Dairy cream, composition, benefits and harms, homemade cream. Fat does not mean harmful. About the benefits of cream, cottage cheese and sour cream Benefits of cream for the body

Cream (the name comes from the verb "drain") is a product of separation. They are a thick, homogeneous mass of white, viscous consistency, with a sweetish taste. A properly prepared dairy product has no flakes, lumps, and impurities.

According to legend, the cream was invented in the 17th century by the head waiter of the Chantilly castle Francois Vatel, from where they got the unspoken name "Chantilly cream". The first dessert with the addition of tender milk fat was tried by Baroness Henrietta von Oberkirch, who remained partial to the airy nectar of the gods.

Cream is produced in different fat content: 8%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 35%. They contain 4.3% carbohydrates, 3.5% proteins, vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2 and mineral salts. Due to its high fat content, the product is used in medical nutrition, food industry (to create butter,), in cooking (to obtain sweet dishes, mashed soups, sauces, confectionery).


Depending on the method of processing raw materials, cream can be: pasteurized and sterilized. By consistency: canned, dry, drinkable, whipped.

Today, vegetable cream is on sale - a synthetic product, a substitute for natural, with a long shelf life (over six months). They include palm, palm kernel, oils, sodium caseinate, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings, acidity regulators, dyes. Such a chemical product does not provide value for the human body, and with regular use it can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies.

The article will focus exclusively on natural cream obtained from whole milk by separating the fat fraction. Depending on the type, their shelf life ranges from three days (pasteurized) to 4 months (sterilized).

Chemical composition

Energy value of 10% fat cream - 119 calories, 20% - 207 calories, 35% - 335 calories.

During sterilization, milk is heated to 130 degrees, as a result of which ascorbic acid is destroyed, and calcium and phosphorus change the chemical structure, which is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, the greatest value for a person is a fresh, pasteurized product that can be prepared independently at home.

With an increase in the fat content of the cream, the content of proteins and carbohydrates in them decreases.

Milk fat consists of spherical particles. There are 3 billion such spheres in a milliliter of cream. The balls do not merge with each other, they are covered with a fatty membrane, inside which lecithin is concentrated, which combines with protein.

It is interesting that only 150 grams of cream is extracted from a liter of milk. The quality of the resulting product directly depends on the quality of the feedstock. Use only fresh, high-fat whole milk (preferably homemade).

Table No. 1 "Nutritional value of cream 10%"
Components Content in 100 grams of product
Pasteurized Sterilized
Calorie content 119 calories 119 calories
82 grams 82.1 grams
4.5 grams 4.4 grams
and disaccharides 4.5 grams 4.4 grams
0.2 grams 0.2 grams
4 grams
2.7 grams 2.7 grams
Replaceable 3.442 grams 1.4 grams
0.6 grams 0.6 grams
Essential amino acids 3.152 grams 1.67 grams
10 gram 10 gram
0.03 grams 0.03 grams
5.8 grams 5.8 grams
3.5 grams
Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of cream 10%"
Name Nutrient content in 100 grams of product, milligrams
Pasteurized Sterilized
0,3 0,3
0,1 0,1
0,03 0,02
0,065 0,025
0,9 0,9
124 124
83 83
90 91
27 27
10 10
40 40
0,1 0,1

The main advantage of the cream is the high content of phosphatides, which contain phosphoric acid and a nitrogenous base. When heated, the fatty membranes of the dairy product fractions are destroyed and the lecithin is converted into buttermilk.

In composition, phosphatides are close to fats, they decompose after whipping cream. Therefore, it is recommended not to heat them, but to use them freshly chilled.

Natural cream is healthier than butter, which is almost brought to the boiling point during the production process. For the manufacture of sauces, soups, milk mass is used with a fat content of up to 20%, for the preparation of cream, sour cream - over 20%.

Useful and harmful properties

Natural cream obtained from whole milk is a healthy, nutritious product for the human body. They are indicated for physical exhaustion, sudden weight loss, active mental activity, depression, nervous disorders.

Effect on the body:

  1. They normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  2. They slow down the absorption of harmful substances, remove toxins and toxins, neutralize the negative effects of chemical compounds on the body.
  3. Prevents senile dementia.
  4. Strengthens bones and teeth.
  5. They supply the body with energy, complex proteins (casein).
  6. Reduce irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract membranes.
  7. Protects tooth enamel from plaque fixation on the surface.
  8. Enhances the action of calcium. They are recommended to be consumed together with juice, which improves the absorption of vitamins A and E.

Cream is well absorbed by the human body, does not require additional energy for digestion. The fat of a dairy product envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, due to which it is indicated for use in diseases of the digestive tract. Cream contains an amino acid that suppresses cravings for simple carbohydrates.


  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver disease;
  • hypertension;
  • slow metabolism;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, people with gastritis and stomach ulcers are advised to consume only fresh pasteurized product up to 20 grams at a time.

On the packaging of high-quality drinking cream, GOST R 52091 is indicated, which excludes vegetable fats in the composition of the product.

To test milk fat for naturalness, pour the mass into a glass, place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then evaluate their appearance. The appearance of yellow spots on the surface indicates the presence of harmful vegetable fats in the composition. It is better to refuse the use of such a product. If nothing has changed after 15 minutes of the cream in the refrigerator, this is a high-quality product.

Interestingly, whipped milk fat retains airiness in cylinders due to nitrous oxide (N2O) in the composition.


Cream is used in cooking in recipes or as a separate product. Creams, mousses, sauces, dressings are prepared on their basis. Low-fat cream (10%) is put in desserts, drinks for lightness and delicate creamy taste. They are part of mashed soups, first courses. Whipped cream (35%) is used to decorate pastries and desserts.

In addition, the dairy product is used in cosmetology to nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. "Creamy" masks saturate the dermis, A, C, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, give a healthy, radiant complexion. Milk fat is recommended for nourishing dry, flaky, aging skin.

Home production technology

To make cream, you will need high-fat fresh milk. Pour it into a bowl and place in a cool, dark place. The fat on top is essentially homemade cream. Collect it every other day.

Prepare the following ingredients and tools:

  • milk - 200 milliliters;
  • cold water - 50 milliliters;
  • - 10 grams;
  • icing sugar - 1 gram;
  • vanilla extract - 7 grams;
  • a bowl;
  • whisk;
  • pan;
  • mixer.

The sequence of the technological process:

  1. Combine gelatin and water in a saucepan, leave to swell for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the stove.
  3. Put the container with gelatin on the oven, heat the mass until the jelly-like balls are completely dissolved. Turn off the heat, cool the mass to room temperature. Add milk, beat ingredients until smooth.
  4. Add powdered sugar and vanilla to the mass, beat.
  5. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, stir every 15 minutes.
  6. Beat the fragrant milk-gelatin mass with a hand mixer until thick. The finished cream resembles an airy cream.

After the cream has reached the desired consistency, stop whipping it. Excessive effort will result in a loss of airy texture and fat curdling.

To improve the taste, use the following types of sweeteners instead of powdered sugar:, stevia,. Alternatively, try substituting vanilla for chocolate, cinnamon, or bacon. Nuts (macadamia, almonds, pecans,) will be an excellent addition.

Ground coffee will provide an invigorating effect to the cream, and cocoa will provide the chocolate taste. Add 30 grams of caffeinated powder to the milk fat before whipping.

To enhance the aroma, supply the mass with fresh herbs. Lavender, thyme, and basil are best suited.

On a note

Make sure you are using whole milk and not skim milk as the base before preparing the cream. Otherwise, the product of the desired quality will not turn out. It will be too liquid in consistency.

Homemade and shop-made cream differ in quality due to the use of special automated complexes and manual machines in an industrial environment. The principle of their preparation is based on the rise of fat globules to the surface due to the difference in milk plasma and specific gravity of triglycerides. The following factors affect the settling speed: grouping, crowding, the size of these spheres, the height of rise, the viscosity of the milk plasma, and the settling time. The larger the fat globule, the faster it floats to the surface.

Viscous milk, in contrast to where the spheres managed to gather in heaps, gives less sludge. The reason for this phenomenon is an increase in the resistance (friction) of the fat globules when passing through the plasma. Heating accelerates the settling of the cream.

In the first 12 hours, the main mass of fat is formed on the surface of the milk, in the subsequent time it rises much less. It takes 20 - 36 hours to prepare the cream, depending on the selected settling method. It is interesting that all the fat from milk cannot rise to the top; a part of it remains in the plasma (from 0.5 to 1%).

The freshness of homemade cream is 36 hours (1.5 days). The product obtained "at the exit" has a high fat content (up to 40%) and energy value (up to 300 calories). At the same time, it retains all the beneficial nutrients of the dairy product. Homemade cream is easily absorbed by the human body, therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet of children and the elderly.

Milk fat obtained under industrial conditions can have a different percentage of fat (8 - 55%), calorie content (100 - 400 calories).


The shelf life of sterilized cream reaches 4 months, pasteurized - 3 days. To keep the milk fat fresh, it is recommended to place it on a shelf near the freezer, where the temperature is coldest. An open can of cream is stored for 24 hours (day), quickly absorbs foreign odors, so it must be carefully corked.

If it is not possible to use the refrigerator, the dairy product is transferred to a glass container, placed near a container with cold water. To prevent the product from sour, it is recommended to put a horseradish leaf on it.


Cream is the top layer of fat that collects on the surface of the milk. They include proteins (casein and lecithin), minerals (calcium, fluorine, magnesium, potassium), free organic acids, vitamins A, C, B, PP.

Sterilization reduces the usefulness of the product, reduces the amount of nutrients in them (destroys ascorbic acid, promotes the formation of indigestible compounds by minerals), therefore, fresh pasteurized cream provides the greatest value to the human body. They protect blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, calm the nervous system, adsorb toxic substances, and enhance the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. The main condition is to use high-quality fresh cream in moderation - up to 100 grams per day.

A widespread food that is in demand among the population no less than other products made from milk is cream. They can be used either alone or mixed into tea and coffee, improving the beneficial properties and taste of the drink. Also, this product is used in many recipes.

The product is made at home from milk, by separating mixtures of liquids of different density. A dense layer forms on the surface of the milk, which is drained into another container. This is where the name of this product comes from. In the dairy industry, cream is produced using special equipment: separators. There are two types of cream:

  • natural;
  • restored.

Composition and nutritional value

The benefits of a dairy product for humans are manifested in the abundant calorie composition, which is entirely determined by the fat content and freshness of the product. Good quality cream is considered when it contains a lot of fat and has a uniform density - it is a component of milk in the form of fat. Fats rise and accumulate on the surface. Their amount, for a certain volume of milk, depends on the fat content of the milk itself, and not on what the cow is fed with. The dairy industry produces cream with different fat content, such as:

  1. Lean-10%, 12% and 14%.
  2. Low fat - 15%, 17% and 19%.
  3. Medium fat content - 20% and 35%.
  4. Fatty - 35% and 50%.
  5. Highly fatty - 50% and 60%.

The calorie content of 20% cream per 100 grams is 220 kcal.

The special beneficial properties of the product are that they contain: (phospholipids, lecithin, macronutrients, trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins). They also contain a lot of calcium, therefore, drinking cream, we strengthen our health and increase the life span. The adult population assimilates fats and useful components of cream much faster than from milk.

Beneficial features

Some diseases can be cured by using this product. For those who are forced to engage in physical activity due to their occupation, it is recommended to drink to obtain more energy for the body. It is also useful to add them to the diet for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Cream is characterized by the ability to remove toxic substances from the body, therefore, in case of intoxication, they are the number one medicine.

This dairy product contains an amino acid that, when it enters the body, is converted into serotonin. In both men and women, this substance is deficient in the body. Thanks to serotonin in humans:

  • efficiency increases;
  • a good mood;
  • lack of depression;
  • deep dream;
  • the skin of the face improves and rejuvenates;
  • growth hormone is produced;
  • the brain and psyche are healed;
  • performance improves;
  • the intensity increases.

Cream with carrot juice, has the ability to improve the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, reduce swelling. If honey is added to this composition, then the vital activity of the sexual function will increase. Tea and coffee with cream, reduce the negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and tooth enamel protects against harmful and unwanted plaque. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on venous and vascular manifestations, protects against the appearance of atherosclerosis, plaques in blood vessels and regulates the maximum permissible cholesterol.

Cream is very beneficial when used with various fruits. In addition to a pleasant taste, such desserts are healthy for humans. The fats contained in such a dessert have an effect on the rapid absorption of vitamins found in fruits. Elderly people should in no case refuse to take cream, even if the stomach and intestines react negatively to them. The fat contained in the cream increases the lifespan, however, when consumed, one must adhere to the norm and take no more than 70 grams per day. Children of kindergarten age also need to drink cream, but in small quantities, it is still healthier for them to use milk.

Harmful properties

Although cream is good for humans, it can be harmful at the same time. By overusing cream and drinking large amounts of it, the body will begin to resist: instead of lowering cholesterol levels, it will quickly begin to rise. It is not recommended to give cream to babies under two years old, because at that age it is difficult to digest a product containing so much fat. Cream is contraindicated and harmful to those who suffer from diseases associated with the function of the liver, inability to tolerate milk proteins, allergic reactions to dairy products, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, as well as susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.

Selection and storage rules

The store sells cream of two types: sterilized or disinfected and pasteurized by heat treatment. Sterilized cream is prepared by boiling at high temperature, so they have a shelf life of up to four months. They are packed in airtight containers, and they taste like baked milk. Pasteurized cream can only be stored for 3 days and tastes like boiled milk. Such a product cannot be stored for a long time because it tends to quickly turn sour.

It is not so easy to choose a healthy and good-quality product: after all, you cannot open a bag in a store and evaluate the taste and other qualities. When buying cream, you must read what is indicated on the packaging: manufacturer, release date, shelf life, composition. If the types of cream are not indicated on the package, then be sure that vegetable fats are present here, and this is no longer a natural product, but a substitute.

The cream should not contain lumps, grains, bad smell, foreign taste. They should have a slightly sweet taste, white or pale creamy color, be free of extraneous mixtures so as not to harm the body. Sterilized cream does not turn sour, as food microbes and bacteria are absent in them, therefore, over time, rotting occurs and a bitter aftertaste appears. This cream should be returned to the store or poured into the sink. The shelf life of pasteurized cream is 36 hours, at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees, and sterilized - no more than 30 days, at a temperature of 1 to 20 degrees.

Effect of the product on weight loss

Arranging once a week the so-called fat fasting days, using only cream during the day, you will lose several kilograms of unnecessary weight. Cream creates beneficial satiety for the body and prevents the formation of fat from carbohydrates. Eat cream and be healthy!

Cream is a milk separation product. The name of the product - "cream" - comes from the verb "drain". The cream can be easily removed from the surface of the settled milk and poured into another dish. The cream has a uniform consistency, sweetish taste, delicate color and should not have flakes, lumps or other impurities. Cream is distinguished by fat content and raw material processing method. Depending on the processing method, a distinction is made between pasteurized and sterilized. Pasteurized cream can be stored for no more than a week, sterilized cream can be stored for up to four months.

Cream composition

Cream of different fat content from 8 to 35% goes on sale. The calorie content of the cream depends on the fat content. The calorie content of 10% cream is about 120 kilocalories, with a fat content of 35%, the calorie content of cream reaches 350 kilocalories. Powdered cream 40% fat has a caloric content of about 600 kilocalories. Most of the nutritional value comes from fats, the rest is proteins and carbohydrates. About 70% is water.

Cream contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. 100 ml of 25% fat cream contains about 11 grams of saturated fatty acids, 87 mg of cholesterol, about 0.5 grams of ash, slightly less than one gram of organic acids.

The vitamin and mineral composition of cream is close to milk, which is not surprising: cream is a very fatty milk. 100 ml of cream contains: 124 mg of choline, vitamin PP - 0.6 mg, vitamin E - 0.4 mg, vitamin D - 0.1 μg, ascorbic acid - 0.3 mg, vitamin B12 - 0.4 μg, folic acid - 8.5 mcg, vitamin B2 - 0.11 mg, vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg, vitamin A - 160 mcg.

100 ml of cream contains: molybdenum - 5 μg, fluorine - 14 μg, selenium - 0.3 μg, manganese - 0.3 μg, copper - 20 μg, iodine - 7 μg, zinc - 0.25 mg, iron - 0 , 22 mg, chlorine - 61 mg, phosphorus - 60 mg, potassium - 109 mg, sodium - 35 mg, magnesium - 8 mg, calcium - 86 mg.

The milk fat of the cream consists of round fractions - balls. 1 ml of cream contains about 3 billion of these balls. The balls do not merge with each other, since they have a fatty membrane, inside which lecithin is enclosed, which combines with protein.

The main advantage of the cream is the high content of phosphatides, which are similar in composition to fats, but have a nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid in the composition. The heating process of the cream destroys the fatty shells of the fractions, and the lecithin is converted into buttermilk. Whipping cream affects cream in the same way. Phosphatides in this case are also destroyed.

Therefore, natural cream is healthier than butter or heated to near boiling point. Cold cream should replace butter in cereals, desserts, sauces. So the product will not only be less nutritious, but also more useful.

Benefits of cream

Cream is a tasty and healthy product with a high nutritional value. It can and should be eaten by everyone, with the exception of infants, even the elderly, whose diet has great restrictions in terms of calorie content and fat content, but in small quantities.

Phosphatides (phospholipids) are a structural component of almost all cells in the body. The use of cream in old age avoids senile dementia, phospholipids play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system.

Since fats are a source of energy, cream can be considered one of the best energy drinks. They should satisfy hunger with high physical exertion. Athletes introduce heavy cream into their diet: they are a source of energy and protein.

Another reason athletes love cream is the high content of casein, a complex protein. Casein is valuable not so much as a source of protein, but also as a substance that helps to curb appetite.

The fat fraction of the cream is of such a size that it is absorbed as well and completely as possible. The body does not have to spend extra energy digesting the cream.

The fats contained in the cream envelop the stomach and intestinal mucosa, therefore cream is a necessary product for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The cream will help with food poisoning, slow down the absorption of toxins and poisons, make this absorption incomplete, and quick withdrawal from the body. It is recommended to drink cream in case of chemical poisoning, even when painting walls or floors during repairs, it is recommended to drink a glass of cream after work, which neutralizes the harmful effects of chemical compounds.

Cream is a source of the amino acid L-tryptophan, which synthesizes serotonin in the body. Serotonin increases efficiency, improves mood, and helps to cope with depression and insomnia. L-tryptophan reduces sugar cravings for simple carbohydrates. So, despite the high calorie content, a small amount of cream helps to lose weight.

Cream added to coffee or tea reduces the irritating effect of caffeine on the lining of the stomach and intestines. The cream acts in the same protective way on the tooth enamel, protects against the risk of plaque fixation on the enamel.

Cream as a source of lecithin helps to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the size and number of existing cholesterol plaques, and protect blood vessels from the formation of new ones.

Cream is a source of calcium, which helps to strengthen bones and teeth. The cream should be drunk during the period of intensive growth of a teenager, for the formation of healthy bone tissue. Cream is useful for posture disorders, phosphorus, which is part of the cream, enhances the effect of calcium.

Cream is the best "neighbor" for fat-soluble vitamins A and E, so it is recommended to add cream to carrot juice. This is how the full assimilation of vitamins A and E occurs. The combination of vitamins A, E and D in the cream is ideal for assimilation, therefore, the cream is suitable for baby food that needs vitamin D.

Cream for beauty

Beauty cream has been used since the days of Cleopatra. The famous milk baths are nothing more than creamy water. Such milk baths smooth the skin, rejuvenate it, and whiten it. Cleopatra owes her beauty, not least, to the cream baths. Cream is used to make homemade masks. They soften the skin, nourish it, smooth out fine wrinkles.

How to make homemade cream

Not all store-bought cream is useful: sterilized, with a long shelf life, they are devoid of many useful components. Therefore, preference should be given to cream with a short shelf life. Alternatively, you can make your own cream at home to be absolutely sure of its usefulness.

You should buy natural steamed milk, not store milk. Milk is poured into flat containers, plates, for example, and left in a cool place. In a day, cream will appear on the surface. They are carefully collected with a spoon and transferred to a separate bowl. The thickness of the cream layer and its fat content depend on the original fat content of the milk.

The harm of cream

Cream, especially high-fat cream, is a very high-calorie product, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. If there are no problems with weight, then 100 grams per day is the maximum. When obese, cream should be excluded from the diet.

Cream, like milk, should not be drunk if you are lactose intolerant. Children under three years of age should not be given cream due to the high fat content and difficulty in digesting. In case of liver diseases, it is better to refuse cream.

Cream is the name of a dairy product loved by many, which is obtained due to the separation of the fat fraction of whole milk, that is, separation. Today, milk separators are used for these purposes, before the milk was defended and the most delicious was removed, or drained, from there and the name. Accordingly, many want to know what benefits and harms from cream are to the human body. Let's figure it out.

Cream: benefits and harms

A person's diet cannot be called correct and balanced without dairy products. And even without cream for many, life does not seem like sour cream: they fill them with mashed potatoes, and they don't drink coffee without them, and they actively use them in desserts. Like any other dairy product, they are extremely healthy, but there are some subtleties. Here we will talk about them.

Cream: composition, calorie content

This product differs from milk in a large amount of fat in its composition, and their amount fluctuates. So, today in the store you can find:

  • 8% cream (usually drinking);
  • 10% cream;
  • 20% cream;
  • with a fat content of 25%;
  • with a fat content of 35%.

A product with a fat content of less than 8% is considered milk.

It is worth understanding the nutritional value of this product per 100 g. So, ten percent cream contains not only 10 g of fat, but also 4.5 g of carbohydrates and 2.7 g of protein. Cream with a fat content of 20% carbohydrates contains 4 g, proteins - 2.5 g. Thirty percent contains 3.2 carbohydrates and 2.3 g of proteins.

As for the calorie content, cream with a fat content of 10% has 118-120 calories, 20% - 207, 35% - 335.

As for the chemical composition, it is very close to milk. The only difference is that there are phospholipids and phosphatides in the cream. They are similar in structure to fats, but there is also a nitrogenous base, plus phosphoric acid. Phosphatides are found in all cells and tissues of our body, but most of them are in the brain and nerve tissues. Phosphatides include such an important substance as lecithin. These substances are needed to normalize cholesterol metabolism. They prevent atherosclerosis and put in order lipid metabolism in the body. By the way, there is more lecithin in cream than in other dairy products.

The cream also contains:

Vitamins Content in 100 grams
Choline (B4) 124 mg
Biotin (H) up to 4 mcg
Vitamin PP (B3) 3.6 μg
Folic acid (B9) 8.5 mcg
Vitamin B12 0.4 μg
Vitamin D 0.1 μg
Alpha-tocopherol (E) 0.4 μg
Ascorbic acid (C) 0.3 mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 0.04 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.1 mg
Thiamin (B1) 0.03 mg
Retinol 160 mcg
Beta carotene 0.06 mcg

Rich in cream and micronutrients with macronutrients:

Minerals Content in 100 grams
Calcium 86 mg
Potassium 109 mg
Magnesium 8 mg
Phosphorus 60 mg
Sodium 35 mg
Chlorine 61 mg
Iron 0.2 mg
Sulfur 25 mg
Iodine 7 mcg
Selena 0.3 μg
Manganese 0.003 mcg
Fluorine 14 mcg
Molybdenum 5 mcg
Cobalt 0.3 μg

Also, the cream contains:

  • organic acids - 0.8 g;
  • water - 73 g;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides - 3.4 g;
  • ash - 0.5 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 11.9 g;
  • cholesterol - 87 g.

Cream: beneficial properties

Such a luxurious composition makes the cream a very useful product. So, this is one of the record holders for calcium content, without which strong bones and teeth, as well as hair and nails, are inconceivable. It makes this calcium useful and a sufficient amount of vitamin D. It has been proven that calcium in cream is absorbed better than from vegetables, and even from milk.

Like all dairy products, cream is good for bowel or stomach ailments. They are recommended for use for gastritis and ulcers, including duodenal ulcer. This product will also be useful in case of poisoning.

The fats contained in this product are considered almost the most useful and are easily absorbed by our body. The lecithin mentioned above does not allow cholesterol to be deposited in the vessels. Another useful substance in the product is L-tryptophan. It soothes the nervous system and helps you fall asleep. That is why the cream will be useful for people who have problems with the nervous system or depression.

If you mix them with juice and, then they can stimulate the work of the sex glands. In combination with carrot juice alone, they will help remove swelling and ease the course of kidney ailments.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications and harm to cream are due to the fact that they contain a lot of fat. That is why they should be consumed in limited quantities by people who are overweight, or simply prone to obesity. In addition, cream puts a strain on the pancreas, therefore, it is not very recommended for those who have problems with it. Also, this product is contraindicated for elderly people (it is better to replace them with the most low-fat sour cream) and the smallest: the body of children under three years old hardly digests such a fatty product. Also, the cream has the following contraindications:

  • high cholesterol levels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver ailments;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • ailments of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, there are many preservatives that are not very useful in dry cream, some of which are very dangerous. In any case, it is best not to consume more than one glass of cream per day. Of course, this product is best avoided by people who have lactose intolerance. There will be no benefit from the cream, if they are out of shelf life or they had time to spoil before.

Important! Some experts believe that the most useful and optimal in terms of fat content and nutritional value is cream with a fat content of 10%.

Storing cream

If the cream is whole and homemade, store it for a maximum of 72 hours, ideally in the coldest part of the refrigerator. If the cream is purchased and the container has been opened, it can be stored for up to 36 hours. In the freezer, you can store an opened package of cream for about 72 hours.

You can store them without a refrigerator. To do this, pour them into a glass container and place them in a bowl of cold water. We cover the top with a natural fabric, and its ends should be in water. You can store the product in such conditions for 24 hours.

Much also depends on the temperature. So, if the temperature in the refrigerator is up to 6-8 degrees above zero, they are stored for up to 36 hours. If the cream is sterilized, it can be stored for up to a month. But the whipped cream is stored longer, since they have sugar in the composition. It is best to freeze in the quick-freeze compartment. Do not forget to cover the package with a bag to avoid odors.

Cream during pregnancy

Since they are a powerful source of lecithin and calcium, the expectant mother and baby really need them. But there are several conditions. First, it must be the freshest product and of the highest quality: do not use cream if you find a large amount of preservatives or you have doubts about their freshness.

During pregnancy, this product should be consumed a couple of times a week, and even less often in the third semester, and it is better in the composition of sauces. Contraindications are the same as for non-pregnant women. In addition, you should not use them if you have ulcerative colitis or enteritis. Sugar cream is not recommended if pregnancy is accompanied by diabetes. In case of anemia, it is better not to combine this product with meat, as it will interfere with the absorption of the iron. Well, you shouldn't use cream if it provokes toxicosis. It is also best to drink them in small doses.

Slimming cream

From the outside, it may seem that this is not the best product in the struggle for harmony. But it is not so. Whipped cream with sugar is not really a dietary product. But cream with a fat content of up to 15-20% may well be included in the diet of someone who is losing weight.

So, the above-mentioned L-tryptophan promotes the production of serotonin by the body, and it also affects appetite: the more serotonin, the less you want to eat. In addition, they are rich in essential substances that improve liver function and help detoxify the body. Cream with a fat content of up to 15% can easily replace mayonnaise or sour cream in dishes.

Cream for women

Milk (cream, too) is a very “feminine” product: it helps to preserve youth, prevents bones from thinning with age (and this is often a “feminine” problem).

In addition, scientists suggest that the consumption of dairy products is directly related to the health of the mammary glands and can even increase their volume. But to improve lactation, it is useful to drink tea with milk or cream. In addition, unsaturated fats prolong the youthfulness of the body.

Cream for men

The stronger sex also needs this product. Firstly, these are proteins, without which beautiful muscles and the development of physical strength are unthinkable. It is often advised to gain weight with sour cream and beer, but it is quite possible to replace it with heavy cream. Secondly, sour cream and cream are an aphrodisiac and have a good effect on potency. It is best to combine them for this purpose with an egg. Also a good combination with carrot juice.

Cream: benefits for the skin

The abundance of vitamins makes this product a real cure for the skin. They improve metabolic processes in tissues, strengthen skin cells, whiten, actively moisturize and help get rid of inflammation. Also, after applying the cream, the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers in the skin is externally accelerated. This product is most suitable for nourishing aging or dry skin.

It is best to use cream for cosmetic purposes that has not been pasteurized. It will be good to warm up the product in a water bath before using it on the face.

  1. For dry skin, a mask of heavy cream (50 g), egg yolk and 20 g of honey is suitable.
  2. For normal, the same amount of cream is mixed with oatmeal (30g), olive oil (20 mg) and lemon juice (a tablespoon).
  3. For skin, dull cream should be mixed with strawberries and sea salt.
  4. To get rid of age spots, the cream is mixed with one grated cucumber and lemon essential oil.
  5. The most nourishing anti-wrinkle mask comes from cream, cottage cheese, half a banana and honey.
  6. To combat acne, the cream can be mixed with propolis tincture (10 drops) and aloe juice (10 ml).

Homemade cream

You can easily make the cream yourself. Homemade milk is enough for this. We just pour it into a wide container and put it in the dark. The cream will come out on the surface of the milk the very next day - you can collect it. Remember that the fattier the milk, the higher the fat content of the cream.

How to choose cream

First of all, decide what is more important to you - shelf life or nutritional value. Sterilized or ultra-pasteurized cream can be stored for a long time, but during the preparation process 99% of all microbes are lost, which affects their nutritional value: many useful properties are lost during sterilization. This, however, does not affect the taste in any way. Pasteurized ones are rich in minerals and vitamins, but they can be stored for a couple of days and no more.

If possible, study the product: it should be uniform and free of any flakes. You can also tell the quality of the cream by smell.


Cream is an extremely healthy and tasty dairy product. But remember that even it may not be very useful if overused. Do it in moderation to be healthy and beautiful. Well, and choose the highest quality cream.

Cream- a thick white liquid, which can also be cream in color (see photo). A quality product should not have flakes and lumps. Natural cream has a sweetish taste and a viscous consistency.

In ancient times, people simply collected a thick layer formed on the surface of whole milk, which had already settled. Today this is due to separation. Thanks to this process, the fat fraction is removed, which ultimately makes it possible to obtain sterilized or pasteurized cream with different fat content:

In addition, cream can be distinguished by its consistency:

  • drinking;
  • whipped;
  • canned

Today, the industry produces vegetable cream that has a long shelf life. Since they are made using vegetable fats, there is no need to talk about the high benefits of this product.

Selection and storage

If you purchased sterilized cream, its shelf life is approximately 4 months. Pasteurized versions will keep their freshness for only 3 days.

To keep the cream fresh, place it on the shelf near the freezer as this is where the temperature is coldest. If you have already opened a jar of cream, then you definitely need to use it within 24 hours.

If for any reason it is not possible to use the refrigerator, then the cream should be stored in a glass jar, which must be placed in a container with cold water. To reduce the risk of souring, it is recommended to put a horseradish leaf in the container. It should also be borne in mind that open cream absorbs foreign odors quickly enough.

How to check the quality?

High-quality cream should not contain vegetable fats. To check the product for their presence, you need to pour cream into a glass and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Then take a look at their appearance. If nothing has changed, this indicates the quality of the product. The presence of vegetable fats will be indicated by yellow spots on the surface.

Beneficial features

The benefits of cream are due to its rich composition, which is almost identical to milk. Due to the content of l-tryptophanes in this product, the cream helps to cope with insomnia, and they also normalize the activity of the nervous system. With this in mind, it is recommended to use this product for people who suffer from depression and nervous disorders.

It is part of lecithin, which normalizes blood cholesterol levels, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, this substance has a positive effect on the correct metabolism of fats. Cream helps to quickly remove toxins and toxins from the body, so it is recommended to use them for some poisoning. It is recommended to include this product in your diet for people with ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.

Application in cosmetology

The useful composition of the cream allows you to use it for cosmetic purposes. By combining them with other products, you can get an amazing effect. For example, a cream can help improve the condition of aging skin, as well as cope with flaking. In addition, the cream has a whitening effect. Also, this product helps to improve the condition of the hair.

Cooking use

Cream can be consumed as a stand-alone product or used in recipes for various dishes. Most often, sauces, dressings, creams, mousses, etc. are prepared on the basis of this product. Lean options are added to drinks for a more delicate, creamy flavor. In addition, cream is included in the first courses, as well as sour cream, ice cream and butter are made from them.

Separately, it should be said about whipped cream, which is used to make and decorate numerous desserts and pastries. Only high-fat cream is suitable for this product.

How to prepare this product from milk?

To make cream, be sure to take homemade milk. The process is very simple and anyone can handle it. Purchased fresh milk should be poured into a wide bowl and placed in a cool, dark place. After a day, you can already collect the fat on top, which is homemade cream.

Whipped cream at home

In stores, this product cannot be called natural, since various additives are used during its production. You have an alternative - whip the cream at home. In this process, the fat content of the cream is of great importance, the minimum value is 33%. It is very important that the raw materials and utensils you use are cold. To do this, put them in the freezer for a while, make sure that the dishes are completely dry.

Shake the bag very well if you have purchased cream. During the summer, it is recommended to keep a bowl in which you will whip the cream in a container with ice. In addition, you will need powdered sugar, which must be sieved beforehand to avoid lumps. Its amount should be calculated from the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of fresh cream, plus another 1 teaspoon. You need to beat according to a certain scheme: first, the speed should be minimal and gradually increase, when the process comes to an end, the speed must be gradually reduced again. When the cream starts to whip well, it's time to add the powder, only this should be done gradually in small portions. It's important not to overdo it and turn the whipped cream into butter. You can check the readiness like this: make a hole in the mass with your finger, if it is not tightened, everything is ready. Such a product will retain its freshness for 36 hours.

The harm of cream and contraindications

The cream can bring harm to people with an individual intolerance to the product. Due to its high fat content, it is not recommended to use this product for people who have digestive problems. People with high blood cholesterol have contraindications to the use of cream. You can not eat them also with obesity, hypertension. It is worth giving up cream in case of problems with metabolism and with the cardiovascular system. It is still impossible to eat this product with atherosclerosis and with liver pathologies.

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