Older actresses. Old stars. The main thing is love and good mood

The famous plastic surgeon Dr. Tony Yun, starring in the TV series "Dr. 90210 And the author of the popular blog about plastic surgery, appreciated how celebrities are aging. All listed celebrities were not patients of Dr. Yuna, so he could judge objectively.

(Total 28 photos)

1. Madonna, 51 years old.
In 1985 (left) and 2009
Is the performer of the song "Material Girl" made of plastic? Nearly. Madonna looks where younger than 51 years old. She has a full cheek, the neckline of the neck is sharp, not a single wrinkle. I think she made a face tightening, skin fillers added to the cheeks, did not circle a laser grinding or chemical peeling, and also made the injection of dysport and, possibly, the eye lift. (Wireimage, AP)

2. Jane Fonda, 72 years old.
Left - in 1967, right - in 2008.
Recently, Jane Fonda stated that with its appearance obligated for 30% sports and proper nutrition, by 30% of genes, 30% good sex and 10% of plastic surgery. Judging by her sharp line of chin, raised eyebrows and wide eyes, this 72-year-old actress made a face suspender, lifting eyebrows and eyelids. I would say that all this is 30% thanks to genes, 20% - sports and proper nutrition, and by 50% - plastic surgery. To look so good for so long, some exercises are not enough even for Jane Fonds. Getty Images)

3. Jack Nicholson, 72 years old.
Left - in 1977, right - in 2009.
Jack Nicholson is best removed from a plastic surgeon's knife. It agrees adequately, without a single sign of surgical intervention. While many young celebrities introduce themselves Botox buckets, Nicholson wrinkles deep, natural and untouched. It is not bad, otherwise I would have done his character from Batman to his character from Batman, Joker. And now he looks like an elderly, wise and a noticeable star of Hollywood. (Wireimage. Getty Images)

4. Andy McDaull, 51 years old.
Left - in 1992, right - in 2009.
Unlike many 50-year-old actresses and models, Andy McDaull seems natural, except, maybe a bit of botox in some ways and possibly laser therapy to strengthen the skin. Her face is smooth and reflects the time spent away from the dangerous sun, she cares about her skin and sometimes makes preventive care. (Wireimage, Getty Images)

5. Bruce Jenner, 60 years old.
Left - in 1993, on the right - in 2009.
They say, Bruce Jenner corrected the shape of the nose and made a face suspender back in 1984, which, in my opinion, he looks more feminine and unnatural. Then, on its reality show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", he made another facelifier and became much better. His line of chin is more noticeable, and he is not like a victim of a plastic surgeon. But why does he still look strange? Most likely, because his nose is still too thin, and the eyes are too open for a 60-year-old man. In my opinion, it is a bright example of the fact that the plastic surgery is better to make on time once than the only fix. Getty Images)

6. Cindy Crawford, 43 years old.
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009.
SAMI beautiful woman The past 20 years still looks great. Cindy Crawford is really a real super model. Now it is not much older than in 1990. Her skin remains flawless. Most likely, she made minor skin strengthening operations, for example, a new Ematrix, but in addition, it seems, it is owned by its appearance, it is obliged to tender care, not operations. If everything could get old, like her! (Wireimage, Getty Images)

7. Clint Eastwood, 79 years old.
Left - in 1965, right - in 2009.
Clint Eastwood looks too rude to seem to see what he did surgery. Since 90% of patients plastic surgeons - women, modern technologies and operations can make that a man will look a little feminine and unnatural. Eastwood is an example of a man who abandoned a surgical scalpel: Low eyebrows, flue skin on the neck and a very damaged skin. The only thing that, in my opinion, he did is a tip of the upper eyelids. In 1965, they seem to be slightly harder than today. But even if I knew that he used the services of a plastic surgeon, I would not tell him about it. Getty Images)

8. Kenny Rogers, 71 years old.
Left - in 1985, right - in 2006.
Kenny Rogers admitted that he did not bother the lift of the eyelid, and in vain. His plastic surgeon, apparently, removed too much skin from the top century, so now it looks constantly surprised. Most likely, continuing his work on his eyes, he also made a lifting of eyebrows. It is a vivid example of the fact that plastic surgery with men should be very conservative. Unfortunately, he is no longer like the legend of the country, which he was before. Recently, he often takes treatment in Israel. (Corbis, Getty Images)

9. Courtney Cox, 45 years old.
This actress has done everything that is possible to stay young. Courtney Cox and Plastic Surgery are definitely "friends." In addition to possible chemical peeling, such as Obagi Blue Peel, it also slightly increased her lips, most likely, with the help of such fillers like JuVederm. Her cheeks also look more complete, which can be achieved by transplanting adipose tissue or Sculptra injections. Her skin is so smooth and impeccable, which, I think, I paid millions for the skin care product, whose face is (Kinerase). And finally, her forehead demonstrates such a smoothness, which can create only Botox or Distport. Getty Images)

10. Daian Kiton, 64 years old.
Left - in 1979, right - in 2008.
Diane Kiton looks like a normal 64-year-old woman. Her eyelids are settled, neck drains, and the hair is gray. I would not say that she looks young for his age, but it remains an attractive woman. I doubt that she generally did the operations. At least she looks much better than his colleague on the film "Annie Hall" Woody Allen. (Corbis, Getty Images)

11. Ellen Barkin, 55 years old.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
Ellen Barkin looks better than 99% of 55-year-old women. What is it because of the genes, skin care or plastic surgery? I would say, just a little. Her eyebrows are much higher than in 1996. Perhaps this is due to endoscopic suspenders. Her eyelids also look more openly than 14 years ago, probably because of the tightening of the upper eyelid. Her skin is very smooth, perhaps she enjoyed laser treatment, such as Cynosure Smartskin Laser. Also over time, her lips have become more complete, possibly due to Prevelle injections. (Corbis, Getty Images)

12. George Clooney, 48 years old.
Left - in 1988, right - in 2009.
George Clooney is a type of men who love women and hate men. Unlike many celebrities in this photography, the question of whether he did plastic operations, is not worth it. It looks so good without any operations. Although many blogs accused Clañi is that he turned to the help of a plastic surgeon, I do not see signs of his work. He is an example of a person aging as good wine. Besides, Clooney is an excellent actor. Getty Images)

13. Jessica Lang, 60 years old.
Over the past two years, Jessica Lang's appearance has changed much. This is especially seen on the example of its eyebrows that are more curved than the sole of female shoes. I am ready to argue that I used a combination of Botox and the overall eyebrow lift. Her eyelids are also too dense for a woman of its age - most likely, the result of the tightening of the upper and lower eyelids. Her cheeks were also higher than in 1976, most likely, thanks to implants. In general, I think this clearer actress would still be a winner, even if her eyebrows were lower.

14. Joan Van Ark, 66 years old.
Left - in 1987, right - in 2008.
Unfortunately, Joan Van Ark looks like a wax copy of himself. Her skin is too stretched, the lips look swollen, eyebrows - too high are located, and the chin line is too bright. Most likely, its unnatural appearance is the result of numerous chemical peels, lip implants, tightening of the upper and lower eyelid, face suspenders, the introduction of botox and fillers.
Moderation in everything, including in the use of plastic surgery - these are the main keys to good appearance. It seems she did not follow this rule. Well, at least her hair look great. (AP, Getty Images)

15. Al Pacino, 69 years old.
Left - in 1992, right - in 2008.
Does the "face with the scar" made plastic surgery on the face? I think yes. Most likely, Al Pacino passed a moderate tightening of the upper eyelids, which the lack of excess skin on them. Due to the fact that this cleaner actor limited any surgical intervention, it looks great. He agrees gradually as his character in the "Cross Father". Getty Images)

16. Susan Sarandon, 63 years old.
Left - in 1995, right - in 2008.
Although Susan Sarandon recently broke up with his young protégé Tim Robins, this 63-year-old actress always looked as young as he. Like many serious actresses of her generation, she abandoned plastic surgery, and looks great thanks to good genes and careful skin care. Her skin is smooth, but not too, besides, she has all wrinkles that should have a woman at her age. Even by changing the seventh tenth, this woman looks good. Son Susan recently focused on the endaument. (Getty Images, AP)

17. Johnny Depp, 46 years old.
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009
Johnny Depp is one of those for whom to look good - very simple. He has straight hair, it does not shake, wears strange glasses and still looks better than 99% of men at his age. Although rumors went that Johnny Depp made plastic surgery, I doubt it. He has wrinkles characteristic of a man of his age. Its excellent cheekbones and a noticeable chin line only rejuvenate it. Maybe Johnny Depp has a lot of sins, but the plastic surgery in them is not included. Getty Images)

18. Julia Christie, 68 years old.
Left - in 1965, on the right - in 2008.
Is there really 68 clever julia? According to it you will not say, given her excellent appearance. It seems to me that Christie is one of the examples of high-quality plastic surgery in Hollywood. I think she pulled the eyelids, made a facelift, fat fillers in the cheeks. As a result, this was reflected on a clear line of neck, young eyes and soft cheeks, which it demonstrates with glamor. The fact that she is a classic Hollywood talent, only adds advantages to her appearance. Her plastic surgeon needs to give Oscar. Getty Images)

19. Michael Douglas, 65 years old.
Left - in 1976, on the right - in 2009.
It seems that Michael Douglas desperately trying to sobally for his young wife Catherine Zeta Jones. It seems he made one or two face suspenders, as well as the upper eyelid suspension. A few years ago, Michael photos were mounted on the Internet with alleged seams from plastic surgery. So why is his neck still sagging? Well, since men have a more dense and exposed skin of the Sun, than in women, the results of the face lift are valid not so long. This can explain why even after two facial suspenders, Douglas still looks old. But what else can you expect from the 65th Men trying to keep up with a magnificent 40-year-old woman? (Wireimage, Getty Images)

20. Meg Ryan, 48 years old.
Left - in 1998, right - in 2009.
The American favorite of the popular female magazine has become almost unrecognizable over the past few years. Meg Ryan lips look too bloated. I think they put implants, such as GORTEX. This substance can make lips too large, stretched and unnatural. Usually it is injected with small doses. She also seemed to not stuck with the implants of the cheek, because of what she looks like a little "swelling". It is good that these implants are completely replaced during a 20-minute operation. If she really wants natural lips, I would recommend that she remove the implants and took advantage of the fat. (Getty Images, AP)

21. Maryl Strip, 60 years old.
Left - in 1980, right - in 2009.
If you are the same good actress as Maryl Strip, you do not even need to think about plastic surgery. Maybe the strip and not the youngest actress, but who is what the difference? She is one of the aging actresses of Hollywood, which has no problems with wrinkles, sagging skin or even fluffy cheeks. Although, as I think, she did a minor chemical peeling, I think, then it didn't go. Well done. (Getty Images, AP)

22. Nick Nolt, 68 years old.
Left - in 1994, right - in 2008.
I do not think that Nick Nolt did plastic surgery - it looks freezing, muscular, even gray, but completely natural. His eyelids seek, the forehead is wrinkled, the face has become thin, and the skin suffered from ultraviolet. I would not say that he agrees beautifully, I would say that he agrees naturally. (Wireimage, Getty Images)

23. Nicole Kidman, 42 years old.
Left - in 1997, on the right - in 2009.
The face of Nicole Kidman seemed to change the form. Sometimes I think she increased her lips, sometimes - that Wollen Botox in the forehead. In general, I think she did both, and also injected Fillers, for example, Sculptra, in cheeks.
In some people, the aggressive injections of Botox can create the effect of too curved eyebrows, I call it "Botox eyebrows". On this photo it is not visible, but on others - it is present. (Star Max, NBC VIA AP)

24. Olivia Newton-John, 61 years old.
Left - in 1980, right - in 2008.
It seems that the beauty of the 80s Olivia Newton-John is hopelessly addicted to cosmetic injections. Her face looks unnaturally inflated, perhaps due to transplanting of fat or injections Sculptra. Lips also seem enlarged, most likely due to such fillers as Restylane or Juvederm. The forehead is very smooth, even too for a woman in 61 years old. (Wireimage, Getty Images)

25. Priscilla died, 64 years old.
Left - in 1968, right - in 2009.
A couple of years ago, she admitted that she took advantage of silicone injections ending with unsuccessfully. Today, it is absolutely not similar to the classic beauty, which she was 15 years ago. Her skin is smooth - the result of excess laser treatment. Lips and cheeks are bloated, probably due to fat or other fillers. And her forehead is too stretched - probably because of Botox. (AP, Getty Images)

26. Sheron Stone, 51 years.
Left - in 1994, on the right - in 2009.
Why is Sheron Stone's smooth face like a stone? Although I do not think that she made a plastic surgery, it is possible that her young appearance is the result of the health care of the skin, for example, La Roche Posay, as well as chemical peeling and laser treatment. It agrees very beautifully without noticeable changes, like her Hollywood colleagues. To be honest, it will make so good that it is quite possible to remove the "main instinct 3". (Wireimage, EPA)

27. Cheryl Crowe, 47 years old.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
All that Cheryl Crowe wants to enjoy life and avoid surgical operations. It looks great, especially for a 47-year-old woman overcoming breast cancer. Its skin is clean and smooth, no visible signs of plastic surgery. She agitates gradually. I have only one recommendation for her: do not overdo it with the sun. Stay in the shade and apply sunscreen to stay as beautiful. (Wireimage, Getty Images)

28. Sylvester Stallone, 63 years old.
Left - in 1986, right - in 2009.
Slay Stallone looks as if he had several rounds with a plastic surgeon. His eyebrows are too curved, because of what he looks like Krulle de Ville. Most likely, this is due to eyebrows. His eyelids are also too stretched without a single hint of decayless skin. The line of his chin is also too clear for a man of 63 years. Most likely, this is the result of the suspenders of the age and face, respectively. His cheeks also seem higher than before - probably the result of silicone implants. All this plastic surgery makes it quite strange, similar to Satan. I think it's time for him to end it. (Wireimage)

The golden rule is "better less, yes better" - that's what you need to remember, entering into a difficult path to fight with age with the help of contour plastics and plastic surgery. It was this knowledge that the stars did not have enough stars who not only wanted to keep youth, but also tried to look sexy in their far from youth.

Janice Dickinson (60)

The leading show "Model School of the Witch Jenis", herself former modelIt has changed so much that it is difficult to recognize the girl with the covers of the main magazines about the end of the 1970s - early 1980s. At that time, she was frequent parties in Studios 54, and on her recognition in the autobiographical book, sat on a cocaine diet, and was also treated from alcoholism, drug addiction, anorexia and bulimia. Of course, it did not pass without a trace for appearance. After the birth of the son in the 1980s, Jenis decisively engaged in himself: made a face and neck suspender, rhinoplasty, liposuction, periodically increased her chest and lips. Apparently, being a person passionate, Janice cannot control himself in matters relating to plastic surgery, and can no longer stop.

Melanie Griffith (58)

The actress, who once possessed a puppet appearance, at one time refused to put up with aging and went into all the grave, trying to preserve beauty. With the help of injections, it increased her lips, "blinded" new cheekbones and made several suspenders. In consequence, all implants were removed, but they left the indelible trace. All this led to the fact that Melanie's face leaves much to be desired and constantly becomes a subject of discussion in social networks. However, she herself calmly refers to constant rudeness in his address, sometimes answering Haters messages in the spirit "Yes, I'm so, and what?"

Meg Ryan (54)

Keep beauty and youth after 50 - the task is not from the lungs, but there are Russian and foreign stars who meet old age with dignity, not abusing the services of plastic surgeons. A selection of beautifully aging celebrities without plastics and their photos before and after - in the material.

Monica Bellucci (1964)

Italian actress and fashion model in September 2018 will celebrate the 54th birthday, but it looks still attractive and stylish, while not resorting to the help of surgeons. Bellucia is confident that sexuality does not depend on age, and its appearance is a direct proof of that.

Sharon Stone (1958)

Hollywood actress is not trying to keep up with youth. It is categorically not a member of the "Prick of Beauty" and other rejuvenating procedures. Despite the fact that in 2018, Sharon turned 60 years old, it looks so attractive that in frank photo shoots for men's magazines.

Meryl Strip (1949)

Flower B. acting career It came after 40, and the viewer star conquered his naturalness. Despite the solid age, the celebrity persistently refuses to make plastic surgery and even laughs at their colleagues who are trying to keep up with youth.

Salma Hayek (1966)

The 51-year-old American-Mexican actress looks perfectly even without plastic. The star agitates with dignity, and fans say that the only sign pointing to its true age is small mimic wrinkles, but they are very familiar with Hayek.

Isabella Rossellini (1952)

The Italian actress is 12 years represented by the Lancome cosmetic brand, but ruined the contract when the managers said that they need a "face of the door", and suggested that it was rejuvenated. However, the artist believes that plastic surgery is lower than its dignity and the lot of insecure in their beauty of women.

Natalia Andreichenko (1956)

Actress from Russia belongs to beautifully aging stars. The celebrity retained the past charm, not even referring to plastic surgeons. The star of the film "" is engaged in spiritual practices and even heads its own spiritual center in Hawaii. It helps her be young morally and physically.

Lyme Vaikule (1954)

Journalists cannot find evidence that the Soviet and Latvian pop singer resorted to the help of plastic surgeons for rejuvenation, and external signs This is also not. Nevertheless, the celebrity looks no worse than in the young years, despite that in 2018 she turned 64.

Alla Pugacheva (1949)

With dignity, the primaudonna of the Russian pop. She pays a lot of attention to his appearance and did not lose weight for 20 kg. Thanks to this, Pugacheva began to look much younger. Anyway, Alla Borisovna is not shy of his age and publishes social networks no make up.

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Age is just a digit, and she paints our life. So consider many famous stars that look stunning for their years.

On their example websiteshows it is not scary at all.

Julianna Moore (56 years old)

56-year-old actress Julianna Moore over the years only good. The secret of her youth is simple - it is care for yourself, sports and yoga. She does not shy his age and confirms it on numerous interviews: "Yes, older." However, it does not interfere with actress look beautiful.

Charlize Theron (41 years)

Another magnificent actress Charlize Theron argues that you should not be afraid of why not avoid. And extra wrinkles, in her opinion, is a sign of wisdom and experience. Save your fresh appearance Charlize also helps yoga, but most of all she adores cycling.

Will Smith (48 years old)

Unanimous charm and youth Will Smith gave rise to a simple formula: reading and running. The actor claims that these two components are helping to enrich the mind and body and remain in shape even in 48 years.

Sharon Stone (59 years old)

59-year-old Sharon Stone does not try to perpetuate his youth all sorts plastic operationsShe is sure that aging is natural art. The secret of her beauty is regular training, proper nutrition and skin care.

Hugh Jackman (48 years old)

Sporty guy Hugh Jackman thanks to physical exertion remains in great shape and in its 48 can give odds to any 20-year-old. The actor is swimming, running and boxing. It is the sport that helps keep thones and body in the tone, assures Hugh.

Julia Roberts (49 years old)

The secret of the eternal youth of the beauty of Julia Roberts lies in her junior zador. Girls charming gave way to confident femininity, and the smile remained the same open and cheerful as 26 years ago.

Ben Affleck (44 years)

Ben Affleck lives on wisdom, which in his childhood he taught his mother: "Be faithful to himself," and therefore it is not afraid of the age nor the wrinkle around him. The boy's bastardness of the actor was replaced by a bristle brutality, which is definitely to face.

George Clooney (56 years old)

Actress Demi Moore (50) in his 50 years can give odds to many young beauties. Always well-groomed and taped, it does not look at her age at all. The secret of youthless Demi is a stormy life. Demi has always been more interested in men than diet. And despite the fact that her marriage with a 35-year-old Ashton Cutcher ended with full collapse, and Demi Moore, according to rumors, has not yet come to himself, permanent experiences about the "Cardiac Affairs" helps actress to stay young not only in soul, but also Body.

In one of the interviews, the actress told: "I can't keep my appearance of twenty years ago, although people try to keep everything that ever got into their hands. I descended from diet not to file a bad example to daughters. I have three daughters, and only the youngest delicate bone. I teach them to appreciate your beauty and do not imitate someone with whom they have nothing in common. And I explain to be thin - it does not mean to be happy. The most interesting thing is that when I ceased to express my body with exercises and diets, then my figure was the one that I dreamed about. " In short, take an example with Demi - Enjoy life!

Kim Catherol (56) is a bright and inspiring example that a woman may look sexy and after 50 years. In the life of Kim, in many ways, it looks like his heroine Samantha from the series "Sex in the Big City" - it is a luxurious woman in a mature age, which does not allow themselves to relax. Keeping the figure help her "old good friends" - Yoga and Pilates.

Unlike many stars claiming that the secret of their youth in heredity and a good mood, Kim Catherol honestly admits that it is constantly hard working to be in shape.

"I sit on a diet all my life, because I have a brutal appetite," the actress told in one of the interviews. - Everyday workout, eight glasses of water daily, is going on all my life. I'm getting harder over the years. Some parts of my body protest a diet, but at the same time thanks to them I wake up early in the morning and starting exercise. " Who else can boast of such power?

By the way, more about how to be forever young can be read in the books Kim Catherol "Sexuality Dossier" and "Find yourself."

The years are going, and Monica Bellucci (48) is still a standard of female beauty for most men. The husband of Vensene Kassel does not represent without her life, while Dolce's designers and Gabbana do not represent an advertising campaign without Monica. The actress itself never hid that her beauty is a weapon that can be used.

"There is a lot of ways to maintain the beauty of your body, including excellent cosmetics, exercises. Of course, if a woman is just lazy to do this, then here I have no comments, "said Bellucci in an interview with OK magazine! At first glance, it may seem that Monica is very stronger, but in fact she does not advocate to limit themselves to the detriment of the joys of life.

"I studied my body and I know that the pizza, for example, is absolutely postponed on my sides. And what do you think, I, Italian, stop eating pizza?! Never! - Monica said. - That's why if I need it to work, I am ready to exclude something from the menu, but live so all my life and while dinner with my husband, with friends, to portray myself a sacrifice of fashion ... It seems to me so stupid! "

Despite the fact that Jane Foundation (75) has not yet turned to call her grandmother for 75 years. For your life, this beauty made a lot for women - because Jane is not just a talented actress, but also Adept healthy image Life. The Foundation is the author of a whole complex of exercises on aerobics, it has released 12 video programs and 6 books on how to keep themselves in shape. Jane Fonda has the right to give advice - after all, even in its solid age, she is able to eclipse many young barlets.

The Fund itself admits that age obliges to relate to their health and appearance attentively. What could be afforded to 25, no longer in 40 ... "I really love Martini and from time to time I allow myself a bo-o-low cheeseburger. But the older, the harder it is to move away from the effects of dambling. I am quite a disciplined person, "the actress noted in one of the interviews.

This discipline helped Jane not only look wonderful in 75 years, but also to defeat Cancer - three years ago the foundation suffered a serious illness. Not having time to be issued from the hospital after the operation, Jane Fonda stated to journalists that it was about to develop a new aerobics program, and she doesn't want to hear anything else about cancer!

Columbia actress and model Sofia Vergara (40) is famous not only for its beautiful eyes, but also the perfect figure, which could envy any girl for 20 years old. Sofia, who has long been known in Latin America, in the United States and Europe became famous after participating in the advertisement of Pepsi, where she starred with David Beckham. Today Vergar is one of the highest paid persons of American television. Beauty does not hide that appearance is largely due to his success. "Let's be frankly: my chest discovered many doors for me," the star said once.

By the way, with a sense of humor, Sofia Vergara is also all right. In one of the interview, she "issued": "In the near future I will make a suspender, and in the future, when my sexuality comes to no, it will easily reduce the volume so that nothing bothered."

By the way, Sofia has a 21-year-old son Manolo. When Sofia is published together with her son, they can be easily taken for a couple! In fact, Sofia does not like men who are much younger than her - Vergara older than his current boyfriend, Nika Loup, just 3 years old.

Among russian celebritiesWho over the years do not change at all, the palm of the foremost can be given to the TV presenter Catherine Andreva (51). For 18 years, she introduces Russians every night with news. And can anyone say that during this time a change occurred in the appearance of Catherine?

His main secret of youth Catherine considers sleep. The TV presenter is trying to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and falls no later than 10 pm, so as not to miss the most useful time for the body. At the same time, the star advises not to forget to always open the window and desirable to buy an orthopedic pillow.

Did not cost and without proper nutrition - Ekaterina Andreeva always monitors what he eats. The TV presenter believes: "Salt is needed by the body, but preferably maritime and in small quantities. But sugar is completely excessive product" At the same time, the star does not forget once a week to visit the cosmetologist and never sunbathe is, in her opinion, harmful to the skin.

Gwyneth Paltrow (40) refers to the rare type of women who are only good with age. True, in the case of Paltrow we are talking About daily work on yourself, and not about masks from cucumbers or wonderful heredity. Gwyneth is engaged daily with a personal trainer, completely eliminated all the "tasty and harmful", and a weekly visit to the cosmetologist for her mandatory auction. True, Gwyneth and annoying lesions were. For example, Botoks she remained very unhappy.

Gwyneth Paltrow once told what kind of work she should keep himself in shape: "I sometimes scream and shout, and then just forcing myself to train myself. I'm just obsessed with workouts. When I reached such results, I began to follow everything that my coach says, and she finally changed my figure - I am madly grateful to her. "

But one weakness of the "Iron Lady" (we are talking about the press, and not about the character) Gwyneth Paltorou there is still there - on Saturdays she smokes a cigarette! Will there be small pranks in life?!

The legend of Italian cinema Sophie Lauren (78) is already 78 years old, and it still can afford the neckline and tight evening dresses. By the way, when Lauren was 72, she took part in erotic shooting for the male calendar. The girls have already studied the recipes of beauty from Lauren. She will be eagerly divided into her books.

"Everything I have in life, I owe Spaghetti," said Sophie once. Indeed, the star adores spaghetti and, as a true Italian, is perfectly preparing them. But it is not necessary to think that at the same time Sophie allows yourself candy and bread.

The fact that the actress goes to bed at 9 pm and early in the morning makes charging in her garden, many know. But do not forget that the youth of Sophie was stormy, so not only diet and exercises helped her in a mature age, but also a saturated personal life. After all, the main thing for a woman is to be happy.

Actress Holly Berry (46) - the owner of a stunning figure and perfect skin - try to find wrinkles from her! In its 46, the star does not only look great, but not afraid to give birth to children - recently Holly learned that she was pregnant for the second time. At the same time, even with a growing tummy, Berry allows themselves very frank outfits for secular outlets.

Few people know, but in his youth, Holly Berry revealed diabetes! But the star learned not just to live with it, but also turned the disease to itself.

"Actually, my disease taught me to take care of health and allowed to keep the figure," the movie star told. - To be slim simple, if you pull out the life of sweets and pastries, sugar, salt, alcohol. I was not easy for this choice, even when I understood that it was not about my figure, but about my health. " Holly completely refused sweet and bad habits. The result is evident - she is healthy and beautiful.

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