on petty and secondary tasks. But, despite the seeming defenselessness, she never gives in to panic. V extreme situations fearlessness and the ability to take a blow on herself awakens in her. Svetlana-Pisces is very suspicious, she can take into her account any inadvertently spoken word. For marriage, she needs a strong, but at the same time, delicate partner, which a Taurus man can become. Having found each other, they will no longer be able to imagine their life with someone else.

Svetlana's birthday

Saints: Holy Martyr Svetlana Palestinian, Reverend; Svetlana Samaritannya, Roman, martyr.

What does

Svetlana means "light".


Analysis of the mystery of the name Svetlana it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Svetlana has Slavic roots and means "light". It was invented and first used by A. Kh. Vostokov in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav". The name Svetlana gained great popularity after the poet V. Zhukovsky created his ballad "Svetlana".

What does the name Svetlana mean by D.N.Zima

The owners of this name are lively, emotional, cheerful women.

As a child, Sveta is a cheerful and active girl. She studies well, as she has a lively mind and a good memory. Sometimes she is captured by some kind of school discipline, but she can cool down just as quickly, and Sveta does not have time to get deep knowledge.

Education at a university for Sveta, as a rule, is superficial, in general, Sveta is not particularly worried about this topic.

Sveta is always surrounded by many friends and girlfriends, has a wide selection of gentlemen. Character speaks of the variability of her nature, so a real strong feeling is not typical for her. If Sveta is experiencing deep emotions, then this refers to her love for children.

When communicating with Svetlana, it is necessary to remember that she is led by emotions, therefore it is pointless to appeal to her minds.

Characteristic according to L. Tsymbalova.

As a child, Svetochka is an inquisitive, inquisitive girl who is very fond of outdoor games. But he treats his studies calmly, if not lazy. She is rescued by a lively mind, given to her by nature, and a good memory. Thanks to these qualities, Sveta does not fall into threes.

Sveta is interested in love melodramas, she loves to read, enjoys attending the theater, attending concerts of her favorite pop performers.

Sveta has well-developed organizational skills. She is self-confident. But he always acts without guile, but sincerely. She has such character traits as independence, hard work, accuracy. This woman is always dressed with a needle. At the same time, her material wealth is completely unimportant.

Sveta can start life from scratch, completely change her views, profession, habits. She will make an excellent teacher, engineer, physician, lawyer, accountant. In her profession, she can achieve great success.

She gets a family of Sveta, only being confident in her own feelings, and in the feelings and material well-being of the applicant. She loves to please men. Without their adoration, life seems insipid to her. But, having married, she becomes an ideal housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother.

According to the interpretation by B. Higir.

This is a stubborn, capricious, but at the same time charming kid. She will not let herself be offended. She is not the first in school in terms of academic performance, but this does not upset her at all. Sveta has high self-esteem; she is a leader and activist by nature.

In a strange way, her selfishness coexists with kindness in her. She is not an assistant around the house for elders. But if it benefits her, Sveta will gladly create the impression of a homely girl.

Svetlana has an exquisite taste. She is always fashionably and stylishly dressed.

Material wealth in Sveta's life is of key importance. Poverty frightens her.

She often makes her well-built career, thanks to her sexy and attractive appearance. She always has a lot of boyfriends.

Her less successful girlfriends may envy her, but Sveta tries not to pay her attention to this.

According to the description of the name Svetlana by E. Grushko and Y. Medvedev.

There is a lot of contradiction in Sveta's nature. She can be both merciful to others and cruel to them. In some moments she is self-confident and decisive, while in others she is not capable of any active action, even if circumstances require it.

The owners of this name are distinguished by independence, tact, but they like to command. In marriage, she manifests herself as a caring spouse and mother.


Variants of the name Svetlana: Veta, Lana.

Diminutive of the name Svetlana: Sveta, Svetochka, Svetunya, Svetosya, Svetusha, Svetulya, Svetik.

Different languages.

  • The name of Svetlana in Belarusian: Svyatlana
  • Svetlana's name in Hungarian: Szvetl? Na
  • Svetlana's name in German: Swetlana
  • Svetlana's name in Polish:? Wietlana
  • Svetlana's name in Ukrainian: Svitlana
  • Svetlana's name in Czech: Sv? Tlana

Famous Svetlana:

  • Svetlana is the heroine of the ballad of the same name by the Russian poet V. A. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”.
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva (1937) - theater and film actress.
  • Svetlana Sorokina (1957) is a popular TV presenter on Russian television.
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya (1940) is a film actress.
  • Svetlana Druzhinina (1936) - Russian film actress, film director, director of many popular films.
  • Svetlana Kryuchkova (1950) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

The short form of the name is Svetlana. Sveta, Svetulya, Svetlanka, Svetunya, Svetosya, Svetuha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana, Svetlanochka, Svetik, Svetachka, Svetochka, Svetochka, Svetusik.
Synonyms for the name Svetlana. Svetla, Fotinya, Fotina.
The origin of the name Svetlana. The name Svetlana is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Svetlana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A.Kh. Vostokov in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav" (1802). It gained wide popularity after the publication by the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky of his ballad "Svetlana". There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Russia, and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is a Slavic, Russian name. It was formed by adding two concepts "light" and "lan". "Light" means literally - "light", "lan" in Old Russian means "earth". It is the Ukrainian word "lan" that just means arable, and in a broader sense, fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on barren lands. It turns out that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth”, and her short form of Light is simply “shining”. Also interpreted as "light". It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, "fair-haired", and "pure in spirit." A related and cognate name is Svetla.

According to the third version, the name Svetlana is a tracing of the Greek name Fotinia, under which Svetlana is baptized among the Orthodox. The name Photinius is literally translated from Greek as "light".

The name Svetlana became widely used after the publication of Vasily Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana". Previously, this name could not be used for naming, since it was not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, therefore it could be found in the names of ships and enterprises. They began to call this name actively after the October Revolution, or rather from the end of the 1930s, and the fact that this was the name of Joseph Stalin's only daughter played an important role in the popularization of the name Svetlana. In 1943 the Russian Orthodox Church recognized the name Svetlana and made it permitted in the church rite of baptism, and in the 1950s-1970s this name became widespread. In Soviet times, the name Svetlana brought the ideological meaning of the name, namely the word "light" made a semantic emphasis on building a "bright future", on the movement of society along the "bright path" to communism.

In Russia, the name Svetlana is often shortened to the name "Light", and in Western Europe and English-speaking countries - to "Lana". Diminutive-affectionate words Veta and Lana are also short forms to other names and independent names.

The character and fate of Svetlana. Svetlana gives the impression of a light, bright and sociable girl. However, in fact, Svetlana is a real commander with a very contradictory character. On the one hand, she is unusually kind to people, but if necessary, she can cause pain so that it does not seem a little. Sveta suffers from manic accuracy and overestimated self-esteem, at the same time she is a very disinterested person, persistent and decisive. But at crucial moments in her life, Svetlana for some reason fails to keep events under control.

Sveta is not afraid of labor, possesses diplomacy, but all this is spoiled by the desire to command. In male society, Svetlana is always easier, with women she hardly finds a common language. Although the girl is sensitive to her family, with gossip and public opinion she was not used to being considered. On the contrary, the more people talk about her, the better she feels.

Sveta is quite distrustful, especially towards men. She believes that you cannot rely on anyone.

Happiness does not always accompany Svetlana. She is often beautiful, but she cannot get a job in life. Although she has a high opinion of herself, her academic success is very average. Responsibility for the fate of Sveta has to be taken on by her parents, since in her youth she can with the same probability lean to the side of good and to the side of evil. Svetlana's character is shaped by what surrounds her: her parents, environment and herself. Ultimately, it all depends on the desire of the girl. She is able to make herself.

In Svetlana, the spiritual principle is clearly distinguished. Her thoughts and aspirations are pure and light. This is a very artistic and contrasting girl. She happily hurries to where they are waiting for her. Svetlana has a subtle intellect. The most important thing for her is closeness with her family.

Svetlana is a sensitive friend. She has a good effect on those who are next to her. Gives timely advice, is capable of selfless help. After communication with Sveta, warmth and hope remain in the souls of people. This is a charming mystery woman.

Men can see in Svetlana something that is inaccessible to prying eyes. She always remains unobtrusive, but to the one in whose feelings she is confident, Sveta is given without a trace, completely adjusting to the chosen one. In a partner, she primarily values ​​his experience and passion, appearance is secondary for her. Sveta cannot imagine her life without men.

Sveta does not dare to marry for a long time, trying to make sure that the chosen one is really worthy of her. With her husband, she is diplomatic, gets along well with all relatives, which deserves their love. Sveta becomes an exemplary mother and mistress. She is devoted to her husband, takes care of children.

Sveta is a great fashionista, especially in her younger years. However, she does not always know a sense of proportion.

Since Svetlana often manifests herself as a powerful and authoritative person, it is easy for her to work in a leadership position. She is interested in various fields of activity, and she is good at manipulating people. However, sometimes Svetlana becomes indifferent to everything, limply drifting with the flow. If necessary, Sveta will change work and environment without hesitation, and is able to improve herself.

Svetlana's birthday

Famous people named Svetlana

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991), winner of the Nika Prize.)
  • Svetlana Savitskaya ((born 1948) Soviet cosmonaut, the second woman-cosmonaut in the world and the first woman-cosmonaut to walk into outer space. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (1982). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. .)
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Svetlana Zhiltsova ((born 1936) Russian TV announcer, host of KVN programs, "Song of the Year", "Morning Mail". Honored Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Svetlana Khorkina ((born 1979) Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars (1996, 2000), three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995))
  • Svetlana Surganova ((born 1968) musician, poet and composer, soloist and violinist of the Night Snipers group in 1993-2002. Now she is the leader of the Surganova and Orchestra group.)
  • Svetlana Stepchenko (Toporova) ((born 1965) famous violist, soloist of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Svetlana Zhurova ((born 1972) Soviet and Russian speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1996). Five-time Russian champion in sprint all-around (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005). World champion in sprint all-around (2006) and distance 500 m (1996). 2006 Olympic champion at a distance of 500 meters (one of three Olympic speed skating champions in the history of Russia, along with Svetlana Bazhanova and Alexander Golubev).)
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva ((born 1937) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980))
  • Svetlana Toma ((born 1947) real name - Fomicheva; famous Moldavian actress, Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR (1979), Honored Artist of Russia (2001), People's Artist of Moldova (2008). Artistic pseudonym Tom is usually pronounced with an accent on the first syllable. The actress herself, however, points out that the original Thomas (with the stress on the second syllable) was the surname of her maternal great-grandmother, of French origin.)
  • Svetlana Druzhinina ((born 1936) Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1989), Academician of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).)
  • Svetlana Aleksievich ((born 1948) Belarusian writer, author of the books "The War Has Not a Woman's Face", "The Last Witnesses")
  • Svetlana Bestuzheva ((born 1950) Russian scientist, sociologist, journalist, writer, specialist in the field of social demography, social demography and social psychology; candidate of historical sciences, orientalist-Arabist)
  • Svetlana Varganova ((born 1964) Soviet swimmer, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1982))
  • Svetlana Rozhkova ((born 1965) variety artist, Honored Artist of Russia (1996))
  • Svetlana Fedorenko ((1972 - 2009) Russian pilot, aviator, honored master of sports, absolute European champion in airplane sports)
  • Svetlana Parkhomenko ((born 1962) nee - Cherneva; Soviet and Russian professional tennis player and tennis coach, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991). USSR champion in singles (1985), nine-time USSR champion in women's and mixed doubles, winner of eight Tournament Virginia Slims / WTA in women's doubles European champion among amateurs in women's and mixed doubles (1983), four-time European champion among girls in singles and doubles.)
  • Svetlana Vysokova ((born 1972) Russian speed skater, bronze medalist of the 2006 Winter Olympics, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006), international master of sports)
  • Svetlana Josefiy ((born 1963) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
  • Svetlana Kriveleva ((born 1969) Soviet and Russian athlete, who competed in shot put. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992). World Champion 2003, silver (1993) and two-time bronze medalist of the World Championships (1991 and 1999). Was a participant in seven world championships in athletics. Four times (1992, 1993, 1999 and 2003) Svetlana showed best result seasons in the world in shot put. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, ​​Kriveleva won the gold medal, beating Huang Zhihong of China and Katrin Naimke of Germany.)
  • Svetlana Loboda (Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand, photographer. She represented Ukraine at the Eurovision 2009 contest. Performs under the stage name LOBODA.)
  • Svetlana Pecherskaya ((born 1968) nee - Davydova; Soviet and Russian biathlete, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympic Games in the individual race, seven-time world champion, multiple world championship medalist, winner of the 1990/1991 World Cup, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990 ).)
  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 - 2011) nee - Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of IV Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. She emigrated from the USSR to the USA in 1967. Mother of the Russian cardiologist I. G. Alliluyev.)
  • Svetlana Svetikova ((born 1983) Russian pop singer, actress, musical artist)
  • Svetlana Sorokina ((born 1957) Russian journalist, member of the Academy of Russian Television, former member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), teacher at the Higher School of Journalism, presenter (2010) "Program Guide" on Channel Five and programs "In the circle of light" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow")
  • Svetlana Sichkar ((1936 - 2012) Soviet animator. Took part in the creation of more than 80 cartoons, including "Mom for a Mammoth", "The Adventures of Munchausen", "The Magnificent Gosha", "The Adventures of Funtik Pig".)
  • Svetlana Kharitonova ((1932 - 2012) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoevich ((born 1950) theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Danilchenko ((born 1938) Soviet actress)
  • Svetlana Kharlap ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, master of dubbing and dubbing)
  • Svetlana Chuikina ((born 1975) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Shevchuk ((born 1967) Ukrainian writer (writes in Russian))
  • Svetlana Koroleva (Russian model, TV presenter, winner of the all-Russian national beauty contest "Miss Russia 2002" and the international beauty contest "Miss Europe 2002". In 2003 she was the main Snow Maiden of the country. Since 2008 she has been a performer of the song of the charity event "Miss Russia for Children".)
  • Svetlana Martynchik ((born 1965) contemporary writer and artist. Known as the author of literary works, reviews and reviews published under the name of Max Fry, and as the host of the radio program "Free Entry." Some early works, published under the name of Max Fry, were created co-authored with Igor Stepin.)
  • Svetlana Yakir, Blume Yakir ((1936 - 1971) Russian writer)
  • Svetlana Yusim ((born 1941) Ukrainian artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine)
  • Svetlana Bless ((born 1942) Soviet and Latvian actress)
  • Svetlana Okruzhnaya ((born 1947) People's Artist of Belarus (1991), member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)
  • Svetlana Vilkina (Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, technical director and senior coach in the kata section of the Belarusian Shotokan Karate-do Federation. Eastern Europe 5th dan by the World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation.)
  • Svetlana Gladysheva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian alpine skier, vice-champion of the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer in super-giant. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994). One of the two Olympic medalists in alpine skiing in the history of national sports. The second - Evgenia Sidorova , who won bronze in 1956 in Cortina d'Ampezzo in slalom. On March 31, 2010, she was appointed Acting President of the Russian Alpine Ski and Snowboard Federation. On May 14, 2010, by unanimous decision of the Presidium of the Alpine Ski and Snowboard Federation of Russia, Svetlana Gladysheva became the President of the FGSSR.)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theater critic, theater critic, essayist)

The meaning of any name is associated with its origin and the name Svetlana is no exception. The history of the name is very interesting and unusual. The name Svetlana was invented by the author literary work, but became popular and came into use... The authorship is attributed to A.Kh. Vostokov, who wrote the story in four songs "Svetlana and Mstislav", published in 1802. Other authors borrowed the image and the name, and it gained true popularity after the publication of the ballad "Svetlana", written by the poet V. Zhukovsky in 1813. Based on this, it can be argued that the meaning of the name Svetlana cannot be described briefly, since this is a voluminous poetic image... To understand it, it is advisable to read the works of the authors of the name.

In some sources, there is an opinion that the name Svetlana means "light" and has its origin since ancient Slavic times. However, historians have refuted this theory. This name is not found in written sources earlier than the early 19th century. Such versions are called folk etymology.

The meaning of the name Svetlana for a girl

Sveta is growing up as a joyful and active girl. Loves active games and loves to learn everything new. Her curiosity knows no bounds. When he gets to a new place, he always runs around and goes everywhere. She is quite self-confident, although often there is no reason for this. Likes to insist on his own, that periodically turns into tyranny. At the same time, the girl is kind and sympathetic. She often does the right thing, even sacrificing her own interests.

In studies, Svetochka does not really find herself. She is more likely to be successful in public office than in mathematics. She easily finds a common language with others, and especially with the opposite sex. The girl is hardworking and persistent. If she decides to succeed in something, then she will certainly achieve with her perseverance.

Svetlana is in good health. Skin becomes a problem spot in adolescence. Proper care, daily routine and diet will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, and in general are good for health.

Abbreviated name Svetlana

Sveta, Sveta, Svetosya, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.

Diminutive names

Svetochka, Svetochka, Svetochka, Svetonka, Svetlanka, Svetlanochka, Svetlana, Lanochka, Sprig.

Name Svetlana in English

V English language the name Svetlana is written as Svetlana.

Name Svetlana for passport- SVETLANA.

Translation of the name Svetlana into other languages

in Arabic - سفيتلانا
in Belarusian - Svyatlana
in Bulgarian - Svetlana
in Chinese - 斯韦特拉娜 (read as Sivaitelana)
in Polish - Svеtlana
in Serbian, as well as in Russian - Svetlana
in Slovenian - Svetlana
in Slovak - Svetlana
in Ukrainian - Svitlana
in Finnish - Svetlana
in Czech - Světlana
in Swedish - Svetlana
in Japanese - ス ヴ ェ ト ラ ナ (pronounced like Suvetorana)

Name Svetlana in church(v Orthodox faith) - Photinia.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

Give Svetlana several characteristics and this will not be enough. She is a whole tangle of contradictions that coexist in one person. It can be both kind and sharp at the same time, and with a difference of several seconds. Be gentle and instantly aggressive. This behavior is typical of choleric people. It should be noted that the positive qualities are still more pronounced in her character.

At work, Light often achieves great success. Often in her life, hobby becomes work. It is by being carried away by something that she truly reveals her potential and strength of character. Her persistence amazes those around her. Success in leading organizational roles is characteristic of her name. He maintains an even relationship with colleagues. Not getting too close, but also not moving away from the team. She hates all kinds of intrigues and whispering behind her back.

TO family relations Sveta fits very neatly. She is ready to look for a real life partner for a long time. The reliability of a partner and his financial condition are the most important parameters for her. It is their combination that gives the applicant the right to a hand and heart. At the same time, she does not at all feel commercialism, but rather a serious approach to family relations. And of course her chosen one should be crazy about her. Sveta is a good caring mother and wife, as well as a wonderful housewife.

The mystery of the name Svetlana

Svetlana's secret can be called her superficiality. Very often, studying information that is not interesting to her, she remembers it for a day, and then easily forgets.

The second secret of Svetlana can be called her romance. She sometimes feels cold and calculating, but this is not at all the case. Sveta is sentimental and utterly romantic.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- White hare.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Birch.

Plant- Lily.

A rock- Rock crystal.

The name Svetlana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A.Kh. Vostokov in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav" (1802). It gained wide popularity after the publication by the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky of his ballad "Svetlana". There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Russia, and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is a Slavic, Russian name. It was formed by adding two concepts "light" and "lan". "Light" means literally - "light", "lan" in Old Russian means "earth". It is the Ukrainian word "lan" that just means arable, and in a broader sense, fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on barren lands. It turns out that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth”, and her short form of Light is simply “shining”. Also interpreted as "light". It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, "fair-haired", and "pure in spirit." A related and cognate name is Svetla.

Name Svetlana in other languages

Astrology named after Svetlana

Auspicious day: Saturday

Years later

Calling their daughter Svetlana, the parents program her to be kind and open. In life, not everything is so simple. Svetlana is a girl with a complex, independent character, she does not accept deception.

Respects elders, listens to parents, always strives to help others, sometimes to his own detriment. Sveta is a sociable girl, she fits perfectly into any children's team. This is the child who calmly endures the move, transfer to a new kindergarten or school class. Her academic performance is average, the girl pays more attention to communicating with her friends and having fun.

Svetlana is a very inquisitive child, she explores every corner of the apartment, with delight she discovers new objects. She grows up as a sociable, cheerful child, loving games... She is rather cool about schoolwork, but she has a wonderful memory, a mobile mind, she quickly, easily, although not deeply assimilates information, cheerfully responds in class - there are practically no problems with academic performance. However, Svetlana may be especially interested in some subject, then she studies it deeply, thoroughly, and it may subsequently become the basis for her in her professional activities.

As she grows up, Sveta's attitude to learning changes little. She is a solid middle peasant, but this position suits her completely. She loves to be in the spotlight, but at such moments she is often let down by self-doubt. In the middle grades begins to follow the fashion. In building stylish images she lacks a sense of proportion; over the years it will appear.

Svetlana has a plastic psyche, she lends itself well to instructions. Parents should develop a sense of purpose and hard work in her during adolescence. Otherwise, there is a chance that in adulthood she will not have the desire to study and then work. Sveta is quite capable of sitting on the neck of her parents, spouse.

She is a sociable person, loves friendly gatherings, but is overly influenced by her best friends. Gossip and gossip about her do not irritate, Sveta is flattered by discussion in any context.
She is characterized by impulsiveness and gullibility. The ability to understand people comes over the years.

As an independent person, Svetlana takes a long time to develop. It is difficult for her to part with her childhood, she, on a subconscious level, seeks to be under someone's care. A woman often does not understand herself, does not know what she wants from life. Svetlana is dependent on the opinions of others, is under the influence of her friends.

With age, her character acquires great judgment, she becomes calm, she makes decisions deliberately. Her eternal enemies are colossal touchiness and gullibility. Svetlana feels comfortable at home, she is happy to deal with everyday problems.

Svetlana takes a long time to decide on the work of her life, more often she does not work in her specialty. This is helped by the fact that with age, she begins to independently fill the gaps in education. For such a woman, it is not a problem to go to courses and master a new business for herself.

Svetlana's character

Benevolence, sociability, increased emotionality, smiling, easy-going, forgiving. Svetlana loves a festive atmosphere, joy, fun and can easily create them. Since childhood, Svetlana has been attracted by music, performances in front of an audience, dances, games, including sports. Svetlana has good learning abilities, her resourcefulness and good memory allow her to quickly assimilate a large amount of information.

Svetlana studies successfully, although her knowledge does not differ in depth. Kindness, responsiveness, morality, accuracy, easygoingness. Svetlana knows how to disinterestedly make friends, support loved ones with useful work. Over the years, wisdom comes to her.

In life, Sveta lacks purposefulness, a clear understanding of her desires. This gives rise to all character flaws - secrecy, indecision, resentment, unreasonably high self-esteem, alarmism in any difficult situation... Excessive enthusiasm, sensitivity, desire for entertainment, absent-minded attention, lack of logic in thinking.

Svetlana's trouble is that she is influenced by cheerful companies that distract her from her studies and solving important life problems. Her passion and interests are fickle. Svetlana needs new experiences, otherwise life seems boring to her. Svetlana is capable of serious life mistakes and delusions, but over time she becomes wiser.

Svetlana's fate

Fate does not always favor Svetlana. On her way, she meets many obstacles, experiences setbacks hard, begins to delve into herself. The plus is that blunders subsequently make the owners of this name more sociable. In adulthood, Svetlana acquires the ability to make concessions, she learns to communicate respectfully with different people.

In numerology, the name corresponds to the number 6. It defines the Light not as a leader, but as a good performer. A person with such a numerical code is not a supporter of radical solutions, the path of liberalism is closer to him. The main reference point in life is family.

The totem animal is a hare. It defines the contradictory nature of Svetlana, her ability to perform actions that do not find understanding even among the closest people.

Totem plants are birch and lily. Both are symbols of purity and innocence. A woman with such totem plants gravitates internally to God, in life she seeks to perform actions that fit into the norms of conscience and morality.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Svetlana does not know how to earn and save money. In one day, she can spend a large amount without regret. The husband does not trust her family budget and does the right thing. Finding a profession to the liking of a woman with this name is difficult. She can change ten jobs before she finds something suitable. She will never become a workaholic, career ambitions are alien to her. Sveta is a responsible executor, leadership qualities are not expressed.

She can be a great cook, waitress, manager or bartender. Her abilities and character allow her to try her hand at music, art, and interior design. A person with such a name can radically change a field of activity in adulthood. Most often, the results of such a reorientation are positive. It is better not for her to apply for an entrepreneurial path. An open business can go bankrupt due to Svetlana's indecision and lack of assembly. A woman has no entrepreneurial streak, money is present in her life, but she is not the main earner of it.

Marriage and family

He always approaches the choice of a companion intelligently. Guided by the arguments of reason, not feelings. Despite this, the first marriage almost always ends in divorce. Svetlana is in no hurry with the second marriage; during her time of freedom, she successfully learns to be independent.

The second marriage is successful, in which Sveta happily takes the position of a slave. For her, her husband is an unconditional leader who accepts family life all important decisions. Home, children, quiet common joys - this is what a woman finds herself in. She is an excellent housewife, tidy, knows how to cook and loves. In terms of creating comfort for her family, she is ready to work long and hard.

Sex and love

Sveta is sexy and attractive to the opposite sex, but incredulous. This is facilitated by an unhappy first love. She's been walking away for a long time bad experience, preferring friendly relationships to love relationships.

She does not have clear criteria for choosing a partner. A man should interest her, give her ease of communication. She is very romantic, greedy for compliments and big gestures. Sex for her is an important part of the relationship. She is not a passionate person, but she appreciates experience and the ability to give pleasure in a partner. In bed, she shows the maximum tenderness that she is capable of.


In childhood, it is prone to respiratory and allergic diseases. At the age of four, dental problems begin, they will accompany Svetlana throughout her life. In adulthood, a strong love of sweets can lead to overweight... There are no other bad habits. Sveta is prone to migraines and needs good sleep. She is not alien to her love for sports, it helps to maintain good shape.

Adult Svetlana is all woven from contradictions: she is kind to people and like no one knows how to hurt them, She is disinterested, but will not let her important point turned in the right direction.

Hobbies and hobbies

It is difficult for Svetlana to find a hobby for her liking. In his youth, he gravitates towards sewing and has the necessary perseverance for this. With age comes a love of sports, but in moderation: just to keep yourself in good shape. In family life, he focuses all his attention on the preparation of culinary delights. Svetlana is very neat, from childhood she looks after her appearance. She is always dressed in fashion, and this does not depend on her material condition, on the contrary: difficulties activate her imagination, she will sew herself a breathtaking new one from two old dresses.

The name Svetlana is capable, if it is necessary now, to drastically change her views, intentions, retrain herself, completely change her profession. Svetlana finds herself in many fields of activity, most often she is a teacher, engineer, doctor, notary, accountant, psychologist, television worker. The meaning of a name can make for a dizzying career.

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