Methodical manual for yoga for beginners. Basics of yoga The most complete library on yoga

Teenage age ... Such a rebellious, such a rebellion. The body of the teenager in the process of hormonal perestroika is often in emotional imbalance, which is poured into conflicts with parents, teachers, peers, and, most importantly, in internal conflicts with themselves. Little girls and boys are about to turn into statutory guys and beautiful girls. Their skeleton, the posture is formed, the secondary sexual signs are no longer hidden. Teenagers are actively looking for themselves, interaction with the surrounding world is not always a friendly world, in mind complexes, self-affirmation. In this difficult transitional period, you want to help your upgraded child find yourself in a rapid flow of an adult life who fell on him. Yoga can become one of the effective tools in solving many difficulties of the adolescence. After all, who, how nor yoga, best copes with the leveling of psycho-emotional state and the normalization of the physiological functions of the body?

It is to help your teenage to have a sober mind, become conscious, tolerant, more responsible. Such a section of yoga, like yoga balance teaches equilibrium not only to the physical, but also psychological, maximum concentration of attention and self-discipline.

Also, normalizing metabolic processes, many yoga-asanas help thereby establish and skin exchange, whose imbalance is often a serious reason for chagrin in a transitional age, manifesting in various kinds of non-psychic races on the skin. In addition, adolescent age with the cargo of tasks and complexes, tagged on a grown young man or a girl, is a period of increased risks for the development of scoliosis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, most Yoga Asan are aimed at developing the flexibility of the spine and the formation of proper posture.

- It is also the development of flexibility and stretching. In adolescence, when the musculoskeletal system is still in the formation stage, it is much easier to do, the later in the ripe. After all, it is not for nothing in a sports gymnastics, the ballet kids is given at an early age. At the adolescent stage of mature, a flexible stretched body is of great importance and in the formation of self-esteem, especially for girls. In order to manage his body, possessing a good stretching, teenagers move more gracefully, they are confident in themselves, they have recognition among peers and is generally more successful. Developing the body flexibility with yoga, the teenager receives a more flexible mind, learns to adequately react and find a way out of various life situations.

Among often the fears: Are the power elements of yoga for a teenager who have not yet formed to the end of the musculoskeletal system? After all, various kinds of inverted poses, balances on the head, hands are a serious work with a weight of your own body that has a considerable burden on the spine. In this regard, you can trust the recommendations of still Soviet sports medicine, which for ages 12-16 years old recommends avoiding exercises with weighting agents and build a teenager training on exercises with its own weight. So you answer. Yoga for the most part works precisely with its own weight. So there is no and there can be no concerns about its negative impact on the formation of a teenager musculoskeletal system, unless, of course, there are no direct contraindications due to the features of the health status of your child.

Another stereotype that exists among the parents is to impose to your child. Supposedly such dynamic, and sometimes extreme practices like karate, sambo, climbing, football, etc. Help "knock out a foolish", "to drive the bed", "release steam". Yoga causes fear of its staticness. Some parents simply experience that for their teenage, yoga classes will be too boring. However, they say those who have never given their child a chance to try the magical impact of yoga training on themselves. Contrary to emerging opinion on staticness and low yoga efficiency for physical development, this practice makes actively working almost all muscle groups, soothing effectively affecting the mind. A healthy, balanced and physically developed child without fears and complexes, with a sharp perception of reality and at the same time capable of self-control: Isn't it a dream of any parent? As for yoga staticness, you can always choose its dynamic section for practicing.

Therefore, dear parents, if you really want to help your child, most comfortably survive a transitional age and protect yourself from stress and upheavals, offer a teenager yoga .. Quite unexpectedly, you can find the key to the adjustment of the physical and emotional qualities of your Child and faithful assistant in the formation of a harmonious, disciplined and successful person.

Ancient wisdom is extensive. And in yoga there is no limit to knowledge. The deeper and longer you practice, the more you need to learn. Although there is a lot of modern and affordable information about yoga, but its philosophical roots go beyond the 20th century. And to understand all this will help either a guru or good literature. Agree, it is better to know what you do. These books will turn your idea of \u200b\u200byour own body, and about your life path. For those who stand at the crossroads, help believe themselves.

The most famous ancient text of yoga are "Yoga Sutra Patanjali". Sutra translated from Sanskrit means thread, that is, these are aphorisms strung on each other as a thread. There are many more historical and philosophical books, such as Bhagavad-Gita. One of the ancient texts in which the yoga is said. If you want to deepen even more, read the Upanishads and the ancient text of Rigwed. In India Ancient Civilization, Indus Valley discovered the figures of people in Asan Yoga. Perhaps yoga was already very common.

Imagine, this means that what we practice at home, in parks, yoga studios, - I got it many, many years ago?

You are not an exhaustive list of books, to familiarize yourself and overall understanding.

  1. "Yoga Sutra Patanjali" is in the interpretation of Swami Satyanananda Sarasvati, and at B.S. Iyengar "Clearance"
  2. "Yoga Sutra Patanjali" with comments Sri Shaylandra Charm
  3. "Light yoga" B. K. S. Ayengar
  4. "Seven spiritual laws of yoga" Dipak Chopra
  5. Kundalini Yoga Parampara Reinhard Gammenthaller
  6. "Yoga: the tradition of unity" Andrey Lappa
  7. "Yoga way to health" B.K.S. Ayengar
  8. Avtobiography Yoga Paramahans Yogananda
  9. "Happiness here and now" Tick Nat Khan

"Yoga Sutra Patanjali" is in the interpretation of Swami Satyanananda Sarasvati, and at B.S. Iyengar "Clearance"

Swami Satyananda Saraswati is famous Yogin, recognized by Guru, student Swami Shivananda. He is the author of more than 80 books about yoga. In 1964, he founded the Yoga Bihar school. In the "Yoga Sutra, Patanjali", he gives a clear picture of the Sutra in their pure form, mentioning the original Sanskrit texts, their translations and phrases. Swami offers its comments so that we can see a clear picture written many centuries ago. For those interested in spiritual way in yoga, it is necessary to read. It provides detailed information about Raja Yoga, about Asani, meditation, ethics of decisions of everyday problems.

"Light yoga" B. K. S. Ayengar

B.K.S. Ayengar world famous expert in yoga. His book "Light Yoga" mainly concerns Asan Yoga. This is a practical guide to the practice of Asan, their variations and their advantages, body recovery using Asan. In addition, she talks about the meaning and history of each Asana with good photos to each pose. Asana in the book are divided into levels of difficulty, which makes it easier for the reader to pick up their practice appropriate. "Light yoga" is an Asan Bible, explaining everything in detail all that you need to know about them.

"The heart of yoga: the development of personal practice" T.K. Deshikchar

T. K. V. Deshikar Fourth Child Sri Tirumalay Krishnamacharya. Since he was the son of the famous Pandit (the honorary title of scientist Brahman, as well as a person highly educated in the field of classical Indian literature on Sanskrit), even in childhood, all the wealth and depth of Indian culture revealed. He dedicated his father's heritage learning from his father and opened the institute in honor of him. Published in various scientific journals about the wellness aspects of yoga. To read this book is worth even in order to find out how knowledge about spiritual practices is transmitted. As a man dedicated her all his life, and helped thousands of people. For him, Yoga is a way of life in general, it is not separated from everyday life.

Writes that yoga is an individual practice, and is selected for everyone in accordance with its habits, lifestyle and nutrition, work. Here, by the way, a great interview with it\u003d%D0%A2.%D0%9A.%D0%92.%D0%94%D0%B5%D1%88 % D0% B8% D0% BA% D0% B0% D1% 87% D0% B0% D1% 80
"The heart of yoga: personal practice development" covers all aspects of yoga that affects a person mentally, spiritually and physically. He directs the reader through the traditional concept of yoga and helps them set up postures, meditation and philosophy in accordance with its age, health, work and lifestyle.

"Seven spiritual laws of yoga" Dipak Chopra

Dipak Chopra Famous Indian Medic, immigrated to the United States in the 1970s, and became an active promoter of alternative medicine. After a random meeting with Maharishi Mahres Yoga, his life has changed forever. He left the work in the hospital, and soon founded his center "Chopra for Wellbeing" and won popularity thanks to the show of Oprah Winfri, where he told about his work and books.

In the book "Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga", Dipak describes the advantages of yoga practice. The emphasis of the book is that yoga is deeper than asanas and it is mainly spiritual practice. The book discloses in detail the techniques of meditation, asana, pranayama, mantras. Describes spiritual laws, observing which you will set on the path of enlightenment. The book will help you realize your creative potential. An attached program is attached to achieve harmony with the outside world.

Kundalini Yoga Parampara Reinhard Gammenthaller

Reinhard needs to see with his own eyes. Having been at his seminar, you are convinced that the practice of yoga, described in his book works for everything one hundred. The techniques that he gives suitable to all, and beginners and old people. The book describes the path of yogin, the technique of purification, asana, pranayama, wise. Having tried once, you can no longer be practicing every day.

"Yoga: the tradition of unity" Andrey Lappa

Andrei's book tells about yoga in a traditional key. Here you can find everything you need to know. About nutrition, about the practice of a suitable level, about the moral and ethical principles of yoga. Describes Shiva dance and types of Vigas. And most importantly, about communicating the body and spirit. How to strengthen your spirit using yoga practice. Any regular training instills certain qualities both the body and spirit. Take the book and practice with pleasure using techniques not only on the rug, but also in life.

"Yoga way to health" B.K.S. Ayengar

If you have health problems, this book is a key to it. It has all the wonderful illustrations of Asan andeffective complexes of medical yoga, facilitating over 80 ailments and diseases - from asthma to the headaches caused by stresses. Complexes are suitable for any level of practitioners.

Avtobiography Yoga Paramahans Yogananda

This book will enjoy all spiritual seekers. She talks about the wonders of Kriya Yoga. The book turned the world of thousands of readers. Helped find your way and find faith in yourself, in a miracle, and inspire. The author talks about the Himalayan Saint Babaji, who introduced the term "Kriya Yoga" himself and handed the knowledge of her. A significant part of the book is devoted to the conversations of Yogananda with leading spiritual figures, such as Teresa Newman, Hindu Holy Sri Anandamya Ma, Mohandas Gandhi, Rabindranat Tagore, who received the Nobel Prize Sir Ch. V. Raman, the famous American nerd Luther Burbank, who, actually, and Deals book.

"Happiness here and now" Tick Nat Khan

Tich Nhat Khan is a supporter of the world and a Buddhist monk from Vietnam. Being a spiritual leader and a zen master, travels around the world to spread the message about peace and love. He is an influential participant of the world's movement, and encourages non-violent conflict solutions. Established organizations that help update and restore schools, medical centers and villages, after damage to wars and cataclysms.

The book is that in everyday life We are absolutely not realized - all actions perform automatically, we go, sit down, we work, eat, manage the machine, etc. But the wizard helps to understand: if we begin to fully realize our actions, you can feel the involvement in what we do, and Teach to stay in a state of happiness and pacification.

Yoga is a doctrine that has come down to us from the depths of the centuries and mentioned in the most ancient sources, the doctrine, whose echoes can be found in almost all religions, ritual practices and esoteric schools. After all, the birthplace of yoga is the oldest civilization of Slavic-Ariyev (RUSS) - Arctic.

This civilization flourished many thousand years ago on the mainland connecting America and Eurasia, and then as a result of a global catastrophe disappeared in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Those residents of the Arctic, who survived after this catastrophe, and brought the yoga to the oldest civilizations of the Hittid, Parefid, Atlantis, and from there Yoga fell into India and Egypt.

In esoteric schools of the East, which existed secretly, these knowledge was transmitted to subsequent generations, while maintaining inviolability despite social, religious and other shocks.

However, mystical knowledge will not always remain secret for seven seals.

Everyone can do yoga. There are neither age or any other restrictions.

It is important to understand:

! Yogo is not a gymnast, although it constantly works with his own body, cares about its purity and supports it in a healthy condition.

Yogo is not Fakir, although it really, using his mental reserves, can manage such functions of internal organs, which are considered involuntary, automatic. For example, the rhythmic activities of the heart and brain.

Yoga is not a psychic in the usual understanding of this word; And although it can really have amazing abilities, never seeks to them for themselves.

Yoga is not ascetic. Today's yogi lives and improving among people, although the features of his workout and require frequent solitude (at least 1-1.5 hours in their room) and rather strict restrictions (at first).

Yoga is not a fanatic. Although he is dealing with the mighty forces, manifested through his body and the psyche, the yogi is not tied to any religion, nothing infringe on his freedom of conscience and does not encroach on his right to choose one or another religion.

Yoga, believing one of six traditional systems Indian philosophy is recognized by all these philosophical systems as a general method and a practical means of knowing the world.

Let us turn to historical roots, to the sources of yoga teachings. Scientific tradition attributes the allocation of yoga teachings as an independent system to the legendary Indian wisdom of Patanjali (II-I century BC).

Patanjali allocated yoga into an independent system based on existing knowledge and experience accumulated by yogam practitioners. In his work "Yoga-sutra."

Patanjali sets out the philosophy and practice of that yoga, which is now a majority of researchers is recognized as classical.

According to the tradition of the ancient wise men, Patanjali does not claim the authorship in creating a philosophical yoga system. He only collects oral data that came to him, and comments in the spirit of a single teaching. Philosophical terminology and interpretation of yoga practices given in Yoga-Sutra is also consistent with the authoritative texts of the Vedas and Upanishad.

In the original teaching, Patanjali Yoga is divided into eight parts:

1) pit - restrictions on relationships with people and with nature;
2) Niyama - lifestyle prescriptions;
3) Asana - a variety of poses and position of the body;
4) pranayama - respiratory exercises associated with a set of energy;
5) Pratyahara - control and weakening of the flow of perception, mental relaxation;
6) Dharana - concentration of thought;
7) Dhyana - meditation, adjustable stream of consciousness;
8) Samadhi is a modified, ecstatic state of consciousness.

These eight steps or stages, called the octal path, constitute a classic yoga system. It can be seen that this teaching covers as it were from three large plates, three, it would seem, independent directions of human development. First, it is an ethical, moral sphere (pit and niyama), secondly, this is a physical development, body improvement (asana and pranayama) and, thirdly, this is the development of human mental forces (subsequent four steps).

Thus, the development of a person on the octal path wears a comprehensive, harmonic nature. This holistic system leads a person to achieve perfect health, because "Health is the state of the full physical, spiritual and social well-being of a person, and not only the absence of diseases and physical flaws."

If you imagine the octal path in the form of a staircase, then the foundation will serve the spiritual internal values \u200b\u200b- solid moral foundations, principles and norms of interpersonal relations. Of them, the path of individual development leads through the improvement of the physical body to achieve amazing abilities and special states of consciousness.

The last step of the octal path is samadhi, creative insight, the special state of the body and mind, when the borders separating it from the big world disappear in front of a person in which he lives when he feels and realizes himself unrequited, united with all humanity, all of nature, All space.

Those who at least once experienced such a fortune, even a few seconds, describe it as the best, most significant moments of their lives. The state of ecstasy, the trance experienced founders of world religions and their followers, the great wise men of the past, scientists, writers and poets. However, the number of such people is small, besides, the state of Samadhi was manifested spontaneously, unexpectedly for themselves.

Yoga teaches conscious achievement of the state of samadhi. The achievement of samadhi is the top of the octal path, so the yoga in the full sense of the word can be called a person only when he can surely go out into such an ecstatic state. Without this, it can be considered only a student learning the science of yoga.

There will be no exaggeration to say that the development of people of Samadhi contributes to the spiritual evolution of humanity, so it is necessary to talk about yoga not only as a system of personal recovery and self-improvement, but also as a system of spiritual evolution of man.

The spread of yoga was associated with the allocation of the unified system of yoga of individual directions, focusing on any private link of this teaching. At the same time, the student could choose this or that direction of personal self-improvement depending on its individual features and inclinations.

Among such private directions, yoga can be noted as follows:
- Hatha Yoga, directed mainly to the development of the physical and physiological functions of the body, is usually associated with four first steps of Patanjali;
- Raja Yoga, considering the development of higher human mental functions and covering four subsequent leges of the octal path;
- Karma Yoga, associated with the harmonious development of social, social relations of the individual;
- bhakti yoga, associated with the improvement of a person in the emotional sphere, in love for neighbor, to nature, to God;
- Jnani Yoga, associated with the development of human thinking, expanding the boundaries and the possibility of his knowledge.

Less known ways such as Laya Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Tantra Yoga, as well as Tibetan Yoga (Republics Republics, Yoga Lun-Gom-PA).

In China and Japan, the practice of yoga was mixed with Buddhist philosophy and spread in the form of Zen Buddhism.

In Russia, a significant influence was provided by Agni Yoga, this teaching was open to Russia Elena Roerich.

When the yoga is currently talking, most often meaning the Hatha yoga section associated with physical exercises. According to yoga teaching, our body lives due to positive and negative currents. If they are in equilibrium, then we can talk about the health and harmony of the body. In the language of an ancient symbolism, the positive current is denoted by the word "ha" (sun), and the negative - the word "Tha" (Moon). From the merger of these two words and we get the word "Hatha-yoga", the meaning of which symbolizes the unity of opposites, positive and negative poles or phenomena in life.

Exercises are a "alphabet" of yoga, its necessary step, because only through full physical health and monitoring of body activities - mental, spiritual and moral perfection can be achieved.

The basis of physical exercises in yoga is asans - special provisions of the body. According to the legend, Shiva god discovered and gave a person to a body poses designed to preserve the health and achieving the highest level of consciousness. 8400,000 Asan are mentioned in classical literature. Of these, only less than two are used by yoga at present and only two are three dozen of them are considered the most important and sufficient for a guarantee of full health for life.

Patanjali indicates: "Asana is a way to sit pleasantly, steadily and without tension." This means that the dealing should strive for a complete self-control over the body in the performance of Asan, so that for a long time to be in them still and feel calm and comfortable.

Asana is exercises associated with slow, moderate movements and the state of resting the body in combination with the right breathing and relaxation.

Asana is predominantly static pose of the body; The muscle tension and irritation of muscle nerves in these poses has an impact on the central nervous system, and through it - to work the heart, blood circulation and respiration organs.

Asans provide a concentration of attention at certain parts of the body, while mental effort is consistent with muscle activity.

Asana requires a special kind of respiration: full, rhythmic, controlled and slow.

Asans give a prophylactic, therapeutic and psychotherapeutic effect. They affect the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine Systems, on the selection system, nervous system and the entire proprietary machine.

Asans are classified by distinguish between them postures for contemplation and meditation, inverted postures, equilibrium postures, etc.

One of the most important posts is Shavasana ("Dead Pose"), associated with full relaxation of the body. This is simultaneously a physical and mental exercise with a complex technique of execution. It is usually performed after a certain cycle of physical and mental exercises. For the correct execution of Shavasana, not only the ability to quickly achieve complete relaxation of the entire body, but also the ability to exemplate from negative emotions, mental fatigue, stress, excitement, worries. Physiologically Shavasana is a complete sleep replacement.
The development of asanas opens up the possibility of arbitrary regulation of physiological processes occurring in the body and helps teaching the direction of consciousness on a particular body of the body.

It is known that there is a correspondence between individual mental experiences and certain body zones, more precisely, by special subjective sensations in these zones. Experience of resentment or pity associated with a dedicated feeling in the chest; The situation of danger generates an unpleasant sucking sensation under the spoon; Reflectance is sometimes accompanied by stress and severity in the forehead. These sensations of bodily zones in connection with mental experiences play a special role in yoga. They are studied practically as special human body centers, the so-called "chakras". Chakras correspond to certain symbolic images, as well as sternum (mantras), helping to concentrate on them.

Chakras are elements of a peculiar "mental anatomy" of a person. These are psychophysiological mechanisms that most people have in undeveloped, non-working condition.

The "inclusion" of the chakras and the development of work with them is provided in the process of yoga after the development of the necessary physical exercises and certain ethical norms.

Modern Western yoga researchers associate the activity of the Chakre with the circulation of energy in the acupuncture channels, in the energy meridians, and assume the possibility of arbitrary regulation of this process. At the same time, they indicate, for example, on a special role of chakra located in the field of the heart. It is argued that each of the twelve petals of this chakra is included in the work on the redistribution of energy in the body daily for two hours, and the chakra itself is as if the clock mechanism regulating vital energy.

The doctrine of Chinese meridians is deeply connected with the theory and practice of yoga. It allows you to explain a number of physical elements of yoga.

Thus, the characteristic meditative sign "Jernani-Mouda" represents the position of the fingers when the end points of the meridians of the lungs and a large intestine are closed by connecting large and index fingers.

Although the practice of yoga and strictly individual, it contributes to the evolutionary development of not only individuals, but also entire collectives. This is especially true now when large masses of people strive in spiritual self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Yoga complexes for beginners. List of the best books on yoga and meditation.

Asana yoga: purpose or means?

"Remember: the practice of Hatha Yoga, Asana and Pranayama are intended, ultimately, for the development of the quality of human consciousness, and not just the qualities of the body and mind."

Swami Saraswati

A certain person comes to the first yoga activity. It gets up on the rug, stretches, grows up, strains and relaxes - it first performs unusual gymnastic exercises, called the Asana teacher. Practice ends: in the body - pleasant fatigue, in mind - calm and peace. A person leaves home. Yoga for him remains only interesting and attractive fitness variation. Rack on the head, lotus posture, intricate balances and flexible body - the improvement of Asan becomes for practice the ultimate goal. Erroneous ...

So there is asana Hatha Yoga? Why is the physical self-improvement? How and why do the body need to know and take? We will try to deal with this concept so that the practice of all beginners and yogi becomes slightly deeper and conscious.

According to the classical approach to yoga, known as the eight-private Yoga Patanjali (II B BC), Asana - there is a steady and convenient sitting pose. Together with the pit, Niya, Pranay, Asana enters the so-called external branch of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga in turn is aimed at controlling the mind through meditation, awareness of the difference between reality and the illusion and achieving liberation.

That is, after the assimilation of Vomets, Assan's pits and Niyama helps a person to prepare the body and together with Pranama to take the first step towards deep meditative practices in which he will be able to comprehend his inner world and move along the steps of self-development up to Samadhi. Therefore, in Yoga-Sutra, Patanjali from Numerous Asan Hatha-yoga attention is paid only to meditative provisions, such as Padmasan and Siddhasan.

The ancient text "Hatha Yoga Pradipika", recorded in the XV century Swami Svatmaram, is Asana as the first part of the Hatha yoga. In Schlok 17 it is written that "practicing asana, a person acquires the sustainability of the body and mind, freedom from the ailments, flexibility of limbs and lightness of the body." Asana is seen here as a special body position, which opens the energy channels and mental centers.

That is, during the Hatha yoga class, the body cleansing and the acquisition of control over it due to changes in Prana flows. The practice of Asana is represented as the most important part in Khatha-yoga, since building control over the body ultimately allows you to gain control of the mind.

Despite the detailed description and detailed study of Asan, Svatrama in Schlok 67 reminds that "Asans and other enlightening means should be practiced in the Hatha yoga system until the result will be achieved in Raja yoga." Thus, Hatha Yoga is a dynamic and preparatory basis for culminating Raja Yoga.

Studying the sources, we see that Hatha Yoga and the improvement of Asan is considered not as an end in itself, not as a health practice, but as a level of self-improvement, which precedes a long-term human travel to his inner world and meaningful perception of reality. Practice Asan allows you to experience three levels of self-development - external, which makes the body stronger, inner, allowing the mind to be stable, and finally, the deepest, strengthening and transforming human spirit.

External level. Physical asian asian.

A modern man separated the body from the mind, and the soul threw out from everyday life, forgetting that only the unity of this Trinity would provide him with health and the opportunity to develop. Hatha Yoga allows you to return close attention to the body. During classes, a person understands that health cannot be bought and not getting, drinking a pill, - it is earned later, labor, respect and discipline. Health through the practice of Asan appears in the new light - not as a finished result, but as a permanent and continuous process.

Interest in Asanam for the sake of health, maintaining the form and development of flexibility - eternal reasons to do yoga. But this beneficial effect is not limited to an anatomical and external effect. A strong body is only a decent basis of yoga, but not the end of the path. Health in yoga is considered as an opportunity to freely engage in spiritual search. The body appears as a tool and the resource that we were supplied towards achieving inner freedom. After all, the person has not gained health, his consciousness will be doomed to remain in power of the body, and thus, he will not be able to develop and calm the mind. Buddha said: "In a unkredacent body - an unkredit mind, power over the body gives power over the mind."

However, the taming of the body is not an easy task. Practicing asana and strengthening the body, a person inevitably faces pain. The pain causes no yoga by itself. The pain is always present in the body, just she is hidden. The person has existed for years, practically not aware of the body. When classes begin, the pains are simultaneously float to the surface. Atrophied muscles that we are trying to develop, suddenly begin to loudly declare themselves. It is important to understand that in yoga pain is a teacher. Asana helps to develop tolerance in the body and mind so that in life it is easier for us to carry tension. Locks back allow you to produce courage and durability, balances raise patience, stretching the flexibility, twisting and inverted asians teach to look at the world at a different angle.

At the external level of development, knowledge is mined through the practice of Asan only in the struggle, patience and discipline. Overcoming pain, the ability to find convenience in discomfort, move through the tension approxes the person to the spiritual meaning of yoga - gaining inner freedom through suffering. Through the practice of Asan and overcoming pain, the light of self-knowledge is seen.

Internal level. Asana as a lever towards the conversion of the mind.

In the current world, a person uses his body so that he ceases to feel. Moving from the bed to the car, to the table, again to the car and bed, he stops perceiving the body consciously. Hatha Yoga teaches to endow our movements by intelligence, turning them into action. During the execution of Asan, we develop acute sensitivity, learn to find a thin line between the egoistic gusts and the real possibilities of the body.

Each cell during the classes seems to be tangible. Gradually develops an internal vision, different from ordinary eyes. For example, bending in Pashchylottanasan, a person does not just sees his knees and tries to reach them to her forehead, he feels the tension of the smallest muscles in his legs, hands and back. Carefully tracking work in Asan, yoga appears the possibility of observation not through visual perception, namely through awareness, connecting intellect to understanding its own flesh.

Only the presence of mind and sensitivity during the execution of asana allows the body to develop. After all, as soon as the invisible contact of the mind and body is lost, Asana becomes lifeless, sluggish and the flow of awareness goes out.

The development of awareness in Asan is not just a concentration and acuteness of the observation of their hands and legs, it is, first of all, the desire for harmonious interaction of the body and the mind. Awareness in Asan is a state when the concept object and the subject disappears, and the action and internal silence are hand in hand. Only in the case when the body is realized in the inner silence from the forearm to the tips of the fingers, from the hips to the sole of the feet, from the base of the spine to the head of the head, the mind becomes passive and learns to relax. The condition of a vigilant rest in Asan stops and converts the mind, turning the yoga from physical in spiritual practice. Freedom of the body generates a natural evolutionary transition to the freedom of mind, and then - to the highest liberation of the Spirit.

It is through the development of awareness in Asan, through the ability to stop the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, we prepare the body to meditation and self-pressing. In one of the video deck, Andrei Verba says: "Asana is necessary for a person to prepare the body to inner self-knowledge. Asana we fremble the joints, we strengthen the muscles and, thereby preparing to sit in a stable pose and sit at least an hour with closed eyes. " The development of awareness based on the body is anchor for concentration: during meditative practice to stop the excited and restless mind pursued by memories, judgments and fantasies, we can always apply to physical experience and transfer attention to bodily sensations and breathing, returning at the moment. Through the practice of Asan, we develop the ability to redirect attention, dive into ourselves and absolutely staying in the feeling "here and now."

Deep level. Asana as a stage of spiritual development.

The persistent practice of Asan and Pranayama allows us to get closer to the deep level of yoga, when an understanding comes - the development of the material shell is not an end in itself. The body must be learned and doubt not for the sake of pleasure and self-confidence. Achieving calm in every joint, in every muscle is only necessary in order to get closer to the liberation of the soul from the shackles of materiality. When we are able to realize our body and control the mind, finally, it will appear to contact inner world. Through the practice of Asan, we gradually approach the periphery to the center, from the body surface to the level of the heart. At the deep level, the person works ashanas not from selfish motivations: for the sake of health, beauty or sharpness of sensations, but for the sake of self and proximity to the divine essence. Constraining suffering in Asan and the resistance of the ego, we grow spiritually, develop consciousness from a simple to complex, evolving, thereby harmonizing the body with nature and express the deep devotion to God. Attentive work with the body helps us gradually move from a rough corporal level to the mental and spiritual, step by step, comprehending my original "I". As the famous Yoga teacher said B.K.S. Ayengar: "It is possible to implement a divine existential destination with the help of an embodied tool of the soul - a barrage body from flesh and blood."

Look at a short video about why it makes sense to engage in yoga to each person:

Do you have no time for yoga now? Did you catch a lot of all and you can say some gray strip life come? A crisis? Attention! That is why you are worth it now to do practitioners! 99% of the chance - that this will lead to the solution of many (and maybe all) of your "problems"! How is this possible? Carefully look at this video:

But a detailed video, where it is well described, for which you need yoga at all:

Also, before proceeding to classes, learn this information:

ATTENTION! It is necessary to know and observe everyone who is engaged in self-knowledge, yoga, the development of supernormalities, goes along the path of personal evolution and spiritual development! Principles of self-control, ethics and morality for self-knowledge and development:

Yoga is essentially. A selection of materials "Everything you need to know the engaged yoga to have a deep understanding of yoga and achieve the maximum result in your self-knowledge and bring the maximum benefit to others":

Mantra Ohm is the key to cleansing, joy and enlightenment.

| Site collection
| And Shen.
| Yoga for beginners

For the first time I saw the "real" yogi, being in India. This is a person who walked along the path of spiritual improvement and comprehension of truth. Then I was struck by the type of teacher - a real Asklet, who was degraded from the fuss and knew, seemed to be the essence of the life of human. I was still surprised how easily he did completely incredible movements with his body. He reminded me of a wizard, who obedient fire, water and wind. It was also 70-75 years old, although at first glance no more than 50, he looked at her young look at the disciples who came to him. Then it seemed to me that yoga is the world for the elected, which it is given as the above-selected. But the teacher himself answered my doubt: "Look - and you will see. Make a breath - and exhaust. Look for - and find. "
When I looked at it, I saw: the practice of yoga gives a person such a stock of the vital forces that he managed or to avoid many problems, or leave them behind himself. And strengthens, of course, health is spiritual and physical. There is a special joy from the tide of energy, and it seems that you become younger. "Exercise - the year will be your slaves," says wise saying. Yoga gave me and my loved ones this power.
But in order to be so to speak about himself, it was necessary to learn to do "inhale and exhale", and not only having mastered the entire system of respiratory regulations, but also learning the harmonious lifestyle. Getting Started to Eastern Practice, whatever it is, it is important not to forget her destination: a person is called for life in harmony and unity with me, people, peace. Physical (material) body, carrier of our diseases, and a thin (spiritual), the culprit of them, often unfastened. Our task is to bring them into harmonious unity. Yoga teaches it.
The first of my steps in the world of yoga seemed to me at first awkward. Not everything worked for me, as the guru showed me. And here I have to thank my friend from India, with whom I met after many years after I traveled to this country. He is a real Yogin, who has become an assistant for me in mastering the art of breathing.
At such moments, you are convinced that the way to master the coming and hoping will fall to the source. Errors and obstacles are overcome if you are determined to go. I am sure that you will succeed.
I wrote this book for those who only decided to proceed with yoga classes and it does not have the opportunity to get the right teacher council. All that I selected for you will not cause serious difficulties, although you will think first: "It's difficult!" Exercises are selected in such a way that you can do them in a complex or selectively. They are good and all together, and separately. The main thing is not to be afraid and proceed to the very important and very necessary exercise us, to then say to yourself: "It's great that I decided on it! Calm in my soul and body health is worth it! "

Whenever a newbie comes, nothing knows about yoga, but only heard of her existence, I tell what yoga is when she arose and what is her meaning.

Often they tell me: "Well, all this grandmother's fairy tales. Now the world is different, and people are not the ones that were even a hundred years ago. " I can not disagree: the truth is. But also: others and the same. Man forgot his heavenly origins and mired in suffering. Let us remember them, and then, perhaps, the world will turn differently. Not knowing what yoga arose, you will not understand the essence of the exercises. Mechanical repetition will not give that effect, as if you managed to include your consciousness and put under his control the performed by you.
So, my friends, let's start, as the Russians spoke in the old days, dance from the stove.
Translated from Sanskrit Yoga means "unity", "connection". This ancient practice is aimed at improving the awareness of a person, as a result of which he opens up the most intimate secrets of the world. Eastern systems, which are now widespread as healing, are based on the idea of \u200b\u200brapprochement with cosmic integer. All units of the universe are not accidental, and they all woven into a single tissue. It is important to realize my "volatility." The lower components are bodily - only a tool that allows, with proper mastering them, customize rhythm and coordinate the highest principal - spiritual. The "dense" body is the material basis of our being - and the "subtle" nature that does not measure any physical devices, mind and intuition - everything should develop harmoniously. This opens up prospects not only to improvement, but also infinite improvement, which is perceived as a recovery of man.
Although in yoga, the enlightenment, cleansing of consciousness and conscious attitude towards all exercises performed, it helps to get rid of the ballast of our time - excessive rationalisticness. The latter, like a shell, shouts man, depriving his joy from work, family relationships, communication. Many people admitted to me that they are literally attached that they have no strength, and the tremendous efforts are required to achieve new goals. One day one wealthy person came; He was not 30, although he looked older than his years. Oleg (so his name) glance was extinct. He complained that he lost energy, with which one had once started his small business. Unjustified fear forced Oleg literally to paint and conduct business, and personal life. And the farther, the more faded it was his feelings, and thoughts were attracted with numbers. "It became difficult for me to think about something other than the numbers," Oleg admitted. Yoga taught him freedom, and rationality, such an oppressing spirit of Oleg, disappeared.
I have long understood: Yoga is now one of the ways of a successful person. It is as modern as ancient. On all skeptical comments that a resident of the city itself "cut off" from the tradition of yoga, I answer: "And you try it! Check if the gap is so great. " I am sure, it is worth not to succumb to rationalism, how immediately your world will be filled with "air", you will sigh in full. And in the desert there is an oasis. Consider - and see. Go - and come. Among my students who were engaged and engaged in Yoga, Vitaly. He is typical fidget. Ready to do one hundred cases right away. Yoga taught him concentration and meditation. It cannot be said that he woke up on the second day with another person. Of course, this did not happen. But now he is able to act in such a way as not to be absorbed by the bustle.
"Yoga - for everyone!" - This is not an exaggeration. My experience shows that everyone who came and the comprehensive essence and practice of yoga acquire harmony, which is not bought for any money.
As a doctrine, yoga has developed a millennium ago. Then it was really knowledge of the elect. It passed from the teacher to the student, and not every mortal was able to comprehend him. But by the beginning of our era, the treatises appeared, in which the meaning of yoga, the means that help the yogi to achieve the goal, and what he needs to overcome on this path is. From oral yoga turned into knowledge saved as text. Among the fundamental components of yoga, the epoch has already been called:
Compliance with moral principles
self-improvement due to self-discipline,
The ability to occupy a certain position of the body in space,
Control over breathing and ability to influence energy streams in body, possession of feelings and emotions,
concentration and meditation skills,
Merge with the highest spiritual start.
In the famous sense of yoga, this is the discipline of the spirit, the way to achieve enlightenment and awareness, as well as self-deducing as a necessary element on the way to reunification with the Divine Benefit.
People who adhere to such practice, taking a certain position of the body in space and configuring their mind on meditation, strive for Space Unity, the Union. If a person was able to achieve this, he is called yoga. The one who is trying and trying to find such integrity is a student who has chosen a difficult path to perfection and liberation.
Education implies the passage of eight stages similar to the eighth Buddhist path.
1. Self-control. Adhere to the main moral principles: non-violence, truthfulness, abstinence from theft, chastity and rejection of greed.
2. Self-adequation. Constantly follow the rules: cleanliness, satisfaction, asceticism, study of traditions, devotion to God.
3. Telement. Adoption of certain poses, training in them. The most famous - lotus posture, when each of the legs placed on the opposite thigh.
4. Breathing control. The ability to delay the breath, inhalation and exhalation in a special rhythm.
5. Distraction from yourself. The senses are gradually ceased to respond to the external stimulus, thereby person it is capable of immersing in contemplation and achieve enlightenment.
6. Concentration of mind. This is fixed on one object so as not to be distracted by others, and then deepening.
7. Meditation. The state when the object is mastered by the object of concentration.
8. Deep meditation. In this state, the personality is completely dissolved.
There are several yoga schools. Including: "Regular", Yoga Mantra (magical syllables and phrases serving a means of achieving abundance) are continuously repeated; Hatha Yoga (practice of special exercises and body positions); Yoga scattering consciousness.
I will not tell you in detail and details about royal yoga. Time will come, and if you consider that the experience of regenerating and distraction is needed to you, you can travel to India and will discover new landmarks for yourself.
I would like to tell you that it is able to make up your daily practice and help cope with life difficulties, improve well-being. Therefore, I will focus on Hathe Yoga.
Hatha Yoga teaches to control the movement of energy and the exchange of its currents. It is in Hathe-yoga that has been developed numerous wisers (hand gestures), Asana (body positions), Bandhi (protective exercises, preventing damage to the body and limiting energy influx), Praneama practice (breathing exercises).
Everyone served as a means of gaining immobility, cleansing consciousness and correction of will. Thus, yogi became a pure spirit. So, one of the provisions assumed a concentration on the "lotus of the heart", leading to the experience of clean light. This "flower" has eight petals and is located between the belly and the chest. He turned the book with a whisk; Yoga, holding up breathing and concentrating on it, must turn the lotus bug up.
Through the vertebral pillar of a person passes the main axis of the whole body - sushumna, in various places of which are the centers of mental energy, chakras. From Sanskrita, they can be translated as "wheels", "circles". About them in tradition they are talking like a lotus, each of which has its own petal. Chakra is the starting point for a plurality of energy channels for which energy passes. They need to be imagined to control the passage of energy by the body and do not harm themselves. After reading below about it, take a look at yourself and imagine where these chakras are located so that you can control the passage of energy, often expressed in the billet of heat, the occurrence of heat.
Usually they say about seven chakras, although it would be more correct to allocate six and on the last lotus to reflect on how the individual start. The six first chakras are as follows:
1. Molandhara. It is located at the bottom of the spinal column, between the anal hole and childbearing authorities (this is the cochoral plexus). Molandhara is a red lotus with four petals. Hence the rise of energy begins. This chakra corresponds to matter, element of the earth. It is associated with inertia and smell. In the physical plane is the rear pass, nasal holes.
2. Svadhisthana. Located in the center of the genital organs and the abdominal cavity. This is a scarlet lotus with six petals. Chakra is associated with water, taste. Physically, the taste sensations, as well as blood and other liquids, are associated with chakra. This center manages lower levels.
3. Manipura. Translated from Sanskrit, the word means the "city of precious stones". Chakra is located in the lower back area at the level of the navel. This is a blue lotus with ten petals. Chakra is associated with fire (consequently, with vision) and the sun. It is in the physical plane affecting the color, shape, warm. This chakra controls the will.
4. Anahata. The word means "sound, not recoverable, but audible." Located in the heart area. This is a lotus with twelve golden petals. Chakra is associated with air, and hence the touch. At the level of the organic body, it corresponds to her skin. Regulates human emotions.
5. Vishuddha. From Sanrita is "purity", "cleansing". There is chakra in the throat area. This is a lotus with sixteen smoky-purple petals. Her element - ether. As follows from the manifestation of the first elements in a dense body, with this chakra, a rumor is connected, sounds. Chakra correlates with a creative spirit.
6. Ajna. The word means "Order", "Guide". It is located between the eyes, on the site of the so-called "third eye". This is a white lotus with two petals. This center is a capacity of cognitive abilities, an internal vision, insignia. From it begins the exit to the wig, beyond the limits of the first elements.
Seventh Center - Sakhasrara Chakra. It is in the top of the head - on the theme. This is a lotus with a thousand petals. This chakra has no relation to the physical plan. This is an output to the transcendental (for our limits), to the highest spiritual sphere - on the other side of limited individuality and reality.
It is difficult for yoga to master truly, if you do not know and do not understand how energy is deployed in man. According to ancient ideas, between the lower and higher chakras - a negative and positive pole, respectively, there is a voltage. On the negative pole and froze Kundalini, translated from Sanskrit this word means "rolled into the ring." She is waiting for a moment to start deployment, rising by chakram up - to the space start. When this energy reaches the chakra behind the chakra, there is an awakening of not only the physical, but also a thin body, and after this, the stages of the human self-knowledge are replaced and there is a way outside the personal "I".
Yoga acquires the ability to penetrate the essence of phenomena, to foresee the events, "read" the thoughts of people. Higher State - Enlightenment, the ultimate goal of yoga, its spiritual goal.
In the perfect case, the awakening of Kundalini, as I said, causes a tide of heat. This is a really fiery entity. Therefore, exercising yoga, follow the reaction of your body - behind energy streams.
Noting the spiritual foundations of yoga, without which this practice will be meaningless, devastated, let's stop at the components of the Hathi yoga.
As we said, it is primarily asana - special postures that a person takes. From them and start. First of all, they should be rehearsed, as if you are an artist who needs to bring some movements to automatism. So, K. RIVZ, the leading role in the film "Matrix", said that he had to learn two dozen successive positions to reproduce in the film Episode of Neo Oo Matrix. When the actor said this, he was involuntarily to his brain sent a signal to show movements - and at the pace, which director was required. The only thing that distinguishes you in this case is not mime, not a imitator. You are on the way of recovery, recovery, enlightenment. For you, this is not a momentary practice, which one needs to be safely forgotten after a certain period of time. This will become a bridge to the daily method of existence.
Practice Asan is not equal to gymnastics or acrobatics, although some of them are not always easy to perform. The prevailing part of the poses in Hatha-yoga is static, and although they are not aimed at developing musculatures, a forceful muscular action is still. It is combined with the practice of breathing delay, which should strengthen the heat effect from the passage of Kundalini. In addition to the power action, the role of stretching muscles, gaining maximum elasticity of their elasticity. At the same time, the yogi achieves perfection, not seeking to overcome pain or unbearable severity. Success is gained by repetition and sequence of actions that are performed slowly and calmly.
Consider more Asana and breathing exercises so that you can apply them in the complex to strengthen your physical and spiritual health.

A special place is paid in yoga systems, whatever they are, asanas. These with the antiquity of the well-known provisions of the bodies (translated from Sanskrit, the Word means "Pose") were associated with the practice of renunciation, purification and comprehending harmony. They were aimed at acquiring "serenity" so that the consciousness was not burdened by corporal problems, and could be distracted from them.
Among my visitors was Anna Sergeevna. A year later, she was so imbued with the meaning of yoga, which went to India and lived there six months. She would know what would happen in her life. But at first asana seemed to her something completely unnecessary. "You show how to gain harmony," said Anna Sergeevna. - And then all Asana and Asana. Are they so important? " Three months after it was in India, I received a letter from Anna. She thanked me: "Thank you for learning the most Azam. If I immediately penetrated all what you tell me, I would not spend precious time. In India, I can now comprehend more complex levels of yoga. And I understand that I don't know these provisions of the body, I would not understand anything and I would not have tightened. " She wrote and wrote: "I didn't stop." I immediately did not understand the word, but then I was explained that it was old russian expressionMeaning spiritual attitude to higher, divine. How beautiful it turned out from Anna Sergeyevna - "Stepped"! And it was necessary to say she so to speak. I did not expect such a comparison and comparison.
Each of Asan has imitation, marking a refusal of purely human nature and repetition of the original divine movement. That is why they need to be performed as accurately as possible. Asana is fixed, and in this "frozen" state a person overcomes and time, and space.
This yogi learns not to succinate. It resembles a sacred plant or an animal in which he lives a spark of a creative spirit. In this position, a person eats a rhythm of not to surrounding life, but that cosmic that only catches thin body. Consciousness ceases to dissipate, it concentrates at one point, as if focusing. This is a real refusal - from the movement of physical and mental - in order to achieve reconciling and disconnecting peace.
This is achieved at the physical level itself. Asans cause muscle tension, affect the operation of the internal organs, the skeleton and spine. Thanks to them, you can control the activity of the nervous system. All this together redirects energy inside a person, providing a healing and restoring effect. Man begins to feel younger, calmer, peaceful.
We almost looked away from silence and peace. We missed ourselves and our mind, giving away the flow of life waves. As one of my students compared: "As if the raft throws us along the rapidly carrying river, and a waterfall and inevitable wreck ahead. But in the quiet pier! " You need to stop, clinging and stop. We need to learn how to control the consciousness ("course") and relaxation ("pier").
I note only the most important asians. I will start with fundamental, without which yoga is not conceivable or even meaningless. First of all, I will tell about the essence, the symbolism of this Asana, and then I will give the technique of its performance and focus.
Lotus is a sacred flower in many nations. In my homeland, in China, is it a sign of the openness of the world or the world ??? Purity and fertility. He also acts as a symbol of wisdom and higher spiritual insight. In India, the values \u200b\u200bof the creative strength and prosperity are associated with it. Lotus indicates the passage of the path, the restoration of man and rapprochement with the contending world of the Spirit. Therefore, the flower serves as a sign, all the sameness and absolute unity. This is also a symbol of a perfect, developed, cleaned consciousness. Unfortunately, most of my Russian friends and friends have not seen this beautiful flower, who struck the imagination of people. Those who watched it agree that it is surprisingly beautiful and literally delights the purity of his petals. When I look at the lotus, then it seems as if I see the first days of creation: the world is revealed before my eyes; The universe arises from the cosmic waters. From such a majestic picture, the mind is carried out into the enlightened silence - to the core of the lotus and the middle-eyed in the world. I retell the myth of Vishnu, the Indian Divine, which gives rise to a giant lotus from his body. With the increasing divine flower appears visible world.
The snow-white lotus is majestically sailing over dark waters, our mind should also remain unlosable, detached from the bustle, the change of mood, physical ailments. A person can live, not plunging into what pulls him down.
Fig. 1. Lotus Pose.
Lotus Pose In the practice of yoga - the most important. The symmetric position that a person takes, allows him to correctly distribute Prana, keep harmony began in himself. This is the pose for genuine contemplation.
You need to sit on the floor. Legs stretched out. Keep the torso directly. Spine is a vertical axis, from the ground to the sky. Hands on the knees. Then bend the left foot in the knee and turn its foot out of the upside down and put on the thigh right leg in the groin. It is necessary to touch the back of the foot. Next, bend the right foot in your knee, put it on the hip left foot in the Paho area (the back of the rise). Both knees are pressed to the floor.
It is important not to make violence over yourself. Get the match with the lotus gradually. Only when you take the desired position with ease, you will find yourself at the goal. Then the effect and breathing exercises, rhythmic breathing will significantly increase. This will allow you to stock creative energy, your tide you will feel in your body. If your consciousness is aimed at enlightenment, then you will be able to keep your overwhelming energy, and it will be spent in good by yourself (alert barrier, bad thoughts and affairs) and all others.
Fate brought me with Andrei Petrovich. At first he surprised me with an incredible arrogance and irritability. From this they suffered from his subordinates, and relatives. The wife persuaded to go to go to yoga. After some time, he became another person. Andrei Petrovich said then: "I thought, to be higher is to suppress it, but now I know: height is in the heart."
The mystical stone in which the cosmic force is concentrated, remains of different peoples with a symbol of hardness, strength and eternity. The position of the body in which the crystal is simulated, allows you to take the optimal position in space before meditation. In this posture, breathing exercises are most often practiced.
Such a provision assumes that the body becomes a similar diamond in its strength. But the diamond is connected in India with zipper, and therefore it is also the power of heavenly fire, which is subject to earthly. As a graphite, a wonderful stone is formed, as if the Essence of Light, and the dense body of a person helps to host energy and go beyond the physical shell, reaching a fusion with cosmic power. With such a posture, you support the correct posture, which also contributes to the overall improvement of your well-being.

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Yoga - Practice is not only physical. Once upon a time having come for yoga, many are gradually starting to be interested in books about self-knowledge, harmony and wisdom. So that the search for the right literature does not turn into a difficult quest, we asked our coach, the leading teacher in the Jianki yoga in Russia, Anna Luneganov to draw up a list of books about yoga, which inspired and changed her.

"When choosing a literature, close attention should be paid to classic yogan texts. Although they were written in many millennia ago, they increase their relevance every day. It is also important to understand whose comments to these texts are in your hands, as interpretation is different, "says Anna. - Therefore, my list of books is just such. "

1. "Yoga Sutra Patanjali" with comments Sri Shaylandra Charm

"Yoga Sutra" Patanjali is the main canonical text of Yoga Darshan, one of the systems of orthodox Indian philosophy. The text consists of short and capacious properties - sutras, each of which describes the goal of yoga and leading to its achievement path. Comments to the text made out the outstanding soldier of Yogin Sri Shaylendra Sharma, thanks to which this work becomes even more significant.

"Sutras are the theorems that have a specific practical application," Chailera Charma notes. - You can truly come to their understanding, only making them part of my practice. "

2. "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" with comments Sri Shaylandra Charm

"Hatha Yoga Pradipika" is the most mysterious of famous work on yoga, in detail and consistently describing the ancient techniques to achieve self-realization.

The structure of the text and some forms of words on Sanskrita allow you to attribute this work to the XIV-XV centuries, but for the first time it was published only in the middle of the XIX century. Translated by Brahmananda Brahmin. Nevertheless, a lot of techniques described in Hatha Yoga Pradipic, for a long time interpreted distorted due to the fact that the initial translation of the text was not entirely accurate. To eliminate the incorrect interpretations of the ancient yogic practice of Sri Schaylendra Sharm, wrote comments that made it advanced yogic text. Invaluable if your aspirations in yoga are sincere.

3. "On the right hand of God." Sri Shailendra Sharma

"On the right hand of God" - a book in which the questions of students are collected by Shaylandra Sharma and answers to them over the past 10 years. The book concerns a wide variety of issues emerging far beyond yogic techniques. Therefore, this text will be interesting not only to those who practice yoga, but also to those who seek to gain a new look at what is happening in the surrounding world.

4. "Merge with Shiva". Sadguruch sewing subramunyasvami

"Merge with Shiva" is a metaphysics of modern Hinduism. This book will largely clarify the understanding of the most significant issues related to the ancient Indian spiritual tradition. The book tells about the directions of yoga affecting the opening of new prospects - yoga of life, Jnana Yoga, the yoga of the knowledge of the true essence of a person and the yoga of relationships - and helps to find new goals and horizons, to achieve which you want to strive.

"I advise you to" take "this text on one chapter per day. Reading a book in the evening, it was very interesting to note how the events of the day accompanied what was written in the text, "said Anna Lunegov.

5. "Autobiography of Yoga". Paramyans Yogananda

The author of the book, the outstanding Yogin of Paramahans Yogananda, who took the practice of yoga to the West, describes not only his life Path, but also the stages of the formation of Kriya Yoga. In particular, he talks about the Himalayan Saint Babaji, who introduced the term "Kriya Yoga" himself and handed the knowledge of her. A significant part of the book is devoted to the conversations of Yogananda with leading spiritual figures, such as Teresa Newman, Hindu Holy Sri Anandamya Ma, Mohandas Gandhi, Rabindranat Tagore, who received the Nobel Prize Sir Ch. V. Raman, the famous American nerd Luther Burbank, who, actually, and Deals book.

The "autobiography of Yoga" changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, because everyone who appeals to her at the time of spiritual searches, invariably draws strength and inspiration.

"When my relationships with India were only formed, I was in Varanasi and got into a house where I lived and practiced Lahiri Mahasayia, who Babaji handed the knowledge of Kriya Yoga. It was there that my merger happened to India, "says Anna Lunegov. - reading this book a lot of mystical moments falls into the field of perception, which inspires for knowledge. "

6. "Jianti Yoga". Sharon Gannon and David Life

This book is interesting and important to those who are just begins to master yoga and practitioners with a significant experience of any direction of yoga. "Jiankt Yoga" is written available and simply, but it contains all the necessary scientific justifications and guidelines on the main sections of yoga. Here are described cleansing methods (crius), breathing exercises (pranium), work with sound (NADA) and meditation (Dhyana). Much attention is paid to the principles of constructing the sequences of Asan (Vinyas-Krave), as well as the moral and ethical basis of yoga (pit, Niyama, Ishwarappranidhana). It is also told here about the well-known teachers of yoga, their life and life of their mentors, as well as about the relationship of modern yoga with culture, science and art.

"It is especially important that in the book there are competently built sequences of classes, which can take advantage of anyone who practices yoga," said Anna Lunegov.

7. "Bhagavad Gita" with comments Sri Shaylandra Charm

"Bhagavad Gita" is translated as the "Song of God". This is one of the chapters of the Great Indian epic "Mahabharata". The book consists of 18 chapters, each of which concentrates the basic provisions of the main directions of Indian wisdom. Each chapter describes one kind of yoga.

It must be remembered that comments (including Sanskrit) to "Bhagavad Gita" many thousands, if not tens of thousands. Sri Shailendra Sharma Being a realized yogin made up its own comments on this work.

"This book should re-read again and again. Her wisdom is bottomless. And the comments of Sri Shaylandra Charma very practically clarify this text with a yogic, not a religious point of view, "said Anna Lunegov.

8. "Bhagavad Gita" with the comments of Paramahans Yogananda

It is believed that the infinite wisdom of all the scriptures of the world enclosed in Bhagavad Gita. This work literally turns over consciousness and opens up new faces of perception of the surrounding space. And the comments Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of the famous "autobiography of yoga", reveal the deep meaning of this book for personal practice and consciousness.

9. "SWEEPING THE DUST". Ruth Lauer-Menenti (in English)

"The author of this book, the leading teacher of Jivamuki Yoga, Rus Loyer-Mantle, has a unique ability to explain the most complex and incomprehensible sutras through life stories. The book is easy to read, and all the time you find something personal in it, "says Anna Lunegov.

10. "Spikes and roses." Sri Shailendra Sharma

This book contains statements and saying Guruji Sri Shaylandra Charma, recorded by his students at different times. It will be interesting to everyone who seeks not only to understand directly in the practice of yoga, but also look at the surrounding reality.

"For me, this is a real quintessence of thoughts, clearly and clearly pronounced and falling directly to the target," says Anna Lunegov. "A few words of" Ships and Roses "are forced to understand and feel different aspects of life completely in a new way."

11. "On truth, life, behavior." Lev Tolstoy

This product is classified as the most significant philosophical works of the Russian classic. Here the thoughts and statements of the writer himself are collected, as well as the bright and deep judgments of thinkers of the world, organically interconnected and allowing them to form their own vision of peace and man in it.

"In this work, as in" Merging with Shiva ", one chapter is devoted to one topic and unites the statements of different sages. It is interesting to look for and find answers to certain questions, "says Anna Luneganova.

Photo: Sivanaspirit /

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Beer refers to the category of alcoholic beverages, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health in abuse. it
Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision