The results of voting in the United Nations in Crimea. Two thirds of countries supported the UN General Assembly resolution against the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Resolution on Crimea: Ukraine needs decisive action

The UN General Assembly yesterday, which is called "The human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine." The document was approved by 70 states, 26 voted against. 76 countries abstained.

The resolution confirms that there is an international armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The document recognizes the "temporary occupation of a part of Ukraine by Russia." The General Assembly also condemned (quote from the UN website): “... violations, infringements of human rights, discriminatory measures and practices against residents of the temporarily occupied Crimea, including Crimean Tatars, as well as Ukrainians and persons belonging to other ethnic and religious groups, from the side of the Russian occupation authorities ”.

The preamble of the document also condemns the "temporary occupation" " The Russian Federation part of the territory of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol ”. It confirms "non-recognition of its annexation." The text of the UN General Assembly resolution can be found.

Recall that Crimea became part of the Russian Federation in March 2014 following a referendum. Kiev and most countries in the world refuse to recognize this vote as legal.

The position of the Kremlin on the adoption of this resolution is the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. “We consider these formulations to be incorrect, we do not agree with them,” Peskov said.

Naturally, the adoption of such a document by the UN provoked comments and reactions not only from Dmitry Peskov, but also from politicized and not so citizens. "" Has collected the most vivid, meaningful or typical.

It seems that almost everyone will have to be punished with the dollar. The overwhelming majority of countries were not afraid of threats from the United States and at a meeting of the UN General Assembly voted for a resolution that condemns President Trump's decision to de facto recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In addition to the United States and Israel themselves, the change in the status of the disputed city was supported by only seven countries, for example, Guatemala, Honduras and the Marshall Islands. A number of states abstained, and some did not come to the vote at all, including Ukraine.

This board with the results of voting in the American administration is now studying with a pencil and a calculator. Against those who voted "for" - a bold cross. Against those who abstained, there is a question mark. Conclusions will be made, obviously, in banknotes.

“We will remember this day when we are asked next time to make the largest contribution to the UN. And we will remember those countries that, as has often happened, expect to use our influence in their favor. If we make a generous contribution to the UN, we have a legitimate reason to count on recognition and respect, ”said Nikki Heli, US Ambassador to the United Nations.

On the eve of the vote, Donald Trump said bluntly that America would stop sponsoring those who would support the resolution condemning the change in the status of Jerusalem. Despite the threat, even Afghanistan, the main recipient of American aid (more than $ 4.5 billion), as well as Egypt (almost $ 1.5 billion) and Iraq (1 billion 140 million) voted in favor. Even the oldest and most loyal allies: Great Britain, France, Germany and Japan refused to support Washington.

America has only managed to enlist the support of Israel, Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo.

As the influential New York Times wrote, voting on this resolution (symbolic in principle, since it does not commit to anything, it does not even mention the United States) only exacerbated America's diplomatic isolation.

“In keeping with the promise made to his supporters, Trump crippled decades of American politics by his decision, complicating the problems that had been brewing like an abscess since 1967, with the Arab-Israeli war, when the Israelis occupied the entire city,” writes The New York Times ...

The Israeli Knesset declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel back in 1949. However, this status was not recognized by a significant part of the international community. East Jerusalem is considered to be a Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. It is assumed that over time it should become the capital of the Palestinian state. The status of the city is a cornerstone in the question of a peaceful settlement.

The Middle East has already made it clear that Washington's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move its embassy there threatens to turn into a third Intifada.

“America’s decision will not affect the status and position of the Holy City in any way, but it will definitely affect the United States’s status as a peace broker. Because they failed in Jerusalem, despite all our warnings and warnings to the whole world not to take such a step, despite warnings of the danger that such actions could fuel sentiment and lead a situation that has a solution into a religious war that has no boundaries. "- said Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki.

“Israel categorically rejects this ridiculous resolution. Jerusalem - the capital of Israel, has always been and always will be. But I am glad that the number of countries that refuse to participate in this theater of the absurd is growing, ”said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is known that on the eve of the vote, Israel was negotiating with dozens of countries to abstain from voting, not to participate in it at all, or at least not to speak. According to The New York Times, all negotiations were coordinated with Washington. They say Benjamin Netanyahu personally called the Czech prime minister. In Prague, there is talk about moving its embassy to Jerusalem as well. The Czech Republic abstained from voting, as did Poland, Romania, Latvia, as well as Canada and Australia.

Ukraine did not attend the emergency meeting at all, as did 20 other countries. Who knows what the participation in this case may turn out to be, if Washington really expects to live in peace not according to the laws, but according to the concepts: "Whoever eats a girl, dances her."

The UN General Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution condemning the so-called temporary occupation of Crimea. Who voted for the anti-Russian resolution introduced by Ukraine and who did not support it? Should Moscow expect any consequences of what Kiev called "a signal to the aggressor"?

The Kremlin called the wording adopted the night before by the UN General Assembly incorrect. "We do not agree," - said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

The resolution on Crimea, introduced at the initiative of Ukraine, on behalf of the UN General Assembly, condemns the "temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of a part of the territory of Ukraine" and declares the "non-recognition of the annexation" of this territory. Also noted were "Kiev's efforts" aimed at "putting an end to the Russian occupation of Crimea." The document also refers to the allegedly existing in the Crimea "violations of human rights" (this topic Kiev pedalized). But still, the main emphasis is placed on the illegal establishment of "laws, jurisdiction and administration by Russia in Crimea.

In Kiev, the resolution was met with. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who repeatedly demanded from the UN rostrum to punish the "occupiers", called the General Assembly's decision a signal to the "aggressor". “Those guilty of persecution and violations of the rights of Crimeans will certainly be held accountable. The aggressor state (as they call Russia in Kiev - approx. VZGLYAD) must stop arbitrariness in the temporarily occupied territory, ”the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.

Russian arguments are not accepted, the absurdity is growing

The "Crimean" resolution of the UN General Assembly does not reflect either the real situation on the peninsula, "nor the opinion of the Crimeans, but broadcasts the propaganda myths of Kiev," stressed the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov. “The terrorist Kiev regime has no right to talk about human rights at all,” the head of the region noted.

Konstantin Zatulin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs, also emphasizes: “And it is not for Ukraine to tell us how to deal with human rights. Given what is happening today in Ukraine itself in the conflict zone in Donbass, what is happening with dissidents on the territory of the rest of Ukraine. As political rights and freedoms are destroyed in Ukraine, entire parties are banned, such as the Communist Party. " The interlocutor also recalled the situation with the status in Ukraine - despite the fact that in Crimea, three languages, including Ukrainian, have been granted official status. "The draft resolution is based on speculation and prejudice," sums up Zatulin.

According to Sergei Aksenov, such decisions undermine the status and authority of the UN. The representative of the Crimean Tatar community, vice-speaker of the State Council of Crimea Remzi Ilyasov spoke in the same spirit. “The resolution on Crimea runs counter to the position of the Crimean people, and the UN, by its decision, discredits itself and nullifies the authority gained over the years,” RIA Novosti quoted the politician as saying.

The General Assembly, we recall, has already tried to consider the anti-Russian resolution earlier in November. Then it was supported, including by the countries of the European Union, Canada and the United States. 25 countries opposed. These are Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, North Korea, Myanmar, Serbia, Syria, South Africa. As the newspaper VZGLYAD emphasized then, according to the charter, the General Assembly occupies a central place in the UN; however, with such initiatives, Ukraine is turning the focus of international politics into a stage for.

It must be admitted that the result of the UN General Assembly resolution was predictable, political scientist Fyodor Lukyanov noted in a comment to the VZGLYAD newspaper. The legal position of other countries in the world on Crimea does not change, and Russian arguments are not accepted. Meanwhile, some countries “consider it important to raise them up on the shield,” while the other part does not believe that it is worth any serious discussion and does not want to interfere in the dispute, the expert explained.

Partners are careful

Our interpretation of Crimea's entry into Russia “is not recognized by almost anyone in the world, including our partners,” says Lukyanov.

China opposed the resolution because it was about human rights violations. But if we were talking about the attitude towards the very belonging of the Crimea, then hardly anyone would be ready to admit it. “This is understandable: any change in borders without the consent of the party that previously had jurisdiction puts any other country on the alert. Nobody wants a precedent, ”the expert emphasized.

Another Russian partner - Belarus - “maneuvers with all its might in all directions. On the one hand, she tries to avoid doing anything that can be interpreted by Russia as unfriendly. On the other hand, Lukashenka stresses in every possible way that this is not our conflict at all, we have excellent relations with Ukraine, we are fraternal peoples and so on. He has his own interests, ”the political scientist emphasized. Thus, the vote only re-sketched the already existing balance of power. And, as experts note, this resolution is unlikely to have any impact, except for the "feeling of deep satisfaction" of the Kiev authorities.

Can be ignored

“There will be no consequences. The resolutions of the General Assembly are recommendatory, ”emphasizes the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Konstantin Zatulin.

“Of course, we shouldn't discount the very fact that Ukraine manages to carry out any decisions. But it is not necessary to absolutize this either. We have seen resolutions on Abkhazia, Ossetia and so on, proceeding from formal circumstances. Of course, Russia will not be able to follow the lead and draw conclusions from the unfairly explained situation and incorrectly formulated reasons and reasons for self-determination. He will take it into consideration, and nothing more, ”the deputy emphasized.

The Crimean issue is periodically raised at the initiative of the United States and, most likely, will be raised. But this is also quite expected, given the current relations between the two countries, said political scientist Fyodor Lukyanov. He also emphasizes that the General Assembly resolution is advisory in nature, so there will be no practical consequences.

Russia is not the first to be called an "occupier" by the General Assembly. Israel, for example, has received this characteristic more than once. Thus, in 2015, the UN General Assembly in the resolution "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine" again called for "to ensure the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem." In addition, the document emphasized "the illegality of Israel's actions aimed at changing the status of Jerusalem, including the construction and expansion of settlements, the demolition of houses, the eviction of Palestinian residents." 102 countries were in favor, only eight opposed, among them the United States, Canada and Australia. 57 states abstained.

However, in practice, this did not change the situation then, and now it did not at all prevent the Trump administration from announcing the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem.

The General Assembly yesterday adopted a newresolution on human rights in Crimea .

However, it is new with a stretch. The resolution reiterated with some differencestext of last year's document .

In Kiev, at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President, they welcome the UN decision - after all, the resolution was also prepared by Ukraine.

Strana looked at how this document differs from previous ones and how Ukrainian support at the UN has changed since the beginning of the conflict in Crimea and Donbass.

The essence of the document and differences

In the current version of the resolution, Russia was again called an "occupying power" and called for a number of actions, which are contained in the interim decision of the International Court of Justice in the case "Ukraine v. Russia." For example, to make education available in the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​and stop persecuting activists who do not recognize Crimea as a territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the General Assembly voted to return the legal status of the Mejlis and stop the army conscription among the newly minted citizens of Russia, which automatically became almost all Crimeans, as well as to cancel the acts that allow the confiscation of property on the peninsula.

The call was again made not only to Russia, but also to Ukraine to simplify the access of international observers to Crimea.

The document also mentions for the first time the Geneva Convention, which regulates the humane treatment of prisoners of war. Which, as it were, hints at an armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia - but nothing is said directly about it.

On the one hand, this theoretically gives the victims the right to expand the list of international instances where they can turn with a complaint against the Russian government.

On the other hand, the requirements of the General Assembly are not binding. Therefore, Russia, as a rule,pays no attention to them , and the texts of the resolutions remain almost unchanged for the second year in a row (in 2015, the UN adopted nothing on Crimea).

In such resolutions, the most important thing is who supported or rejected them. Voting results usually show a watershed between countries that play on the side of Kiev or Moscow (at least, this is how the Ukrainian authorities present this topic).

How and who voted

26 countries opposed yesterday's "Ukrainian" UN resolution.

These are Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan, Tajikistan, Syria, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

76 countries abstained. Among them are Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand and others.

And 70 states supported the resolution.

These include Albania, Andorra, Antigua Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany , Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway , Palau, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Moldova, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Macedonia, Turkey, Tuvalu, Ukraine, UK, USA, Vanuatu, Yemen.

Differences from previous polls

Voted in the same proportions forresolution 2016 whose version is yesterday's document.

An interesting dynamic begins if we compare the new decision of the General Assembly with the "mother"Resolution on Crimea from 2014 - 68/262 ... All subsequent UN documents on human rights in the peninsula refer to it.

The first and main resolution refused to recognize the "referendum" in Crimea and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. 100 countries voted for it then, only 11 voted against, and 82 states abstained and did not vote.

But further in the regiment of those who disagreed with the pro-Ukrainian decisions of the General Assembly began to arrive. Thus, the number of countries that are "for" in the past and this year fell by a third - to 70. And those who are against - more than doubled - to 26.

Moreover, such large powers as India and China appeared among the opponents, occupying together 25% of world GDP (in 2014 they simply abstained from voting).

The evolution of views of the main US ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, is also interesting. In 2014, she voted in favor, and in 2017 she chose to abstain, apparently not wanting to spoil relations with Russia, which this yearbegan to improve.

Developed countries that voted "for" the Ukrainian position also dropped out South Korea and Singapore, and from the former Soviet republics- Azerbaijan. Near the side of the United States, Mexico moved to the abstaining list (three years ago it was in favor).

The number of abstentions in general increased: 58 versus 70 in 2017. The number of those who did not vote fell slightly from 24 to 20.

Full list of countries that dropped out of the list of voters for the pro-Ukrainian resolution in 2014:

Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Benin, Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Jordan, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritius, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Philippines, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, South Korea.

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