Bay leaves are your home doctor. Medicinal properties of bay leaves. Scope, contraindications Why add bay leaves to soup

Bay leaf we have always associated not only with cooking, but also with victory, glory and honors - after all, everyone knows that in ancient times, and much later, a laurel wreath was awarded for victory in various fields of activity - be it military exploits, sports, science or art.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but the word "laureate" comes precisely from the word "laurel".

Laurel (also called noble) is an evergreen shrub, although tall enough to be called a tree. It grows in the subtropical zone, and its fruits and leaves have always been used as spices.

It turns out that laurel is an amazing, relict plant, and it grew on Earth tens of millions of years ago - in the Tertiary period, during the heyday of dinosaurs.

The life span of the laurel is up to 400 years, and the Mediterranean is considered its homeland. Today it grows in Turkey and Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and other countries of Southern Europe, as well as in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Latin America.

In the countries of the ancient world, laurel was a cult tree, as well as a symbol of male beauty and sexuality: it was not for nothing that the Greek god Apollo, known for his beauty and love affairs, was always depicted in a laurel wreath.

The Greeks decorated their houses with bay leaves, and when they went to bed, they laid it under the bed - it was believed that this way one could see a prophetic dream.

In many countries, bay leaves have been used for a very long time in a completely different way than we are today. If we most often use it for culinary purposes, then 2000 years ago it served to flavor water for washing and washing hands before eating.

However, already in the 1st century AD, people realized that it was possible to successfully use bay leaves as a spice. At first, fruit desserts and puddings were prepared with him, and only then they began to add to other dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

In general, bay leaves in many countries were first used for medicinal purposes, and only then they discovered its culinary properties. The laurel came to the territory of our country about 2500 years ago - it was brought to the Crimea by the Greeks. By the way, at the same time, plants that are now considered local there came to Crimea: grapes, cypresses, olives, figs.

Laurel noble is also called real or fragrant, and of course, it has many medicinal properties.

Bay leaf composition

Very valuable components of bay leaves are organic acids, fatty oil, essential oil, tannins. You might think that the bay leaf contains practically no calories - after all, this is a plant, but for a plant it is quite high in calories - 313 kcal per 100 g.

In general, the composition of bay leaves includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, dietary fiber, saturated fatty acids; vitamins - A, C, PP, group B; macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus; trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Perhaps the mineral composition does not seem so rich, but it is represented by precisely those substances that are very important for our health, and are required by our body every day, in sufficiently large quantities.

The healing properties of bay leaves

Due to its composition and properties, bay leaves are useful not only for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal purposes: it helps to restore, maintain and maintain health, and therefore beauty.

A decoction of bay leaves has a beneficial effect on the work of many organs, improves appetite and digestion. It is used in the treatment of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, colds, paralysis, rheumatism; as an external remedy for certain skin diseases.

Laurel essential oil is used in the food and perfume industries, for the manufacture of medicinal ointments and veterinary drugs.

Bay leaf helps to strengthen the immune system, as it contains the necessary elements and phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria - therefore, it can also be used to fight insects in pets.

Bay leaf infusion can be successfully used for diabetes mellitus, joint treatment - previously they were treated for arthritis and gout, and also as a general tonic. Laurel oil is used to treat the common cold, cough, and sinusitis.

To strengthen immunity and prevent colds, a decoction of bay leaf is used.

You need to take about 15 laurel leaves, add water (300 ml), bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Then pour into a thermos, leave for about 4 hours, strain and drink - 1 tbsp each. l. during the day. Thus, the laurel infusion is drunk for 3 days. You can repeat the procedure after 2 weeks to consolidate the result.

With increased sweating, baths with a decoction or infusion of bay leaves help. The infusion is poured into the bath, calculating so that it accounts for 50-100 ml per 1 liter of water.

Bee and wasp stings can also be treated with fresh laurel leaves - you just need to attach them to the bite site.

In ancient times, bay leaves were often used as an antidote and disinfectant, as well as a means of increasing concentration and relieving insomnia.

There is even a simple way to help calm young children: if the child does not fall asleep well and is naughty, you need to put 2-3 bay leaves next to the crib - this usually works, and the children quickly fall asleep.

As a rule, if our ears hurt, we first put a boric acid solution in them. If it is not at hand, you can use bay leaf infusion - it perfectly relieves inflammation and pain. Pour 5 laurel leaves with a glass of water, bring them to a boil and leave, wrapped, for 2 hours. Then drip the infusion into the sore ear - 3 times a day, 3-4 drops, and at the same time drink it, 3 tablespoons each.

You can tell a little more about the folk way of cleansing the joints with the help of bay leaves. Official medicine does not deny it either, but recommends that it be carried out under supervision.

It is necessary to grind the bay leaf (5 g), fill it with boiling water (300 ml), and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Pour the broth into a thermos, leave for 4 hours, then strain and drink in 12 hours, in small sips. The procedure should be carried out within 3 days.

At first glance, this treatment almost does not differ from the method of strengthening the immune system described above, but there are differences. The break in taking the broth is not 2 weeks, but 3 days, and then the procedure is repeated.

In addition, during treatment, it is recommended to follow the strictest vegetarian diet possible, do cleansing enemas every day and take baths: with pine twigs, magnesium salts, hay dust. It is also advisable to take a contrast shower and air baths. During a break in drinking, all water procedures must be continued.

Such a procedure for cleansing the joints can be carried out no more than once every 3 months - in the first year of treatment, and in the future it can be repeated every year - only the liver and intestines should be cleaned first.

Bay leaves in cooking

And of course, you need to at least briefly talk about the main application of bay leaves in our time - in cooking.

As a spice, bay leaves are used in different forms: fresh, dried, as a powder from dried leaves; the fruits of laurel are also used. Especially often bay leaf is used in canning, but in other dishes it is also present no less often, therefore it is even called a spice.

Any dish will become tastier and more aromatic if you add bay leaves to it, but this is especially noticeable in sour dishes, gravies and sauces. Bay leaves improve the taste of the first courses: meat, vegetable and fish soups, borscht and cabbage soup; makes the second courses original and spicy; goes well with fish, meat, legumes, carrots, cabbage.

Bay leaves are added in different ways: in the first courses 5 minutes before cooking, and in the second - in 7-10 minutes, from 1 to 4 leaves per dish. When the bay leaf is put into the dish, the lid is closed, but the bay leaf must be removed from the finished dish, because after a while the dish may start to taste bitter and get too strong a smell; it is also tough, and many people tend to remove it from the plate in the first place.

Bay leaves go well with other spices: sage, thyme, rosemary, cloves, coriander, basil, parsley, dill, hot and allspice pepper.

Bay leaves can be used to enhance the smell and taste of certain foods, such as jelly. In the food industry, this property is used very widely, for flavoring sausages, cheeses, stews and pates, marinades, canned fish, etc. - as a whole, in the form of powder and essential oil. Bay leaves are also found in some spice blends that benefit from it.

In Western Europe, bay leaves are sometimes still added to desserts, drinks, jams and sweets. On the territory of our country there are also regions - for example, Kalmykia or Kuban, where they like to use it in sweet dishes.

You can store dry bay leaves for about a year, so when buying, carefully look at when it was released. Better to buy fresh leaves - now it is quite affordable.

Today, pressed or granulated bay leaves are often sold, but it may well consist of waste, garbage that forms when a whole bay leaf is dried, and also makes the broth cloudy and ugly. His taste is also not always attractive, so it is better to buy and use a whole bay leaf.

Doctors believe that it is undesirable to use bay leaf infusion for medicinal purposes for cholelithiasis, cholecystitis (although traditional medicine, on the contrary, recommends such treatment), pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

However, it should be said that even with these diseases it is quite possible to take this infusion, only necessarily cooled down, and not warm, and 10-15 minutes after eating, so that traditional medicine is still not mistaken.

Do not put too much bay leaf in dishes, and also drink a lot of infusion or decoction - this can cause poisoning.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute liver and kidney diseases, it should also be used in very small quantities.

Gataulina Galina
for women's magazine website

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What happens if you light a bay leaf at home

Every good chef knows that a bay leaf is needed for a rich and tasty soup. It emphasizes the taste of the dish, but besides the smell and taste, it has a number of other advantages.

Bay leaf has cleansing properties and prevents premature aging. Fights viral infections, improves health: from the respiratory system to the heart. But it can be used not only when preparing dishes, but also kindled like an incense stick. Benefits are listed below:

1.Relieves stress and fatigue

Bay leaves have a calming and relaxing effect when burned.

It is enough to light a few dry bay leaves. The most important thing is that you will not feel sleepy, but will simply release the tension.

2. Good for the respiratory system.

Helps clear mucus and phlegm from the lungs. Inhale the scent of fresh or dried leaves. Rub bay oil on your breasts to treat asthma and allergies.

3. Treats dandruff.

Combine bay oil + heated jojoba oil to treat dandruff. Rub this mixture into your scalp, then wrap your head in a towel. Keep it on for 15 to 60 minutes. You can also add a small amount of bay oil to your favorite dandruff prevention shampoo.

4. Fights diabetes.

Research has shown bay leaf is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes patients. Eating as little as three grams of bay leaves a day lowers glucose levels.

5. Good for digestion.

In cultures from the Mediterranean to East Asia that use alternative medicine, bay leaves are believed to have warming and healing properties. According to Ayurveda, this plant enhances the "digestive fire". Add it to food or rub bay oil into your stomach, which promotes the secretion of gastric juice, enzymes and bile.

6. Good for the heart.

An organic compound in bay leaves called caffeic acid is known to strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the heart, helping to get rid of bad cholesterol.

7. Helps with joint inflammation.

In 2003, a study published in Phytotherapy Research found that the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of laurel oil have similar effects to morphine. To relieve pain, simply apply the oil to sore joints.

7. Treats urinary tract infections.

Combine powdered bay leaf with milk. This old recipe will help you deal with urinary infections.

Bay leaf is a plant that has many really beneficial properties. One of the main advantages is its affordability. Eat it dry every day or as an oil.

Laurel is an evergreen plant whose leaves are used as a spice. Laurel has been known to mankind for many millennia. For ancient people, it had a sacred meaning and was considered an attribute of the gods. In other languages, the name of this plant sounds like this:

  • German - Gewürzlorbeer, Loorbeerbaum;
  • English - sweet bay, bay laurel;
  • French - laurier.


Laurel is a shrub or tree that grows up to 15 meters in height. The crown of a plant is most often in the form of a pyramid. Leaves are leathery, oblong, pointed at the ends. A characteristic feature of the plant: the upper side of the leaf is dark and glossy, and the lower side is light and matte. Inflorescences are small, white-yellow, collected at the base of the leaves in fluffy balls. Fruits are small, bluish-black berries with one large stone.


The genus Laurus has only three types of plants:

  • noble- the most common type, it is he who is most often used in cooking;
  • azores- the stems of this plant are covered with short, soft hair.
  • Indian- it can be recognized by the smell of cinnamon and by three longitudinal stripes on the leaves.

Where does it grow?

The birthplace of the laurel tree is Asia Minor. Now this plant is common in almost all countries of the Mediterranean basin. On the territory of Russia, laurel can be found in the Krasnodar Territory and on the Crimean Peninsula. This plant prefers to settle in a mild, subtropical climate, close to the sea coast.


Harvesting bay leaves usually occurs on an industrial scale. Raw materials are harvested twice a year, from mid-November to mid-February. The leaves are cut along with the branches. At the same time, they act very carefully so that the tree can recover after pruning and after a while give a new crop. The cut branches are heaped and dried in a warm, well-ventilated area. Then the leaves are separated, put in bags and sent for sale.

Where and how to choose?

Bay leaf is perhaps one of the most popular spices in our country, so you can buy it at almost any grocery store. If you buy a spice on the market, pay attention to the condition of the leaf - there should be no dark spots on its surface. Their presence means that the leaves were collected from a diseased plant. It is better that the packaging is vacuum-packed. Otherwise, transfer the bay leaf to a glass jar.


Bay leaf is a condiment that is dried laurel leaves. Bay leaves give dishes a spicy, slightly bitter taste. Fresh laurel leaves can also be added to food, but it should be borne in mind that they have a much richer taste and aroma, so if you make a mistake in the dosage, the taste of the dish will not change for the better.

In addition to cooking, this spice can be used in other fields, including medicine and cosmetology. Bay leaves are characterized by a high percentage of nutrients and therefore have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.


  • dark green color;
  • sweet, resinous aroma;
  • tart spicy taste.

Nutritional value and calorie content

You can find out more information about the beneficial properties of bay leaves from the video.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of bay leaves are due to the high content of essential oil, which imparts a spicy aroma. The laurel contains:

  • tannins;
  • macro- and microelements - sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • vitamins - A, C and B6;
  • fatty and organic acids - nylon, acetic and valerian.

Due to its high content of phytoncides, bay leaf is a powerful natural antibiotic.

Beneficial features

  • has an anesthetic effect;
  • has a disinfectant effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • improves appetite;
  • has antiviral effect;
  • tones up;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • accelerates wound healing.


Like any other spice, bay leaf can not only be beneficial, but also harm the body. So, eating a lot of bay leaves often leads to constipation. In addition, in people with individual intolerance, even from the mere presence of laurel leaves in food, signs of food allergies may appear.


  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • lactation period;
  • renal failure;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • amyloid dystrophy.


Laurel essential oil has been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of diseases. This drug was recommended by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates - to relieve muscle spasms. Today laurel oil is used:

  • in medicine - for colds, gastrointestinal diseases and skin inflammations;
  • in cosmetology - for the care of oily skin and scalp;
  • in aromatherapy - to fight viruses and to find peace of mind.

Laurel essential oil has a rich, spicy aroma with a hint of camphor.


In cooking

  • bay leaf is used for canning vegetables, meat and fish;
  • add this spice to sweet dishes - jams, canned fruits and compotes;
  • bay leaves are used to flavor alcoholic beverages, most often liqueurs;
  • spicy sauces and dressings are prepared on the basis of bay leaves;
  • laurel leaves are added to soups and stews;
  • this spice goes well with legumes and cereals;
  • bay leaves are used in the production of sausages;
  • both whole and chopped bay leaves can be added to dishes.

Pears in nutmeg wine

Slice one medium beetroot and place in a saucepan. Pour in two cups of nutmeg, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tsp. lemon juice, 2 bay leaves and a cinnamon stick. While stirring constantly, wait for the wine to boil.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, place 3 peeled and halved pears in a saucepan. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the pears are soft and the liquid reaches the consistency of a thick syrup.

Place the pears on a plate and top with the syrup, after removing the bay leaf and cinnamon from the pan. Serve after cooling down.

Canned stewed meat

Cut 300 grams of any meat into small pieces. Cut 8 medium potatoes into quarters.

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and heat. Fry the meat over high heat until golden brown. Then put the potatoes and pour in the water so that the contents of the pan are half covered.

Add salt and pepper to taste, add 1-2 bay leaves. Cook over low heat for 35-45 minutes, adding water if necessary.

In medicine

Laurel leaves are valued not only as a spicy food supplement, but also as a source of nutrients that help to cope with a variety of diseases, including:

  • ARI and ARVI;
  • fungal infections;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • barley;
  • stomatitis;
  • insect bites;
  • appetite disorders;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • hypertension;
  • initial stage of diabetes;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • painful periods;
  • psoriasis.

Folk recipes

  • With lesions of the oral mucosa, you should chew on a leaf of a laurel tree (preferably fresh) 2-3 a day, until the inflamed areas heal.
  • For insect bites, you should prepare a gruel from fresh bay leaves (you can just chew them) and apply to the affected area, securing it with a bandage.


  • To relieve spastic pain, chop 5 grams of laurel leaves, pour into a thermos and pour 300 ml of boiling water into it. Insist for 3 hours, then drain into a clean container through a sieve. You need to drink the infusion during the day, several sips. The course usually lasts no more than 2 days.
  • For the treatment of psoriasis put a few large bay leaves in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water and close tightly. After 2.5 hours, pour the infusion into another container. Drink half a glass of infusion half an hour before meals, 3 times a day - until the symptoms disappear.


A decoction of laurel leaves is a healing agent that will help to cope with a variety of diseases, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Traditionally, a decoction of bay leaves is prepared as follows:

  • 12-13 leaves are placed in a saucepan, poured with 1.5 cups of cold water.
  • Bring the water to a boil and boil the bay leaf for 4-6 minutes. Next, the broth is poured into a thermos.
  • After a few hours, the infused broth is passed through a sieve and poured into a clean container.

The dosage and duration of administration depends on the type and severity of the disease.

To relieve joint pain, the following bay leaf decoction should be prepared:

  • Put 5 grams of spice in a small saucepan and pour 300 ml of cold water.
  • Cover and let it boil. Boil the broth for 4-6 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from heat, wrap in a towel and leave for 4 hours. Filter the present broth.

Drinking the drug should be all day, at regular intervals. The course of treatment lasts 3 days, during which it is necessary to exclude meat products and alcoholic beverages from the diet. Repeat the next course after 7 days, then after a week, after 3 months and after a year.

In cosmetology

  • bay leaf tonic helps to get rid of acne for a long time;
  • alcoholic infusion of laurel leaves effectively combats problems associated with excessive oily skin;
  • mask of bay leaves and olive oil moisturizes and nourishes dry skin;
  • ointment based on bay leaves and a mixture of oils is an effective remedy for relieving skin inflammation;
  • a decoction of bay leaves strengthens the hair;
  • laurel essential oil cleanses the scalp from dandruff.

At home

The spicy smell of laurel leaves scares off moths and cockroaches, however, fresh rather than dried leaves are much more effective in this task.


At home, you can grow a large enough - up to 2 meters - laurel bush, but you will have to make some efforts to this.

  • For growing laurel, only a room with a lot of sunlight is suitable. In summer, it is advisable to take out the pot with the plant to fresh air. The most suitable temperature for laurel in the summer is from 20 to 26 degrees. The laurel needs coolness during the winter months. Make sure that the temperature in the room where the laurel stands in winter does not rise above 15 degrees and does not fall below 5.
  • A laurel tree needs abundant watering. In summer, the plant can be watered 2 times a day - as the topsoil dries up. Every day, the bay tree needs to be sprayed (or a humidifier installed in the room).
  • It is not necessary to transplant laurel very often. It feels good in a pot, so make sure that the new pot is only a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.
  • Once a month, the potted soil can be fertilized with a mixture of turf, humus, peat and sand.
  • A laurel tree can be cut to any shape. The best time to prune is late summer.
  • Laurel can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, or by dividing a bush.

  • The beautiful Italian names Laura and Lorenzo are rooted in the name of the laurel tree. The old Russian names Laurus and Lavrenty have the same origin.
  • The legends and myths of ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are full of references to the laurel tree. Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of prominent artists, whose patron was considered to be Apollo. The nymph Daphne, the beloved of Apollo, turned into a laurel tree.
  • At different times, the laurel was considered a symbol of purity, power and eternal life.
  • The laurel wreath can be seen on the coat of arms of Brazil.

Bay leaves are the real "king" of spices in the kitchen. There is hardly a person who is not familiar with its specific taste and aroma. For its amazing properties and ability to give an exquisite taste to any dish "lavrushka" is loved by culinary experts all over the world.

At the same time, few people thought that the bay leaf is a real medicinal plant, which has been used since time immemorial to treat a variety of diseases. Are you surprised? In our article you will find a wide variety of folk recipes with this plant. But first, let's talk about its healing composition.

Bay leaf composition

If you look at the chemical composition of bay leaves, you will be surprised to see that these fragrant greens have something to boast about in terms of the content of nutrients. See for yourself: "Lavrushka" is a source of vitamins A, C, B and PP, contains selenium and manganese, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper and many other minerals.

In addition, laurel leaves contain tannins and dietary fiber, organic acids and essential oils. This laurel oil is also rich in aromatic components such as linalool and cineole, camphor and limonene.

Valuable properties of "lavrushka"

Looking at such a composition, is it any wonder that bay leaves have the most beneficial effect on the body? Here is a list of the beneficial properties of this wonderful plant, which will show all its value:

  • is a powerful antiseptic that perfectly disinfects the body;
  • famous for its expectorant effect, helping to get rid of cough;
  • has antifungal effect on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • enhances immunity, has general strengthening properties;
  • supplies the body with vitamins, preventing vitamin deficiency;
  • eliminates pain in joints and muscles, relieves cramps and tremors of the limbs;
  • cleanses the body, removing toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals from the blood;
  • dilates blood vessels, has an antihypertensive effect;
  • has astringent properties, which means it has a hemostatic and healing effect on the body;
  • famous for its diuretic effect and prevents the appearance of edema;
  • improves the digestion of food and relieves stool problems;
  • improves appetite and improves mood;
  • improves sleep and acts as a sedative;
  • has an anticancer effect on the body, which means it helps prevent cancer.

Bay leaf contraindications

With all the benefits of this extremely healthy spice, not everyone can use it. For example, doctors do not recommend Lavrushka for diseases such as:

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer);
  • extensive liver damage and renal failure;
  • pancreatitis and acute cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • protein metabolism disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • chronic constipation (in this condition, it is not recommended to use bay leaf tincture);
  • bleeding tendency (since laurel thinns the blood);
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the bay leaf (the plant is a powerful allergen);
  • alcohol abuse.

Bay leaf medicine recipes

Now let's talk about how laurel can help our body.

1. Relieves stress and fatigue
To relax, calm down, relieve tension and put in order the nerves, it is enough to set fire to the bay leaf in the room, and inhale its aroma for 15–20 minutes. Thanks to the essential oils present, bay leaves provide the necessary relaxing and calming effect without causing drowsiness, which is what most sedatives are known for.

2. Removes phlegm from the lungs
"Lavrushka" has an amazing property to remove pathogenic mucus from the lungs with a wet cough. To do this, you need to inhale the aroma of a burnt leaf (as in the recipe above). By the way, the beneficial effect of such a scent helps people with chronic bronchitis and asthma. For this category of persons, regular rubbing of the chest with laurel oil is useful.

3. Improves digestion
For people with poor digestibility, each meal becomes a real challenge. In response to the products that enter the body, dyspepsia and flatulence develop, stomach cramps torment and stool is disturbed. You can fight this condition with drugs, but is it worth "poisoning" your body if you can always find a bay leaf in the kitchen? By adding such a product to your food, you will soon notice its beneficial effect, which enhances the production of digestive enzymes. The pain and bloating will go away and the stool will return to normal.

4. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels
The foliage of the laurel tree is rich in an extremely useful compound - caffeic acid, which is able to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from the adhesion of cholesterol plaques and strengthen blood vessels, preventing loss of tone. Thanks to such an amazing feature of "lavrushka", you can save yourself from hypertension and the development of atherosclerosis. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, where laurel grows actively, are famous for their low mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases. To help your heart and strengthen blood vessels, at least once a day, eat dishes in the preparation of which was used bay leaf.

5. Fights joint inflammation
Research by Dutch scientists suggests that laurel has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that are similar to morphine (albeit less pronounced). If your joints become inflamed due to arthritis or arthrosis, simply apply bay oil on the painful areas and the pain will subside in just 15–20 minutes. This remedy is especially useful for people with chronic joint pain. With this tool, they can replace non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

6. Treats pathology of the urinary tract
If you have a urinary tract infection, do not grab onto antibiotics right away. Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes that can cope with the problem that has arisen. One of them involves the use of a laurel leaf. Just add 1 tsp to a glass of milk. chopped powder "lavrushka", stir and drink at one time. Take this remedy 3 r / day, and in just a few days the infection will leave your body.

7. Renal failure
In case of kidney disease, grind the bay leaf in a coffee grinder and then 1 tsp. Pour such raw materials with 2 cups of water and boil over high heat for 10 minutes. Having given the product to brew for two hours, you can take it 2 r / day for 1 tbsp.

8. Treats psoriasis
To get rid of the psoriasis that has appeared, take 10 leaves of this wonderful bush, load it into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiled water on top. After closing the thermos, leave the product to infuse for two hours, after which you can take the infusion 3 r / day before each meal, half a glass.

9. Eliminates barley
To cope with such a nuisance as barley, pour a glass of boiling water over three bay leaves, let the mixture cool slightly, and take it as tea while warm. Drink this gull every hour while brewing new laurel leaves. You need to drink 7-8 cups of the drink per day. In this case, over the next night, the barley will ripen and disappear completely.

10. Fights diabetes
According to the latest research by scientists, bay leaf is able to lower blood glucose levels (due to galenic substances), which means that with the help of bay leaf infusion, you can fight diabetes. To do this, take 10 laurel leaves and fill them with 3 glasses of warm boiled water. Bringing the product to a boil, immediately remove it from the stove and let it brew for three to four hours. Such an infusion should be taken in 0.5 cups (100 ml), 3r / day for a week. Repeated courses of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. It is also useful to add "lavrushka" to your favorite dishes and enjoy their aroma, while at the same time getting health benefits.

11. Treats sinusitis
To cope with sinusitis, take 10 laurel leaves and fill this raw material with 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and breathe in hot vapors, throwing a towel over your head. Do the treatments twice a day and you will notice that pus will drain from your sinuses after each inhalation.

12.Eliminates toothache
Tooth ache? No problem! Simply grind the laurel leaf in a coffee grinder, and then 2 tsp. pour a glass of water into the powder. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes. Let the resulting broth cool slightly and you can rinse your mouth with it every 15 minutes until the pain subsides.

13. Heals bites
Bay leaves do an excellent job with the bites of horseflies, gadflies, bees and wasps. You just need to take fresh laurel greens, chew it and, applying it to the bite site, bandage it. After an hour, the problem will stop bothering you.

14. Treats stomatitis
With the development of stomatitis, some doctors advise using the "grandmother's" recipe, namely, chewing laurel leaves in the morning and in the evening. True, only raw "lavrushka" is suitable for these purposes.

15. Eliminates dandruff
Combine laurel oil with the same amount of warmed jojoba oil to help clear dandruff from your scalp and prevent it from recurring. After applying the ready-made mixture to the scalp, wrap it with a terry towel and hold it for 40-60 minutes. Alternatively, you can add a bit of laurel oil to your favorite shampoo, and in just a couple of weeks, dandruff will be gone.

16. Eliminates purulent inflammation in the ear
Purulent inflammation in the ear must be treated under the strict supervision of doctors, because the infection can easily reach the meninges. Nevertheless, if the doctor permits, you can deal with this problem with the following prescription. Take 10 laurel leaves, fill them with 200 ml of hot water and leave in a thermos for 5 hours. The cooled broth can be instilled into the sore ear for 2-3 drops 3 r / day or apply compresses with this agent.

17. Eliminates foot fungus
If you tortured the fungus on your feet, take 10 laurel leaves, put them in a bath and pour 500 ml of boiling water on top. Let the water cool slightly, then dip your feet in the bath for about 20 minutes. Carry out such procedures 3-4 times a week and after 15 days the fungus will completely disappear.

Bay leaf is a wonderful spice that has the potential of being a true medicinal herb. Use these recipes for the benefit of your health, because they are in no way inferior to expensive and side-effect medicines.
Health to you!

One of the most necessary and widespread seasonings today is bay leaf, which has a faint pleasant smell and gives dishes a delicate and special aroma. Not a single kitchen today is complete without bay leaves, so this spice is loved by the whole world. Bay leaves are combined with almost all products. It is used to prepare first and second courses, appetizers, salads, casseroles, pickles and marinades.

Laurel is an evergreen tree. And therefore, even when dried, the leaves do not lose their color and properties, in addition, this spice is not picky in storage, that is, it practically does not deteriorate.

Why is bay leaf useful?

Aromatic properties and contained in it essential oils allow the bay leaf to take its lasting place in cooking. In addition, the properties of laurel leaves are so good that essential oils and all the beneficial substances that are in the leaves are preserved even after drying and heat treatment.

In cooking, bay leaves are used in the form:

  • dried leaves;
  • powder;
  • compressed briquettes of crushed processed sheet.

Fresh from the leaves of ancient laurel are used only in medicinal medicine. Decoctions from the branches and leaves of laurel were used by the ancient Greeks, thus offering to cure various diseases of the internal organs. Until a certain moment, bay leaf was even considered an exclusively medicinal plant due to its bitterness and a large number of calories, until from ancient Greece it spread to other parts of the world, where it became a favorite seasoning of many culinary specialists. We are used to putting the leaf in salty dishes, however, Italian, French, English pastry chefs do not disdain the spicy aroma and boldly add it to cakes and bakery products, creating an unusual harmony of taste in combination with other spices.

In marinades, bay leaves act as an antiseptic: dried bay leaves, or ground powder are added to many curls to prevent the development of harmful bacteria.

Another useful property of bay leaves is to easily remove extraneous odors present in dishes. So, bay leaves can be added to offal and fish dishes.

Rules for adding bay leaves

There are, however, a few rules to follow when adding bay leaves to dishes. After cooking for a long time, it tends to darken the water and give the dish a bitter taste, which is a negative quality.

Therefore, when cooking, it is important:

  • add bay leaves in the form of dry leaves 5-10 minutes before cooking in broths, soups, borscht;
  • after cooking, be sure to remove the bay leaf from the dish;
  • it is better to add it to sauces as a dry powder;
  • in marinades, bay leaves are laid in the form of a mixture with other spices;
  • no more than 0.2 grams of bay leaf is usually consumed per serving, according to recipes.

Since bay leaf is still a spice in cooking, the rate of its bookmark can be increased by adding one or two branches to taste. This spice practically does not cause allergies, so it does not bring harm, and everyone feels the aroma of dishes differently, which is most often due to the addition of spices.

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