What is the best breakfast ever. Breakfasts for every taste. Quick and healthy recipes. Baked tender cabbage

Proper nutrition is certainly important, because our health and well-being depends on it in most cases. Nutritionists pay special attention to breakfast, as it starts the body up and provides energy for most of the day. Healthy breakfasts for every day can be different, I suggest making them according to my recipes with a photo and calculated calorie content. Get in the habit of eating right in the morning and after a week you will notice how your well-being improves.

If you do not pay due attention to what and when you eat, then you probably already had to deal with the following problems: excess weight, abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, belching and other signs indicating metabolic disorders and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, all problems can be easily eliminated if the body's work is normalized, and it is worth starting with breakfast. As soon as you eat the right breakfast, the symptoms will bother you less, and the following positive changes will occur in the body's work:

  • the digestive system and metabolic process are evenly started;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves blood circulation, appearance. The skin looks healthy;
  • self-cleaning of the body occurs;
  • the energy balance is replenished;
  • a good mood appears.

When you refuse to eat breakfast, the body becomes stressed. As a result, it accumulates a store of fat, and the processes that cause premature aging are intensified in the body. You feel unwell and irritated, as your strength is at the limit. Put an end to this and make it a habit to eat the "right" foods in the morning.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

Of course, not every breakfast is considered healthy. If you eat sandwiches in the morning and wash them down with coffee with heavy cream and sugar, this option is not correct. The correct meal in the morning should be as beneficial to health as possible, contain a rich composition of minerals and vitamins, coarse dietary fiber, and other useful compounds. Such dishes and products recommended for inclusion in the morning diet include:

  • cereal porridge (in water and milk);
  • muesli;
  • dairy products (yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • omelets;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits;
  • nuts, honey;
  • yeast-free bread.

It is wrong to have breakfast with foods such as:

  • any fast food;
  • chips, crackers;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms;
  • candy;
  • baked goods made from yeast dough;
  • ice cream;
  • fried food;
  • smoked meats, sausages.

As for chocolate and other sweets, in small quantities they are permissible and will definitely not harm. If you want, eat a piece of the bitter chocolate bar, but no larger.


The usual morning drink - coffee, is absolutely useless and even harmful. It irritates the stomach lining and eventually leads to gastritis. For drinks, give preference to regular green tea in the morning.

Menu for every day

In order not to rack your brains and not think about what to cook so healthy for your morning meal, I bring to your attention a ready-made menu for every day of the week. Choose your favorite breakfast option and start cooking. If your family has children, this should be taken into account. Unlike the diet of adults, children need a higher content of protein and carbohydrates, since the body is still in the stage of growth and development. Add any nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts) to your child's food, as they are an excellent source of protein.

Fats and proteins must be included in the morning menu of an adult, since without them the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and digestive systems is impossible. Top up the porridge with natural oil: linseed, sesame, olive. Table 1 shows the weekly breakfast menu.

Day of week Dishes for adults Dishes for children
Monday Porridge (oat, buckwheat, rice) with dried fruits Curd casserole with vegetables and honey
Tuesday Omelet with vegetables (pepper, tomato, onion) Chocolate oatmeal with fruit pieces
Wednesday Granola with nuts and dried fruits Oat pancakes with honey filling
Thursday Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits or vegetables Baked apples with raisins
Friday Couscous with nuts Banana Milk Smoothie with Chocolate Chip
Saturday Cheesecakes with honey and berries Dried Fruit & Nut Nutrition Bars
Sunday Oatmeal with milk and honey Curd and berry pudding

You can make a reserve portion for breakfast the next day to save time. In any case, try to follow the regimen and take food at about the same time, this will improve the digestive process and normalize the stool.

Healthy breakfast recipes

For cooking, recipes use a wide variety of products, but only those that have value for the body. You don't have to cook the same breakfast every day: add variety to the menu, experiment, add recipes as you see fit. Remember that a hearty balanced breakfast is a guarantee of good mood and fruitful work for almost the whole day.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

A very tasty and hearty casserole can be made for breakfast for all family members. Even children will eat it with great pleasure, because it tastes sweet and delicate. The dish is very healthy and not high in calories.

Nutritional value: proteins - 9.8 g, fats - 7.5 g, carbohydrates - 19.1 g, calories - 180.6 kcal.

  • 200 g of cottage cheese 5%;
  • 2 tbsp oatmeal;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • 130-150 g pumpkin;
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp decoys;
  • 40-50 g of coconut;
  • orange peel.

How to cook:

Break the egg into a deep cup, stir it with a fork, or a whisk, until foam forms. Pour the oatmeal into a cup next to the egg and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes. You can pour hot milk over the oatmeal to make it brew faster.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice, then the dough will be more uniform. Sprinkle sugar in the curd and mix them well.

Remove the peel from the pumpkin and cut the pulp into small pieces. In a blender, grind the pulp until puree. In a bowl to the grated cottage cheese, add the pumpkin mass with oatmeal, stir.

Pour the shavings into a cup and add the semolina. If desired, remove the zest from the orange and add to the dough. Grease the molds with butter, fill with the curd mass almost to the very top.

You can bake in a general form, then just cut the casserole into portions. You need to bake the dish at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve the casserole for your morning tea with jam, or drizzle with honey.

Bon Appetit!

In addition to pumpkin, you can add pieces of cherries, apples, pears to the casserole.

Chocolate oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal is the most popular choice for your morning meal. I will help make it more delicious and unusual, so I suggest adding a little cocoa and vanilla. If desired, put fresh fruit in the finished porridge, it will be even tastier.

Nutritional value: proteins - 4.8 g, fats - 3.3 g, carbohydrates - 13.4 g, calorie content - 98.3 kcal.

  • oatmeal - 3 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - 1/2 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - tbsp.

How to cook:

Place the water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once it boils, sprinkle the oatmeal into it, then stir well. Reduce heat and cook porridge for 5-7 minutes, until it begins to thicken.

Add cocoa to the porridge, and then sugar and vanilla. Stir the contents of the saucepan again, turn off the heat and cover. The dish needs to be infused for several minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the porridge with coconut or add a couple of dark chocolate wedges. Your breakfast is ready.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

Do you like original dishes? Then you will surely like apples stuffed with curd filling. In cooking, use sweet and sour varieties so that the dessert is not too high in calories and unpleasant.

Nutritional value: proteins - 1.8 g, fats - 0.5 g, carbohydrates - 14.7 g, calorie content - 71.9 kcal.

  • 100 g of fresh cottage cheese;
  • 5 medium sized apples;
  • 1-2 tbsp Sahara;
  • a handful of raisins.

How to cook:

Put the cottage cheese in a deep cup, break the lumps in it with a fork, sprinkle with sugar. Grind the ingredients until the mixture is smooth. If the curd is too dry, add an egg or a tablespoon of sour cream to it.

Rinse the raisins and cover with hot water. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Then remove the raisins from the water, dry on a towel, and then stir in the curd mass.

Wash the apples, cut only the core from them. Fill the core tightly with the filling. Pour some water into the mold, about 1-1.5 cm, fold the apples into it. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the fruit for about 20 minutes, until the skin becomes soft.

You can eat stuffed apples right away, as they cool a little. Even cold fruits taste incredible, so there is no need to reheat them.

On a note!

Use powdered sugar to help the sugar mix well with other foods. It can be obtained by grinding sugar in a blender.

Curd pancakes

If you are worried about your figure and monitor your health, then the most correct dish for your breakfast will be cornstarch pancakes with the addition of cottage cheese. The pancakes are nourishing, although their calorie content is low. Eat to your health and do not worry about the delicacy settling on the sides.

Nutritional value: proteins - 7.4 g, fats - 4.5 g, carbohydrates - 19.1 g, calories - 143.9 kcal.

  • 1/2 cup milk
  • a couple of eggs;
  • tbsp cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp corn starch;
  • 30 ml hot water;
  • a pinch of baking soda and salt;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

Pour milk at room temperature into a bowl, break the eggs to it and beat until smooth. Stir in curd with starch and baking soda and salt. Add sweetener or some powdered sugar instead of sugar.

At the last stage, pour hot water into the dough and stir the mixture quickly. The dough should stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes, after which you can start baking.

Take a frying pan with a non-stick coating, you do not need to grease it with oil. When the surface warms up, pour some dough over the middle with a ladle and level. After a couple of minutes, turn the pancake over so that it is well fried. Place the pancakes on a flat plate.

Serve hot, garnish with cottage cheese and fresh berries. Bon Appetit!


For lovers of everything new and unusual, I suggest making a mixture of oatmeal and dried fruits with nuts. With such a dessert, a great start to the day will simply be provided, and the charge of energy will be enough for almost the whole day. Cooking granola is easy, in just 10 minutes you get a delicious treat for breakfast.

Nutritional value: proteins - 6.8 g, fats - 13.6 g, carbohydrates - 41.4 g, calories - 310.0 kcal.

  • 400 g oatmeal;
  • 80 g of walnuts;
  • 80 g of peanuts;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • tsp cinnamon;
  • 4-5 tbsp honey;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

Wash dried apricots with raisins under hot water, dry and cut into small pieces. Put the walnuts with peanuts in a bag and chop with a crush. You can walk with a rolling pin on the bag, the nuts should be crushed.

Squeeze the juice from the orange into a bowl. If you have a blender or juicer, use them for a quick process. Pour ground cinnamon with vegetable oil, slightly warmed honey and a little salt into orange juice. Heat the mixture a little in a water bath or in the microwave.

Pour the oatmeal into another bowl, add the nuts to it and top with the orange juice. Combine all ingredients to make a thick mixture. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish and place in the oven. You need to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for at least 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add raisins with dried apricots to the granola.

To saturate the taste of granola, you need to stand under a closed lid for about half an hour, then put the dish on plates and have breakfast to your health.

Buy only good quality dried fruit. If they are too hard, keep them in boiling water for a little longer, about an hour or so.

Curd and berry pudding

Sweets will definitely appreciate the recipe for a low-calorie dessert based on low-fat yogurt and fresh berries. Take any berries that you like more, because they are all useful. Try not to add sugar, as a last resort you can sweeten the pudding with honey a little.

Nutritional value: proteins - 4.3 g, fats - 2.1 g, carbohydrates - 20.7 g, calories - 116.9 kcal.

  • 3 tbsp oatmeal;
  • 200 g of natural yogurt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla;
  • tbsp honey;
  • a handful of berries.

How to cook:

Remove the yogurt from the refrigerator beforehand to keep it warm. Pour the flakes into a cup, add yogurt and leave to swell for a couple of hours, or it is better to put the cup in a cool place overnight. Add in the morning berries and a little honey for sweetness, sprinkle with spices. Then stir the pudding well. Sprinkle coconut on the dessert before serving.

Cheesecakes in the oven

Syrniki is a favorite breakfast option in many families. Unlike traditional cooking, I advise you to bake them in the oven, so that the dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. Try to make cheese cakes according to my recipe, and you will stop frying them, because it turns out just delicious.

Nutritional value: proteins - 11.7 g, fats - 2.6 g, carbohydrates - 10.7 g, calories - 115.4 kcal.

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina -3 tbsp.;
  • 5 fresh apricots;
  • vanilla - a pinch;
  • sugar - tbsp

How to cook:

In a bowl, mash the cottage cheese and sugar and break the egg. Stir the mixture well and add semolina. Stir the mixture until smooth. Remove the pit from the apricots, cut into small pieces, and then mix with the cottage cheese.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Roll up balls from the mass and flatten a little. Place the mugs on top of the parchment. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake the syrniki for 15-20 minutes.

Serve cheesecakes for breakfast with jam, honey. Bon Appetit!

On a note!

You can make the same cheese cakes with slices of strawberries, peaches or apples.

Dried Fruit Bars

If you are very fond of sweets, replace them with healthy sweets made with your own hands. The bars are perfect for a nutritious breakfast, and are also convenient to take with you to work or give your child to school. Start preparing the treat in the evening so that you can try the bars by the morning.

Nutritional value: proteins - 7.5 g, fats - 10.8 g, carbohydrates - 61.8 g, calories - 360.8 kcal.

  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • oat flour - 50 g;
  • prunes, dried apricots, raisins - 80 g;
  • dark chocolate - 30 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • honey tbsp;
  • olive oil - tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/3 tsp

How to cook:

Heat the milk a little, add olive oil to it and mix with flour and cereal. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then add dried fruits to it.

Grate the bitter chocolate on a fine grater, transfer to liquid honey. Add cinnamon and pour into a bowl of cereal. Stir the mass with a spoon, it should be thick.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, then stick the bars out of the mass. You can shape the candy as you like. Bake sweets at 190 degrees for about 15 minutes.

When the bars are ready, remove them from the parchment and leave to cool at room temperature, you can put them in the refrigerator overnight, then they will harden better.

Fried eggs with vegetables

Surely everyone loves scrambled eggs in the morning. Let's complement our usual breakfast option with healthy vegetables such as tomatoes and bell peppers. In appearance, the fried eggs look very appetizing, and I just want to try a piece.

Nutritional value: proteins - 6.4 g, fats - 4.9 g, carbohydrates - 2.9 g, calories - 83.6 kcal.

  • 4 eggs;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs;
  • spices and salt;
  • tomato - 1 pc.

How to cook:

Use a nonstick skillet for scrambled eggs to avoid adding oil when frying. Put the pan to heat, and at this time remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into rings 2-2.5 cm thick.

Put the rings on a hot skillet, fry on each side for 1-2 minutes. Cut the tomato into rounds and insert each round into the pepper. Fry a little, now break one egg at a time inside the pepper, right on top of the tomato.

Season with fried eggs, add a little salt. Finely chop the greens, sprinkle over the eggs and cover the pan for 2-3 minutes. The scrambled eggs are ready.

Gently pry each pepper off with a wooden spatula and transfer to a flat plate. Rye breads with curd cheese go very well with fried eggs. Have a nice breakfast!

On a note!

If possible, use bell pepper rings of various colors, then breakfast will be not only tasty, but also colorful.

Couscous with nuts

It is not necessary to cook porridge for a long time, you can simply steam it with water or milk. Thus, couscous is prepared - a cereal with many medicinal properties. The recipe will appeal to those who do not like to stand at the stove, but want to lead a correct lifestyle.

Nutritional value: proteins - 6.2 g, fats - 4.9 g, carbohydrates - 35 g, calories –208 kcal.

  • 150 g couscous;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • a handful of cashews;
  • black raisins - 50 g;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • zest with half a lemon.

How to cook:

Rinse the couscous under water in a colander and transfer to a deep cup with a lid. Heat the milk on the stove; you do not need to bring it to a boil. Pour the milk over the cereal, cover and set aside for 10-15 minutes to swell the couscous.

Chop the cashews with a crush, and rinse and dry the raisins. Remove the zest from the lemon. Add all the ingredients to the porridge, add the honey, mix well and close the lid again. At night, put the cup of porridge in the refrigerator, and in the morning, warm it up and have breakfast to your health.

Bon Appetit!

A healthy breakfast can not only wake up the body and tune in to work, but also help to lose extra pounds.

Losing weight occurs for several reasons:

  1. The first meal reduces appetite.
  2. Eating in the morning speeds up your metabolism, which allows you to burn calories quickly.
  3. The calories consumed at the time of breakfast will definitely be used up before bedtime.
  4. A balanced diet helps in weight loss.

Some scientists have put forward theories that breakfast is an optional meal, especially for those wishing to lose weight. This is not confirmed by practice.

Healthy breakfasts for every day of the week: breakfast options - recipes with photos

Breakfast is an important meal that energizes the body for the whole day. The calorie content of dishes should be combined with healthiness. A healthy diet menu can consist of a variety of dishes.


The week starts with a completely simple option - porridge. Oatmeal is preferred: the product contains a lot of fiber.


  1. Pour oatmeal with 1 glass of water and cook for about 5 minutes after boiling.
  2. After cooking, put the porridge in a bowl, add half a teaspoon of honey and berries.


It is good to eat a meal rich in protein, such as eggs. They are boiled, omelet made, fried.

Scrambled Eggs Recipe:

  1. Put the bell pepper rings into a well-heated frying pan, drive an egg into each ring, add a little spice.
  2. Cover the skoroda with a lid for 2-3 minutes. There is no need to turn the eggs in the vegetable rings.

Boiled broccoli can be added to scrambled eggs.


A good option is to use homemade muesli for breakfast.

How to cook:

  1. Steam "Hercules", pour 5 tablespoons with half a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover the bowl with a lid to swell the porridge.
  3. Add berries, fruits


Curd day. Any dish is prepared from a fermented milk product or consumed raw.

Recipe for mousse for sweet sandwiches:

  1. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender with honey, fruits, dried fruits.
  2. Add a spoonful of honey and fresh berries to the curd.


A healthy sandwich is the ideal breakfast. The dish is based on bran bread, additions can be: cottage cheese with herbs, boiled meat, lightly salted fish, poached egg, grilled vegetables and much more.

Healthy breakfast recipe:

  1. Grind 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a blender, and then mix with finely chopped parsley and dill.
  2. Boil water in a small saucepan.
  3. Use a spoon to make a water funnel into which you need to drive the egg.
  4. After 3 minutes, remove the egg with a slotted spoon. Get a poached egg.
  5. Cut the salted red fish into thin slices.
  6. Spread cottage cheese on the bread, put fish slices, and place poached poached on top.


On Saturday, you are allowed to indulge in pancakes, pancakes or pancakes ... It is worth picking up recipes that differ in dietary components. Fruits, vegetables, sour cream, jam, berries, honey are additives that make the taste of baked goods bright and rich.

Delicious recipe:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water.
  2. Add an egg and a pinch of salt. Beat the mixture with a whisk.
  3. Add about half a glass of oatmeal and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  4. Bake the pancakes in a well-heated skillet.


Meat with vegetables will be a successful end to the menu of the week. It is worth picking up lean meats and seasonal vegetables. It is advisable to combine all components in equal proportions and bake in the oven or grill.

Preparing breakfast:

  1. Chop 150 g of beef into small pieces
  2. Cut into cubes a small onion, carrots, pepper rings.
  3. Simmer the meat in a skillet for about 20 minutes, then add the vegetables and continue cooking until all ingredients are tender.

The food options are interchangeable.

10 more options for quick, healthy and delicious breakfasts with photos

It is not always possible to follow a healthy diet when there is no time for cooking. This situation is especially true in the morning. There are several variants of dishes that are distinguished by the speed of preparation.

10 quick and healthy breakfast recipes:

- This is an option that will be the perfect analogue of an omelet or scrambled eggs. Put vegetables into the muffin mold, and beat in an egg on top. Bake in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.

It is a roll that is very easy to prepare. Cut the lavash into several pieces. In each, put a little boiled chicken, cut into pieces. Additionally, vegetables can be used.

- tasty and satisfying. It is allowed to use any fruit that needs to be cut into small pieces and covered with yogurt. Instead of a fermented milk product, honey can be used, but in small quantities.

It is very useful and contains only healthy carbohydrates. Pour milk over the oatmeal and cut the apple into small pieces. The dish should be infused for several minutes while harvesting is done.

A lot of energy and nutrients are obtained from a dish such as pumpkin casserole... You need to mix a few tablespoons of cottage cheese, pumpkin and a drop of honey. Place the "dough" in a muffin tin and microwave for a few minutes.

It is necessary to cut all the components into small pieces, pour in a fermented milk product and beat with a blender or in a food processor.

Can be made with cornflakes and soft cheese. Lay cornflakes in a bowl, brush with cheese. Yogurt with berries can be used instead of cheese.

Is a boost of energy for the whole day. it is worth using bread from seedlings or pita bread as a basis. Additionally, nuts, pumpkin seeds may be present.

You need to remove the pit from the avocado and beat the egg there. Bake the preparation in the microwave. Such a breakfast will be very satisfying, the feeling of hunger will be absent for several hours.

Although such options for dishes seem completely easy, the energy that is released from the declared products will last for 3-4 hours.

The importance of breakfast for the body

After waking up, the body is conditionally weakened, since there is not enough sugar in the blood, that is, energy. In such conditions, a person feels weakness in the body, the brain cannot process and assimilate information normally until the end.

So that the morning does not seem like hard labor for a person in physical and psychological terms, it is worth eating. The dish should be healthy and rich in vitamins, amino acids, protein and carbohydrates.

Morning food, raising blood sugar, helps to improve memory, stabilize the emotional state, and increases resistance to stress.

In addition, the launch of the metabolic process protects against disorders of the digestive system.

Why do you need breakfast

A person, even after awakening for some time, is in a peculiar state of suspended animation. To start all body systems, you need to eat. This is the first reason that makes breakfast a necessary meal.

Each product has specific characteristics that affect the body in a different way. Some improve memory, others speed up metabolism, and others concentrate attention and improve resistance to stress.

What should be breakfast

In order for breakfast to definitely be beneficial and in a good mood, several factors should be taken into account:

  • The food should look delicious and smell good.
  • Products should contain a lot of protein and vitamins.
  • It is necessary to exclude oil that increases cholesterol levels.
  • If possible, make several varied dishes, keeping small portions.
  • It is advisable to choose foods that contain slow carbohydrates.

It is important not to feel hungry after eating. Light saturation is enough.

Foods harmful to the morning

The calories from breakfast should be completely burned out by the evening, but you should not overuse food.

Some options can reduce metabolism, aggravate the condition of the digestive system, and have substances that block calorie burning.

There are very harmful foods that are contraindicated for breakfast:

  1. Sausage, sausages, wieners, ham. The products contain chemical additives that are very harmful to health. Do not strain the body in the morning with such components.
  2. "Fast" breakfasts... They involve cooking oatmeal bags in 1 minute. Quick porridge contains a lot of sugar.
  3. Citrus. Fruits are acidic, causing stomach problems, allergies and rashes. Do not eat orange, tangerine, or lemon on an empty stomach.
  4. Bananas. It is not recommended to eat them often for breakfast. The product contains a lot of magnesium, calcium-magnesium imbalances can occur. The violation affects the state of all body systems.
  5. Red meat. Contains a lot of fat. Fat is difficult for the stomach to deal with early in the day. It is better to eat such a product at lunch or dinner.
  6. Raw vegetables. Do not use them for your first meal. Acids can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and provoke the appearance of gastritis and ulcers on the walls of the organ.
  7. Garlic... It has a lot of useful qualities, but in the morning it is contraindicated to eat such a product. Substances can cause cramps during the day.
  8. Coffee. The drink should be drunk after a meal, and not as a substitute for breakfast. Caffeine can worsen your cardiovascular system.
  9. Desserts containing flour, sweets. Dishes have a negative effect on the digestive system, dramatically increasing blood sugar levels. Leads to extra calories.
  10. Salty meals. Foods where salt is in excess should not be eaten in the morning. An excess of the element leads to water retention in the body.
  11. Wheat bread and any flour products.

Other restrictions may be present depending on the characteristics of the organism.

Why not skip breakfast?

There are at least 5 reasons why you shouldn't skip breakfast:

  1. Skipping breakfast can disrupt your daily routine. The psychological moment builds control over the body.
  2. Eating on a schedule helps keep your figure lean.
  3. Eating in the morning improves memory and helps to concentrate on details, activating areas of the brain for work.
  4. The absence of hunger forms a normal emotional and mental state, which helps to become resilient to stress.
  5. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals obtained in the morning, immunity is enhanced.

The harm of breakfast cereals

Breakfast cereals are quite popular among adherents of proper nutrition. But it is difficult to say unequivocally about the harmfulness or benefits of the product.

The advantage of such a product is the speed of preparation. It takes 1 minute to prepare breakfast.

The most harmful are baby breakfast cereals. which contain a lot of sugar and flavorings. Fitness complexes that exclude sugar and extraneous additives are considered harmless. Whole grain flakes will not harm the body.

What to drink for breakfast

The morning often starts with a cup of coffee, but that’s wrong.

You should not drink the drink if you have not previously had a meal. Active substances irritate the walls of the stomach and mucous membranes. There are other dubious breakfast drinks: some types of juices, milk, yogurt.

There is a list of healthy drinks:

  • On an empty stomach, it is imperative to drink water. The liquid will improve intestinal motility and partially fill the stomach, which will dull appetite.
  • Cocoa brewed in milk is considered useful. The drink contains a lot of antioxidants.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from seasonal vegetables or fruits are a great option for an after-meal breakfast.
  • Green or black tea is a full-fledged analogue of coffee. The drink will have a positive effect on bowel function if it is weak.

It is advisable not to overuse liquids during breakfast. One glass of water or half a glass of another drink is enough.


To keep your figure in shape, and the body in good shape throughout the day, you need to have breakfast. In order for your morning meal to be healthy and to keep your body healthy, you need to eat the right foods in your diet.

It is worth considering the amount of food that is consumed during breakfast.


Healthy breakfast rules

The morning meal is rightfully considered the most important, since it is she who energizes for the whole day. A tasty and healthy breakfast improves mood, increases efficiency and allows you to prepare for the day ahead in a relaxed atmosphere. But what if you don't feel like eating at all in the morning? Simple guidelines will help you cope with this problem:

  1. To replenish glycogen in the liver, you need to eat breakfast within an hour after waking up. But you should not run straight out of bed into the kitchen - the body needs time to wake up. To get the first feeling of hunger, it is a good idea to exercise and take a cool shower.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered water at room temperature, which will prepare the stomach for the first meal. To purified water, you can add half a glass of mineral water with a high content of magnesium, a useful anti-stress trace element.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast should not be too hearty. Overeating makes you feel sleepy. It is better to transfer part of the first meal to lunch. If it is not possible to eat a second breakfast, you can replace it with nuts or dried fruits.
  4. It must be remembered that a carbohydrate breakfast is useful for people of mental labor, and a protein breakfast is, first of all, necessary for those who work physically.
  5. You need to eat tasty and varied. Lack of appetite in the morning is not surprising if you have the same breakfast every day.

Nutritionist Kovalkov about a healthy breakfast

Protein breakfast options

Protein foods better saturate and speed up the body's metabolism. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and trace elements. People who prefer this breakfast option are not prone to overeating during the day. In addition, protein is the main building block for muscles, hair and nails.

Omelet or scrambled eggs

Scientists have proven that the cholesterol contained in egg yolk is not dangerous at all. Its deposition is prevented by lecithin and choline - substances that are also part of this useful product. A dish prepared from 2-3 eggs is best combined with vegetables such as tomatoes or bell peppers. This breakfast will provide your body with protein for the whole morning.


It's no secret that it's good to eat yogurt for breakfast. Only without sugar, dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. Due to the content of beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, this product normalizes the intestines and helps to stabilize the body's metabolism. It is very easy to cook it at home: in a special yogurt maker, multicooker or in a regular thermos. You can add any fillers to natural yogurt: syrups, fresh fruits, nuts, oatmeal.

Cottage cheese

In order not to load the pancreas with too heavy food in the morning, it is better to use cottage cheese 5-9% fat. You should not give preference to a fat-free product, because for the normal absorption of calcium, the body needs a simultaneous intake of fat. Those with a sweet tooth can pamper themselves with cottage cheese with berries or fruits with the addition of a spoonful of honey or jam. Fans of salty food will love curd with sour cream and herbs. Syrniki or healthy casserole will be a great breakfast.

Carbohydrate breakfast options

Carbohydrate foods are essential for active brain function. But not all of them are suitable for a healthy breakfast. Simple carbohydrates (biscuits, white bread, cornflakes) are quickly absorbed. Once in the blood, they are immediately converted into sugar. The insulin produced by the pancreas removes it, turning it into fat. At the same time, the blood sugar level drops, a feeling of hunger and fatigue appears. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, making them a great source of energy for the whole morning.


First of all, cereals belong to complex carbohydrates. This is why it is good to have porridge for breakfast several times a week. In this case, it is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or barley. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as essential fiber. Whole grain cereals will provide energy for several hours, and coarse fibers will help the gastrointestinal tract work. Remember that semolina and white rice are both simple carbohydrates. Their consumption will cause drowsiness, and soon another attack of hunger. It is recommended to cook porridge in water or low-fat milk. You can add pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts and honey to taste.


This healthy blend will give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Thanks to the high amount of indigestible fiber, this breakfast is ideal for overweight people. The body will spend a lot of energy trying to process the coarse fibers, thereby burning calories. Store-bought muesli often contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a mixture yourself. Healthy muesli should contain unprocessed oatmeal, unroasted whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. Pour the resulting mixture with skim milk or yogurt.

Whole Grain Bread Sandwiches

Few people know that it is healthy to eat sandwiches for breakfast. Not white bread with sausage and cheese. They contain simple carbohydrates, preservatives, and bad cholesterol. Such a morning meal will only awaken your appetite, and in an hour or two you will want to eat even more. If you have very little time for breakfast, you can have a snack on sandwiches made from whole grain bread with slices of boiled chicken breast or fish. Instead of butter, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, add fresh vegetables and lettuce. A healthy sandwich can also be eaten as a second breakfast, taking it with you wherever you go. By the way, grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins, which are essential for the beauty and health of hair.

Whole grain pancakes

When, if not in the morning, can you please yourself with high-calorie pancakes without harming your figure? You don't have to worry about gaining weight - the calories received per day will be burned. It is only healthier to cook them not from premium wheat flour, but from whole grains, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is best to bake such pancakes in a non-stick pan without adding oil. They are a great source of complex carbohydrates and will keep you feeling full for a long time.

Good mood, high efficiency and a feeling of vitality for the whole day depend directly on the foods consumed in the morning. Breakfast doesn't take long, and the health benefits are enormous. Start your day right!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 10 minutes


What do we usually eat for breakfast? When going to work and school, we usually gulp stacks of sausage and raw sandwiches, scrambled eggs and sausages, yoghurts and other products in order to quickly fill our stomachs before a hard day at work. Of course, this is wrong. Although breakfast should be hearty, it should be healthy in the first place. Such food only temporarily dampens hunger. And eating healthy, satisfying and tasty at the same time is not at all difficult if you know what exactly to cook.

The perfect start to the day

Everyone knows that a healthy breakfast is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Among other things, having the right breakfast also cheers you up. Moreover, you can cheer up not only with a traditional cup of strong coffee, but also with green, freshly brewed tea.

According to nutritionists, all the calories that enter the body in the morning are burned until the evening due to physical activity. Even if this fact takes place, of course, you should not abuse mayonnaise salads or lamb kebabs for breakfast. Mayonnaise can be replaced, lamb - boiled beef. But a piece of something sweet in the morning will not hurt.

Healthy breakfast rules:

  • It is best to avoid cold and hot foods in the morning. Warm food for the normal functioning of a barely awakened stomach is the very thing.
  • Breakfast foods should contain nutrients, especially carbohydrates. That is why oatmeal is considered to be the most popular breakfast. Egg casseroles, omelettes, muesli, and fruit pancakes are just as helpful.
  • Breakfast, which starts the hormonal system in the morning, should be within the first hour after a person wakes up.
  • The product will be more useful and nutritious if honey is used instead of sugar.

Breakfast based on ethnicity

Breakfast, cooked at home, becomes the more satisfying the further north the country of the inhabitant is. For example, breakfast in turkey- this is coffee, feta cheese, sheep cheese with olives, herbs and traditional national flatbreads.

In France prefer croissants, coffee, jams and fresh juices.

The British Serve in the morning dense and fatty dishes - scrambled eggs with sausages and fried bacon, baked beans.

Norse They like to start the day with cracklings and fried fish.

So what exactly should this healthy breakfast be like?

What is a healthy breakfast?

According to nutritionists, a person's breakfast should include (from the daily value) one-fifth (incomplete) fat, two-thirds of the carbohydrates and a third of protein.

Of the carbohydrates, the most useful are indigestible - those that will hold back in wholemeal bread and oatmeal. These are some of the most important elements for the body. The consumption of fruits, vegetables and dairy products is simply imperative for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy, Hearty Breakfast Ideas for the Whole Week


And it is a well-known fact that breakfast is the main meal. Everyone around says that breakfast should be the most healthy, hearty and satisfying. But for some reason, there are always many different "buts" to such a simple truth. "I have no appetite in the morning", "I am late for work - there is no time", "I hate porridge, but you can't think of anything else for breakfast" ...

Did you recognize yourself in at least one of the excuses? If so, then this article is for you. She will tell you about the importance of breakfast and share 6 breakfast recipes that you can use to make it a habit and enjoy it.

The benefits of breakfast

For starters, breakfast is truly the main meal of the day. It starts yours, energizes your body and mind until the evening. This is a kind of alarm clock for your body. You yourself woke up - help your body to awaken too. Also don't forget about.

People who skip this meal are known to be more likely to be overweight, emotionally unstable, and weak during the day.

Breakfast is the most important factor for a perfect and cheerful start to the day. It is the morning meal that gives you a charge of vivacity and joy for the whole day. To make your day productive, be sure to have a hearty breakfast before your day's accomplishments.

Scientists say that in the morning the body needs to get enough energy for productive work. To do this, she recommends eating full carbohydrate breakfasts. Do not be afraid, this will not affect your weight in any way, because the extra calories will be used up during the first half of the day.

Do not forget that every person needs to feel ready for the work process. The first meal will make the process of work as fruitful as possible.

Also pay attention to how much sugar is in the food you eat. Coffee or tea with sugar for breakfast will help a person wake up from sleep, but at the same time they will be a factor that will take away his good mood after 40 minutes, as the effect of blood sugar will end. Therefore, it is better to accompany sweets with something that contains complex carbohydrates that will be absorbed within two or three hours. This will significantly affect your performance.

Let's talk about the most popular "buts" that people come up with just not to have breakfast.

Excuses for not having breakfast

So, the first excuse is that you don't feel like eating in the morning.
You just need to overpower yourself for the first time. No appetite - do not worry, this is only at the beginning. A person quickly gets used to everything good, so you have to endure literally a week of "pushing" food into yourself in the morning. Your body is very smart, so then immediately after waking up it will begin to impatiently ask you to feed it. Moreover, if you push in tasty and healthy food, then you yourself will like it.

The next item on the list is no time.
Lack of time is just an excuse for your laziness. To have breakfast, you just need to get up 30 minutes earlier than usual. Instead of checking your social media page, enjoy delicious food, benefit your health - is that a lot?

I don't know what to cook.
As for the food options. Here people go from one extreme to another. Either they gobble up croissants with condensed milk, or choke on unsweetened oatmeal in the water. Neither option is suitable. Various kinds of pastries and sweets are really hearty and tasty, but they obviously do not pass on the item "usefulness". Their fast carbohydrates, trans fats and chemical additives will not only cause hunger in an hour, but also cause it.

Porridge is good, but I don't like it.
As for the lovers of healthy food ... Oh, this myth "only porridge for breakfast." This is really healthy and nutritious, but it is not at all necessary to force yourself with unpalatable food. Breakfast should cheer you up and energize, and not evoke negative emotions. And breakfast should not only be healthy, but also tasty.

Well, let's try to find a middle ground?

The article offers you a choice of recipes for unusual, delicious, hearty, nutritious and healthy breakfasts. They are also suitable for those who adhere to diets or. All provided dishes are based on the calculation of the average calorie intake for a woman - 1600-2000 kcal per day.

Also, the list of recipes is suitable for those who are always “not doing anything” - all breakfasts are easy to prepare, do not require a lot of time and special culinary skills.

6 healthy breakfast recipes

# 1. Oat and apple pancakes.

BZHU of the finished dish: 552 kcal, B - 17.2, F - 11.5, U - 93.5.
BJU per 100 g: 152 kcal, B - 4.8, F - 3.1, U - 26.

Oat flakes "Hercules" 80 g.
Apple 1 pc (200 g)
Chicken egg 1 pc
Honey 30 g

Cooking method:
Use a blender to turn oatmeal into flour. Peel and rub the apple on a coarse grater. Mix these ingredients, add the egg. Mix everything thoroughly. Put the resulting mixture in a non-stick frying pan in the form of pancakes.

Grill them over medium heat, covered, for about 3 minutes on each side. Pour honey on top before serving, otherwise it will not be sweet. You can, of course, add honey directly to the dough, but when heated, this product loses its useful properties, you need to remember this.

The pancakes are delicious, and the aroma of apples and honey will fill your entire kitchen and whet your appetite. This is the first breakfast option, the more interesting it goes on.

# 2. Buckwheat with cottage cheese.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BZHU of the finished dish: 487 kcal, B - 20.8, F - 5, U - 90.4.
BJU per 100 g: 201 kcal, B - 9, F - 2.3, U - 38.5.

Buckwheat 80 g
cottage cheese 5% 50 g
dried apricots 20 g
raisins 25 g
banana 60 g

Cooking method:
Boil buckwheat without adding salt. It is desirable that it should be cooked well, it should be rather mushy than crumbly. Read about in the article.

Add 50 g of cottage cheese to the finished buckwheat and put in the microwave for about 2 minutes to soften the cottage cheese. Finely chop dried apricots, banana and add them to the resulting "porridge" along with raisins. Mix everything well. That's all, the dish is ready!

Also you can fantasize and add any fruit you like. This healthy breakfast option will definitely energize you for the whole day.

No. 3. Oatmeal and curd biscuits.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BZHU of the finished dish: 488 kcal, B - 20.8, F - 7. 7, U - 85.7.
BJU per 100 g: 192 kcal, B - 8.5, F - 3, U - 32.5.

Oat flakes "Hercules" 80 g
cottage cheese 5% (soft) 50 g
banana 1 pc (120 g)
raisins 15 g

Cooking method:
Grind the rolled oats into flour with a blender. Mash the banana into mashed potatoes with a fork or the same blender. Crush the curd as well. Mix all ingredients, add raisins. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If there is no time, then in the freezer for 7 minutes (while brushing your teeth, for example).

Then put the resulting mass on a cookie-shaped silicone mold. You can try using a baking sheet with food grade paper. You can sprinkle sesame seeds, poppy seeds, coconut, or walnuts on top of your culinary art. And now send the dish to the oven preheated to 180o for 12-15 minutes.

The flavor will stand out great, no commercial oatmeal cookie beats it! Ruddy on the outside and soft on the inside. The perfect start to the day.

No. 4. Muesli and protein sandwich.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BZHU of the finished dish: 486 kcal, B - 25.4, F - 12, U - 72.3.
BJU per 100 g (sandwich): 166 kcal, B - 11.6, F - 7.1, U - 12.9.

Borodinsky bread 1 slice
chicken egg 1 pc
cheese 27% 20 g
muesli 80 g
kefir 1% 120 ml

Cooking method:
Of course, you only need to cook a sandwich. It's just that it's not enough for a full breakfast, therefore, to make your meal truly complete, I suggest that you pour 80 g of muesli (without sugar, chocolate and honey) into your cup in addition to the sandwich and pour 120 g of kefir.

Now let's get down to making a sandwich. Cut off a slice of Borodino bread (it is the most useful, and it also has a very successful shape) and cut the middle out of it. Thus, a kind of frame should remain. Place it in a non-stick skillet and break an egg in the middle. Season with a little salt.

Cut the tomatoes and onions into slices and place on top of the egg. Cover and roast over low heat. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle on the sandwich. Let it sit in the pan for a couple of minutes, after which the dish can be served.

This breakfast is incredibly tasty, and is also ideal in terms of the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

No. 5. Banana pancakes.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BZHU of the finished dish: 394.3 kcal, B - 18, F - 8.2, U - 60.4.
BJU per 100 g: 106.5 kcal B - 4.9, F - 2.2, U - 16.3.

Banana 1 pc (120 g)
kefir 1% 150 ml
whole grain flour 50 g
chicken egg 1 pc

Cooking method:
Puree the banana with a blender or fork. Add kefir, egg, flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the pancakes in a nonstick skillet. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side over low heat.

Such an uncomplicated, even almost banal breakfast is a treasure trove of everything that makes up an ideal breakfast - a lot of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and most importantly - delicious taste!

Still not drooling? Would you like to cook this?

No. 6. Lazy oatmeal.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BZHU of the finished dish: 407 kcal, B - 14.3, F - 6.5, U - 74.2.
BJU per 100 g: 160 kcal, B - 5.6, F - 2.5, U - 30.

Oat flakes oatmeal 70 g
banana 1 pc (120 g)
cocoa powder 5 g
natural white yoghurt 60 g

Cooking method:
This recipe lives up to its name - it really is for the very lazy. In the evening, pour 70 g of rolled oats into a bowl. Add the banana puree using the old scheme. Add a couple tablespoons of natural, sugar-free cocoa powder. Add 60 g of white yogurt to this. Mix everything well and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, you won't have to do anything - just take a dish out of the fridge and enjoy. In fact, lazy oatmeal is a flight of your imagination. The basis is only rolled oats, and the fact that the porridge is left overnight and served cold. And what exactly you add is solely your taste preferences.


Well, I hope this article helped you understand that delicious and healthy breakfasts can be easy and quick to prepare! Try some of these recipes tomorrow morning. Good luck and bon appetit!

A short video with a few more healthy breakfast options:

What do you eat for breakfast? I will be happy to discuss your recipes in the comments.

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