Self-education on the subject of the professional standard of the teacher. Self-education of a teacher as a key requirement of a professional standard. His personality in terms of the implementation of fgos before

Self-education and GEF

“The skill of a teacher is a specialty,to be learned"A.S. Makarenko

Society today is experiencing the most profound and rapid change in its history. The old lifestyle, when one education was enough for a lifetime, is being replaced by a new standard of living: "EDUCATION FOR ALL, EDUCATION THROUGH LIFE...".

P.22. GEF (ChapterIV. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education) states:"Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general educationinclude:continuity of professional development of teaching staff of an educational institution implementing the educational program of basic general education.

Conditions must be created in the education system for the provision of constant scientific, theoretical, methodological and informational support for teachers on the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education ... "

One of the ways of continuous professional development of a teacher is self-education.

Self-education is the acquisition of knowledge through self-study without the help of a teacher. Such a definition can be found in the Ozhegov dictionary. But when it comes to teachers, this term is interpreted more broadly, not only as the acquisition of new knowledge through independent work, but also as self-education, self-development, self-creation, self-esteem, self-building of one's own personality. To understand how weighty the phenomenon of self-education is, it is enough to imagine the scales. On one, you can put all kinds of forms of methodical work, and on the other - only the self-educational activity of the teacher. The bowls will balance, and for many, self-education will outweigh.

By itself, even well-organized methodological work, without self-education, can never achieve the optimal effect. The key to the answer is simple. Self-education is one of the voluntary ways to improve the professional skills of a teacher.

The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher at the same time as receiving a diploma from a pedagogical university, but develops in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and self-analysis of activities. However, this does not mean that only an experienced teacher should and can engage in self-education. The need for self-education can arise at any stage of a teacher's professional growth, since this is one of the conditions for satisfying the need to establish oneself as a teacher, to take a worthy place in society through a profession. For example, R. Fuller's classification presents three stages of a teacher's professional development, each of which is necessarily accompanied by a process of self-education: - "survival" (the first year of work, which is marked by personal professional difficulties);

- "adaptation" (from 2 to 5 years of work, characterized by the teacher's special attention to their professional activities);

- "maturity" (from 6 to 8 years of work, characterized by the desire to rethink one's experience and the desire for independent pedagogical research).

Forms of self-education are different:

1. Course training at advanced training institutes.

The main advantage of this form of self-education is the possibility of obtaining qualified assistance from a specialist teacher, as well as the possibility of exchanging experience between colleagues.


The episodic nature of the courses;

The time of the event is during the school period, which entails big changes in the mode of operation of the entire school;

The quality of the lecture material, which often leaves much to be desired, since there is no serious study of the needs of teachers and differentiation, taking into account the potential of students.

2. Getting a second higher education or second major.

The main advantages of this form of self-education:

The ability to build an individual trajectory of education, because

the structure of most programs is modular: some are required to study, others require individual choice;

The "scientist-teacher" system, in which training is conducted by scientific specialists.


Lack of free time for teachers;

The cost of education.

3. Remote advanced training courses, conferences, seminars, olympiads and competitions.

The main advantages of this form of self-education:

The opportunity to pass them at a convenient time for teachers;

Possibility to choose the topic of interest and the most relevant for

specific teacher questions.


Distance courses are held on a paid basis;

Documents confirming the fact of passing distance learning, most often do not have legal force, i.e. they are not taken into account during the next certification.

4. Individual work self-education may include:

Research work on a specific problem;

Visiting libraries, studying scientific, methodological and educational literature;

Participation in pedagogical councils, scientific and methodological associations;

Visiting the lessons of colleagues, exchanging views on the organization of classes, the content of training, teaching methods;

Theoretical development and practical testing of various forms of lessons,

extracurricular activities and educational materials.

However, no matter how high the level of the teacher's ability to self-educate, this process is not always implemented in practice. The reasons most often mentioned by teachers are lack of time, incentives, lack of sources of information, etc.

5. Network pedagogical communities - a new form of organization of self-education of teachers.

The online community opens up the following opportunities for teachers:

Use of open, free and free electronic resources;

Independent creation of network educational content;

Mastering information concepts, knowledge and skills;

Monitoring the activities of community members.

The main advantages of this form of self-education:

The exchange of experience is carried out between teachers-practitioners;

Methodological assistance is personal and targeted;

You can ask for and receive advice at a convenient time for the teacher.

The main thing in self-education is the presence of a motive equivalent to the presence of personal meaning in this activity. The motive is what is the motivating reason for the independent work of the teacher on himself, he (the motive) is always associated with meeting the needs of the teacher in professional personal growth.

The fact that the teacher VOLUNTARY participates in methodological activities makes them (the activities) part of the teacher's self-education (involuntariness excludes these activities from the number of factors in the teacher's professional growth due to their uselessness).

Motivation, lack of fear, determination in setting complex, strenuous goals for oneself are the main and obligatory factors in self-organization of self-education.

What can serve as a source of self-education? There is no complete list. The source of self-education, in the broad sense of the word, is HIS ALL LIFE.

This and

His childhood, youth, his life experience,

Read books, TV,

Communication with different people, theatre, sports,


All methods of self-knowledge (contemplation, meditation, prayer),

Experienced (happiness, grief, good luck, trouble),

Choice (profession, friend, life partner, values, ideals, decisions, actions, positions),

Analysis of their professional activities, ways to resolve conflict situations,

Thinking about every successful and failed lesson,


- …

Each teacher himself chooses which of the sources are priority for him, which are additional, which are secondary. He chooses from what he loves more, what opportunities he (the teacher) has, what motives and goals.

So, the teacher is the subject of his own development and constant professional self-building.

All teachers can be (conditionally) differentiated by how they implement self-education, how they use sources.

Some - let's call them "people rooted in culture", do not plan their self-development in any way and do not specifically think about it at all, do not organize it on purpose, BUT ... they are constantly engaged in self-education. For them, "thinking" (reflection, analysis, reflection, meditation) is a natural process, they cannot live without it. Their way of life is constant self-development.

Thus, for some teachers, self-education is a spontaneous, uncontrollable process, arising from the power of internal causes, without external influence, therefore it is absolutely natural and not planned.

Others - let's call them "rationalists - algorithmists", also understand self-education as a professional necessity. But they need to think ahead, and perhaps plan in writing all this work, which is nothing wrong. It's just a different psychotype of teachers.

For other educators, self-education is a self-designed process. Just as it is impossible to write off the project of one's own life from somewhere, so it is impossible to write off the project of professional self-development, self-education. These teachers do not like spontaneity, they are impressed by the clarity, projectivity of work on themselves, the written fixation FOR THEMSELVES of their intentions.

There are those who combine the features of one group and another.

There are those who do not need anything ...

Self-educational activity for a teacher is indispensable, and the main part of it is SAMO.

You can design work on yourself in the following areas:

Expanding cultural horizons;

Development of intelligence;

worldview training;

didactic training;

educational preparation;

Psychological preparation;

Defectological preparation;

Private methodical preparation;

ICT training

You can design a self-education plan based on your answers to the diagnostic questionnaire "Requirements for a modern lesson"

You can take a list of competencies from any source, assess the degree of mastery of them and, on this basis, make a plan for your professional growth.

What these plans have in common is that they are drawn up on academic year and are a built-in list of tasks for themselves and actions to implement them.

There are teachers for whom a simple plan of self-education, as a plan of events for a year, is not enough, they are able to build a strategy for their life activity in the part that depends on themselves. These teachers know how to calculate: in how many years they will be able to reach the highest attestation category, when they can create their own holistic experience, generalize .., publish .., defend ... in order to be in time, they first in their thoughts, and then in writing, model plan, but a program of its development.

How is the program different from the plan for self-education?

Let's name the main differences.

First, the duration of their action. The plan is drawn up, as a rule, for the academic year, and the program - for a long period (five to ten years). It does not always turn out clear right away, but milestones, milestones, milestones are formed in it.

Secondly, the program is a document that is more complex in structure and content and contains a problem-oriented analysis as the basis for everything planned for the future. Most often, teachers choose some model of requirements for the personality of the teacher. (“I am ideal”) further evaluate themselves, formulate problems of self-development, tasks, determine the stages and only then write an action plan for the implementation of the next stage of the program of professional and personal self-education for the coming year.

Is it possible to control the teacher's self-education, in other words, to stimulate him or his activity? Yes:

This is a personal example of a leader,

This is a technique that can be called the “contagion effect” (when a large-scale interesting project has been developed and is being implemented at the school, in which the majority of teachers and children participate, in this case even opponents of self-education have nowhere to go),

Another technique is effective personal problematization (an idea is thrown to the teacher that encourages him to engage in self-education in the interests of his professional growth, since new knowledge attracts, seduces and captivates any person),

Another technique: an invitation to school for performances of bright people (they act as an external stimulus to self-development),

Frequently used technique: visit and subsequent analysis of the teacher's lesson,

Enlightenment, clarification, logical, rational arguments in favor of self-education.

The result of self-education.

Every activity is meaningless if it does not create a product, or there are no achievements.

And in the teacher's personal plan of self-education, there must be a list of results that must be achieved within a certain period of time.

What can bethe results of the teacher's self-education:

    improving the quality of teaching the subject;

    developed or published teaching aids, articles, programs, scenarios, studies;

    development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching;

    reports, speeches;

    development of didactic materials, tests, visualizations;

    development of methodological recommendations for the application of the new information technology;

    developing and conducting open lessons on their own, innovative technologies;

    creation of sets of pedagogical developments;

    conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study;

    increasing the prestige of the educational institution.

In conclusion, I note that obtaining a university diploma is only a start, not a finish. At whatever stage of life and professional path a teacher is, he will never be able to consider his education completed, and his professional concept finally formed. To become authoritative means to be competent in issues that are of interest not only to the modern student, but also to the pedagogical community.


    Petrova N.V. Self-education of a teacher is one of the components of his professional competence.festival.1 September. en/ articles/..

2. Tsenareva, N.N. Model of the organization of the educational activity of the teacher in the system of advanced training /N.N. Tsenareva //Standards and monitoring.-2010.-№5.

3.Blokhina, E.V. Raising the qualifications of an educator for

municipal level / E.V. Blokhin // Public education. - 2010. - No. 8.

4. Norenko, E. Model "Teacher of the XXI century": design and implementation

intra-school system of advanced training /E. Norenko //School

planning. - 2010. - No. 5.

5. Truntseva, T.N. On the subjective (personal) self-educational activity of the teacher /T.N. Truntseva // Standards and Monitoring.-2010.-№3.

6. Ermolenko, G. Start with yourself: The method of projects in the system of advanced training /G. Ermolenko //Sport at school. Newspaper and Ed. houses "First of September". - 2010. - No. 7.

11. Yasvin, V. Rainbow pedagogical competence, or Model of pedagogical portfolio /V. Yasvin // Director of the school. - 2010. - No. 2


Questionnaire "Identification of the teacher's ability to self-development"

Instruction . When answering the questions of the questionnaire, please put a score in front of each statement:

5 - if this statement fully corresponds to your opinion;

4 - more appropriate than not;

3 - both yes and no;

2 - rather does not match;

1 - does not match.

I strive to explore myself __________

I leave time for development, no matter how busy I am with work and household chores ___________

Obstacles stimulate my activity __________

I seek feedback as it helps me to know and appreciate myself _______

I reflect on my activities, allocate time for this ___________

I analyze my feelings and experiences _____________

I read a lot _____________

I actively discuss issues that interest me ___________

I believe in my abilities ___________

I strive to be a more open person ________

I am aware of the influence that people around me have on ______

I manage my professional development and get positive results ______________

I enjoy learning new _________

Increasing responsibility does not scare me ____________

I would welcome promotion _________


Results processing

Calculate your total points.

55 or more points – You are actively fulfilling your needs for self-development.

36–54 points - You do not have an established system of self-development, the orientation towards development strongly depends on the conditions.

15–35 points – You are in the stage of stopped development.

"Professional self-education of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard". Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Municipal Educational Institution "ShI No. 2", Magnitogorsk M.B. Balandina

Self-education of a teacher

Purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the personality itself, with the aim of acquiring systematic knowledge in the field of pedagogy. Self-education is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher.



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Professional self-education of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Municipal Educational Institution "Sanatorium Boarding School No. 2 for Children in Need of long-term treatment» Magnitogorsk, M.B. Balandina

GEF. Section IV. Clause 22 Requirements for the personnel conditions for the implementation of the BEP LLC include: ... Continuity of professional development of teaching staff of an educational institution implementing the educational program of basic general education.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the use of modern technologies for training and education, which contribute to improving the quality educational process, work is being corrected to improve the professional skills of the teacher. Improving the quality of education directly depends on the level of training of teachers. The teacher should be included in the development mode, one of the components of which is the process of self-education.

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the individual himself, with the aim of acquiring systematic knowledge in the field of pedagogy. Self-education is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher.

Today, a variety of forms of organization of self-education of a teacher are used: 1) special educational training (obtaining a higher education or a second specialty). 2) advanced training (on courses and in the intercourse period): within the framework of coursework at IPKRO using distance technologies 3) group self-educational work: the work of methodological associations, creative groups (interviews, annual reports, visiting and analyzing the lessons of colleagues) conducting cycles lectures, seminars, pedagogical readings - classes of the school of a young teacher. 4) individual self-educational work

What can be the results of a teacher's self-education: improving the quality of teaching a subject; methodological manuals, articles, programs, scenarios, studies developed or published; development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching; reports, speeches; development of didactic materials, tests, visualizations; development of guidelines for the use of new information technology; developing and conducting open lessons on their own, innovative technologies; creation of sets of pedagogical developments; conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study.

Technology of organization of self-education of teachers of self-education of teachers Stage 1 - diagnostic, which provides for the creation of a certain mood for independent work, analysis of difficulties, problem statement, study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the selected problem, planning and forecasting results. At this stage, questionnaires "Assessing the level of readiness of a teacher for development" can help. Stage 2 - Information and preparatory stage (introductory and familiarization). Includes: · Study of scientific-methodical and educational-methodical literature. · The study of periodicals. · Acquaintance with the work of other teachers. · Maintenance of own card index of literature and periodicals on the topic.

Stage 3 - The practical stage, at which the teacher, in the process of further work, uses his own experience, and also distributes it. At this stage, the teacher can: · Develop class notes using innovative pedagogical technologies · Create their own teaching aids · Participate in conferences, seminars. Stage 4 – Final stage (report). Forms of the report: · Presentation of the project. · Speeches at teachers' councils, methodological associations, conferences on the exchange and generalization of pedagogical experience. · Master classes. Participation in competitions "Teacher of the Year". · Week of pedagogical skill.

How to determine the topic of self-education Select from the variety of problems that arise from observations of students (diagnosis results, work analysis) the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give a sustainable positive result. Determine the relevance of this problem, the prospects and practical significance for improving the educational process.

Definition of relevance: Answer the question: why should this problem be studied today, how important and significant is it for the practice of teaching, educating and developing students? Novelty may lie in a new solution of issues, affect regional features.

To formulate the topic of self-education, highlight its relevance Formulate topics according to the schemes: SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING; SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING; The use of SOMETHING as a means (or condition) of development (or formation, education, formation) of SOMETHING. For example: And the use of ethical conversations and dialogues as a means of improving the spiritual and moral education of the child. The wording of the indication of the process under study and the conditions under which it is studied.

How to correctly formulate the topic of self-education Part I (main part: contains a problem) Part II (link) Part III (aspect through which the designated problem will be solved) Improvement ... Formation ... Integration ... Development ... Organization ... Implementation ... Application ... Use ... Management ... Increasing… Development… Implementation… Creation as a means… … as a condition… …aspect… …factor… …base… …mechanism… for development… improvement… activation… enhancement… optimization… effectiveness… implementation

"Using innovative technologies in teaching ... (subject)" Too general "Ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students" Incomplete "Formation of knowledge, skills in the classroom ... (subject)", "Activation of mental activity in the classroom" Too everyday

Stages of work on the topic of self-education STAGES Speeches on the topic of self-education 1 year Definition of the topic, acquaintance with the best pedagogical experience gained by colleagues in the municipality, region, country; collection of bibliography on the topic; setting goals and objectives. Speech with a message at the MO 2 year Choice of theoretical material, practical methods; formation of the scientific basis for future work. Presentation at the faculty meeting

Year 3 Adaptation of theoretical material to a specific situation (class, subject); approbation in practice of the chosen methods; monitoring, questioning. Speech at the NMS Year 4 Creation of own developments in line with the chosen topic based on theoretical material; approbation, correction, performance tracking, recommendations Presentation at conferences, open events Year 5 Systematization of material on the topic, generalization, design in the form of creative work Presentations at conferences, master classes for teachers

The purpose of self-education (for example) the study and implementation of new pedagogical technologies; study and implementation of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching; improving their knowledge in the field of educational psychology. expansion of general pedagogical and psychological knowledge in order to expand and improve the methods of teaching and education;

The tasks of self-education are steps towards achieving the goal of self-education and the study of methodological literature on the topic ....... in the implementation of new practice…….(methods of techniques) attending seminars and conferences on the problem…… Attending open events of colleagues Carrying out self-analysis and self-evaluation of their own events Development and implementation of a system of events (events, lessons) through……. technologies

Approximate topics of self-education: Forms and methods of working with parents in order to enhance the pedagogical impact on the child. The game as a means of upbringing, training and personal development Organization of joint activities of parents and children as a means of expanding the field of positive communication in the family Ecological education of students as a way to the revival of national identity Education of a healthy lifestyle as the basis for personal development Formation of social activity, independence, initiative and creativity through active participation in public life Methods and forms of education of a tolerant attitude towards others as an integral part of the communicative culture of the individual.

Questionnaire "Identification of the teacher's ability to self-development" Instruction. When answering the questionnaire, please put a score in front of each statement: 5 - if this statement fully corresponds to your opinion; 4 - more appropriate than not; 3 - both yes and no; 2 - rather does not match; 1 - does not match.

Processing the results Calculate the total score. 55 points or more - You are actively fulfilling your needs for self-development. 36-54 points - you do not have an established system of self-development, orientation towards development strongly depends on the conditions. 15-35 points - You are in the stage of stopped development.

References Petrova N.V. Self-education of a teacher is one of the components of his professional competence. articles /.. Tsenareva, N.N. Model of the organization of the educational activity of the teacher in the system of advanced training /N.N. Tsenareva //Standards and monitoring.-2010.-№5. Blokhin, E.V. Advanced training of an educator at the municipal level / E.V. Blokhin // Public education. - 2010. - No. 8. Norenko, E. Model "Teacher of the XXI century": design and implementation of an intra-school system of advanced training /E. Norenko // School planning. - 2010. - No. 5. Truntseva, T.N. On the subjective (personal) self-educational activity of the teacher /T.N. Truntseva // Standards and Monitoring.-2010.-№3. Ermolenko, G. Start with yourself: The method of projects in the system of advanced training /G. Ermolenko //Sport at school. Newspaper and Ed. houses "First of September". - 2010. - No. 7. Yasvin, V. Rainbow of Pedagogical Competence, or Model of Pedagogical Portfolio /V. Yasvin // Director of the school. - 2010. - No. 2.

Vershinin D.A., physical education teacher

MOU "Sernurskaya secondary school No. 2 named after N.A. Zabolotsky"

The role of self-education in the implementation of the professional standard of the teacher

For the professional activity of a teacher today, it is not enough just to work in an educational institution and know your subject.

For pedagogical activity at the modern level of society's requirements, it is necessary to constantly update and enrich one's professional potential.

Staying professional requires a continuous process of self-education. In principle, professional self-improvement and self-education of a teacher is impossible if he himself does not see gaps in general pedagogical knowledge, in knowledge of the fundamentals of science being taught. The leading component of professional self-improvement and self-education of a teacher is self-education,

Improving the quality of teaching and upbringing in education directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly grow, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is not great without the process of self-education of the teacher.

Self-education is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher. Society has always made and will make the highest demands on us. In order to teach others, you need to know more than everyone else. The teacher should not only know his subject and master the methodology of teaching it, but also have knowledge in nearby scientific fields, various spheres of public life, navigate modern politics, economics, etc., this is stated in the "Professional standard of the teacher".

The teacher must learn everything all the time, because in the faces of his students in front of him every year the time stages change, the ideas about the world around him deepen and even change.

Self-improvement should be an essential need of every teacher. Let's define the components of this need, the motives that encourage self-education:

    Daily work with information. When preparing for a lesson, speech, parent meeting, educational event, etc., it becomes necessary to search and analyze new information

    Desire for creativity. Teaching is a creative profession. Creative person will not be able to work from year to year according to the same yellowed calendar-thematic plan or scenario, to read the same reports. There must be a desire for more. Work should be interesting and enjoyable.

    Changes taking place in society. These changes primarily affect the students, form their worldview, and accordingly, very often, form the image of the teacher as an "outdated person"

    Public opinion. The teacher is not indifferent to whether they consider him “good” or “bad”. It's a shame to be bad.

    Financial incentive. The category of a teacher, the opinion of the attestation commission, bonuses, allowances, and maybe even titles and government awards - all this depends on qualifications and skills. Without constant assimilation of new knowledge, this cannot be achieved.

    Interest . Learning is just fun. If we represent the activities of a teacher in the field of self-education as a list of verbs, we get:read, study, test, analyze, observe and write.

Having studied the teacher's standard, I decided to analyze my pedagogical activity.

"Standard" says:

    Development and implementation of programs academic disciplines within the framework of the main educational program (I developed and implemented physical education work programs in grades 3-4, now I am developing a program for grade 5)

    Planning and conducting training sessions.(I work with children in grades 4,5,8, which requires knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard, so I have to study the literature on this topic, now I have passed an electronic test on the topic "Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard".)

    Formation of UUD(I try to build lessons in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, for the formation of personal, regulatory and communicative UUD)

    To study and implement new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques of teaching (I participate in methodological seminars and teachers’ councils of the school, last year I went to advanced training courses on the topic: “Modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”, I also attended a seminar on the topic “Formation of ethno-spirituality and civic identity of students in a multicultural environment”, was on an internship on the topic "Implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex TRP" at the Lomonosov Lyceum)

    Attend lessons of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience.

( We go to MO in Marisola, Kazansky, Kuknur, Zashizhimye, etc. where I gain experience in teaching lessons. I also attend lessons from my colleagues and myself conduct open lessons at seminars. So, in January 2014, within the framework of the regional seminar of physical education teachers, he held an open lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Improving the technique of receiving the ball from below and passing the ball from above”, January 28, 2015 as part of the republican seminar "Model of educational space as a fundamental condition for the formation of a successful personality of a student » held an open lesson in the 7th grade of swimming in topic « Improving the technique of crawl swimming on the chest and on the back )

    Periodically conduct self-assessment of your professional activities. (At the end of each year, I draw up an information card, it immediately shows what I have achieved over the past year)

    Formation of motivation for physical education lessons. ( Mironov Maxim, who took 2nd place in the All-Russian Day of Running "Cross of the Nation - 2014" in the Sernursky District, Yashkin Anton, who took 3rd place in the All-Russian Day of Running "Cross of the Nation - 2014" in the Sernursky District, Yashkin Anton for 2nd place in the school track and field athletics cross "Autumn Marathon" ”, Mironov Maxim for 1st place in the school track and field cross-country race “Autumn Marathon”, Mironov Maxim for 1st place in the track and field event dedicated to the memory of the internationalist warrior O.V. Zavoisky, Pakeev Alexey for 3rd place in the track and field event dedicated to the memory of the internationalist warrior Zavoisky O.V, Guseva Anna for 2nd place in the All-Russian Day of Running "Cross of the Nation - 2014" in the Sernursky district.)

    Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy - ,

    Be systematically interested in the events of modern economic, political and cultural life

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the personality itself, with the aim of acquiring systematic knowledge in the field of pedagogy. This academic year, I also plan to improve my skills in courses and webinars. I'm going to pass the certification for the first category.



Municipal general education state-financed organization"Grammar school № 5",


The trends of modern transformations in society attach special importance to the process of rethinking the essence and tasks of education and self-education. In the context of the renewal of the political and economic spheres of the country, the reform of state structures, there is a need for new achievements that can only be achieved on the basis of education for each individual. In this regard, there is a need for such an organization of continuous education that would contribute to the expansion of the independence of the teacher in acquiring knowledge and skills, the formation of their psychological and pedagogical readiness for self-educational activities, and the introduction of experience in improving self-education technologies.

“A teacher learns all his life” is a well-known truth. We share the position that already after several years of work, teachers are divided into those who calmly move along the knurled trajectory, using old techniques, plans, phrases, etc. and prepare students to a certain level, and those who, despite cyclicity, repetition and apparent diversity learning activities are constantly in creative search. This is an important indicator of true professionalism.

In FZ-273 "On education in Russian Federation” indicates that “ public policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, the free development of the individual, the education of citizenship, diligence, responsibility, respect for the law, the rights and freedoms of the individual, patriotism, respect for nature and environment, rational ". The implementation of these principles requires the development of professional competence of the teacher, the most important component of which is the idea of ​​continuity of education.

It is obvious that the knowledge and skills acquired by the teacher during training become insufficient over time to solve new tasks facing the educational organization, and this, in turn, implies their constant updating and improvement, including by means of self-education. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma of a pedagogical university. Therefore, among the most important and urgent problems of education is a comprehensive study of the activation of the process of teacher's self-education.

In recent normative documents in the field of education, the most important attention is paid to the process of the teacher. The professional standard is a new form of determining the qualifications of an employee in comparison with the unified tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers and the unified qualification directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees. The professional standard of the teacher, defining his main labor functions. Labor activities and the required level of knowledge and skills indirectly reveal the risks of activity and professional development of a modern teacher. This document puts forward a new type of education, focused directly on the training of a teacher with a creative style of thinking and professional activity, who is able to independently determine the direction of his personalized development.

An analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources suggests that self-education is the leading component of professional self-improvement and self-education of a teacher.

The study revealed the following approaches to the definition of the concept of self-education of a teacher:

- self-education is studied as a continuous purposeful process, fully or partially organized and regulated by the leadership of an educational institution, due to the specifics of professional activity and contributing to its quality improvement (, etc.);

- self-education is interpreted as an independent independent activity of the individual, due to the motivation (self-motivation) of professional growth and personal development using the range of educational technologies mastered by the student (, etc.);

- self-education is defined as a system of mental and worldview self-development, entailing personal (volitional and moral) self-improvement, but not setting them as its goal. The main goal of self-education in this case is socially significant professional results, such as improving the qualifications and quality of teaching the discipline (-Slavskaya, etc.);

- self-education is considered as the highest level of organization of educational activities, which is characterized by personal motivation for continuous professional and personal self-improvement, activity and independence in setting goals, determining the content, building and implementing an individual self-education program, due to the individual's desire for creative self-development and competitiveness (, etc. .).

In the study, we understand self-education as a purposeful, in a certain way carried out by a teacher to master universal human experience, methodological and special knowledge, professional skills necessary to improve the pedagogical process. Consequently, the teacher's self-education involves systematic and voluntary mental activity based on the internal need for knowledge and implemented in the process of purposeful independent work in order to deepen and expand knowledge, comprehensively develop the intellectual qualities of the individual, and form a scientific worldview. Self-education is the basis for the growth of a teacher as a specialist.

Self-education of a teacher occurs as a result of a special, purposeful pedagogical activity that ensures the development of his self-educational activity and its transformation into self-educational activity.

The desire and experience of self-improvement is a necessary prerequisite for self-education, which involves conscious work on the development of professionally significant personality traits in three directions:

Adapting their individually unique features to the requirements of pedagogical activity; continuous improvement of professional competence; continuous development of socio-moral and other personality traits.

The teacher is a profession with increased moral and social responsibility. The highest demands have always been made and will continue to be made on teachers. What will be the results of the work of teachers today - this will be our society tomorrow. In my opinion, self-education should not be reduced to keeping notebooks, writing reports, and designing colorful portfolios. Properly organized work on self-education should become an incentive, both for improving the professional skills of the teacher, and for the development of his personality. The problem of self-education of a teacher has become especially urgent in the conditions of the information society, when access to information and the ability to work with it are key.

The theoretical analysis and pedagogical experience of the author as a teacher of geography in the MOBU "Gymnasium No. 5" in Orenburg allow us to assert that the teacher's self-education will be productive if:

- in the process of self-education, the teacher's need for his own development and self-development is realized;

- the teacher owns the methods of self-knowledge and self-analysis of pedagogical experience. The teacher understands both positive and negative aspects of his professional activity;

- the teacher's professional development program includes research and search activities;

- the teacher has a developed ability to reflect. Pedagogical reflection is a necessary attribute of a professional teacher;

- the relationship of personal and professional development and self-development is carried out;

- the teacher has a readiness for pedagogical creativity.

Self-education integrates the system of mental and ideological self-education, which ensures the volitional and moral self-improvement of the teacher and does not set them as its goal. The constant development of personal creative plans enables the teacher to set the learning task himself and fulfill it. However, a system should be formed in which, in addition to teaching one person, consultations would be held among colleagues of a higher educational institution, scientific supervisors, and subject associations. The need for self-education is dictated, on the one hand, by the specifics, its social role, and, on the other hand, by the real situation of continuous education, which is associated with the constantly changing conditions of pedagogical work, the needs of society, the evolution of science and practice, the ever-increasing requirements for a person, his ability to quickly and adequately respond to changing social processes and situations, readiness to restructure their activities, quickly solve new, more complex tasks.

Self-education involves mastering the technique and culture of mental labor, the ability to overcome problems, work independently on one's own improvement, including professional one. According to the statement, the main principles of self-education include: continuity, purposefulness, integrativity, unification of general and professional culture, interconnection and continuity, accessibility, anticipatory nature, constant striving for higher levels, etc. .

The ability for self-education in a teacher appears in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and self-analysis of pedagogical activity. However, this does not mean that only an experienced teacher should and can engage in self-education. The need for self-education can arise at any stage of pedagogical growth, as this is one of the conditions for satisfying the need to establish oneself as a teacher, to take a worthy place in society with the help of a profession. In the course of self-education, a teacher can use various sources of information (studying literature and materials on the Internet, watching TV shows or videos, taking advanced training courses, attending seminars and conferences, attending colleagues' classes with subsequent exchange of experience, learning in a master class, etc. .) and choose the most optimal form of education (individual or group, traditional or distance learning).

emphasizes in the dissertation research on the need to take into account the individual typological features of the culture of self-education of the teacher, reflecting his motivation for self-education, the orientation of self-education (subject, psychological-pedagogical, professional-personal, methodical, educational, etc.), individual teaching style (emotionally improvised , emotional-methodical, reasoning-improvised, reasoning-methodical), type of culture of self-educational activity (formal, qualifying, practice-oriented, student-oriented, creative, research).

Self-education is a logically harmonious, well-planned system of pedagogical work. The teacher, according to A. Disterverg, "only until then is able to educate and educate in his work, while he himself works on his own upbringing and education." If he does not study, does not read, does not follow scientific achievements in his field and does not put them into practice, it is not enough to say that he is lagging behind, he is pulling back, making it difficult to solve the problems assigned to the educational institution, and whether he wants or does not want to resist the general the movement of the teaching staff. Calling to the "teacher of Russian teachers" - who claimed that the teacher lives as long as he studies, one of the outstanding scientists of our time, an academician, addressing the youth, wrote: "You must always learn. Until the end of his life, not only taught, but also studied all the major scientists. If you stop learning, you won't be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. Every activity is meaningless if it does not create a product as a result. Therefore, it is very important to direct the self-educational activity of the teacher in order to form in him a steady need for self-improvement, to create conditions for their practical application in various situations, making the process of self-education more effective. Indicators of the effectiveness of pedagogical self-education are, first of all, the quality of the organized teacher of the educational process and the professional and qualification growth of the teacher. Personal growth training allows the teacher to develop leadership qualities in himself, as well as expand the possibilities of achieving the set goals. At whatever stage of life and professional path a teacher is, he will never be able to consider his education completed, and his professional concept finally formed.

Since the process of self-education directly depends on the personal and professional interest of the teacher in improving his skills, in order to manage this process, the school administration must focus on the individual needs of a particular specialist, which is often quite difficult. It is much more efficient to exercise guidance and control over the self-educational activities of teachers, based on the principles and conditions of an individual typological approach, which allows for division within the teaching staff, taking into account the individuality of a particular teacher.

Thus, the teacher's self-education is carried out only on the basis of deep promising internal motives that encourage the acquisition of knowledge on their own initiative to achieve high results in their professional activities and personal self-improvement. The growing importance of teacher self-education, in the context of the concept of lifelong education, is explained by the fact that education as an objective social need becomes an integral component of his life and professional competence.


Antonov self-educational activity / // Science and practice of education and. –2015. - No. 2. - S. 20-25. Belokudrina in the classroom / // Practice. – 2015 . - No. 1. - S. 38-39. Ekenina self-education and self-education of the Deputy Director for Legal Affairs and Security / // Science and Practice of Education and Additional Education. - 2015. - No. 4. - S. 31-34. Ivanishchev - andragogical paradigm: content and implementation in the system of higher pedagogical education: monograph / . – M.: VLADOS, 2013. – 184 p. Pomerantsev professional development of the teacher / // Specialist. - 2013. - No. 10. - P. 34-36. Professional standard "Teacher" (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) (approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000n) [Electronic resource]. URL:

Elena Nikiforova
Work experience "Self-education of a teacher in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard"

It's no secret that most new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance after five years on average. After analyzing my knowledge, skills and abilities, which I received in the process of studying at a higher educational institution, advanced training courses, received practical experience, came to the conclusion that one of effective ways raise pedagogical skill is self-education.

Your way to self-education I started with the professional task set for myself - to bring the level of my knowledge closer by self-education, to the professional standard teacher. My independent work on self-education originated from retraining courses at the Stavropol State pedagogical Institute by profile « Tiflopedagogy» in 2013, from advanced training courses at the Stavropol Regional Institute for the Development of Education topic: "The effectiveness of the development of preschool organizations at the stage of implementation GEF»2015 Refresher courses allowed me to delve into development and the use of project activities with children, draw up an individual program for working with children with disabilities with whom I worked in 2012-2014, develop work program working with preschoolers.

Another one of the forms self-education used by me, participation in the web bunk 2014-2015 topic: "The system of psychological support for children preschool age» and "We implement GEF DO: artistic and aesthetic development of children”, where she got acquainted online with the use of federal state standards, the system of psychological control in other educational institutions, using modern pedagogical technologies. This prompted me to create a personal website and not one, but two: on the site workers education and on MAAME, since each site offers participation in various competitions, both for teachers as well as for children. To contact others teachers and sharing the information received, a personal e-mail was created.

Internet resources have become an active form for me self-education, in November of this year, a demo version of distance learning advanced training courses from the St. Petersburg Center was provided on the website of the educational institution Additional education, where I listened and studied the interesting themes: for the prevention of the syndrome "emotional burnout teacher» ; on the organization of a modern educational space of activity teacher. This information made it possible to fully reassess one's strength in preparing for educational activities, in organizing the educational space in the group room. The video material listened to contributed to a detailed study of the regulatory bases: Education Law, Federal State Standards, Occupational Standard teacher.

For work on self-education in full I have written a plan work(the structure is attached in the handout, which is compiled annually in accordance with the annual task of the educational institution for the year. The points of the plan indicate the topic planned for self-education, source of information, report form and report deadline. Topics are selected on an individual basis. experience. They are always associated with a predictable result and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new results. work. For example, one of the topics self-education writing an open educational activity on artistic and aesthetic development with elements of gender education by November this year. Source of preparation for the lesson was: Internet resources, methodical literature, study and Work in the film studio (video cutting). The summary of open educational activities itself became the form of the report, and the result of the work done work is a diploma of the second degree at the All-Russian competition for teachers on the site"MAAM" and winner "Golden Post" competition for teachers. Placing your material on the site, sharing work experience gives me the opportunity establish yourself as a teacher. Raise your professional level, and get for your work an appropriate assessment in the form of certificates, diplomas, diplomas required in the future for certification.

The plan clearly defines the reporting forms that have repeatedly been part of pedagogical council. Report forms diverse: here and Work with periodicals (study of articles in journals, and participation, preparation in seminars, open events for teachers, parents.

From work experience, I can say that the knowledge I received on any issue, acquired from one source, was always supplemented by information from another document. It makes me like teacher to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form their own opinion on this issue.

I think that success teacher in professional growth depends on him most, from his elders and experienced work colleagues, head of the institution. methodical Work required in an institution. Properly organized self-education work, should become an incentive both for increasing professional growth teacher and for the development of his personality.

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