Make money on your own game. How developers make big bucks from free games. This will be the main income

Many of us have ever thought how to create a game online and it doesn't matter for what purpose, on what topic or for whom. After all, your own game is not only interesting fun, but also something that you can brag about to your friends. Can also be posted on a personal site and even Earn Money at the games. So if you have an idea for a long time create your own game then this article is for you.

Even if you do not have the skills in such a matter, it is possible without some effort create a game online... How can this be done without using complex programs, without using computer programming? To do this, there are a huge number of "easy" and simple modeling programs that you can work with even without certain skills.

So, if you decide to create a game, you need to decide on the theme of this game: the type of game, its genre, as well as the type of interface and the like will depend on this. At the same time, if you decide to create a simple 2D game, then the creation of such a game will not be very difficult.

It will, of course, be more difficult for the creators of 3D games to create an interface and other objects, but still modern, with minimal knowledge and certain programs, it will not be difficult. Moreover, 3D games can be created using special templates and blanks in these programs.

Next, you should choose a program through which your game will be created. We have identified two programs for 3D modeling: multifunctional programs that do not require additional training - these are 3D Game Maker and 3D Game Studio.

The first program is one of the most popular programs for creating a game and is characterized by ease of use and is always popular with both beginners and specialists. In addition, a game can be created in a record short amount of time - literally in 20 minutes. And also, there are more old version this program for creating 2D games.

As for 3D Game Studio, compared to the first game, it has the advantage of creating various graphical effects and is more powerful than 3D Game Maker. Plus, it has a lot of features that can give your game a lot of unusual effects and make it original, different from similar standard games.

And, in conclusion, I would like to add that by creating your game, you create that special and unique game program, which will be not only a subject of your pride, but also an indicator of your achievements, and most importantly, that you bring joy to the players and future fans of your game!

Now Internet users are interested in the question of how to make money by creating websites. The reason is that the business is rapidly moving to virtual sites, bringing good profits to the owners. But you can make money on creating websites without having programming skills. To do this, it is enough to become a partner of 1C-UMI and receive a lifetime reward for each attracted client. ...

The development of sites on order is carried out by everyone who is more or less versed in site building - these are people of different status and age, from high school students to pensioners who decided to diversify their leisure time and earn extra money. The most negative thing is that many, who have only learned the basics, try to teach others. Recommendations from such people can cause significant damage by the very idea. There is no need to talk about the various garbage littering the Runet. This article focuses on the highlights of the website building business and brings together the collected information that is available on the web. Beginners will be able to understand how and how much you can earn on creating sites.

What determines the size of earnings

The main goal of developing a web service is to make a profit from it. Of course, you cannot generalize all sites, but in general it is so. It is important for beginners to know how much money they can get by doing this kind of work. Statistical analysis of the activities of numerous web studios and freelancers shows figures from 5 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the type of site (the cheapest is a business card, the most expensive is a turnkey online store). And 200 thousand is not the final amount, there are portals and sites, the price of which is much higher. The earnings on creating custom-made websites are influenced not only by the technical savvy and creativity of the developer, but also by other factors.

Website development requires at least basic knowledge of the basics of web design, programming languages ​​HTML, CSS and PHP. The most elementary thing is to use ready-made platforms. An interesting option is UMI.CMS from Umisoft. It is an intuitive and easy-to-manage CMS with many advantages and functions. It is easier to deal with ready-made "engines", but it is even better not to dwell on them, but to learn and develop further.

On the Internet, you can now find any courses and tutorials. The main thing is to choose the optimal one, which will really benefit, and not drain money. Real user reviews, consultations of web studios will become assistants. There is no point in advising any specific one, you yourself must be responsible for the correct choice. Gain knowledge, and experience is your best assistant.

Let's get back to how to make money on creating websites. Approximate prices are as follows:

  • business card site - 5-7 thousand rubles;
  • blog - 6 thousand rubles;
  • portfolio - 9-12 thousand rubles;
  • landing page - 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • online store - 12-20 thousand rubles;
  • corporate resource 22-25 thousand rubles

Registration of your business

Everyone decides for himself whether he needs to register the business officially. There are pros and cons to the procedure. The main advantage of the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is the trust of customers. There are a lot of cases of fraud on the Internet, customers are more likely to go to the performer who is officially responsible for their activities. Disadvantages - you have to pay taxes, keep accounting, draw up and submit reports. Without a well-established client base, bearing the financial burden is difficult, but attracting good clients without an official status is not easy. Weigh the pros and cons, then make a decision. If you have funds for "promotion", then it is better to arrange your business in accordance with all the rules.

What is a portfolio? These are examples of the work you have done. Customers will never contact you if you do not have a portfolio, and rightly so. How can you show what you are capable of without having finished projects? You may even have to work for free at first to prepare the base. It is desirable that the created sites be of different directions, so you can more widely demonstrate your abilities. As orders come in, the portfolio will be replenished, and you will no longer have to develop for free.

Sample contract and brief

Officially designed web studios must have a sample client agreement, which details the responsibilities and rights of the parties - the contractor and the customer. It is not superfluous to draw up a commercial proposal that should be of interest to potential employers. You cannot sit in anticipation of the flow of customers - you need to act in all directions, this is the only way to realistically embody the idea and understand how to make money on creating sites. Monitoring freelance exchanges, sending offers, searching among friends, direct calls - all these actions will bring results.

The customer and the contractor often have difficulty in figuring out what specific product the customer wants to see at the output. Neglecting this aspect, as a rule, leads to the fact that improvements and fixes can take longer than creating a website. In order to avoid such troubles, a brief should be drawn up - a questionnaire, with the help of which the client's wishes are determined. The brief allows you to protect yourself from subsequent misunderstandings like "we ordered not this" and the like.

For insurance, many webmasters prefer to work on a prepaid basis. This is about 50% of the total order value. Depending on the reputation, the duration of the business relationship, the percentage may fluctuate up or down. When the work on the site is completed, it is shown to the customer and only after receiving the remaining amount, all the data is transferred for the ownership and management of the resource. A popular type of additional income for creating websites is its after-sales service. It includes elimination of errors that occur during operation, filling with information, security control and much more.

Common mistakes

Web studios that make money on website development often make a number of the same mistakes. A list of the most typical ones:

How to sell custom websites? This is an ordinary business, albeit somewhat specific, with its own laws of conduct. You can make money on it, but to get a lot, you need experience and a desire to develop.

The Village continues to figure out what constitutes the income and expenses of members of different professions. In this issue - a mobile game developer. There are popular games created by one person. The famous Stardew Valley farm simulator is a project of many years of work by a single developer. Minecraft initially had one author, and only then a huge team was formed around the game. Usually at least three people are involved in the game - an artist, a game designer and a programmer. On average, a team of 10-30 people is working on games released in Russia, and in large projects their number can increase to a hundred. We learned from a game designer at a large company about how he makes players feel happy, disappointed and willing to pay, and how his family's budget is built.


Senior Game Designer


80,000 rubles


6,000 rubles

communal payments

33,000 rubles

20,000 rubles


5,000 rubles


4,000 rubles

5,000 rubles

3,000 rubles

computer updates

2,000 rubles

What a game designer does

Very often, when I say that my profession is a game designer, they ask me: "Do you draw, or what?" - because in Russia the very word “designer” is practically equated with the word “artist”. But in reality, a game designer is a person who sets the rules of the game and works quite a lot with the terms of reference. The process of creating a game is a team work, and if you do not write everything down, then the programmer or artist will not understand at all what they need to do. It is my task to convey the idea to them.

There is also a creative part in my work, but it takes no more than 10% of the time - for example, when you need to create an event or a unit (combat or work unit with the ability to control. - Approx.ed.)... The character jumps out from around the corner, enemies attack him - this is the event in the game. A unit can be, say, a new tank, and I determine what speed it will have and what damage it does. At the same time, the conditions of the game do not necessarily coincide with the real ones, because realism destroys the gameplay. Characters in the game do not sleep, do not eat, do not go to the toilet. If all this happened, the players would just get bored. This is called the gameplay assumption. Of course, there are very realistic simulators - control of an airplane, a truck, a train. Their audience is quite specific - these are people who cannot quit their job and family, but at the same time want to feel, for example, the romance of a trucker. But, no matter how close to reality the truck control system was recreated, the game still has no traffic cops in the bushes, bad roads and fines.

In Russia, the gaming industry is still quite young, and the development of projects is associated with certain financial risks. Therefore, everyone is trying to make games that are more likely to pay off and on which you can quickly recoup money. The easiest way is to create a free-to-play mobile game (a free to download game, the creators profit from the sale of additional features. - Ed.)... In order to encourage people to spend money inside the game, game designers try to slip special conditions. In the Russian industry, sensations that can be sold are highly valued. For example, annoyance when the user does not have enough resources to win, unwillingness to wait until the required amount of energy is accumulated, desire to take revenge if the enemy has destroyed your entire army in a multiplayer game. And at such a difficult moment, we slip the player an offer: "Pay a little, and it will become easier for you." Many shareware games are based precisely on the fact that a person must spend money in order to get positive feelings - to see himself on the leaderboard, to collect some kind of collection, to win the competition.

How to become a game designer

Now you can already get the education of a game designer. Literally from this year, a department of game design was opened at a Moscow university. But most of the people I work with, and myself, have never graduated from this specialty. In general, I am a historian by education and after graduation I worked in a car dealership for some time. I had a friend who was appointed manager of a startup that received an order to develop a gaming application for a government agency. Knowing about my solid gaming experience, a friend called me to the position of technical director. A year later, the state structure was involved in a corruption scandal, because of this, delays in financing our project began, and the startup was closed. I wanted to continue working in the gaming industry, then I myself found a job in one of the companies.

Five years ago, the profession of a game designer was considered new, people were hired without experience. It was just necessary to play a lot, because without this it is impossible to understand what will be interesting to users. During the interview I was asked to do tasks related to games, something similar can be found in books like Entertaining Math. Let's say you need to calculate the chance of a certain item falling out when killing a monster or determine who will win in a fight between two characters with given characteristics. These are math problems, and they differ only in context.

Features of work

Now I am 29 years old, I have already worked in four companies and participated in two independent projects. In small teams, you do everything like a man-orchestra: you write a script, and do mathematical calculations, and try to do advertising, and write technical tasks. Now I work for a fairly large company, we have about 200 employees, and everyone does what they do best.

Usually, work on a free-to-play game begins not with a brilliant idea, but with the fact that the company needs to increase its sales target. Money is needed to pay employees, develop other projects that are not yet profitable, and everyone starts thinking about how to make money. First, we calculate what audience the game will have. For example, if this is a "Farm", then we will attract women from 25 to 40 years old, housewives who prefer iPhones. When we launch a war game, our audience is men in their 30s, amateurs military topics who like to lead and improve their self-esteem.

The team has a producer who, like the captain of the ship, knows where we are going. He may simply say, "We need to do better," and the game designer, based on a lot of information, decides what exactly to add to the game. The company employs analysts. They collect and process data about what people like and dislike. For example, we know that players "fall off" in the third minute, which means that we need to make a clear tutorial here. Then we introduce a new window with a hint, which will be displayed exactly at this time. Then the scriptwriter, artist, programmer are included in the work.

In general, games use quite a few principles of behavioral economics. We have marketers doing a lot of research: for example, which banners people click better - with half-naked women or with sights, which color users like more. In one of the games we had different units for the countries of the former CIS and Western countries... Opponents are always specially portrayed as such that one would like to fight against them - scary, wild, with protruding fangs. But you yourself play for incredibly beautiful and strong characters. The artist deliberately makes the user feel so that the person sees this picture and says to himself: "I am on the side of good, therefore I must win!"

Even small teams have testers. It is better that before launching the game, not the same people who developed it tested it, because their eyes are already blurred. And a professional tester approaches from such sides, from which we do not even think of. We also have a support service and community managers. These are people with iron nerves, because users sometimes leave reviews that are almost entirely obscene, with a transition to the personalities of developers and their relatives.

In the Russian gaming industry average age employee - 27-28 years old. Therefore, companies usually have a relaxed atmosphere and there is no rigid hierarchy. We work in an open space. You can talk in the corridor with the director or project manager, sit down for lunch at the same table. There is only an unspoken taboo on discussing certain topics in corporate chats - religion or politics. If one of the large Western companies is proud of the fact that it employs 15–20% of women, then we have 30% of them, including in leadership positions. And I don't notice the difference in salaries between men and women. I only know that they usually try to hire women for the position of a community manager, because male users behave more decently in their presence and do not allow obscene language in communication.

Our company has an eight-hour working day with a lunch break. You can come when it is convenient for you, and if you are not late, then at the end of the month you participate in a win-win lottery. For those who came on time for six months, a lottery with serious prizes is held. I succeed, since I am used to arriving early so as not to stay late at work.


Junior game designers in Moscow can earn from 25 to 45 thousand rubles. This is the very case when you first need to work for little money in order to gain experience. Usually they are given simple tasks, there is almost no responsibility for them. An ordinary game designer is paid from 40 to 70 thousand rubles, a senior earns from 70 to 120 thousand rubles or more if he gets a job in a large company or a startup with large investments. Seniors perform complex tasks, they have full responsibility.

A game designer earns less than a programmer precisely because we have a rare profession and skills that can only be used within the industry, and a programmer is needed everywhere - you create a database for a factory or an electronic coloring book. 2D artists get the least in the gaming industry, but 3D modelers can earn even more game designers, because their work is in demand not only in games, but also in movies. A game designer can take a part-time job - write a technical task for a game, make calculations. But it is not easy to find, and the extra workload will take a lot of time and effort. Now I'm not ready to work seven days a week.

I get 80 thousand rubles a month. In our company, instead of bonuses, there is a social program - medical insurance and free meals. At the previous place of work, we had something like the 13th salary - they divided a percentage of the proceeds among everyone so that everyone received an amount approximately equal to their monthly salary.


My wife and I keep a common budget. She is a programmer in one of the large Russian companies and earns more than me - 110 thousand rubles. As a game designer, I have to work a lot with tables, so we plan our income and expenses using a budget table and a calendar of mandatory expenses. We have our own apartment, it was presented by relatives for a wedding. This is a small kopeck piece in a residential area of ​​Moscow. To put it in order, we demolished everything except the load-bearing walls, hired a designer and made major repairs. We spent a lot of our money, we even had to take out a loan, the closure of which takes 33 thousand a month. Utility bills, along with the Internet and electricity, are another 6 thousand.

Time is the most precious thing we have, and we do not want to waste it on trips to the supermarket for food, the same two or three hours on a day off can be spent much better. Therefore, we order the products at home. It is convenient and for the money it turns out the same as if we bought groceries in a regular store - 20 thousand a month.

Once a week we compose the menu. It should be varied and consist of dishes that can be prepared quickly enough. Many people think that Japanese tonjiru soup, Portuguese lomo saltado or chicken in orange and ginger sauce are some complicated exotic dishes, but in fact we find recipes on the Internet and cook it all at home. At the same time, we try to have enough for dinner and lunch the next day. Taking into account the compiled menu, we select and order products for the next week. We try to avoid the cheapest, as we monitor our health, we don't really need expensive products either. We have a wine party every weekend. We are introverts, we spend most of our time with each other, and we communicate with friends mainly on the Internet, because our parties are only for the two of us. We love good food and are subscribed to several food critics. A couple of times a month we go to those places where it would be interesting for us to try new dishes. We spend about 5 thousand rubles on this.

We have a cat, we do not save on it, she always eats only the best food. 4 thousand rubles are spent on it and some other little things like filler and bags for the tray. My hobby is games, on which I spend about 5 thousand a month. I keep a list of what I need to go through in order to be aware of everything that happens in the industry, and what I want to play purely for myself. Now I don't even have enough time for everything. I spend about 30 thousand rubles a year to upgrade my computer. I like it when the game is fast, with a good picture, and that is not cheap. This year I bought a new video card for 30 thousand rubles, I had time before the prices for them skyrocketed due to cryptocurrency miners.

I spend about 2 thousand rubles on travel. I travel around the city by metro. We have a car, but since we started ordering food, we stopped using it and ended up giving it to our parents. For each day we have calculated a certain amount that we can spend. What was not spent is carried over to the next day, so sometimes free amounts are formed. We can buy clothes with them. Approximately once every three to four months we buy things for 20 thousand rubles.

We put aside about 40% of our income every month. This is our financial cushion, from which we take money for some large spending, for example, on vacation. We do not buy package tours, we choose and order everything ourselves. Since now we have a loan, this year we went to Georgia on a very budgetary basis. They booked tickets in advance, rented an apartment through Airbnb, drew an excursion route and calculated a limit for each day. The whole trip with the road and accommodation cost us 60 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn on creating games for pc and android $?

Computer games are a parallel world of our reality. They firmly entered life and control the minds of people from 2 - 3 years old and up to old age.

Virtual game developers are a separate caste of people who don't like to talk too much about their income.

They have something to hide, since their profits are impressive and are practically not limited by anything other than their own abilities.

How much is paid in Russia?

The largest amount for the work of a game developer is paid in the Moscow region. - 140 thousand rubles... The second place is taken by the Novosibirsk region. - 110830 rub... Leningrad region. and the Perm Territory share the third place with a salary 100 thousand rubles.

In the Tver region. receive 47.5 thousand rubles, in Rostov - 41.25, and in the Crimea - only 30 thousand rubles.

All over the country, employers offer salaries from 2 thousand to 112.4 thousand and above.

The highest paid specialty is a leading developer, his average salary is 110 thousand rubles. Others get:

  • Java and Android - 100 thousand rubles each;
  • net - 98,332 rubles;
  • Javascript - 95,834 rubles;
  • C ++ and C # - 90 thousand rubles;
  • IOS - 87,500 rubles;
  • database developers - RUB 69,168;
  • web - 60 thousand rubles.

A software engineer gets paid to develop games $1420 , to the animator - $1000 , to the game designer - $800 , producer and analyst - $1595 , for managing bizdev - $1916 .

The sound engineer, as well as the localization, marketing and PR specialists, receive $ 1000.

Operation and publishing of games is paid in the same amount.

QA tester and support earn $ 690, journalists and bloggers - $ 488. Indy, as they say, is a jack of all trades, earns $ 1500.

In Ukraine

The highest salary of a game developer on average in Ukraine is 62.5 thousand UAH... The smallest - 5240 UAH, and the average - 34 thousand UAH... By specialty, it looks like this:

  • database developer - UAH 53,000;
  • the leading developer receives UAH 51297;
  • Android - UAH 46,777;
  • IOS - 44 thousand UAH;
  • Java - UAH 31,562;
  • Javascript - 23 260 UAH;
  • c ++ C # - 19 thousand UAH;
  • web - UAH 13260;
  • net - 3500 UAH

In Ukraine, the best paid for the work of a QA tester is $1000 or 26 thousand UAH... Marketing and PR will be paid $ 900 or 23.4 thousand UAH... Publishing, localizing and operating costs $ 950 (24710 UAH).

A journalist or blogger receives $ 350 (9110 UAH), an indie, like in Russia, earns $ 1500 - approximately 39 thousand hryvnia.

In the CIS countries

To compare salaries in three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, there is the following data:

  • Moscow - $ 1146 or 90456 rubles;
  • Russia (except Moscow) - $ 771 or 60872 rubles;
  • Ukraine - $ 1300 or 33810 UAH;
  • Belarus - $ 1700.

The earnings of game developers also depend on the level of their education.

With a secondary education they receive 1100, with a specialized secondary education - 900.

Unfinished higher education allows you to earn 1000, complete higher - 1100.

Having a Ph.D. or scientific degree - at least 1800. These values ​​are, of course, relative.

Sometimes even a simple student is able to surprise with his unique designs, but this is more the exception than the rule.


The richest were executives and marketers, earning more than $ 131,000 annually.

Producers' salaries are not much less - $ 129,000. Programmers receive $ 90,000.

The minimum wage is paid to employees of the quality department - $ 32,000, and game designers are paid $ 67,000.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the original design of games is of less interest to publishers than their technical perfection.

Mobile applications

Mobile app developers sometimes earn huge amounts of money.

Flappi Bird is an example of this.

The success story of this product inspires many to follow their path. Popular applications earn $ 50,000 per day.

You shouldn't take wings ahead of time, because most of them bring their creators about 500 bucks a month.

A quarter of all developers do not receive any income from their product, almost the same amount receive about $ 100 a month.

Statistics show that gaming apps generate the most profits.

Among them, only 1.6% bring their creators over $ 500,000 per month.

Experienced developers focus their attention on the corporate market.

Among them there are those who earn $ 5,000 a month and even $ 25,000 from one application.

An additional source of income in mobile apps and games is advertising:

  • 58% of developers have income from it less than $ 10 per month;
  • 10% - get $ 50 - $ 100;
  • 2% — 2000 — $5000;
  • 14% earn over $ 5000 from advertising alone.

This popular marketplace sells mobile games and applications on the Android operating system. Their creation brings good profit.

There are two main types of earnings:

  • implementation of the developed add-ons;
  • watching commercials on free applications.

Income depends entirely on the demand for development. For one click they pay from 0.01 to 0.05 USD.

You need to hit 500K to Million impressions to get rich $ 500 a month.

You can start working on Android without investment.

There is no need to create a website and fill it with content.

The main thing is to develop an idea and keep it popular.

Anyone can do it

Individual developers of games and mobile applications are called indie.

They work alone or in a small studio of up to 10 people.

This can be done even without special skills, but only using the capabilities of your PC.

Fortunately, you can always find the necessary programs on the Internet.

The requirements for the quality of games are constantly growing. Some products take up to six months to develop.

Indie is always risky - you can invest money, spend a lot of time and effort, but there is no need to talk about any confidence in success and, moreover, stability.

In terms of earnings, about 20% of apps cost $ 24,000, and the remaining 80% cost less than $ 300.

To make good money in this business, you can use one of three strategies:

  1. Create something completely new (Journey, Shank-2);
  2. Cover a specific niche, for example - Limbo;
  3. Constantly making small but high quality games.

Many large corporations work with indies as idea generators.

Incomes of global companies

Vavle, Blizzard, EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft and Warganung corporations receive revenues comparable to the budgets of some major cities and even states.

It is believed that the Vavle company, led by Gabe Newell, earns more than $ 1 billion in net income per year, i.e. after deducting taxes and other costs.

Moreover, these figures do not include additional income from sales within each game. Gabe himself gets at least $ 1.3 million every year.

Ubisoft has an annual profit of 1.3 billion euros.

Distribution brought in 1.5 times more profit and enriched the company's budget by 270 million euros.

The cost of one of the top cars in the game Grew was over € 300,000.

What is the profit?

The popularity of computer games is growing every day. Today about 200 million people are playing.

Sociologists talk about the continuation of this trend in the future, predicting an annual growth of players by 30-40 million.

Gamers perform various tasks with payment with virtual money. In addition, you can "pump" your hero - collect equipment, various items and artifacts.

A strong character with unlimited possibilities is highly valued among players, he is sold for real money.

Professionals earn several thousand dollars. per month. For participating in cyber sports tournaments, they earn hundreds of thousands of bucks.

Over 10 tournaments are organized for the most popular online games every year.

Virtual games sometimes it is so exciting that a person forgets what world he is in.

Some players are ready to spend very large sums on leveling characters.

This was the reason for the emergence of special game studios. When ordering a boost to his hero, the player pays from $ 200 to $ 500.

On average, a studio with 8 employees earns $ 1.5 thousand per person per month.

Ordinary gamers in China earn from $ 5,000 per month, in America - up to $ 14,000, and in Europe - from 3 to 6 thousand euros.

about the unexpected success of their simple games and gave some advice to other game developers. We offer you a translation of his article.

From January to November 2017, I made over $ 20K from advertising alone in two small mobile games for Google Play.

Before that I wrote small simple games as a hobby, but now things are getting serious. If you had told me a year ago that I would be writing this article, I would have thought you were joking. At that time, my Google Play income was $ 43.75, and if I didn't have some income from a YouTube channel about programming simple games, I would not have received any more money from Google until now. To date, I have earned 23 thousand dollars from just two games:


Quite a simple Space Invaders clone I made in a few weeks to learn how to use the Libgdx library with the B4A language.

Invaders Deluxe

An updated version with improved graphics that runs on higher resolution screens and has additional features such as weapon upgrades.

In total, the games have more than 400 thousand downloads, 90% of which are from Invaders.

What happened?

Until last November, Invaders had 2-3 installs a day and tiny revenue. But in mid-November, I noticed an increase in the number of daily downloads. By the end of November, that number was already 350 downloads per day.

I did what you expect - I decided to fix the bugs and tried to make the game better. In December, the numbers continued to rise:

By the end of 2016, I had about 3000 downloads a day. I started looking for what drove my bottom line and found this one on the DroidViews site. There was nothing else and I had to assume that this article was the case because it was published four weeks before the increase in the number of downloads.

After the initial shock, I decided to keep going. I decided to create another Space Invaders-style game, but with additional features such as different weapons and better graphics. I felt like I couldn't do it with Invaders because the game had become popular and big changes would be a big mistake. I can come back to the game a little later, but now it looks like it did in 2014 when I first created it.

I wrote Invaders Deluxe and released it in March 2017. I updated Invaders to display “Invaders Deluxe!” Instead of “Rate” and “More games” as links at the bottom of the screen instead of “Rate” and “More games”.

In the first month after release, Invaders Deluxe received 3625 downloads and it took ten days to get over 100 downloads per day. The best day showed 270 downloads. The next month in April, the game was downloaded 8296 times, up 228%. Using the Google Play console, I can see that 811 users came from direct links, which were either my links in Invaders or links from posts I posted on game forums. So my advice is to post links to your existing games to get new players.

In April, I received over a thousand downloads from direct links.

This trend continues to this day. Last month (October 2017) Invaders got 9447 downloads, Invader Deluxe got 10348. Deluxe is slowly gaining popularity, which is not surprising - it looks better and has more features.

How do I make money?

All my games on Google Play are free. The way I make money is through advertisements in these games, whether it's a banner at the top of the screen while playing or full-screen ads between screens.

Basically, when a player clicks on an ad, the advertiser pays out a small amount, between £ 0.05 and £ 1.00. It depends on the country the player is in and the type of ad click. Mobile advertising is a huge market, but in short, the higher the value of the product being sold in the ad, the higher the advertiser pays per click, so a real estate ad might pay £ 1 and another game developer might pay £ 0.05 per click. These clicks all add up, and as the number of your players grows, your profits increase. So the only thing you need to know about in-game ad earnings is that the more players you have, the better. And don't run too many ads, this will force your players to delete the game and could lead to your ad account being banned for system abuse.

What's next?

More games! The key to this industry is to continue to create games. You can't just sit back and hope your games will do well. Keep working, keep releasing games, don't waste years on one game hoping it will be good.

Since the release of Invaders Deluxe in March, I have released Invaders Mars Defender, which has up to 2830 downloads in its first month, and I hope to release Earth Defense Fighter (a shooter, but not based on Space Invaders) before Christmas.

I have plans to release at least six more games next year. Maybe more if my income rises to a level that allows me to quit my job and devote all my time to game development.

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