The rules of a real man. Ideal laws of family life: rules of conduct for a man What manners a man should have

, But maybe then the reason is in the male complexes themselves? Men are afraid to give in to women in something and often envy women's successes, often because they themselves could not achieve something, but truly strong and successful men will not be afraid of strong and independent women. Follow the rules of behavior of a real man and you will always feel comfortable and confident in this life.

1. Physical strength. Do any male sport. Go to the gym or fight club regularly.

2. Develop the ability to make firm decisions. Don't be a "rag". If your weighty word is required, then it must be indisputable.

3. Train your courage muscles. Do not be afraid of anything, get involved in situations and come out a winner. Remember that the best way to overcome fear is to pretend that you are not afraid. There is no other means.

4. We have already talked about hardness. Hand in hand with her comes responsibility for her decisions. Remember, girls love responsible men.

5. A real man should be able to laugh at himself. He must also be witty in relation to the events around him.
Develop personal charm. It's not as difficult as it seems. In relation to a woman, it is enough to look into their eyes more often, not to look away and smile.

6. Paradoxical as it may seem, but despite the hatred of cheating, girls like men who are successful with women. So, how not to cross this line, decide for yourself. Learn pick-up and NLP techniques.

7. Be able to show aggression in time, raise your voice, demand. But this is only not in relation to his companion, but to everyone else (in a store, in an office, in a car service) it is possible and necessary.

8. An important quality is perseverance. This applies both to achievements and to the relationship with a woman. They often like to "break". Accept the rules of this game, but in such a way that it does not later turn into a rule for life.

9. Know how to behave properly in scandals. Several technicians. If you can stop the whim with one sharp word - do it. If you cannot achieve sharpness, achieve it with technical inattention to what is happening (but this is a topic for a separate discussion).

10. Develop attention to your appearance. Focus on fashion and prices. Don't seek outside advice when shopping for clothes. Remember - you are stylish (even if you don't care what you wear).

11. Make pleasant surprises more often. Know how to create a state of celebration for a woman.

12. Learn to cook. It is so close when the representative of the stronger sex also feeds with his works.

13. In difficult times, have the determination to take matters into your own hands.

14. Never get irritated in a weak field. Even if there is a reason for it.

15. Do not forget - the way to a woman's heart lies through the ability to communicate with children. It doesn’t matter if they are hers, your joint ones, or just someone else’s kid who ran up on the street.

16. Don't be insipid in bed. Treat lovemaking like a workout. Learn, experiment, improve your results.

17. Create an image of a person who never gets tired or sick.

“As far as emotions are concerned, women, it must be admitted, know how to paint an oil painting, and with a full palette. We, men, usually confine ourselves to mean strokes of wax crayons, ”said Hank Moody, the protagonist of the Californian series. Even if this is partly true, it still does not negate the complexity of male nature and the system of rules that men adhere to in life. Or must adhere if they want to reach the status of Real Men. ELLE chose 15 rules of a real man. Although there are much more of them.

1. Don't make excuses

If a man himself decides what and how to do it, then he is fully responsible for his actions and words. And for the consequences too. If something went wrong, we apologize. But we don't make excuses. Just do not confuse justification with explanations, there is a thin line between them, but still the line. The difference between them is in intonation.

2. Get things done

Anything but what is definitely meaningless or harmful. For example, finish reading the novel "50 Shades of Grey", which accidentally fell into the hands of a man, or finish eating all the donuts that are on the table. Seriously, what you start is important to finish. This is a matter of elementary discipline, and without it, life can go off the rails.

3. Don't be afraid

True nobility knows no fear, said Shakespeare. Fearlessness gives a lot, for example, self-confidence, and relieves a lot - from a tendency to embarrassment, for example. And the absence of inner fear allows you to accept others as they are, and not be annoyed, not resented by someone's behavior. If a man is not afraid and confident in himself, he does not lose his temper over trifles. Indeed, what does he care about other people's shortcomings?

4. Don't fawn

We are all equal. If someone thinks otherwise, his right, but as long as this right does not affect other people's rights. Our rights. An attempt to humiliate must be stopped immediately. This applies not only to defending one's own interests, but to protecting those who need it. To intercede for the offended is a matter of honor. The main thing is to do it without raising your voice.

5. Don't gossip

And it seems that there is nothing seditious in the love of gossip, but in fact it is a rather disgusting feature that dries up (yes, sounds pompous) the soul. It would be better for a man to keep his mouth shut in this sense. And if there is nothing more to talk about, then it is better to remain silent.

6. Appreciate the family

“Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond in your life." Johnny Depp said it. Who, as we know, did not quite follow his own words. But not everyone is like Johnny Depp (with all due respect to him).

7. Stay straight

To be in shape means not only to be fresh, cheerful, active and athletic. It's important to stay straight. And literally. Do not slouch, do not intertwine limbs when you sit. Do not bend at the workplace, do not run down the wall. It's important to be clear. Of course, we are all living people, and in general no one has canceled the sense of proportion. Therefore, one should not be unnaturally direct, as if swallowing a stick. All that is required of a man in this sense is to make a distinct impression, not to be a bag. It's hard, but it's self-disciplined.

8. Do not humiliate

Do not allow yourself to be humiliated (see above) and in no case allow yourself to laugh at anyone. The desire to humiliate betrays weakness in a person. Especially if even weaker ones turn out to be the object of harassment. In the end, if it really itchs so much, try to laugh at the one who is stronger. This will be a good lesson and a reason for the fun of the traumatologist who will repair you after such an attempt.

9. Don't whine

Let's face it, everyone whines. Or almost everything. And, of course, everyone knows that this is not good. The question is who perceives our whining. If it is a) for one of your friends/relatives it falls into the category of "he wants to talk out", b) is not so annoying, then everything is generally fine. The main thing here is the attitude of the man himself to such a habit. Well, the dosage too. Agree, if a man "pronounces" every single day (and even more often), then this is a serious problem for those around him, no matter how close they are. And yes, it is possible that a male whiner is not a whiner at all, but, for example, is depressed and needs professional help.

10. Don't be offended

“Like water off a duck's back” is a saying that has a judgmental meaning, but in this case it is appropriate in a good way. A real man cannot be offended. You can offend, yes, but that's a completely different story and a different demand. And resentment ... Strength - in the absence of a reaction to an irritant, this is no secret to anyone. Therefore, offend as much as you want, it's still pointless. You just need to remember that a man who is unable to be offended, in any case, draws conclusions and writes a characterization on you. For yourself. For the future.

11. Don't be sad

An unattainable feature, which should be strived for rather than complexed from its absence. Being always cheerful and positive (brr, a terrible word) is sometimes no less suspicious than being constantly depressed. People (including men) are still not machines and are subject to different states. But to strive for the bright side of life is still worth it, by golly.

Last update: 04/14/2019

Today, British designer of menswear and accessories Richard James will share his personal commandments of a real man and gentleman with us.

As one of the founding fathers of the new “tailor-made” boom in popularity, Richard James brought color, pattern and a modern, refreshed outlook to Savile Row when he opened a store there in 1992.

Today, James inspires a new generation of tailors by staying at the top of his profession. As a person who helped many years of tradition pave the way to modernity and opened the way for them to keep up with the times, he agreed to share his 22 years of experience and a certain code, which includes 10 rules of a real man.

A true gentleman today is distinguished by ...

…the desire to make an effort. How many times have I seen a beautiful, tastefully dressed woman in a restaurant next to a man who was dressed as if he had rushed out of the house to catch up with a runaway dog. Spend an extra half an hour looking stylish and well-groomed. Believe me, these efforts will pay off with interest, especially women will appreciate this attentiveness.

... monkey around. Make your own decisions and develop your own sense of style. None of us are born with an already developed taste. Take the time and effort to find out what works for you. Over time, you will realize the extreme usefulness of this knowledge.

A man must always...

…to feel comfortable. It affects your behavior, your posture, how you move and, at the same time, the impression you make. And we all know that the key to this is self-confidence.

No man should...

… wearing the same suit two days in a row. Too many men are extremely inattentive to the condition of their clothes. Let the suit “breathe” for at least a day after you put it on. Always use good hangers and hang it to air out overnight before putting it back in the closet.

The biggest social faux pas...

… to be overly aware of what is considered right and what is not. You won't make many friends if you constantly correct people. And believe me, many will begin to wait for the moment when you stumble.

A true indicator of good style...

... something that was made exclusively for you and can tell something about you. Yes, we will always help our client with advice, but still the final choice is yours. If we sew a suit to order, this is a guarantee that it reveals a piece of the character and uniqueness of its owner.

The most important point to consider

In order to consider yourself a real man, you need not only read a men's magazine, watch football and show off your love victories to your friends. To be a real man is first of all to comply with seven simple rules.

A responsibility

The first step is to take full responsibility. You should not do something in which you are obviously wrong, and then blame it on other people. But if you still made a mistake, then you should take all the blame on yourself. After all, only a real man has control over his life, relationships and family. Only such a person is able to take full responsibility for his actions and for other people.

After all, a man who is able to blame his beloved girl or wife for the fact that something went wrong cannot command respect either from those around him or from himself. He must never relieve himself of responsibility for everything that happens. First of all, a real man must deal with the situation in order to understand what went wrong and prevent this from happening again in the future.


If a man wants to look worthy in the eyes of other people and, of course, his own, then first of all he must show leadership qualities. If a problem arises before him that needs to be solved, then he should be the first to begin the process of solving it, and not wait for someone else to do it. People who are able to solve complex problems, as well as those who themselves take initiatives to solve them, have always aroused respect and recognition among those around them. But those who wait for someone to do everything for them have never been admired by anyone.

Ability to make decisions

If we talk about a real man, then first of all, many see in such a person who is able to make decisions. Such a man should not only make important decisions for himself and his loved ones, but also be fully responsible for the result. If a man makes decisions without much desire, then it is unlikely that any woman will like it.

But this does not mean that everything should be as the man says. It is very important to make decisions that will satisfy everyone. In addition, when making decisions, one should take into account the opinions of others and be flexible. There are very few women who like constant control from a man. But not a single woman wants her beloved person to completely shoulder responsibility for all the decisions of their family on her fragile shoulders.

A man must be strong

Of course, we are not talking about physical strength, although it is important, at least for a man to feel like a man. First of all, a man must have an inner strength that allows him to control his passions. This means that he must be able to control his anger, which can not only show him in a bad light, but also completely destroy his relationship with his beloved woman.


Being masculine does not mean being a man that women like. First of all, masculinity is such positive qualities of a man’s character as self-confidence, determination, the ability to convince, self-discipline, conscientiousness and, of course, honesty. In order to be considered a real man, you need to have such courage that will allow you not to be afraid of difficulties, pain and danger.

Have good manners

It can also be said that a real man should not have bad manners. However, in our time, there are fewer and fewer men who consider this a mandatory requirement, not easy for a real man, but in principle for a civilized person. Indeed, for some reason, for some men it is very difficult not to swear in front of the fair sex, to respect elders, to let the girl go ahead and give her a hand when she gets out of the transport, and also to behave decently at the table.

If, perhaps, there are girls who like such brawlers, but there are much more normal girls. Therefore, if a man wants to be respected, then he must behave accordingly and monitor his vocabulary. This has not hurt anyone yet, either when communicating with the opposite sex, or at work, or simply in communicating with friends.

Accuracy and courtesy

A man should not assume that only girls should take care of themselves. He should not forget that almost all girls love cleanliness and order. And it is embedded in them at a subconscious level. Therefore, if you are going on a date with a girl, then you should look at yourself in the mirror and think about what to do with your appearance in order to look well-groomed. This does not mean at all that a man should wear a formal suit for every date. A man should always look neat: clean shoes, a shaved face, well-groomed hair and ironed things.

Hello everyone!
What is the mark of a real man? That's right, good manners!
It is about them, or rather, about the 13 basic rules of etiquette for a real man, that we will talk today.

Without too much lyrics and comments, let's get started.

1) Your favorite: The gentleman pays for the lady.

2) Kohl came with a girl, be kind not to leave her alone! (and not run away to say hello, drink and hug everyone, especially with ex-girlfriends

3) The bouquet must be held in the left hand (of course this is not the most important thing, the content of this hand is much more important)

4) A man MUST ask a lady for permission to smoke (damn, how easy it turns out)

5) The lady is next to the lady, and the husband and wife are not sitting (That's right)

6) A glass (glass) is filled 2/4 or 4/5. Wines: white - to fish, red - to meat dishes. Dry and vodka - cool. Table wines - for dinner, cognac - for coffee, champagne - for fruit.

7) For restaurant lovers: if a knife with a fork crosswise - a pause in the meal, and if put next to it - the end of the meal (waiters, in theory, should be aware)

8.) Only the hands are placed on the table, the elbows are pressed against the body. We were all taught this in first grade. It's a pity that few people remember

9) For lovers of noisy communication: Loud communication and laughter, as well as staring at people, are insulting to them. Very helpful advice.

10) Cough or sneeze into a handkerchief, not into your hand.

11) You can not take off your winter hat!!! (Ugh, at least something good on the eve of winter)

12) A handshake is not necessary, it is a sign of increased friendliness. By the way, if there is a company of 10 people, and you are familiar with only one, then it is quite enough to shake hands with only him! (although in our society the other 9 might get offended, right?)

13) When exiting public transport - give the girl a hand (my favorite, and most importantly very pleasant)

What, men, is a difficult task for you?
Waiting for comments.
Your Masha!

  1. Volodya in

    Dear Masha, you yourself have probably forgotten how nice it is when a gentleman kisses her hand when meeting a lady ... the effect is amazing, and all the ladies passing by “quietly envy”. Is it not ???

  2. admin in

    Volodya, I agree 100%. Thanks!

  3. Yaroslav in

    Volodya, according to international etiquette, kissing a lady's hand is allowed only indoors.

  4. Vlad in

    we pass the lady into the elevator, and we leave the elevator first

  5. Alexander in

    girls are very pleased when they are looked after, given flowers, paid in restaurants, kissed hands ... and in return their love ???? you can immediately see that the author is a young girl ... usually I ask girls to please me, and they give me flowers and pay in restaurants, in return I give them my love ... can you write a section on how to make girls run after a guy ???? and he chose those that he likes ...

  6. Vasya in

    Alexander, it seems that you are a narcissistic egoist without offense.
    Unfortunately, there are more and more such people in my small town.
    Tell me, after the girl gives you flowers, takes you to a restaurant, etc. - Will you still feel like a man?
    You are either spoiled by female attention, or you just never really achieved female favor :)
    Although perhaps you just haven’t met the one from which you will lose your head;)

  7. Anatoly in

    Basil, I completely agree with you.

  8. Madara95's

    thanks i did my homework xD

  9. Vlad in

    Man opens the door for a lady

  10. Zhenya in

    I can't remember about the entrance to public transport ... remind me =)))

  11. Bravo in

    Oh, the gentleman pays for a lady? Unheard of with what fright?? let everyone pay for himself, why waste resources on some kind of girl that you don’t even know? this is not good))
    here is an example of how to make girls run after you: of course, girls like to be late, but I don’t like to wait!!! what to do??
    and warn the girl that if she is late, she will pay for dinner or a movie, depending on where you are going (if this is a student who has no money, you can also dilute it for chocolate)) as soon as the girl paid for you, she invested her material resources in a relationship, consider that it’s so easy that she won’t leave you behind (and this is what we need))) thanks for your attention))

  12. Nikita in

    I don't agree with 12. If you're the right guy, you have to shake everyone's hand. Whether familiar or not

  13. Xenia in

    Well, just some kind of horror, apparently real men will soon not be at all, judging by the comments. With such an attitude ... you will rest with a rubber woman ... Nobody will need you anymore.
    But it’s a nightmare to shake hands with a whole bunch of people, but no one remembers that in the first place you need to say hello to a girl .. sometimes in such a situation you feel like you are in a bunch of some louts .. disgusting!
    Play dear, and soon not one decent girl will look in your direction!

  14. Sergey in

    Everything is wonderfully written.
    Completely agree with everything!!!
    Thank you. Useful about the restaurant and cutlery. Did not know.

  15. Earring @ in

    Thank you!
    I want to know as much as possible about girls -
    beat kinder, more affectionate, more gentle ...

  16. Alexander in

    Of course, a man should look after a woman, and not vice versa, as someone previously wrote. If you show signs of attention, pamper, then the woman will reciprocate. She will answer with affection, tenderness, love (you will feel it yourself). So flowers, kissing hands, restaurants, cinemas, parks, decorations are the key to success in a relationship!

  17. guest in

    but I think that if a girl is constantly pampered (pay for her in a minibus, taxi, drive to the movies, restaurants) and she won’t do anything for a guy, then this attitude is one way ... I’m not at all stingy ... I don’t feel sorry for the money ... but when you do something for a girl, your feelings for her intensify ... and her feelings for a guy remain unchanged ... therefore, if you constantly pay for girls, it is necessary that she does something for a guy exactly for this amount ...

  18. Explorer in

    Etiquette is good. But here, constant “gifts”, payment for food and other things. It seems that girls are only for sale. If you don't pay, they'll consider you a Jew; if you don't have enough money, you're a loser, unable to pay for others. Interestingly, if a girl really likes a young man, and he does not spoil her for some reason, will she be able to close her eyes to this “ignorance”?

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